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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tekniklärares attityder till teknikämnet och teknikundervisningen / Swedish technology teachers’ attitudes to the technology subject and totechnology teaching.

Charlotta, Nordlöf January 2018 (has links)
Skolforskning i allmänhet visar på att läraren är viktig, läraren är faktiskt en av de viktigaste faktorerna för elevernas framgång. Läraren är betydelsefull både när det gäller elevernas prestationer och deras attityder. Från tidigare attitydforskning vet vi att lärarens attityder har betydelse för undervisningen, men även för lärarens eget tankesätt. När det kommer till området teknikundervisning behöver lärarnas attityder undersökas och utforskas mer, vilket denna licentiatuppsats, bestående av två delstudier, bidrar till. Den övergripande forskningsfrågan är; Vad har svenska tekniklärare i grundskolan för attityder till teknikämnet och teknikundervisningen? Tekniklärarnas attityder har undersökts med både kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder. Den första studien baseras på en enkätundersökning med 1153 tekniklärare i Sverige. Till att börja med identifierades fyra dimensioner av attityd i materialet; Teknikundervisning är viktigt, Förutsättningarna för teknikundervisning är goda, Kursplanen är i fokus för teknikundervisningen och Läraren har intresse, kunskap och självförtroende. Vidare så fanns tre kluster av lärare, Positiva, Negativa och Blandade, vilka baserades på lärarnas attityd till teknikämnet och teknikundervisning. Därefter testades olika variabler som prediktorer för klustertillhörighet, och att ha tekniklärarutbildning visade sig vara den mest betydelsefulla prediktorn. Licentiatuppsatsens andra studie är kvalitativ och bygger på intervjuer med 10 svenska tekniklärare. I den delstudien studeras en specifik del av attityder till teknikundervisning, nämligen lärarnas upplevda kontroll, som består av två komponenter; upplevd självförmåga (self-efficacy) och kontextberoende. Studien resulterade i tre underkategorier av upplevd självförmåga (self-efficacy). Dessa var Erfarenhet, utbildning och intresse, Ämneskunskap och Förberedelse. Vidare så utvecklades fyra underkategorier av kontextberoende; Stöd av kollegor, Kursplan, Resurser och Status. Lärare har olika attityder till olika delar av teknikundervisningen, men generellt sett så har lärare med tekniklärarutbildning fördelar vad gäller attityd. Vidare så pekar resultatet på att kontextuella faktorer både kan begränsa och utveckla teknikundervisningen. Att avsätta tid på olika sätt: genom tid för teknikundervisning, tid för tekniklärare att mötas och tid för utbildning av tekniklärare, visar sig vara möjliga vägar för att komma framåt och att förbättra tekniklärares attityder till teknikundervisning. / Teachers are important for students’ achievement and students’ attitudes in education in general; actually, the teacher is seen as one of the most important factors for student achievement. The teacher is important, for both the students’ achievements and mind-sets. Attitudes matters in teaching and education, which is known from previous attitude research. In technology education, teachers’ attitudes to technology education needs to be further investigated, and that is where this licentiate thesis, based on two studies, is contributing. The main research question was; What are Swedish technology teachers’ attitudes to the technology subject and to technology teaching? In this licentiate thesis, technology teachers’ attitudes were investigated by mixed methods, in two studies. The first study was based on quantitative research and an inquiry based on 1153 technology teachers in Sweden. The second study is qualitative and is based on ten interviews with Swedish technology teachers. In the first study four dimensions of attitude were found in the material; Technology education is important, Conditions are favourable for technology education, Curriculum is in focus in technology education and Confidence, interest and knowledge of the teacher is high. Further, three teacher clusters were identified, Positive, Negative and Mixed, based on teachers’ attitudes towards technology education. Predictors for cluster belonging were identified, and for a positive attitude, education in technology was identified to be the most influential predictor. In the second study, teachers’ perceived control, as a part of attitude, was studied in particular. Perceived control consist of two attitude components: self-efficacy and context dependency. Three sub-themes of self-efficacy were found; Experience, education and interest, Subject knowledge, and Preparation. Further, four sub-themes of context dependency were found; Collegial support, Syllabus, Resources and Status. Teachers in this study have different attitudes to different parts of technology education, but teachers educated in technology generally seem to have advantages, when it comes to attitudes. The results further tells that contextual factors both can limit and boost technology education. Time for teaching technology, time for technology teachers to meet and time for education of technology teachers, seems to be a key to how to find ways forward and how to improve teachers’ attitudes towards technology teaching.

Context-dependent voice commands in spoken dialogue systems for home environments : A study on the effect of introducing context-dependent voice commands to a spoken dialogue system for home environments

Dahlgren, Karl January 2013 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate the eect context could have to interaction between a user and a spoken dialogue system. It was assumed that using context-dependent voice commands instead of absolute semantic voice commands would make the dialogue more natural and also increase the usability. This thesis also investigate if introducing context could aect the user's privacy and if it could expose a threat for the user from a user perspective. Based on an extended literature review of spoken dialogue system, voice recognition, ambient intelligence, human-computer interaction and privacy, a spoken dialogue system was designed and implemented to test the assumption. The test study included two steps: experiment and interview. The participants conducted the dierent scenarios where a spoken dialogue system could be used with both context-dependent commands and absolute semantic commands. Based on these studies, qualitative results regarding natural, usability and privacy validated the authors hypothesis to some extent. The results indicated that the interaction between users and spoken dialogue systems was more natural and increased the usability when using context. The participants did not feel more monitored by the spoken dialogue system when using context. Some participants stated that there could be a theoretical privacy issues, but only if the security measurements were not met. The paper concludes with suggestions for future work in the scientic area. / Denna uppsats har som mal att undersoka vilken eekt kontext kan ha pa interaktion mellan en anvandare och ett spoken dialogue system. Det antogs att anvandbarheten skulle oka genom att anvanda kontextberoende rostkommandon istallet for absolut semantiska rostkommandon. Denna uppsats granskar aven om kontext kan paverka anvandarens integritet och om den, ur ett anvandarperspektiv, kan utgora ett hot. Baserat pa den utokade litteraturstudien av spoken dialogue system, rostigenkanning, ambient intelligence, manniska-datorinteraktion och integritet, designades och implementerades ett spoken dialogue system for att testa detta antagande. Teststudien bestod av tva steg: experiment och intervju. Deltagarna utforde olika scenarier dar ett spoken dialogue system kunde anvands med kontextberoende rostkommandon och absolut semantiska rostkommandon. Kvalitativa resultat angaende naturlighet, anvandbarhet och integritet validerade forfattarens hypotes till en viss grad. Resultatet indikerade att interaktionen mellan anvandare och ett spoken dialogue system var mer naturlig och mer anvandbar vid anvandning av kontextberoende rostkommandon istallet for absolut semantiska rostkommandon. Deltagarna kande sig inte mer overvakade av ett spoken dialogue system vid anvandning av kontextberoende rostkommandon. Somliga deltagare angav att det, i teorin, fanns integritetsproblem, men endast om inte alla sakerhetsatgarder var uppnadda. Uppsatsen avslutas med forslag pa framtida studier inom detta vetenskapliga omrade.

Religionlärares attityder till religionskunskap och undervisning : Kvalitativ studie / Religious Teachers’ Attitudes to Religious Knowledge and Teaching : Qualitative Study

Hammarstedt, Jho January 2022 (has links)
Målet med den här studien är att analysera hur attityden till religionskunskap och dess undervisning ser ut hos fem gymnasielärare i Sverige. Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie vars data utgörs av ett insamlat intervjumaterial, centrerat kring studiens tre frågeställningar. I studiens resultat framkommer liknande attityder och erfarenheter vilka påverkar deras upplevda självförmåga respektive kontextberoende. Resultatet stämmer till viss del överens med tidigare forskning anger som påverkansfaktorer kring attityder, upplevd självförmåga respektive kontextberoende. Variationen i attityder uppstår på individbasis, men är också individuellt beroende på kontexter. / The goal of this study is to analyze the attitudes of five teachers of religious education in Sweden, towards religious education and teaching. The study is a qualitative interview-study, which data constitutes a collection of interviews, centered around three issues. The results of the study display similar attitudes and experiences, all of which affect the teacher’s self-efficacy and context dependency respectively. The result partially corresponds to what prior research defines as influences around attitudes, self-efficacy, and context dependency respectively. The variation in attitudes occurs on an individual basis but is also influenced on an individual basis and by contextual factors.

Context dependency analysis in ubiquitous computing / Analyse de dépendance contexte dans ubiquitous computing

Baloch, Raheel Ali 17 February 2012 (has links)
Pour fournir aux utilisateurs des services personnalisés d'adaptation en utilisant uniquement les ressources informatiques accessibles dans un environnement de cloud computing, les applications contexte, conscients besoin d'assimiler à la fois le contexte accessible et dérivés, c'est à dire une combinaison de plus d'un senti données et d'informations dans l'environnement. Contexte des données de dépendance, la dépendance qui se pose entre le contexte des données du producteur et du consommateur, peut se présenter dans un système en raison de nombreuses raisons. Mais comme le nombre de dépendances de contexte pour une augmentation des services, la plus complexe, le système devient à gérer. La thèse aborde les questions de la façon d'identifier les dépendances de contexte, représentent des dépendances de contexte tels, puis les réduire dans un système. Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous présentons deux approches efficaces pour déterminer les relations de dépendance entre les différents services du contexte dans l'environnement informatique ubiquitaire pour aider à mieux analyser les services omniprésents. Une approche est basée sur la théorie des graphes, et nous avons utilisé le tri topologique pour déterminer les dépendances de contexte. La deuxième approche est basée sur la résolution des réseaux de contraintes qui détermine si une entité est affectée lorsque l'état d'une certaine entité autre a changé son état, c.-à-détermination de la nature dynamique de la dépendance contexte. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nous présentons un mode de représentation des dépendances de contexte au sein d'un système. Notre modèle qui représente les dépendances de contexte est basé sur la théorie des ensembles et la logique des prédicats du premier ordre. Le modèle de représentation contexte de dépendance représente également d'autres sources pour l'acquisition de contexte qui peuvent être utilisés dans une affaire dans laquelle les producteurs contexte privilégiées ne sont pas disponibles pour desservir le contexte souhaité pour le consommateur un contexte pertinent, pas plus. En outre, nous essayons de réduire les dépendances de contexte en présentant l'idée du contexte de profil, qui est basé sur la proposition d'un cadre ouvert pour l'acquisition de contexte, la gestion et la distribution. Cette approche heuristique est basée sur l'idée d'utiliser les nœuds mobiles dans un réseau ad hoc avec superposition de plus de ressources que le producteur lui-même contexte pour stocker diverses informations contextuelles sous la bannière du contexte profil, et en outre, fournir le contexte profil au lieu de chaque contexte individuellement sur la base sur les requêtes des nœuds reçoivent des consommateurs contexte. Réunissant les informations de contexte et de mises à jour de contexte à partir de diverses sources, le soutien aux décisions contexte, conscients peut être mis en œuvre efficacement dans un environnement mobile en s'attaquant aux problèmes de dépendance en utilisant le contexte contexte profil / To provide users with personalized adaptive services only using the accessible computing resources in a cloud environment, context aware applications need to assimilate both the accessed and derived context, i.e. a combination of more than one sensed data and information in the environment. Context data dependency, dependency that arises between the context data producer and consumer, may get introduced in a system due to numerous reasons. But as the number of context dependencies for a service increases, the more complex the system becomes to manage. The thesis addresses issues of how to identify context dependencies, represent such context dependencies and then reduce them in a system. In the first part of the thesis, we present two efficient approaches to determine context dependency relations among various services in ubiquitous computing environment to help better analyse the pervasive services. One approach is based on graph theory, and we have used the topological sort to determine the context dependencies. The second approach is based on solving constraint networks which determines whether an entity is affected when the state of a certain other entity has its state changed, i.e. determining the dynamic nature of context dependency. In the second part of the thesis, we present a mode for representation of context dependencies within a system. Our model that represents context dependencies is based on set theory and first-order predicate logic. The context dependency representation model also represents alternative sources for context acquisition that can be utilized in a case in which the preferred context producers are not available to service the desired context to the relevant context consumer any more. Further, we try to reduce the context dependencies by presenting the idea of profile context, which is based on the proposal of an open framework for context acquisition, management and distribution. This heuristic approach is based on the idea of utilizing mobile nodes in an ad hoc overlay network with more resources than the context producer itself to store various contextual information under the banner of profile context, and further, provide profile context instead of each context individually based on the queries the nodes receive from the context consumers. Bringing together the context information and context updates from various sources, support for context aware decisions can be implemented efficiently in a mobile environment by addressing the issues of context dependency using profile context

Mining and Analyzing Subjective Experiences in User Generated Content

Chen, Lu 30 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Interações mutualistas ao longo da ontogenia de uma espécie de leguminosa bactérias fixadoras de nitrogênio, formigas protetoras e abelhas polinizadoras. /

Valadão-Mendes, Lorena Bueno January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Anselmo Nogueira / Resumo: Muitas características fenotípicas das plantas mudam drasticamente ao longo do desenvolvimento vegetal e podem influenciar as interações ecológicas. Dado que existe um custo energético associado a manutenção de diferentes mutualismos, investigamos a relação entre os estádios de desenvolvimento vegetal e o estabelecimento de três mutualismos, assim como a possível interferência do mutualismo raiz-rizóbio sobre os mutualismos nectário extrafloral-formiga e flor-abelha. No campo selecionamos 30 plantas da espécie de leguminosa de Cerrado, Chamaecrista desvauxii var. latistipula, com diferentes tamanhos, de indivíduos juvenis a maiores reprodutivos, para avaliar a ocorrência e intensidade das interações mutualistas raiz-rizóbio, nectário extrafloral-formiga e flor-abelha. Em casa de vegetação montamos um experimento manipulando as bactérias do tipo rizóbio e o tipo de solo em que as plantas foram cultivadas, no qual investigamos a interferência da interação raiz-rizóbio sobre os recursos vegetais disponíveis para outros mutualismos. As plantas amostradas em campo variaram entre 4 a 1300 unidade de tamanho. A interação raiz-rizóbio e nectário extrafloral-formiga ocorreu em plantas ainda muito pequenas, enquanto a interação flor-abelha se estabeleceu em plantas maiores. A intensidade da interação teve padrão exponencial para os nódulos radiculares e visitação das abelhas, e quadrático para as formigas. Esses padrões distintos na intensidade dos mutualismos sugeriram possível interf... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Plant phenotypic traits change drastically throughout plant development and can modify ecological interactions. Whereas there is an energy cost associated with maintenance of different mutualisms on the same plant, we investigated the relationship between plant development and the establishment of multiple mutualisms. Besides, we evaluated the possible interference of the root-rhizobia mutualism on extrafloral nectary-ant and flower-bee mutualisms. In the field, we selected 30 plants of Cerrado legume species, Chamaecrista desvauxii var. latistipula, with different sizes, from juvenile to reproductive individuals, to evaluate the occurrence and intensity of root-rhizobia, extrafloral nectary-ant and flower-bee interactions. In a greenhouse, we manipulate the rhizobia bacteria and soil type, investigating the interference of root-rhizobia on plant resources available for other mutualisms. Plants sampled in field ranged from 4 to 1300 plant size. Root-rhizobia and extrafloral nectary-ant interactions occurred on tiny plants, while flower-bee interaction was established on larger plants. The strength of interactions had an exponential pattern for root nodules and bee visitation, and quadratic for ant visitation. These distinct patterns suggested a possible interference between mutualisms since the number of root nodules and the flower-bee interaction increased and the extrafloral nectary-ant interaction decreased. Moreover, in the rhizobium exclusion experiment, plants with inoc... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Context dependent variation in associations between grasses and fungal symbionts

Kauppinen, M. (Miia) 05 September 2017 (has links)
Abstract Most plants form symbiotic associations with various fungi in natural ecosystems. Traditionally, many of these associations are viewed as mutually beneficial, but recent studies show that symbiotic interactions can be complex and labile. I studied the variability of interactions between grasses and fungi, using root-associated fungi and foliar endophytes in grasses as study systems. First, I studied experimentally how root-associated fungi colonize their host grasses in different natural and artificial conditions. I then investigated experimentally how foliar endophytes affect their host grasses, and whether the endophyte contributes to the host’s adaptation to local and/or foreign habitats. Finally, I reviewed the current use of foliar endophytes in agriculture, with a particular focus on Europe, and critically considered their potential for practices beyond agriculture. I found root fungi to be common, but different types of root fungi had contrasting colonization patterns in natural environments. However, I found that grasses lose almost all of their root fungi in controlled and more favourable conditions, indicating that the associations are fairly loose and conditional to environmental context. My results also showed that foliar endophytes affected the host’s performance in varying ways, depending on plant origin and experimental country, indicating that the associations were context dependent and could represent conditional mutualism. I also found that endophytes contribute to plant adaptation only weakly, but that the grasses were clearly locally adapted to their sites of origin, especially in regard to reproduction. However, the grasses of subalpine origin performed well vegetatively also in Northern Finland, suggesting that they may have high adaptive potential under changing climates. The literary review showed that foliar endophytes are successfully used in agriculture, e.g. in the USA and New Zealand, and that they possess the potential for several practical applications. However, the intentional use of endophyte-enhanced grasses is non-existent in Europe, although many European grass cultivars have great potential for improvement via endophytes. Taken together, these results show that plant–fungal interactions are highly variable along sites, environmental contexts and origins of the symbiotum, making predictions for these interactions difficult. / Tiivistelmä Luonnollisissa ekosysteemeissä melkein kaikilla kasveilla on symbionttisia sienikumppaneita. Perinteisesti monien näiden vuorovaikutusten on oletettu olevan molemmille hyödyllisiä, mutta viimeaikaiset tutkimukset osoittavat symbionttisten yhteyksien olevan vaihtelevia. Väitöskirjassani tutkin tätä heinien ja sienien välisten yhteyksien vaihtelevuutta, käyttäen heinissä esiintyviä juurisieniä ja lehtiendofyyttejä tutkimuskohteinani. Ensiksi tutkin kokeellisesti, kuinka juurisienet kolonisoivat heiniä erilaisissa luonnon- ja kasvihuoneolosuhteissa. Seuraavaksi tutkin kokeellisesti, kuinka lehtiendofyytit vaikuttivat heinien menestymiseen ja edesauttoivatko endofyytit heinien sopeutumista paikallisiin ja/tai vieraisiin elinympäristöihin. Viimeiseksi selvitin kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla, kuinka lehtiendofyyttejä hyödynnetään maataloudessa ja arvioin endofyyttien potentiaalista käyttöarvoa maatalouden ulkopuolella, erityisesti keskittyen niiden hyödyntämiseen Euroopassa. Tutkimukseni osoitti, että heinien juurisienet ovat yleisiä, mutta niiden keskinäiset runsaussuhteet vaihtelivat luonnollisissa ympäristöissä. Kasvihuoneolosuhteissa heinät kuitenkin menettivät juurisienensä, viitaten siihen, että kyseinen yhteys on melko löyhä ja riippuvainen ympäristöstä. Tutkimukseni osoitti myös, että lehtiendofyytit vaikuttivat heinien menestykseen vaihtelevasti riippuen heinien alkuperästä sekä koemaasta, viitaten siihen, että nämä yhteydet ovat niin ikään olosuhteista riippuvaisia. Endofyytti vaikutti vain heikosti heinien sopeutumiseen, mutta heinät olivat selkeästi paikallisesti sopeutuneita niiden alkuperäisiin elinympäristöihin, erityisesti heinien lisääntymisen suhteen. Alppien heinät kuitenkin menestyivät vegetatiivisesti myös Pohjois-Lapissa, mikä viittaa siihen, että näillä heinillä saattaa olla korkea sopeutumispotentiaali muuttuvissa olosuhteissa. Kirjallisuuskatsaukseni osoitti, että lehtiendofyyttejä käytetään menestyksekkäästi mm. USA:n ja Uudessa-Seelannin maataloudessa. Euroopassa niiden käyttö on kuitenkin lähes olematonta, vaikka endofyyteillä voisi olla monia käyttömahdollisuuksia, sekä maataloudessa että ympäristön hoidossa. Kaiken kaikkiaan tutkimukseni osoittavat, että heinien ja sienten väliset vuorovaikutukset ovat hyvin vaihtelevia riippuen ympäristöstä ja heinien alkuperästä, minkä vuoksi näiden sienien vaikutuksia heiniin on vaikea ennustaa.

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