Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conveyor"" "subject:"onveyor""
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Fracture behavior of rubber powder modified rubber blends applied for conveying belt top coversEuchler, Eric, Stocek, Radek, Gehde, Michael, Bunzel, Jörg-Michael, Saal, Wolfgang, Kipscholl, Reinhold January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is concentrated on the experimental investigation of wear resistance of rubber powder modified rubber blends. Styrene-Butadiene-Rubber (SBR) blends applied for conveying belt top covers have been modified by ground rubber (rubber powder) based on SBR. We theoretically described the rubber wear mechanism due to loading conditions occurring at conveyor belts in the field, to simulate wear behavior of top cover rubber materials. An own developed testing equipment based on gravimetric determination of mass loss of rubber test specimen was used investigating dynamic wear with respect to fracture properties of top cover materials. Furthermore we investigated fatigue crack growth (FCG) data over a broad range of tearing energy by Tear Analyzer to characterize crack propagation behavior of rubber powder modified rubber blends. Thus, we demonstrate the influence of rubber powder on resistance against occurrence of fracture as well as dynamic wear as a function of the rubber powder content in rubber blends applied for conveying belt top covers.
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Energy flow model for a scrapper conveyor unit / Energiflödesmodell till en skraptransportörsmodulAndré, Meza Kahn January 2019 (has links)
Värmevärden AB is an energy company that distributes district heating. One of their challenges today is to reduce the energy losses and wear that occur in the plant's scrapper conveyor unit. The conveyor belt is in constant motion whether it is transporting fuel or going unloaded at idle. An understanding of the module's energy flow needs to be mapped. An energy flow behavior model for the scrapper conveyor unit is presented. The energy flow in the startup sequence when the belt runs at idle and at full load is simulated. The simulations visualize the velocity and acceleration of the belt as a function of time and the current flow in the engine when getting started. The model allows changes on various parameters such as engine velocity, current limitations, work efficiency and enables the calculation of necessary material to achieve a desired power delivery. With a current-limited engine of 140 [A], a lower acceleration is obtained as the belt transports the fuel masses. Energy losses are also reduced as the belt is started by their own mass when transportation is needed. This means that the wear on the components of the plant decreases as transportation takes a more controlled form. / Värmevärden AB är ett energibolag som distribuerar fjärrvärme. En av deras utmaningar idag är att minska energiförlusterna och slitaget som uppstår i anläggningens skrapstransportörs modul. Transportbandet är i konstant rörelse vare sig det transporterar bränsle eller går olastad i tomgång. Förståelse för modulens energiflöde behöver kartläggas. En beteendemodell för skraptransportörens modul presenteras. Genom analys av energiflödet i systemet simuleras startförloppet när bandet körs i tomgång och vid full last. Simuleringarna visualiserar bandets hastighet och acceleration som funktion av tid och även motorns strömförlopp under uppstartsfasen. Modellen tillåter ändringar på diverse parametrar såsom motorns varvtal, strömbegränsning, verkningsgrad och möjliggör även framräkningen av nödvändigt material för att uppnå en viss leverans uteffekt. Med en strömbegränsad motor på 140 [A] fås en lägre acceleration när bandet transporterar bränslemassorna. Energiförlusterna minskar också eftersom bandet sätts igång av massornas egenvikt när transporteringen behövs. Detta medför att slitaget på anläggningens komponenter minskar i och med att transporten sker i mera kontrollerade former.
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Prezentační pavilon Papírny WANEMI, a.s. v Zábřehu / Presentation pavilion of WANEMI, a.s. paper-mill in ZábřehWicherek, Štěpán January 2010 (has links)
The multi-purpose exhibition hall and office building with the facilities is located in front of the manufacturing estate, situated in a green belt near the main access road. The height of the main office building helps to create a point of reference for the entire plant. A unique textile – lateral facade - STAMISOL FT 381 – is divided into basic, regular, quadratic segments. The textile facade is made to evoke a paper sheet. The exhibition pavilion is acros from the Office tower. The idea was to pick up on old industrial building design. Bringing the architecture into harmony with nature was also a key point of the design. Using a rough CORTEN steel construction parts in tree – shaped design was a purpose. The connecting tunnels are here to remind on old industrial conveyors. The office building rises out of ground wave in which all facilities, storage areas, waste managment units, and stuff parking lots are located. Ground wave also screens out the storage and facilities A lagoon serves as a integrating element for all building stuctures.
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Radar Based Solutions for Crushing andScreening Applications / Tillämpning av radarbaserade system inom gruvindustrinEhrlin, Emma January 2022 (has links)
This project was carried out for a Company in the mining and construction business, and focused on the development of a radar based material monitoring solution for conveyor belts. A minor prestudy showed that there are possible customer values related to material monitoring solutions for equipment relevant for the Company, and that such solutions using radar possibly can fulfil the application requirements. The main focus of the project was chosen based on this prestudy. The methods used were mainly experiments with the developed prototype, and a study of literature. The prototype was developed with an aim to measure mass flow and to monitor the material surface for deviances. Millimeter-wave pulsed coherent radar sensors were used, and data processing approaches included Kalman filtering. Results showed that mass flow can be calculated using the tested senors and data processing models, as the calculated mass flow was well in line with a belt scale reference, but that additional data is needed to prove consistency in the results. Results also showed that trends in the material surface can be observed in the radar data, indicating the possibilities to detect deviances. From a technical perspective, results and the possibilities for further development and improvement show that radar based solutions can be used for applications relevant for the Company. / Detta examensarbete genomfördes för ett företag inomgruv- och anläggningsbranschen och handlade om utvecklingen av en radarbaserad prototyp för mätningar av materialet på transportband. En mindre förstudie visade på möjliga kundvärden relaterade till sådana mätningar, samt att radar har potentialen att uppfylla kravspecifikationen för flera applikationer. Huvudfokuset för projektet valdes sedan utifrån denna förstudie. Metoderna som användes var främst experiment med den utvecklade prototypen samt litteraturstudier. Prototypen utvecklades med syfte att mäta massflöde samt att upptäcka avikelser i materialets yta. Radarsensorer med en frekvens på 60GHz användes, och för databehandling användes bland annat ett Kalman-filter. Resultaten visade att massflöde kan beräknas med de testade sensorerna och databehandlingsmodellerna, eftersom det beräknade massflödet låg i linje med referensdata från en bandvåg. Ytterligare data behövs emellertid för att visa hur resultaten påverkas av förändrade omständigheter, såsom storleken på fragmenten som mäts. Studien visade också att mönster i materialytan kan observeras i radardatan, vilket indikerar att det också är möjligt upptäcka avvikelser. Ur ett teknisktperspektiv visar resultaten och möjligheterna till vidareutveckling tillsammans att radarbaserade lösningar kan användas för applikationer relevanta för företaget.
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Design and Evaluation of a Novel Conveyor Utilizing a Screw Mechanism to Move Objects With Integrated Racks / Design och utvärdering av en ny transportör som använder en skruvmekanism för att flytta föremål med integrerade kuggstängerNilsson, Måns, Nordqvist, Mathias Nils Edvin January 2021 (has links)
Intralogistics, or material handling, traditionally use roller or chain conveyors to moveo bjects and goods in factories and warehouses. One negative aspect of the traditional types of conveyors is that they are expensive, as they are comprised of many moving parts. This thesis proposes a novel type of conveyor solution in which a transportation fixture with an integrated open thread slides on L-shaped profiles and is propelled forward by a screw. A potential obstacle to the usefulness of such a conveyor is that a screw has innately low efficiency due to the mechanics of screws compared to the principle of rolling that is employed in a roller or chain conveyor. This thesis investigates the functionality and efficiency of the proposed conveyor, or more particularly the core functionality, which is the screw and thread mechanism. A test rig was designed and built, in which experiments were carried out. In the experiments, the material, manufacturing technology, and helix angle of the screw and thread, and the speed were varied. The influence on torque, power demand, and efficiency among other parameters were measured and evaluated. Additionally, a method for automatic thread meshing is presented and testing of it was carried out, which showed reliability with and without positional feedback, which gives the conveyor more use cases. It was found that the efficiency of the screw and thread mechanism was higher for screws with a higher lead, steel screws with a diameter of 50 mm exhibited an efficiency of 31% ± 4.5 % with a lead of 32 mm but only 8.7% ± 1.6 % with a lead of 8 mm. 3D printed plastic screws had slightly lower but similar early life efficiency as steel screws, but seized or wore down when tested in an accelerated lifetime experiment. Because a high screw lead is favorable, and because of the size and geometry constraints of such a conveyor (discussed in the conclusion of the report), a direct drive motoris not suitable, and instead a motor and gearbox combination is recommended. The conveyor shows promise as an alternative solution to traditional conveyors in low load applications. / Intralogistik, eller materialhantering, använder traditionellt rull- eller kedjetransportörer för att flytta gods i fabriker och lager. En negativ aspekt med dessa traditionella transportörer är att de är dyra, då de består av ett stort antal rörliga delar. Detta examensarbete föreslår en ny typ av transportör i vilken en transportfixtur med en inbyggd kuggstång glider på L-formade profiler and drivs framåt av en skruv. Ett potentiellt hinder för denna typ av transportörs användbarhet är att en skruv naturligt har låg verkningsgrad på grund av skruvens mekanik i jämförelse med principen av rullning som används av rull- och kedjetransportörer. Detta examensarbete undersöker funktionaliteten och verkningsgraden av den föreslagna transportören, mer specifikt kärnfunktionaliten som är en skruv- och gängmekanism. En testrigg designades och byggdes, i vilken experiment utfördes. I experimenten varierades materialet och spiralvinkeln av skruven och gängan, samt hastigheten. Vridmomentet, effekten, verkningsgraden och andra parametrar mättes och utvärderades. Dessutom presenteras en metod för automatiskt gängingrepp som även testades, som visade sig vara tillförlitligt både med och utan positionsåterkoppling, vilket ger skruvtransportören fler användningsområden. Resultaten visade att verkningsgraden av skruv och gängmekanismen var högre för skruvar med högre spiralvinkel. Stålskruvar med en diameter på 50 mm visade på en verkningsgrad om 31% ± 4.5 % med en stigning på 32 mm men endast 8.7% ± 1.6 % med en stigning på 8 mm. 3D-Printade plastskruvar hade något lägre men liknande verkningsgrad som stålskruvar i början av sin livslängd, men skar fast eller nöttes ned när de testades i ett långtidsexperiment. Eftersom hög stigning på skruven är fördelaktigt och på grund av de geometriska begränsningar av en sådan transportör (diskuteras i slutsatsen av rapporten), är det inte lämpligt att driva skruven direkt från en elmotor, utan istället rekommenderas en motorväxellådekombination. Transportören verkar lovande som ett alternativ till traditionella transportörer i applikationer med låg last.
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Materialhantering för tvärjärn till band för skogsmaskiner från Olofsfors AB / Material handling for cross member for forestry machine tracks from Olofsfors ABStenlund, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Olofsfors AB arbetar med tillverkning av band och slirskydd till gummihjulsburna skogsmaskiner. Företaget vill idag implementera en ny profil på tvärjärn som de vill kunna köra i deras linje. Problemet är att den nya profilen de vill implementera har samma bredd som deras transportörrullar. Transportören behöver vara lite bredare än tvärjärnet så det finns kanter på båda sidorna av rullarna. Detta säkerställer att de inte hamnar snett utan åker centrerat genom linjen. Projektet går ut på att utreda rullkretsen och se om det finns möjlighet att göra om transportörrullarna eller hitta en annan lösning på om det går att göra om linjen helt. Metoden som använts har varit att göra en nulägesanalys, intervjuer och undersöka om det fanns några tidigare projekt om detta. Två lösningsförslag tas fram. Företaget kunde använda sig av en glidskena i början av rullkretsen istället för transportörrullar. Efter värmarna som värmer uppstålet gör man två separata glödskalsrensare där den ena är för smalt/special tvärjärn och den andra för bredare tvärjärn. Genom att använda två olika glödskalsrensare kan man optimera borttagandet av skal som bildas på stålet för de olika profiler man kör genom linjen. Det andra förslaget visar att det går att fortsätta med de befintliga rullarna de har idag och endast bredda hela linjen för att få plats med det nya tvärjärnet. / Olofsfors AB is producing tracks and chains for rubber tired forest machines. The company wants to implement a new sort of profile for their wheel tracks. The problem is that the new profile has the same width as the conveyor rolls in the machine. The conveyor rolls must be wider than the cross member on both sides. This prevents the cross meber from tilting and to secure that it´s going straight and centered through the entire line. The project is focusing on a possibility to change the conveyor rolls for the company wheel track lines or see if there is a solution to change the entire line to solve the problem. The method that has been used to solve the problem was to do a current situation analysis, interviews, and research if there was any earlier project about this. Two potential solutions were presented. The most promising solution seems to be the implementation of a slide rail in the beginning of the line instead of conveyor rolls. Behind the oven that heats the cross member, two separate spray nozzles for surface treatment are constructed, where one is for the more narrow cross member, and the other is for wider cross member. The benefit of using two separate spray surface treatment is the optimization of spray surface treatment on the different profiles that are produced more efficiently. However, the work shows that it is also possible to produce the new tracks using the exiting conveyor rolls. / <p>Pågrund av pandemin ägde presentationen rum på Zoom. </p>
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Design Analysis And Optimization Of Roller Conveyor By Using Composite MaterialJohnson, Jeril, Thomas John, Riju January 2024 (has links)
Roller conveyors are critical components in various industries for material handling, enabling the efficient transportation of items in assembly lines, warehouses, and distribution centers. Traditionally constructed from materials such as steel, aluminum, or plastic, roller conveyors are now being innovatively designed using composite materials. This study investigates the design, analysis, and optimization of roller conveyors utilizing composite materials to achieve weight reduction while maintaining or enhancing structural integrity and operational efficiency. Composite materials offer enhanced properties compared to their individual components. Typical composites include fibers like carbon, glass, or aramid within a matrix of epoxy resin, providing superior strength, corrosion resistance, and customization capabilities. The research employs finite element analysis (FEA) and other advanced modeling techniques to evaluate the performance of composite roller conveyors under various loading conditions. The findings suggest that using composite materials can significantly reduce the weight of roller conveyors, leading to decreased energy consumption, lower operational costs, and improved handling efficiency. The optimized design enhances productivity and contributes to sustainability by minimizing environmental impact. This thesis advances the understanding of composite-based roller conveyors, demonstrating their potential to replace conventional materials and achieve higher efficiency in industrial applications.
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Untersuchungen an Verbindungselementen für Holzkonstruktionen im Maschinen- und AnlagenbauEckardt, Ronny 22 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit werden Berechnungsvorschriften für Insertverbindungen in Holzfurnierlagenverbundwerkstoffen (WVC) mit dem Ziel erstellt, diese zur Auslegung und Nachweisführung in Anwendungen des Maschinenbaus zu verwenden. Nach Definition eines entsprechenden Anforderungsprofils erfolgt eine umfangreiche Darstellung des Standes der Technik. Dabei wird speziell auf die rechnerische Nachweisführung von Verbindungen im Bauwesen eingegangen, schwerpunktmäßig durch die im Eurocode 5 (DIN EN 1995) definierten Modelle für stiftförmige Verbindungsmittel. Im zweiten, praktischen Teil der Arbeit erfolgt die Durchführung und Auswertung umfangreicher Versuche. Dabei werden in einem ersten Schritt wesentliche Materialkennwerte der verwendeten Holzwerkstoffe bestimmt. Die zweite Gruppe der experimentellen Untersuchungen hat das Trag- und Verformungsverhalten vollständiger Insertverbindungen zum Inhalt. Dabei werden die unter statischen Aspekten wichtigen Einflussparameter auf die Tragfähigkeit bei Belastungen in Richtung sowie quer zur Stiftachse bestimmt und geometrische Vorzugsparameter ermittelt. Unter deren Zugrundelegung erfolgt eine Ausweitung der experimentellen Untersuchungen auf dynamische Lastfälle durch eine Ableitung von Wöhlerlinien bei Zugschwellbelastung. Auf Grundlage der durchgeführten Versuche werden Modelle zur Berechnung von Insertverbindungen nach den Methoden des Ingenieurholzbaus abgeleitet. Deren Anwendbarkeit wird an einem konkreten Beispiel in Form einer Transportrollenbahn für die Verwendung in der technischen Intralogistik demonstriert. / In this work, calculation fundamentals for insert fastenings in wood veneer composites (WVC) are developed with the aim to use them for the dimensioning and verification in mechanical engineering applications. After defining the functional requirements there is a comprehensive description of the best demonstrated available technology. The arithmetical verifications of connections used in civil engineering are thereby specifically addressed with the main focus on defined models for dowel type fasteners within Eurocode 5 (EN 1995). In the second part of the work comprehensive technical tests are implemented and evaluated. At first essential material properties of the used wood materials are determined. The following experiments contain the load bearing and deformation behavior of complete insert connections. The determination of important influencing parameters of the statical strength under axial and traverse loads is thereby involved, followed by an extension on dynamic load cases by a derivative of Woehler curves (stress - cycle diagram). Based on these experiments are models derived to provide calculation fundamentals to dimension insert connections. The practical applicability of the developed specifications is shown by dimensioning the connections of a roller conveyor made of WVC (technical logistics).
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Syntéza diferenčních filtračních struktur se složenými aktivními prvky / Synthesis of differential filtering structures with complex active elementsPánek, David January 2019 (has links)
This document is focused on already existing single-ended frequency filters with modern active components working in current mode and their modification into fully-differential ended form. After the modification both versions were compared between each other. The first part informs about problems concerning analogue frequency filters. The second part deals with used active components - MO-CF (Multiple Output Current Follower), BOTA (Balanced transconductance amplifier), UCC (universal current conveyor), VDTA (Voltage differencing transconductance amplifier), CDTA (Current differencing transconductance amplifier) and VDCC (voltage differencing current conveyor). Four circuits have been chosen and transformed into their differential form. Two circuits have been chosen and realised into PCB and then practicaly measured in a laboratory. The last part is a summary of simulations and measured results and check of circuits behavior result.
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Návrh nových aktivních filtrů pomocí grafů signálových toků / Design of new active filters, using signal flow graphsJašek, František January 2010 (has links)
This master’s thesis describes the design of the frequency filters by the help of the graph of the signal flows. There are defined by modern components like GVC (Generalized Voltage Conveyor), GCC (Generalized Current Conveyor), CF (Current Follower), DO-CF (Dual-Output Current Follower), OTA (Operational Transconductance Amplifier), BOTA (Ballanced Operational Transconductance Amplifier) and CFTA (Current Follower Transconductance Amplifier), the graphs of the signal flows, which describe their activity in the thesis. In the other part of the thesis is illustrated the procedure of the design of the frequency filters by the help of the graphs of the signal flows. For the concrete design was selected in the first case as the active component double output current follower and in the second case the CFTA. There are noted all designed circuits of the frequency filters also their characteristic equations in this thesis. The activity of the selected circuits was remitted to the analysis in the simulation program called PSpice. Because the active components, with which was engaged in the design of the filter which doesn’t exist in the real form, that is why the UCC, which is sufficing for attestation of the function of the circuit, was used for the simulation. The simulation was implemented in the frequency range 10 Hz to 10 MHz.
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