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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards a Unified Framework for Design of MEMS based VLSI Systems

Sukumar, Jairam January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Current day VLSI systems have started seeing increasing percentages of multiple energy domain components being integrated into the mainstream. Energy domains such as mechanical, optical, fluidic etc. have become all pervasive into VLSI systems and such systems are being manufactured routinely. The framework required to design such an integrated system with diverse energy domains needs to be evolved as a part of conventional VLSI design methodology. This is because manufacturing and design of these integrated energy domains although based on semiconductor processing, is still very ad-hoc, with each device requiring its dedicated design tools and process integration. In this thesis three different approaches in different energy domains, have been pro-posed. These three domains include modelling & simulation, synthesis & compilation and formal verification. Three different scenarios have been considered and it is shown that these tasks can be co-performed along with conventional VLSI circuits and systems. In the first approach a micro-mechanical beam bending case is presented. A thermal heat ow causing the beam to bend through thermal stress is analyzed for change in capacitance under a single analysis and modelling framework. This involves a seamless analysis through thermal, mechanical and electrical energy domains. The second part of the thesis explores synthesis and compilation paradigms. The concept of a Gyro-compiler analogous to a memory compiler is proposed, which primarily generates soft IP models for various gyro topologies. The final part of this thesis deals in showcasing a working prototype of a formal verification framework for MEMS based hybrid systems. The MEMS verification domain today is largely limited to simulation based verification. Many techniques have been proposed for formal verification of hybrid systems. Some of these methods have been extended to demonstrate, how MEMS based hybrid systems can be formally verified through ex-tensions of conventional formal verification methods. An adaptive cruise control (ACC) system with a gyro based speed sensor has been analyzed and formally verified for various specifications of this system.

Changes in Tursiops truncatus Distribution and Behavior in the Drowned Cayes, Belize, and Correlation to Human Impacts

Garcia, Jazmin 22 July 2016 (has links)
Human interaction greatly influences the behavior and distribution of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). This project focuses on the distribution and behavior of bottlenose dolphins in the Drowned Cayes, Belize. Prior to the 2000s, the area was relatively undeveloped and undisturbed and had minimal human activity. Since the turn of the millennium, development and ecotourism activity has flourished in the area, increasing by more than 800,000 visitors from 1998-2006. Boat-based surveys were conducted in 2015 and were combined with previous survey data collected from 2005-2012 and compared to behavioral survey results from 1999-2000. Total dolphin observation time as a percent of total survey time and average number of dolphins per sighting were 17.2% and 2.7 in 1999-2000 and 10.8% and 1.6 for 2005-2015. The low number of dolphins and the low observation times suggest that the dolphin population in the Drowned Cayes have decreased since the 1990s. Eighty-nine percent of the total observation time for 2015 occurred on days in which there were zero cruise ships in the area suggesting that this decline may be in relation to increased human activity. Furthermore, foraging was the main behavior observed for both 1999-2000 and 2005-2015 data sets, suggesting that the Drowned Cayes area is used as a foraging ground. However, in 1999-2000 the foraging percentage was significantly higher than the 2005-2015 data set, dropping 28.9% and there was a 23.6% increase in traveling behavior between the two data sets. This could be a result of increased human activity. Additionally, survey photographs and results were used in the creation of the first dolphin photo identification database for the country. The guidelines used for photo analysis for photo quality and fin distinctiveness were tested to determine if they are easy to use and give consistent and reliable results regardless of judge. An intraclass correlation model calculated substantial agreement (ICC = 0.7) between judges’ scores, demonstrating consistent results, regardless of experience level. Therefore, the guideline can be used as a standard among multiple researchers.

Résister au débarquement : tourisme de croisière et dynamiques d’appropriation territoriale dans la Caraïbe

Renaud, Luc 11 1900 (has links)
Le tourisme de croisière se démarque du tourisme ayant des assises terrestres par sa nature mobile et extraterritoriale. Ces facteurs favorisent un rapport de force en faveur de l’industrie lorsque vient le temps de négocier ses conditions d’opération lors de la mise en place d’une nouvelle destination. Le but de ce projet de recherche est de mettre en évidence les dynamiques sociospatiales inhérentes aux relations de pouvoir entre les groupes d’acteurs liés au tourisme de croisières dans l’espace caribéen. Notre attention a été portée sur les processus de territorialisation induits par le déploiement d’une destination à travers l’étude de cas de la création d’une enclave de croisière à Harvest Caye dans le Sud Belize. Pour ce faire, nous avons développé un cadre conceptuel qui s’appuie d’abord sur la notion de production d’un espace de tourisme de croisière où sont pris en compte les mécanismes néolibéraux de production de l’espace ayant conduit à la mise en place de l’enclave. Ensuite, il porte sur les processus de territorialisation qui ont transformé le Sud Belize en conséquence au déploiement territorial de ce tourisme dans l’espace de vie des communautés réceptrices. Nos résultats, basés sur de l’analyse de contenu, de l’observation participante et de 42 entretiens semi-directifs, montrent que les relations de pouvoir d’abord favorables à l’industrie du tourisme de croisière peuvent être contrées et permettre aux différents acteurs de l’espace de vie de prendre en charge les processus de territorialisation dans un contexte d’imposition d’un espace de tourisme de croisière. Les processus de territorialisation apparus lors de la rencontre entre l’espace de tourisme de croisière et l’espace de vie témoignent des actions stratégiques simultanées entre les différents groupes d’acteurs. D’une part, celles liées à la tentative d’appropriation territoriale de la part de l’industrie, et ensuite celles associées aux différentes résistances des groupes d’acteurs locaux notamment ceux issus de l’industrie de l’écotourisme. Néanmoins, de part et d’autre, nous avons assisté, directement ou indirectement, à des actions d’adaptations et de coopérations qui ont érodé la vision conflictuelle des dynamiques territoriales qui caractérisent souvent l’implantation du tourisme de croisière. Enfin, nous soulevons l’hypothèse qu’il existe une phase de territorialisation parallèle au tourisme de croisière, liée à des dynamiques d’appropriation territoriales par le foncier qui s’est exacerbée lors de la mise en place de l’île enclave.| / Cruise tourism is distinct from land-based tourism because of its mobile, derogatory and extraterritorial nature. These factors allow the industry to dominate in the power struggle that plays out when the operating conditions for a new destination are being negotiated. The purpose of this research project is to highlight the socio-spatial dynamics inherent to the power relations between stakeholders in cruise tourism in the space of the Caribbean. We use the case study of the creation of a cruise enclave at Harvest Caye in South Belize to explore the territorialization processes that result when a new destination is established. To do this, we have developed a conceptual framework that is based, first of all, on the idea of the production of a cruise tourism space considering the neoliberal mechanisms of space production when a new enclave is established. The framework then focuses on the processes of territorialization that have transformed South Belize as a consequence of the territorial deployment of this kind of tourism in the lived space of the receiving communities. Our results are based on content analysis, participant observation and 42 semi-structured interviews, and show that the power relations that initially favor the cruise tourism industry can be countered, allowing lived space actors to take charge of territorialization processes in the context of the imposition of a cruise tourism space. The processes of territorialization that emerged when the cruise tourism space and the lived space met are evidence of strategic actions the different stakeholders have taken simultaneously—those related to the industry’s attempt at territorial appropriation and those associated with local stakeholders’ various resistance strategies, especially those evolving in the ecotourism industry. Nevertheless, we have witnessed, directly or indirectly, adaptation and cooperation on both sides that have eroded the conflictual vision of the territorial dynamics that often characterize the implementation of cruise tourism. Finally, we suggest that there is a phase of territorialization that runs parallel to cruise tourism and that is linked to the dynamics of territorial appropriation brought about by the real estate industry that has been exacerbated as the enclave island was established.

Optimal Control for Automotive Powertrain Applications

Reig Bernad, Alberto 07 November 2017 (has links)
Optimal Control (OC) is essentially a mathematical extremal problem. The procedure consists on the definition of a criterion to minimize (or maximize), some constraints that must be fulfilled and boundary conditions or disturbances affecting to the system behavior. The OC theory supplies methods to derive a control trajectory that minimizes (or maximizes) that criterion. This dissertation addresses the application of OC to automotive control problems at the powertrain level, with emphasis on the internal combustion engine. The necessary tools are an optimization method and a mathematical representation of the powertrain. Thus, the OC theory is reviewed with a quantitative analysis of the advantages and drawbacks of the three optimization methods available in literature: dynamic programming, Pontryagin minimum principle and direct methods. Implementation algorithms for these three methods are developed and described in detail. In addition to that, an experimentally validated dynamic powertrain model is developed, comprising longitudinal vehicle dynamics, electrical motor and battery models, and a mean value engine model. OC can be utilized for three different purposes: 1. Applied control, when all boundaries can be accurately defined. The engine control is addressed with this approach assuming that a the driving cycle is known in advance, translating into a large mathematical problem. Two specific cases are studied: the management of a dual-loop EGR system, and the full control of engine actuators, namely fueling rate, SOI, EGR and VGT settings. 2. Derivation of near-optimal control rules, to be used if some disturbances are unknown. In this context, cycle-specific engine calibrations calculation, and a stochastic feedback control for power-split management in hybrid vehicles are analyzed. 3. Use of OC trajectories as a benchmark or base line to improve the system design and efficiency with an objective criterion. OC is used to optimize the heat release law of a diesel engine and to size a hybrid powertrain with a further cost analysis. OC strategies have been applied experimentally in the works related to the internal combustion engine, showing significant improvements but non-negligible difficulties, which are analyzed and discussed. The methods developed in this dissertation are general and can be extended to other criteria if appropriate models are available. / El Control Óptimo (CO) es esencialmente un problema matemático de búsqueda de extremos, consistente en la definición de un criterio a minimizar (o maximizar), restricciones que deben satisfacerse y condiciones de contorno que afectan al sistema. La teoría de CO ofrece métodos para derivar una trayectoria de control que minimiza (o maximiza) ese criterio. Esta Tesis trata la aplicación del CO en automoción, y especialmente en el motor de combustión interna. Las herramientas necesarias son un método de optimización y una representación matemática de la planta motriz. Para ello, se realiza un análisis cuantitativo de las ventajas e inconvenientes de los tres métodos de optimización existentes en la literatura: programación dinámica, principio mínimo de Pontryagin y métodos directos. Se desarrollan y describen los algoritmos para implementar estos métodos así como un modelo de planta motriz, validado experimentalmente, que incluye la dinámica longitudinal del vehículo, modelos para el motor eléctrico y las baterías, y un modelo de motor de combustión de valores medios. El CO puede utilizarse para tres objetivos distintos: 1. Control aplicado, en caso de que las condiciones de contorno estén definidas. Puede aplicarse al control del motor de combustión para un ciclo de conducción dado, traduciéndose en un problema matemático de grandes dimensiones. Se estudian dos casos particulares: la gestión de un sistema de EGR de doble lazo, y el control completo del motor, en particular de las consignas de inyección, SOI, EGR y VGT. 2. Obtención de reglas de control cuasi-óptimas, aplicables en casos en los que no todas las perturbaciones se conocen. A este respecto, se analizan el cálculo de calibraciones de motor específicas para un ciclo, y la gestión energética de un vehículo híbrido mediante un control estocástico en bucle cerrado. 3. Empleo de trayectorias de CO como comparativa o referencia para tareas de diseño y mejora, ofreciendo un criterio objetivo. La ley de combustión así como el dimensionado de una planta motriz híbrida se optimizan mediante el uso de CO. Las estrategias de CO han sido aplicadas experimentalmente en los trabajos referentes al motor de combustión, poniendo de manifiesto sus ventajas sustanciales, pero también analizando dificultades y líneas de actuación para superarlas. Los métodos desarrollados en esta Tesis Doctoral son generales y aplicables a otros criterios si se dispone de los modelos adecuados. / El Control Òptim (CO) és essencialment un problema matemàtic de cerca d'extrems, que consisteix en la definició d'un criteri a minimitzar (o maximitzar), restriccions que es deuen satisfer i condicions de contorn que afecten el sistema. La teoria de CO ofereix mètodes per a derivar una trajectòria de control que minimitza (o maximitza) aquest criteri. Aquesta Tesi tracta l'aplicació del CO en automoció i especialment al motor de combustió interna. Les ferramentes necessàries són un mètode d'optimització i una representació matemàtica de la planta motriu. Per a això, es realitza una anàlisi quantitatiu dels avantatges i inconvenients dels tres mètodes d'optimització existents a la literatura: programació dinàmica, principi mínim de Pontryagin i mètodes directes. Es desenvolupen i descriuen els algoritmes per a implementar aquests mètodes així com un model de planta motriu, validat experimentalment, que inclou la dinàmica longitudinal del vehicle, models per al motor elèctric i les bateries, i un model de motor de combustió de valors mitjans. El CO es pot utilitzar per a tres objectius diferents: 1. Control aplicat, en cas que les condicions de contorn estiguen definides. Es pot aplicar al control del motor de combustió per a un cicle de conducció particular, traduint-se en un problema matemàtic de grans dimensions. S'estudien dos casos particulars: la gestió d'un sistema d'EGR de doble llaç, i el control complet del motor, particularment de les consignes d'injecció, SOI, EGR i VGT. 2. Obtenció de regles de control quasi-òptimes, aplicables als casos on no totes les pertorbacions són conegudes. A aquest respecte, s'analitzen el càlcul de calibratges específics de motor per a un cicle, i la gestió energètica d'un vehicle híbrid mitjançant un control estocàstic en bucle tancat. 3. Utilització de trajectòries de CO com comparativa o referència per a tasques de disseny i millora, oferint un criteri objectiu. La llei de combustió així com el dimensionament d'una planta motriu híbrida s'optimitzen mitjançant l'ús de CO. Les estratègies de CO han sigut aplicades experimentalment als treballs referents al motor de combustió, manifestant els seus substancials avantatges, però també analitzant dificultats i línies d'actuació per superar-les. Els mètodes desenvolupats a aquesta Tesi Doctoral són generals i aplicables a uns altres criteris si es disposen dels models adequats. / Reig Bernad, A. (2017). Optimal Control for Automotive Powertrain Applications [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90624 / TESIS

Quantifying Vision Zero: Crash avoidance in rural and motorway accident scenarios by combination of ACC, AEB, and LKS projected to German accident occurrence

Stark, Lukas, Düring, Michael, Schoenawa, Stefan, Maschke, Jan Enno, Do, Cuong Manh 29 September 2020 (has links)
Objective: The Vision Zero initiative pursues the goal of eliminating all traffic fatalities and severe injuries. Today’s advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are an important part of the strategy toward Vision Zero. In Germany in 2018 more than 26,000 people were killed or severely injured by traffic accidents on motorways and rural roads due to road accidents. Focusing on collision avoidance, a simulative evaluation can be the key to estimating the performance of state-of-the-art ADAS and identifying resulting potentials for system improvements and future systems. This project deals with the effectiveness assessment of a combination of ADAS for longitudinal and lateral intervention based on German accident data. Considered systems are adaptive cruise control (ACC), autonomous emergency braking (AEB), and lane keeping support (LKS). Methods: As an approach for benefit estimation of ADAS, the method of prospective effectiveness assessment is applied. Using the software rateEFFECT, a closed-loop simulation is performed on accident scenario data from the German In-Depth Accident Study (GIDAS) precrash matrix (PCM). To enable projection of results, the simulative assessment is amended with detailed single case studies of all treated cases without PCM data. Results: Three categories among today’s accidents on German rural roads and motorways are reported in this study: Green, grey, and white spots. Green spots identify accidents that can be avoided by state-of-the-art ADAS ACC, AEB, and LKS. Grey spots contain scenarios that require minor system modifications, such as reducing the activation speed or increasing the steering torque. Scenarios in the white category cannot be addressed by state-of-the-art ADAS. Thus, which situations demand future systems are shown. The proportions of green, grey, and white spots are determined related to the considered data set and projected to the entire GIDAS. Conclusions: This article describes a systematic approach for assessing the effectiveness of ADAS using GIDAS PCM data to be able to project results to Germany. The closed-loop simulation run in rateEFFECT covers ACC, AEB, and LKS as well as relevant sensors for environment recognition and actuators for longitudinal and lateral vehicle control. Identification of green spots evaluates safety benefits of state-of-the-art level 0–2 functions as a baseline for further system improvements to address grey spots. Knowing which accidents could be avoided by standard ADAS helps focus the evolution of future driving functions on white spots and thus aim for Vision Zero.

Acciones de responsabilidad ambiental en el rubro de los cruceros / Environmental responsibility actions in the cruise industry

Condori Cahua, Emily, Ayala Diaz, Ulises Leoni 28 November 2021 (has links)
A raíz de la contaminación ambiental generada por los cruceros, estos han implementado regulaciones y acciones ambientales con la finalidad de disminuir el impacto que provocan como la contaminación de agua y aire. Es así como todos los cruceros han implementado sus propias acciones ambientales acorde con las regulaciones de la Organización Marítima Internacional y los gobiernos regionales. Por tal motivo, esta investigación tuvo como objetivo describir las acciones de responsabilidad ambiental en el rubro de los cruceros, es decir, investigar las regulaciones existentes para los cruceros con el fin de velar por la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente. La presente investigación utilizó el método de revisión de literatura con un enfoque integrador, puesto que se analizaron fuentes académicas y se formularon conclusiones particulares en base al análisis de la responsabilidad ambiental en el rubro de cruceros. Se obtuvo como hallazgo que el trabajo en conjunto de los dirigentes de las compañías de cruceros se ha enfocado en reducir considerablemente el impacto ambiental a través de acciones obligatorias y voluntarias enfocándose en cuatro temas: la eficiencia energética y de combustible, el agua y tratamiento de aguas residuales, gestión de residuos y conservación del ecosistema. Asimismo, las líneas de cruceros reafirman su compromiso con la sostenibilidad, puesto que cumplen las regulaciones existentes en materia ambiental. / As a result of the environmental pollution generated by the cruise ships, they have implemented regulations and environmental actions in order to reduce the impact they cause such as water and air pollution. This is how all cruise ships have implemented their own environmental actions in accordance with the regulations of the International Maritime Organization and regional governments. For this reason, this research aims to describe the actions of environmental responsibility in the area of ​​cruises, that is, to investigate the existing regulations for cruises in order to ensure the sustainability of the environment. This research used the literature review method with an integrative approach, since academic sources were analyzed and particular conclusions were formulated based on the analysis of environmental responsibility in the cruise industry. It was obtained as a finding that the joint work of the leaders of the cruise companies has focused on considerably reducing the environmental impact through mandatory and voluntary actions focusing on four: energy and fuel efficiency, water and water treatment waste, waste management and ecosystem conservation. Likewise, cruise lines reaffirm their commitment to sustainability since they comply with existing regulations on environmental matters. / Trabajo de investigación

Automated Contingency Management for Passenger-Carrying Urban Air Mobility Operations

Sai V Mudumba (12295691) 19 April 2022 (has links)
<p>As Urban Air Mobility (UAM) is developed and brought into fruition via electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) vehicles, contingencies associated with this new distributed electric propulsion technology in metropolitan areas must be considered. On the state of knowledge on contingencies for eVTOL vehicles, these can be Epistemological Risks or Ontological Risks. Epistemological Risks include known-knowns (probabilistic risks) and known-unknowns (gaps in knowledge). Ontological Risks include, unknown-knowns (hidden knowledge), unknown-unknowns (fog of ignorance). As UAM operations at large scale do not have as much historical accidents data as General Aviation or Commercial Aviation, it is challenging to estimate its accident failure rate per 100,000 flight hours. While battery thermal runaway, battery energy uncertainty, software issues, and common mode power failures are some failure cases listed in this thesis, it is the undiscovered contingency (i.e., unknown-unknown) or unprepared contingency (i.e., unknown-known), along with other external factors, that can lead to an accident. UAM is expected to operate at 1500 feet AGL and at high frequencies over dense metropolitan areas. In an in-flight emergency at these altitudes, any startle response experienced by on-board or remote pilots can lead to longer response times. This study aims to create a framework for contingency planning and risk mitigation using a Reachable Ground Footprint model for eVTOL aircraft under 100% power failure scenarios in-flight. This framework utilizes all existing, public aerodrome infrastructures in metropolitan areas as potential contingency landing sites. Metrics such as Contingency Landing Assurance Percentage and Cruise Altitude Floor requirement are introduced to quantitatively measuring the safety of any UAM trip and provide recommendations on safe cruising altitudes. A demonstration case in the Chicago Metropolitan Area between DuPage Regional Airport and John H. Stroger Hospital Helipad is shown and discussed. Furthermore, aggregate analysis of 434 UAM trips in Chicago Metropolitan Area between Regional Airports, between Regional and Heliports, and between Heliports is performed, along with sensitivity studies involving wind and turn control restrictions. The results discuss variations in Cruise Altitude Floor, Flight Time, and Energy Consumption of these trips using an eVTOL vehicle.</p>

Crash Prediction and Collision Avoidance using Hidden Markov Model

Prabu, Avinash 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Automotive technology has grown from strength to strength in the recent years. The main focus of research in the near past and the immediate future are autonomous vehicles. Autonomous vehicles range from level 1 to level 5, depending on the percentage of machine intervention while driving. To make a smooth transition from human driving and machine intervention, the prediction of human driving behavior is critical. This thesis is a subset of driving behavior prediction. The objective of this thesis is to predict the possibility of crash and implement an appropriate active safety system to prevent the same. The prediction of crash requires data of transition between lanes, and speed ranges. This is achieved through a variation of hidden Markov model. With the crash prediction and analysis of the Markov models, the required ADAS system is activated. The above concept is divided into sections and an algorithm was developed. The algorithm is then scripted into MATLAB for simulation. The results of the simulation is recorded and analyzed to prove the idea.

Returning to Haiti: humanitarian effort or corporate capitalism ? : a crisis communication response evaluation of Royal Caribbean International

Piffero, Melissa A. 01 January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine Royal Caribbean's crisis communications response following the return of their cruise ships to Labadee, Haiti, soon after the Januaty 12, 20 I 0 earthquake. A case study method was used to evaluate both sides of the situation and Royal Caribbean's crisis communications response is evaluated against a target standard of five benchmarks. The first benchmark requires recognizing that a crisis has occurred. The second benchmark involved having an immediate response, by getting the story out first, even if all the facts are not yet available. The third benchmark conveyed the importance of directly communicating with key stakeholders. The fourth benchmark, an all-time favorite, reiterates the importance of telling the truth, bad and good, and keeping it consistent. The fifth benchmark focuses on companies putting people first and conveying a genuine concern for those affected. This study begins with an introduction of concerned parties, locations and issues. The crisis situation presented is the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that occurred on January 12, 2010 in Haiti. It continues with a discussion of the communication crisis that resulted from Royal Caribbean's decision to continue cruise trips to its port of Labadee on Haiti, following the disastrous earthquake's widespread devastation. Praise and criticism for Royal Caribbean was equally considered, as was the cruise line's crisis management, specifically its series of crisis communications and their short and long-term implications. In conclusion, analysis suggested that Royal Caribbean underutilized crisis communication techniques. It is essential that a company have a swift response and communicate to the public what is being done to make sure that a crisis is handled effectively.

<p> Fishing in Uncertain Waters: Resilience and Cultural Change in a North Atlantic Community </p>

Johnson, Christofer M. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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