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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wiederholungen in Texten / segmentieren und klassifizieren mit vollständigen Substringfrequenzen

Golcher, Felix 16 December 2013 (has links)
Diese Arbeit untersucht vollständige Zeichenkettenfrequenzverteilungen natürlichsprachiger Texte auf ihren linguistischen und anwendungsbezogenen Gehalt. Im ersten Teil wird auf dieser Datengrundlage ein unüberwachtes Lernverfahren entwickelt, das Texte in Morpheme zerlegt. Die Zerlegung geht von der Satzebene aus und verwendet jegliche vorhandene Kontextinformation. Es ergibt sich ein sprachunabhängiger Algorithmus, der die gefundenen Morpheme teilweise zu Baumstrukturen zusammenordnet. Die Evaluation der Ergebnisse mit Hilfe statistischer Modelle ermöglicht die Identifizierung auch kleiner Performanzunterschiede. Diese sind einer linguistischen Interpretation zugänglich. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit besteht aus stilometrischen Untersuchungen anhand eines Textähnlichkeitsmaßes, das ebenfalls auf vollständigen Zeichenkettenfrequenzen beruht. Das Textähnlichkeitsmaß wird in verschiedenen Varianten definiert und anhand vielfältiger stilometrischer Fragestellungen und auf Grundlage unterschiedlicher Korpora ausgewertet. Dabei ist ein wiederholter Vergleich mit der Performanz bisheriger Forschungsansäzte möglich. Die Performanz moderner Maschinenlernverfahren kann mit dem hier vorgestellten konzeptuell einfacheren Verfahren reproduziert werden. Während die Segmentierung in Morpheme ein lokaler Vorgang ist, besteht Stilometrie im globalen Vergleich von Texten. Daher bietet die Untersuchung dieser zwei unverbunden scheinenden Fragestellungen sich gegenseitig ergänzende Perspektiven auf die untersuchten Häufigkeitsdaten. Darüber hinaus zeigt die Diskussion der rezipierten Literatur zu beiden Themen ihre Verbindungen durch verwandte Konzepte und Denkansätze auf. Aus der Gesamtheit der empirischen Untersuchungen zu beiden Fragestellungen kann abgeleitet werden, dass den längeren und damit selteneren Zeichenketten wesentlich mehr Informationsgehalt innewohnt, als in der bisherigen Forschung gemeinhin angenommen wird. / This thesis investigates the linguistic and application specific content of complete character substring frequency distributions of natural language texts. The first part develops on this basis an unsupervised learning algorithm for segmenting text into morphemes. The segmentation starts from the sentence level and uses all available context information. The result is a language independent algorithm which arranges the found morphemes partly into tree like structures. The evaluation of the output using advanced statistical modelling allows for identifying even very small performance differences. These are accessible to linguistic interpretation. The second part of the thesis consists of stylometric investigations by means of a text similarity measure also rooted in complete substring frequency statistics. The similarity measure is defined in different variants and evaluated for various stylometric tasks and on the basis of diverse corpora. In most of the case studies the presented method can be compared with publicly available performance figures of previous research. The high performance of modern machine learning methods is reproduced by the considerably simpler algorithm developed in this thesis. While the segmentation into morphemes is a local process, stylometry consists in the global comparison of texts. For this reason investigating of these two seemingly unconnected problems offers complementary perspectives on the explored frequency data. The discussion of the recieved litarature concerning both subjects additionally shows their connectedness by related concepts and approaches. It can be deduced from the totality of the empirical studies on text segmentation and stylometry conducted in this thesis that the long and rare character sequences contain considerably more information then assumed in previous research.

Computational aspects of infinite automata simulation and closure system related issues / Aspects de complexité du problème de composition des services web

Ennaoui, Karima 28 September 2017 (has links)
La thèse est consacrée à des problématiques d’algorithmique et de complexité sur deux sujets. Le premier sujet s’intéresse à la composition comportementale des services web. Ce problème a été réduit à la simulation d’un automate par le produit fermé d’un ensemble d’automates. La thèse étudie dans sa première partie la complexité de ce problème en considérant deux paramètres : le nombre des instances considéré de chaque service et la présence des états hybrides : état à la fois intermédiaire et final dans un automate. Le second sujet porte sur les systèmes de fermeture et s’intéresse au calcul de l’extension maximale d’un système de fermeture ainsi qu’à l’énumération des clefs candidates d’une base implicative. On donne un algorithme incrémental polynomial qui génère l’extension maximale d’un treillis codé par une relation binaire. Puis, la notion de key-ideal est définie, en prouvant que leur énumération est équivalente à l’énumération des clefs candidates. Ensuite, on donne un algorithme qui permet de générer les key-ideal minimaux en temps incrémental polynomial et les key-ideal non minimaux en délai polynomial. / This thesis investigates complexity and computational issues in two parts. The first concerns an issue related to web services composition problem: Deciding whether the behaviour of a web service can be composed out of an existing repository of web services. This question has been reduced to simulating a finite automata to the product closure of an automata set. We study the complexity of this problem considering two parameters; the number of considered instances in the composition and the presence of the so-called hybrid states (states that are both intermediate and final). The second part concerns closure systems and two related issues; Maximal extension of a closure system : we give an incremental polynomial algorithm that computes a lattice's maximal extension when the input is a binary relation. Candidate keys enumeration : we introduce the notion of key-ideal sets and prove that their enumeration is equivalent to candidate keys enumeration. We then give an efficient algorithm that generates all non-minimal key-ideal sets in a polynomial delay and all minimal ones in incremental polynomial time.

Géométrie des variétés de Fano : sous-faisceaux du fibré tangent et diviseur fondamental / Geometry of Fano varieties : subsheaves of the tangent bundle and fundamental divisor

Liu, Jie 26 June 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude de la géométrie des variétés de Fano complexes en utilisant les propriétés des sous-faisceaux du fibré tangent et la géométrie du diviseur fondamental. Les résultats principaux compris dans ce texte sont : (i) Une généralisation de la conjecture de Hartshorne: une variété lisse projective est isomorphe à un espace projectif si et seulement si son fibré tangent contient un sous-faisceau ample.(ii) Stabilité du fibré tangent des variétés de Fano lisses de nombre de Picard un : à l'aide de théorèmes d'annulation sur les espaces hermitiens symétriques irréductibles de type compact M, nous montrons que pour presque toute intersection complète générale dans M, le fibré tangent est stable. La même méthode nous permet de donner une réponse sur la stabilité de la restriction du fibré tangent de l'intersection complète à une hypersurface générale.(iii) Non-annulation effective pour des variétés de Fano et ses applications : nous étudions la positivité de la seconde classe de Chern des variétés de Fano lisses de nombre de Picard un. Ceci nous permet de montrer un théorème de non-annulation pour les variétés de Fano lisses de dimension n et d'indice n-3. Comme application, nous étudions la géométrie anticanonique des variétés de Fano et nous calculons les constantes de Seshadri des diviseurs anticanoniques des variétés de Fano d'indice grand.(iv) Diviseurs fondamentaux des variétés de Moishezon lisses de dimension trois et de nombre de Picard un : nous montrons l'existence d'un diviseur lisse dans le système fondamental dans certain cas particulier. / This thesis is devoted to the study of complex Fano varieties via the properties of subsheaves of the tangent bundle and the geometry of the fundamental divisor. The main results contained in this text are:(i) A generalization of Hartshorne's conjecture: a projective manifold is isomorphic to a projective space if and only if its tangent bundle contains an ample subsheaf.(ii) Stability of tangent bundles of Fano manifolds with Picard number one: by proving vanishing theorems on the irreducible Hermitian symmetric spaces of compact type M, we establish that the tangent bundles of almost all general complete intersections in M are stable. Moreover, the same method also gives an answer to the problem of stability of the restriction of the tangent bundle of a complete intersection on a general hypersurface.(iii) Effective non-vanishing for Fano varieties and its applications: we study the positivity of the second Chern class of Fano manifolds with Picard number one, this permits us to prove a non-vanishing result for n-dimensional Fano manifolds with index n-3. As an application, we study the anticanonical geometry of Fano varieties and calculate the Seshadri constants of anticanonical divisors of Fano manifolds with large index.(iv) Fundamental divisors of smooth Moishezon threefolds with Picard number one: we prove the existence of a smooth divisor in the fundamental linear system in some special cases.

Neke klase planarnih mreža i intervalno-vrednosni rasplinuti skupovi / Some classes of planar lattices and interval-valued fuzzy sets

Gorjanac Ranitović Marijana 08 April 2015 (has links)
<p>U radu je ispitan sledeći problem: <em>Pod kojim&nbsp;uslovima se može rekonstruisati&nbsp; (sintetisati)&nbsp;intervalno-vrednosni rasplinuti skup iz&nbsp; poznate&nbsp;familije nivo skupova.</em></p><p>U tu svrhu su proučena svojstva mreža&nbsp;intervala za svaki od četiri izabrana mrežna&nbsp;<br />uređenja: poredak po komponentama, neprecizni&nbsp;poredak (skupovna inkluzija), strogi &nbsp;i leksikografski&nbsp;poredak.&nbsp;</p><p>Definisane su i-između i ili-između ravne&nbsp;mreže&nbsp;&nbsp; i ispitana njihova svojstva potrebna za&nbsp;re&scaron;avanje postavljenog problema sinteze za&nbsp;intervalno-vrednosne rasplinute skupove. Za i-između ravne mreže je dokazano da su, u svom&nbsp;konačnom slučaju, slim mreže i dualno, da su ili-između ravne mreže dualno-slim mreže.</p><p>Data je karakterizacija kompletnih konačno&nbsp;prostornih i dualno konačno prostornih mreža.&nbsp;</p><p>Određena je klasa mreža koje se mogu&nbsp;injektivno preslikati u direktan proizvod n&nbsp;<br />kompletnih lanaca tako da su očuvani supremumi i&nbsp;dualno, određena je klasa mreža koje se mogu&nbsp;injektivno preslikati u direktan proizvod n lanaca&nbsp;tako da su očuvani infimumi.&nbsp;</p><p>U re&scaron;avanju problema sinteze posmatrana su&nbsp;dva tipa nivo skupova - gornji i donji nivo skupovi.&nbsp;Potreban i dovoljan uslov za sintezu intervalno-vrednosnog rasplinutog skupa iz poznate familije&nbsp;nivo skupova određen je za mrežu intervala koja je&nbsp;uređena poretkom po komponentama, za oba tipa&nbsp;posmatranih nivo skupova.</p><p>Za mrežu intervala uređenu nepreciznim&nbsp;poretkom, problem je re&scaron;en za donje nivo skupove,&nbsp;dok su za gornje nivo skupove određeni dovoljni&nbsp;uslovi.</p><p>Za mrežu intervala koja je uređena&nbsp;leksikografskim poretkom, takođe su dati dovoljni<br />uslovi i to za oba tipa nivo skupova.&nbsp;</p><p>Za mrežu intervala uređenu strogim poretkom&nbsp;problem nije re&scaron;avan, jer izlazi izvan okvira ovog&nbsp;rada.</p><p><br />Dobijeni rezultati su primenjeni za re&scaron;avanje&nbsp;sličnog problema sinteze za intervalno-vrednosne&nbsp;intuicionističke rasplinute skupove&nbsp; za mrežu&nbsp;intervala uređenu poretkom po komponentama.&nbsp;</p><p>Rezultati ovog istraživanja su od teorijskog&nbsp;značaja u teoriji mreža i teoriji rasplinutih skupova,&nbsp;ali postoji mogućnost za primenu u matematičkoj&nbsp;morfologiji i obradi slika.</p> / <p>In this thesis&nbsp; the following problem was investigated: Under which conditions an interval-valued fuzzy set can be reconstructed from the given family of cut sets.</p><p>We consider interval-valued fuzzy sets as&nbsp; a special type of lattice-valued fuzzy sets and&nbsp; we studied properties of lattices of intervals using four different lattice&nbsp; order: componentwise ordering, imprecision ordering (inclusion of sets), strong and&nbsp;lexicographical ordering.</p><p>We proposed new definitions&nbsp; of meet-between planar and join - between planar lattices, we investigated their properties and used them for solving problem of synthesis&nbsp; in&nbsp; interval-valued fuzzy sets.</p><p>It has been proven that finite meet- between planar lattices and slim lattices are equivalent, and dually:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; finite join-&nbsp; between planar lattices and dually slim lattices are equivalent.</p><p>Complete finitely&nbsp; spatial lattices and complete dually finitely spatial lattices are fully&nbsp;characterized&nbsp; in this setting. Next, we characterized&nbsp; lattices which can be order<br />embedded into a Cartesian product of&nbsp; n&nbsp; complete chains such that all suprema are preserved under the embedding.</p><p>And dually, we characterized lattices which can be order embedded into a Cartesian product of n complete chains such that all infima are preserved under the embedding.</p><p>We considered two types of cut sets &ndash; upper cuts and lower cuts.</p><p>Solution of the&nbsp; problem of synthesis of interval-valued fuzzy sets are given for lattices of intervals under componentwise ordering for both types of cut sets. Solution of problem of synthesis of&nbsp; interval-valued fuzzy sets&nbsp; are&nbsp; given for lower cuts for lattices of intervals under imprecision ordering.&nbsp; Sufficient conditions are given for lattices of intervals under imprecision ordering and family of upper cuts.</p><p>Sufficient conditions are also given for lattices of intervals under lexicographical ordering.</p><p>The problem of synthesis of interval-valued fuzzy sets for lattices of&nbsp; intervals under strong ordering is beyond the scope of this thesis.</p><p>A similar problem of synthesis of&nbsp; interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets is solved for lattices of intervals under componentwise ordering.</p><p>These results are&nbsp; mostly of theoretical importance in lattice theory and fuzzy sets theory, but also they could&nbsp; be applied in mathematical morphology and in&nbsp; image processing.</p>

Multiple Constant Multiplication Optimization Using Common Subexpression Elimination and Redundant Numbers

Al-Hasani, Firas Ali Jawad January 2014 (has links)
The multiple constant multiplication (MCM) operation is a fundamental operation in digital signal processing (DSP) and digital image processing (DIP). Examples of the MCM are in finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) filters, matrix multiplication, and transforms. The aim of this work is minimizing the complexity of the MCM operation using common subexpression elimination (CSE) technique and redundant number representations. The CSE technique searches and eliminates common digit patterns (subexpressions) among MCM coefficients. More common subexpressions can be found by representing the MCM coefficients using redundant number representations. A CSE algorithm is proposed that works on a type of redundant numbers called the zero-dominant set (ZDS). The ZDS is an extension over the representations of minimum number of non-zero digits called minimum Hamming weight (MHW). Using the ZDS improves CSE algorithms' performance as compared with using the MHW representations. The disadvantage of using the ZDS is it increases the possibility of overlapping patterns (digit collisions). In this case, one or more digits are shared between a number of patterns. Eliminating a pattern results in losing other patterns because of eliminating the common digits. A pattern preservation algorithm (PPA) is developed to resolve the overlapping patterns in the representations. A tree and graph encoders are proposed to generate a larger space of number representations. The algorithms generate redundant representations of a value for a given digit set, radix, and wordlength. The tree encoder is modified to search for common subexpressions simultaneously with generating of the representation tree. A complexity measure is proposed to compare between the subexpressions at each node. The algorithm terminates generating the rest of the representation tree when it finds subexpressions with maximum sharing. This reduces the search space while minimizes the hardware complexity. A combinatoric model of the MCM problem is proposed in this work. The model is obtained by enumerating all the possible solutions of the MCM that resemble a graph called the demand graph. Arc routing on this graph gives the solutions of the MCM problem. A similar arc routing is found in the capacitated arc routing such as the winter salting problem. Ant colony optimization (ACO) meta-heuristics is proposed to traverse the demand graph. The ACO is simulated on a PC using Python programming language. This is to verify the model correctness and the work of the ACO. A parallel simulation of the ACO is carried out on a multi-core super computer using C++ boost graph library.

Srovnání algoritmů při řešení problému obchodního cestujícího / The Comparison of the Algorithms for the Solution of Travel Sales Problem

Kopřiva, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The Master Thesis deals with logistic module innovation of information system ERP. The principle of innovation is based on implementation of heuristic algorithms which solve Travel Salesman Problems (TSP). The software MATLAB is used for analysis and tests of these algorithms. The goal of Master Thesis is the comparison of selections algorithm, which are suitable for economic purposes (accuracy of solution, speed of calculation and memory demands).

Extremes of log-correlated random fields and the Riemann zeta function, and some asymptotic results for various estimators in statistics

Ouimet, Frédéric 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Statistical Inference

Chou, Pei-Hsin 26 June 2008 (has links)
In this paper, we will investigate the important properties of three major parts of statistical inference: point estimation, interval estimation and hypothesis testing. For point estimation, we consider the two methods of finding estimators: moment estimators and maximum likelihood estimators, and three methods of evaluating estimators: mean squared error, best unbiased estimators and sufficiency and unbiasedness. For interval estimation, we consider the the general confidence interval, confidence interval in one sample, confidence interval in two samples, sample sizes and finite population correction factors. In hypothesis testing, we consider the theory of testing of hypotheses, testing in one sample, testing in two samples, and the three methods of finding tests: uniformly most powerful test, likelihood ratio test and goodness of fit test. Many examples are used to illustrate their applications.

Pour un statut fondateur de la victime psychologique en droit de la responsabilité civile / For a founding status of a psychological victim in civil liability law

Quistrebert, Yohann 05 March 2018 (has links)
Le retentissement psychologique d’événements sources de responsabilité, quels qu’ils soient – acte de terrorisme, perte d’un être cher, harcèlement moral… – est spécifique du fait de ses caractères protéiforme et invisible. Tout d’abord, le premier d’entre eux tient au fait qu’en matière psychologique tant les atteintes que les souffrances en résultant sont diverses. Ainsi, d’un point de vue lésionnel, certains événements vont s’avérer plus traumatisants que d’autres, principalement ceux au cours desquels le sujet a été confronté à sa propre mort. Concernant la souffrance, un sujet peut tout aussi bien souffrir émotionnellement d’une altération de sa propre intégrité – par exemple physique avec le diagnostic d’une pathologie grave – que d’un tort affectant celle d’un proche (e.g. décès, handicap). Un retentissement qualifié d’invisible ensuite, puisqu’il apparaît bien plus aisé d’identifier une atteinte à l’intégrité physique qu’une atteinte à l’intégrité psychique. De plus, certaines atteintes psychologiques sont totalement insaisissables en raison de leur caractère éminemment diffus. L’objet de cette démonstration est donc de savoir comment le droit de la responsabilité civile va appréhender la victime de ce retentissement psychologique. Sa prise en charge ne pourra être que particulière du fait de l’interaction inévitable entre les sphères juridique et psychologique.Afin de le découvrir sera proposée, dans un premier temps, une conceptualisation de la victime psychologique se fondant sur la réalité psychopathologique. Deux grandes distinctions nourrissent cette réflexion. L’une est de nature juridique ; il s’agit de la distinction du dommage et du préjudice. L’autre est d’origine psychopathologique ; elle oppose le choc émotionnel au traumatisme psychique. Leur entrecroisement permettra d’élaborer différents cas de manifestation de la souffrance psychologique et de dessiner les contours de la qualité de victime. Dans un second temps, au titre de l’indemnisation de la victime psychologique, tant l’appréciation que l’évaluation de ses préjudices seront examinées. Les répercussions du traumatisme psychique voire du choc émotionnel vont parfois être si importantes que l’indemnisation ne pourra se cantonner à la seule souffrance éprouvée. Des conséquences de nature différente, par exemple patrimoniales, devront être prises en considération. À cette fin, une typologie des préjudices de la victime sous analyse mérite d’être mise en place. Des règles d’indemnisation distinctes seront érigées en fonction du préjudice subi. Un préjudice présumé, notamment à partir d’un dommage, ne pourra logiquement être compensé de la même façon que des préjudices non présumables, c’est-à-dire soumis à expertise. En somme, le système d’indemnisation à instaurer se devra d’être en phase avec le système de révélation de la souffrance qui aura été précédemment établi.Ainsi, cette étude se propose de construire un réel statut fondateur de la victime psychologique. Une fois cette notion cardinale intégralement conceptualisée, un régime d’indemnisation s’en inférant sera rationnellement avancé. / The psychological impact of the events, which are the source of responsibility, be they acts of terrorism, loss of a loved one, psychological harassment, is specific to characteristics both protean and invisible. The first among them is due to the fact that in psychological matter injuries and the resulting suffering are both varied. As such, from the injury point of view, certain events will prove to be more traumatizing than others. Principally those during which the subject has been faced with his own death. Concerning suffering, a subject can as well emotionally suffer a change in his own integrity – for example the physical one with a diagnosis of a serious illness – that of a sort damage which affects that of a loved one (e.g. death or handicap). Then, the impact is considered invisible. It appears much more simple indeed, to identify harm to physical integrity as a harm to psychic integrity. More so, certain psychological harms are totally imperceptible by reason of their eminently diffuse characteristic. The object of this demonstration is therefore to know how civil liability law will comprehend the victim of such a psychological impact. Its comprehension will be particular given the inevitable interaction between the judicial and psychological spheres.In order to better understand this, we will first propose a conceptualization of the psychological victim that blends into psychopathological reality. Two major distinctions feed this thought. One is legal nature, which relates to the distinction between prejudice and harm. The other is psychopathological in nature which opposes emotional shock and psychic trauma. Their intertwining allows us to elaborate different cases of manifestation of psychological suffering and define the contours of the qualities of the victim. Secondly, regarding compensation for a psychological victim, both the appreciation and the evaluation of these prejudices will be examined. The repercussions of psychic trauma, or even emotional shock can sometimes be so grave that compensation cannot restrict itself only to the experienced suffering. Consequences of different natures, for example patrimonial ones, must be taken into consideration. To this end, a division of the prejudices of the psychological victim should be put in place. Distinct rules of compensation will be established based on the prejudice endured. A prejudice presumed, originating notably from a harm, cannot logically be compensated in the same fashion as non-presumable prejudices that require a forensic assessment. In short, the system of compensation must be in phase with the system of disclosure of suffering that has been previously established. As a result, this study proposes to construct a true founding status of a psychological victim. Once this principal notion has been completely conceptualized, we can use it to create a rational compensation scheme.

Zabezpečovací systém pro rodinný dům / Security system for family house

Sohr, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Family house, security system, wireless communication, IQRF, RSA, central control unit, SPI, I2C, glass break sensors, motion sensors, magnetic contact sensors, graphic displey, LCD displey, microcontroler, SIM900, 24FJ256GB106, EA DOGM106, eDIPTFT43-A.

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