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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Padrões de adoção de tecnologias de informação e comunicação em empresas brasileiras: uma análise dos gastos em TI, dos impactos de TI e de seus reflexos no desempenho organizacional. / Patterns of adoption of information and communication technologies in Brazilian firms: an analysis of IT expenditure, IT impacts and its perspectives on organizational performance.

Santos, Emerson Gomes dos 22 March 2013 (has links)
As mudanças na sociedade, após o advento das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs), são objeto de estudo em diversas áreas. Sob o ponto de vista das organizações, essas tecnologias possuem um importante papel para as empresas que buscam se manter competitivas em um mercado globalizado. Após revisão do problema apontado pelo paradoxo da produtividade, este estudo buscou avaliar os padrões de adoção de TICs nas empresas brasileiras e fornecer informações sobre como gastos feitos em tecnologias podem ser importantes para as empresas alcançarem alterações significativas em suas medidas de desempenho. A concepção das variáveis remete à utilização de cálculo de uma proxy para gasto em TI; à aplicação da Teoria de Resposta ao Item não paramétrica (TRIN) no questionário de uma pesquisa; e à elaboração de uma metodologia para categorizar uma questão aberta. A partir de uma análise de agrupamentos, foi possível a criação de grupos de empresas de comportamento semelhante. No grupo 1, estão empresas que, em geral, não realizaram gasto em TI, possuem foco no fornecedor externo, poucos ativos e usam software pacote, além de praticamente não possuírem área de TI e não desenvolverem ou introduzirem software. As empresas no grupo 2 apresentaram gasto em TI, presença de ativos de TI e, embora possuam fornecedor externo e utilizem software pacote, contam com uma área de TI, desenvolveram e introduziram software. No grupo 3, as empresas realizaram gastos e possuem características de gestão medianos; a maioria possui área de TI e utiliza software de código aberto. Já no grupo 4, as empresas apresentaram gastos medianos, não possuem fornecedor externo, apresentaram boa presença de ativos e área de TI e utilizam software desenvolvidos por elas próprias. Assim, empresas que apresentam gastos em TI estão em um momento de adoção de TIC relativamente superior às que não apresentaram esse tipo de gasto. Para se avaliar a associação entre os impactos de TI e o desempenho organizacional, foram utilizadas análises de correspondência e, além da associação entre os tipos de impactos e algumas medidas de desempenho, as empresas que obtiveram mais itens de impacto de TI tendem a alcançar também mais alterações nas medidas de desempenho organizacional. Os desdobramentos deste estudo direcionam para a criação de uma tipologia das empresas nacionais na área de TI e 7 dos fatores para a adoção e o uso de TI. A identificação de fatores que influenciam o desempenho pode fornecer subsídios importantes para o desenho de ações de políticas públicas voltadas ao apoio e ao suporte de atividades inovadoras das firmas brasileiras para aumento da competitividade nos diversos setores econômicos e, consequentemente, para sua capacidade de inovação. / The changes in society, after the advent of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are studied in various areas. From the point of view of organizations, these technologies have an important role for companies seeking to remain competitive in a global market. After reviewing the problem identified by the productivity paradox, this study sought to assess the patterns of adoption of ICTs in Brazilian companies and provide information on how expenditures made in technology may be important for companies to achieve significant changes in their performance measures. The variables design refers to the use of a proxy for expenditures on IT, to the application of Item Response Theory nonparametric in a survey questionnaire, and to the development of a methodology to categorize an open question. From a cluster analysis, it was possible to create groups of companies with similar behavior. In group 1, there are companies that did not make IT expenditures, are focused on the external provider, they have few assets and use software package, besides not having IT department and not developing or introducing software. Firms in group 2 made IT expenditures, had IT assets and, despite having use external provider and software package, they had an IT department and developed and introduced software. In group 3, companies have realized spending and management characteristics median: most of them have IT department and use open source software. In group 4, the companies reported median expenditure, had no external provider, had IT assets and IT department, and all companies used software self developed. Thus, companies with more IT expenditure are in a superior moment of adoption of ICT in relation to those that did not report expenditure. To evaluate the association between the impact of IT and organizational performance, correspondence analysis were used and, besides the association between the types of impacts and some performance measures, companies that have more items that impact IT also tend to achieve more changes in measures of organizational performance. The ramifications of this study pointed to the creation of a typology of domestic companies in IT and factors for the adoption and use of IT. The identification of factors that influence performance can provide important information for the design of public policies and the support of local 9 companies innovative activities to increase competitiveness in the various economic sectors and, consequently, to its ability towards innovation.

Análise das matrizes curriculares brasileiras e a percepção de discentes de engenharia civil sobre sustentabilidade ambiental

Rocha, Daniela Sousa Guedes Meireles 27 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2018-12-17T18:36:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Daniela Sousa Guedes Meireles Rocha.pdf: 7525991 bytes, checksum: e5bf7e6cbbea752acfd4642380eda298 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-17T18:36:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Daniela Sousa Guedes Meireles Rocha.pdf: 7525991 bytes, checksum: e5bf7e6cbbea752acfd4642380eda298 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-27 / Introduction: Civil construction uses a significant quantity of materials and consequently, if poorly managed, can culminate in tons of undue disposal. In this way, engineers become (co) responsible for bringing environmental sustainability into the daily life of their works, with optimization of materials, waste reduction and efficient and humanized manpower management. In order to do so, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) can exert influence in the training of these professionals, being an agent that contributes to the transformation of the posture of the future engineer, and may arouse students' interest in sustainability related topics. Objectives: To evaluate the perception and commitment of Civil Engineering students from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (PUC / GO) based on the principles that guide sustainability, and to identify in the Curricular Matrices of Brazilian HEIs the quantitative of disciplines involving sustainability education and propose a possible change in the Curricular Matrix of PUC/GO. Methods: Descriptive, exploratory study of a quantitative-qualitative nature, whose research source was the application of the Survey questionnaire, using the Multiple Correspondence Analysis technique for analysis and statistical inferences. Results: Civil Engineering students from PUC/GO are mostly males (54%), aged 22 to 25 (57%) and have income between one and two minimum wages (37%). The research demonstrated that the students have knowledge by the subject "sustainability" and had access in the IES to contents that approach the sustainable development. However, not all future professionals are interested in developing skills based on sustainable guidelines. From the analysis of the curricular matrices of 163 Civil Engineering courses, it was verified that only (5.9%) of the subjects deal with sustainability, thus presenting the need for changes in the curricular matrix and in the syllabuses in the subjects, the which were suggested in this work. Conclusions: This research comprised that the student of Civil Engineering is said to possess little knowledge to act in accordance with the Sustainable Development (SD), and most appropriated the theme during the course of all their training as an individual and not necessarily during the course of graduation. The information obtained in this dissertation, associated with other research already done on the subject, proposes to the HEIs a review of their curricular matrices and contents, providing more suitable conditions for the learning of these future professionals, in relation to the issues of Sustainable Development. / Introdução: A construção civil utiliza um expressivo quantitativo de materiais e consequentemente, se mal geridos, podem culminar em toneladas de descarte indevido. Deste modo, os engenheiros tornam-se (co)responsáveis por trazerem a sustentabilidade ambiental no cotidiano de suas obras, com otimização de materiais, redução de desperdícios e um gerenciamento da mão-de-obra eficiente e humanizado. Para tanto, as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) podem exercer influência na formação desses profissionais, sendo agente que contribui na transformação na postura do futuro engenheiro, podendo despertar o interesse dos discentes nos temas relacionados à sustentabilidade. Objetivos: Avaliar a percepção e o comprometimento dos alunos de Engenharia Civil da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás (PUC/GO) a partir dos princípios que norteiam a sustentabilidade, além disso, identificar nas Matrizes Curriculares de IES brasileiras o quantitativo de disciplinas que envolvem a educação voltada à sustentabilidade e propor uma possível mudança na Matriz Curricular da PUC/GO. Métodos: Estudo descritivo, exploratório de natureza quanti-qualitativa, que teve como fonte de investigação a aplicação do questionário Survey, com o uso da técnica de Análise de Correspondência Múltipla para análise e inferências estatísticas. Resultados: Os discentes de Engenharia Civil da PUC/GO são em sua maioria do sexo masculino (54%,) com idade entre 22 a 25 anos (57%) e possui renda entre um e dois salários mínimos (37%). A pesquisa demonstrou que os discentes possuem conhecimento pelo tema “sustentabilidade” e tiveram acesso nas IES a conteúdos que abordam o desenvolvimento sustentável. Porém, nem todos os futuros profissionais estão interessados em desenvolver habilidades pautadas nas diretrizes sustentáveis. A partir da análise das matrizes curriculares de 163 cursos de Engenharia Civil, verificouse que apenas (5,9%) das disciplinas, versam sobre a sustentabilidade, apresentando assim, a necessidade de mudanças da matriz curricular e das ementas nas disciplinas, as quais foram sugeridas neste trabalho. Conclusões: Esta pesquisa compreendeu que o estudante de Engenharia Civil se diz possuir pouco conhecimento para atuar em conformidade com o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (DS), e a maioria apropriou-se do tema no decorrer de toda sua formação como indivíduo e não necessariamente durante o curso de graduação. As informações obtidas nesta dissertação, associadas a outras pesquisas já realizadas sobre o tema, propõe às IES revisão de suas matrizes curriculares e conteúdos, proporcionando condições mais adequadas à aprendizagem destes futuros profissionais, em relação às questões do Desenvolvimento Sustentável.

As contribuições das ouvidorias para a gestão e para a governança corporativa: estudo em instituições bancárias baseado na regulamentação brasileira / Contributions of the ombudsman\'s offices to management and corporate governance: study of Banking institutions based on Brazilian regulation

Alves, Carlos André de Melo 05 October 2012 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi investigar as contribuições das ouvidorias para as atividades da gestão e dos órgãos do sistema de governança corporativa das instituições bancárias, baseado na regulamentação brasileira. A fundamentação teórica contemplou as ouvidorias, as temáticas da governança corporativa e da responsabilidade social corporativa. Realizou-se um estudo descritivo e exploratório, com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, segmentado em três etapas. Na primeira etapa, efetuou-se uma pesquisa de campo com coleta por questionário da opinião de 24 especialistas, possibilitando a proposição de um quadro analítico com 2 itens e 19 subitens emergentes da fundamentação teórica para caracterizar aspectos da gestão e da governança corporativa pertinentes às ouvidorias. Na segunda etapa, empregou-se o quadro proposto para analisar o conteúdo da documentação pertinente a 26 instituições bancárias da amostra intencional, selecionada por acessibilidade aos dados do 1º semestre de 2008 ao 1º semestre de 2011. Na terceira etapa, demonstrou-se a evolução dos assuntos de 1.377 reclamações pertinentes às ouvidorias das instituições da amostra, divulgadas pelo Banco Central do Brasil. Para o tratamento dos dados, foram empregadas a estatística descritiva, a estatística inferencial, com abordagem não paramétrica predominante, e a Análise de Correspondência Múltipla. Os principais resultados mostraram que o percentual de subitens presentes para as características de gestão foi 67,09% e para as características de governança corporativa foi 70,77%. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os referidos percentuais, mas foram constatadas diferenças ao segmentar tais instituições pelo porte, pelo tipo de controle e pelo tipo de listagem. Quanto às contribuições das ouvidorias para as atividades da gestão, foi divulgado que a ouvidoria implementa o atendimento em última instância e o tratamento de reclamações em 100% das instituições. Todavia, apurou-se, no período estudado, que instituições de porte muito grande em clientela e com controle público poderiam ter aprimorado o atendimento da ouvidoria, e instituições de porte médio e privadas nacionais poderiam ter aprimorado, entre outros assuntos, o prazo de resposta da ouvidoria. Foi divulgado que a ouvidoria pode propor melhorias de procedimentos e rotinas em todos os casos examinados, mas as proposições de melhoria não são respaldadas, apenas, em análises das reclamações recebidas de clientes e usuários, e podem ocorrer antes da oferta do produto. Quanto às contribuições das ouvidorias para as atividades dos órgãos do sistema de governança corporativa, houve evidências do reporte a respeito das ouvidorias para o conselho de administração, para auditoria interna, para comitê de auditoria e para auditoria independente, mas constatou-se, em geral, que os percentuais de divulgação das responsabilidades desses órgãos a respeito das informações reportadas pode ser aperfeiçoado. Este estudo apresenta uma aplicação original de técnica multivariada para auxiliar a interpretação de dados qualitativos a respeito das ocorrências de reclamações pertinentes às ouvidorias no setor bancário brasileiro, pode contribuir para a avaliação de políticas pertinentes à implementação das atribuições dessas ouvidorias que levem em conta variáveis de governança corporativa baseadas em práticas recomendadas pelo IBGC, pode colaborar para o entendimento da contribuição das ouvidorias para prevenção de riscos e pode subsidiar reflexões de clientes, usuários e demais partes interessadas na participação das ouvidorias, e dos órgãos do sistema de governança corporativa, em processos decisórios das instituições bancárias no Brasil. / The general aim of this research was to investigate the contributions of the ombudsman\'s offices for the activities of management and of the organs of corporate governance of banks, based on Brazilian regulation. The theoretical framework covered the ombudsman\'s offices, issues of corporate governance and corporate social responsibility. A descriptive and exploratory study was carried out with a qualitative and quantitative approach, divided into three stages. The first step was field survey with data collected by questionnaire on the opinion of 24 experts, which enabled an analytical framework to be constructed with 2 items and 19 sub-items emerging from the theoretical framework to characterize aspects of management and corporate governance relevant to the ombudsman\'s offices. In Step 2 we used the proposed framework to analyze the content of the documents relevant to 26 banks in the intentional sample, selected by accessibility to data from the 1st semester of 2008 to the 1st semester of 2011. Step 3 showed the evolution of issues of 1.377 complaints relevant to the ombudsman\'s offices for the institutions in the sample, provided by the Central Bank of Brazil. The data were processed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, with a predominantly non-parametric approach, and Multiple Correspondence Analysis. The main results showed that the percentage of sub-items present for the management features was 67.09% and for corporate governance features was 70.77%. There were no significant differences between these percentages, but differences were found when the institutions were divided by size, by type of control and type of listing. Regarding the contributions of the ombudsman\'s offices for management activities, it was reported that the ombudsman\'s office implements the last resort assistance and the complaint handling in 100% of the institutions. However, it was found in the period studied that institutions with a very large clientele and public control could have improved the ombudsman\'s office assistance, and mid-sized and private national institutions could improve, among other things, the response time of the ombudsman\'s office. It was reported that the ombudsman\'s office may propose improvements of procedures and routines in all cases examined, but the improvement proposals are not supported only in analyses of complaints received from customers and users, and they may occur before the product offering. With regard to the contributions of the ombudsman\'s offices to the activities of the bodies of the corporate governance system, there was evidence of reporting in relation to the ombudsman\'s offices to the board of directors, internal audit, audit committee and to the independent auditor, but it was found, in general, that the percentage of disclosure of the responsibilities of these bodies regarding the information reported could be improved. This study presents an original application of multivariate techniques to assist the interpretation of qualitative data about the occurrence of complaints relevant to the ombudsman\'s offices in the Brazilian banking sector, and can contribute to the evaluation of policies relevant to the implementation of the duties of these ombudsman\'s offices taking into account corporate governance variables based on best practices recommended by the IBGC. It may also contribute to understanding the contribution of the ombudsman\'s offices to the prevention of risk and can support reflections of customers, users and other stakeholders in the participation of ombudsman\'s offices and the bodies of the corporate governance system in the decision-making processes of banks in Brazil.

Formação continuada de professores em larga escala: um estudo sobre o Mestrado profissional em ensino de física

Antunes Júnior, Estevão Luciano Quevedo January 2018 (has links)
O Mestrado Nacional Profissional em Ensino de Física (MNPEF) surgiu como uma iniciativa da Sociedade Brasileira de Física (SBF) e como uma forma de Mestrado Profissional em rede, em que os mais de 60 polos vinculados devem seguir o mesmo currículo e as mesmas orientações, focadas muito mais no conteúdo de Física do que na formação pedagógica e/ou epistemológica dos professores. Entendemos, à luz do pensamento bakhtiniano, que os mais de 200 trabalhos concluídos até a metade de 2017, dos alunos-professores do MNPEF compõem um conjunto de enunciados cujos aspectos verbais e não verbais, expressam diferentes vozes, e que respondem e se direcionam a outras enunciações. A metodologia utilizada consistiu de um método misto que integra o dispositivo analítico bakhtiniano baseado em Veneu, Ferraz e Rezende (2015) à análise de correspondência fundamentada em Greenacre (2017). Analisando-se 208 trabalhos apresentados no contexto do MNPEF em 19 polos espalhados pelo Brasil, encontramos que mais de 85 por cento dos trabalhos foram orientados por docentes sem formação na área de ensino de Física/Ciências. Resultados indicaram que esses orientadores estão fortemente associados à orientação de trabalhos em que não há nenhuma proposta de articulação de referencial teórico no produto final desenvolvido. Quanto aos temas dos trabalhos, 73 por cento direcionaram-se a conteúdos de Física Clássica, configurando-se em produções não alinhadas a orientações do próprio programa que preconizam a introdução de tópicos de Física Moderna e Contemporânea nos currículos escolares. / The National Professional Master in Physics Teaching (NPMPT) emerged as an initiative of the Brazilian Society of Physics (BSP) and as a form of Professional Master's in network, in which the more than 60 poles bound must follow the same curriculum and the same guidelines, focused much more on the content of Physics than on the pedagogical and/or epistemological formation of teachers. We understand, in the light of Bakhtinian thought, that the more than 200 works completed up to the middle of 2017, of the students-teachers of the NPMPT compose a set of statements whose verbal and non-verbal aspects express different voices, and which respond and other enunciations. The methodology used consisted of a mixed method that integrates the analytical device Bakhtinian based on Veneu, Ferraz and Rezende (2015) to correspondence analysis based on Greenacre (2017). Analyzing 208 works presented in the context of the NPMPT in 19 poles scattered throughout Brazil, we found that more than 85 percent of the works were instructed by professors without training in the area of Physics/Science teaching. Results indicated that these advisors are strongly associated with the orientation of works in which there is no proposal of articulation of theoretical reference in the final product developed. Regarding the themes of the works, 73 percent were directed to Classical Physics content, being configured in productions not aligned with the program's own guidelines that recommend the introduction of Modern and Contemporary Physics topics in school curricula.

25 år senare : en nyinventering av keramiken på Ajvide

Johansson, Nils January 2009 (has links)
<p>This thesis examines a sample of Pitted Ware pottery from the Gotlandic site of Ajvide in regard to the spatial and temporal relationship of the shards. Ajvide Stone Age site have been extensively excavated over the past 25 years and the most recent analysis of pottery was carried out by Inger Österholm in 1987 and new analyses of the material are therefore greatly needed. Pottery from three sample areas was analysed in regard to their distribution, decoration, fragmentation, part of pot and quality of the goods. To analyse the material in a contextual way a multivariate statistical analysis called correspondence analysis was used. Two areas denominated “dark areas”, which Österholm defined previously, as possible ritual sites, and one reference area with mixed material were chosen for the analysis. By including two of these “dark areas” the study also examine if similarities or differences could be seen among the shard distribution how these areas have been defined and possibly re-defined.</p>

Past and present management influences the seed bank and seed rain in a rural landscape mosaic

Auffret, Alistair G., Cousins, Sara A. O. January 2011 (has links)
1. Seed bank and seed rain represent dispersal in time and space. They can be important sources of diversity in the rural landscape, where fragmented habitats are linked by their histories. 2. Seed bank, seed rain and above-ground vegetation were sampled in four habitat types (abandoned semi-natural grassland (ABA), grazed former arable field (FAF), mid-field islet (MFI) and grazed semi-natural grassland (SNG)) in a rural landscape in southern Sweden, to examine whether community patterns can be distinguished at large spatial scales and whether seed bank and seed rain are best explained by current, past or intended future vegetation communities. 3. We counted 54 357 seedlings of 188 species from 1190 seed bank and 797 seed rain samples. Seed bank, seed rain and above-ground vegetation communities differed according to habitat. Several species characteristic of managed grassland vegetation were present in the seed bank, seed rain and vegetation of the other habitats. 4. The seed banks of SNGs and the seed rain of the FAFs were generally better predicted by the surrounding above-ground vegetation than were the other habitat types. The seed rain of the grazed communities was most similar to the vegetation in the FAFs, while the seed banks of the abandoned grasslands most resembled the vegetation in SNGs. 5. Gap availability and seed input could be limiting the colonisation of target species in FAFs, while remnant populations in the seed bank and the presence of grassland specialists in the above-ground vegetation indicate that abandoned grasslands and mid-field islets could be valuable sources of future diversity in the landscape after restoration. 6. Synthesis and applications. SNG communities are able to form seed banks which survive land-use change, but their seed rain does not reflect their above-ground communities. It is important that grassland plants set seed. By connecting existing grasslands with restoration targets, increased disturbance in the target habitats would allow for colonisation via the seed bank or seed rain, while decreased grazing intensity would benefit seed production in the source grasslands. Otherwise, landscape-wide propagule availability might increase with a more varied timing and intensity of management.

Varning för stereotyper : en studie med syfte att urskilja och diskutera identitet / Warning for stereotypes : a study with the aim to discus gender and identity

Andersson, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
Through this thesis I aimed to further investigate how we can adapt our western and modern views of masculinity and femininity in an ancient population, here on the Pitted Ware population from Ajvide on Gotland. A questionnaire survey was used to compile the modern view of masculinity and femininity. This modern view was then compared with patterns which had become visible through statistical processing of the burial gifts found on Ajvide. The thesis is mainly focused around the concept of gender, but age and status have also been discussed. Through several performed correspondence analysis, it became clear that the current view of male and female differed from the one that became visible in the archaeological record. Grave gifts that in the survey, for example, was estimated to be typically feminine turnes out to be more common in mens' graves. This means that the use of burial gifts as a method, for example in gender assessment or as an indicator of identity is inadequate. The study of the interaction between material culture and gender and gender roles require further development.

Klass, åsikt och partisympati : det svenska konsumtionsfältet för politiska åsikter

Enelo, Jan-Magnus January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study political opinions and party voting in relation to class. The range of opinions studied consists of a socioeconomic dimension, dealing with issues of economic equality, and a socio-cultural dimension, dealing with questions of culture and morality. Following Pierre Bourdieu, the object of the study is conceptualised as a field of consumption of political opinions consisting of a space of political opinions or stances, a space of political party preferences, and a space of social positions or opinion holders defined by (among other things) their cultural and economic capital. The field of consumption is examined through multiple correspondence analysis and Euclidean classification. Overall, the field of consumption of political opinions is found to be relatively homologous to the social space. The field of consumption is found to be a two-dimensional space, with one dimension separating left-wing from rightwing opinions and the second distinguishing between socio economic and socio- cultural opinions. The tendency to vote left wing and to have left-leaning socio-economic opinions corresponds to a low total volume of capital and possessions dominated by cultural capital, whereas the tendency to vote right wing and to have right-leaning socio-economic opinions corresponds to a high total volume of capital. Liberal socio-cultural opinions correspond to a high level of possession cultural capital (and its relative weight in the structure of the total possession of capital), whereas the opposite is true for conservative opinions. Furthermore, the socio-cultural dimension is found to harbour two different aspects: liberalism or conservatism with regard to traditional morality and liberalism or conservatism with regard to the idea of a national culture. This thesis also studies how individuals tend to combine opinions from the two dimensions into tangible constellations of opinions.

Grave fra Østersøområdet i Boreal og tidlig Atlantisk tid : et multiregionalt studie / Early Mesolithic burials from the area around the Baltic Sea : a multiregional study

Frydendal Nielsen, Katrine January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to examine if any homogeneity or heterogeneity can be traced in burials from Preboreal, Boreal and Early Atlantic period, in the area of the Baltic Sea. Furthermore, the paper will deal with the Early Mesolithic burials based on theoretical perspectives on rituals, materiality and agency.To enable the purpose of identifying the homogeneity or heterogeneity of the data, relational multi-varied Correspondence Analysis of the individuals and their artifact variations, body position, burial type etc. have been applied.The data used in this study contain information from 41 sites including 171 graves with 194 individuals from nine different countries (Denmark, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway Poland, Russia and Sweden). The study is based on the work Mesolithische Bestattungen in Europa. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Gräberkunde. Teil I-II of Judith M. Grünberg from 2000, however some new sites and graves have been added.This study is expected to contribute new contextual interpretations of the Early Mesolithic burials of the area of the Baltic Sea.

Urban Middle Class, Lifestyle And Taste In Kecioren And Cankaya, Ankara: Distinction Through Home Furniture, Furnishing And Decoration

Arslan, Zerrin 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation aims to scrutinize the fractions of the Turkish middle class, based on Bourdieu&rsquo / s theory of social, cultural, economic capitals and habitus. Distinction among the fractions was identified through lifestyles and tastes via home furnishing and decoration. A quantitative field research was conducted in two towns of Ankara, the capital city of Turkey, namely Ke&ccedil / i&ouml / ren and &Ccedil / ankaya, and the data was collected by applying a detailed questionnaire on a sample that is not representative. The data was analysed with SPSS. The outcomes of factor and multiple correspondence analyses were formulated as four fractions of the Turkish middle class: Lower/bitter, Middle/resentful, Upper/contemptuous, and Well-off/happy middle class. The structural and material conditions, social-psychological utterances of the respondents and interviewees, survey results, field notes and observations as well as insights collected from furniture/decoration magazines provided the basis for defining and naming these subcategories. This categorization is an important step for further studies of lifestyles and tastes of the fractions. Lifestyles were defined as everyday habits/routines/activities, and tastes as selections/arrangements of furniture/accessories of everyday life objects. The finding of the dissertation is that the middle class(es) in Ankara is stratified within itself and these fractions have different lifestyles and tastes of their own: The well-off/happy fraction has an &lsquo / outgoing&rsquo / lifestyle, and &lsquo / legitimate/highbrow taste&rsquo / the upper/contemptuous fraction has a &lsquo / shopping mallcentred&rsquo / lifestyle, and &lsquo / middlebrow taste&rsquo / the middle/resentful fraction has an &lsquo / emulationcentred&rsquo / lifestyle and &lsquo / popular taste&rsquo / finally, the lower/bitter fraction has a &lsquo / &lsquo / stuck to home, family and neighbors&rsquo / lifestyle and &lsquo / taste of necessity&rsquo / .

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