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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Instruments de la famille des flûtes : analyse des transitions entre régimes / Analysis of regime transitions in flute-like instruments

Terrien, Soizic 10 December 2014 (has links)
La diversité des régimes des instruments de la famille des flûtes a été mise en évidence à de nombreuses reprises : régimes statiques, périodiques, ou non périodiques. Cependant, de nombreux aspects de la dynamique de ces instruments demeurent mal compris. Pour les musiciens comme pour les facteurs d'instruments, les transitions entre régimes revêtent une importance particulière : d'une part elles correspondent à des changements de notes, et d'autre part la production d'un régime donné est conditionnée par les paramètres de facture (liés à la fabrication de l'instrument), et de contrôle (ajustés en permanence par l'instrumentiste). On s'attache dans ce document à caractériser les transitions entre régimes dans les flûtes, en lien avec des problématiques de facture et de jeu. Différentes approches sont mises en place. Des approches expérimentales d'une part, avec des mesures sur musicien et sur bouche artificielle. Par ailleurs, un modèle physique de l'instrument - un système dynamique à retard de type neutre - est étudié, par intégration temporelle d'une part, mais également par collocation orthogonale et continuation, donnant ainsi accès aux diagrammes de bifurcations.Croiser les résultats de ces différentes approches permet de mieux appréhender différents phénomènes : hystérésis associée aux changements de régime, ou mécanisme d'apparition des régimes non périodiques. L'influence de paramètres de facture et de contrôle est également étudiée : le rôle majeur de la géométrie interne du canal des flûtes à bec est mis en évidence, et l'influence de la dynamique de la pression dans la bouche du musicien sur les seuils de changement de régimes est caractérisée. / Various studies have highlighted the diversity of regimes in flute-like instruments : static, periodic or non periodic regimes. However, some aspects of their dynamics remain poorly understood. Both for flute players and makers, transitions between regimes are particularly important : on the one hand, they correspond to a change of the note played, and on the other hand, production of a given regime is determined by parameters related to making and to playing of the instrument. In this document, we are interested in caracteristics of regime change in flute-like instruments, in relation with making and playing issues.Different approches are considered. First, experimental methods, with measurement on both musician and an artificial mouth. On the other hand, a physical model of the instrument - a system of delay differential equations of neutral type - is studied, through time-domain integration, and using orthogonal collocation coupled to numerical continuation. This last approach provides access to bifurcation diagrams.Considering results of these different methods, it becomes possible to better understand different experimental phenomena, such as regime change and associated hysteresis, or production mechanisms of non periodic regimes. Influence of different parameters is further studied : the crucial importance of the channel geometry in recorders is highlighted, and the influence of the mouth pressure dynamics on regime change thresholds is analysed.

Contrôlabilité de systèmes paraboliques linéaires couplés / Controllability of coupled linear parabolic systems

Olive, Guillaume 14 November 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse on s'intéresse à la contrôlabilité de deux classes de systèmes paraboliques linéaires.On caractérise dans un premier temps la contrôlabilité à zéro de systèmes à coefficients constants en dimension 1 lorsque les contrôles agissent sur différentes parties du domaine ou de sa frontière.On regarde ensuite avec le théorème de Fattorini la contrôlabilité frontière approchée de ces systèmes en dimension quelconque.On obtient notamment que les systèmes de 2 équations sont toujours contrôlables dans un rectangle si la zone de contrôle contient 2 directions.Dans un autre travail sur les systèmes à coefficients constants, on obtient une estimation du coût du contrôle frontière à zéro en dimension 1.On utilise ce résultat pour montrer que la contrôlabilité frontière à zéro dans des domaines cylindrique est réduite à la contrôlabilité frontière à zéro en dimension 1.On étudie ensuite la contrôlabilité approchée de systèmes en cascade avec un couplage d'ordre 1.On prouve que la contrôlabilité interne avec un couplage constant à toujours lieu, quel que soit la dimension et la zone de contrôle.On établit d'autre part une caractérisation de la contrôlabilité frontière en dimension 1 avec un couplage variable.Enfin, dans une dernière partie on s'intéresse à la contrôlabilité interne approchée de systèmes en cascade à coefficients variables en dimension 1.On montre qu'on est ramené à établir une caractérisation de la propriété de continuation unique pour une équation elliptique non-homogène.A l'aide de la caractérisation alors obtenue on montre en particulier comment la géométrie de la zone de contrôle peut influencer la contrôlabilité des systèmes. / This thesis focuses on the controllability of two classes of linear parabolic systems.We start with a caracterization of the null-controllability of systems with constant coefficients in dimension 1 where the controls are acting on different parts of the domain or its boundary.With the help of the theorem of Fattorini we then look at the boundary approximate controllability of these systems in any dimension.We show that a system of 2 equations is always approximately controllable on a rectangle if we assume that the control domain contains 2 directions.In another work on the systems with constant coefficients, we obtain an estimate of the boundary null-control cost in dimension 1.We then use this result to show that the boundary null-controllability in cylindrical domains is reduced to the boundary null-controllability in dimension 1.We then study the approximate controllability of cascade systems with a first order coupling term.We prove the distributed controllability when the coupling is constant, whatever the dimension and control domain are.On the other hand, we establish a caracterisation of the boundary controllability in dimension 1 for space-dependent couplings.Last, we investigate the distributed approximate controllability of cascade systems with space-dependent coefficients in dimension 1.Using the theorem of Fattorini and the structure of the systems under study we are lead to characterize the unique continuation property for a non-homogeneous elliptic equation.With the help of the caracterization then obtained we show in particular how the geometry of the control domain can affect the controllability properties of systems.

Contrôle optimal et robuste de l'attitude d'un lanceur. Aspects théoriques et numériques / Optimal and robust attitude control of a launcher. Theoretical and numerical aspects

Antoine, Olivier 04 October 2018 (has links)
L'objectif premier de cette thèse est d'étudier certains aspects du contrôle d'attitude d'un corps rigide, afin d'optimiser la trajectoire d'un lanceur au cours de sa phase balistique. Nous y développons un cadre mathématique permettant de formuler ce problème comme un problème de contrôle optimal avec des contraintes intermédiaires sur l'état. En parallèle de l'étude théorique de ce problème, nous avons mené l'implémentation d'un logiciel d'optimisation basé sur la combinaison d'une méthode directe et d'un algorithme de point intérieur, permettant à l'utilisateur de traiter une phase balistique quelconque. Nous entendons par là qu'il est possible de spécifier un nombre quelconque de contraintes intermédiaires, correspondant à un nombre quelconque de largages de charges utiles. En outre, nous avons appliqué les méthodes dites indirectes, exploitant le principe du maximum de Pontryagin, à la résolution de ce problème de contrôle optimal. On cherche dans ce travail à trouver des trajectoires optimales du point de vue de la consommation en ergols, ce qui correspond à un coût L 1 . Réputé difficile numériquement, ce critère peut être atteint grâce à une méthode de continuation, en se servant d'un coût L 2 comme intermédiaire de calcul et en déformant progressivement ce problème L 2 . Nous verrons également d'autres exemples d'application des méthodes de continuation. Enfin, nous présenterons également un algorithme de contrôle robuste, permettant de rejoindre un état cible à partir d'un état perturbé, en suivant une trajectoire de référence tout en conservant la structure bang-bang des contrôles. La robustesse d'un contrôle peut également être améliorée par l'ajout de variations aiguilles, et un critère qualifiant la robustesse d'une trajectoire à partir des valeurs singulières d'une certaine application entrée-sortie est déduit. / The first objective of this work is to study some aspects of the attitude control problem of a rigid body, in order to optimize the trajectory of a launcher during a ballistic flight. We state this problem in a general mathematical setting, as an optimal control problem with intermediate constraints on the state. Meanwhile, we also implement an optimization software that relies on the combination of a direct method and of an interior-point algorithm to optimize any given ballistic flight, with any number of intermediate constraints, corresponding to any number of satellite separations. Besides, we applied the so-called indirect methods, exploiting Pontryagin maximum principle, to the resolution of this optimal control problem. In this work, optimal trajectories with respect to the consumption are looked after, which corresponds to a L 1 cost. Known to be numerically challenging, this criterion can be reached by performing a continuation procedure, starting from a L 2 cost, for which it is easier to provide a good initialization of the underlying optimization algorithm. We shall also study other examples of applications for continuation procedures. Eventually, we will present a robust control algorithm, allowing to reach a target point from a perturbed initial point, following a nominal trajectory while preserving its bang-bang structure. The robustness of a control can be improved introducing needle-like variations, and a criterion to measure the robustness of a trajectory is designed, involving the singular value decomposition of some end-point mapping.

The project is completed! What now?

Legowski, Aris 20 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The Book of the Dead-Project Bonn started in the early 1990s. Prof Ursula Rößler-Köhler, who had previously laid the foundation for modern Book of the Dead studies by her work on BD chapter 17 applying the method of textual criticism, achieved a 10-year funding from the German Research Society (DFG). In 2004 the project was granted another 9-year funding by the Academy of Sciences and Arts of North Rhine-Westphalia. One aim of the project was to gather all available evidence of Book of the Dead manuscripts spread across collections around the world. Today, the archive comprises approximately 3000 records of BD sources. In 2012 the corresponding database, after undergoing a transfer from FileMaker to XML format in collaboration with the department of e-Humanities at the University of Cologne, was launched and made publicly available online. The data sets include various different kinds of information about the objects and the sets of BD spells and vignettes found on them. These are now easily accessible for statistic analyses such as evaluations of neighbouring spells and sequences or occurrences in specific locations or time periods. Furthermore, the database includes several metadata such as bibliographical information, translations of spells and a motif index. It is cross connected with other Egyptological databases such as Trismegistos and the Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae. After the project was completed at the end of 2012, the online database has been operating for a considerable amount of time with scholars using it and trying the several opportunities it provides. Now is the time for a first evaluation to actually see which functions of the database work well, which might have been ignored by users and what information the database could provide scholars with for their actual research. Naturally, there is a need for a continuous maintenance and update on new findings and the latest research. Furthermore it is important to understand which possibly missing functions or information the users wish to be included and if this is actually realisable. On the other hand, there might be opportunities for analyses that have not been fully understood and therefore have not been made use of. This presentation aims to address some of these issues concerning the BD online database and to gather ideas and possible collaborators for future BD project plans.

Regional Geoid Determination Methods for the Era of Satellite Gravimetry : Numerical Investigations Using Synthetic Earth Gravity Models

Ågren, Jonas January 2004 (has links)
It is the purpose of this thesis to investigate different regional geoid determination methods with respect to their feasibility for use with a future GOCE satellite-only Earth Gravity Model (EGM). This includes investigations of various techniques, which involve different approximations, as well as the expected accuracy. Many, but not all, of these tasks are tested by means of Synthetic Earth Gravity Models (SEGMs). The study is limited to remove-compute-restore methods using Helmert condensation and to Sjöberg's combined approach (method with additive corrections). First, a number of modifications of Stokes' formula are tested with respect to their compatibility with a GOCE EGM having negligible commission error. It is concluded that the least squares modification method should be preferred. Next, two new point-mass SEGMs are constructed in such a way that the resulting models have degree variances representative for the full and topographically reduced gravity fields, respectively. These SEGMs are then used to test different methods for modified Stokes' integration and downward continuation. It is concluded that the combined method requires dense observations, obtained from the given surface anomalies by interpolation using a reduction for all known density anomalies, most notably the topography. Examples of other conclusions are that the downward continuation method of Sjöberg (2003a) performs well numerically. To be able to test topographic corrections, another SEGM is constructed starting from the reduced point-mass model, to which the topography, bathymetry and isostatic compensation are added. This model, which is called the Nordic SEGM, is then applied to test one strict and one more approximate approach to Helmert's condensation. One conclusion here is that Helmert's 1st method with the condensation layer 21 km below sea level should be preferred to Helmert's 2nd condensation strategy. The thesis ends with a number of investigations of Sjöberg's combined approach to geoid determination, which include tests using the Nordic SEGM. It is concluded that the method works well in practice for a region like Scandinavia. It is finally shown how the combined strategy may preferably be used to estimate height anomalies directly.

A bandlimited step function for use in discrete periodic extension

Pathmanathan, Sureka January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Mathematics / Nathan Albin / A new methodology is introduced for use in discrete periodic extension of non-periodic functions. The methodology is based on a band-limited step function, and utilizes the computational efficiency of FC-Gram (Fourier Continuation based on orthonormal Gram polynomial basis on the extension stage) extension database. The discrete periodic extension is a technique for augmenting a set of uniformly-spaced samples of a smooth function with auxiliary values in an extension region. If a suitable extension is constructed, the interpolating trigonometric polynomial found via an FFT(Fast Fourier Transform) will accurately approximate the original function in its original interval. The discrete periodic extension is a key construction in the FC-Gram algorithm which is successfully implemented in several recent efficient and high-order PDEs solvers. This thesis focuses on a new flexible discrete periodic extension procedure that performs at least as well as the FC-Gram method, but with somewhat simpler implementation and significantly decreased setup time.

La Rupture du contrat de bail par le bailleur. Etude de trois baux à statut : le bail d'habitation, le bail commercial et le bail rural. / The breach of lease by the lessor. Study of three particular lease contracts : residential lease, commercial lease, rural lease.

Maisonneuve, Caroline 16 October 2015 (has links)
Résumé de la thèse - La rupture du contrat de bail par le bailleur. Etude de trois baux à statut : le bail d'habitation, le bail commercial et le bail ruralLe contrat de bail est un contrat usuel où le locataire est dans une situation de dépendance particulière à l'égard du bailleur. Contrat d'adhésion, le contrat de bail est conclu entre un locataire, réputé être la partie faible et un bailleur, considéré comme la partie forte du contrat. Afin de prévenir la sortie du locataire au gré du bailleur, le législateur est intervenu pour protéger le locataire et organiser le maintien de la relation contractuelle. Les nombreuses législations en la matière ont contribué à rendre les règles gouvernant les baux à statut peu accessibles et lisibles, ce qui nuit à la sécurité juridique et au marché locatif.Une étude approfondie de la rupture du contrat de bail par le bailleur révèle que ce dernier est limité dans sa volonté de rompre la relation contractuelle. D'une part, la rupture est soumise à des conditions strictes et nombreuses. D'autre part, la législation favorise dans de nombreuses hypothèses la continuation de la relation contractuelle au détriment des intérêts du bailleur. La rupture du contrat de bail apparaît donc délicate pour le bailleur, confronté à une multitude d'obstacles. Il est donc utile de procéder à l'identification des modes de rupture du contrat de bail dont dispose le bailleur et, en contrepoint, des moyens mis en place par le législateur pour organiser la continuation de la relation contractuelle en privant le bailleur de la possibilité de rompre celle-ci.La thèse a pour objet de mettre en lumière que la situation du bailleur est difficile, tant les possibilités de mettre fin au contrat de bail sont encadrées. Elle a ainsi vocation à servir de grille de lecture au bailleur, afin de le guider au travers des voies méandreuses qui peuvent lui permettre, parfois, de sortir du contrat de bail.Enfin, l'étude des trois baux à statut, que sont le bail d'habitation, le bail commercial et le bail rural, permet de les comparer et d'observer les différences de traitement du bailleur à la fin du bail, alors que les statuts ont le même dessein, à savoir protéger le locataire et assurer la stabilité contractuelle. / Abstract of Thesis - The breach of lease contract by the lessor. Study of three particular lease contracts : residential lease, commercial lease and agricultural lease.The lease contract is a standard contract where the lessee is dependent on the lessor. Typical exemple of an agreement contract, the lessee is deemed to be the weaker part while the lessor is considered the strongest one of the contract. In order to prevent the release of the lessee at the option of the lessor, the legislator has intervene to protect the lessee and organise the continuation of their contractual relationship. The many laws as regards have helped to make the rules around low status leases, less accessible and readable which undermines legal security and rental market.A thorough study of breach the contract by the lessor reveals that he is limited in his freedom of breaking the contractual relationship. On the one hand, the breach of the contract is subject to strict and many conditions. On the other hand, the legislation promotes in most cases the continuation of the contractual relationship to the detriment of lessor's interests. The breach of the contract appears delicate for the lessor and full of obstacles. So we're talking to proceed with the identification of breaking modes of the lessor and, to happen concurrently, means established by the legislature to organize the continuation of the contractual relationship preventing lessor to end it.The aim of this thesis is to emphasize the fact that lessor's situation is complicated, so the possibilities to put an end lease are regulated. It also is meant to be a reading grid for the lessor, in order to guide him in the intricacies of the ways which could allow him out of the lease contract.Finally, the study of the three lease contracts with statutes, residential lease, commercial lease and agricultural lease, enables to compare them and notice the treatment differences of lessor at the end of contract, whereas the statutes have the same purpose, meaning protect the lessee and ensure the contractual stability.

Monitoramento em tempo real da estabilidade de tensão usando redes neurais artificiais. / Real time monitoring of voltage stability with artificial neural netrworks.

Paz Salazar, Pablo Daniel 11 July 2018 (has links)
Nos dias atuais, há muitos casos em que sistemas de potência estão operando perto dos seus limites de estabilidade devido a restrições econômicas e leis ambientais. A estabilidade de tensão é uma matéria de muita pesquisa e interesse devido a que é considerado como uma das maiores ameaças na segurança dos sistemas. Uma prevenção exitosa de colapso do sistema baseia-se na precisão do método, a simplicidade dos índices, e muito baixo tempo de computação. Este trabalho apresenta uma rede Perceptron Multicamada (PMC) como proposta para monitoramento em tempo real da estabilidade de tensão de sistemas de potência usando como principais dados de entrada medidas obtidas do sistema SCADA. Os dados de treinamento são obtidos com cálculos de fluxo de potência continuado. A rede Perceptron Multicamadas é apresentada como um aproximador universal de funções, que diminui o tempo computacional dos métodos convencionais como o fluxo de potência continuado. Por fim, a topologia da rede PMC proposta é avaliada com o sistema de 30 barras do IEEE, e os resultados em relação ao tempo de computação e precisão são comparados com o método de fluxo de potência continuado. / Nowadays, many power systems are operating near their limits of stability due to economic restrictions and environmental laws. Voltage stability is a subject of great interest because it is considered one of the greatest threats for power systems security. The keys to preventing blackouts are the accuracy of the method, speed indication, and low computation time. This work presents a Multi-layer Perceptron (PMC) network as a proposal for real-time monitoring of voltage stability in power systems using input data obtained from the SCADA system. The training data are obtained by running Continuation Power Flow (CPF) routine. The multi-layer Perceptron network is presented as a universal approximator, reducing the computation time of conventional methods such as the Finally, the proposed PMC network is evaluated in the IEEE 30-bus system. Computation time and accuracy are compared with the continuation power flow method.


ANA LUCIA DE MOURA 27 October 2004 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho é defender o resgate do conceito de co-rotinas como uma construção de controle poderosa e conveniente, que pode substituir tanto continuações de primeira classe como threads com um conceito único e mais simples. Para suprir a ausência de uma definição precisa e adequada para o conceito de co-rotinas, propomos um novo sistema de classificação, e introduzimos o conceito de co- rotinas completas, para o qual provemos uma definição formal, baseada em uma semântica operacional. Demonstramos a seguir a equivalência de poder expressivo entre co-rotinas completas simétricas e assimétricas e entre co-rotinas completas e continuações one-shot tradicionais e parciais, discutindo as vantagens de corotinas completas assimétricas em relação a co-rotinas simétricas e continuações de primeira classe. Finalmente, analizamos os benefícios e desvantagens associados aos diversos modelos de concorrência, justificando a adoção de modelos alternativos a multithreading e o oferecimento de co-rotinas como uma construção básica de concorrência, adequada à implementação desses modelos. / [en] The purpose of this work is to defend the revival of coroutines as a powerful and convenient control construct, which can replace both firstclass continuations and threads with a single and simpler concept. In order to provide an adequate and precise definition of the concept of coroutines, we propose a new classifying system, and introduce the concept of complete coroutines, for which we provide a formal definition based on an operational semantics. We then demostrate that complete symmetric coroutines and complete asymmetric coroutines have equivalent expressive power, as well as complete coroutines and one-shot traditional and partial continuations. We also discuss the advantages of using complete asymmetric coroutines instead of symmetric coroutines or first-class continuations. Finally, we analyse the benefits and problems associated with different concurrency models, and argue in favor of the replacement of multithreading with alternative concurrency models and the provision of coroutines as a basic concurrency construct, adequate for the implementation of these alternative models.

Problemas parabólicos selineares singularmente não autônomos com expoentes críticos / Semilinear parabolic problems singularity non autonomous with critical exponents

Nascimento, Marcelo Jose Dias 15 February 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos problemas de evolução da forma \'d \' úpsilond\' SUP. \' úpsilon\' t\'\' + A (t,\'úpsilon\' )\' úpsilon\' = f(t,\'úpsilon\' ) \'úpsilon\'(0) = \' \' úpsilon\' IND. 0\' \', em um espaço de Banach X onde A(t, \'úpsilon\' ) : D \'está contido em\' X \'SETA \' X é um operador linear fechado e setorial para cada (t, \' úpsilon\' ). Quando o operador A(t, \' úpsilon\' ) é independente de \' úpsilon\' , isto é, A(t, \' úpsilon\') = A(t), mostramos um resultado de exitência, unicidade, continuidade relativamente a dados iniciais e continuação para o caso em que a não linearidade f tem crescimento crítico. Se A(t, \'úpsilon\' ) depende do tempo e do estado, então mostramos um resultado de existência, unicidade com f tendo crescimento sub-crítico semelhante aos resultados encontrados em [7, 33] / In this work we study initial value problems of the form \' d \'úpsilon\' SUP. dt + A (t, \'úpsilon\')\'úpsilon\' = f (t, \'úpsilon\' ) \' úpsilon\' (0) = \' úpsilon IND.0\', in a Banach space X where A(t,\' úpsilon\' ) : D \' this contained \' X \' ARROW\' X is an unbounded closed linear operator which is sectorial for each (t,\' úpsilon\' ). When the operator family A(t, \' úpsilon\' ) is independent of \' úpsilon\' , that is, A(t, \' úpsilon\' ) = A(t), we show a result on local well posedness and continuation with the nonlinearity f growing critically. If A(t,\' úpsilon\' ) depends on the time t and on the state \' úpsilon\' we show a local well posedness and continuation result that is similar to the result found in [7, 33]

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