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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att välja studie- och yrkesväg : några empiriska studier med tonvikt på högstadieelevers valsituation / The choice of education and vocation : a series of empirical studies of pupils of the upper level of the compulsory school

Åsemar, Carl January 1985 (has links)
This report is a summary and a discussion of several studies, that havebeen carried out within the SYO-project (syo=educational and vocationalguidance). The SYO-project, financed by the National Board of Education,has two major sources of information concerning the description andanalyses of (1) the content of syo and (2) different persons' conceptionsand notions of education, work, and choice of education and profession.The aim of this work is to investigate pupils in grade 7-9 regardingtheir actual choices and the particular conditions, that could influencethose choices e.g. the importance of the family and the syo. In theframework for conducting this study, some assumptions are made aboutthe role of school and syo. The pupils' choices and the conditions underwhich they occur, are examined from a societal, educational andindividual perspective. Furthermore, a model is developed to illustratehow pupils' conceptions and notions are formed. Both extensive andintensive studies have been executed, using parents, pupils, teachers andcounsellors. The data have been collected primarily from individualinterviews and questionnaires. The results have been published in sevenreports, nos. 4-10 in Pedagogiska rapporter/Educational reports.Department of Education, University of Umeå (in Swedish). The resultsdemonstrate, that the pupils choices of education and profession arestrongly related to sex and social class. Only their choices of educationseem to be stable. However, when they change, the differences betweensex and social class tend to be even larger. The influences from parentsand school coincides so as to support the pupils* conceptions and notionsof education, work, and educational and vocational choices, which arebased on an individual perspective. In contrast, there can also be a breakin the ideological transmission, such that, for example, the pupils1conceptions of work may reflect more of the parents' influences thanthe schools1. Different conditions of importance for the work of syo, inaccordance with official goals, are not fulfilled. Thus, the integrationof syo does not exist. For example, the number of pupils seems too largeand the expectations of teachers and other persons in the school,concerning syo, are quite different from those of the counsellors. Finally,a few limitations and the principal results of the work are discussedalong with suggestions for further research. The results concern, interalia, the socially based differences in knowledge between parents andpupils. These differences mean, in essence, that a basic condition forrational choice is not fulfilled. Furthermore, the role of syo as a sortingmechanism in the process of social reproduction is deemphasized. Instead,its legitimizing function appears as more important. / digitalisering@umu

"En riktig våldtäkt" : - en kunskapsöversikt om föreställningar om våldtäkt

Bylund, Elsa, Svensson, Josefine January 2012 (has links)
This essay is a selective review of Nordic literature with the aim to explore contemporary conceptions of male-on-female rape, to increase the understanding of how these can construct “a real rape”. To achieve this two questions were formulated: What circumstances can cause an incident not to be defined as rape? What circumstances can cause an incident to be defined as rape? Searches in international and Swedish databases led to initial selection of peer-review journal articles and dissertations that were reviewed against set criteria. These criteria were met by 8 studies, that were assigned codes, from which comprehensive categories were developed. The categories were analysed using Yvonne Hirdman’s concepts gender, separation and male superiority. The analysis shows that circumstances connected to the overall categories Situation, Victim and Offender construct “a real rape”. The circumstances are Relation, Alcohol, Saying no and how it is done, The woman’s sexuality, Resistance, How the woman feels afterwards, Physical violence, and Ordinary, normal and good men. It seems easier to define an incident as rape when these circumstances occur the “right” way. In conclusion, rape is constructed as a rather narrow concept which could make it difficult for women to name experiences as rape.

Gymnasieelevers uppfattningar kring eget skolfusk

Fonseca, Lasse January 2006 (has links)
Syften för denna studie har varit: ”att beskriva en variation av uppfattningar hos gymnasieelever på teoretiska gymnasieprogram vad gäller hur de uppfattar och resonerar omkring sitt eget skolfusk i förhållande till fenomen som eleverna själva uppfattar som betydelsefulla för det egna skolfusket” och ”att belysa elevers uppfattningar om sitt eget skolfusk genom fyra allmänt kända teoretiska perspektiv som kan antas tangera den förförståelse av elevers skolfusk som antas vanligt förekommande hos lärare på motsvarande gymnasieprogram.” Begreppet skolfusk har definierats och data har därefter samlats in genom kvalitativt utformade enkäter som besvarats av 36 gymnasielever från det studieförberedande samhällsvetenskapsprogrammet. Forskningsansatsen har varit fenomengrafisk och analysmetoden kontextuell analys. Huvudresultatet utgörs av fem kategorier som på kvalitativt skilda sätt beskriver elevernas uppfattningar kring skolfusk. Kategorierna har rubricerats efter det totala materialets mest meningsbärande aspekt, nämligen elevernas uppsåt/avsikt/intention med sitt skolfusk som utgörs av variationerna ”att klara av en tillfälligt besvärlig situation”, ”att utmana/provocera/protestera emot (skol)systemet”, ”att överleva i en skolsituation som upplevs för svår”, ”att höja betyg” och ”att slippa anstränga sig”. Empirin har också tolkats genom fyra teoretiska perspektiv som i studien ansetts representativa för lärares förförståelse kring elevers skolfusk. Av resultatet framgår att ett flertal elever i sina uppfattningar om eget skolfusk ensidigt orienterar sig åt prestationspsykologiska, sociologiska eller mikroekonomiska perspektiv. / The aims of this study have been: “to describe a variation of conceptions among upper secondary pupils in theoretical education programs concerning how they apprehend and reason about their own school cheating in relations to phenomena that the pupils themselves judge as meaningful for their own school cheating” and “to illustrate pupils conceptions of their own school cheating through four common known theoretical perspectives which can be considered to touch upon the precomprehension of pupils school cheating that is considered as frequent among teachers in corresponding education.” The conception school cheating has been defined and data have been collected through qualitatively designed questionnaires which have been answered by 36 upper secondary pupils in social science education preparing for ensuing studies. The research approach has been phenomenografical and the method of analyzing contextual analysis. The main result is constituted by five categories which in qualitative different ways describe the pupils conceptions of school cheating. The categories have been classified on the basis of the most meaningful aspect of the total data, “the pupils intentions of their school cheating” which is constituted by the variations “to manage a temporary troublesome situation”, “to challenge/provoke/protest upon the (school)system”, “to survive in a school situation which is experienced as to difficult”, “to raise grades” and “to avoid effort”. Empirical data have also been interpreted through four theoretical perspectives which in the study have been considered representative for teachers precomprehension of pupils school cheating. The result shows that a majority of pupils is one-sided orientated in their conceptions of their own school cheating towards perspectives of either achievement-psychology, sociology or micro-economics.

Skolkultur eller andra möjliga faktorer? : En kvalitativ studie om tjejers föreställningar om femininitet

Hamidian, Zara January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to find out whether young women´s conceptions on femininity are based on school culture or other possible factors. The theory chosen for this study is the sociological perspective. A theory where sociologists such as Emile Drukheim, Talcott Parsons and Pierre Bourdieu are all prominent. The discussion links to Habitus and their theories on social, cultural and collective groups. A qualitative method has been used. Ten young women have bee interviewed and their answers have been compared and analyzed for results. The women has been divided into two segments. One consisting of the ethnically Swedish young women and one out of non-ethnically Swedish young women. In conclusion, the ethnically Swedish group of young women are all involved in building up the norm at the particular school examined. Furthermore, the non-ethnically Swedish young women are followers of this norm. Conceptions on the current heterosexual norm that exists within the school culture are built based upon the different social groups.

Le suivi des conceptions des lycéens en mécanique : développement et usages d'exercices informatisés

Coppens, Nicolas 18 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Le suivi individuel des conceptions des élèves est important pour développer des stratégies d'enseignement efficaces. Cependant, les enseignants de sciences physiques n'ont souvent ni le temps, ni forcément les compétences didactiques nécessaires pour les détecter. Des exercices informatisés ont donc été construits afin de détecter automatiquement les conceptions mobilisées par les élèves lors de l'apprentissage de la mécanique en Première Scientifique. Puis cet outil a été testé pour vérifier qu'il permettait effectivement de recueillir rapidement des données suffisamment pertinentes, riches et fiables pour identifier les conceptions des élèves. Les différents usages de ces exercices par des professeurs ont ensuite été examinés. Cette étude a montré que des enseignants étaient prêts à utiliser cet outil car son aspect informatisé les a séduits. De plus, alors qu'ils étaient a priori peu enthousiastes pour la prise en compte des conceptions des élèves dans l'enseignement, certains professeurs ont tenu compte dans leurs classes des conceptions d'élèves détectées par les exercices informatisés. L'aspect informatisé d'un outil innovant peut donc augmenter son acceptabilité par les enseignants, permettant ainsi de mettre en place de nouvelles pratiques dans les classes. Le cheminement suivi ici pour la construction et la validation des exercices pourrait donc servir de base au développement d'autres outils informatisés reposant sur des études en didactique. Cela permettrait d'envisager une diffusion plus active des résultats de ces recherches dans les classes et de penser enfin l'évaluation de l'enseignement des sciences en termes de compétences significatives.

Gymnasieelevers uppfattningar kring eget skolfusk

Fonseca, Lasse January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syften för denna studie har varit: ”att beskriva en variation av uppfattningar hos gymnasieelever på teoretiska gymnasieprogram vad gäller hur de uppfattar och resonerar omkring sitt eget skolfusk i förhållande till fenomen som eleverna själva uppfattar som betydelsefulla för det egna skolfusket” och ”att belysa elevers uppfattningar om sitt eget skolfusk genom fyra allmänt kända teoretiska perspektiv som kan antas tangera den förförståelse av elevers skolfusk som antas vanligt förekommande hos lärare på motsvarande gymnasieprogram.”</p><p>Begreppet skolfusk har definierats och data har därefter samlats in genom kvalitativt utformade enkäter som besvarats av 36 gymnasielever från det studieförberedande samhällsvetenskapsprogrammet. Forskningsansatsen har varit fenomengrafisk och analysmetoden kontextuell analys.</p><p>Huvudresultatet utgörs av fem kategorier som på kvalitativt skilda sätt beskriver elevernas uppfattningar kring skolfusk. Kategorierna har rubricerats efter det totala materialets mest meningsbärande aspekt, nämligen elevernas uppsåt/avsikt/intention med sitt skolfusk som utgörs av variationerna ”att klara av en tillfälligt besvärlig situation”, ”att utmana/provocera/protestera emot (skol)systemet”, ”att överleva i en skolsituation som upplevs för svår”, ”att höja betyg” och ”att slippa anstränga sig”.</p><p>Empirin har också tolkats genom fyra teoretiska perspektiv som i studien ansetts representativa för lärares förförståelse kring elevers skolfusk. Av resultatet framgår att ett flertal elever i sina uppfattningar om eget skolfusk ensidigt orienterar sig åt prestationspsykologiska, sociologiska eller mikroekonomiska perspektiv.</p> / <p>The aims of this study have been: “to describe a variation of conceptions among upper secondary pupils in theoretical education programs concerning how they apprehend and reason about their own school cheating in relations to phenomena that the pupils themselves judge as meaningful for their own school cheating” and “to illustrate pupils conceptions of their own school cheating through four common known theoretical perspectives which can be considered to touch upon the precomprehension of pupils school cheating that is considered as frequent among teachers in corresponding education.”</p><p>The conception school cheating has been defined and data have been collected through qualitatively designed questionnaires which have been answered by 36 upper secondary pupils in social science education preparing for ensuing studies. The research approach has been phenomenografical and the method of analyzing contextual analysis.</p><p>The main result is constituted by five categories which in qualitative different ways describe the pupils conceptions of school cheating. The categories have been classified on the basis of the most meaningful aspect of the total data, “the pupils intentions of their school cheating” which is constituted by the variations “to manage a temporary troublesome situation”, “to challenge/provoke/protest upon the (school)system”, “to survive in a school situation which is experienced as to difficult”, “to raise grades” and “to avoid effort”.</p><p>Empirical data have also been interpreted through four theoretical perspectives which in the study have been considered representative for teachers precomprehension of pupils school cheating. The result shows that a majority of pupils is one-sided orientated in their conceptions of their own school cheating towards perspectives of either achievement-psychology, sociology or micro-economics.</p>

Exploring naturalistic conceptions of ‘a moral person’ for Koreans

Kim, Sunghun 16 February 2015 (has links)
Educational Psychology / In the field of moral psychology, cognitive functioning has long been the main focus of studies. Many researchers have been interested in moral reasoning ability, its developmental paths, and the process of moral judgment or decision making. Relatively recently, some moral psychologists started questioning whether people who are not theorists, researchers, or educators in morality also put as much emphasis on the cognitive functions as the core of morality. According to the literature, laypeople found to include cognitive aspects as one component of morality, and they also emphasize moral characters and virtues as other elements. In addition, laypeople frequently consider characteristics of ‘a moral person’ when they are asked to think about morality. These findings have activated research on naturalistic conceptions of morality and moral exemplars. However, few studies have examined how laypeople from different cultures other than the United States and Canada conceptualize morality. The purpose of this study was to explore naturalistic conceptions of ‘a moral person’ and to develop a theoretical model of moral exemplars for Koreans based on the gathered conceptions. Twenty two Koreans participated in in-depth, semi-structured, open-ended interviews. A grounded theory approach was used to conduct interviews, analyze data, and achieve the research goals. Korean laypeople’s conceptions included behaviors, personality traits, and psychological functions of ‘a moral person’ for them. In those behaviors and personality traits, both interpersonal (e.g., helping others or caring) and intrapersonal (e.g., living with integrity or being principled) characteristics were found together. Koreans conceptualize a person as moral when he or she tends to behave morally as an outer revelation of inner morality, personality traits. Using psychological functions (e.g., perspective taking, being compassionate, or keeping social face) appeared to promote the emergence of a moral behavior or make the behavior extraordinary. Finally, Koreans found to think of a person as moral who does moral behaviors even in challenging situations, assuming that his or her moral personality traits are strongly associated with the behaviors. In addition, Koreans tend to more emphasize interpersonal (i.e., other-oriented or community-based) aspects of morality than intrapersonal (i.e., self-centered or individual-based) components. These findings were summarized that ‘a moral person’ for Koreans is a person who has ‘moral heart’ and lives ‘in harmony with others.’ / text

Några grundskollärares uppfattningar om kulturell mångfald, värden och kunskap tolkade som ideologi

Sandin, Lars January 2010 (has links)
Abstract In this study, the conceptions of a number of teachers in the Swedish primary and lower-secondary school about cultural pluralism, the values connected to this pluralism by the Curriculum for the Compulsory School System, the Pre-School Class and the Leisure-time Centre, Lpo 94, and the possibilities for pupils to gain knowledge about these values, were studied. The conceptions of the teachers were regarded and interpreted as ideology, since the study was made from a point of departure containing an assumption about how the content of the curriculum is of importance for the development of relations of power and dominance between different groups in society. The purpose of the study was to interpret the statements of a limited number of teachers about cultural pluralism, values and knowledge, regarding the ontological, axiological and epistemological assumptions and conceptions expressed therein. The empirical data of the study was gathered through qualitative interviews with eleven teachers working in six different primary and lower-secondary schools in the Mid-Sweden region. The conceptions expressed in the statements given by the respondents were categorized. These categories were then interpreted through a typology containing four different types of ideology, here called restorative (implying a return to a social order of the past), transmissive (implying a conveyance of existing values, relations and conditions), moderative (implying short-term adjustments of existing institutions and conditions) and transformative (implying long-term and radical change) ideology. This interpretation showed that only fragmentary parts of the restorative and transformative types of ideology were expressed through the different assumptions and conceptions, while distinct and substantially developed expressions of transmissive as well as moderative ideology could be interpreted. This was discussed with reference to three different themes: the connotations conveyed by the concept of culture, the ideological content of official and semi-official documents of the curriculum – mainly Lpo 94 and the report (Skola för bildning) of the Committee of Curriculum – and the historically strong progressivist tradition in the Swedish school system. Keywords: conceptions, cultural pluralism, curriculum, ideology, knowledge, primary and lower-secondary school, teachers, values.

Investigating Place-based Pedagogy Utilizations In Curricular Practices

Brown, Nikeitha 2011 December 1900 (has links)
Outlets for students to develop mathematical ideas and skills to solve real-life problems and applicable situations have been neglected in secondary classrooms (Gainsburg, 2008). Designing curricula that applies real-life situations has been promoted by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2000), the National Research Council (1998), and the Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education (2000) and also is an expectation of state standards for student learning (Texas Education Agency, 2009). Contrary, evidence has shown low benefits to classroom real-life examples perceived by students. This study served dual purposes: 1) Determine the relationship between place-based education and mathematics learning, and 2) Investigate teacher conceptions of place-based education opportunities in high school, mathematics curriculum. This study employed two methodologies. A mixed-methods approach was employed for the meta-analysis of place-based programs and the second employed qualitative methods of structured interviewing to determine teachers’ conceptions of place-based pedagogy. Upon completion of the study, I concluded: 1) Place-based pedagogies align toward more foundational mathematic skills (e.g. measurement, number sense) when implemented, and 2) Teachers’ conceive place-based as a general effective tool for student engagement and real-world context of how mathematics functions in society.


Long, Kelli A 01 January 2014 (has links)
Through in-depth interviews with 12 regular contributors to the Lexington-Herald Leader’s website, www.Kentucky.com, this study attempts to examine how online citizen journalists view the definitions of citizen and professional journalism, as compared to Singer’s three dimensions of professionalism (i.e., cognitive, normative, and evaluative dimensions) as well as their perceived role conceptions of professional and citizen journalists, using Weaver and Wilhoit’s four roles of journalists. Analyses reveal that the main difference in the definitions of the two types of journalists revolved around the cognitive dimension, specifically the education and training that professionals receive. The role conceptions of professional and citizen journalists were similar, with the both groups being described as serving the interpretive/investigative and disseminator roles. The roles of citizen journalists also included the adversarial and populist mobilizer roles.

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