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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podniková identita a image neziskové organizace / Corporate identity and image of non-profit organization

Kocourková, Adéla January 2016 (has links)
The essence of this Master thesis is the analysis of corporate identity and image in the selected part of non-profit organization. Furthermore, this analysis will provide valuable information about how it tries to be perceived and how it is perceived in reality. The theoretical part explains terms related to the topic, mainly focuses on corporate identity and its three components, as well as on essence and importance of the corporate image. Then briefly describes the issue of non-profit organization. The methodical part defines the objectives, methods and respondents of the thesis. The practical part is based on theoretical knowledge of the first part. First is presented selected non-profit organization and its part, which is the subject of research. The subsequent own research is divided into two parts, the analysis of identity by using the qualitative research in the form of individual interviews and the analysis of image by using the quantitative research in the form of questionnaire survey. The thesis is concluded by suggestion and recommendations for the non-profit organization.

Image a Identita společnosti Telefónica Czech Republic, a.s. / Image and Identity of Telefónica Czech Republic Company

Žulavský, Jaroslav January 2013 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is an impartial definition of elements that make up the image and identity of the Telefónica Czech Republic, a.s. company. The work is divided into theoretical and analytical part. Introduction of the theoretical part clarifies concepts such as company image and company identity within various factors of management of profit-making organizations. The theoretical part of the thesis seeks to draw on available, especially foreign literature. The subsequent analytical part is exclusively devoted to the central theme of the thesis, i.e. detailed analysis of corporate identity and corporate image of the Telefónica Czech Republic, a.s. company with the emphasis on their mutual differences. After several chapters, followed by a part focusing on active research with the help of a questionnaire survey. Here, the thesis analyses and consequently summarizes data obtained from the questionnaire survey of the scope of image and identity of Telefónica Czech Republic, a.s.. The partial objective of the analytical part is also a comparison within the competitive telecommunications market in the Czech Republic. The main aim of the thesis is to try to find possible activities leading to continuous positive development of the image and identity od Telefónica Czech Republic, a.s..

Analýza firemní identity společnosti NIOSPORT agency,a.s. / Analysis of corporate identity company NIOSPORT agency, a.s.

Hromasová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
Master thesis focuses on issues of corporate identity of advertising agency NIOSPORT agency, a.s. The aim of this thesis is to analyze corporate identity of company NIOSPORT agency, a.s. In the theoretical part is explained what is a corporate identity, which elements are included and why it is so important for companies. Then there is a definition of an image with an emphasis on its distinction from the concept of corporate identity, explained the interdependence between corporate identity and corporate strategy, and then is paid attention on advertising agencies in general. The practical part consists of a description of a particular advertising agency NIOSPORT agency, a.s., the results of empirical research, evaluation of the image of agency and finally of recommendations for the future, arising from the theoretical part, analyzing corporate documents and of the depth interviews with the director, staff and clients of advertising agency.

El papel de los elementos de la Comunicación Corporativa en los emprendimientos sociales peruanos

Ferradas Vicente, Daniella 16 September 2020 (has links)
Los emprendimientos sociales son organizaciones con fines de lucro o sin ellos, los cuales buscan generar valor social al brindar soluciones innovadoras a problemáticas sociales o ambientales. Debido a su naturaleza de negocio, estos buscan obtener rentabilidad a través de la inversión de clientes y accionistas. Por ello, con la finalidad de obtener una mayor cantidad de ingresos, mediante la búsqueda de inversores, los emprendedores sociales emplean elementos de la comunicación corporativa, tales como la narrativa, identidad, comunidad e imagen, a través de sus canales de comunicación. No obstante, su uso y éxito se verá influenciado según su conocimiento de la materia. Por lo tanto, el presente trabajo expondrá cuál es el papel de la comunicación corporativa en los emprendimientos sociales peruanos en sus etapas de crecimiento y de madurez, en aras de contribuir con la escasa investigación de la temática. Con respecto a la metodología utilizada, el paradigma es naturalista, el enfoque es cualitativo, el diseño de estudio es por caso de tipo colectivo y la herramienta de recolección de información empleada son las entrevistas. / Social entrepreneurships are for-profit or nonprofit organizations, which seek to generate social value by providing innovative solutions to social or environmental problems. Due to their business nature, they seek to obtain profitability through the investment of customers and shareholders. Therefore, in order to obtain a greater amount of income, through the search for investors, social entrepreneurs use elements of corporate communication, such as narrative, identity, community and image, through their communication channels. However, its use and success will be influenced by your knowledge of the subject. Therefore, this paper will expose the role of corporate communication in Peruvian social entrepreneurships in their growth and maturity stages, in order to contribute to the scarce research on the subject. Regarding the methodology used, the paradigm is naturalistic, the approach is qualitative, the study design is by case of a collective type and the information gathering tool used are interviews. / Trabajo de investigación

Reputación corporativa en una institución universitaria: el impacto del docente en la percepción del estudiante de pregrado regular

Cabrera Flores, Claudia Inés, Diaz Salazar, Katherine Sofia 07 June 2021 (has links)
El tema del que tratará la presente tesis está centrado en la gestión de la reputación corporativa, uno de los activos intangibles de mayor valor en las empresas. Como ocurrió con las empresas hace más de dos décadas, las universidades no han sido ajenas a profesionalizar esta disciplina para ser más competitivas, garantizar su supervivencia. Uno de los principales catalizadores ha sido el dinamismo del mercado educativo a nivel superior, que, desde hace aproximadamente 20 años, permitió la creación de universidad privadas societarias en el Perú. Este nuevo escenario permitió que las universidades llamadas tradicionales, tuvieran que competir con universidades que no solo tenían propuestas y modelos educativos distintivos, sino que, además, tenían una organización societaria en la que elementos como el marketing educativo, el trabajo de la imagen y la reputación eran parte fundamental de su propuesta. Esta forma de trabajo la instauraron porque sabían que debían competir con universidad tradicionales, que tenían una reputación ya ganada y que un atributo importante que compone la reputación de las instituciones educativos y que, además, es altamente valorado es el tiempo de creación. En este sector la reputación se hace tangible a través de los rankings que, en este contexto contribuyen en la atracción de atraer nuevos estudiantes y talento interno (docentes y colaboradores). Teniendo esto como premisa inicial, y conociendo que la construcción de la reputación no es ajena en el mercado educativo, más bien es una constante, es que nos disponemos a analizar los públicos internos (estudiantes y docentes) de una universidad privada peruana societaria, dirigida al segmento C, D, ubicada en las periferias de Lima y en dos regiones del Perú. En términos académicos enfocados en la labor del DirCom, el presente trabajo de investigación se realiza debido a la identificación de una problemática dentro de una universidad privada peruana, en la que se observó que no existen suficientes acciones que generen vínculos de pertenencia entre los estudiantes y docentes, recursos intangibles, que sean lo suficientemente sólidos para construir una buena imagen y reputación de la marca. Esto se vio evidenciado a través de la crisis reputacional que protagonizaron sus estudiantes a través de medios de señal abierta y redes sociales en julio del 2020 debido a la emergencia sanitaria producto de la pandemia COVID19. La presente investigación requiere estudiar la reputación en las universidades a través del análisis de ambos grupos: docentes y estudiantes. En ese sentido, el objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación ha sido demostrar la importancia entre la relación de los estudiantes de pregrado de una institución universitaria y sus docentes para la construcción de la correcta reputación corporativa en una universidad peruana privada. En la primera fase se identificaron los principales atributos percibidos por los estudiantes que construyen la reputación institucional: medición de estimación, admiración, confianza y sentimiento/ relación – valor - calidad académica). Con los resultados obtenidos a través de nuestros diversos instrumentos de investigación, en la segunda fase se trabajó un análisis de los resultados para identificar las variables de reputación que debemos trabajar y fortalecer dentro de la institución universitaria. Nuestro resultado de investigación demostró la veracidad de la hipótesis que se había planteado inicialmente dentro de nuestro trabajo de investigación, siendo el docente un canal para generar buena reputación y engagement en los alumnos, convirtiéndose en un actor principal de blindaje reputacional, aportando a las instituciones universitarias una fuente de valiosa información. / The subject of this thesis is focused on corporate reputation management, one of the most valuable intangible assets in companies. As happened with companies more than two decades ago, universities have not been strangers to professionalize this discipline to be more competitive, to guarantee its survival. One of the main catalysts has been the dynamism of the higher education market, which, for approximately 20 years, allowed the creation of private corporate universities in Peru. This new scenario allowed the so-called traditional universities to have to compete with universities that not only had distinctive educational models and proposals, but also had a corporate organization in which elements such as educational marketing, image work and reputation were a fundamental part of their proposal. This way of working was established because they knew that they had to compete with traditional universities, that they had a reputation already earned and that an important attribute that makes up the reputation of educational institutions and that, in addition, is highly valued is the time of creation. In this sector, reputation becomes tangible through rankings that, in this context, contribute to attracting new students and internal talent (teachers and collaborators). Taking this as an initial premise, and knowing that the construction of reputation is not alien to the educational market, rather it is a constant, is that we are preparing to analyze the internal audiences (students and teachers) of a private Peruvian corporate university, directed to segment C, D, located in the peripheries of Lima and in two regions of Peru. In academic terms focused on the work of the DirCom, this research work is carried out due to the identification of a problem within a private Peruvian university, in which it was observed that there are not enough actions that generate ties of belonging between students and teachers, intangible resources, that are solid enough to build a good image and reputation of the brand. This was evidenced through the reputational crisis that its students staged through open signal media and social networks in July 2020 due to the health emergency caused by the COVID19 pandemic. This research requires studying reputation in universities through the analysis of both groups: teachers and students. In this sense, the objective of this research work has been to demonstrate the importance between the relationship of undergraduate students of a university institution and their teachers for the construction of the correct corporate reputation in a private Peruvian university. In the first phase, the main attributes perceived by students that build institutional reputation were identified: measurement of esteem, admiration, trust and feeling / relationship - value - academic quality). With the results obtained through our various research instruments, in the second phase an analysis of the results was carried out to identify the reputation variables that we must work on and strengthen within the university institution. Our research result demonstrated the veracity of the hypothesis that had been initially raised within our research work, the teacher being a channel to generate a good reputation and engagement in students, becoming a main actor of reputational shielding, contributing to the institutions a source of valuable information. / Trabajo de investigación

The ethics of it all: Mastercard’s public relations strategies in Peru during the COVID-19 pandemic

Otoya Nieto, Antonio Gaspar 30 June 2020 (has links)
La pandemia de COVID-19 significó una serie de desafíos y cambios para las personas; a los que debimos adaptarnos. Muchos países se vieron afectados por la crisis y esto chocó no solo a sus sistemas de salud pública, sino a sus economías, mercados, etc. El Perú, particularmente, fue afectado por el virus a principios de marzo de 2020, pero solo tardó un par de días más en crecer tanto que el Gobierno tuvo que instalar medidas como una cuarentena nacional y políticas de distanciamiento social, mientras que también se declaró al país en estado de emergencia. Esta situación perjudicó al mercado peruano y a sus muchos jugadores. No obstante, algunos sectores evolucionaron gracias al auge del comercio electrónico, como el financiero y bancario, liderados por instituciones como Visa, Mastercard y varios bancos. Sin embargo, mientras crecían online, las personas aún necesitaban consumir información en el mundo físico. Por lo tanto, empresas y Estado tuvieron que encontrar una manera de compartir mensajes manteniendo la calma y tranquilidad necesarias. En esta línea, este documento analizará a profundidad a uno de estos jugadores, Mastercard; sus respuestas comunicacionales, y su uso de las relaciones públicas como una herramienta para lograr sus objetivos. / The COVID-19 pandemic meant a new set of challenges and changes for individuals that we just needed to adapt to. Many countries were hit with the crisis and this affected not only their public health systems but their economies, markets, jobs, income, etcetera. Peru, particularly, was hit with the virus in early March of 2020, but it only took a couple more days for it to grow so much that the government had to install measures such as a nationwide quarantine and social distancing policies, while also declaring the country in State of Emergency. This situation hurt the Peruvian market and its many players. Nonetheless, some sectors managed to evolved thanks to the rise of ecommerce, specially the financial and banking sectors, led by institutions such as Visa, Mastercard, and many banks. However, while growing online, people still needed to consume information from the physical world. Thus, companies and the State had to find a way to share messages while maintaining the calm and tranquility necessary. In this line, this paper will further intrude into one of these players, Mastercard, communicational responses and it’s use of public relations as an adequate tool to accomplish said goals. / Trabajo de investigación

Estrategias de marketing relacional y su relación con la satisfacción de los padres de familia en instituciones educativas preescolares de los sectores socioeconómicos A y B de Lima Moderna / Relational marketing strategies and their relationship with the parental satisfaction in preschool educational institutions of socioeconomic sectors A and B of Modern Lima

Bolívar Victorero, Alejandro 11 April 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto de investigación busca analizar la relación de las estrategias de marketing relacional con la satisfacción de los padres de familia de nidos de los sectores socioeconómicos A y B en Lima Moderna. Para medir la satisfacción de los padres de familia, se utilizaron indicadores rescatados del Modelo de Servqual; mientras que para medir las estrategias de marketing relacional, se escogieron solo dos dimensiones: las acciones de comunicación y la organización de eventos y programas especiales. / This research project seeks to analyze the relationship of relational marketing strategies with the parental satisfaction in kindergarten of socioeconomic sectors A and B in Modern Lima. To measure the satisfaction of parents, indicators rescued from the Servqual Model were used; while to measure relational marketing strategies, only two dimensions were chosen: communication actions and the organization of events and special programs. / Trabajo de investigación

Kommunikation geht alle an! – Mitarbeiterkompetenzen für neue Kommunikationsaufgaben durch Social Media

Riedel, Jana 25 October 2013 (has links)
Der Beitrag argumentiert anhand einer theoretischen Betrachtung der Kommunikationsprozesse in Unternehmen, dass mit Social Media die Kommunikationsverantwortung von zentral gesteuerten Abteilungen auf alle Mitarbeiter übertragen wird. Diese neuen Kommunikationsaufgaben erfordern von den Mitarbeitern konkrete Kompetenzen, die es durch Maßnahmen der Personalentwicklung zu fördern gilt. Im Gegensatz zu den bisher beschriebenen organisatorischen und technischen Herausforderungen der Social-Media-Integration fokussiert der vorliegende Beitrag die Herausforderungen für den Funktionsbereich der Personalarbeit und gibt einen ersten Überblick über das Forschungsfeld.

Establishing the role of branding in social enterprises

Le Roux, Alta S January 2013 (has links)
“What role did branding play in the social marketing processes of the three Schwab Foundation award winning social enterprises (SEs)?” The research problem, as well as the research questions, revolve around the issue of establishing how branding may be employed as part of the social marketing process in such a way as to increase the competitiveness of those organisations known as social enterprises (SEs). This study investigates three SEs whose Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) have won The Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneur (SFSE) of the Year Awards, to determine how branding was used as a communication tool to position their organisations as leaders and differentiators in the development sector. The three SEs that were chosen as case study organisations are: Soul City, Heartbeat and the Johannesburg Housing Company (JHC). The theoretical context focuses firstly on the non-profit sector in South Africa as the context and environment of this study, more specifically, the evolution of non-profit organisations (NPOs) into Social Enterprises (SEs). This is followed by defining communication principles and applications as they appear in both profit-driven and non-profit organisations/social enterprises (NPOs/SEs). This is applied in two different communication contexts: communication within corporate organisations and communication within development organisations. The last theoretical focus is placed on understanding what branding means, a description of the different branding categories, and a view of the evolution of branding to brand building and brand leadership. This is followed by a discussion on the importance of brand identity and equity in the process of brand development, brand management and measurement, including a presentation of the main role players in this brand-building process. Branding is then discussed as it is applied in SEs, outlining what a strong brand could do for the development sector. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research approaches are utilised; more specifically a qualitative research approach, supported by a quantitative one, referred to as the “dominant less-dominant model”. This study is based on the grounded theory model supported by a collective case study approach, also referred to as “building theories from case study research”. The study further indicates the theory that was generated by this study, namely “The Social Enterprise (SE) branding layered grounded theory model”. Whereas the 1st layer displays the important role that the NPO/SE sector if fulfilling in modern society; the 2nd layer the specific space and linkages of SEs with the different other society sectors are explained; the 3rd layer positions/similar to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs with the growth path of NPOs towards SEs and their own sustainability on the NPO/SE pyramid model; the 4th layer indicates the fact that the same corporate communication principles applies to the development sector; and the 5th layer stresses the important role that branding plays as the core element of a corporate communication strategy. In summary, the study found that a lack of implementation of corporate communication in NPOs and SEs, more specifically the absence of a corporate identity, image and a strategic brand management process, has a direct impact on the effectiveness of SEs’ communication and limits the achievement of their developmental objectives. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2013 / Information Science / unrestricted

Determining the contribution of online corporate communication to brand reputation among Generation Y consumers in Vaal Region

Kunene, Sibongile 30 May 2016 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Public Relations Management, Faculty of Human Sciences), Vaal University of Technology / ABSTRACT The internet has become one of the most powerful communication tools. Therefore, much has been written over the past few years about the rise and use of online communication, but there is still very limited research on the use of online communication by Generation Y members and corporations in an African context. Consequently, the internet has become one of the most powerful communication tool. This has led to the evolutions of the public relations discipline in keeping up with trends, embracing new opportunities and using diverse and effective communication mediums to engage with different stakeholders. This dissertation determines the contribution of online corporate communication to brand reputation amongst Generation Y members in the Vaal Region and the effect it can have on the perceived reputation of an organisation. This was done though ascertaining ways in which Generation Y in the Vaal Region (Evaton, Sebokeng and Vanderbijlpark) uses different online corporate communicate tools to engage with brands. This quantitative study used a cross-sectional descriptive research approach. Two hundred questionnaires that comprised of three sections namely: (1) demographics and sources of information, (2) online communication behaviour and (3) online reputation management were distributed amongst Generation Y members in the Vaal Region. The respondents were between the ages of 18-35, descriptive statistics such as frequencies, the mean, medium and the mode, factor analysis, t-tests and ANOVA were used to analyse the data obtained from the respondents. From the results it is evident that the growth of the internet and the development of smartphones, iPads and tablets have drastically changed the way people communicate, especially Generation Y members, thus leading brands to actively operate online. Social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube have taken over the technological aspect of two way interaction between customers and brands thereby influencing an organisation’s reputation. In as much as online communication has brought about change to the public relations discipline it has a detrimental impact on a company’s reputation if not managed properly. Therefore, companies that use online communication and those that do not use online communication should be aware of Generation Y’s online brand engagement, behaviour and expectation as this will have an effect on the organisations reputation when engaging with members from this group.

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