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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Change of Employer and Preservation of Employment: Serbian Experience in Light of European Law

Kovacevic, Ljubinka, Kovács, Erika January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Protection of employees in the event of a change of employer in Serbia was first regulated by the Labour Act (2005). This was a result of the harmonization of Serbian legislation with Council Directive 2001/23/EC, while the effect of the European Court of Justice jurisprudence was negligible. Protection is guaranteed regardless of whether the company identity has been preserved or not, thereby making it more favourable than the European concept of transfer of undertaking. Nevertheless, the relevant provisions of the Labour Act have often been evaded in practice, especially when it comes to the application of the principle of preservation of employment. This was facilitated by the content of certain legal provisions. There is a notable need for their improvements, in order to enable employees to continue to work for the transferee under the same working conditions and be protected from dismissals exclusively or predominantly motivated by the change of employer.

Para ler a guerra na Síria: a construção do consenso na cobertura da mídia global / To read the war in Syria: building consensus in the coverage of global media

Hajjar, Babel 21 October 2016 (has links)
Este estudo teve por objetivo comparar grupos de mídia ocidentais e não ocidentais no que diz respeito à guerra na Síria, em curso desde 2011, no rastro das chamadas primaveras árabes. Foi realizada uma analises de conteúdo, quantitativa e qualitativa, seguindo parâmetros de Herman e Chomsky em A manipulação do Público (2003), porém adaptados à mídia global. Na divisão dos veículos, utilizou-se o conceito de mídias do fluxo dominante e do contra fluxo, para ilustrar a posição dos grupos analisados em relação ao atual panorama global da mídia. Os resultados apontaram para uma cobertura global da guerra na Síria polarizada, alinhada com interesses geopolíticos, e com maior unidade no Ocidente. Como conclusão, a hegemonia dos conglomerados ocidentais midiáticos ou o fluxo dominante da mídia global ditou a pauta mundial sobre a crise na Síria, em um espaço de disputa com as mídias no contra fluxo. Estas vão buscando expor melhor seus interesses e os de seus países, à medida que a guerra na Síria começa a afetá-los / This study aimed to compare Western media groups and non-Western regarding to the war in Syria, ongoing since 2011, in the wake of the so-called \"arab spring\". An content analysis, quantitative and qualitative was conducted following Herman and Chomsky parameters in Manufacturing Consent (2003), but adapted to the global media. In the groups division, we used the concept of media dominant flow and contra flow (THUSSU, 2007), to illustrate the position of the groups analyzed in relation to the current global panorama of the media. The results showed an overall coverage of the war in polarized Syria, in line with geopolitical interests and greater unity in the West. In conclusion, the Western media hegemony promoted by media Western conglomerates in a dominant flow of global media, dictated an agenda on the Syria crisis, in a space of content with the media in contra flow. These will seeking to better expose their interests and those of their countries, as far as the war in Syria begins to affect them

Consentimento esclarecido na prática de enfermeiras de centros de saúde escola de São Paulo / The role played by the informed consent in the nurses\' practice at School/Health Centers in São Paulo

Watanabe, Helena Akemi Wada 14 September 1999 (has links)
As mudanças sociais ocorridas nas últimas três décadas fizeram com que o respeito à autonomia do usuário e o direito ao consentimento livre e esclarecido assumissem posição de destaque na ética em saúde e fossem incorporados aos Códigos de Ética Médica e de Enfermagem vigentes no país. Estudos desenvolvidos em serviços de saúde, mormente os hospitalares, têm evidenciado que os usuários obtêm poucas informações sobre suas condições de saúde, tratamento, cuidado e que a prática profissional tem oscilado entre o paternalismo, o autoritarismo e o respeito à autonomia. Esta investigação foi realizada com o objetivo verificar como o consentimento esclarecido é concebido na prática das enfermeiras de quatro Centros de Saúde Escola (CSE) de São Paulo. A análise do material empírico, obtido através de entrevistas junto a essas profissionais foi feita à luz da ética principialista. O resultados demonstram que essas profissionais, apesar de desconhecerem o termo consentimento esclarecido, respeitam as suas normas básicas, reconhecem o direito dos usuários em participar de decisões que digam respeito à sua saúde, oferecem informações para subsidiar essas decisões. O padrão de informação é personalizado, porém, alternativas de decisão, além daquelas estipuladas em programas e protocolos, raramente são apresentadas. Assim, o consentimento esclarecido na prática das enfermeiras em CSE é limitado por esses programas e protocolos. As enfermeiras têm como preocupação o benefício do usuário, o estímulo às participação dos usuários no seu cuidado e a prevenção ou remoção de riscos e danos. No geral, estas enfermeiras acatam a decisão tomada pelo usuário, mesmo quando há recusa em seguir a orientação dada, mas por vezes demonstram dificuldade em aceitá-la quando a mesma põe em risco a saúde de terceiros. Enquanto profissionais que participam na implementação políticas de saúde demonstram preocupação com sua \"missão\", sentem-se impotentes e demonstram desconhecer aliados e instrumentos que poderiam ser utilizados nessa situação. / The social changes occurred in the last three decades were instrumental for causing the customers\' autonomy and right to free-informed consent to be respected assuming a leading rank in the health ethics as well as being incorporated into the Nursing and Medical Ethical Codes in force in the country. Studies carried out in health services, moreover in hospital facilities, disclosed that the customers usually obtain few information on their health condition, treatment and, care and that the professional practice has been oscillating among being either paternalistic, authoritarian or respecttul regarding the patient\'s autonomy. The purpose of this investigation was to ascertain how the informed consent is conceived by the nurses\' practice in four School/Health Centers in São Paulo, State of São Paulo. Brazil. The empirical material obtained in interviews along with these professionals was analyzed in the light of Bioethics principles. Results were as follows: these professionals do not know the term informed consent; however, they act in accordance with its basic norms, recognizing the customers\' right to participate in the decision-making regarding their health, besides providing information in order to subside these decisions: the pattern of the information provided is personalized, although decision alternatives other than those stipulated in programs and protocols are rarely presented. Informed consent, in nursing practice in School/Health Centers is restricted within these programs and protocols. These nurses are concerned about users\' beneficence, their participation in self care and about preventing or removig risks or harm. In general, these nurses respect the decision taken by the customers, even when they refuse to comply with the orientation provided, however showing sometimes difficulties in accepting it when the health of a third-part is in jeopardy; while professionals participating in the implementation of health policies, they demonstrate being concerned with their \"mission\", sometimes feeling themselves impotent to deal with this situation, disclosing therefore a lack of knowledge concerning allied institutions and instruments which might be used to face these kind of circumstances.

Termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido (TCLE): fatores que interferem na adesão / Informed Consent (TCLE): compliance in accordance with interference factors

Souza, Miriam Karine de 25 November 2005 (has links)
As pesquisas envolvendo seres humanos geram preocupações éticas, pois os voluntários aceitam riscos e inconveniências com o objetivo de contribuir para o avanço do conhecimento científico e beneficiar outrem. A disposição para participar de pesquisas clínicas se mostra quando o paciente adere ao Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (TCLE), compreendendo-o, assinando-o e comprometendo-se a cumprir todas as normas estabelecidas nesse documento, embora consciente de que, a qualquer momento, poderá suspender sua adesão. O TCLE aborda informações que precisam estar descritas de forma clara e de fácil compreensão, destacando riscos, possíveis benefícios e procedimentos. Além disso, garantir a participação voluntária e sua desistência em qualquer momento da pesquisa. Atualmente discute-se a possibilidade de sujeitos de pesquisa não entenderem totalmente o texto do TCLE nem seus direitos como participantes, mesmo tendo assinado o TCLE e aderido à pesquisa. A presente casuística analisa os dados de 793 pacientes, que foram convidados a participar de diferentes protocolos de pesquisa clínica, como especifica a seguir: 380 pacientes, que foram convidados a participar do grupo controle do projeto Genoma Clínico do Câncer; 365 pacientes, que foram convidados a participar do projeto Genoma Clínico do Câncer do Aparelho do Digestivo por apresentarem tumor em uma das seguintes localizações: câncer colorretal, câncer esofágico, câncer de cárdia ou câncer gástrico.; 48 pacientes que foram convidados a participar do Estudo Multicêntrico, Internacional, Randomizado, de Grupos Paralelos, Controlado por Placebo, Duplo-Cego, com subsidiária cega, para determinar o efeito de 156 semanas de tratamento com MK-966(antiinflamatório Anti-COX 2) na recorrência de pólipo adenomatoso de intestino grosso, em pacientes com histórico de adenoma colorretal ressecado por colonoscopia. Coletaram-se dados dos fichários de pesquisa científica para avaliar a aderência do sujeito de pesquisa ao protocolo, correlacionando-a com fatores demográficos (raça, sexo e idade), sociais (local de nascimento, morada atual e instituição de tratamento), relação risco/beneficio envolvida e nível de escolaridade. O grau de dificuldade dos textos que compõem os TCLE foi avaliado, aplicando-se os Índices de Legibilidade Flesch Reading Ease e Flesch- Kincaid. Aplicou-se questionário aos entrevistadores para avaliar, a posteriori, a postura do sujeito de pesquisa à adesão ao TCLE no momento de sua assinatura ou discordância. A adesão dos sujeitos de pesquisa aos protocolos propostos não teve influência dos fatores demográficos e sociais, no entanto, verificou-se maior adesão entre os pacientes de instituição de tratamento público (99,7%) em comparação com instituição de tratamento privada (93,7%). A adesão foi maior entre os pacientes que participaram de protocolos com menor risco (99,73%) em comparação com os pacientes que participaram de protocolos com maior risco (81,3%). Apesar de a adesão não ter tido influência do nível de escolaridade, este foi menor ou igual a 8 anos de estudo para 462 pacientes (58,26%), entre os quais 444 (96,1%) pacientes eram de instituição de tratamento público. Os índices de legibilidade obtidos variaram de 9.9 12 para o teste de Flesch-Kincaid e 33,1 51,3 para o teste de Flesch Reading Ease. Os resultados encontrados na aplicação dos testes de legibilidade classificaram todos os textos avaliados em nível de difícil compreensão, exigindo maior nível de escolaridade para o seu entendimento Os entrevistadores estimaram, através do questionário aplicado a eles, que 90% dos pacientes do hospital público preferem ouvir a explicação do TCLE a ler o texto. Na instituição privada esta estimativa foi de 40%. Apenas onze sujeitos de pesquisa não aderiram ao TCLE. A adesão não recebeu influência de fatores demográficos e sociais. O risco inerente aos protocolos apresentados influenciou a adesão dos sujeitos de pesquisa. Os textos avaliados não se constituíram em linguagem escrita de fácil entendimento, necessitando mais de 9 anos de estudo para sua compreensão. Esta pesquisa sugere que, apesar da alta incidência de adesão, a avaliação de novos métodos de aplicação do TCLE é necessária para que o sujeito de pesquisa menos instruído tenha condições de compreender adequadamente todo o conteúdo do texto proposto no TCLE. / Researches engaging human beings pose ethical concerns since volunteers take on risks and inconveniences aiming to contribute to advanced scientific knowledge and to benefit others. The moment patients sign the term of voluntary and informed consent TCLE (Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido) they show they are willing to participate in clinical trials and that they understand the term and commit to complying with all rules in the document, aware that they can, at any moment, withdraw acceptance. The TCLE addresses all issues in the research process and are therefore important to the study participants. The information given at the TCLE must be clearly stated and easily understood, highlighting risks, possible benefits and procedures in addition to guaranteeing volunteer participation and consent withdrawal at any time during the trial. Lately, it has been speculated that the study participants do not totally understand the TCLEs text content and their participants rights before accepting the TCLE and joining the trial. This study analyzes the data from 793 patients, invited to take part in different protocols of clinical trials, as follows: 380 patients, invited to join the Clinic Cancer Genome Project Control Group; 365 patients, invited to join the Genome Clinic Cancer Genome of the Digestive System since they had one of the four tumors: colorectal cancer, cancer of the esophagus, cardia adenocarcinoma and gastric cancer; 48 patients were invited to join the International Multicenter double-blind, randomized, parallel-group, placebocontrolled study, with undisclosed sponsor, to determine the outcome of a 156-week treatment with MK-966(anti-inflammatory Anti-COX 2) in recurrent adenomatous polyp of the large bowel, in patients with a history of colorectal resection for adenoma at colonoscopy. Data were collected from previous scientific studies to assess study participants acceptance, correlating it to demographic factors (ethnic group, gender and age), social (birthplace, home place, health institution), cost/benefit and schooling. The level of difficulty in the TCLE texts was assessed with Flesch Reading Ease and Flesch-Kincaid readability measures. Interviewers answered a questionnaire a posteriori, to evaluate the study participants attitude toward the TCLE acceptance at the moment they signed it or did not accept it. The study participants acceptance of the suggested protocols was not influenced by demographic and social factors. However, patients from public health institutions (99,7%) outnumbered those from private health institutions (93,7%). Acceptance was higher among patients taking part in low-risk protocols (99,73%) than in high-risk protocols (81,3%). Although schooling did not influence acceptance, it was 8 years or less in 462 patients (58,26%), among who 444 (96,1%) were patients from public health institutions. The indices of legibility had varied of 9.9 - 12 for the test of Flesch-Kincaid and 33.1 - 51,3 for the test of Flesch Reading Ease. The results found in the application of the legibility tests had classified all the texts evaluated in level of difficult understanding, demanding higher school level for its agreement. Interviewers reported in questionnaires that 90% of the patients from public hospitals would rather listen to an explanation of the TCLE than read the text whereas in patients from private institution the percentage dropped to 40%. Only eleven study participants did not join the TCLE. Acceptance was not influenced by social and demographic factors, but the protocols risk levels influenced the study participants decisions. The evaluated texts proved to be difficult to understand, demanding over 9 years of schooling to be understood. This study suggests that, in spite of being highly accepted, the TCLE requires new application methods so that less educated people can properly understand its text contents.

La renonciation aux droits fondamentaux / The renunciation of the fundamental rights

Arroyo, Julie 10 October 2014 (has links)
La renonciation aux droits fondamentaux peut être entendue comme l'engagement juridique d'une personne de ne pas exercer ou d'exercer dans un sens déterminé un de ses droits fondamentaux. Malgré sa relative clandestinité dans la doctrine, la renonciation existe et connaît un régime juridique uniforme. Elle entretient des relations complexes et ambivalentes avec la liberté de son auteur. En effet, la renonciation présente pour particularité de constituer une manifestation significative de la liberté tout en risquant de la contrarier. Du reste, elle implique un aménagement plus ou moins important de l'exercice des droits et, ainsi, une limitation variable de la liberté du renonçant. L'étude de son champ et de sa typologie permet de révéler son existence et d'apprécier son étendue. Seuls certains droits fondamentaux peuvent voir leur exercice aménagé par leur titulaire, la ligne de séparation des droits « renonçables » et « irrenonçables » résultant d'une tension entre la liberté et l'ordre public. L'étude des supports de la renonciation, de sa structure et de ses modalités rend compte de sa fréquence importante et de ses formes juridiques variées. En dépit de ses formes multiples, la renonciation est enserrée dans des règles homogènes. Plus que tout autre acte juridique, elle est susceptible d'attenter à la liberté de son auteur, de sorte que son existence, de sa naissance à sa disparition, est encadrée. La validité de l'acte de renonciation est subordonnée à des conditions qui se trouvent sanctionnées en cas de non-respect. L'exécution de l'engagement du renonçant et son éventuel refus de respecter sa volonté passée sont, eux aussi, enserrés dans certaines normes. Ces dernières dépendent, pour la plupart d'entre elles, des formes revêtues par la renonciation. L'étude favorise, par ailleurs, la compréhension des droits fondamentaux. Elle éclaire leur signification ainsi que leur régime juridique. / Renouncement to fundamental rights can be seen as the legal act of a person to exercise or refuse to exercise one of its fundamental rights. Despite the relative absence of renouncement in academic literature, this notion exists and is ruled by a uniform legal set of rules. Relationships between renouncement and freedom are complex. Indeed, renouncement represents a significant freedom manifestation whilst creating a risk for said freedom. Furthermore, it implies a potential important arrangement of the use of rights and therefore a possible limitation to the freedom of the renouncing person. Only specific fundamental rights are to be considered as subjects to renouncement, due to a tension between freedom and public policy there is a need to set a boundary between “renoucable” and “non renouncable” rights. The study of renouncement cases shows their high frequency and various legal forms. However, renouncement is framed in a homogenous set of rules. More than any other legal act, renouncement can lead to a freedom weakening. Thus, renouncement lifecycle needs to be controlled. Non-compliance with validity conditions can lead to sanctions. Similarly, refusal of execution is also controlled by strict rules. The study of renouncement also helps understanding fundamental rights and highlights their meaning and legal structure.

Consenting Postpartum Women for Use of Routinely Collected Biospecimens and/or Future Biospecimen Collection

Kozinetz, Claudia A., Royse, Kathryn, Graham, Sarah c., Yu, Xiaoying, Moye, Jack, Selwyn, Beatrice J., Forman, Michele R., Caviness, Chantal 01 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The National Children’s Study (NCS) Harris County, Texas Study Center participated in the NCS Provider Based Sampling (PBS) substudy of the NCS Vanguard Phase pilot. As part of the hospital-based birth cohort component of the PBS substudy, we conducted a secondary data analysis to evaluate the proportion of postpartum women who consented to future biospecimen collection alone and to both future collection and use of residual birth biospecimens. In phase 1, 32 postpartum women at one hospital were asked to consent only to maternal future biospecimen collection. In phase 2, 40 other postpartum women from the same hospital were asked for an additional consent to use residual clinical biospecimens from the birth event that otherwise would be discarded, including cord blood and maternal blood and urine. Among 103 eligible women, a total of 72 participated. They were 28.3 ± 5.9 years old on average; 58 % were Hispanic; 63 % consented in English, and 37 % in Spanish; 39 % had some college education; 42 % were married; 60 % had an annual family income <$30,000; and 51 % were employed. In phase 1, 59 % consented to future biospecimen collection, and in phase 2, 95 % consented to both future collection and use of at least one residual birth biospecimen, with a difference between phases of 36 % [95 % CI 17–54 %]. Demographic characteristics did not differ among those who did and did not consent. Postpartum women were significantly more likely to grant consent for use of future and residual hospital-obtained biospecimens than future biospecimen collection alone.

Towards Improving Transparency, Intervenability, and Consent in HCI

Karegar, Farzaneh January 2018 (has links)
Transparency of personal data processing is enforced by most Western privacy laws, including the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which will be effective from May 2018. The GDPR specifies that personal data shall be processed lawfully, fairly, and in a transparent manner. It strengthens people's rights for both ex-ante and ex-post transparency and intervenability. Equally important is the strict legal requirements for informed consent established by the GDPR. On the other hand, the legal privacy principles have Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) implications. People should comprehend the principles, be aware of when the principles may be used, and be able to use them. Transparent information about personal data processing should be concise, intelligible, and provided in an easily accessible form, pursuant to the GDPR. Nonetheless, the answer to the question about how HCI implications can be addressed depends on the attempts to decrease the gap between legal and user-centric transparency, intervenability, and consent. Enhancing individuals' control in a usable way helps people to be aware of the flow of their personal information, control their data, make informed decisions, and finally preserve their privacy. The objective of this thesis is to propose usable tools and solutions, to enhance people's control and enforce legal privacy principles, especially transparency, intervenability, and informed consent. To achieve the goal of the thesis, different ways to improve ex-ante transparency and informed consent are investigated by designing and testing new solutions to make effective consent forms. Moreover, ex-post transparency and intervenability are improved by designing a transparency enhancing tool and investigating users' perceptions of data portability and transparency in the tool. The results of this thesis contribute to the body of knowledge by mapping legal privacy principles to HCI solutions, unveiling HCI problems and answers when aiming for legal compliance, and proposing effective designs to obtain informed consent. / The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) strengthens people’s rights for transparency, intervenability, and consent. The legal privacy principles have Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) implications. Besides aiming for legal compliance, it is of paramount importance to investigate how to provide individuals with usable and user-centric transparency, intervenability, and consent. The objective of this thesis is to propose usable tools and solutions, to enhance people's control and enforce legal privacy principles, especially transparency, intervenability, and informed consent. To achieve the goal of the thesis, different ways to improve ex-ante transparency and informed consent are investigated by designing and testing new solutions to make effective consent forms. Moreover, ex-post transparency and intervenability are improved by designing a transparency enhancing tool and investigating users' perceptions of data portability and transparency in the tool. The results of this thesis contribute to the body of knowledge by mapping legal privacy principles to HCI solutions, unveiling HCI problems and answers when aiming for legal compliance, and proposing effective designs to obtain informed consent. / <p>The 3. article was in manuscript form at the time of the licentiate defense: Karegar, F. / User Evaluations of an App Interface for Cloud-based Identity Management / / Manuskript (preprint)</p>

Avaliação de como os sujeitos da pesquisa entendem a sua participação em ensaios clínicos num hospital terciário / Assessment of how the subjects understand their participation in clinical trials in a tertiary care hospital

Meneguin, Silmara 24 April 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Em ensaios clínicos o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido é fundamental para a preservação da ética na pesquisa clínica e precisa ser lido e assinado pelos pacientes. No entanto, dada a sua complexidade este documento pode não ser entendido pelos mesmos. Para avaliar o entendimento destes sobre a pesquisa realizamos esta investigação. MÉTODOS: Convidamos os sujeitos participantes de ensaios clínicos de hipertensão arterial sistêmica e doença arterial coronária, fase II, III ou IV ambulatoriais e com fármacos, de jan/2002 a dez/2006, para responder questionário estruturado com 29 questões. Estes foram divididos em dois grupos, com uso (grupo I) ou não (grupo II) de placebo, após a randomização. Ao final, 80 pacientes compareceram de 106. Doutros 26 sujeitos, sete se recusaram, nove não foram localizados, oito foram excluídos e dois faleceram. As variáveis de cada questão foram consideradas por freqüência de ocorrência. A comparação entre as médias dos grupos foi realizada pelos testes t de Student ou Wilcoxon. Para avaliar associações utilizou-se o Qui-Quadrado, o teste de Razão de Verossimilhança ou Fisher. Para confirmar as informações, realizou-se também o grupo focal, tendo participado 8 do grupo I e 11 do grupo II. RESULTADOS: Avaliamos 80 sujeitos (grupo I- 47, grupo II- 33). As características sócio demográficas foram similares em ambos. Quanto à motivação para participar da pesquisa, 66,2% atribuíram-na ao benefício próprio, 42,5% pelo bem da ciência, e atendendo ao pedido médico 25,0%, em ambos os grupos. Quanto ao termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido, 50% não entenderam o seu conteúdo e 32,9% sequer o leram, mas o assinaram. No grupo I, 66,7% dos sujeitos não entenderam o significado de placebo e dos que afirmaram ter entendido (n=23) somente doze de fato comprovam o entendimento correto. Foram realizadas associações entre o não entender o significado do termo placebo com as variáveis de interesse para o estudo, e encontramos forte correlação com a escolaridade (p=0,022), evidenciando que quanto menor o nível de instrução menor também o entendimento. Houve também tendência entre ter um companheiro e ler o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido antes de assinar (p=0,052), e o nível de escolaridade dos sujeitos e conversar sobre o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido com o pesquisador (p=0,053). No que tange ao grupo focal, este corroborou os resultados e evidenciou que o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido é considerado difícil pelos pacientes, porém a compreensão é favorecida pela equipe que complementa as informações de maneira clara e dispensa a leitura em virtude do vínculo de confiança estabelecido com esta. CONCLUSÕES: O termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido é pouco compreendido pelos sujeitos e para alguns a confiança no seu médico é crucial para a sua decisão em participar de um ensaio clínico com fármaco; evidenciou-se também influência do nível de instrução dos sujeitos no entendimento do termo placebo. Por outro lado, não houve repercussão na vida dos sujeitos em participar de ensaios clínicos com ou sem placebo, uma vez que a maior motivação para participar é pela expectativa do benefício terapêutico. / INTRODUCTION: To participate in a clinical trial patients have to sign an informed consent, often with misinterpretation words. Herein we addressed the issue of what do patients understand about the informed consent. METHODS: Patients that have participated in clinical trials in our institution were invited to an interview. From a data bank, between 2002 to 2006, patients were contacted by phone call. The questionnaire patients were submitted to was composed of 29 questions. To confirm some data, we did a second interview using the focal technique. Patients were allocated in two groups: Group 1- those that could have taken placebo for the treatment of their illness after a randomization, Group 2- those that did not take placebo during the treatment period but could have taken during the wash-out period. Statistics: were done with the t-Student test, or the Wilcoxon test. To evaluate associations we used the Qui-Square, Similarity test or the Fisher test and we considered a p value of 0,05. RESULTS: 80 patients, 60 (75%) males, age (average in years + SD) of 58.8 + 9.2; 47 in group 1 (58.3 ± 9.0) and 33 in group 2 (59.4 ± 9.8). Except for the job situation, both groups were similar. Of notice is the number of patients that were illiterate or have not completed the primary school. The most quoted motivation to participate was in their own benefit (66.2%), and second to the interest of science (42.5%). It is noteworthy that 50% of patients did not understand the informed consent but even in this case they did sign it. 66% did not understand the meaning of placebo that was correlated to the patients level of education (p= 0.02). Also, 36.2% of patients in group-I were not aware they could have taken tablets with no effect. In 19 patients (eight in group I and 11 in group II) submitted to the focal technique interview, what came out as the more important to their decision making to participate or not in a clinical trial, was the opinion of their assistant doctor. This was stood by almost all (90%) patients in this second interview. CONCLUSION: The informed consent was poorly understood, and for some patients the trust in their assistant doctors is crucial for their agreement to participate in a trial. This raised concerns about long and boring informed consent, and also how important are doctors´ words in the decision making of patients, probably due to their education level.

Trabalho e emprego no setor de telemarketing / Work and employment in the sector of telemarketing

Silva, Fabio Pimentel de Maria da 12 March 2010 (has links)
O trabalho mediado pelas tecnologias da informação conheceu significativa difusão nas últimas décadas, tendo acompanhado não só o crescimento do setor de serviços, mas também os processos de reestruturação produtiva ocorridos nas principais economias mundiais. Daí advém seu papel central na configuração do capitalismo contemporâneo, assim como na elaboração das teorias que buscam compreendê-lo. No Brasil, as centrais de teleatividades apresentam em geral uma organização do trabalho que reúne tendências bastante representativas dos processos de reestruturação produtiva que ocorreram no país nas últimas décadas, mesclando elementos do taylorismo clássico com outros de matiz toyotista. Além disso, os operadores de telemarketing, funcionários, em sua maioria, de empresas terceirizadas, tomam parte do amplo movimento de precarização que tem atingido os trabalhadores brasileiros nos últimos vinte anos. Tentaremos ao longo de nosso trabalho tratar do modo de constituição desses fenômenos na história recente, assim como discutir as maneiras pelas quais os teleoperadores os vivenciam e respondem a eles. Será dada especial ênfase aos fenômenos da formação de consentimento no local de trabalho e da constituição do sofrimento psíquico. Pretendemos também que esta pesquisa, embora circunscrita por limitações de diversas ordens, possa conseguir discutir em alguma medida os temas da luta de classes e da ideologia no capitalismo brasileiro contemporâneo. / Work mediated by information technologies has spread significantly during the last decades, having followed not only the growth of the service sector, but also the production restructuring processes that took place in the world´s main economies. Therefore is central the role it has been playing in contemporary capitalism and in the theorizations that aim its understanding. In Brazil, the organization of work in call centers assembles very typical tendencies of the production restructuring that took place in the country especially since the nineties, mixing elements of classical taylorism with some others which have a toyotist source. Besides, telemarketers, employed mostly in subcontracted companies, take part in the large process of labor precarization, which has had many effects upon Brazilian workers in the last twenty years. We shall try in this dissertation to deal with the way those phenomena have developed in recent history, as well as discuss the ways telemarketers experience and respond to them. Special emphasis shall be given to the phenomena of the making of consent in the work place, as well as that of the rising of psychic suffering. We also hope that this research, although surrounded by limitations of varied nature, may discuss in some way the forms of class struggle and ideology in contemporary Brazilian capitalism.

A caracterização do alfabetismo funcional em usuários do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo: recomendações para a redação do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido / The functional literacy characterization among users of the Hospital das Clinicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo: recommendations for the wording of informed consent form

Araújo, Diego Vinicius Pacheco de 12 November 2009 (has links)
Os objetivos deste estudo são: descrever o nível de alfabetismo funcional dos usuários do ambulatório do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo; comparar o nível de alfabetismo funcional dos usuários ambulatoriais do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMUSP) com os do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA); identificar recomendações para adequar a redação do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido utilizado nas pesquisas do HCFMUSP ao nível de alfabetismo de seus usuários. Trata-se de um estudo transversal quantitativo com 399 sujeitos, a amostra foi intencional, selecionada entre usuários dos ambulatórios do HCFMUSP. A coleta de dados utilizou um instrumento que continha um texto em prosa compatível para a avaliação das habilidades de leitura necessárias para a compreensão de um TCLE. Os dados apontam que mais de 46,6% dos entrevistados foram classificados como analfabetos funcionais, desses, 12,7% sequer foram capazes de entender a tarefa proposta no texto lido. Apesar disto, quase 50% dos entrevistados declararam ter ao menos iniciado o ensino médio. Os resultados e as orientações para a redação de texto centrada no leitor permitiu que elaborássemos recomendações para tornar os termos de consentimento mais fáceis de ler. Recomendamos que o pesquisador elabore o TCLE como um texto em estrutura narrativa, dirigido ao leitor, usando palavras e termos familiares aos sujeitos, ou seja, termos comuns à linguagem dos sujeitos e à linguagem médica. Além de contribuir para melhorar a relação entre o sujeito e o pesquisador, acredita-se que estas recomendações possam contribuir para a diminuição do tempo de tramitação de projetos de pesquisa, já que os problemas na redação do TCLE motivam boa parte das pendências que retardam este andamento / This study aimed to describe the literacy of the patients at the Hospital das Clinicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo; compare literacy between the patients at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo (HCFMUSP) and those at the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA); and recommend how to suit the Consent Form in research protocols to HCFMUSP patients literacy .This is a quantitative cross-sectional study with 399 subjects. Sample was intentionally selected among users of ambulatory HCFMUSP. Data collection used a narrative text compatible for assessing the reading skills needed for understanding consent forms. Results point out that 46.6% of the respondents were funcionally illiterate, and 12.7% of them were not even able to understand the task presented in the questions. Despite this, almost 50% of the respondents declared that they had, at least, started the high school. Based on the results and guidelines for writing texts centered on subjects literacy we recommend how to make consent forms easier for reading. We recommend that researchers write consent forms as a narrative texts addressed to the research subject reader; use words and expressions suitable to subjects culture and literacy. In other words, researchers should use words common to both languages: the popular language spoken by the patients and the medical language. We believe that these recommendations might improve the relationship between researchers and subjects and, as well, reduce the time taken to obtain the ethical approval of research projects

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