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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

When You Wish Upon a Character Banner: An Exploratory Discourse Analysis of a Genshin Impact Player Community

Al-Nawasreh, Sophia, Andersson, Alex January 2022 (has links)
An exploratory discourse analysis was performed on a community of practice based on Discord, an instant messaging platform. The community of practice is a group of gamers (people who play video games), dedicated to the cross-platform free-to-play game Genshin Impact. A corpus of messages was gathered from the community’s public message logs, which spanned a period of three days during the release of Genshin Impact’s most financially lucrative character banner. From the corpus, numerous themes in players’ discussions have been observed; such as reactions to the gacha’s probability system, displays of problem gaming, sexualization of female characters, and opinions regarding monetization & the game’s developers. This study would be beneficial for future studies that pertain to player behavior and gamer culture that can also use communities of practice on platforms such as Discord, in order to gain insight into niche communities of engaged users. / En utforskande diskursanalys utfördes på praxisgemenskapen baserad på Discord, en plattform för snabbmeddelanden. Praxisgemenskapen var en grupp spelare dedikerade till det plattformsoberoende gratisspelet Genshin Impact. En korpus av meddelanden samlades in från gemenskapens offentliga meddelandeloggar, som sträckte sig över en period av tre dagar under lanseringen av Genshin Impacts mest ekonomiskt lukrativa karaktärsbanner. Från korpusen har många teman i spelarnas diskussioner observerats; såsom reaktioner på gachas sannolikhetssystem, visningar av problemspelande, sexualisering av kvinnliga karaktärer och åsikter om intäktsgenerering samt spelets utvecklare. Framtida studier som avser spelarbeteende och gamerkultur kan också använda praxisgemenskaper på plattformar som Discord, för att få insikt i nischa gemenskaper av engagerade användare.

Teachers' views on the use of contexts in transition to mathematics

Phoshoko, Moshe Moses January 1900 (has links)
The exploratory study sought to elicit and document mathematics teachers‟ views on how they enacted the process of transition between contexts and mathematics. The study pursued to understand teachers‟ beliefs and knowledge of mathematics. A mixed methods sequential explanatory research design was employed where a quantitative phase was followed by the connecting phase and concluded through a qualitative phase involving three case studies. A purposive sample of 165 practicing teachers who had registered for a professional advancement developmental course at a university participated in the study by voluntarily completing a survey questionnaire. From this sample, three cases of individual teachers were pursued. The first two cases involved conducting in-depth interviews with the teacher who had rated sentences in the questionnaire differently while the last case involved the recording of an interview of one individual using field notes. The questionnaire sought teachers‟ biographical details (section A), their views on contexts and mathematics (section B) and their rating of sentences in a passage with regard to the mathematics embedded in the sentences (section C). Semi-structured interviews were conducted in the qualitative phase to elicit in-depth views of the teachers‟ regarding the research problem. All the instruments were tested for validity and reliability. Quantitative data gathered was analysed using frequencies, percentages, cross tabulations, bar charts and pie charts as well as the calculation of Pearson chi-square tests (Cohen, Manion & Morrison, 2011). Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to collate teachers‟ views from which themes were drawn and related to make inferences. It was found that teachers‟ positive views about contexts and mathematics did not translate into them recognising mathematics in some mathematics potent contexts as captured in their ratings in section C of the questionnaire. Statistically significant associations were recorded to support this. The study also conceptualised a mathematical participation model (MP-model) as a tool to describe and analyse participation that involves the use of real world data in the teaching and learning of mathematics. The MP-model involves four components, viz. the community of practice (CoP), real world data, mathematics and a model in which members of the CoP tap into the real world data and mathematics to model their participation. The study recommends the MP-model as tool for description and enactment of full mathematical participation. / Mathematical Sciences / D.Litt.et. Phil. (Mathematics Education)

Le gayle dans la communauté queer et coloured de Cape Town : idéologies linguistiques, performances et identités

Thériault, Simon-Charles 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur les transformations sociohistoriques du gayle en Afrique du Sud, une variété linguistique de l’afrikaans et de l'anglais, au répertoire lexical souvent improvisé. S’appuyant sur six mois de terrain ethnographique au Cap, ce travail se base sur des données (méta)linguistiques tirées d’observation participante ainsi que d’entretiens individuels et de groupe au sein de la communauté coloured. Je critique une perspective qui envisage le gayle comme une « anti-langue » (Halliday 1976), une méthode de communication secrète et exclusive à une communauté fermée. Plutôt, je suggère que le phénomène est mieux compris lorsqu’abordé en tant que registre d'une communauté de pratique (Eckert et McConnell-Ginet 2003). Mes entretiens révèlent son association historique et « enregistrée » avec la figure caractérologique (Agha 2007) de l’homosexuel efféminé coloured ou « moffie ». Toutefois, les participants expriment un malaise face à cette idéologie puisqu’ils sont conscients que cette construction « efface » (Gal et Irvine 2000) les locuteurs non canoniques du gayle. Au-delà de la description lexicale, mon analyse suggère des chevauchements entre les caractéristiques sémantiques et pragmatiques de la variété, toutes deux stratégiquement déployées pour invoquer des caractéristiques évanescentes et des attributs sociaux dans l’interaction (Butler 1990). Au même titre que les éléments du répertoire ne correspondent pas à des significations sémantiques fixes – mais plutôt à des réalisations discursives contingentes – l’utilisation du gayle ne se limite pas à des identités sociales statiques. L'appartenance à la communauté est plutôt marquée par l’utilisation légitime et la compréhension mutuelle de déviations lexicales créatives et contextuelles. / This thesis focuses on sociohistorical transformations of Gayle, a linguistic variety consisting of an often-improvised lexical repertoire superimposed upon either Afrikaans or English in South Africa. Based on six months of fieldwork in Cape Town, this thesis draws on rich (meta)linguistic data drawn from participant-observation, as well as individual and group interviews within the coloured community. I critique an 'anti-language' (Halliday 1976) perspective, wherein Gayle is seen as uniquely anchored to a closed community for which it serves as an exclusive, ingroup code. Rather, I suggest that Gayle is best understood when approached as the register of a community of practice (Eckert & McConnell-Ginet 2003). My interviews expose the historical and 'enregistered' association of Gayle with the racialized, gendered and sexualized ‘characterological figure’ (Agha 2007) of the effeminate coloured gay man or 'moffie'. This association serves as a backdrop to contemporary anxieties about the ways in which Gayle is mapped onto speakers’ social identities and perhaps shows the respondent’s consciousness that these formulations ‘erase’ (Irvine and Gal 2000) non-canonical users of Gayle. Moving beyond lexical description, I suggest overlaps between the semantic and pragmatic features of the variety, both strategically deployed to invoke evanescent characteristics and social attributes in interaction (cf. Butler 1990). Just as elements of the Gayle repertoire do not code for fixed semantic meanings – but are rather contingent, discursive achievements – Gayle does not 'code for' static social identities. Instead, it achieves group belonging in interaction through legitimate use and mutual comprehension of creative linguistic 'deviations' and 'subversions'


CLARISSA XAVIER EWALD 19 November 2015 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo busca entender a (re)construção identitária de uma professora de inglês, que, como parte de seu processo de formação continuada, foi incentivada a tornar-se pesquisadora reflexiva e exploratória. O contexto escolhido foi um curso de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu em Língua Inglesa em que a professora e eu trabalhamos colaborativamente para entender o processo de tornar-se pesquisadora assim como o nosso envolvimento nele. Os dados principais do estudo foram gerados ao nos engajarmos em entrevistas de pesquisa adaptadas para estabelecer um foco exploratório para nossas questões. O caráter híbrido da Prática Exploratória contribuiu para que a geração dos dados também suscitasse entendimentos acerca de questões de interesse das duas praticantes do estudo. Servindo-se de construtos da Sociolinguística Interacional, a análise voltou-se para a (re)criação da trajetória de pesquisa da professora, bem como para a (re)construção de sua identidade exploratória. O foco da análise recaiu sobre a coconstrução de explicações e de uma crônica, em forma de histórias apoiadas em sistemas de coerência. Na articulação da trajetória reflexiva de suas histórias, a professora buscou construir-se como membro iniciante da Comunidade de Prática Exploratória. O olhar analítico foi lançado não apenas à construção discursiva da professora-pesquisadora, mas também à minha, especialmente em relação ao meu desenvolvimento como membro mais sênior dessa comunidade de prática. Acredito que o paradigma de pesquisa do praticante, balizado pelos princípios ético-inclusivos da Prática Exploratória, possibilitou o envolvimento de ambas praticantes exploratórias no trabalho para entender o processo reflexivo de tornar-se pesquisador. / [en] This investigation aims at understanding the identity construction of a developing language teacher, as she takes up practitioner research as part of a pre-requisite for her academic work in a teacher development course. The teacher and I worked collaboratively to understand both the process of becoming a practitioner researcher and our involvement in it. The primary data of the study was generated through research interviews with an exploratory focus to understand the reflection process. The development of hybridity in Exploratory Practice enabled the data generated to constitute work for understanding for both practitioners intriguing puzzles. In the light of Interactional Sociolinguistics, the analysis concentrated on the (re)creation of the developing teacher s research trajectory, as well as the (re)construction of her exploratory identity. The discursive production of explanations and one chronicle in the form of stories was analyzed based on the coherence systems present in them. Along with the reflective trajectory of her stories, the teacher was discursively becoming a new member of the Exploratory Practice Community. It is important to highlight that the analysis did not only focus on the teacher s discourse actions, but also on mine; especially, as I was becoming more senior in this community and developing as a practitioner researcher. Practitioner research based on the inclusive principles of Exploratory Practice has provided opportunities for both practitioners to gain deeper understandings of the process of becoming researchers.

Ucanal, une ville frontière : étude de la fluidité des frontières sociopolitiques. Analyse des céramiques fines de la période Classique maya

Le Moine, Jean-Baptiste 03 1900 (has links)
L'ancienne cité maya d'Ucanal se situe à la frontière des grandes capitales et de leurs influences stylistiques pendant la majeure partie de son histoire. De plus, sa localisation sur la rivière Mopan en fait un lieu décisif pour les réseaux d'échanges puisqu'elle relie la mer des Caraïbes au golfe du Mexique. A ce titre, la ville fut convoitée par les grands centres afin de maîtriser les grands axes de communication. Cependant, ces centres n'ont jamais été assez forts pour contrôler complètement la ville d’Ucanal. Cette étude examine ces relations politiques et sociales et leurs changements du point de vue des céramiques d'Ucanal durant la période du Classique Récent (environ 600-810 DNÈ) au Classique Terminal (environ 810-950/1000 DNÈ). Nous avons établi un nouveau protocole méthodologique pour l'analyse chimique des pâtes céramiques à l'aide d’un instrument portable de Fluorescence par Rayons X (pXRF) et comparé les résultats sur les mêmes échantillons à l'aide de l’Analyse Instrumentale par Activation Neutronique (INAA), une méthode plus conventionnelle et plus précise pour les études de provenance chimique. Les résultats de ces comparaisons révèlent que le pXRF pourrait fournir des désignations de provenance préliminaires pour identifier les céramiques locales et non locales (article 1). Une analyse de la répartition des céramiques décorées et importées sur le site d'Ucanal comparant les maisonnées d'élite, de statut intermédiaire et non élite, a indiqué que les maisonnées de statut intermédiaire ont obtenu un accès croissant aux céramiques fines et importées durant le Classique Récent et le Classique Terminal, et que cette dernière était une période de grande mobilité sociale (article 2). À son tour, une analyse du point de vue des communautés de pratique des céramiques moulées de la période du Classique Terminal a révélé qu'Ucanal et sa région se trouvaient à un noeud important des réseaux de production et d'échange de céramique, ce qui a aidé à créer un paysage politique décentralisé mais fortement interconnecté (article 3). / The ancient Maya city of Ucanal sat at the frontier of larger political capitals and their stylistic influences throughout most of its history. Moreover, its localization alongside the Mopan River placed it in a decisive location for exchange networks between the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. As such, the city was coveted by major centers in their attempted control of this major communication axis. However, these centers were never strong enough to completely control the city of Ucanal. This research project examines these social and political relationships from the perspective of Late Classic (ca. 600-810 CE) and Terminal Classic (ca. 810-950/1000 CE) period ceramics from Ucanal. It establishes a new methodological protocol for the chemical analysis of ceramics using a portable X-ray fluorescence instrument (pXRF) and comparing the same samples with Instrumental Neutron activation Analysis (INAA), a more established and precise chemical analysis method. The results indicate that pXRF analyses can provide preliminary provenience identifications of local and non-local ceramics (article 1). A distribution analysis of decorated and imported ceramics from Ucanal that compares elite, middle-status, and non-elite household contexts reveals that middle-status households had increasing access to decorated and imported ceramics between the Late Classic and Terminal Classic periods, and that the latter was a period of substantial social mobility (article 2). In turn, an analysis of molded Terminal Classic ceramics from the theoretical perspective of communities of practice demonstrates that Ucanal and its surrounding region were situated at an important nexus of ceramic production and exchange and helped forge a decentralized but highly interconnected political landscape (article 3).

A Descriptive Study of Teacher Candidates’ Reflective Thinking During Literacy Tutoring Clinical Experiences

Aguiton, Rhonda Lisa 13 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.


CARLOS EDUARDO RIBEIRO DA FONSECA 01 November 2016 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho é um estudo de caso que investiga, segundo os estudos de Etienne Wenger, aspectos da qualidade da experiência de usuários quanto à interface de comunidades virtuais de práticas na ambiência CoPPLA (Plataforma de Comunidade de Práticas), no âmbito da Educação Permanente em Saúde, o projeto Caminhos do Cuidado, uma iniciativa do Ministério da Saúde do Brasil. Partindo de levantamento que apontou a ausência de iniciativas desse tipo no Brasil, a pergunta que orienta esta pesquisa é: a dificuldade de interação afeta a adesão e permanência dos usuários, inibindo sua participação proativa? Para buscar respostas, explora os conceitos de Educação Permanente e de Virtual em suas imbricações com a mídia digital e seus códigos e dimensões próprios de ergonomia e design, para, em seguida, colher dados qualitativos e apresentar breve análise sobre as principais dificuldades e facilidades de interação com a plataforma CoPPLA relatadas por seus usuários: docentes e profissionais com vínculos diversos ligados ao Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), maior sistema de saúde do mundo. / [en] This paper is a case study that investigates, according to Etienne Wenger studies, aspects of the quality of the user experience regarding the interface of virtual communities of practice in CoPPLA (Community of Practice Platform) ambience within the Permanent Education Health: Care Pathways project, an initiative of the Ministry of Health of Brazil. Starting from a previous survey s findings, pointing to the absence of such initiatives in Brazil, the question that guides this research is: the difficulty of interaction affects the adhesion and permanence of users, inhibiting its proactive participation? To seek answers, explores the concepts of Continuing Education and Virtual in their imbrications with digital media and its codes and proper dimensions of ergonomics and design, to then spoon qualitative data and present brief analysis of the main difficulties and facilities interaction with the platform CoPPLA reported by its users: teachers and professionals with many links connected to the Unified Health System (SUS), the largest health system in the world.


CARLA CRISTINA DE SOUZA 05 July 2019 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo tem por objetivo investigar as (re) construções identitárias de uma licencianda no estágio na comunidade de prática de Inglês para Fins Específicos (IFE) a qual pertenço, como parte da busca de entendimentos sobre esse contexto. Para tanto, os dados foram gerados ao longo do semestre que a estagiária compartilhou conosco e eles englobam participações orais e escritas, nas quais foram analisadas suas identidades, que parecem emergir de suas escolhas na linguagem para interpretar o que ela estava vivenciando durante o estágio. Seguindo uma abordagem qualitativo-interpretativista (ERICKSON, 1986; DENZIN; LINCOLN, 2006) e desenvolvida dentro da Linguística Aplicada (MOITA LOPES, 2006, 2013), esta pesquisa se baseia em uma perspectiva socioconstrucionista de identidades (MOITA LOPES, 2003; BUCHOLTZ; HALL, 2005) e sua relação com crenças (BARCELOS, 2006) e emoções (BARCELOS, 2012; ZEMBYLAS, 2004), em conjunção com o prisma da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (THOMPSON, 2014a; HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014; EGGINS, 2004; GOUVEIA, 2009) e do Sistema de Avaliatividade (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005; VIAN JR, 2009). A partir desse arcabouço teórico, as análises e discussões sugerem que há novas construções e reformulações significativas nas identidades da estagiária, que emergem discursivamente, principalmente dentro do domínio do afeto. Além disso, é possível interpretar que o estágio supervisionado e as experiências e interações na comunidade de prática de IFE foram essenciais nessas (re) construções, especialmente como professora, com identidades, crenças e emoções interconectadas. O processo de questionamento, análise e reflexão dessas identidades e sua relação complexa com crenças e emoções contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de entendimentos para nossa comunidade de prática, como também promoveu oportunidades de aprendizagem mútua e a curiosidade por outras questões, que podem nos motivar a continuar na pesquisa constante sobre esse contexto de forma mais dinâmica e inclusiva. / [en] The aim of this study is to investigate the identity (re) constructions of a student-teacher in the practicum in the community of practice of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) that I belong to as part of the search for understandings about our context. In order to accomplish such objective, data generated throughout the semester the student-teacher shared with us encompass oral and written participations in which the identities were analysed and they seemed to emerge from the choices in language to interpret what she was living during the practicum. This interpretative-qualitative research (ERICKSON, 1986; DENZIN; LINCOLN, 2006) is in the area of Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES, 2006; 2013) and it is aligned with social constructionist theories of identity (MOITA LOPES, 2003; BUCHOLTZ; HALL, 2003, 2005), beliefs (BARCELOS, 2006) and emotions (BARCELOS, 2012; ZEMBYLAS, 2004). It is also in interface with the principles of Systemic Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY, 1994; HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014) and the Appraisal System (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005; VIAN JR, 2009). Based on this theoretical framework, the analysis and discussions suggest that there are new constructions and significant reformulations in the student-teacher s identities, which emerge discursively, mainly within the domain of affect. In addition, it is possible to interpret that the practicum and the experiences and interactions in our community of practice of ESP were essential in her (re) constructions, especially as a teacher, and they include interconnected identities, beliefs and emotions. The process of questioning, analysing and reflecting on these identities and their complex relation to beliefs and emotions has contributed to the development of understandings for our community of practice. It also fostered opportunities for mutual learning and the curiosity for other inquiries that can motivate us to continue the constant research about this context in a more dynamic and inclusive way.

Towards developing a web-based blended learning environment at the University of Botswana

Thomas, Pelleth Yohannan 05 1900 (has links)
Extant literature indicates that web-based blended learning will become the most accepted mode of delivery in the near future as an alternative to traditional face-to-face instruction particularly in the higher education landscape due to its potential to provide increased access to education for more people, increased student engagement with the tutor, rich learning resources, peers, and external experts, and flexibility beyond the limits of classrooms without compromising quality. The study focused on developing a web-based blended learning model that could help reap the benefits of blended learning at the University of Botswana (UB). With this in mind, the research question, "How can a web-based blended learning environment be designed, developed and implemented at the University of Botswana?" was formulated. In order to address the research question, a six-dimensional model called LAPTEL was developed. The six dimentions are: Digital Leadership, Equitable Access, Active Participation, Authentic Tasks, Intellectual Engagement and Learning (LAPTEL); the first five dimentions are requisites to enable studnets to progress towards successful learning which is the sixth dimension. The LAPTEL model depicts guidelines on how to ensure equitable access for students to learning contexts, motivate and enable them to participate in meaningful educational processes, design and develop effective online as well as classroom learning materials (tasks), and engage students in active 'communityes of practice' in order to help them construct their own knowledge (learning) collaboratively under proper leadership. The Researcher considers it essential to have a complex interplay between the three components - active participation, authentic tasks and intellectual engagement to facilitate active, non-linear learning, and it will be catered for in the design, development and delivery of courses based on the LAPTEL model. The fact that these three dimensions have got features of both face-to-face and onlilne learning, integrated seamlessly, makes the LAPTEL a Web-based learning model. The overall aim was to develop a model of curriculum (re)design based on the student-centred pedagogical approaches that combine synergistically the effectiveness of traditional classroomwith technologically enhanced socialization and active learning oppotunities of the online environment in order to support student learning more effectively than what is possible in a typical lecture room. In a case study to evaluate the effectiveness of the LAPTEL model in the context of UB, the Researcher found that it could provide students with opportunity for increased interactive engagement (more than that is normally possible in 'face-to-face-only' or 'online-only' environments), flexibility and cognitive scaffolding that enhanced their learning experience. The Researcher concludes that the LAPTEL model fits well in the UB context, and it may be adopted by other institutions working under similar contexts. / Teacher Education / D. Ed. (Didactics)

Managing the professional development of primary school teachers by means of action research

Badasie, Razia Banoo Ghanchi 01 1900 (has links)
In the climate of poor student achievement and a lack of skilled teachers in natural science and mathematics, the main research question of this study was: How can the professional development of primary school teachers be managed by means of action research? The aim of the study was to develop, implement and evaluate a site-based collaboration programme to promote the professional development of the teachers in these subjects within a home-based or semi home-based teaching context. The theory of situated learning within a community of practice (CoP) was used as conceptual framework. Purposeful and convenient sampling was implemented to select participants. Five grade 4 teachers, five grade 5 teachers, four grade 6 teachers and eight members of the school management team participated in the three year study. During the planning phase a needs analysis was done. During the action phase, lead teachers were responsible for the planning in one or two subjects. The teachers met once every six school days (about 30 meetings per year), for up to two hours to discuss content and methodological issues, plan assessment strategies, analyse and reflect on results and decide on intervention strategies. The grade 4, 5 and 6 groups completed six, four and two action research cycles respectively, and the school management team six action research cycles of about six months each. To evaluate the professional development that resulted, data collection was by means of observation, field notes, typed minutes, four focus groups, 12 individual interviews, teachers’ files, a questionnaire and students’ books and achievements. The results indicate that the professional development of primary school teachers could be managed and constantly improved by means of action research. When school managers organise teachers into communities of practice and implement action research cycles, the teachers learn in a context-sensitive way. This learning is characterised by two social stages involving participation in the subject and grade CoP, and an independent stage of personal involvement when teachers internalise knowledge and practices of other teachers. The professional development of the teachers was in the areas of content knowledge, pedagogic content knowledge, assessment literacy and professional attitudes. Student achievement improved. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

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