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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"There Was Also the Music": A Literary Analysis of Puerto Rican Identity in the Works of Sandra Maria Esteves and Judith Ortiz Cofer

Robles, Keyla A 01 January 2021 (has links)
Puerto Rican culture often includes music as a method of expressing cultural identity. For instance, music has been considered a symbol of resistance, identity, and performative culture for many Puerto Ricans. This thesis will heavily rely on the involvement of Afro-Latin music in literature to determine ways that Puertorriqueñidad can be defined. To do this, I will examine how Puerto Rican writers present their identity in their works to define what it means to be Puerto Rican. These writers include the poet Sandra María Esteves and author Judith Ortiz Cofer. Throughout their literary works, they express several connections to their Puerto Rican identity, and through close examination, I was able to compile these connections to music, feminist ideologies, and themes of resistance and oppression. Using the scholarship of Puerto Rican scholar Juan Flores' From Bomba to Hip-Hop: Puerto Rican Culture and Latino Identity and Chicana feminist theorist Chela Sandoval's Methodology of the Oppressed, this thesis will contribute to the examination of music in literature as defying systems of oppression in Puerto Rican culture and explore the relationship between music and Puerto Rican identity.

The Lived Experiences of Latina Women Immigrating to the United States: Adolescent Development and Acculturation

Murillo, Sofia 19 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Dance And Cultural Identity: The Role Of Israeli Folk Dance And The State Of Israel

Schmidt, Amy Esther 08 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Identitetens betydelse för radikalisering En studie om muslimska ungdomars känsla av identitet och tillhörighet i dagens mångkulturella samhälle

Larsson, Noori January 2015 (has links)
På senare tid har de uppmärksammade härjningarna och våldsamma metoderna som används av Islamiska Staten i Irak och Syrien (ISIS) bidragit till en ökad oro och diskussion om vad som får muslimska ungdomar ifrån väst att ansluta sig till sådana hänsynslösa organisationer. Mot bakgrund av detta ville jag undersöka vilka tankar och antaganden som konstruerar en muslimsk ungdoms världsbild avseende identitet och tillhörighet. Denna studie syftar därför till att uppnå ökad förståelse för hur fenomenet radikalisering kan relateras till identitetsskapande hos muslimska ungdomar och vilka processer i identitetsskapandet som kan utgöra en risk för vägen mot radikalisering. För att lyckas med detta har jag utfört semistrukturerade utforskande djupintervjuer med muslimska ungdomar i Malmö. Min avsikt med denna studie har inte varit att utgå från att alla muslimska ungdomar är, eller har potential för att bli radikaliserade. Min avsikt har snarare varit att utforska hur identitet och tillhörighet kan säga något om vägar (pathways) till radikalisering oavsett av religiös tillhörighet. För att analysera informanternas berättelser har begrepp och ramverk från Social identitetsteori använts. Studien påvisar en stabil grund för bi-kulturell identifiering med en svensk och en muslimsk kontext bland ungdomarna som ingått i denna studie. Samtidigt går det att spåra en kluvenhet i att på grund av sin religiösa identitet inte alltid accepteras fullt ut i alla sammanhang och en känsla av medialt utpekande av muslimer som grupp. Informanternas berättelser synliggör också en upplevd intern konflikt bland muslimska samfund då terrorism som utförs i islams namn tvingar medlemmar i gruppen att både internt och externt markera ställningstagande i frågan om religiöst motiverat våld och terrorism. Denna konflikt i kombination med ett upplevt utanförskap som svensk muslim kan i sig vara grunden för att vissa ungdomar vänder sig in i andra delar av den muslimska gruppen för att söka acceptans och bekräftelse. I denna process finner en del av dessa ungdomar radikala och extrema rörelser. Dessa rörelser är isolerade från omvärldens intryck vilket möjliggör för extremism att gro. När medlemmar inom en sådan grupp vill öka sin status kan beteende och handlingar eskalera vilket kan leda till våld och terrorism. Ett sätt att förhindra denna väg mot radikalisering av unga muslimer skulle således kunna vara att skapa förutsättningar för muslimska ungdomar att kunna känna tillhörighet i sina olika sociala identiteter som både svensk och muslim. / As the brutality and violent means of the Islamic state in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has become evident a general concern and public discussion has emerged about what makes young Muslims from the Western world to join such devious organizations. In light of this I wanted to examine the thoughts and assumptions that constructs the feelings of identity and belonging of young Muslims in the city of Malmo. This study thus aims to create a wider understanding of how the phenomenon of radicalization can be related to identities of Muslim youth and how the processes of forming identity can compose a risk for the individual to find pathways to radicalization. To accomplish this explorative semi-structured interviews with young Muslims in Malmo was conducted. My intention with this study has not been to assume that all Muslim youth is, or has the potential to become radicalized. My intention rather has been to explore how identity and belonging can tell something about routes (pathways) to radicalization regardless of religious affiliation. To analyze the stories of the young Muslims who participated in this study concepts and frameworks from Social Identity Theory has been applied. This study shows that among the young Muslims participating in this study there is a stable basis for a bi-cultural identification with both a Swedish and a Muslim context. It is though possible to trace some ambivalence in the bi-cultural identity of these individuals as their experience as being Muslims e.g. their religious identity are not always compatible or fully accepted in all contexts. Additionally the participants also perceive that Muslims as a group is being publicly singled out and criticized by media. The stories also reveals a perceived internal conflict among Muslim communities as terrorism conducted in the name of Islam compels members of the Muslim group to both internally and externally mark position concerning religiously motived violence and terrorism. This conflict joint with the experience of exclusion among Swedish Muslim can potentially become the reason for some young Muslims to turn into the wide range of Muslim communities in search for acceptance and affirmation. In this process some individuals will find radical and extremist movements. The isolation these movements/groups experience from outside impressions then enables extremism to flourish inside the group. When members of such a group strives to improve individual status the behavior and actions of the group can escalate which in turn can result in violence and terrorism. Thus to avoid this pathway to radicalization the solution lies in creating conditions that allows for young Muslims to feel belonging and inclusion in their bi-cultural identities as being both Swedish and Muslims.

Comunicación de la cultura en la República Dominicana, impedimentos para la difusión y su relación con la pobreza

Martinez Sosa, Maria Isabel 25 November 2020 (has links)
[ES] Esta investigación recoge distintos puntos de vista y percepciones en torno a los impedimentos de comunicación de la acción cultural, en especial entre personas que viven en pobreza, en la República Dominicana. La misma se basa en un extenso análisis bibliográfico y de opinión y contó con la participación de más de 1,800 internautas, de más de 300 estudiantes de bachillerato, de casi una veintena de expertos y de cerca de una decena de residentes rurales para presentar una correlación entre cultura, desarrollo, (des)igualdad y comunicación. Se pretende contextualizar la realidad de la República Dominicana en materia de comunicación, acción y educación cultural, así como la percepción que tiene el dominicano en torno a las desigualdades en el campo cultural. En el proceso se identificaron oportunidades de mejora e ideas para maximizar la difusión de acciones culturales. / [CA] Esta investigación arreplega distints punts de vista i percepcions entorn dels impediments de comunicació de l'acció cultural, en especial entre persones que viuen en pobresa, en la República Dominicana. La mateixa es basa en una extensa anàlisi bibliogràfica i d'opinió i va comptar amb la participació de més de 1,800 internautes, de més de 300 estudiants de batxillerat, de quasi una vintena d'experts i de prop d'una desena de residents rurals per a presentar una correlació entre cultura, desenrotllament, (dónes) igualtat i comunicació. Es pretén contextualitzar la realitat de la República Dominicana en matèria de comunicació, acció i educació cultural, així com la percepció que té el dominicà entorn de les desigualtats en el camp cultural. En el procés es van identificar oportunitats de millora i idees per a maximitzar la difusió d'accions culturals. / [EN] This research collects different points of view and perceptions about the communication impediments of the cultural action, especially among people living in poverty, in the Dominican Republic. It is based on an extensive bibliographical and opinion analysis and a series of interactions involving more than 1,800 Internet users, more than 300 high school students, almost twenty experts and about ten rural residents to present a correlation between culture, development, (dis)equality and communication. The aim is to contextualize the reality of the Dominican Republic in terms of communication, cultural action and education, as well as the perception that the Dominican individuals have, regarding the inequalities in the cultural field. Throughout this process, opportunities for improvement and ideas for maximizing the dissemination of cultural actions were identified. / Martinez Sosa, MI. (2020). Comunicación de la cultura en la República Dominicana, impedimentos para la difusión y su relación con la pobreza [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/156036

Representaciones visuales animadas de leyendas latinoamericanas. La leyenda de la Llorona

Pomaquero Yuquilema, Mayra Luzmila 21 February 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Esta tesis doctoral presentada como un compendio de artículos académicos compuesta por seis artículos seleccionados, en dónde, el primer artículo titulado "La aplicación de las políticas gubernamentales para la difusión del patrimonio inmaterial: Un estudio de casos en Latinoamérica", se muestra como un antecedente de esta investigación. Los siguientes artículos aportan nuevos datos y conocimientos en función de los objetivos planteados en la investigación doctoral. Es así, que el siguiente artículo identifica las leyendas principales o más reconocidas de Latinoamérica a través de una revisión documental sistemática y el criterio de un grupo de personas con amplio conocimiento respecto al tema. El tercer artículo determina cuáles son las producciones animadas basadas en La leyenda de la Llorona creadas en Latinoamérica en la década 2010-2020, Además, compara las versiones producidas en formato serie de la leyenda la Llorona, mediante el análisis de las similitudes y diferencias de su estructura narratológica. El cuarto artículo toma dos relatos literarios y los compara a través de orientaciones metodológicas y teóricas de la narratología con la versión animada del largometraje de La Leyenda de la Llorona, para determinar similitudes y diferencias. Asimismo, analiza ciertos elementos del lenguaje cinematográfico que tienen concordancia con las obras literarias para entender que los vuelve diferentes y específicos. El siguiente artículo analiza los principios de animación utilizados en las representaciones visuales animadas de la leyenda de la Llorona para conocer la vigencia de los principios animados y su aplicación en una serie animada. El sexto artículo determina si las producciones animadas son un medio eficaz para transmitir las tradiciones orales en niños de 6 a 10 años generando interés en ellos como público objetivo. Finalmente, la leyenda de la Llorona y varias otras forman parte de la identidad cultural latinoamericana, han logrado sobrevivir a lo largo de varias generaciones y además traspasar fronteras, adaptarse y permanecer en la memoria colectiva de los latinoamericanos, que ven en ellas otro rasgo que unifica a una región tan diversa y llena de cultura. Asimismo, han tomado los nuevos medios y tecnología como una herramienta para permanecer y diseminarse en los niños y jóvenes. / [CAT] Aquesta tesi doctoral presentada com un compendi d'articles acadèmics composta per sis articles seleccionats, on el primer article titulat "L'aplicació de les polítiques governamentals per a la difusió del patrimoni immaterial: Un estudi de casos a Llatinoamèrica", es mostra com un antecedent d'aquesta investigació. Els articles següents aporten noves dades i coneixements en funció dels objectius plantejats en la investigació doctoral. És així que el següent article identifica les llegendes principals o més reconegudes de Llatinoamèrica a través d'una revisió documental sistemàtica i el criteri d'un grup de persones amb coneixement ampli respecte del tema. El tercer article determina quines són les produccions animades basades en La llegenda de la Llorona que hagin estat creades a Llatinoamèrica a la dècada 2010-2020. A més, compara les versions produïdes en format sèrie de la llegenda la Llorona, mitjançant l'anàlisi de les similituds i diferències de la seva estructura narratològica. El quart article pren dos relats literaris i els compara mitjançant orientacions metodològiques i teòriques de la narratologia amb la versió animada del llargmetratge de La Llegenda de la Llorona, per determinar similituds i diferències. Així mateix, analitza certs elements del llenguatge cinematogràfic que tenen concordança amb les obres literàries per entendre que els torna diferents i específics. El següent article analitza els principis d'animació utilitzats a les representacions visuals animades de la llegenda de la Llorona per conèixer la vigència dels principis animats i la seva aplicació en una sèrie animada. El sisè article determina si les produccions animades són un mitjà eficaç per transmetre les tradicions orals en nens de 6 a 10 anys generant-hi interès com a públic objectiu. Finalment, la llegenda de la Llorona i diverses altres formen part de la identitat cultural llatinoamericana, han aconseguit sobreviure al llarg de diverses generacions ia més traspassar fronteres, adaptar-se i romandre en la memòria col·lectiva dels llatinoamericans, que hi veuen un altre tret que unifica una regió tan diversa i plena de cultura. Així mateix, han pres els nous mitjans i tecnologia com una eina per romandre i disseminar-se en els infants i els joves. / [EN] This doctoral thesis is presented as a compendium of academic articles composed of six selected articles, where the first article entitled "The application of government policies for the dissemination of intangible heritage: A case study in Latin America", is shown as a background of this research. The following articles provide new data and knowledge according to the objectives set out in the doctoral research. Thus, the following article identifies the main or most recognized legends of Latin America through a systematic documentary review and the criteria of a group of people with extensive knowledge on the subject. The third article determines which are the animated productions based on the legend of la Llorona that have been created in Latin America in the decade 2010-2020. It also compares the versions produced in series format of the legend of la Llorona, by analyzing the similarities and differences of its narratological structure. The fourth article takes two literary stories and compares them through methodological and theoretical orientations of narratology with the animated version of the feature film La Leyenda de la Llorona, to determine similarities and differences. Likewise, it analyzes certain elements of the cinematographic language that are consistent with the literary works to understand what makes them different and specific. The next article analyzes the principles of animation used in the animated visual representations of the legend of la Llorona in order to know the validity of the animated principles and their application in an animated series. The sixth article determines whether animated productions are an effective means of transmitting oral traditions to children from 6 to 10 years of age, generating interest in them as a target audience. Finally, the legend of la Llorona and several others are part of the Latin American cultural identity, have managed to survive over several generations and also cross borders, adapt and remain in the collective memory of Latin Americans, who see in them another feature that unifies a region so diverse and full of culture. Likewise, they have taken the new media and technology as a tool to remain and spread among children and young people. / Pomaquero Yuquilema, ML. (2023). Representaciones visuales animadas de leyendas latinoamericanas. La leyenda de la Llorona [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191963 / Compendio

Exploring perspectives of parents on challenges of parenting children born from interracial relationships : a gestalt field perspective

Lloyd, Jacqueline 06 1900 (has links)
The phenomenon of interracial couples who are also parents is on the increase in South Africa, since one in every four marriages is interracial. An empirical study was undertaken to conduct applied, exploratory, descriptive, evidence-based research to describe the perspectives of interracial parents as related to Gestalt Theory, parenting challenges and strategies towards a sense of self and cultural identity of their children. A qualitative approach utilizing an open ended questionnaire and semi-structured interviews with six interracial parent couples was transcribed and analysed. The study concluded that interracial parent couples’, in respect of dealing with societal-non-acceptance of themselves and their “mixed” children, utilize several strategies including avoidance and focusing on the positive; that certain aspects play a vital role in the formation of their children’s sense of self and cultural identity such as religion or faith and both parental identities.The implication of this research is that despite the challenges there are no marked effects on their children’s identity and that interracial parenting strategies must be sound. / Social Work / M.A. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Between empire and diaspora : identity poetics in contemporary Arab-American women's poetry

Abdulrahim, Safaa January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation aims to contribute to the burgeoning field of Arab-American feminist critique through an exploration of the work of four contemporary Arab-American women poets: Etel Adnan (1925-), a poet and a visual artist and a writer, Naomi Shihab Nye (1952-), poet, a song writer, and a novelist, Mohja Kahf (1967-), a poet, an Islamic feminist critic and author, and Suheir Hammad (1973-), a hip-hop poet and political activist. The study traverses the intersections of stereotypical racial and Orientalist discourses with which these women contend, and which have been further complicated by being shaped against the backdrop of the “War on Terror” and hostility against Arabs, Muslims and Arab-Americans in the post-September 11 era. Hence, the study attempts to examine their poetry as a tool for resistance, and as a space for conciliating the complexities of their hyphenated identities. The last two decades of the twentieth-century saw the rise of a rich body of Arab-American women writing which has elicited increasing academic and critical interest. However, extensive scholarly and critical attention was mainly drawn to novels and non-fiction prose produced by Arab-American women writers as reflected in the huge array of anthologies, journal articles, book reviews and academic studies. Although such efforts aim to research and examine the racial politics that have impacted the community and how it relates to feminist discourses in the United States, they have rarely addressed or researched how the ramifications of these racialised politics and discourses are articulated in Arab-American women’s poetry per se. Informed by a wide range of postcolonial and United States ethnic theory and criticism, feminist discourses of women of colour such Gloria Anzaldúa's borderland theory, and Lisa Lowe's discussions of ethnic cultural formations in addition to transnational feminism, this study seeks to lay the groundwork for a complex analysis of Arab-American feminist poetics, based on both national and transnational literary approaches. The dissertation addresses the following questions: how does the genre of poetry negotiate identity politics and affiliations of belonging in the current polarized and historical moment? How do these women poets challenge the troubling oppressed/exoticised representations of Arab/Muslim women prevalent in the United States mainstream culture? How does each of these poets express their vision of social and political transformation? Emphasising the varying ethnic, religious, national, political, and cultural backgrounds and affiliations of these four poets, this dissertation attempts to defy any notion of the monolithic experience of Arab-American women, and argues for a nuanced understanding of specificity and diversity of Arab-American feminist experiences and articulations. To achieve its aim, the study depicts the historical evolution of Arab women’s poetry in the United States throughout four generations in order to examine the deriving issues and formative elements that contributed to the development of this genre, and also to pinpoint the defining characteristics marking Arab-American women poetry as a cultural production of American women of Arab descent. Through close readings and critical analyses of texts, the dissertation offers an investigation of some of the major themes and issues handled by these Arab-American women to highlight the most persistent tropes that mark this developing literary genre. Eventually, this study shows how literature, and specifically poetry becomes a conduit to investigate Arab-American cultural and sociopolitical conditions. It also offers productive explorations of identities and representations that transcend the rigid essential totalising categorisation of identity, while attempting to forge a new space for cultural translation and social transformation.

Exploring perspectives of parents on challenges of parenting children born from interracial relationships : a gestalt field perspective

Lloyd, Jacqueline 06 1900 (has links)
The phenomenon of interracial couples who are also parents is on the increase in South Africa, since one in every four marriages is interracial. An empirical study was undertaken to conduct applied, exploratory, descriptive, evidence-based research to describe the perspectives of interracial parents as related to Gestalt Theory, parenting challenges and strategies towards a sense of self and cultural identity of their children. A qualitative approach utilizing an open ended questionnaire and semi-structured interviews with six interracial parent couples was transcribed and analysed. The study concluded that interracial parent couples’, in respect of dealing with societal-non-acceptance of themselves and their “mixed” children, utilize several strategies including avoidance and focusing on the positive; that certain aspects play a vital role in the formation of their children’s sense of self and cultural identity such as religion or faith and both parental identities.The implication of this research is that despite the challenges there are no marked effects on their children’s identity and that interracial parenting strategies must be sound. / Social Work / M.A. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Croyances religieuses, développement économique et identité socioculturelle des libanais

Hamandi, Mohamad H. 04 1900 (has links)
Les fichiers qui accompagnent mon document ont été réalisés avec les logiciels : STATA, SPSS et EXCEL. / Ce mémoire de maitrise porte sur l’étude de la relation entre les croyances religieuses, le développement économique et l’identité socioculturelle des libanais. Ce sujet est suscité par deux approches : une approche conceptuelle relatant le lien entre la religion et le développement économique, et une approche révélant le rapport entre les trois éléments du sujet et imposant une observation rigoureuse des libanais du Liban et des libanais de Montréal. Deux types d’études empiriques sont envisageables afin d’expliquer le rapprochement entre les trois éléments du sujet : des études visant à tester le lien entre la religion et le développement au Liban et à Montréal et des études traitant la problématique identitaire. Les analyses historiques, sociologiques et empiriques invoquées dans notre projet démontrent qu’en général il existe une corrélation entre la religion et le développement. Nos enquêtes soulignent que cette corrélation est tout de même vérifié chez les libanais. Les points de vue culturel et religieux attestent que la religion et la famille constituent deux éléments indissociables de l’identité socioculturelle des libanais. La religion est une valeur qui peut influencer le choix du consommateur libanais. En effet, une relation de réciprocité est établie entre ces deux éléments. Les études, menées au Liban et à Montréal, soulignent aussi que le degré de religiosité peut déterminer certains comportements sociaux; ceci crée un enchainement entre le comportement social d’un libanais, ses appartenances religieuses qui reflètent son identité, et le développement économique. Ainsi, Les croyances religieuses endoctrinent le développement économique au plan macroéconomique et au plan microéconomique. Une relation s’installe entre le spirituel et la science économique. / This thesis focuses on the study of the relationship between religious beliefs, economic development and socio-cultural identity of Lebanon. This topic is generated by two approaches: a conceptual approach to describing the relationship between religion and economic development, and an approach to revealing the relationship between the three elements of the subject and requiring strict adherence to the Lebanese in Lebanon and the Lebanese in Montreal. Two types of empirical studies are possible to explain the relation between the three elements of the subject: studies to test the link between religion and development in Lebanon and Montreal and studies dealing with the issue of identity. Historical, sociological and empirical analyses show that there is in general a correlation between religion and development. Our investigations point out that this correlation is still checked in Lebanon. The cultural and religious views show that religion and family are two inseparable elements of the socio-cultural identity of Lebanese. Religion is a value that can influence consumer choice Lebanese. Indeed, a reciprocal relationship is established between the two. Studies conducted in Lebanon and Montreal also highlight that the degree of religiosity may determine some social behaviors; this creates a chain between the social behavior of a Lebanese, his religious affiliations that reflect his identity, and economic development. Thus, religious beliefs indoctrinate economic development at the macroeconomic and microeconomic levels.

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