Spelling suggestions: "subject:"contextualized"" "subject:"eontextualized""
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CompreensÃo da situaÃÃo-problema, do enunciado e das opÃÃes de resposta nas questÃes do ENEM / Understanding of the situation-problem, the statement and options in response issues of ENEMSÃrgina AraÃjo de Alencar 03 September 2009 (has links)
nÃo hà / Esta pesquisa objetivou avaliar a compreensÃo leitora das situaÃÃes-problema do Exame Nacional do Ensino MÃdio (ENEM), que contÃm em sua estrutura questÃes contextualizadas,creditando ao aspecto leitor o cerne de sua resoluÃÃo. Nossa base teÃrica fundamentou-se nos
estudos de Alliende e Condemarin (2005), Brown (1980), Haberlandt (1988), Kintsch (1994),Van Dijk e Kintsch (1978), Rumelhart (1985), Silva (2005), Singer (1988), Smith (1989,
1999), Solà (1998), Spiro (1980), Van Dijk (1996), Kato (2004), Koch (2006a, 2006b) e Marcuschi (2008). A pesquisa foi realizada em duas etapas assim definidas: simulado e prova
subjetiva. Para o simulado foram escolhidas dez questÃes das provas do ENEM entre 1998,ano de implantaÃÃo do exame, e 2007, que abordavam o conteÃdo de LÃngua Portuguesa e
apresentavam como situaÃÃes-problema textos de gÃneros variados. A finalidade do simulado foi selecionar questÃes de nÃveis de dificuldade variados. Os resultados obtidos no simulado possibilitaram a elaboraÃÃo da prova subjetiva composta por quatro questÃes, assim discriminadas: 1 (uma) questÃo com o maior percentual de acertos no simulado, 1 (uma)questÃo com o menor percentual de acerto no Simulado e 2 (duas) questÃes com percentual de acerto mÃdio. Na prova subjetiva elaboramos perguntas com a finalidade de identificarmos a correlaÃÃo entre a compreensÃo leitora das situaÃÃes problemas e a resoluÃÃo das questÃes de
LÃngua Portuguesa no ENEM, a partir da produÃÃo de inferÃncias e da identificaÃÃo do propÃsito dos enunciados das questÃes de LÃngua Portuguesa do ENEM. A anÃlise dos
resultados obtidos na prova subjetiva evidenciou que nem sempre a compreensÃo da situaÃÃoproblema â o texto â que se apresenta na questÃo assegurou a identificaÃÃo do que està sendo inquirido no enunciado, apesar de os alunos terem produzido inferÃncias necessÃrias à compreensÃo leitora. TambÃm foi constatado que, por vezes, os alunos nÃo conseguiram estabelecer uma relaÃÃo lÃgica de sentido entre o texto (situaÃÃo-problema), o enunciado e as opÃÃes. A este fato, destacamos a maneira como a questÃo à apresentada e o enfoque que se faz do texto (situaÃÃo-problema) para a relaÃÃo de coerÃncia com o enunciado, o tipo de abordagem e as opÃÃes de resposta, ou seja, a prÃpria estrutura da questÃo. / The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the comprehension of texts which
contextualize questions on the âNational High School Examâ (Exame Nacional do Ensino
MÃdio â ENEM). The answers to the questions in this exam are, therefore, highly dependent
on studentsâ reading skills. The study is theoretically grounded on the works of: de Alliende e
Condemarin (2005), Brown (1980), Haberlandt (1988), Kintsch (1994), Van Dijk e Kintsch
(1978), Rumelhart (1985), Silva (2005), Singer (1988), Smith (1989, 1999), Solà (1998),
Spiro (1980), Van Dijk (1996), Kato (2004), Koch (2006a, 2006b) e Marcuschi (2008). The
research was conducted in two parts: Practice Test and Open-Ended Questions. Ten multiplechoice
questions from previous tests of the National Exam (from 1998 to 2005) were chosen
for the Practice Test. The choice of the questions was based on two criteria: questions which
dealt with Portuguese content and which used texts of different genres for contextualization.
The goal of the Practice Test was to select questions of different difficulty levels to use for the
Open-ended Questions. Based on the results of the Practice Test four questions were chosen
for the Open-ended Questions: 01 (one) question with the highest scores in the Practice Test,
01 (one) question with the lowest scores, and 02 (two) questions with medium percentage of
scores. The Open-ended questions were elaborated so as to allow for the identification of the
correlation between the Reading comprehension; Inferences; Contextualized questions; National
High School Exam (ENEM).based on the inferences made and on the
identification of the purpose of the questions. The analysis of the results obtained for the
Open-ended Questions demonstrated that the comprehension of the contextualizing texts is
not always enough to guarantee the understanding of what is being asked in the question or
the answering of the question, even when students make appropriate inferences and are able to
establish logical relationships between the texts and the questions. Other factors such as the
form and structure of questions and the degree of coherence among the text, the instructions
to the question and the question itself also affect question responses.
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Context Awareness / 脈絡感知Wang, Chia-Hao January 2017 (has links)
From anti-modernism to the movement of regaining identity, in one way or another, we are all somehow looking for ways to find the harmony in this world. Respecting nature, be aware of the environment and co-exist with it, is worth further investigation. That is why I chose to examine the relationship of context and interior, with the help of natural light.
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<p>In today’s interconnected world, public health crises like COVID-19 have a widespread impact, transcending national borders, causing economic upheaval, the loss of trillions of dollars from the gross domestic product (GDP), and significant disruptions to health systems, and forcing millions of individuals into poverty. While countries may differ in their responses to these crises, their shared objective is to mitigate the damage and ultimately bring an end to the outbreak. Public health experts play a crucial role in these efforts, utilizing rhetorical strategies to effectively communicate with the public about the pandemic. Notably, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci in the United States and Dr. Wenhong Zhang in China emerged as revered figures, leading public health experts, and adept communicators in addressing the risks posed by the pandemic in their respective countries. This dissertation investigates the rhetorical practices of Dr. Zhang and Dr. Fauci in their communications about the pandemic to their respective publics. Employing a case study approach, contextualized comparative rhetoric as an inquiry method, and computer-assisted qualitative rhetorical analysis, this dissertation identifies the similarities and differences in the rhetorical strategies adopted by the two doctors. The findings reveal that both doctors utilize similar rhetorical tools, including ethos, kairos, narratives, and metaphors, to effectively communicate about the pandemic to the public. However, they also exhibit differences influenced by contextual factors such as political, social, and cultural contexts. These findings contribute to our understanding of the role of rhetoric in public health experts’ communications about the pandemic in different countries during a global public health crisis.</p>
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Semantic Web Foundations for Representing, Reasoning, and Traversing Contextualized Knowledge GraphsNguyen, Vinh Thi Kim January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Chinese Heritage Language School Teachers’ Pedagogical Belief and Practice of the Contextualized Language InstructionGu, Yue January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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La rénovation de l'enseignement du français dans les universités en Ukraine : une analyse didactique contextualisée / The renewal of French teaching in Ukrainian universities : a didactic analysis in context / Оновлення викладання французької мови в університетах в Україні : дидактичний контекстуалізований аналізVilpoux, Claire 03 October 2013 (has links)
Depuis les années 1990, l’Ukraine s’est lancée dans un processus de réformes touchant tous les secteurs de lasociété. Dans les universités, de nouvelles approches pédagogiques pour l’ « amélioration » de l’enseignement dufrançais ont été mises en place. Dans ce mouvement, un projet de rénovation a été développé par l’Attaché deCoopération Pour le Français et une vingtaine de départements et filières de français. Quels ont été les impacts decette rénovation au sein des universités ukrainiennes? À partir d’une enquête de terrain, mettant en lumière lespratiques d’enseignement et les représentations sociolinguistiques des acteurs de l’enseignement-apprentissagedu français, cette recherche tente de mieux comprendre les diverses dynamiques à l’oeuvre. Elle se pencheessentiellement sur les transformations de l’enseignement supérieur et la diffusion de la langue française. Aprèsune explicitation de la démarche épistémologique et méthodologique retenue, une problématisation du contexteukrainien est proposée autour de la question du plurilinguisme au sein de la société et au sein du système éducatif.L’attention est portée ensuite sur le développement de l’enseignement du français. Ce travail de contextualisationpermet, d’une part, de dégager les éventuelles tensions qui entourent et constituent la rénovation del’enseignement du français, et, d’autre part, d’envisager des pistes sociodidactiques répondant mieux aux besoinsdes universités ukrainiennes / Since the 1990s, Ukraine was involved in a process of reform in all sectors of the society. Universities put intopractice new pedagogical approaches to “improve” French teaching. As a result, a renewal of French teaching wasdeveloped by the Attaché of Cooperation for the development of French language and twenty branch departments.Which were the impacts of this renewal of French teaching in the Ukrainian universities? In the scope of a fieldstudy, we observed and reviewed teaching practices and sociolinguistic representations of the actors in theteaching and learning French language. By this way, we strive to better understand the various dynamics whichcontribute to the development of teaching and learning French language in Ukrainian universities. This study willfocus mainly on the transformations of higher education and the diffusion of French language. First, we will explainthe epistemological and methodological framework. Then, we will question the Ukrainian context in order tounderstand specifities related to plurilinguism in society and in the educational system. On the one hand, we willidentify the possible tensions already existing or emerging from this renewal. On the other hand, we will considerhow teaching French could be contextualized in Ukrainian universities in order to answer the needs of Ukrainianuniversities / В 1990 році Україна почала процес реформ в усіх сферах суспільства. В університетах, були введені новіпедагогічні підходи для « покращення» викладання французької мови. З цією метою, Аташе з питаньспівробітництва в галузі французької мови Посольства Франції в Україні спільно з двадцятьмафранцузькими кафедрами було розроблено проект оновлення викладання французької мови. Якими булинаслідки цього проекту в українських вузах? На базі проведеного анкетування, ми проаналізували процесвикладання, а також соціолінгвістичного відображення учасників процесу викладання та вивченняфранцузької мови, прагнучи краще зрозуміти динаміку процесів, які відбуваються. В цій роботі спершуйдеться про перетворення вищої освіти та поширення французької мови в Україні. Після описуепістемологічного та методологічного підходів, використаних у дослідженні, особливості українськогоконтексту примушують нас зосередитися навколо питань плюрилінгвізму у суспільстві та в системі освіти.Далі увага фокусується на розвитку викладання французької мови. З одного боку, ця робота допомагаєпроаналізувати ці питання у контексті, виявити можливі труднощі, які виникають у процесі oновленнявикладання французької мови, а з іншого боку, розглянути соціодидактичні підходи, які найкращевідповідають потребам українських ВУЗів
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L'écrit universitaire professionnalisant en sciences de l’ingénieur dans le contexte libanais francophone : quels enjeux et quel dispositif de formation? : l’exemple du Projet de Fin d’Études (PFE) / The academic writing professionalizing in engineering sciences in the French-speaking Lebanese context : what issues and what training device? : the example of the End of Studies Project (TPE)Georgie-Ghaly, Basma 19 October 2018 (has links)
La question de l’enseignement/apprentissage des langues se pose avec acuité en bien des régions du monde, notamment la région du Moyen-Orient et plus particulièrement le contexte libanais. Le français est l’une des deux langues principales de scolarisation dans les écoles publiques et privées dans le pays. L’apprentissage du français à l’école continue à suivre les méthodologies et pratiques d’enseignement du français langue maternelle ou seconde. Or, ce choix ne correspond plus à la réalité actuelle ni ne prépare les jeunes Libanais à la réussite dans leurs études supérieures en français (dans les universités francophones), et surtout dans les écrits universitaires.La question des écrits universitaires se pose donc de plus en plus là où les étudiants libanais allophones optent pour un parcours universitaire francophone. La maîtrise de l’écrit figure en tête des objectifs de l’école et de l’université, mais enseigner la production écrite est souvent problématique. Rares sont les méthodes qui aident les étudiants à développer une véritable compétence discursive dans le contexte universitaire. Cela d’autant que ceux-ci ne perçoivent guère la nécessité de ces apprentissages avant leur toute dernière année, quand il est presque trop tard.La situation des étudiants de l’Université Antonine (UA) nous a poussée à approfondir la réflexion méthodologique sur le problème de l’écrit universitaire chez les étudiants en Master2 en sciences de l’Ingénieur. À la fin de leur parcours, ces étudiants doivent rédiger un écrit long et normé, le Projet de Fin d’Études (PFE). Cet écrit leur permet de communiquer et mettre en valeur une innovation scientifique dans le domaine de télécommunication. Mais encore faut-il qu’ils le réussissent.Notre souci premier, trouver la méthodologie la plus adaptée à notre public pour accomplir les activités universitaires, nous a poussée à questionner la Perspective actionnelle dans toutes ses dimensions. Ce que nous appelons la Perspective Actionnelle Consolidée s’inscrit donc dans une logique qui lie la langue à l’action. C’est l’ingénierie pédagogique qui permet l’élaboration didactique des genres particuliers en prenant appui sur l’ensemble notionnel méthodologique constitué par les compétences, la tâche et les stratégies.La particularité de notre démarche réside dans le choix de son inscription dans le cadre d’une recherche-action. Ce type de recherche nous a permis, à la fois, d’analyser le problème et de proposer une solution. Le choix de la Perspective Actionnelle Consolidée a donné sens à l’enseignement du/en français aux yeux des étudiants, mais également a mobilisé leurs compétences. Le recours à la notion de genre de discours nous a permis de dégager les caractéristiques de ce genre universitaire normé, qu’est le PFE pour ensuite élaborer des activités adaptées à l’aide de supports authentiques. Les conclusions découlant de l’analyse de nos choix ouvriront la possibilité à un nouveau curriculum des tâches universitaires de se constituer. / The issue of language teaching / learning is acute in many parts of the world. It is in the Middle East region and more particularly in the Lebanese context. French is one of the two main languages of schooling in the country. Learning French at school continues to follow the methodologies for teaching French as a mother tongue or second language. This choice no longer corresponds to reality or prepares young Lebanese for the success of higher education andunivers especially academic writing (in francophone universities).The question of academic writing is increasingly raised where allophone students opt for a francophone university course. The mastery of the written word is at the top of the objectives of the school and the university. Teaching written production is often problematic. Few methods help students develop true discursive competence in the academic context.The situation of the students of the Université Antonine (UA) pushed us to deepen the methodological reflection on the problem of the university writing in the students in Master 2 ( sciences of the Engineer). At the end of their course, these students must write a long and standardized writing, the Projet de Fin d’Études (PFE). This writing allows them to communicate and showcase a scientific innovation in the field of telecommunication.Our first concern, being to find the most suitable methodology for our audience to carry out university activities, led us to question the Action Perspective in all its dimensions. What we call the Perspective Actionnelle Consolidée is therefore a logic that links language to action. The PAC is the pedagogical engineering that allows the didactic development of particular genres by building on the methodological notional set of skills, tasks and strategies.The particularity of our approach lies in the choice of its inscription as part of an Action-research. This type of research allowed us to both analyze the problem and propose a solution. The choice of the Perspective Actionnelle Consolidée gave meaning to the teaching of French in the eyes of students, but also mobilized their skills. The use of the notion of discourse genre has allowed us to identify the characteristics of this standardized academic genre, the PFE, and then to develop adapted activities using authentic media. The findings from the analysis of our choices will open up the possibility for a new curriculum of academic tasks to be formed.
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UM SERVIÇO DE PERSISTÊNCIA DE CONTEXTO E SELEÇÃO CONTEXTUALIZADA DE DOCUMENTOS PARA A ARQUITETURA CLINICSPACE / A Service for Context Persistence and Context-Based Selection of Documents for ClinicSpace ArchitectureMaran, Vinícius 19 December 2011 (has links)
Actual healthcare systems suffer from a high rate of rejection by the physicians who
use these systems, because it is necessary that the users explicitly provide information
constantly to these systems. This way, one of the biggest challenges for pervasive healthcare
systems is to find a way to use context information of the environment in a simple and
functional form between different computer systems. In the literature, ontologies are
frequently used for the representation of context and have an important role in pervasive
systems if used together with forms of persistence and retrieval of context information. To
solve the mentioned problem, is under development an architecture called ClinicSpace which
focuses on providing assistance to physicians in performing their daily tasks, using concepts
defined in ubiquitous computing, which allows the system to to adapt constantly to the user
and their needs. To make this, it is necessary that the system be capable of (i) store
information of context and (ii) provide the documents frequently used by physicians, in an
adapted way to the context of the tasks performed, and available anytime and anywhere
(pervasiveness). This work describes the process of developing an integrated service
ClinicSpace to architecture, which supports the use of context data and clinical documents in
a distributed manner, and also allows the contextualized selection of clinical documents, using
data from the context at the time of clinical information query. / Os sistemas de saúde atuais sofrem de uma alta taxa de rejeição por parte dos
profissionais clínicos que utilizam estes sistemas, pois é necessário que os usuários forneçam
informações de forma explícita e constante. Desta forma, um dos maiores desafios para
sistemas de saúde pervasivos é encontrar uma forma de utilizar informações de contexto do
ambiente de um modo simples e funcional entre diferentes sistemas computacionais. Na
literatura, ontologias são frequentemente utilizadas para a representação de contexto e
possuem um importante papel em sistemas pervasivos se utilizadas em conjunto com formas
de persistência e recuperação de informações de contexto. Para resolver o problema citado,
está em fase de desenvolvimento uma arquitetura chamada ClinicSpace que tem como foco
fornecer ajuda aos profissionais clínicos na execução de suas tarefas diárias, através de
conceitos definidos na computação ubíqua, os quais permitem ao sistema se adaptar
constantemente ao usuário e as suas necessidades. Para que isto ocorra, é necessário que o
sistema seja capaz de (i) armazenar informações de contexto e de (ii) apresentar os
documentos frequentemente utilizados pelos profissionais clínicos, de forma adaptada ao
contexto das tarefas executadas, e disponíveis a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar
(pervasividade). Este trabalho descreve o processo de desenvolvimento de um serviço
integrado à arquitetura ClinicSpace, o qual fornece suporte à utilização de dados de contexto e
documentos clínicos de uma forma distribuída, e também permite a seleção contextualizada
de documentos clínicos, utilizando dados de contexto no momento de consulta a informações
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Compreensão da situação-problema, do enunciado e das opções de resposta nas questões do ENEM / Understanding of the situation-problem, the statement and options in response issues of ENEMAlencar, Sérgina Araújo de January 2009 (has links)
ALENCAR, Sérgina Araújo de. Compreensão da situação-problema, do enunciado e das opções de resposta nas questões do ENEM. 2009. 133f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Letras Vernáculas, Programa de Pós-graduação em Linguística, Fortaleza (CE), 2009. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-08-21T13:07:58Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
2009_dis_saalencar.pdf: 2860537 bytes, checksum: 2c4d2ea6cf2e8a1a8e0b4021a51a4e1d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-08-21T14:52:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
2009_dis_saalencar.pdf: 2860537 bytes, checksum: 2c4d2ea6cf2e8a1a8e0b4021a51a4e1d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-21T14:52:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2009_dis_saalencar.pdf: 2860537 bytes, checksum: 2c4d2ea6cf2e8a1a8e0b4021a51a4e1d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009 / The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the comprehension of texts which contextualize questions on the ‘National High School Exam’ (Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio – ENEM). The answers to the questions in this exam are, therefore, highly dependent on students’ reading skills. The study is theoretically grounded on the works of: de Alliende e Condemarin (2005), Brown (1980), Haberlandt (1988), Kintsch (1994), Van Dijk e Kintsch (1978), Rumelhart (1985), Silva (2005), Singer (1988), Smith (1989, 1999), Solé (1998), Spiro (1980), Van Dijk (1996), Kato (2004), Koch (2006a, 2006b) e Marcuschi (2008). The research was conducted in two parts: Practice Test and Open-Ended Questions. Ten multiplechoice questions from previous tests of the National Exam (from 1998 to 2005) were chosen for the Practice Test. The choice of the questions was based on two criteria: questions which dealt with Portuguese content and which used texts of different genres for contextualization. The goal of the Practice Test was to select questions of different difficulty levels to use for the Open-ended Questions. Based on the results of the Practice Test four questions were chosen for the Open-ended Questions: 01 (one) question with the highest scores in the Practice Test, 01 (one) question with the lowest scores, and 02 (two) questions with medium percentage of scores. The Open-ended questions were elaborated so as to allow for the identification of the correlation between the Reading comprehension; Inferences; Contextualized questions; National High School Exam (ENEM).based on the inferences made and on the identification of the purpose of the questions. The analysis of the results obtained for the Open-ended Questions demonstrated that the comprehension of the contextualizing texts is not always enough to guarantee the understanding of what is being asked in the question or the answering of the question, even when students make appropriate inferences and are able to establish logical relationships between the texts and the questions. Other factors such as the form and structure of questions and the degree of coherence among the text, the instructions to the question and the question itself also affect question responses. / Esta pesquisa objetivou avaliar a compreensão leitora das situações-problema do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM), que contém em sua estrutura questões contextualizadas,creditando ao aspecto leitor o cerne de sua resolução. Nossa base teórica fundamentou-se nos estudos de Alliende e Condemarin (2005), Brown (1980), Haberlandt (1988), Kintsch (1994),Van Dijk e Kintsch (1978), Rumelhart (1985), Silva (2005), Singer (1988), Smith (1989, 1999), Solé (1998), Spiro (1980), Van Dijk (1996), Kato (2004), Koch (2006a, 2006b) e Marcuschi (2008). A pesquisa foi realizada em duas etapas assim definidas: simulado e prova subjetiva. Para o simulado foram escolhidas dez questões das provas do ENEM entre 1998,ano de implantação do exame, e 2007, que abordavam o conteúdo de Língua Portuguesa e apresentavam como situações-problema textos de gêneros variados. A finalidade do simulado foi selecionar questões de níveis de dificuldade variados. Os resultados obtidos no simulado possibilitaram a elaboração da prova subjetiva composta por quatro questões, assim discriminadas: 1 (uma) questão com o maior percentual de acertos no simulado, 1 (uma)questão com o menor percentual de acerto no Simulado e 2 (duas) questões com percentual de acerto médio. Na prova subjetiva elaboramos perguntas com a finalidade de identificarmos a correlação entre a compreensão leitora das situações problemas e a resolução das questões de Língua Portuguesa no ENEM, a partir da produção de inferências e da identificação do propósito dos enunciados das questões de Língua Portuguesa do ENEM. A análise dos resultados obtidos na prova subjetiva evidenciou que nem sempre a compreensão da situaçãoproblema – o texto – que se apresenta na questão assegurou a identificação do que está sendo inquirido no enunciado, apesar de os alunos terem produzido inferências necessárias à compreensão leitora. Também foi constatado que, por vezes, os alunos não conseguiram estabelecer uma relação lógica de sentido entre o texto (situação-problema), o enunciado e as opções. A este fato, destacamos a maneira como a questão é apresentada e o enfoque que se faz do texto (situação-problema) para a relação de coerência com o enunciado, o tipo de abordagem e as opções de resposta, ou seja, a própria estrutura da questão.
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As diferentes noções de contextualização do ensino no discurso dos professores do curso de Licenciatura em Química da UFABCOrfão, Luciano Gomes January 2017 (has links)
Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Márcia Helena Alvim / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa De Pós-Graduação em Ensino, História, Filosofia das Ciências e Matemática, 2017. / Nessa pesquisa são analisadas as noções de contextualização do ensino de química que aparecem nos documentos oficiais bem como o atual discurso dos professores do curso de Licenciatura em Química da UFABC. Para tanto foram analisados os documentos que regem o curso de Licenciatura em Química da UFABC [Projeto Pedagógico da UFABC (2006), Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para os Cursos de Química (2001), Projeto Pedagógico do Curso de Licenciatura em Química da UFABC (2015) e Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a formação inicial em nível superior (2015)] e as noções de contextualização do ensino encontrados nesses documentos foram comparadas às respostas que os professores deram a questionários objetivos e entrevistas semiestruturadas aplicados a eles com o intuito de garimpar aspectos de seus pensamentos e práticas. Espera-se com essa pesquisa discutir a polissemia do conceito de contextualização do ensino nos referenciais teóricos, nos documentos oficiais e no pensamento dos professores do curso de Licenciatura em Química da UFABC. A pesquisa enquadra-se no perfil de um estudo de caso e teve caráter majoritariamente qualitativo. Foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo como recurso teórico-metodológico predominante para o tratamento do material coletado (respostas de questionários objetivos e entrevistas semiestruturadas). / In this research it is analysed the contextualization of Chemistry teaching that appears in the official documents as well as the currently UFABC teachers' speech of the chemistry graduation course. Therefore, the official documents that rule the UFABC Chemistry Graduation course were analysed [UFABC Pedagogical Project (2006), Nacional Curricular Guidelines for the Chemistry Courses (2001), Pedagogical Project of the UFABC Chemistry Graduation course (2015), Nacional Curricular Guidelines for the initial formation in upper levels (2015)]. The teaching contextualization found in these documents were compared to the answers that the teachers gave to objective questionnaires and semi-structured interviews applied to them in order to appraise aspects of theirs thougths and pratices. It is expected with this research to discuss the polysemy of the teaching contextualization concept in the theoretical references and in the teachers' of UFABC teachers of Chemistry Graduation course thougth. The research fits the profile of a case study and had a predominantly qualitative character. The content analysis was used as the predominant theoretical-methodological resource for the treatment of the collected material (objective questionnaires and semi-structured interviews answers).
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