Spelling suggestions: "subject:"confirmatory 3factor 2analysis"" "subject:"confirmatory 3factor 3analysis""
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[pt] O objetivo do presente trabalho consistia em traduzir o
Questionário de
Preocupação do Estado da Pensilvânia (PSWQ) para o
português e avaliar as
propriedades psicométricas e a estrutura latente desta
versão traduzida em uma amostra
representativa de universitários no Brasil para determinar
sua confiabilidade e validade
psicométricas. Um primeiro estudo utilizou 871 graduandos
de diferentes Universidades
do Rio de Janeiro apresentando uma faixa de idade de 17 a
68 anos. Uma análise
fatorial exploratória (AFE) foi realizada para examinar a
estrutura latente dos 16 itens
que compõem esta escala. Um segundo estudo utilizou 978
graduandos com as mesmas
características do estudo 1. Uma análise fatorial
confirmatória (AFC) foi usada para
inspecionar eventuais artefatos fatoriais da escala,
previamente descritos na literatura.
Os resultados indicaram que o PSWQ apresentou uma adequada
consistência interna.
No primeiro estudo, uma AFE indicou uma solução de dois
fatores. Um fator foi
relacionado com a preocupação presente e incorporou todos
os 11 itens escritos na
forma afirmativa. O outro foi associado com a preocupação
ausente e incorporou todos
os 5 itens escritos na forma negativa. No segundo estudo,
uma AFC ajustou uma
solução de três fatores. Um fator incorporou todos os
itens do PSWQ, onde os outros
dois fatores foram relacionados com os itens na afirmativa
e negativa. Coeficientes de
correlação destes dois fatores de itens na afirmativa e
negativa com o total do PSWQ e a
subescala traço do Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado
sugerem que o fator composto
pelos 5 itens na negativa não contribui significativamente
para a estrutura latente do
PSWQ. A avaliação psicométrica da versão em português do
PSWQ indicou que esta
escala pode medir confiavelmente a presença do construto
de preocupação em uma
amostra não clínica. Análises de sua estrutura fatorial
sugeriram que o fator da
preocupação ausente deve ser um artefato metodológico
atribuído ao efeito da forma
escrita dos itens na negativa. / [en] Translate the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) to
Portuguese and
evaluate the psychometric properties and the latent
structure of the translated version in
a large Brazilian college student sample to determine its
psychometric reliability and
validity. A first study employed 871 undergraduate
students from different Universities
of Rio de Janeiro ranging from 17 to 68 years of age. An
exploratory factor analysis
(EFA) was employed to analyze its latent structure of 16
items that composes the scale.
A second study employed 978 college students with the same
characteristics from Study
1. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to
investigate eventual factorial
artifacts of the scale previously described in the
literature. Results indicated that PSWQ
had an adequate internal consistency. In the first study,
the EFA yields a two-factor
solution. One factor was related to worry presence and
incorporated all the 11
positive-worded items stated in a non-reversed form. The
other was associated to
worry absence and incorporated all the five negative-
worded items stated in a
reversed form. In a second study, the CFA leads to a three-
factor solution. One factor
incorporated all the PSWQ items whereas the two other
factors were linked to the
reversed and non-reversed items. Correlations coefficients
of these two reversed and
non-reversed factors with the total scores of the PSWQ and
the trait subscale of the
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory suggest that the factor
composed by the five items do not
contribute in a meaningful way to the PSWQ latent
structure. Psychometric evaluation
of the Portuguese version of the PSWQ indicated that the
scale can reliably measure the
presence of the worry construct in a non-clinical sample.
Analysis of its factorial
structure suggested that the worry absence factor might be
a methodological artifact due
to a wording effect of the reversed items.
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Tímová kohézia a tímový úspech v elitných mládežníckych športových družstvách / Team cohesion and team success in elite youth sport teamsŠiška, Pavol January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of this dissertation was to examine the relationship between team success and team cohesiveness with a sample of elite youth sport teams. The secondary aim of this international thesis was to translate and analyze the psychometric properties of responses to the Czech and Slovak versions of the Youth Sport Environment Questionnaire (YSEQ; Eys, Loughead, Bray, & Carron, 2009b) in a sample of elite youth handball and soccer players. The accomplishment of the second purpose involved three phases of research. First, the questionnaire was translated into the Czech and Slovak languages by method of parallel back-translation. In Phase 2, feedback was sought on the translated versions of each questionnaire from both researchers (N = 2) and athletes (N = 52) to ensure the clarity of the instructions and the readability of the items. Subsequent confirmatory analyses in the final phase provided an adequate fitting model for both Czech and Slovak versions with an independent sample (N = 352) from youth sport teams. These results offer further support to Eys et al.'s (2009b) proposed two dimensional model underlying their measure of cohesion for youth sport groups. In terms of the general purpose, we employed structural equation modeling to examine the direction of that relationship via a...
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Validade dimensional da escala de apoio social do Medical Outcomes Study adaptada para o português no estudo pró-saúde / Validity of the dimensional scale of social support of the Medical Outcomes Study adapted to Portuguese in the study pro-healthMattos, Athamis de January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:36:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2009 / Estudos sobre a importância de rede e apoio social nos desfechos em saúde têm sido desenvolvidos nos últimos 30 anos. Rede social é definida como o grupo de pessoas com as quais o indivíduo mantém contato ou alguma forma de vínculo social. Apoio social refere-se à funcionalidade da rede social (apoio emocional, apoio material entre outros). O presente estudo dá continuidade à avaliação das propriedades psicométricas da escala de apoio social utilizada em um estudo de coorte de trabalhadores de uma universidade pública no Rio de Janeiro - Estudo Pró-Saúde por meio da avaliação de sua validade de constructo através da análise fatorial confirmatória. Essa investigação baseia-se nos dados de 4030 participantes obtidos na primeira fase desse estudo (1999), onde um questionário multidimensional foi utilizado. Nesse foi incluída a escala de apoio social elaborada para o Medical Outcomes Study (MOS), que foi adaptada para o português, no âmbito do estudo. Foi realizada a análise fatorial confirmatória com o intuito de avaliar os modelos com três, quatro e cinco fatores quanto ao ajuste, validade convergente e validade discriminante. (...) / Studies about the importance of social support on health outcomes have been developed since 30 years. Social network is defined as a group of people which a person has contact with or any kind of social connections. Social support is related to the functionality of the social network. The present study continues the psychometric testing of the social support scale, used in a cohort of public university servents of Rio de Janeiro - Pró-Saúde Study – through evaluation of the construct validity using the confirmatory factor analysis. This investigation was based on information about 4030 participants in the first stage of the study (1999), which a multidimensional instrument was used. In this study, it was included the social support scale of the Medical Outcomes Study (MOS), which was adapted to Portuguese, in the study‟s environment. The confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the three, four and five factors models adjustment, the convergent and discriminant validity. The estimation method used was the WLSMV (robust weighted least squares) recommended to models with multivariate non-normal distributed indicators which is the case of the categorical indicators of the MOS social support scale. The fit indices used were the CFI (comparative fit index), the TLI (Tucker Lewis index), the RMSEA (root mean square error of approximation), the χ² statistic, and the WRMR ((weighted root mean square residual). The statistic program used was the Mplus. The four factor model was the one which presents the best goodness-of-fit measures (CFI=0,897; TLI=0,987). However, the residuals were high (RMSEA=0,131; WRMR=3,727), indicating a poor adjust. The convergent validity was good, presenting values above 0,50 of extracted variance and values above 0,70 of composed reliability in all dimensions. Only the material dimension presented good discriminant validity. In conclusion, nevertheless the four factor model presented some vantages compared with the other models, it is necessary implement changes to improve the adjust of the model. This modifications are related to itens exclusion, and not only about the dimentions addiction, which is suggested through insufficient results of the discriminant validity of that model - highly correlations in the “information” and “emotional‟ dimensions. A scale with a smaller numbers of itens should improve the measurements of social support and bring news conclusions in the investigations about the importance of social support in the social determinants and wellness.
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Discriminação racial auto referida, stress psicossocial e sintomas asmáticos em crianças de SalvadorFattore, Gisel Lorena 27 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Creuza Silva (mariakreuza@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-07-14T19:35:02Z
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TESE GISEL FATORE. 2015.pdf: 3095009 bytes, checksum: becebe9f8956330c8c568ff335a8e172 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Creuza Silva (mariakreuza@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-07-14T20:45:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
TESE GISEL FATORE. 2015.pdf: 3095009 bytes, checksum: becebe9f8956330c8c568ff335a8e172 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-14T20:45:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
TESE GISEL FATORE. 2015.pdf: 3095009 bytes, checksum: becebe9f8956330c8c568ff335a8e172 (MD5) / A asma é uma doença urbana complexa com múltiplos fatores associados ao seu desenvolvimento e remissão. Muitos fatores de risco para a doença foram identificados, e existe um debate sobre a contribuição dos fatores psicossociais na gênese da asma. A discriminação racial configura-se como um importante estressor psicossocial com efeitos negativos sobre a saúde. No entanto, os efeitos da discriminação sobre a asma infantil não tem sido investigados. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o efeito da exposição à discriminação em mulheres sobre a prevalência de asma nas crianças. Trata-se de um estudo transversal sobre a população integrante do programa Social Changes Asthma and Allergy in Latin America (SCAALA) em Salvador. A tese foi desenvolvida sob a forma de quatro artigos, tendo o primeiro como objetivo avaliar a confiabilidade e estrutura dimensional do “Experiência de Discriminação” (Experience of Discrimination - EOD), um instrumento de mensuração das experiências de discriminação desenvolvido nos Estados Unidos. Identificaram-se dois indicadores de discriminação: a experiência de discriminação e a preocupação com discriminação, com parâmetros aceitáveis de ajuste para o EOD no contexto brasileiro. O segundo artigo mensurou a prevalência de discriminação auto relatada utilizando analise de classes latentes. Os indivíduos foram classificados perfis de discriminação alto e baixo. A frequência das classes expostas à discriminação ou preocupadas com discriminação mostraram-se altas, principalmente no que respeita ao emprego e trabalho, com a cor da pele como um importante preditor das experiências relatadas. Já o terceiro artigo analisou o efeito da discriminação sobre a prevalência de transtornos mentais comuns nas mulheres participantes do estudo, evidenciando maiores prevalências de TMC entre aquelas mulheres que referiram alto grau de exposição à discriminação ou preocupação com discriminação. O suporte social moderou a associação entre preocupação com discriminação e sofrimento mental. Finalmente, o quarto artigo estimou o efeito da discriminação referida pelas mães sobre a prevalência de asma nos filhos. Os resultados corroboraram a hipótese de que a exposição à discriminação racial nas mães se associa com sintomas asmáticos nas crianças, e com o fenótipo atópico. Em acordo com nossa hipótese de estudo, mães com sintomas psicológicos foram mais propensas a ter filhos com sintomas asmáticos quando expostas a discriminação que àquelas sem sintomas. Os achados deste estudo destacam a importância de estudar a discriminação racial no contexto brasileiro. Embora esses resultados necessitem ser confirmados em estudos longitudinais, contribuirão com a compreensão de uma doença complexa como a asma em crianças.
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Factor structure and psychometric properties of the english version of the trier inventory for chronic stress (TICS-E)Petrowski, Katja, Kliem, Sören, Sadler, Michael, Meuret, Alicia E., Ritz, Thomas, Brähler, Elmar 08 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Demands placed on individuals in occupational and social settings, as well as imbalances in personal traits and resources, can lead to chronic stress. The Trier Inventory for Chronic Stress (TICS) measures chronic stress while incorporating domain-specific aspects, and has been found to be a highly reliable and valid research tool. The aims of the present study were to confirm the German version TICS factorial structure in an English translation of the instrument (TICS-E) and to report its psychometric properties.
A random route sample of healthy participants (N = 483) aged 18–30 years completed the TICS-E. The robust maximum likelihood estimation with a mean-adjusted chi-square test statistic was applied due to the sample’s significant deviation from the multivariate normal distribution. Goodness of fit, absolute model fit, and relative model fit were assessed by means of the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), the Comparative Fit Index (CFI) and the Tucker Lewis Index (TLI).
Reliability estimates (Cronbach’s α and adjusted split-half reliability) ranged from .84 to .92. Item-scale correlations ranged from .50 to .85. Measures of fit showed values of .052 for RMSEA (Cl = 0.50–.054) and .067 for SRMR for absolute model fit, and values of .846 (TLI) and .855 (CFI) for relative model-fit. Factor loadings ranged from .55 to .91.
The psychometric properties and factor structure of the TICS-E are comparable to the German version of the TICS. The instrument therefore meets quality standards for an adequate measurement of chronic stress.
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Avaliação da influência dos critérios do modelo de excelência no desempenho organizacional das micro e pequenas empresas / Evaluation of the influence of the excellence model criteria in the organizational performance at micro and small enterprisesStephan Junior, Luiz Alberto [UNESP] 06 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by LUIZ ALBERTO STEPHAN JUNIOR null (luiz_stephan@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-09-09T02:13:49Z
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Dissertação-PEP-FEB-Luiz Alberto Stephan Junior.pdf: 4327343 bytes, checksum: fbcea22ffc9df5039f2156889fdb0fa6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-09-12T21:42:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
stephanjunior_la_me_bauru.pdf: 4327343 bytes, checksum: fbcea22ffc9df5039f2156889fdb0fa6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-12T21:42:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-07-06 / O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a influência dos critérios do Modelo de Excelência em Gestão® (MEG) no desempenho as micro e pequenas empresas (MPEs) brasileiras e obter informações sobre o estágio atual da gestão nestas empresas, comparando-as ao proposto pelo MEG como gestão classe-mundial. Justifica-se este trabalho pela relevância do uso dos modelos de gestão no mundo corporativo, pelo reconhecimento do MEG como modelo de gestão classe-mundial, também pela importância econômica e social das micro e pequenas empresas no Brasil e pelas lacunas acerca da realidade da adoção dos critérios do MEG nas MPEs brasileiras. Utilizou-se um questionário baseado nos critérios do MEG para coleta de dados (survey), em que se obtiveram 602 questionários respondidos por completo, empregados neste estudo. Para a análise dos resultados, foi adotada a análise fatorial confirmatória como técnica multivariada. Foram definidas e testadas 07 hipóteses a partir dos critérios do MEG (liderança, estratégias e planos, clientes, sociedade, conhecimento e informação, pessoas, processos). Como decorrência, foram confirmadas seis das sete hipóteses e verificado que os critérios, conhecimento e informações, clientes, liderança e pessoas possuem forte influência no desempenho organizacional dos MPEs, enquanto os fatores processos e estratégias e planos possuem influência moderada, sendo também adotados pelas MPEs. Assim, esta pesquisa contribui para o preenchimento da lacuna de trabalhos utilizando pesquisa empírica, com um número grande de MPEs multissetorial e faz a confirmação da importância dos critérios preconizados pelo MEG para o desempenho organizacional nas MPEs brasileiras. / This research aims to evaluate the influence of the criteria of the Management Excellence Model (MEG) in Brazilian small business (SMEs) and get information on the current state of management in these companies, comparing them to that proposed by MEG as world-class management. This work justifies by the relevance of the use of management models in the corporate world, the recognition of MEG as world class management model, also for the economic and social importance of micro and small companies in Brazil and the gaps about the reality of adoption the criteria of MEG in Brazilian SMEs. We used a questionnaire based on the MEG for data collection (survey), in which obtained 602 questionnaires altogether employed in this study. For the analysis of the results, it was adopted confirmatory factor analysis and multivariate technique. Were defined and tested 07 hypotheses from MEG criteria (leadership, strategies and plans, customers, society, information and knowledge, people, processes) and the influences were confirmed in organizational performance factor. As a result, six of the seven cases were confirmed and verified that MEG criteria knowledge and information, customers, leadership and people are adopted by SMEs and have a strong influence on performance, while the processes and strategies and plans factors have moderate influence, and adopted by SMEs. Thus, this research contributes to bridging the gap jobs using empirical research, with a large number of multi-sector MSEs and is confirmation of the importance of criteria recommended by MEG to organizational performance in Brazilian SMEs.
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Estresse materno e duração da amamentação: estudo de coorte-BRISAYokokura, Ana Valéria Carvalho Pires 18 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-19T17:24:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese-AnaValeriaCarvalhoPiresYokokura.pdf: 6263679 bytes, checksum: 10e62a4122185fac92398004b9092d42 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-02-18 / Some research shows that coping with stressful situations during pregnancy decreases the breastfeeding time, however this association has been little studied in the world. This study had two objectives: to analyze the validity of the Perceived Stress Scale in a sample of 1447 pregnant women in Sao Luis, MA and 1392 in Ribeirão Preto-SP; and analyze the effect of stress during pregnancy on the duration of breastfeeding in 1134 mother pairs / son of St. Louis. In the first article we evaluated the PSS versions with 10 and 14 items through Confirmatory Factor Analysis using the mplus 7.0, and a new version was created (PSS12) from the deletion of two items that had low factor loadings (<0.40). The models were estimated by the method of least squares (WLSMV) adjusted for mean and variance. Models with two factors showed good fit (RMSEA <0.08; CFI / TLI> 0.90) and high internal consistency (α> 0.80) in the three tested versions. In the second article we used the perceived stress scale (PSS14) and Reporting of stressful life events (EVE) to assess stress. PSS14 evaluates perceived stress during the last month. The EVE assessed stressful life events in the last twelve months. The theoretical model was designed in Acyclic Directed Graph (DAG). Survival curves were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. We used model of Cox proportional hazards, estimating the hazard ratio (HR) and 95%. The perceived stress during pregnancy was associated with a shorter duration of total breastfeeding (AMT) (HR=1,54; IC95%:1,23-1,93), but had no effect on exclusive breastfeeding time (AME). It was found that the PSS was adequate to assess stress in pregnant women in two cities in different regions. It suggests the use of PSS10 in the evaluation of perceived stress in pregnant women, considering their practical use, because it is a short range and its excellent fit indices. It was also found that the PEACE proved to be a tool to better identify stress than EVE. / Pesquisas mostram que o enfretamento de situações estressantes durante a gravidez diminui o tempo da amamentação, porém esta associação tem sido pouco estudada. O presente estudo teve dois objetivos: analisar a validade da Escala de Estresse Percebido numa amostra de 1447 gestantes de São Luís-MA e 1392 de Ribeirão Preto-SP; e analisar o efeito do estresse materno na duração da amamentação em 1134 pares mãe/filho de São Luís. No primeiro artigo foram avaliadas as versões PSS com 10 e 14 itens por meio da Análise Fatorial Confirmatória, utilizando o MPLUS 7.0, e foi criada uma nova versão da Escala de Estresse Percebido (PSS12) a partir da exclusão de dois itens que apresentaram cargas fatoriais baixas (<0,40). Os modelos foram estimados pelo método dos mínimos quadrados (WLSMV) ajustados pela média e variância. Os modelos com dois fatores apresentaram bom ajuste (RMSEA <0,08; CFI/TLI >0,90) e consistência interna elevada (α>0,80) nas três versões testadas. No segundo artigo utilizou-se a Escala de estresse percebido (PSS14) e Relato de eventos de vida estressantes (EVE) para avaliar estresse. A PSS14 avaliou estresse percebido durante o último mês. O EVE avaliou eventos estressantes nos últimos doze meses. O modelo teórico foi desenhado em Gráfico Acíclico Direcionado (DAG). As curvas de sobrevida foram estimadas pelo método de Kaplan-Meier. Utilizou-se modelo de riscos proporcionais de Cox, estimando-se a hazard ratio (HR) e IC95%. O estresse percebido na gestação associou-se com a menor duração do aleitamento materno total (AMT) (HR=1,54; IC95%:1,23-1,93), porém não teve efeito sobre o tempo de aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME). Constatou-se que a PSS mostrou-se adequada para avaliar estresse em gestantes, em duas cidades de diferentes regiões brasileiras. Sugere-se a utilização da PSS10 na avaliação do estresse percebido em gestantes, considerando sua utilidade prática, por ser uma escala resumida e seus excelentes índices de ajuste. Verificou-se também que a PSS se mostrou um instrumento capaz de identificar melhor o estresse do que o EVE.
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Towards a flexible statistical modelling by latent factors for evaluation of simulated responses to climate forcingsFetisova, Ekaterina January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, using the principles of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and the cause-effect concept associated with structural equation modelling (SEM), a new flexible statistical framework for evaluation of climate model simulations against observational data is suggested. The design of the framework also makes it possible to investigate the magnitude of the influence of different forcings on the temperature as well as to investigate a general causal latent structure of temperature data. In terms of the questions of interest, the framework suggested here can be viewed as a natural extension of the statistical approach of 'optimal fingerprinting', employed in many Detection and Attribution (D&A) studies. Its flexibility means that it can be applied under different circumstances concerning such aspects as the availability of simulated data, the number of forcings in question, the climate-relevant properties of these forcings, and the properties of the climate model under study, in particular, those concerning the reconstructions of forcings and their implementation. It should also be added that although the framework involves the near-surface temperature as a climate variable of interest and focuses on the time period covering approximately the last millennium prior to the industrialisation period, the statistical models, included in the framework, can in principle be generalised to any period in the geological past as soon as simulations and proxy data on any continuous climate variable are available. Within the confines of this thesis, performance of some CFA- and SEM-models is evaluated in pseudo-proxy experiments, in which the true unobservable temperature series is replaced by temperature data from a selected climate model simulation. The results indicated that depending on the climate model and the region under consideration, the underlying latent structure of temperature data can be of varying complexity, thereby rendering our statistical framework, serving as a basis for a wide range of CFA- and SEM-models, a powerful and flexible tool. Thanks to these properties, its application ultimately may contribute to an increased confidence in the conclusions about the ability of the climate model in question to simulate observed climate changes. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>
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The Impact of Strategic Marketing on the Innovation Performance of Organizations : A Study with Respect to Indian Micro Small and Medium Manufacturing OrganizationsLohith, C P January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Strategic Marketing is very essential to realize firm’s objectives and thereby take the advantage against the competitors. Innovation becomes the means of taking the firm to the higher level among the existing local and global competitors. Strategic Marketing (SM) is making the firm do well where as Innovation is still enhancing the firms capability of doing things better and it happens to be the need of the hour. Thus Strategic Marketing and Innovation becomes the important components that need to be adopted by any organizations. It becomes essential to analyze the importance of Strategic Marketing for realizing the firm’s innovativeness and there by achieve the higher growth. This research is an attempt to find how Strategic Marketing is affecting the organizations performance by adopting innovation.
The literature review gives a clear indication to do the research with reference to our Indian MSME’s. Considering this, the following specific objectives were formulated for the research.
• Building the measures of Strategic Marketing and Innovation and develop a conceptual research framework for examining the relationship between them.
• Designing a measuring instrument using Strategic Marketing and Innovation measures and test the instrument.
• Examine the relationship between Strategic Marketing and Innovation and also its impact on each.
• Examine the effect of different dimensions of Innovation on Strategic Marketing dimensions and find which of these needs more thrust in an organization.
• Make appropriate suggestions on the need for adoption of SM as a means for any Indian manufacturing organizations to achieve a higher growth rate.
The constructs of Strategic Marketing and Innovation are identified for further study. A conceptual framework was formulated with the set of hypothesis which needs to be tested. A structured questionnaire based on likert scale is used for collecting the primary data. The manufacturing organizations falling under Micro, Small and Medium scale are taken for the study through the directory provided by MSME Development Institute of India, Bangalore. The data was collected by approaching the managers of the manufacturing firms who have responsibilities to exhibit different management roles. The purpose of collecting the primary data is to know the management’s view regarding Strategic marketing and Innovation related to their firm. Our work includes both pilot and main study, where in validity and reliability of the measuring instrument is tested during pilot study. In our main study, 150 manufacturing organizations were approached situated in Peenya and Rajajinagar, Bangalore urban region. We got around 91 responses yielding about 60.6 % response rate. The data was obtained from 91 organizations, consisting of 04 Micro, 38 small and 49 medium scale organizations. A detailed statistical analysis is done for the collected data.
Highly loading factors for the collected data was found out using confirmatory factor analysis and followed by finding the summated score of the data for the further analysis. The main study data was analyzed using multiple regression method by considering Strategic Marketing(SM) constructs as independent variables and Innovation performance constructs as dependent variables. The different assumptions underlying multiple regression were verified and five regression models estimated. The overall model fit was assessed and hypothesis was tested.
The relationship established between SM and Innovation performance clearly indicates that SM has a great impact on the innovation performance of an organization irrespective of whatever may be the type of innovation. Hence achieving of SM performance can lead to the achievement of innovation performance also within organizations. Further the significant variables were identified from the individual regression models, interpreted and the models validated. It was found that out of the four variables of SM considered, as many as three variables viz. Marketing mix, Brand positioning and Entrepreneurial management are having a significant impact in one way or other way on the overall innovation performance of the organization. The strategy of focusing on the identified significant variables of SM was suggested for improving the innovation performance within organizations.
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Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Rogers African American Masculinity ScaleRogers, Baron Kenley 15 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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