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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mindfulness-Based Treatment for Maladaptive Interpersonal Dependency: A Randomized Controlled Trial with College Students

McClintock, Andrew S. 19 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Routine Systematic Sampling vs. Selective Targeted Sampling of lymph nodes during mediastinal staging: A feasibility randomized controlled trial

Sullivan, Kerrie Ann January 2020 (has links)
Background: The standard of care for mediastinal staging during endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) is Systematic Sampling (SS) where a minimum of 3 lymph node (LN) stations are biopsied, even if they appear normal on imaging. When LNs appear normal on PET and CT, the Canada Lymph Node Score can also identify if they appear normal on EBUS. For these Triple Normal LNs, the pretest probability of malignancy is < 6%, and routine biopsy may not be required. This preliminary study introduced Selective Targeted Sampling (STS), which omits biopsy of Triple Normal LNs and compared it firsthand to SS. Methods: A prospective, feasibility RCT was conducted to determine whether the progression of a definitive trial was warranted. Primary outcomes and their progression criterium were recruitment rate (70% acceptable minimum); procedure length (no overlap between sampling methods’ 95%CIs); and missed nodal metastasis (overlap between sampling methods’ diagnostic accuracy 95%CIs and crossing of the null for the percent difference in diagnosis). cN0-N1 NSCLC patients undergoing EBUS were randomized to the STS or SS arm. Patients in the STS arm were then crossed over to the SS arm to receive standard of care. Wilson’s CI method and McNemar’s test of paired proportions were used for statistical comparison. Surgical pathology was the reference standard. Results: Thirty-eight patients met the eligibility criteria, and all were recruited (100%; 95%CI: 90.82 to 100.00%). The median procedure lengths, in minutes, for STS and SS were 3.07 (95%CI: 2.33 to 5.52) and 19.07 (95%CI: 15.34 to 20.05) respectively. STS had a diagnostic accuracy of 100% (95%CI: 74.65% to 100.00%), whereas SS was 93.75% (95%CI: 67.71% to 99.67%) with the inclusion of inconclusive results. Percent difference in diagnosis between sampling method was 5.35% (95%CI: -0.54% to 11.25%). Conclusion: With the progression criteria successfully met, a subsequent multicentered, non-inferiority crossover trial comparing STS to SS is warranted. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / Before deciding on treatment for patients with lung cancer, a critical step in the investigations is finding out whether the lymph nodes in the chest contain cancer. This is best done with a needle that biopsies those lymph nodes through the walls of the airway, known as endobronchial ultrasound transbronchial needle aspiration. Guidelines require that every lymph node in the chest be biopsied through a process called Systematic Sampling. However, new research has suggested that some lymph nodes may not need a biopsy. These lymph nodes are ones with a very low chance of cancer, based on their imaging tests. In this study, Selective Targeted Sampling was introduced whereby lymph nodes that appeared normal were not initially biopsied. The study followed a feasibility design, which proved sufficient patient interest, adequate safety and possible benefits in pursuing a larger trial comparing Selective Targeted Sampling to Systematic Sampling.

Evaluation of surgical methods for sleep apnea and snoring

Holmlund, Thorbjörn January 2016 (has links)
Background: Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are both common disorders with a number of negative health effects. The safety and efficacy of treating snoring and OSA surgically have been questioned and there has been a lack of studies in the field. Aims: 1) To investigate the frequency of serious complications, including death, after surgery for the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea; 2) to evaluate the effect on daytime sleepiness after radiofrequency surgery of the soft palate in snoring men with mild or no OSA; 3) to evaluate the effect of tonsillectomy on sleep apnea in adults with OSA and tonsillar hypertrophy; 4) to investigate the morphology and cytoarchitecture of muscle fibers in human soft palatal muscles with immunohistochemical and morphological techniques. Methods and results: In paper 1, a retrospective database study. All Swedish adults who were treated surgically because of snoring or OSA from January 1997 to December 2005 were identified in the National Patient Register. None of the surgically treated patients died in the peri- and postoperative period. Severe complications were recorded in 37.1 of 1,000 patients treated with uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), in 5.6 of 1,000 patients after uvulopalatoplasty (UPP) and in 8.8 of 1,000 patients after nasal surgery. In paper 2, the study was designed as a randomized, controlled trial. 35 snoring men with mild or no OSA were randomized to either radiofrequency or sham surgery of the soft palate. Radiofrequency surgery was not found to be effective since there was no significant difference between the two groups in relation to the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) or apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) at follow-up. Paper 3 was a prospective study, including 28 patients with an AHI of &gt;10 and with large tonsils. In these patients, tonsillectomy was an effective treatment for OSA; the mean AHI was reduced from 40 units/h to 7 units/h (p&lt;0.001), and the mean ESS was reduced from 10.1 to 6.0 (p&lt;0.001) at the six-month follow-up after surgery. Minor and moderate swallowing dysfunction was found in seven of eight patients investigated before surgery and the swallowing function improved in 5 of them after surgery, while no one deteriorated. In paper 4, we investigated the morphology and cytoarchitecture in normal soft palate muscles. Human limb muscles were used as reference. The findings showed that the soft palate muscle fibers have a cytoskeletal architecture and cellmembrane complex that differs from that of the limb muscles. Conclusions No case of death related to surgery was found among 4,876 patients treated with UPPP, UPP or nasal surgery for snoring or OSA in Sweden between 1997 and 2005. Radiofrequency surgery of the soft palate has no effect on daytime sleepiness, snoring or apnea frequency in snoring men with mild or no OSA. Tonsillectomy can be an effective treatment for OSA in adults with large tonsils. A subgroup of muscle fibers in the human soft palate appears to have special biomechanical properties and their unique cytoarchitecture must be taken into account while assessing function and pathology in oropharyngeal muscles. / Snarkning och obstruktiv sömnapné (OSA) är idag en global folksjukdom. Snarkning är det ”oljud” som uppstår när luftvägen under sömn förminskas och vävnaden börjar vibrera under andning. Vid obstruktiv sömnapné faller vävnaden samman och blockerar luftflödet till lungorna. Ett andningsuppehåll, en s.k. apné inträffar. Ett andningsuppehåll kan pågå allt ifrån några sekunder till mer än en minut och kan uppstå hundratals gånger per natt. För att klassificeras som en patologisk apné enligt internationell standard måste andningsuppehållet vara längre än 10 sek. Snarksjukdomen förvärras sannolikt över tid och övergår succesivt i obstruktiv sömnapné med ökande antal andningsuppehåll under sömn. Detta leder till ett stresspåslag för kroppen med oftast uttalad dagtrötthet och en mängd negativa hälsoeffekter. Snarksjukdom och sömnapné ökar risken för bl.a. högt blodtryck och hjärt-kärlsjukdom samt också för att den drabbade ska orsaka trafikolyckor på grund av försämrad koncentrationsförmåga och trötthet. En del av den negativa utvecklingen från snarkning till sömnapné anses bero på att snarkvibrationer kan ge neuromuskulära skador i gom och svalg. Dessa vävnadsskador anses också vara orsaken till att personer som snarkat länge ofta uppvisar störd sväljningsfunktion i form av felsväljning, där maten i uttalade fall hamnar i luftstrupen istället för i matstrupen. I dagsläget är förstahandsbehandling vid sömnapné CPAP, en mask som placeras över näsa och mun och som skapar ett övertryck i luftvägen vilket förhindrar att luftvägen faller samman och att andningsstopp uppstår. CPAP har enligt flera studier den bästa effekten mot andningsuppehåll. En annan vanlig behandling är en bettskena som för underkäken nedåt och framåt så att luftvägen bli mer öppen. Bettskenan är en vanlig och effektiv behandlingsmetod för personer utan kraftig övervikt vid vanemässig snarkning eller måttlig sömnapné. För ett tjugotal år sedan var kirurgi förstahandsmetoden vid behandling av snarkning och måttlig sömnapné. Man utförde då ofta operationer i svalg och gomm, s.k. gomplastiker. Bruket av kirurgisk behandling har dock minskat med tiden, dels p.g.a. biverkningar men också för att det saknades vetenskapliga studier som bevisade att kirurgin gav önskad och långsiktig effekt. Kirurgi utgör dock fortfarande ett komplement till behandling av snarkning och sömnapné när CPAP eller bettskena av olika skäl inte fungerar eller kan tolereras av patienten. 8 Även barn kan lida av snarkning och sömnapné men behandlingsprinciperna för barn skiljer sig från dem hos vuxna och berörs inte i avhandlingen. I denna avhandling studeras: i) biverkningsfrekvenser efter olika typer av snarkkirurgi, ii) effekten av radiovågsbehandling i mjuka gommen på vuxna män med snarkning, iii) effekten av att operera bort halsmandlarna på vuxna med sömnapné och stora halsmandlar, iv) muskelvävnadens struktur och molekylära uppbyggnad i mjuka gommen hos friska personer som inte snarkar. Avhandlingen består av fyra delstudier: 1. En registerstudie med kartläggning av svåra biverkningar efter kirurgi i form av uvulopalatopharyngoplastik, uvulupalatoplastik samt näskirurgi för behandling av sömnapné och snarkning och utfört i Sverige mellan åren 1997-2005. Studien omfattade 4 876 patienter. Inga dödsfall noterades. Komplikationsrisken var störst vid operationer där man tog bort delar av mjuka gommen samt halsmandlarna, där i snitt 37 av 1000 opererade fick biverkningar, framförallt p.g.a. infektioner eller blödningar. 2. I en prospektiv, randomiserad placebostudie utvärderades effekten av radiovågsbehandling i mjuka gommen vid snarkning och lindrig sömnapne. Trettiotvå patienter lottades till att få radiovågsbehandling eller placebo behandling. Patienterna visste inte vilken grupp de tillhörde. Vid uppföljning efter 12 månader var det inga statistiska belägg för att radiovågsbehandling minskade vare sig antal andningsuppehåll eller dagtrötthet. 3. Effekten av att ta bort halsmandlarna på patienter med stora halsmandlar och olika grad av sömnapné utvärderades i denna studie. Totalt deltog 28 patienter. Vid uppföljning 6 månader efter operationen hade antalet andningsuppehåll sjunkit drastiskt, från i snitt 40 till 7 andningsuppehåll per timme nattsömn. Inga allvarliga biverkningar uppstod. Dessa fynd talar för att man som förstahandsmetod ska erbjuda patienter med sömnapné och stora halsmandlar att ta bort halsmandlarna. 4. I detta projekt undersökte vi utseendet och uppbyggnaden av cellskelettet i två normala muskler i mjuka gommen hos friska personer utan känd snarkning och sömnapné. Muskler från armar och ben användes som referens. Fynden i studien visar att de normala muskelfibrernas uppbyggnad i mjuka gomen skiljer sig från jämförade muskler i armar och ben. Detta kan vara ett uttryck för en evolutionär utveckling för att möjligöra de komplexa funktioner som krävs av svalgets muskulatur. 9 Sammanfattningsvis kan vi konstatera: Att inga dödsfall har skett i Sverige efter operationer i gom, svalg eller näsa, utförda för att behandla snarkning och sömnapné under åren 1997 till 2005. Att radiovågsbehandling av mjuka gommen hos snarkande män med lindrig sömnapné inte har någon effekt på dagtrötthet, snarkning eller andningsuppehåll vid uppföljning efter 12 månader. Metoden kan därför inte rekommenderas. Att när man opererar bort stora halsmandlar på personer med andningsuppehåll så leder detta ofta till att andningsuppehållen minskar drastiskt. Metoden kan därför oftast rekommenderas som en förstahandsbehandling för denna patientgrupp. Att mjuka gommens muskelfibrer är uppbyggda på ett unikt sätt indikerar att deras specifika biomekaniska egenskaper skiljer sig från referens muskler i armar och ben.

Improving Work Ability and Return to Work among Women on Long-term Sick Leave

Ahlstrom, Linda January 2014 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis was to gain new knowledge of factors and interventions that improve work ability and return to work (RTW) among women on long-term sick leave from human service organizations (HSOs). The specific aims of the studies were: to evaluate the associations between the self-rated Work Ability Index (WAI) and Work Ability Score (WAS), and the relationship with prospective sick leave, symptoms, and health (Paper I); to investigate whether intervention with myofeedback training or intensive muscular strength training could decrease pain and increase work ability among women with neck pain (Paper II); to examine the associations between workplace rehabilitation and the combination of supportive conditions at work with work ability and RTW over time (Paper III); and to explore experiences, views, and strategies in the rehabilitation process for RTW (Paper IV). This thesis is based on a prospective cohort study (n=324) and a randomized controlled study (RCT) (n=60, participants with neck pain). Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The data collection consisted of questionnaires, laboratory-observed data, register-based data, and interviews. The results showed a very strong association between WAI and WAS, and results predicted future sick leave degree, health-related quality of life, vitality, neck pain, self-rated general health, self-rated mental health, behavioral stress, and current stress (Paper I). In the RCT (Paper II), individuals in the myofeedback intervention group increased their vitality and work ability over time and individuals in the intensive musculoskeletal strength training group increased their WAI, WAS, and mental health over time. WAI, WAS, and RTW increased over time among individuals provided with workplace rehabilitation and supportive conditions at work (Paper III) such as a sense of feeling welcome back at work, influence at work, possibilities for development, degree of freedom at work, meaning of work, quality of leadership, social support, sense of community, and work satisfaction. Women described (Paper IV) how they were striving to work and how they had different views, strategies, and approaches in the rehabilitation process for RTW. They expressed a desire to work, their goals for work, and their wishes for work. In the rehabilitation process for RTW they described their interaction with stakeholders as either controlling the interaction or struggling in the interaction. They described strategies to cope with RTW in terms of yo-yo (fluctuating) working: yo-yo working as a strategy or yo-yo working as a consequence. This thesis identifies factors of importance in improving work ability and RTW among women on long-term sick leave from HSOs. For women with neck pain, the intervention study showed feasibility of the intervention and demonstrated improved work ability and decreased pain (Paper II). The intensive muscular strength training program, which is easy for the individual to learn and perform at home, was associated with increased work ability. The results regarding rehabilitation highlight the importance of integrating workplace rehabilitation with supportive conditions at work to increase work ability and improve RTW (Paper III). Women expressed that they were striving to work and that they wanted to work (Paper IV). These women were “going in and out” of work participation (yo-yo working) as a way to handle the rehabilitation process. For assessing the status and progress of work ability among women on long-term sick leave, the single-question WAS may be used as a compliment to the full WAI as a simple indicator (Paper I). / <p>Akademisk avhandling som för avläggande av medicine doktorsexamen vid Sahlgrenska akademin, Göteborgs universitet, kommer att offentligen försvaras i hörsal Hamberger, Medicinaregatan 16 A, Göteborg, måndagen den 6 oktober 2014, klockan 09.00</p>

Self-care tools to treat depressive symptoms in older adults with ocular diseases : a randomized controlled clinical trial

Kamga, Hortence 09 1900 (has links)
Objectif: La dépression est un problème fréquent chez les personnes atteintes de dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge (DMLA) et de rétinopathie diabétique (RD). Les antidépresseurs et les thérapies psychologiques sont souvent sous utilisés. Notre objectif était de déterminer si les outils d’auto-soins associés au support téléphonique limité pouvaient réduire les symptômes dépressifs. Méthodes: Un essai clinique randomisé à simple insu a été mené à l’Hôpital Maisonneuve Rosemont, Canada. Tous les patients éligibles étaient invités à participer à l’essai. Pour être éligibles, les participants devaient 1) avoir un diagnostic de DMLA avancée ou de RD, 2) au moins des symptômes dépressifs moyens et 3) une acuité visuelle meilleure que 20/200 dans leur meilleur oeil. Une moitié des participants était randomisée au bras d’intervention et l’autre moitié à l’intervention retardée/traitement usuel. L’intervention était composée d’outils audio et écrits en gros caractères, incluant des principes cognitifs comportementaux plus trois appels téléphoniques d’un coach d’une durée de 10 minutes chacun. Les données de suivi étaient collectées huit semaines plus tard, par téléphone. L’issu primaire était le changement de symptômes dépressifs à huit semaines, mesuré par le questionnaire sur la santé du patient, PHQ-9. Résultats: Quatre-vingts participants, âgés de 50 ans et plus ont été recrutés, dont 70 ayant des données complètes et 10 perdus de vue (12.5%). Le score moyen du iv PHQ-9 à l’inclusion était de 9.5 (SD=3.9) indiquant des symptômes dépressifs modérés. La réduction moyenne du score de PHQ-9 au terme du suivi était de 4.9 (SD=4.2) dans le groupe d’intervention et de 3.2 (SD=4.6) dans le groupe de traitement usuel, soit une différence intergroupe de 1.7 point (p=0.104). Après avoir contrôlé pour les disparités observées à l’inclusion notamment pour l’acuité visuel, l’utilisation des antidépresseurs et la participation à la psychothérapie, cette différence est passée de 1.7 à 2.3 et est devenue statistiquement significative (p=0.037). Soixante pourcent des participants du groupe d’intervention ont rapporté avoir utilisé les outils d’auto-soins au terme de l’étude ou de l’exploitation des données Conclusion: Les outils d’auto-soins accompagnés de support téléphonique conduisent à une petite amélioration des symptômes dépressifs chez les patients atteints de pathologies oculaires liées à l’âge. Des recherches additionnelles ciblant les meilleures stratégies pour soutenir les patients déprimés atteints de maladies oculaires liées à l’âge sont nécessaires. / Purpose: Depression is a common problem in people with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy (DR). Antidepressants and psychotherapy are often underutilized. Our goal was to determine if self-care tools plus limited telephone support could reduce depressive symptoms. Methods: A single-blind randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted at Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital in Montreal, Canada. All eligible patients were invited to participate in the trial. To be eligible, participants must have had either late stage AMD or DR, at least mild depressive symptoms, and visual acuity better than 20/200 in their better eye. Half were randomized to the intervention arm and half to delayed intervention/usual care. The intervention consisted of large print written and audio tools incorporating cognitive-behavioral principles plus three 10-minute telephone calls from a coach. Eight-week follow-up data were collected by telephone. The primary outcome was the 8-week change in depressive symptoms as measured by the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). Results: Eighty participants, aged 50 years and older, were recruited while 10 were lost to follow-up (12.5%) giving 70 with complete data, 35 in each group. The mean baseline PHQ-9 score was 9.5 out of 27 (SD=3.9) indicating moderate depressive symptoms. The average decrease in PHQ-9 scores over the 8 weeks was 4.9 (SD=4.2) in the intervention group and 3.2 (SD=4.6) in the usual care group, a 1.7 point difference (P=0.104). After adjusting for baseline imbalances in visual acuity, ii antidepressant use, and participation in psychotherapy, the difference increased from 1.7 to 2.3 and became statistically significant (p=0.037). Sixty percent of those in the intervention group reported having used the tools at the end of the study. Conclusions: Self-care tools plus telephone coaching led to a small improvement in depressive symptoms in patients with age-related eye disease. Additional research into the best way to support depressed patients with age-related eye disease is necessary.

Efeito do treinamento resistido sobre a osteoporose após a menopausa: estudo de atualização / Effect of resistance training on postmenopausal osteoporosis: updating study

Jovine, Marcia Salazar 05 June 2006 (has links)
Objetivo: investigar o efeito de intervenções com treinamento resistido sobre a força muscular e densidade mineral óssea nos sítios de maior ocorrência de fraturas relacionadas a osteoporose em mulheres no estágio de vida após a menopausa. Metodologia: estudo de atualização por meio de revisão sistemática de ensaios controlados randomizados e meta-análise nas bases de dados do Colégio Americano de Medicina Esportiva e da Biblioteca Cochrane no período compreendido entre os anos de 1985 e fevereiro de 2005. Resultados: foram encontrados vinte e seis estudos que atenderam os critérios de inclusão, realizados nos países Alemanha, Austrália, Áustria, Canadá, China, Estados Unidos, França, e Japão, com um total de 2300 mulheres com idades entre os 40 e 92 anos. Intervenções com treinamento resistido apresentaram resultados estatisticamente significantes sobre a força muscular e a densidade mineral óssea nos sítios vértebras lombares, fêmur (triângulo de Ward/trocanter) e quadril total. Conclusão: treinamento resistido mostrou ser capaz de prover estímulo para aumentar força muscular e formação óssea, influenciando os fatores de risco relacionados com osteoporose e quedas seguidas de fratura em mulheres no estágio de vida após a menopausa. / Objective: to investigate the effect of interventions with resistance training on muscular strength and bone mineral density in the sites of larger occurrence of osteoporotic fractures in postmenopausal women. Methodology: updating study through systematic review of randomized controlled trials and meta-analysis in the databases of the American College of Sports Medicine and the Cochrane Library was conducted from 1985 up to and including February 2005. Results: twenty-six studies met the inclusion criteria from the Germany, Australia, Austria, Canada, China, United States, France and Japan, with a total of 2300 women aged 40 and 92 yrs. Interventions with resistance training showed results statistically significant on the muscular strength and bone mineral density of the lumbar spine, femur (Ward/ trochanter) and total hip. Conclusion: resistance training markedly influences osteoporotic risk factors concerning falls (muscular strength) and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women.

Efeitos do uso de aditivo no leite humano cru da própria mãe em recém-nascidos pré-termo de muito baixo peso / Effects of the use of additive in the raw human milk of mothers of very low birth weight preterm newborns

Martins, Evelyn Conti 01 December 2008 (has links)
A nutrição do recém-nascido pré-termo de muito baixo peso representa um desafio para a equipe multiprofissional devido a condições especiais, como o metabolismo acelerado, diminuição das reservas orgânicas, maior risco de complicações associadas à imaturidade do sistema digestivo e a capacidade reduzida de adaptação frente a situações de sobrecarga hidro-eletrolítica. A preocupação com a nutrição do pré-termo justifica-se pela necessidade de promover velocidade de crescimento físico e desenvolvimento semelhantes à da vida intra-uterina. Objetivos: a) Geral; comparar o ganho ponderoestatural e a freqüência de complicações clínicas em recém-nascidos prétermo com peso inferior a 1500g, alimentados exclusivamente com leite humano cru da própria mãe, com e sem a suplementação de aditivo, até atingirem o peso de 1800g; b)Específicos: descrever e comparar o ganho pondero-estatural e a freqüência de complicações clínicas em recém-nascidos pré-termo com peso inferior a 1500g, alimentados exclusivamente com leite humano cru da própria mãe, com e sem a suplementação de aditivo, até atingirem o peso de 1800g. Métodos: Ensaio clínico prospectivo randomizado duplo-cego em 40 recém-nascidos pré-termo com peso de nascimento inferior a 1500g internados em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal no período de agosto de 2005 a abril de 2007. Para detectar a diferença de 3,0g/Kg/dia no ganho de peso, com desvio padrão de 4,0g/Kg/dia com nível de significância de 5% e poder de teste de 80%, foi calculada uma amostra com 20 neonatos em cada grupo (controle e intervenção). Na análise estatística foram utilizados o teste exato de Fisher, t de Student, Kolmogorov-Smirnov e teste não paramétrico de Mann Whitney. Resultados: O ganho ponderal nos recém-nascidos pré-termo de muito baixo peso que receberam leite humano cru da própria mãe com aditivo foi de 24,4g/dia e de 21,2g/dia no grupo que recebeu leite humano (p=0,075). Com relação ao comprimento, houve aumento de 1,09 cm/semana no grupo que recebeu leite humano cru da própria mãe com aditivo e 0,87cm/semana no grupo que recebeu leite humano puro (p=0,003). Quanto às complicações clínicas, não houve diferença significante com relação à intolerância digestiva, distensão abdominal, hipernatremia e episódios de infecção. Conclusões: A suplementação de aditivo no leite humano cru da própria mãe, na concentração de 5%, após a oferta hídrica da dieta atingir 100ml/Kg/dia e até o recém-nascido apresentar peso de 1800g, proporcionou ganho ponderal médio diário superior ao obtido no grupo controle, embora sem diferença significante. Houve aumento significativo do comprimento em relação ao grupo controle. Não foram observadas complicações clínicas relacionadas ao uso de aditivo no leite humano cru da própria mãe do recém-nascido pré-termo. / The nutrition of very low birth weight preterm newborns represents a challenge for a multiprofessional team due to special conditions, such as accelerated metabolism, reduction of organic reserves, higher risk of complications associated to the immature digestive system, and reduced capacity of adaptation in face of hydroelectrolytic overload situations. The concern with the preterm infant nutrition is justified by the need of promoting physical growth velocity and development similar to those in the intrauterine life. Objectives: a) General: to compare the ponderal-stature gain and the frequency of clinical complications in preterm newborns weighting less than 1500g, exclusively fed with their own mothers raw human milk with or without additive until reaching 1800g; b) Specific: to describe and compare the ponderal-stature gain and the frequency of clinical complications in preterm newborns weighting less than 1500g, exclusively fed with their own mothers raw human milk with or without additive until reaching 1800g. Methods: Prospective double-blind randomized controlled trial in 40 preterm newborns with birth weight lower than 1500g hospitalized in neonatal intensive care unit from August 2005 to April 2007. In order to detect the difference of 3.0g/Kg/day in the gain of weight, with standard deviation of 4.0g/Kg/day, significance level of 5% and power of test of 80%, a sample with 20 newborns in each group (control and intervention) was calculated. In the statistical analysis, Fisher exact test, t of Student, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Mann Whitney non-parametric test were utilized. Results: The ponderal gain in very low birth weight preterm newborns who have received raw human milk of their own mothers with additive was 24.4g/day and 21.2g/day in the group receiving human milk (p=0.075). In regard to the stature, there was an increase of 1.09 cm/week in the group receiving human milk of their own mothers with additive and 0.87cm/week in the group receiving pure human milk (p=0.003). As for clinical complications, there was no significant difference in regard to digestive intolerance, abdominal distension, hypernatremia and episodes of infection. Conclusions: The supplementation of additive in the own mother human milk, in the concentration of 5%, after the diet hydric offer supply reaches 100 ml/Kg/day and until the newborn weights 1800g, has allowed a daily average ponderal gain higher than that obtained in the control group, although with no significant difference. There was a significant increase of stature in regard to the control group. No clinical complications regarding the use of additive in the raw human milk of preterm newborns own mothers were observed.

Ensaio clínico randomizado sobre o impacto dos macrolídeos na mortalidade de pacientes infectados pelo HIV e com pneumonia adquirida na comunidade / Ceftriaxone versus ceftriaxone plus a macrolide for community acquired pneumonia in hospitalized patients with HIV/AIDS: a randomized controlled trial

Mello, Claudia Figueiredo 19 December 2017 (has links)
O objetivo principal dessa tese foi avaliar se o tratamento com ceftriaxona e um macrolídeo leva a melhores desfechos quando comparada a monoterapia com ceftriaxona em pacientes hospitalizados com HIV/AIDS e pneumonia adquirida na comunidade (PAC). 227 adultos com HIV hospitalizados por uma suspeita de PAC foram randomizados numa proporção 1:1 para receber um dos dois regimes, ceftriaxona mais macrolídeo ou ceftriaxona mais placebo. Houve 2 exclusões após a randomização, um paciente retirou consentimento para uso de seus dados e outro paciente já havia sido incluído previamente no estudo, perfazendo um total de 225 pacientes analisados (112 receberam ceftriaxona mais placebo e 113 receberam ceftriaxona mais macrolídeo). Os pacientes tinham HIV há um longo tempo (período mediano de 10 anos) e a maioria não fazia uso regular de terapia antirretroviral. Somente 32/202 pacientes (16%) tinham carga viral menor que 50 cópias/mL e 146/202 (72%) tinham contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ menor que 200 células/mm³. A frequência do desfecho primário, letalidade durante a internação, não foi estatisticamente distinta entre os regimes estudados: 12/112 (11%) pacientes que receberam ceftriaxona mais placebo e 17/113 (15%) que receberam ceftriaxona mais macrolídeo foram a óbito durante a hospitalização (HR: 1.22, 95% CI: 0.57-2.59). Não foram encontradas diferenças entre os regimes para os desfechos secundários: letalidade em 14 dias (RR: 2.38, 95% CI: 0.87-6.53), uso de drogas vasoativas (OR: 1.18, 95% CI: 0.60-2.29) e ventilação mecânica (OR: 1.24, 95% CI: 0.64- 2.40). A etiologia das infecções pulmonares adquiridas na comunidade nesses pacientes com infecção pelo HIV também foi estudada e determinada prospectivamente. Essa investigação também buscou analisar a contribuição de diferentes métodos diagnósticos e o impacto de diferentes abordagens de investigação microbiológica. Além disso, os achados microbiológicos foram analisados levando em consideração a contagem de linfócitos T CD4+, gravidade da doença e a situação da vacina pneumocócica. 224 pacientes foram submetidos a investigação microbiológica estendida e 143 (64%) tiveram uma etiologia determinada. Por outro lado, a investigação microbiológica de rotina foi capaz de determinar o agente etiológico em 92 (41%) pacientes. Métodos baseados na reação em cadeia da polimerase foram essenciais para o diagnóstico de bactérias atípicas e vírus, além de melhorar a detecção de Pneumocystis jirovecii. Entre os 143 pacientes com uma etiologia determinada, Pneumocystis jirovecii foi o principal agente, detectado em 52 (36%) casos, seguido pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis responsável por 28 (20%) casos. Streptococcus pneumoniae e Rhinovírus foram diagnosticados em 22 (15%) casos cada e Influenza em 15 (10%) casos. Entre as bactérias atípicas, Mycoplasma pneumoniae foi responsável por 12 (8%) e Chlamydophila pneumoniae por 7 (5%) casos. Infecções mistas ocorreram em 48 casos (34%). Streptococcus pneumoniae foi associado com maiores escores de gravidade, sem associação com o estado vacinal. A análise de agentes etiológicos baseada na contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ demonstrou que a etiologia da pneumonia nos pacientes que estavam gravemente imunossuprimidos (CD4+ < 200 células/mm³) foi similar aos que não estavam. Pneumocystis jirovecii foi o único agente mais frequente no primeiro grupo, um achado esperado levando em consideração os critérios diagnósticos empregados / The main purpose of this thesis was to evaluate if treatment with ceftriaxone and a macrolide improved patient outcome when compared with monotherapy with ceftriaxone in hospitalized patients with HIV/AIDS with community acquired pneumonia (CAP). 227 adult patients with HIV hospitalized due to suspected CAP were randomized to receive one of two regimens, ceftriaxone plus macrolide or ceftriaxone plus placebo, at a 1:1 proportion. We had 2 exclusions after randomization, one patient who withdrew consent for data inclusion and use and one that had previously been included, leaving a total of 225 patients to analyse (112 received ceftriaxone plus placebo and 113 received ceftriaxone plus macrolide). Patients had prolonged HIV infection, the median period was twelve years, and most of them did not make regular use of antiretroviral therapy. Only 32/202 patients (16%) had viral load below 50 copies/mL and 146/202 (72%) had a CD4+ T cell count below 200 cells/mm³. The frequency of the primary outcome, in-hospital mortality, was not statistically different between the studied regimens: 12/112 (11%) patients who received ceftriaxone plus placebo and 17/113 (15%) who received ceftriaxone plus macrolide died during hospitalization (HR: 1.22, 95% CI: 0.57-2.59). We did not find differences between the regimens for the secondary outcomes: mortality within 14 days (RR: 2.38, 95% CI: 0.87-6.53), need for vasoactive drug (OR: 1.18, 95% CI: 0.60-2.29) or mechanical ventilation (OR: 1.24, 95% CI: 0.64-2.40). The etiology of community-acquired pulmonary infections in these hospitalized patients with HIV was also studied and determined prospectively. This investigation also aimed to analyze the contribution of different diagnostic methods as well of the impact of different approaches to microbiological evaluation and to evaluate the microbiological findings in relation to the CD4+ T cell count, the severity of disease and pneumococcal vaccine status. 224 patients underwent the extended microbiological investigation of which 143 (64%) had an etiology determined. On the other hand, the microbiological routine investigation was able to determine the etiological agents in 92 (41%) patients. Polymerase chain reaction-based methods were essential for the diagnosis of atypical bacteria and viruses, besides contributing to ameliorate Pneumocystis jirovecii detection. Among the 143 patients with a determined etiology, Pneumocystis jirovecii was the main agent, detected in 52 (36%) cases and followed by Mycobacterium tuberculosis accounting for 28 (20%) cases. Streptococcus pneumoniae and Rhinovirus were diagnosed in 22 (15%) cases each and Influenza in 15 (10%) cases. Among atypical bacteria, Mycoplasma pneumoniae was responsible for 12 (8%) and Chlamydophila pneumoniae for 7 (5%) cases. Mixed infections occurred in 48 cases (34%). Streptococcus pneumoniae was associated with higher severity scores and not associated with vaccine status. Performing an analysis of causative agents based on CD4+ T cell count, we found that the etiology of pneumonia in those severely immunosuppressed (CD4+ < 200 cells/mm³) was similar to those who were not. Pneumocystis jirovecii is the only agent more frequent in the former group, an expected finding considering our diagnostic criteria

Suplementação de creatina associada ao treinamento fisíco em mulheres com osteoartrite de joelho: estudo clínico aleatorizado, duplo-cego, controlado por placebo / Creatine supplementation associated with resistance training in women with knee osteoarthritis: randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial

Neves Júnior, Manoel Tavares 18 May 2011 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O fortalecimento do quadríceps em pacientes com osteoartrite (OA) de joelho está associado à redução da dor, independência para caminhar e melhora funcional, salientando o papel dos exercícios físicos no tratamento dessa doença. Portanto, procedimentos capazes de aumentar os efeitos do exercício sobre força e função muscular podem ser potencialmente terapêuticos nesses pacientes. OBJETIVOS: Demonstrar a eficácia da suplementação de creatina associada ao treinamento de força (TF) no tratamento da OA de joelho. MÉTODOS: Mulheres entre 50 e 65 anos de idade com OA de joelho foram suplementadas com CR (20 g/d por 7 dias e depois 5 g/d até o fim do estudo) ou placebo (PL) e submetidas a um programa de TF por 12 semanas. Antes e após esse período, foram realizadas avaliações de capacidade física funcional (desfecho primário), dor, qualidade de vida, força muscular, composição corporal e função renal. RESULTADOS: Houve significante melhora da capacidade física funcional aferida pelo teste de levantar e sentar em 30 segundos (desfecho primário) apenas no grupo CR (P = 0,006). Além disso, foi observado efeito de interação entre grupos (CR PRÉ: 15,7 ± 1,4, CR PÓS: 18,1 ± 1,8; PL PRÉ: 15,0 ± 1,8, PL PÓS: 15,2 ± 1,2; P = 0,004). O grupo CR também apresentou melhora nos domínios de capacidade física funcional (P = 0,005) e de rigidez (P = 0,024) do Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC), no índice algofuncional de Lequesne (P = 0,01) e na massa magra de membros inferiores mensurada pela densitometria de dupla emissão com fonte de raios X (P = 0,04). Em ambos os grupos houve redução da dor, tanto pela escala visual numérica quanto pelo domínio de dor do WOMAC (P < 0,05). De forma similar, houve aumento da força muscular pelo teste de 1 repetição máxima (P = 0,005), sem diferença entre grupos (P = 0,81). Não houve alteração na depuração de 51Cr-EDTA (CR PRÉ: 86,16 ± 14,36, PÓS: 87,25 ± 17,60 mL/min/1,73 m2; PL PRÉ: 85,15 ± 8,54, PÓS: 87,18 ± 9.64 mL/min/1,73 m2; P = 0,81), bem como em qualquer outro parâmetro de função renal avaliado (dosagem sérica de creatinina e ureia, depuração estimada de creatinina, dosagem de creatinina, ureia, albumina e proteína na urina de 24 horas e cálculo da razão albumina/creatinina na urina de 24 horas). CONCLUSÃO: A suplementação de CR melhora capacidade física funcional, qualidade de vida e massa magra de membros inferiores em mulheres com OA de joelho submetidas ao treinamento de força sem afetar a função renal / INTRODUCTION: Strengthening of the quadriceps muscle in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) is related to walking self-efficacy, reduced pain, and improved function, stressing the role of strengthening exercises in the treatment of this disease. Therefore, procedures capable of enhancing the exercise effects on muscle strength and function may be potentially therapeutic for knee OA patients. OBJECTIVES: To demonstrate the efficacy of creatine (CR) supplementation associated with strengthening exercises in knee OA. METHODS: Women aged 50 to 65 years with knee OA were allocated to receive either CR (20 g/d for one week and 5 g/d thereafter) or placebo (PL) and were enrolled in a lower limb resistance training program. They were assessed at baseline (PRE) and after 12 weeks (POST). The primary outcome was the physical function as measured by the timed-stands test. Secondary outcomes included pain, quality of life, muscle strength, body composition and renal function. RESULTS: Physical function was significantly improved only in the CR group (P = 0.006). Additionally, a significant betweengroup difference was observed (CR PRE: 15.7 ± 1.4, POST: 18.1 ± 1.8; PL PRE: 15.0 ± 1.8, POST: 15.2 ± 1.2; P = 0.004). The CR group also presented improvements in the subscales of physical function (P = 0.005) and stiffness (P = 0.024) of the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC). Additionally, only the CR group presented a significant improvement in quality of life assessed by the Lequesne Index (P = 0.01) and in lower limb lean mass measured by dual X-ray absorptiometry (P = 0.04). Both CR and PL groups demonstrated significant reductions in pain assessed by the visual numeric scale and by the WOMAC subscale of pain (P < 0.05). Similarly, a main effect for time revealed an increase in muscle strength by the leg press 1 repetition maximum (P = 0.005) with no significant differences between groups (P = 0.81). Renal function measured by 51Cr-EDTA clearance was not different between groups (CR PRE: 86.16 ± 14.36, POST: 87.25 ± 17.60 mL/min/1.73 m2; PL PRE: 85.15 ± 8.54, POST: 87.18 ± 9.64 mL/min/1.73 m2; P = 0.81). Other kidney function parameters (serum creatinine and urea, estimated creatinine clearance and 24h-urinary creatinine, urea, albumine, protein and albumin:creatinine ratio) were also unchanged. CONCLUSION: CR supplementation improves physical function, quality of life, and lower limb lean mass in postmenopausal women with knee OA undergoing strengthening exercises and this supplementation does not affect renal function

Tratamento homeopático em gestantes com sobrepeso ou obesidade e transtorno mental comum: ensaio clínico duplo-cego controlado / Homeopathic treatment in overweight or obese pregnant women with mental disorder: a controlled double blind clinical trial

Vilhena, Edgard Costa de 17 December 2012 (has links)
Introdução: Além de problemas a curto prazo para a mãe e o recém-nascido, o sobrepeso e a obesidade na gestação levam a inúmeros problemas da saúde materna de longo prazo e no desenvolvimento da criança. O não tratamento de gestantes com transtorno mental comum e sobrepeso pode aumentar a frequência de depressão perinatal com riscos diretos ao concepto. Tem sido observado na literatura o uso da homeopatia na obesidade, na gestação e nos transtornos mentais comuns. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia do tratamento homeopático em gestantes com sobrepeso ou obesidade I ou II, sem comorbidades, suspeitas de transtorno mental comum, na prevenção do ganho excessivo de massa corporal durante a gestação. Método: Foram estudadas gestantes com sobrepeso ou obesidade I/II e suspeitas de transtorno mental comum, sem doenças concomitantes. No grupo teste (62) receberam tratamento homeopático e no controle (72) placebo. Foram avaliados o ganho de peso na gestação por meio da diferença entre os índices inicial e final de massa corporal corrigida pela idade gestacional, APGAR, peso do recém-nascido, auto percepção de saúde materna, complicações maternas, entre outras condições. Resultados: A média da diferença entre o índice de massa corporal inicial e final corrigidos pela idade gestacional foi de 4,95 kg/ m2 no grupo homeopatia e de 5,05 kg/m2 no grupo controle. A diferença entre as médias não foi significante com valor de p = 0,815 e ICdif 95% (-0,916 a 0,722). O índice de APGAR no quinto minuto foi estatísticamente significante com valor de p = 0,040. Não se observaram diferenças significativas nos demais desfechos. Conclusão: A homeopatia não contribuiu para a prevenção do ganho excessivo de massa corporal em gestantes com sobrepeso ou obesidade. A homeopatia desempenhou um papel regulador melhorando a vitalidade dos RN no quinto minuto de vida. / Introduction: Aside from short-term problems related to the mother and newborn, overweight and obesity in gestation leads to countless long-term health problems for the mother\'s and childs development. The lack of treatment for pregnant women whom are overweight and have a common mental disorder may increase the frequency of prenatal depression with direct risks to conception. It has been observed in literature the use of homeopathy in cases of obesity, gestation, and common mental disorders. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of the homeopathic treatment in pregnant women whom either are overweight or have a case of obesity I or II, with no comorbidities, suspect of common mental disorder, in the prevention of excessive bodily mass gain throughout gestation. Method: Pregnant women whom were overweight or had a case of obesity I/II, suspect of common mental disorder, with no concomitant diseases, were studied. One group (62) received homeopathical treatment, while the control group (72) received a placebo. Weight gain throughout gestation was evaluated through the difference between initial and final rating of bodily mass, with adjustments to the period of gestation, APGAR, weight of the newborn, self-perception of the mothers own health, maternal complications, amongst other conditions. Results: The average of the difference between the ratings of initial and final bodily mass, with adjustments to the period of gestation, was 4.95 kg/m2 in the homeopathic group, and 5.05 kg/m2 in the control group. The difference between the averages was not significant, with a p = 0,815 e ICdif 95% (-0,916 a 0,722). The rating of APGAR on the 5th minute was statistically significant, with a value of p value = 0.040. Significant differences on other results were not observed. Conclusion: Homeopathic medicine did not contribute to the prevention of excessive bodily mass gain in pregnant women whom are overweight or have a case of obesity. Homeopathy acted through a modulating role, bettering the vitality of the newborn on the 5th minute of life

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