Spelling suggestions: "subject:"computer games"" "subject:"coomputer games""
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„Ich nehme etwas für meine persönliche Balance mit“ – Eine explorative Studie zum Erleben von Erholung in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing GamesKunstmann, Maria, Staar, Henning, Janneck, Monique January 2014 (has links)
Der vorliegende Beitrag hat das Ziel, an bestehende Beiträge aus der Erholungsforschung anzuknüpfen und mittels einer qualitativen Interviewstudie zu eruieren, welchen Beitrag das Genre der MMORPGs für die Erholungsforschung liefern kann.
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Nové trendy v oblasti monetizace počítačových her / New Trends in Computer Games MonetizationŠvrkala, Marek January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the new trends in the monetization of the video gaming industry with emphasis on crowdfunding, free-to-play model, selling games by "pay what you want" bundles and sales on Steam and other digital distribution stores. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to describe how the players on personal computers react to these trends in the Czech Republic. First, the situation in Czech gaming industry and the situation of players in the Czech Republic is described. Then, the new trends are analyzed thoroughly using foreign researches. The practical part analyses the effects of the new trends on Czech players with the results of an online questionnaire. First, the methodology is presented and subsequently the collected data is analyzed. Gradually, the thesis are answering the three research questions which are clarifying various aspects of how the Czech players respond to the new trends in the video gaming industry monetization. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Nová média v hudebním vzdělávání / New Media in Music EducationKolárová, Marta January 2016 (has links)
The theme of this master thesis is new media in music education. The theoretical part focuses on the description of the current situation - how and in what quantities are modern technology used in music education and what is their potential. In the introduction are defined the basic terms relating to those themes (new media, music 3.0, e-learning etc.) and a review of the literature regarding changes in music education in recent years. This introductory part is based on researches and papers on the subject of changes in today's music world and new possibilities that pupils and students have in the time of ubiquitous internet and freely available new media (application, online courses, educational games, specialized social networks). The theoretical part includes a brief overview of complimentary and free available technologies, which could be implemented into czech music education, including the proposal of integration to the classrooms. The main part of this master thesis consists of qualitative research with music teachers working in czech music schools (at all levels - from elementary art schools to music universities). The aim of the research is mapping current usage and potential interest in technologies in music school education and simultaneously the capabilities and willingness of educators...
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Zobrazování historie v seriózních počítačových hrách a simulacích / Displaying history in serious games and computer simulationsFixl, Matěj January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis aims to analyse problems as well as strongpoints of particular design and narrative approaches used in serious computer games and simulations, and doing so in view of the current interpretation of applied historiographical themes and their influence on formation of collective memory. Suggestions for development of new programs will be a part of the presented work.
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Evaluating the Game Approachability Principles for Designing Strategy Game Tutorials / Utvärdering av Speltillgänglighetsprinciperna för Skapandet av StrategispelhandledningarBlomqvist, Jesper January 2020 (has links)
The approachability of a game is determined by the ease of which a player may learn how to play it. Most often, the player is taught how to play a game during a specially designed first level, called the tutorial level. In order to evaluate the approachability of a game, Desurvire et al. created the Game Approachability Principles (GAP) and suggested that GAP could potentially also be used to design game tutorials. This was tested in this paper by using GAP during an iterative design process of a strategy game tutorial. Each tutorial iteration was user-tested and heuristically evaluated. This study suggested that the use of GAP during the design process had resulted in a successful game tutorial. However, as there was a difference between identifying and solving an issue, some revisions to GAP were suggested to improve the usage during design processes’. / Desto större och mer avancerat ett spel är, desto svårare kan det vara att lära sig. Moderna spel böjar ofta med att låta spelaren spela en övningsbana, även kallad “tutorial”, för att lära spelaren spelet. För att mäta hur väl ett spel går att lära sig tog Desurvire et al. fram “speltillgänglighetsprinciperna”, eller “The Game Approachability Principles” (GAP). Det föreslogs även att GAP skulle vara användbara vid skapandet av övningsbanor. I den här rapporten utvärderades det påståendet genom att applicera GAP vid skapandet av en övningsbana till ett strategispel. Slutsatsen blev att användandet av GAP resulterat i en framgångsrik övningsbana, men att principerna är möjliga att anpassa ytterliggare för användandet vid designprocesser. Därför föreslogs en reviderad version av principerna.
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Fighting Games under the Queer Gaze : An analysis on the characters of Street Fighter VWilund, Mio January 2022 (has links)
Critical examination on the topic of gender representation, sexualisation, video gamecharacters and their designs is not untreated ground, and has been analysed using variousmethods; qualitatively, quantitatively (Tompkins & et. al., 2020), and textually. However,these analyses are often analysed from the assumption that the consumer of video game mediais male, cis, and heterosexual. This assumption is not unfounded, but ignores the experienceof the part of the population that does not fit this description. Therefore, the research question;“How is gender represented in Street Fighter V, when analysed from different gazes?” A textual corpus analysis on Street Fighter V: Champion Edition was performed using gazetheory as a theoretical framework. It was found that although the male gaze applied in almostevery point of the study, instances where the queer gaze applied could still be found. / Kritisk examination runt könsrepresentation, sexualisation, videospelkaraktärer och derasdesign är ej otrampad mark, och har blivit analyserad under mångfaldiga metoder; kvalitativt,kvantitativt, och textuellt. Dock så är dessa analyser ofta analyserade från antagandet attkonsumenten av videospelmedia är cis, heterosexuell, och manlig. Detta antagande är inteogrundad, men ignorerar upplevelsen av elen av populationen som ej passar dennabeskrivning. Därav utforskningsfrågan; “Hur är kön representerad i Street Fighter V, näranalyserad från olika blickar?” En textuell korpusanalys som använder sig blick-teori som teoretiskt ramverk av StreetFighter V: Champion Edition var genomförd. Det var funnet att trots att den manliga blickenkunde appliceras i varje punkt i studien, exempel där den queera blicken kunde appliceraskunde fortfarande hittas.
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Algorithm for Detection of Raising Eyebrows and Jaw Clenching Artifacts in EEG Signals Using Neurosky Mindwave HeadsetVélez, Luis, Kemper, Guillermo 01 January 2021 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / The present work proposes an algorithm to detect and identify the artifact signals produced by the concrete gestural actions of jaw clench and eyebrows raising in the electroencephalography (EEG) signal. Artifacts are signals that manifest in the EEG signal but do not come from the brain but from other sources such as flickering, electrical noise, muscle movements, breathing, and heartbeat. The proposed algorithm makes use of concepts and knowledge in the field of signal processing, such as signal energy, zero crossings, and block processing, to correctly classify the aforementioned artifact signals. The algorithm showed a 90% detection accuracy when evaluated in independent ten-second registers in which the gestural events of interest were induced, then the samples were processed, and the detection was performed. The detection and identification of these devices can be used as commands in a brain–computer interface (BCI) of various applications, such as games, control systems of some type of hardware of special benefit for disabled people, such as a chair wheel, a robot or mechanical arm, a computer pointer control interface, an Internet of things (IoT) control or some communication system. / Revisión por pares
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Nostalgie: Počítačové hry jako nástroje překonání národnostních a věkových hranic / Nostalgia: Computer games as tools for overcoming cultural and generational boundariesKrálíček, Václav January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis focuses on the research of similar video game experiences among players of different cultures. Because video games are a product of the worldwide gaming industry, the same content is available for players of various cultural backgrounds, who can then share their experiences via internet forums. In a cross-cultural comparison, the thesis examines similarities in gaming experiences the players of different cultural backgrounds have, and thus exploring the potential of videogames to overcome national borders and to bring players closer. Because four generations of gamers had already got the opportunity to play videogames, the thesis also focuses on similar gaming experiences across the age groups, and thus potentially bringing together also players of different ages. The theoretical basis of this thesis is built on the works of theorists of play Johan Huizinga, Vladimír Borecký, and Roger Caillois, theories of anthropologists George P. Murdock, Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Michal Tošner, and Clifford Geertz, and lastly, the history of video games as a medium along with the history of computers in general as described by Lev Manovich. The research itself was conducted by using two methods. An online survey, shared among respondents by using the Snowball Sampling method, followed by a...
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A Study On Problem Posing-Solving in the Taxicab Geometry and Applying Simcity Computer GameAda, Tuba, Kurtulus, Aytaç 10 April 2012 (has links)
Problem-posing is recognized as an important component in the nature of mathematical thinking
(Kilpatrick, 1987). More recently, there is an increased emphasis on giving students opportunities with
problem posing in mathematics classroom (English& Grove, 1998). These research has shown that
instructional activities as having students generate problems as a means of improving ability of
problem solving and their attitude toward mathematics (Winograd, 1991). In this study, teaching
Taxicab Geometry which is a non-Euclidean geometry is aimed to mathematics teacher candidates by
means of computer game-Simcity- using real life problems posing. This studies’ participants are forty
mathematics teacher candidates taking geometry course. Because of using Simcity computer game,
this game is based on Taxicab Geometry. Firstly, students had been given Taxicab geometry theory
for two weeks and then seperated six each of groups. Each of groups is wanted to posing problem and
solving from real life problems at Taxicab geometry. In addition to, students applied to problem
solving at Simcity computer game. Studens were model into Simcity game. They founded ideal city,
healty village, university campus, holiday village, etc. interesting of each others.
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ONE MORE TIME : A comparison of Hades with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Behavioral Activation Therapy in the treatment of depressionWestberg, Rasmus, Essel, Anette January 2021 (has links)
This paper explores how the mechanics and the narrative of the game Hades compare to theories and methods of the proven psychotherapies Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Behavioral Activation Therapy (BA), specifically in treatment of depression symptoms. The research was done by conducting a partial close reading of the game, followed by an overview of threads on the social media site Reddit relating to Hades and depression symptoms. The results were further analysed through examining how they compare to the previously aforementioned treatments. The research found several of the game's mechanics could be mapped to methods of both CBT and BA, and noteworthy connections could be drawn between how Hades could impact its players and the ideal outcomes of the said psychotherapies. The results open possibilities for further interesting studies within the area. / Detta dokument utforskar hur mekaniken och berättelsen i spelet Hades kan jämställa sig med teorier och metoder för de beprövade psykoterapierna kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT) samt beteendeaktiveringsbehandling (BA) specifikt vid behandling av symptom till depression. Undersökningen gjordes genom att genomföra en delvis närläsning av spelet, följt av en översikt över trådar på den sociala mediasidan Reddit om Hades och depressiva symptom. Resultaten analyserades vidare genom att undersöka hur de jämför sig med de tidigare nämnda behandlingarna. Forskningen fann att flera av spelets mekaniker kunde kartläggas till metoder för både KBT och BA och att anmärkningsvärda kopplingar kunde dras mellan hur Hades kan påverka sina spelare och de idealiska resultaten av de nämnda psykoterapierna. Resultaten öppnar möjligheter för ytterligare intressanta studier inom området.Nyckelord: datorspel, underhållningsspel, Hades, depression, mental hälsa,
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