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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Telenovela e sociedade contemporânea = apontamentos acerca das possibilidades de identificação / Telenovela and contemporary : notes concerning the identification possibilities

Silva, Cristiane Valéria da 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Claudia Mariza Braga / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T11:42:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silva_CristianeValeriada_M.pdf: 483337 bytes, checksum: 5ec385e7b8f5676fd208baeda0f74ca9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa teve como foco investigativo o processo de identificação suscitado no público da telenovela brasileira - fenômeno intrincado e multifacetado que solicita a interlocução entre as estruturas que o constituem. Deste modo, como procedimento metodológico, sistematizou-se a relação entre a estrutura formal da telenovela, a sociedade contemporânea e as configurações psíquicas. Neste sentido, a pesquisa em questão se dividiu em três perspectivas de análise. A primeira perspectiva está referida à estruturação dramática: quais os elementos e estratégias narrativas utilizados pela telenovela que suscitam no público a identificação e uma possível catarse e como estes elementos são construídos na trama. Uma segunda diz da relação entre o cotidiano concreto e o cotidiano ficcional: a transposição da realidade para a tela visando à identificação do telespectador com aquilo que lhe é familiar. A terceira perspectiva traz a reflexão acerca da construção da realidade ficcional apoiada na reprodução da sociedade contemporânea, na qual se inscreve uma crise dos sentidos que impede ao telespectador questionar esta estrutura e a si mesmo. A articulação entre estas perspectivas indicou um caminho que desemboca em um elemento importante para entender o fenômeno em análise: configurações psíquicas que são acionadas diante da necessidade de consolação. Diante do sofrimento e do impedimento em superá-lo, engendra-se uma fuga ilusória do cotidiano, mecanismo de defesa que afirma o próprio sofrimento. Assim, por meio da articulação e tensão entre os constructos consolação, fantasia e experiência, foi possível elucidar instrumentos que estão presentes na telenovela nacional e que oferecem ao seu público uma alternativa às possibilidades de experiência. Em uma sociedade em que as possibilidades de formação cultural estão obliteradas, a telenovela parece substituir a experiência e dificultar o estabelecimento de uma esfera psicológica autônoma. Entretanto, não basta que o público veja seu cotidiano na tela, ou mesmo perceba na telenovela exemplos de comportamentos a serem seguidos. Esta pesquisa indica a necessidade de que fagulhas de uma vida não vivida se apresentem como possibilidades de experiência, mesmo que uma experiência emprestada. / Abstract: This research has as investigative focus the process of identification raised on the brazilian telenovela audience - intricate and multifaceted phenomenon that requires a dialogue between the structures that constitute it. Therefore, as a methodological procedure, it systematized the connection between the formal structure of the soap opera, the contemporary society and the psychic configurations. This way, this research was divided into three analysis perspectives. The first perspective refers to the dramatic structure: the elements and narrative strategies used by the telenovela that raises the identification and a possible catharsis on the audience and how these elements are constructed into the plot. The second is about the connection between concrete day-to-day and fictional day-to-day: the reality transposition to the screen looking for the viewer identification with what his is familiar to. The third perspective brings the reflection about the fictional reality construction, based in the reproduction of contemporary society, which inscribes a crisis of senses that forbids the viewer to question himself about this structure. The link between these perspectives indicate a path which leads to an important element in understanding the phenomenon under analysis: psychic configurations that are driven towards the need of consolation. In front of the suffering and unable to overcome it, is formulated an illusory escape from the day-to-day, defense mechanism that maintains their own suffering. Thus, through the link and tension between the constructs consolation, fantasy and experience, was possible to elucidate the tools that are present in the national telenovela and which offer to the audience an alternative to the experience possibilities. In a society where the opportunities of cultural formation are obliterated, the telenovela seems to replace the experience and hinders to estabilish an autonomous psychological sphere. But it is not enough that the audience see their day-to-day lives on the screen, or even realizes examples of behaviors to be followed in the soap opera. This research indicates the need that sparks of a not lived life presents as possibilities of experience, even a borrowed experience. / Mestrado / Artes Cenicas / Mestre em Artes

A imagem feminina na Moralia: heroísmo e outras virtudes / The feminist image in the \"Moralia\": heroism and other virtues

Mariana Duarte Silveira 18 July 2006 (has links)
A pesquisa apresentada consiste em cinco momentos distintos: Capítulo I - introdução situando a abra e o autor; Capítulo II - ensaios que contextualizam as obras traduzidas, apresentando alguns aspectos relevantes no olhar de Plutarco para a posição da mulher nos âmbitos público e privado; Capítulo III - traduções de três tratados de Plutarco: As virtudes das mulheres, Preceitos para o casamento e Carta de consolação à sua mulher; Capítulo IV - sob o título de considerações finais, destaca como a idéia de virtude feminina perpassa os textos traduzidos e como o conceito de virtude em alguns autores gregos dialoga com a idéia de virtude feminina presente na obra de Plutarco. O Capítulo V, por sua vez, apresenta um glossário dos nomes traduzidos. / The research done has five different moments: Chapter I - an introduction presenting the author and his work; Chapter II - essays that remit the translated works to the context at that period, showing some relevant thoughts of Plutarch about women position in public and private spaces, during the Ancient times; Chapter III - translation of three Plutarch\'s works: Bravery of Women , Advice to bride and groome and Consolation to his wife; Chapter IV - the final considerations emphasize how the idea of feminine virtue is inserted in the translated works and also the interlocution between the concept of virtue in some Greek authors and Plutarch\'s ideas. Chapter V presents a glossary of the translated names.

Philosophy of consolation : the Epicurean tetrapharmakos

Bjarnason, Paul E. (Paul Elwin) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Epicureanism, one of several major Hellenistic philosophical schools, complemented its materialist, non-teleological ontology with a set of spiritual exercises (askesis) intended to prepare its disciples to live a happy life within a clearly defmed moral context. The emblem of Epicurean ethics was the tetrapharmakos, or fourfold remedy, consisting in the dictum: Nothing to fear in god; Nothing to feel in death; Good is easy to attain; Evil is easy to endure. A question that arises concerns how the tetrapharmakos, in conjunction with the wide variety of spiritual exercises which flowed from it, was capable of offering to Epicurean disciples consolatio in the face of life's uncertainties and guiding them to the supreme pleasure of the gods, tranquillity (ataraxia), which, together with absence of bodily pain (aponia), brings to man the flourishing life (eudaimonia). Yet, afortiori, how is it possible, in the absence of belief in divine providence, to retain a sense of equanimity throughout a finite life in an often harsh world? How can one avoid capitulating to despair and anxiety? Such questions are relevant to the ancient Epicureans, and are central to this thesis. Epicurean materialism is presupposed throughout the thesis, and the arguments and exercises which emerged from the Epicurean materialist ontology are examined critically in order to assess the coherence and effectiveness of the Epicurean mode of living. An examination of the role of Epicurean spiritual exercises is therefore undertaken, in order to reveal the Epicureans' relationship with the natural and social worlds, as well as with each other and with the gods, and thus to explain how these exercises were capable of providing consolation, and further, to consider whether such exercises, in some form or other, are still able to do soin the twenty-fust century. The ancient conception of philosophy as a way of life is discussed fully, most particularly the specific nature of Epicurean philosophy in this respect. The four strands or remedies of the tetrapharmakos are then examined, in order, at length. The nature of Epicurean gods and their relation to man are given detailed consideration, as are the arguments and exercises used by Epicureans to dispel fear of the gods. A similar treatment is accorded the Epicurean view of death as a natural dissolution of man qua material being, and to the arguments and exercises aimed at overcoming fear of death, the second of the two great causes of human anxiety. Epicurean hedonism, within which pleasure assumes the role of man's goal,· or telos, is examined thoroughly, as are major issues of contention -- in particular, the Epicurean bifurcation of the telos into katastematie pleasure and kinetic pleasure, and the relation between these two kinds of pleasure. A concluding chapter summarises the fmdings of the thesis and suggests the relevance of Epicureanism and its associated spiritual exercises for citizens of the twenty-fust century. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Epikurisme, een van verskeie belangrike Hellenistiese filosofiese skole, het sy materialistiese, nie-teologiese ontologie aangevul deur 'n versameling geestelike oefeninge (askesis) wat ten doel gehad het om dissipels voor te berei om 'n gelukkige lewe binne 'n duidelik gedefinieerde morele konteks te lei. Die embleem van die Epikuriese etiek was die tetrafarmakos , of viervoudige geneesmiddel, wat bestaan het uit die dictum: Om niks te vrees oor god nie; Om niks te voel oor die dood nie; Die goeie is maklik om te verkry; Die kwaad is maklik om te verduur. Die vraag ontstaan hoe die tetrafarmakos, tesame met die wye verskeidenheid geestelike oefeninge wat daaruit voortspruit, in staat was om aan die Epikuriese dissipels consolatio ten aanskoue van die onsekerhede van die lewe te bied en om hulle tot die hoogste genot van die gode, gemoedsrus (ataraxia), te voer, wat, gepaardgaande met die afwesigheid van fisiese pyn (aponia), die mens by 'n gelukkige lewe (eudaimonia) uitbring. Hoe is dit egter 'n fortiori moontlik om in die afwesigheid van 'n geloof in 'n goddelike voorsienigheid 'n gevoel van gelykmatigheid reg deur 'n eindige lewe in 'n dikwels harde wêreld te behou? Die Epikuriese materialisme word deurlopend in die tesis voorveronderstel, en die argumente en oefeninge wat uit die Epikuriese materialistiese ontologie na vore kom, word krities ondersoek ten einde die samehang en doeltreffendheid van die Epikuriese leefwyse te evalueer. Die rol van die Epikuriese geestelike oefeninge word dus ondersoek om die Epikureërs se verhouding met die natuurlike en die sosiale wêreld, sowel as met mekaar en met die gode, na vore te bring, om sodoende te verduidelik hoe hierdie oefeninge in staat was om vertroosting te bied, en om voorts te kyk of sulke oefeninge in die een of ander formaat nog steeds in staat is om dit in die een-en-twintigste eeu te doen. Die antieke siening van die filosofie as 'n leefwyse word ten volle bespreek, veral die eie-aard van die Epikuriese filosofie in hierdie opsig. Die vier aspekte of geneesmiddels van die tetrafarmakos word agtereenvolgens uitvoerig bespreek. Die aard van die Epikuriese gode en hulle verhouding tot die mens word in besonderhede ondersoek, asook die argumente en oefeninge wat die Epikureërs gebruik het om vrees vir die gode die nek in te slaan. Die Epikuriese siening van die dood as 'n natuurlike ontbinding van die mens qua materiële wese word op soortgelyke wyse behandel, soos ook die argumente en oefeninge wat daarop gerig is om die vrees vir die dood, die tweede van die twee groot oorsake van die mens se angs, te oorkom. Epirurese hedonisme, waarin genot die mens se lewensdoel of telos word, word grondig ondersoek, sowel as belangrike verskilpunte - in besonder die Epikuriese tweedeling van die telos in katastematiese en kinetiese genot, en die verband tussen hierdie twee vorme van genot. Die slothoofstuk vat die bevindinge van die tesis saam en suggereer dat die Epikurisme en die geestelike oefeninge wat daarmee gepaard gaan, nog steeds relevant is vir mense van die een-en-twintigste eeu.

Chaucer's poetry and the new Boethianism

Hunter, Brooke Marie 27 October 2010 (has links)
My dissertation reexamines Chaucer’s debts to the Consolation by reconciling Boethius’s Neoplatonic distaste for the material world with Chaucer’s poetic celebrations of the variety and sensuality of human life. I revise the understanding of Chaucer’s poetry by recontextualizing it within a new Boethianism that stems from Chaucer’s interaction with the scholastic commentary on the Consolation by Nicholas Trevet. Although critics have long known that Chaucer’s Boece extensively borrows from, glosses, and cross references with Trevet’s commentary, very little attention has been given to what effect this had on Chaucer’s Boethian poetry. My dissertation argues that through Trevet’s immensely popular commentary, Chaucer received a predominantly Aristotelian-Thomist reading of the Consolation, one that reinvents Boethius’s Neoplatonic rejection of the sensual world as an apologetically materialist philosophy. The Aristotelian-Thomist influence of Trevet’s commentary is most visible in Chaucer’s treatment of the human interactions with the temporal world: in the functions of sense perception, the working of memory, and the desire to foresee the unknown future. / text

L'Interaction épistolaire au XVIIIe siècle. Etude réalisée à partir de trois dialogues épistolaires : Etude réalisée à partir de trois dialogues épistolaires : Voltaire & Mme du Deffand, Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Malesherbes, Benjamin Constant & Isabelle de Charrière. Théorie et pratique de l'épistolaire au XVIIIe siècle

Khouzeimi, Sami 08 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Notre travail décrit le processus de l'interaction épistolaire au XVIIIe siècle à travers l'étude des trois exemples de dialogues épistolaires, à savoir : Voltaire & Mme du Deffand, Rousseau & Malesherbes et enfin Benjamin Constant &Isabelle de Charrière. Nous comprenons par l'interaction épistolaire, le va-et-vient entre les deux correspondants, leur influence mutuelle, leurs échanges de rôles. La question principale qui se pose ici est la suivante : quel est l'intérêt, pour les deux correspondants, de cet échange épistolaire dans la durée? Dans quel objectif les deux épistoliers s'écrivent-ils l'un à l'autre ? Comment un dialogue épistolaire peut-il modifier l'image de l'autre, la structure et les dispositions morales ? Le XVIIIe siècle a connu en fait un foisonnement épistolaire grâce à l'épanouissement de la pensée philosophique et des Lumières. On avait le goût de l'échange épistolaire qui touche tous les sujets de la vie, surtout entreamis. Ainsi se construisent plusieurs commerces épistolaires, dont certains se développent en réseaux. Pour Voltaire et Madame Du Deffand, leur commerce épistolaire suit un rythme binaire, le plus souvent harmonieux, mais parfois" syncopé ", sous la forme d'un dialogue philosophique éblouissant jusqu'à la disparition de Voltaire. Dans ce dialogue,nous découvrons au fil des jours beaucoup d'idées et de thèmes qui nous informent excellemment sur toute une époque.La correspondance de Rousseau et de Malesherbes nous renseigne sur des détails infimes liés aux problèmes de la publication des oeuvres et à la censure, sans oublier le côté personnel de leur amitié, mais elle se fonde plutôt sur une sorte de désir de loyauté et une volonté de clairvoyance dans l'échange des secrets, caractéristiques essentielles desconfessions auxquelles Rousseau nous a habitués. Quant à Benjamin Constant et Isabelle de Charrière, leur dialogue,malgré leur écart d'âge, semble très intéressant dans son contenu. Si Constant se plaît à décrire à Isabelle de Charrière les circonstances de sa vie de façon filiale, un intérêt, une passion soutenue se fait jour dans cette correspondance.

The Longest Transference: Self-Consolation and Politics in Latin Philosophical Literature

Robinson, Clifford Allen January 2014 (has links)
<p>This dissertation identifies Cicero's <italic>Consolatio</italic>, Seneca's <italic>Ad Polybium de consolatione</italic>, and Boethius' <italic>De consolatione Philosophiae</italic> as self-consolations, in which these Roman authors employ philosophical argument and literary art, in order to provide a therapy for their own crippling experience of grief. This therapeutic discourse unfolds between two contradictory conditions, though, since the philosophers must possess the self-mastery and self-possession that qualifies the consoler to perform his task felicitously, and they must lack those very same qualifications, insofar as their experience of loss has exposed their dependence upon others and they thus require consolation. Foucault's theoretical treatment of ancient philosophical discourse is supplemented by Lacanian critical theory and the political theology of Giorgio Agamben to perform analyses of the consolatory texts and their political context. These analyses reveal that self-consolation overcomes the contradictory conditions that found this discourse through literary and rhetorical artifice. But this resolution then places the apparent completeness of the philosophical argument in doubt, as the consoled authors in each case finally call for a decisive action that would join philosophical reflection to the merely human world that philosophy would have these consolers leave behind. Each author's self-consolation therefore demonstrates a split allegiance to the Roman political community and to a Socratic philosophical heritage that advocates for withdrawal from politics.</p> / Dissertation

Equipping adult members of churches of the Troup Baptist Association in Lagrange, Georgia, in ministering to people who experience the death of a family member or friend

Eichelberger, Kathy January 2007 (has links)
Project (D. Min.)--New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 2007. / Abstract and vita. Includes project in ministry report. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 194-201, 49-56).

Equipping selected leaders of Central Baptist Church, Hillsboro, Texas, to minister to members who experience non-elective prenatal loss /

Manning, Keith January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 2007. / Abstract and vita. Includes final project proposal. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 139-142, 56-57).

Distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av att förmedla tröst / District nurses’ experiences of conveying consolation

Spjut, Ulrika, Sandberg, Karin January 2014 (has links)
Distriktssköterskor kommer ofta i kontakt med patienter som lider och är i behov av tröst. Tröst är ett samspel som kräver att både distriktssköterskan och patienten medverkar. Studiens syfte var att studera distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av att förmedla tröst. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes. Distriktssköterskor (n=11) verksamma vid vårdcentraler alternativt inom kommunal hemsjukvård intervjuades om sina erfarenheter av att förmedla tröst. Materialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Distriktssköterskors erfarenhet av att förmedla tröst framträdde i tre icke hierarkiska kategorier. Tröstens källa beskriver orsaken till att distriktssköterskan förmedlar tröst och har två underkategorier: Tröst ges utifrån ett lidande och En grundpelare för god omvårdnad. Tröstens förmedlingsvägar beskriver hur distriktssköterskorna ger tröst till patienten och har två underkategorier: Tröstande relation och Tröstande kommunikation. Tröstens inverkan beskriver hur patienten och distriktssköterskan påverkas av trösten och har två underkategorier: Tröst kan ge ökat välbefinnande och Trösta är en meningsfull syssla som både ger och tar kraft. Slutsats: Förmedla tröst är en betydelsefull del i distriktssköterskans yrkesroll och har stor betydelse för patientens välbefinnande. Även distriktssköterskan påverkas av att förmedla tröst. / District nurses often meet suffering patients who need consolation. Consolation is an interaction that requires participation from both the nurse and the patient. The aim of the study was to study district nurses´ experiences of conveying consolation. Method: A qualitative interview study was carried out. District nurses (n=11) working at health care centers or in community health care were interviewed about their experiences of conveying consolation. A content analysis was used to analyze data. Results: District nurses´ experiences of conveying consolation appeared in three nonhierarchical categories. The source of consolation describes why district nurses give consolation and has two subcategories: Consolation is given because of suffering and A keystone for good nursing. The ways of conveying consolation describes how the district nurses give consolation to the patient and has two subcategories: A consolatory relation and Consolatory communication. The effect of consolation describes how the consolation affects the patient and the district nurses and has two subcategories: Consolation can give increased well-being and Consolation is an important task which both gives and takes energy. Conclusion: Conveying consolation is a meaningful part of the district nurses´ professional role and has important implications for patients´ comfort. Conveying consolation also affects the district nurses.

Equipping a select group of deacons and wives in First Baptist Church, Ocala, Florida, to assist in aftercare ministry

Hanes, Phillip E. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 2006. / Includes abstract and vita. "November 2006." Includes bibliographical references (leaves 175-178).

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