Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cosmic"" "subject:"tosmic""
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Perturbations of black holes pierced by cosmic strings / Perturbações de buracos negros atravessados por cordas cósmicasTeodoro, Matheus do Carmo 22 March 2018 (has links)
The present-day interest in gravitational waves, justified by the recent direct detections made by LIGO, is opening the exciting possibility to answer many questions regarding General Relativity in extreme situations. One of these questions is whether black hole are – indeed – described totally by their mass, charge and angular momentum or whether they can have additional long-range hair. This project is concerned with this question. We aim at studying the influence of additional structure on the black hole horizon in the form of long-range hair by studying linearized Einstein equation the solutions when perturbed. More precisely, we will study the Schwarzschild solution, pierced by an infinitely long and thin cosmic string such that the space-time possesses a global deficit angle. Quasi-normal modes are believed to dominate the gravitational wave emission during the ring down phase of an excited black hole that would e.g. be the result of a merger of two ultra-compact objects, therefore linearized perturbations can be considered. With the advent of gravitational wave astronomy the proposed study will be very important when reconstructing the source of the detected gravitational wave signals. / O atual interesse em ondas gravitacionais, justificado pelas detecções diretas feitas pela colaboração LIGO recentemente, está abrindo a excitante possibilidade de responder várias questões a respeito da Relatividade Geral em condições estremas. Uma dessas questões é se buracos negros são – realmente – totalmente discritos apenas por sua massa, carga e momento angular ou se eles podem ter os chamados cabelos de longo alcance adicionais. Nosso projeto se preocupa em responder esta pergunta. Nosso objetivo está em estudar a influência de uma estrutura adicional no horizonte de eventos de um buraco negro através do comportamento da equação linearizada de Einstein quando a solução é perturbada. Mais precisamente, nós estudaremos a solução de Schwarzschild atravessada por uma corda cósmica infinitamente fina, tal corda faz com que o espaço-tempo tenha um hiato angular em seu plano equatorial. Acredita-se que modos quasi-normais dominem a emissão de ondas gravitacionais durante a fase de ringing down de buracos negros excitados que podem, por exemplo, se originar da colisão de objetos ultra compactos, portanto perturbações lineares podem ser consideradas. Com o advento da astronomia através de ondas gravitacionais o estudo proposto será importante para que se possa reconstruir a origem de sinais detectados.
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Henrietta Swan Leavitt e a relação período-luminosidade de estrelas variáveisMarchi, Magali Conceição de Barros de 13 May 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-05-13 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study has to focus on analysis of period-luminosity relationship for variable stars discovered by Henrietta Swan Leavitt in the early twentieth century. In it we present, through the analysis of documents published at that time, the path taken by Leavitt to find such a relationship as well as presenting the context in which research is embedded Leavitt. The relationship found by Leavitt had an important use in astronomy, since through it was possible to estimate the distance between stars and galaxies / Este estudo tem como foco de análise a relação período-luminosidade para estrelas variáveis encontrada por Henrietta Swan Leavitt no início do século XX. Nele buscamos apresentar, por meio da análise de documentos publicados naquela época, o caminho percorrido por Leavitt para encontrar a tal relação, bem como apresentar o contexto em que a investigação Leavitt está inserida. A relação encontrada por Leavitt teve importante uso na Astronomia, visto que por meio dela era possível estimar a distância entre estrelas e galáxias
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D’EUSO-Balloon à EUSO-SPB : intégration, tests et résultats / From EUSO-Balloon to EUSO-SPB : integration, tests and resultsBacholle, Simon 18 October 2016 (has links)
JEM-EUSO est un projet de télescope spatiale dédié à la détection des rayons cosmiques d'ultra-haute énergie (RCUHE) (d'énergie supérieure à 10/48 eV) par l'observation de l'émission de lumière ultra-violette produite par l'interaction entre li rayon cosmique et l'atmosphère terrestre. Dans le cadre de ma thèse, j'ai travaillé sur le premier démonstrateur du projet, EUSO-Balloon, une version réduite de l'instrument prévu pour JEM-EUSO portée par un ballon stratosphérique. J'ai participé à l'étalonnage de la surface focale du ballon, composée de 36 photo-multiplicateurs multi-anodes (MAPMT), ainsi qu'à l'intégration de l'électronique de lecture et l'assemblage et les tests de l'instrument complet. J'ai pris part à la campagne de vol qui s'est déroulée à Timmins, au Canada, pour un vol la nuit du 24 août 2014. Pendant le vol, l'instrument a pu observer le flux lumineux en ultra-violet émis et réfléchi par le sol, ainsi que des impulsions laser tirées à partir d'un hélicoptère volant sous l'instrument pendant une partie de la mission et simulant le signal émis par un RCUHE interagissant avec l'atmosphère terrestre. Après le succès du premier vol d'EUSO-Balloon, un second vol est prévu au printemps 2017. Ce vol est prévu pour durer plusieurs semaines, et a pour objectif principal l'observation de RCUHE. Pour préparer ce vol, et à la suite des retours de la première mission, j'ai participé à plusieurs campagnes de tests afin d'améliorer certains aspects technologiques de l'instrument. J'ai également mené des simulations afin d'estimer le nombre d'UHECR que l'instrument détectera pendant un vol de plusieurs semaines / JEM-EUSO is a future space UV telescope dedicated to the observation of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays( UHECR), through 'the detection of the UV light emitted by the interaction between the UHECR and the Earth atmosphere. The work done during my PhD was focused on EUSO-Balloon, a smaller scale balloon borne prototype of JEM-EUSO with a complete detection chain and Fresnel optics. During my PhD, I took part in the calibration of the focal surface, made up of 36 mufti-anode photomultipliers as well as the integration and full scale tests of the read-out electronics and the whole instrument. I took part of the flight campaign in Timmins, Canada with a flight on the 24`11 of August 2014. During the flight, the instrument was able to observe the UV light emitted and reflected by the ground as well as laser pulses shot from an helicopter flying under the balloon during the first part of the flight to simulate UHECR signal as seen from the instrument. After the success of the first flight of EUSO-Balloon, a second flight o a several weeks is planned for spring 2017, with the goal of observing real UHECR events from above. I took part of several test campaigns to improve the performances of the instrument for the second flight. Finally, I mn a serie of simulations to estimate the number of events the instrument should be able to detect during a several-week flight
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Le centre Galactique aux très hautes énergies : modélisation de l’émission diffuse et premiers éléments d’analyse spectro-morphologique / The galactic center to vers high energies : diffuse emission modeling and first elements of spectromorphological analysisJouvin, Lea 27 September 2017 (has links)
Le centre Galactique (GC) est une région très riche et complexe. Le taux de supernovae (SN) associé à la formation d'étoiles massives y est très élevée et devrait créer une injection continue de rayons cosmiques (CRs) dans le GC à travers les chocs qu'elles produisent. Cette région abrite également un trou noir supermassif (SMBH) de $4 \times 10^6 \, \rm{M_{\odot}}$, nommé Sgr A*. De nombreux arguments ont permis de montrer que le SMBH pouvait accélérer des particules à très haute énergie (VHE); son activité actuelle et passée pourrait donc également contribuer à la population de CRs. En 2006, la collaboration H.E.S.S. a révélé la présence d'une émission diffuse à VHE dans les 100 pc centraux de la Galaxie, très corrélée à la distribution de matière moléculaire répartie dans la zone moléculaire centrale (CMZ). Une partie importante de cette émission a donc très probablement une origine hadronique mais celle-ci reste toujours inconnue. Nous présentons une nouvelle analyse spectrale et morphologique détaillée de la région en utilisant 10 ans de prise de données de H.E.S.S. ainsi qu’une modélisation de l'émission $\gamma$ induite par les SNe. Nous étudions l'impact de la distribution temporelle et spatiale des SNe dans le CMZ sur la morphologie et le spectre de l'émission: nous construisons un model 3D d'injection de CRs à VHE et d'une propagation diffusive dans la région avec une distribution de gaz réaliste. La contribution des SNe ne peut pas être négligée. Nous montrons qu’un profil piqué de rayon $\gamma$ ainsi qu’un excès de CRs vers le GC peuvent être obtenus en utilisant une distribution spatiale réaliste de SNe prenant en compte les amas d'étoiles massives centraux. La morphologie de l'émission est très dépendante de l'énergie dans ce scénario. Le profil de densité de CRs peut également être reproduit avec une injection stationnaire unique au centre par Sgr A* mais cela implique alors une morphologie stable en énergie. L'utilisation d'une analyse 3D est donc nécessaire pour distinguer les modèles. Nous présentons les premiers résultats de cette analyse que nous avons développé dans la librairie Gammapy afin d'ajuster simultanément un spectre et une morphologie sur des données. Avec la prochaine génération d'instruments comme le Cherenkov Telescope Array, les observations de régions avec une morphologie complexe, avec une émission diffuse ou de multiples sources, vont devenir de plus en plus nombreuses. Elles nécessitent donc également le développement de cette technique. Nous détaillons les premières validations de cette méthode appliquée sur des sources ponctuelles avec un outil Monte Carlo. Pour l’émission diffuse, nous présentons le nouveau spectre obtenu en utilisant une méthode que nous avons développée pour l’extraction spectrale 1D classique. Nous réalisons par ailleurs une analyse morphologique dans différentes bandes en énergie indépendantes en utilisant de nouveaux modèles spatiaux. Pour l'instant, aucune variation significative n'est détectée mais des observations supplémentaires sont nécessaires ainsi qu'une vraie analyse 3D de la région du GC pour pouvoir donner une conclusion définitive. Les observations de CTA permettront de donner des réponses précises à ces questions. / The Galactic center (GC) is a very rich and complex astrophysical region. The high supernovae (SN) rate associated with the strong massive star formation should create a sustained cosmic rays (CR) injection in the GC via the shocks they produce. This region also harbors a Super-Massive Black Hole (SMBH) of $4 \times 10^6 \, \rm{M_{\odot}}$, named Sgr A*. Since it has been argued that the SMBH might also accelerate particles up to very high energies (VHE), its current and past activity could contribute to the CR population. In 2006, the H.E.S.S. collaboration revealed the presence of a VHE diffuse emission in the inner 100 pc of the Galaxy in close correlation with the molecular matter spread in the central molecular zone (CMZ). A major part of this emission is thus certainly of hadronic origin but it still remains mysterious. We report a new detailed spectral and morphological analysis of this region using 10 years of H.E.S.S. observations as well as a detailed modelling of the $\gamma$-ray emission induced by the SNe. We study the impact of the spatial and temporal distribution of SNe in the CMZ on the VHE emission morphology and spectrum: we built a 3D model of VHE CR injection and diffusive propagation with a realistic gas distribution. The contribution of SNe can not be neglected. We show that a peaked $\gamma$-ray profile and CR excess towards the GC, can be obtained using realistic SN spatial distribution taking into account the central massive star clusters. A strong dependence on the morphology of the emission with the energy is expected in this scenario. The CR density profile can also be reproduced by a unique stationary injection at the center by Sgr A* but it implies a stable morphology across the energy range. To distinguish the models, we need a 3D analysis. We present the first results of this analysis that we started to design in the software Gammapy to simultaneously fit a spectral and morphological model to the data. The observations of complex morphological regions with diffuse emission or multiple sources will become more and more numerous with the next generation instruments such as the Cherenkov Telescope Array. They will also require the development of this technique. We detail the first validations of this method on point sources using a Monte Carlo tool. For the ridge emission, we report the new spectrum using a method that we developed for the classical spectral fitting necessary for faint emission. By using new spatial templates to describe the complexity of the diffuse emission, we perform a morphological analysis in different energy bands independently. No significant variation is found but more observations are needed to give a conclusive statement as well as a real 3D analysis in the GC region. The observations of CTA will allow to give precise answers to these questions.
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Measuring the shower maximum of extensive air showers using imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes / Medição do máximo desenvolvimento de chuveiros atmosféricos extensos usando telescópios de imagem atmosférica CherenkovGiler, Andres Gabriel Delgado 15 July 2019 (has links)
Cosmic rays are at the foundation of astroparticle physics and the extensive air showers (EAS) is one indirect way to detect them. Air showers, however, have been used to infer information not just of cosmic rays particles, but also to localize gamma rays sources. The shower maximum of an EAS, defined as the position at the atmosphere where the maximum quantity of charged particles is reached, is an observable of air showers that can permit to infer the mass composition of cosmic rays. For this reason, it is important to propose methods to measure it. Several methods to determine the shower maximum have been implemented in the last decades with the development of different kinds of telescopes. This work discusses the possibility of determining the maximum of air showers using imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACT). The Cherenkov telescopes can detect the Cherenkov radiation produced by the interaction of charged particles with the atmosphere. Those Cherenkov photons are projected back into the plane containing the longitudinal development of the air shower. Each plane is saved as a 2D histogram with the longitudinal and lateral development in the vertical and horizontal axis, respectively. A detailed analysis of each 2D histogram is presented and used to obtain the depth of the maximum of the Cherenkov profile. The main effect seen is a decrease in the shower maximum of Cherenkov photons as a function of the telescope position from the shower axis to 150 m. After 150m from the shower axis, there is a constant behavior that is correlated to the real depth of the maximum of an EAS. Based on this constant behavior after 150 m, the shower maximum is reconstructed and it is shown the resolution of the method as a function of the energy, which is around 55 g/cm2 considering just one telescope, and 15 g/cm2 for the best case considering zenith angle of 20 degrees. Moreover, the method is tested with some simulations took from Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS) experiment to compare with the results of our simulations. The resolution of the reconstruction of the shower maximum for proton and iron showers was also done which ranges around 80 g/cm2 for proton and around 30 g/cm2 for iron in the case of 20° of zenith angle. / Os raios cósmicos estão na base da física das astropartículas e os chuveiros atmosféricos extensos (EAS pela sigla em inglês) são uma maneira indireta de detectá-los. Os chuveiros atmosféricos, no entanto, têm sido usados para inferir informações não apenas sobre partículas de raios cósmicos, mas também para localizar fontes de raios gama. A profundidade de máximo num EAS, definido como a profundidade atmosférica onde a quantidade máxima de partículas carregadas é atingida, é um observável de EAS que permite inferir a composição de massa dos raios cósmicos. Por esse motivo, é importante propor métodos para medí-lo. Vários métodos para determinar a profundidade de máximo foram implementados nas últimas décadas com o desenvolvimento de diferentes tipos de telescópios. Este trabalho discute a possibilidade de determinar a profundidade de máximo de chuveiros atmosféricos utilizando os telescópios atmosféricos Cherenkov (IACT). Os telescópios Cherenkov podem detectar a radiação Cherenkov produzida pela interação de partículas carregadas com a atmosfera. Esses fótons Cherenkov são projetados de volta ao plano que contém o desenvolvimento longitudinal do chuveiro. Cada plano é salvo num histograma 2D com o desenvolvimento longitudinal e lateral no eixo vertical e horizontal, respectivamente. Uma análise detalhada de cada histograma 2D é apresentada e usada para obter a profundidade máxima do perfil de emissão de luz Cherenkov. O principal efeito visto é uma diminuição na profundidade de máximo dos fótons Cherenkov do chuveiro como função da posição do telescópio a partir do eixo do chuveiro até 150 m. A partir de 150 m do eixo do chuveiro, há um comportamento constante que está correlacionado com a profundidade real de máximo do EAS. Com base nesse comportamento constante após 150 m, o máximo do chuveiro é reconstruído e é mostrada a resolução do método em função da energia, que é cerca de 55 g/cm2 considerando apenas um telescópio, e 15 g/cm2 para o melhor caso, considerando o ângulo zenital de 20 graus. Além disso, o método é testado com algumas simulações cedidas pelo experimento VERITAS (Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System, pela sigla em inglês) para comparar com os resultados de nossas simulações. Também foi feita a resolução da reconstrução da profundidade de máximo para chuveiros atmosféricos de prótons e ferro, que varia em torno de 80 g/cm2 para prótons e em torno de 30 g/cm2 para ferro no caso chuveiros inclinados a um ângulo de 20°.
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Ondelettes, repères et couronne solaireJacques, Laurent 21 June 2004 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous explorons premièrement la notion de directionnalité lors de la conception de repères d'ondelettes du plan. Cette propriété, qui semble essentielle pour la vision biologique, donne lieu à une meilleure représentation des contours d'objets dans les décompositions d'images utilisant ces repères. Elle génère en outre une redondance supplémentaire qui exploitée à bon escient, permet par exemple de réduire les effets d'un bruit additif (gaussien).
Nous montrons également comment cette directionnalité, généralement perçue comme un paramètre figé, peut être adaptée localement aux éléments d'une image. Nous définissons ainsi le concept d'analyse d'images multisélective. Dans ce cadre, des règles de récurrence héritées d'une analyse multirésolution circulaire associent des ondelettes d'une certaine sélectivité angulaire pour générer des ondelettes de plus faible directionnalité jusqu'à l'obtention d'une ondelette totalement isotrope. Dans le cas d'un repère d'ondelettes linéaire, ces différents niveaux de sélectivité ont la possibilité de s'ajuster localement au contenu d'une image. Nous constatons par ailleurs que cette adaptabilité fournit de meilleures reconstructions que les méthodes à sélectivité fixe lors d'approximations non linéaires d'images.
Cette thèse traite ensuite du problème de l'analyse de données représentées sur la sphère.
Il a été établi précédemment [AV99] que la transformée continue en ondelettes (CWT) s'étend à cet espace par l'emploi d'une dilatation stéréographique respectant la compacité de S2.
Dans certain cas, il est utile de réduire la redondance de cette transformée, ne fut ce que pour faciliter le traitement des données dans l'espace multi-échelle généré. Nous étudions par conséquent comment créer des repères sphériques semi-continus, où seule l'échelle est échantillonnée, et totalement discrétisés. Nous tirons parti dans ce dernier cas de grilles sphériques équi-angulaires et des règles de quadrature associées pour obtenir des conditions suffisantes à la reconstruction des fonctions analysées. Les capacités d'analyse et de synthèse de repères d'ondelettes DOG sont également testées sur des exemples de données sphériques.
Une dernière partie de ce document est dédiée à l'étude d'un objet physique étonnant : la couronne solaire. Cette couche extérieure du soleil est observée depuis 1996 par l'expérience EIT à bord du satellite SoHO dans différentes longueurs d'onde de l'ultraviolet lointain. La compréhension physique des multiples phénomènes apparaissant dans la couronne solaire passe par le traitement automatique des images EIT. Dans cette tâche, nous nous limitons à deux problèmes particuliers.
Nous utilisons premièrement la CWT et sa capacité à analyser la régularité locale d'une image pour gommer les traces laissées par les rayons cosmiques, majoritairement non solaires, sur les enregistrements EIT.
Deuxièmement, la couronne solaire contient des éléments de faible taille (<60arcsec) nommés points brillants (ou BPs pur Bright points). Ceux-ci trouvent leur origine dans l'échauffement local du plasma coronal sous l'action du champs magnétique solaire. En abordant une approche similaire à celle développée en [Bij99], nous étudions comment sélectionner et caractériser ces BPS en décomposant une image en ses objets constitutifs. Ces derniers sont issus de tubes de maxima dans la description multi-échelle de l'image, c'est-à-dire d'une généralisation discrète des lignes de maxima de la CWT.
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The Fall and Rise of Antimatter: Probing Leptogenesis and Dark Matter ModelsVertongen, Gilles V.M.P. 25 September 2009 (has links)
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), together with the analyses of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies, confirm what our day to day experience of life attests : antimatter is far less present than matter in the Universe. In addition, these observables also permit to evaluate that there exists about one proton for every 10^{10} photons present in the Universe. This is in contradiction with expectations coming from the standard hot big bang, where no distinction between matter and antimatter is made, and where subsequent annihilations would lead to equal matter and antimatter contents, at a level 10^{−10} smaller than the observed one. The Standard Model of fundamental interactions fails to explain this result, leading us to search for ‘Beyond the Standard Model’ physics.
Among the possible mechanism which could be responsible for the creation of such a matter asymmetry, leptogenesis is particularly attractive because it only relies on the same ingredients previously introduced to generate neutrino masses. Unfortunatelly, this elegant proposal suffers from a major difficulty : it resists to any tentative of being probed by our low energy observables. In this thesis, we tackle the problem the other way around and propose a way to falsify this mechanism. Considering the type-I leptogenesis mechanism, i.e. a mechanism based on the asymmetric decay of right-handed neutrinos, in a left-right symmetric framework, we show that the observation of a right-handed gauge boson W_R at future colliders would rule out any possibility for such mechanism to be responsible of the matter asymmetry present in our Universe.
Another intriguing question that analyses of the anisotropies of the CMB confirmed is the presence of a non-baryonic component of matter in our Universe, i.e. the dark matter. As hinted by observations of galactic rotation curves, it should copiously be present in our galactic halo, but is notoriously difficult to detect directly. We can take advantage on the fact that antimatter almost disappeared from our surroundings to detect the contamination of cosmic rays from standard sources the annihilation products of dark matter would produce.
The second subject tackled in this work is the study of the imprints the Inert Doublet Modem (IDM) could leave in (charged) cosmic rays, namely positrons, antprotons and antideuterons. This model, first proposed to allow the Bout-Englert-Higgs particle to evade the Electroweak Precision Test (EWPT) measurements, introduces an additional scalar doublet which is inert in the sense that it does not couple directly to fermions. This latter property brings an additional virtue to this additional doublet : since it interacts weakly with particles, it can play the role of dark matter. This study will be done in the light of the data recently released by the PAMELA, ATIC and Fermi-GLAST collaborations, which reported e^± excesses in two different energy ranges.
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On the Search for High-Energy Neutrinos : Analysis of data from AMANDA-IILundberg, Johan January 2008 (has links)
A search for a diffuse flux of cosmic neutrinos with energies in excess of 1014 eV was performed using two years of AMANDA-II data, collected in 2003 and 2004. A 20% evenly distributed sub-sample of experimental data was used to verify the detector description and the analysis cuts. A very good agreement between this 20% sample and the background simulations was observed. The analysis was optimised for discovery, to a relatively low price in limit setting power. The background estimate for the livetime of the examined 80% sample is 0.035 ± 68% events with an additional 41% systematical uncertainty. The total neutrino flux needed for a 5σ discovery to be made with 50% probability was estimated to 3.4 ∙ 10-7 E-2 GeV s-1 sr-1 cm-2 equally distributed over the three flavours, taking statistical and systematic uncertainties in the background expectation and the signal efficiency into account. No experimental events survived the final discriminator cut. Hence, no ultra-high energy neutrino candidates were found in the examined sample. A 90% upper limit is placed on the total ultra-high energy neutrino flux at 2.8 ∙ 10-7 E-2 GeV s-1 sr-1 cm-2, taking both systematical and statistical uncertainties into account. The energy range in which 90% of the simulated E-2 signal is contained is 2.94 ∙ 1014 eV to 1.54 ∙ 1018 eV (central interval), assuming an equal distribution over the neutrino flavours at the Earth. The final acceptance is distributed as 48% electron neutrinos, 27% muon neutrinos, and 25% tau neutrinos. A set of models for the production of neutrinos in active galactic nuclei that predict spectra deviating from E-2 was excluded.
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On the Winds of Carbon Stars and the Origin of Carbon : A Theoretical StudyMattsson, Lars January 2009 (has links)
Carbon is the basis for life, as we know it, but its origin is still largely unclear. Carbon-rich Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars (carbon stars) play an important rôle in the cosmic matter cycle and may contribute most of the carbon in the Galaxy. In this thesis it is explored how the dust-driven mass loss of these stars depends on the basic stellar parameters by computing a large grid of wind models. The existence of a critical wind regime and mass-loss thresholds for dust-driven winds are confirmed. Furthermore, a steep dependence of mass loss on carbon excess is found. Exploratory work on the effects of different stellar metallicities and the sizes of dust grains shows that strong dust-driven winds develop also at moderately low metallicities, and that typical sizes of dust grains affect the wind properties near a mass-loss threshold. It is demonstrated that the mass-loss rates obtained with the wind models have dramatic consequences when used in models of carbon-star evolution. A pronounced superwind develops soon after the star becomes carbon rich, and it therefore experiences only a few thermal pulses as a carbon star before the envelope is lost. The number of dredge-up events and the thermal pulses is limited by a self-regulating mechanism: each thermal pulse dredges up carbon, which increases the carbon excess and hence also the mass-loss rate. In turn, this limits the number of thermal pulses. The mass-loss evolution during a thermal pulse (He-shell flash) is considered as an explanation of the observations of so-called detached shells around carbon stars. By combining models of dust-driven winds with a stellar evolution model, and a simple hydrodynamic model of the circumstellar envelope, it is shown that wind properties change character during a He-shell flash such that a thin detached gas shell can form by wind-wind interaction. Finally, it is suggested that carbon stars are responsible for much of the carbon in the interstellar medium, but a scenario where high-mass stars are major carbon producers cannot be excluded. In either case, however, the carbon abundances of the outer Galactic disc are relatively low, and most of the carbon has been released quite recently. Thus, there may neither be enough carbon, nor enough time, for more advanced carbon-based life to emerge in the outer Galaxy. This lends some support to the idea that only the mid-part of the Galactic disc can be a “Galactic habitable zone”, since the inner parts of the Galaxy are plagued by frequent supernova events that are presumably harmful to all forms of life.
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Análisis de las anisotropías de la Radiación Cósmica del Fondo de Microondas mediante el uso de Filtros AdaptadosHerranz Muñoz, Diego 25 February 2002 (has links)
El estudio de las anisotropías de la Radiación Cósmica del Fondo de Microondas es una de las piedras de toque de la Cosmología actual. Una fase importante de dicho estudio consiste en el análisis previo de los datos mediante técnicas deprocesado estadístico que permiten identificar, separar y estudiar de forma independiente las diferentes componentes físicas que contribuyen a la emisión del cielo. En esta Tesis se propone una nueva técnica de filtrado, los Filtros Adaptados a la Escala, que permite detectar la emisión de fuentes compactas(galaxias y cúmulos de galaxias) de forma robusta atendiendo alas particularidades de su estructura espacial a pequeña escala.Los Filtros Adaptados a la Escala se introducen de forma teórica y posteriormente son aplicados a simulaciones realistas que reproducen las condiciones de la futura misión de la AgenciaEspacial Europea "Planck", tanto en el régimen unidimensional como en imágenes bidimensionales en una o varias frecuencias (según se trate de detección de galaxias o de cúmulos de galaxias). Se concluye que los Filtros Adaptados a la Escalaconstituyen una herramienta potente y robusta para la detección de fuentes compactas en imágenes astronómicas. / The study of the anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is one of the milestones of modern Cosmology. Before the analysis of the CMB itself, it is importantto apply statistical tools to the data in order to identify and separate the different physical components that contribute to the sky emission at microwave wavelengths. In this Thesis a newlinear filter is proposed, the so-called Scale Adaptive Filter (SAF), that takes into account the characteristic spatial signature of compact sources (namely galaxies and galaxy clusters) inorder to optimise the detection of such sources in CMB data.The SAF is firstly theoretically introduced and then it is applied to realistic simulated CMB data as they will be observed by the upcoming ESA's Planck Mission. The considered cases includeboth unidimensional and bidimensional data sets at one single frequency (for the case of the detection of radio and infrared galaxies) or considering several frequency channels (for thecase of the detection of galaxy clusters via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect). The SAF is found to be a robust and powerful tool for the detection of compact sources in astronomical images.
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