Spelling suggestions: "subject:"compact 3dmodeling"" "subject:"compact bymodeling""
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Study and Modeling of Multi‐ Gate Transistors in the Context of CMOS Technology ScalingChaves Romero, Ferney Alveiro 31 May 2012 (has links)
L’escalat dels transistors MOSFET convencionals ha portat a aquests dispositius a la nanoescala per incrementar tant les seves prestacions com el nombre de components per xip. En aquest process d’escalat, els coneguts “Short Channel Effects” representen una forta limitació. La forma més efectiva de suprimir aquests efectes i aixi estendre l’ús del MOSFET convencional, és la reducció del gruix de l’òxid de porta i l’augment de la concentració de dopants al canal. Quan el gruix d’òxid de porta es redueix a unes quantes capes atòmiques, apareix l’efecte túnel mecano-quàntic d’electrons, produint un gran augment en els corrents de fuita, perjudicant la normal operació dels MOSFETs. Això ha fet obligatori l’ús de materials d’alta permitivitat o materials high-κ en els dielèctrics de porta.
Tot i les solucions proposades, la reducció de les dimensiones físiques del MOSFET convencional no pot ser mantinguda de forma indefinida i per mantenir la tendència tecnològica s’han suggerit noves estructures com ara MOSFETs multi-porta de cos ultra-prim. En particular, el MOSFET de doble porta és considerat com una estructura multi-porta prometedora per les seves diverses qualitats i avantatges en l’escalat.
Aquesta tesi s’enfoca en la modelització de dispositius MOSFET de doble porta i, en particular, en la modelització del corrent túnel de porta que afecta críticamente al consum de potència del transistor. Primerament desenvolupem un model quàntic compacte tant per al potencial electrostàtic com per a la càrrega elèctrica en el transistor de doble-porta simètric amb cos no dopat. Després, aquest model quàntic s’utilitza per proposar un model analític compacte per al corrent túnel directe amb SiO2 com dielèctric de porta, primerament, i després amb una doble capa composta de SiO2 com a capa interfacial i un material “high-κ”. Finalment se desenvolupa un mètode precís per calcular el corrent túnel de porta. El mètode es basa en l’aplicació de condicions de frontera absorbents i, més especificament, en el mètode PML.
Aquesta tesi està motivada per les recomanacions fetes pel “International Technology Roadmap of Semiconductors” (ITRS) sobre la necessitat existent de modelatge i simulació d’estructures semiconductores multi-porta. / The scaling of the conventional MOSFETs has led these devices to the nanoscale to increase both the performance and the number of components per chip. In this process, the so-called “Short Channel Effects” have arisen as a limiting factor. To extend the use of the bulk MOSFETs, the most effective ways of suppressing such effects are the reduction of the gate oxide thickness and increasing of the channel doping concentration. When the gate oxide thickness is reduced to a few atomic layers, quantum mechanical tunneling is responsible of a huge increase in the gate leakage current impairing the normal operation of MOSFETs. This has made mandatory the use of high permittivity materials or high-κ as gate dielectrics.
Despite the proposed solutions, reduction of the physical dimensions of the conventional MOSFETs cannot be maintained. To keep the technological trend, new MOSFET structures have been suggested such as ultra-thin body Multi-Gate MOSFETs. In particular, the Double-Gate MOSFETs is considered as a promising MG structure for its several qualities and advantages in scaling.
This thesis focuses on the modeling of Double-Gate MOSFET and, in particular, on the modeling of the gate leakage current critically affecting the power consumption. First we develop a compact quantum model for both the electrostatic potential and the electric charge in symmetric double-gate MOSFET with undoped thin body. Then, this quantum model is used to propose an analytical compact model for the direct tunnelling current with SiO2 as gate dielectric, firstly, and later assuming a dual layer consisting of a SiO2 interfacial layer and a high-κ material.
Finally, an accurate method for the calculation of the gate tunnelling current is developed. It is based on Absorbing Boundary Conditions techniques and, more specifically, on the Perfectly Mached Layer (PML) method.
This thesis is motivated by the recommendations given by the “International Technology Roadmap of Semiconductors” (ITRS) about the need for the modeling and simulation of multi-gate semiconductor structures.
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Compact modeling for multi-gate mosfets using advanced transport modelsCheralathan, Muthupandian 25 February 2013 (has links)
En aquesta tesi hem desenvolupat models compactes que incorporen un model de
transport hidrodinàmic adaptat a multi-gate (principalment double-gate (DG) and
surrounding-gate (SRG) MOSFETs a partir de models unificats de control de càrrega I
del potencial de superfície, obtinguts de l’equació de Poisson. Tots aquests dispositius
es modelitzen seguint un esquema semblant. El corrent i càrregues totals s’escriuen en
funció de les densitats de càrrega mòbil per unitat d’àrea als extrems drenador i font del
canal. Els efectes de canal curt i quàntics també s’inclouen en el model compacte
desenvolupat. El model desenvolupat mostra un bon acord amb simulacions numèriques
2D i 3D en tots els règims d’operació. El model desenvolupat s’implementa i testeja al
simulador de circuits SMASH per a l’anàlisi dels comportaments DC i transitori de
circuits CMOS. / En esta tesis hemos desarrollado modelos compactos que incorporan un modelo de
transporte hidrodinámico adaptado a multi-gate (principalmente double-gate (DG) and
surrounding-gate (SRG) MOSFETs a partir de modelos unificados de control de carga I
del potencial de superficie, obtenidos de la ecuación de Poisson. Todos estos dispositivos
se modelizan siguiendo un esquema similar. La corriente y cargas totales escriben en
función de las densidades de carga móvil por unidad de área en los extremos drenador y fuente del
canal. Los efectos de canal corto y cuánticos también se incluyen en el modelo compacto
desarrollado. El modelo desarrollado muestra un buen acuerdo con simulaciones numéricas
2D y 3D en todos los regímenes de operación. El modelo desarrollado se implementa y testea el
simulador de circuitos SMASH para el análisis de los comportamientos DC y transitorio de
circuitos CMOS.
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Compact modeling of the rf and noise behavior of multiple-gate mosfetsNae, Bogdan Mihai 29 April 2011 (has links)
La reducción de la tecnología MOSFET planar ha sido la opción tecnológica dominante en las últimas décadas. Sin embargo, hemos llegado a un punto en el que los materiales y problemas en los dispositivos surgen, abriendo la puerta para estructuras alternativas de los dispositivos. Entre estas estructuras se encuentran los dispositivos DG, SGT y Triple-Gate. Estas tres estructuras están estudiadas en esta tesis, en el contexto de rducir las dimensiones de los dispositivos a tamaños tales que los mecanismos cuánticos y efectos de calan coro deben tenerse n cuenta. Estos efectos vienen con una seria de desafíos desde el pun to de vista de modelación, unos de los más grandes siendo el tiempo y los recursos comprometidos para ejecutar las simulaciones. para resolver este problema, esta tesis propone modelos comlets analíticos y compactos para cada una de las geometrías, validos desde DC hasta el modo de operación en Rf para los nodos tecnológicos futuros. Dichos modelos se han extendido para analizar el ruido de alta frecuencia en estos diapositivos.
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Advanced TCAD Simulations and Characterization of Semiconductor DevicesEwert, Tony January 2006 (has links)
<p>Today, micro- and nano-electronic devices are becoming more complex and advanced as the dimensions are shrinking. It is therefore a very challenging task to develop new device technologies with performance that can be predicted. This thesis focuses on advanced measurement techniques and TCAD simulations in order to characterize and understand the device physics of advanced semiconductor devices. </p><p>TCAD simulations were made on a novel MOSFET device with asymmetric source and drain structures. The results showed that there exists an optimum range of implantation doses where the device has a significantly higher figure-of-merit regarding speed and voltage capability, compared to a symmetric MOSFET. Furthermore, both 2D and 3D simulations were used to develop a resistive model of the substrate noise coupling. </p><p>Of particular interest to this thesis is the random dopant fluctuation (RDF). The result of RDF can be characterized using very advance and reliable measurement techniques. In the thesis an ultra-high precision parametric mismatch measurement system was designed and implemented. The best ever reported performance on short-term repeatability of the measurements was demonstrated. A new bipolar parametric mismatch phenomenon was also revealed using the measurement system.</p><p>A complete simulation platform, called SiSPET (Simulated Statistical Parameter Extraction Tool), was developed and integrated into the framework of a commercial TCAD environment. A special program for randomization of the doping was developed and proven to provide RDF effects in agreement measurement. The SiSPET system was used to investigate how different device models were able to take RDF effects into account. The RDF effects were translated in to parameter fluctuations using the developed extraction routines. It was shown that the basic MOSFET fluctuation model could be improved by including the field dependenent mobility. However, if a precise description of the fluctuations is required an advanced compact-model, such as MOS Model 11 should be used.</p>
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Advanced TCAD Simulations and Characterization of Semiconductor DevicesEwert, Tony January 2006 (has links)
Today, micro- and nano-electronic devices are becoming more complex and advanced as the dimensions are shrinking. It is therefore a very challenging task to develop new device technologies with performance that can be predicted. This thesis focuses on advanced measurement techniques and TCAD simulations in order to characterize and understand the device physics of advanced semiconductor devices. TCAD simulations were made on a novel MOSFET device with asymmetric source and drain structures. The results showed that there exists an optimum range of implantation doses where the device has a significantly higher figure-of-merit regarding speed and voltage capability, compared to a symmetric MOSFET. Furthermore, both 2D and 3D simulations were used to develop a resistive model of the substrate noise coupling. Of particular interest to this thesis is the random dopant fluctuation (RDF). The result of RDF can be characterized using very advance and reliable measurement techniques. In the thesis an ultra-high precision parametric mismatch measurement system was designed and implemented. The best ever reported performance on short-term repeatability of the measurements was demonstrated. A new bipolar parametric mismatch phenomenon was also revealed using the measurement system. A complete simulation platform, called SiSPET (Simulated Statistical Parameter Extraction Tool), was developed and integrated into the framework of a commercial TCAD environment. A special program for randomization of the doping was developed and proven to provide RDF effects in agreement measurement. The SiSPET system was used to investigate how different device models were able to take RDF effects into account. The RDF effects were translated in to parameter fluctuations using the developed extraction routines. It was shown that the basic MOSFET fluctuation model could be improved by including the field dependenent mobility. However, if a precise description of the fluctuations is required an advanced compact-model, such as MOS Model 11 should be used.
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Compact modeling of gate tunneling leakage current in advanced nanoscale soi mosfetsDarbandy, Ghader 10 December 2012 (has links)
En esta tesis se han desarrollado modelos compactos de corriente de fuga por túnel de puerta en SOI MOSFET (de simple y doble puerta) avanzados basados en una aproximación WKB de la probabilidad de túnel. Se han estudiado los materiales dieléctricos high-k más prometedores para los diferentes requisitos de nodos tecnológicos de acuerdo ala hoja de ruta ITRS de miniaturización de dispositivos electrónicos.
Hemos presentado un modelo compacto de particionamiento de la corriente de fuga de puerta para un MOSFET nanométrico de doble puerta (DG MOSFET), utilizando modelos analíticos de la corriente de fuga por el túnel directo de puerta. Se desarrollaron también Los modelos analíticos dependientes de la temperatura de la corriente de túnel en la región de inversión y de la corriente túnel asistido por trampas en régimen subumbral.
Finalmente, se desarrolló una técnica de extracción automática de parámetros de nuestro modelo compacto en DG MOSFET incluyendo efectos de canal corto. La corriente de la puerta por túnel directo y asistido por trampas modelada mediante los parámetros extraídos se verificó exitosamente mediante comparación con medidas experimentales.
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Nanoscale graphene for RF circuits and systemsParrish, Kristen Nguyen 19 September 2013 (has links)
Increased challenges in CMOS scaling have motivated the development of alternatives to silicon circuit technologies, including graphene transistor development. In this work, we present a circuit simulator model for graphene FETs, developed to both fit measured data and predict new behaviors, motivating future research. The model is implemented in Agilent ADS, a circuit level simulator that is commonly used for non-standard transistor technologies, for use with parameter variation analyses, as well as easy integration with CMOS design kits. We present conclusions drawn from the model, including analyses on the effects of contact resistance and oxide scaling. We have also derived a quantum-capacitance limited model, used to intuit intrinsic behaviors of graphene transistors, as well as outline upper bounds on performance. Additionally, the ideal frequency doubler has been examined and compared with graphene, and performance limits for graphene frequency multipliers are elucidated. Performance as a demodulator is also discussed.
We leverage this advancement in modeling research to advance circuit- and system-level research using graphene transistor technology. We first explore the development of a GHz planar carbon antenna for use on an RF frontend. This research is further developed in work towards the first standalone carbon radio on flexible plastics. A front end receiver, comprised of an integrated carbon antenna, transmission lines, and a graphene transistor for demodulation, are all fabricated onto one plastic substrate, to be interfaced with speakers for a full radio demo. This complete system will motivate further research on graphene-on-plastic systems. / text
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Device modeling and circuit design for ZTO based amorphous metal oxide TFTsJoshi, Tanvi Dhananjay 11 July 2011 (has links)
Amorphous Oxide semiconductors have gained large interest in the display industry owing to their high carrier mobilities and low fabrication costs. In this thesis, n-channel solution based zinc-tin oxide (ZTO) thin-film transistors (TFTs) are studied from a circuit design perspective. The study includes an iterative process of circuit design, layout and test procedure of the fabricated devices in the lab. The device models used in circuit simulations are refined following the data fed back from each of these iterations which has enabled more accurate design of complex circuits using ZTO devices. The requirement and development of a physical compact model for performing accurate and predictive circuit simulations has been presented. The use of ZTO devices in low cost, transparent and flexible electronic applications has been investigated through the study of basic circuit blocks such as amplifiers, ring oscillators, inverters and a four stage Operational Amplifier. / text
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Apprentissage local avec des dispositifs de mémoire hautement analogiques / Local learning with highly analog memory devicesBennett, Christopher H. 08 February 2018 (has links)
Dans la prochaine ère de l'informatique distribuée, les ordinateurs inspirés par le cerveau qui effectuent des opérations localement plutôt que dans des serveurs distants seraient un avantage majeur en réduisant les coûts énergétiques et réduisant l'impact environnemental. Une nouvelle génération de nanodispositifs de mémoire non-volatile est un candidat de premier plan pour réaliser cette vision neuromorphique. À l'aide de travaux théoriques et expérimentaux, nous avons exploré les problèmes critiques qui se posent lors de la réalisation physique des architectures de réseaux de neurones artificiels modernes (ANN) en utilisant des dispositifs de mémoire émergents (nanodispositifs « memristifs »). Dans notre travail expérimental, nos dispositifs organiques (polymeriques) se sont adaptés avec succès et automatiquement en tant que portes logiques reconfigurables en coopérant avec un neurone digital et programmable (FGPA). Dans nos travaux théoriques, nous aussi avons considéré les multicouches memristives ANNs. Nous avons développé et simulé des variantes de projection aléatoire (un système NoProp) et de rétropropagation (un système perceptron multicouche) qui utilisent deux crossbars. Ces systèmes d'apprentissage locaux ont montré des dépendances critiques sur les contraintes physiques des nanodispositifs. Enfin, nous avons examiné comment les conceptions ANNs “feed-forward” peuvent être modi-fiées pour exploiter les effets temporels. Nous avons amélioré la bio-inspiration et la performance du système NoProp, par exemple, avec des effets de plasticité dans la première couche. Ces effets ont été obtenus en utilisant un nanodispositif à ionisation d'argent avec un comportement de transition de plasticité intrinsèque. / In the next era of distributed computing, brain-based computers that perform operations locally rather than in remote servers would be a major benefit in reducing global energy costs. A new generation of emerging nonvolatile memory devices is a leading candidate for achieving this neuromorphic vision. Using theoretical and experimental work, we have explored critical issues that arise when physically realizing modern artificial neural network (ANN) architectures using emerging memory devices (“memristors”). In our experimental work, we showed organic nanosynapses adapting automatically as logic gates via a companion digital neuron and programmable logic cell (FGPA). In our theoretical work, we also considered multilayer memristive ANNs. We have developed and simulated random projection (NoProp) and backpropagation (Multilayer Perceptron) variants that use two crossbars. These local learning systems showed critical dependencies on the physical constraints of nanodevices. Finally, we examined how feed-forward ANN designs can be modified to exploit temporal effects. We focused in particular on improving bio-inspiration and performance of the NoProp system, for example, we improved the performance with plasticity effects in the first layer. These effects were obtained using a silver ionic nanodevice with intrinsic plasticity transition behavior.
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Modélisation compacte du rayonnement d'antennes ULB en champ proche/champ lointain : mise en application en présence d'interface / Compact modeling of ultra wide band antenna near or far-field radiation pattern : implementation close to different interfacesRoussafi, Abdellah 13 December 2016 (has links)
Les performances des antennes Ultra Large Bande (ULB) les rendent appropriées pour de nombreuses applications. En radar à pénétration de surface (SPR), application visée de cette thèse, une telle bande passante offre un excellent compromis entre capacité de pénétration et résolution spatiale en imagerie micro-ondes. De plus, il a été démontré que la prise en compte du champ rayonné par l'antenne en présence de la surface améliore considérablement la qualité des images obtenues. Cette thèse aborde la problématique de la quantité de données représentant les antennes ULB. En effet, les descripteurs classiques d'antenne ne suffisent pas à caractériser l’évolution en fréquence de leurs performances. Le développement en harmoniques ou vecteurs sphériques est utilisé pour modéliser le diagramme de rayonnement d’antennes tout en réduisant le volume de données. D'autre part, les méthodes d'expansion en singularités modélisent la réponse en fréquence (ou impulsionnelle) de l'antenne par un ensemble de pôles de résonance. Le but de ce travail de thèse est d'établir un modèle compact qui représente avec précision le rayonnement d'antenne, et permette la connaissance du champ à différentes distances. A cette fin, plusieurs combinaisons des méthodes de caractérisation ont été étudiées. L'approche proposée est validée par la modélisation du diagramme de rayonnement simulé et mesuré d'une antenne Vivaldi (ETSA). Le modèle établi fournit le champ rayonné à différentes distances de l'antenne avec une erreur inférieure à 3% avec un taux de compression de 99%. La dernière partie de cette thèse présente une application de l'approche proposée au rayonnement d’antennes en présence d’interfaces / UWB antennas bandwidth makes them highly suitable for a number of applications. In surface penetrating radar (SPR) applications, which is the focus of our research, such a bandwidth range allows good signal penetration ability and fine space resolution for microwave imaging. In addition, it has been shown that the knowledge of the radiated field by the antenna enhances drastically the quality of the resulting images. The work reported in this thesis deals with the problematic of the huge amount of data representing UWB antennas. Indeed, due to the frequency dependence, the classical antenna parameters are not sufficient to characterize this type of antenna. The scalar or vector spherical wave expansion is widely used to expand the radiation pattern of a radiating antenna and permit a high compression data rate. On the other hand, the Singularity Expansion Methods are used in frequency/time domain to model the antenna response by a set of resonant poles. The purpose of this thesis is to establish a compact model representing accurately the antenna radiation characteristics, which also allows to find the field at various distances. To this end, several ways of combining the aforementioned methods have been investigated. The proposed approach is validated by modeling the simulated and measured radiation pattern of an Exponential Tapered Slot Antenna (ETSA) in free space. Furthermore, we verify that the established compact model provide radiated field at different distances from the antenna with a compression of the initial pattern up to 99% and an error below 3%. The last part of this thesis, present an application of the proposed methodology to SPR context
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