Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3cultural dentity"" "subject:"3cultural ddentity""
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L'identité culturelle algérienne, de la colonisation à l'indépendance. Entre réalités historiques et exigences politiques / Algerian cultural identity, from colonization to independence. Between historic realities and politic demandsBousselham, Malika 19 December 2013 (has links)
« Nous ne savons plus si nous sommes Arabes, Berbères ou Français », déclara le président de la république algérien Abdelaziz Bouteflika.Cette étude sera consacrée à éclaircir plusieurs points concernant l’identité culturelle algérienne avant et après l’indépendance. Le but n’est pas de relater l’histoire de l’Algérie, travail qui a déjà été effectué par d’imminents historiens français et algériens ; le but est surtout de démontrer qu’une histoire aussi riche, aussi variée, aussi complexe, aussi prestigieuse, ne peut être effacée, confisquée, au détriment d’une histoire soi-disant représentative de l’unité nationale, une histoire étroite, mutilée et appauvrie, telle qu’elle est conçue actuellement en Algérie. Il ne s’agit pas non plus de dénigrer les éléments reconnus officiellement de l’identité culturelle algérienne, à savoir l’islam et la langue arabe, vu qu’ils font réellement partie du paysage ethnoculturel du pays, mais plutôt de démontrer que d’autres éléments, plus inconnus ont contribué à faire de l’Algérie ce qu’elle est aujourd’hui. Il est temps de lever le voile, de comprendre et de savoir que l’Algérie est une terre qui a existé pendant des millénaires, sur laquelle sont nées et se sont développées des civilisations, qu’elle en a accueilli d’autres, et qu’en dépit de farouches résistances, s’en est imprégnée de manière telle que sa mutation a été pratiquement perpétuelle tout au long de ces millénaires. En fait, celui qui veut connaître l’Algérie doit étudier plusieurs siècles avant l’Algérie et cinquante années d’Algérie algérienne. / “We don’t know if we are Arabs, Berbers or French” announced Abdelaziz Bouteflika president of Algerian republic.This study will be devoted to resolve some points about Algerian cultural identity. It is not in order to recall the history of Algerian but it is in order to demonstrate that Algeria has a very rich history; varied and prestigious. Certainly, Arabic and Islam are part of Algerian cultural identity; given that other elements unknown: The country has its own cultural and history dating back thousands of years before Islam. Many civilizations literally centuries are borne in Algeria and developed in such a way that it is very Important to know and to study.This responsibility must also be seen as an opportunity to contribute and belong to a larger community sharing overarching identity with a variety to meal components.
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Impact du changement social et personnel dramatique sur la clarté de l'identité : le rôle de l'intégration du changement à l’identitéPelletier-Dumas, Mathieu 04 1900 (has links)
Les changements dramatiques sont fréquents dans la vie moderne. Néanmoins, l’étude
des effets des changements dramatiques sur l’identité est lacunaire. Premièrement, aucune
recherche ne démontre que le changement social dramatique a un effet négatif sur la clarté de
l’identité culturelle, soit la capacité de l’individu à identifier avec certitude et de manière
stable les caractéristiques de son groupe culturel (Usborne & Taylor, 2010). Deuxièmement, il
n’a jamais été proposé que le changement personnel dramatique affecte négativement la clarté
de l’identité personnelle (la capacité d’un individu à identifier avec certitude et de manière
stable les caractéristiques de son identité personnelle; Campbell, 1990). Finalement, aucun
mécanisme psychologique expliquant comment l’individu confronté à de tels changements
peut renouer avec une identité claire n’a été proposé dans la littérature sur le changement
social dramatique ou celle sur le changement personnel dramatique.
La présente thèse répond à ces trois lacunes en 1) montrant que le changement social
dramatique a un effet négatif sur la clarté de l’identité culturelle, 2) exposant que le
changement personnel dramatique réduit la clarté de l’identité personnelle, et 3) exposant que
l’intégration du changement dramatique à l’identité permet de clarifier l’identité. Pour
répondre à ces trois objectifs, cinq études ont été exécutées et sont séparées en trois articles.
Le premier article investigue les effets du changement social dramatique sur la clarté
de l’identité culturelle à travers deux études expérimentales. Dans la première étude,
l’indépendance du Québec est manipulée à titre de changement social dramatique alors que
dans la seconde un retour à des rôles sexuels traditionnels est utilisé. Les résultats deux des
études indiquent que le changement social dramatique a un effet négatif sur la clarté de
l’identité culturelle.
Le second article, qui comporte deux études, examine l’effet du changement
dramatique personnel sur la clarté de l’identité personnelle ainsi que le rôle de l’intégration du
changement personnel dramatique à l’identité sur la relation entre le changement personnel
dramatique et la clarté de l’identité personnelle. Dans la première étude, un scénario
d’immigration forcée est manipulé à titre de changement personnel dramatique. Les résultats
de cette étude indiquent que le changement personnel dramatique a un effet négatif sur la
clarté de l’identité personnelle. La seconde étude utilise un devis longitudinal afin de montrer
que l’intégration du changement personnel dramatique à l’identité personnelle clarifie
l’identité personnelle. Les résultats indiquent que les participants qui ont davantage intégré à
leur identité personnelle le fait qu’ils sont des étudiants universitaires possèdent une identité
personnelle plus claire que ceux qui ont moins intégré ce changement à leur identité.
Le troisième article a pour but de montrer que l’intégration du changement social
dramatique à l’identité culturelle augmente la clarté de l’identité culturelle. Pour y parvenir, le
changement social dramatique (retour à des rôles sexuels traditionnels) et l’intégration de ce
changement sont manipulés expérimentalement. Les résultats indiquent que la manipulation
visant à favoriser l’intégration du changement n’a pas augmenté l’intégration du changement à
l’identité et n’a pas augmenté la clarté de l’identité culturelle. / Dramatic changes, whether personal or social, are common in modern societies.
Nevertheless, the effects of dramatic change on identity are understudied. Specifically, three
important questions have yet to be answered. First, the negative impacts that dramatic social
changes have on identity clarity, that capacity that individuals have to define the
characteristics of their cultural group with certainty and consistency (Usborne & Taylor,
2010), have yet to be established. Second, the negative impacts that dramatic personal changes
have on personal identity clarity, defined as the individual’s capacity to confidently and
consistently identify the characteristics of his personal identity (Campbell, 1990), are still
undetermined. Finally, nor the dramatic social change nor the dramatic personal change
literature suggest a psychological mechanism explaining how an individual confronted to such
changes may renew with a clear identity.
The present thesis answers these three limitations by 1) showing that dramatic social
change has a negative effect on cultural identity clarity, 2) exposing the negative effect of
dramatic personal change on personal identity clarity, and 3) exposing that integrating the
dramatic change to one’s identity helps to clarify this identity. To answer to these limitations,
five studies were conducted and are reported in three articles.
The first article investigate dramatic social change effects on cultural identity clarity in
two experimental studies. In the first study, Québec’s independence is manipulated as a
dramatic social change while the return to traditional gender role manipulates social change in
the second study. The results of both studies demonstrate that dramatic social change
decreases cultural identity clarity.
The second article, composed of two studies, focuses on dramatic personal changes.
Specifically, the decrease of personal identity clarity following a dramatic personal change is
shown. Furthermore, the role that integrating the dramatic personal change has on clarifying
one’s personal identity following a dramatic personal change is brought to light. In the first
study, a forced immigration scenario is manipulated as a dramatic personal change. The
second study utilises a longitudinal design to show that integrating a dramatic personal change
to personal identity clarifies personal identity. Results indicate that participants who integrated
more to their personal identity the fact that they were university students possess a clearer
personal identity than those who integrated that change to a lesser extent.
The goal of the third article is to exhibit that integrating a dramatic social change to
cultural identity strengthens cultural identity clarity. To achieve this goal, a dramatic social
change (return to traditional gender roles) and the integration of the change are experimentally
manipulated. Results show that the manipulation aimed at favoring the integration of the
dramatic social change did not favor the integration of the change to the participants’ social
identity and hence did not increase cultural identity clarity.
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[pt] O presente trabalho tem como propósito rever o papel que tem sido atribuído ao vestuário no cotidiano dos escravos da cidade do Rio de Janeiro nos Oitocentos, introduzindo novos elementos para ampliar a compreensão de como escravos praticavam o vestir na experiência do cativeiro, tendo em vista duas funções do vestuário: alteração visual do corpo e meio de comunicação interpessoal. Essa investigação se desenvolve através de um exame crítico de fontes textuais e imagéticas, representações construídas acerca da aparência dos escravos observados através do olhar do outro, no qual a roupa é um fator significativo na caracterização da população negra e escrava. Na descrição da roupa, formas de vestir, associadas a demarcações sociais e culturas de origem, generalizam e estereotipam a visualidade de mulheres e homens negros, com a criação de tipos de alcance limitado, não condizente com o contexto social, cultural e econômico do Rio de Janeiro no século XIX. A tese percorre textos e imagens de relatos e narrativas de viajantes, fotografias e anúncios de fugas de escravos, dos quais podem ser extraídos elementos para um duplo e simultâneo intento: enxergar o escravo como objeto e como sujeito. Duas possibilidades de investigação que apontam para duas linhas de abordagem, a primeira relacionada a representações que mostram como seus autores observavam, apreendiam e interpretavam a existência cativa, e a segunda relacionada a possibilidades existentes utilizadas pelos escravos em busca de uma identidade própria com a criação de práticas no ato de vestir-se. / [en] This work aims to review the role that has been attributed to the clothing in quotidian of the slaves of Rio de Janeiro in the nineteenth century, introducing new elements to broaden the understanding of how the slaves practiced dressing on the experience of captivity, in view of two clothing functions: visual change of the body and means of interpersonal communication. This research is developed through a critical examination of textual and image sources. Representations built on the appearance of slaves seen through the eyes of the other in which clothing is a significant factor in characterizing the black and the slave population. In the description of clothing, manners of dress, coupled with social distinctions and cultures of origin, generalize and stereotype the visibility of black men and women, with the creation of types of limited scope, inconsistent with the social, cultural and economic context of Rio de Janeiro in the nineteenth century. The thesis goes through texts and images and narrative reports of travelers, photos and advertisements of runaway slaves, of which elements can be extracted for a simultaneous dual purpose: to see the slave as object and as subject. Two possibilities of research pointing two different approaches, the first relates to the representations that show how the authors observed, assimilate and interpret the existence and the second related to captive possibilities used by slaves seeking their own identity by creating practices in the act of dressing up.
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Dynamiques urbaines et enjeux du patrimoine au sud-Bénin : évolution et perspectives pour Porto-Novo et sa région / Urban dynamics and stakes of patrimony in the South of Benin : assessment and perspectives for Porto-Novo and its regionTafuri, Cédric 30 November 2015 (has links)
La région de Porto-Novo, territoire culturel hérité au sud du Bénin, en Afrique de l'Ouest, fait partie d'une conurbation en pleine croissance (entre Cotonou et Porto-Novo) présentant un contexte d'urbanisation rapide, d'étalement urbain et de mutations fonctionnelles des espaces. Porto-Novo – capitale politique du Bénin distancée démographiquement et économiquement par sa voisine Cotonou – ainsi que sa région, connaissent parallèlement depuis quelques années, à l'image d'autres territoires africains, une dynamique de patrimonialisation et de revendications identitaires, tandis qu'un mouvement de revalorisation des traditions et dans le même temps d'appui à une gouvernance locale ont été encouragés par les instances internationales et les bailleurs de fonds. La question de la patrimonialisation, à travers son appropriation par les acteurs de la gestion et du développement des territoires, propose surtout un éclairage sur les dynamiques sociales et culturelles à l’œuvre et les enjeux territoriaux de la région porto-novienne. Alors que la décentralisation se met progressivement en place, la ville et sa région sont en outre aujourd’hui au centre de rivalités politiques et identitaires où le patrimoine semble tenir une place stratégique dans le jeu des acteurs. / The Porto Novo region, an inherited cultural territory in the south of Benin, in West Africa, is part of a growing conurbation (between Cotonou and Porto Novo) with rapid urbanization, urban sprawl and functional mutations in the use of space.Porto Novo - the political capital of Benin, outdistanced demographically and economically by its neighbor Cotonou - and the Porto Novo region, like other African territories have, in recent years, both undergone a dynamic of "patrimonialisation" (granting of heritage status) and claiming of identity, while a movement to give new value to its traditions and support local governance has been encouraged by international authorities and sponsors.The question of "patrimonialisation", through its appropriation by the actors involved in the management and development of the territories, first and foremost suggests that light should be thrown on the current social and cultural dynamics at work and what is at stake territorially speaking in the Porto Novo region. While decentralization is increasingly evident, the town and its region are also currently at the centre of rivalries over politics and identity in which the patrimony seems to play a strategic part in the game of the territorial actors.
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Vliv cestovního ruchu na socio-kulturní sféry regionů / The influence of tourism on socio-cultural environment of regionsMokrošová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The tourism industry is one of the fastest growing economic branches in the world. Because of a multiplication effect, which is one of it's important characteristics, it creates suitable conditions for increasing an economic and socio-cultural value of a region. Nevertheless, this value increasing depends on a development level of a region, it's potential to develop tourism and a co-ordination of activities which ensure the potential development. Research was mostly focused on economic impacts of tourism development in regions. But it's impacts on socio-cultural environment are very important as well. If tourism development is managed responsibly in a region it can generate considerable positive effects on local communities (first of all an improvement of living standards, development of public facilities etc.). In the opposite case it can generate irretrievable negative effects, especially changes of local community lifestyle , changes in local social and cultural values or changes in physical environment. On one hand tourism contributes to keep cultural diversity in the world and mediates cognition and interaction between different people and cultures , on the other hand it transmits negative aspects of globalization which tend to affect traditions and specific cultures of particular regions in a destructive way. So the aim of the diploma thesis is to point out psychological and sociological aspects of tourism, it's relation to culture and cultural identity and it's impacts on local communities. The analysis is focused on Prague characteristics and tourism impacts on it's socio-cultural environment.
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Développement local et Culture Occitane / Local development and Occitan cultureThibal, Suzanne 04 February 2012 (has links)
La langue et la culture occitanes figurent désormais en bonne place dans les programmes de développement culturel des espaces organisés que représentent les parcs naturels régionaux et les pays, au sud du Territoire. Des initiatives sont prises pour la sauvegarde et la valorisation de ce qui constitue la mémoire vivante d'une culture populaire traditionnelle ;elles bénéficient pour leur mise en oeuvre de nouveaux dispositifs règlementaires et financiers en provenance de Départements, de Régions comme de certains programmes européens. Dans un même temps, le patrimoine culturel, matériel comme immatériel, a été mondialement reconnu comme l'un des axes majeurs du développement durable par les Institutions internationales qui préconisent sa valorisation en tant que marqueur identitaire porteur de lien social. C'est à ces différents égards et à partir d'une approche systémique de textes fondateurs internationaux, de programmes européens, de politiques de collectivités territoriales, de chartes et programmes opérationnels de parcs naturels régionaux et de pays, d'animations culturelles sur le terrain et de réseaux d'acteurs locaux, que la thèse Développement local et culture occitane analyse les partenariats en place avec leur dynamique et leurs faiblesses. --- Ainsi se dessine la draille occitane du développement local. / The Occitan language and culture now play an important part in the cultural development programmes of organized public areas, such as a regional natural park and rural districts, in the South of France. Many initiatives have been taken for the protection and valorization of the living memory of a traditional popular culture ; their implementation may benefit from news regulatory and financial measures from the Departments, Regions as well as from European programmes. At the same time, the (material as well as immaterial) heritage has been acknowledged as a major axis of sustainable development by International Institutions ; indeed, they recommend its valorization as an ident marker that facilitates social cohesion.--- From this point of view and through a systemic review of the international founding texts, European programmes, policies of the local authorities, charters and action plans of regional natural parks, cultural events and netwworks of local actors, the thesis, Local development and Occitan culture, analises the forces and weakness of the established parternships, and declineates the Occitan imprint on the local development.
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Os Espelhos da América : simbolização identitária, nos séculos XIX e XX, baseada em A Tempestade, de William Shakespeare / Mirrors for America : identity simbolization, in XIXth and XXth centuries, based on The Tempest, by William ShakespeareTuratti, Ricardo Amarante, 1989 02 May 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Leandro Karnal / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T11:25:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Turatti_RicardoAmarante_M.pdf: 1344043 bytes, checksum: 5993031e08f090e5471817aba05c9db0 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A pesquisa pretende estudar parte do processo de constituição identitária da América, principalmente no que se refere à identificação do continente com uma obra produzida em um contexto europeu. A obra em questão é a peça A Tempestade, de William Shakespeare. Enquanto a peça foi escrita na Inglaterra do século XVII, suas ressignificações ligadas à América datam do final do século XIX e início do XX, e demonstram uma constante renovação das metáforas contidas na obra original. Tendo como eixo principal a leitura realizada sobre as personagens Ariel e Calibã, as interpretações da peça representam a adoção de modelos para o continente americano, obedecendo a uma dinâmica de intercâmbio América - Europa. Os modelos acabam servindo para a formação de utopias, projetos políticos e para a construção de uma identidade americana, assim como apresentam indícios para o estabelecimento de outra construção: a de termos generalizantes como América Latina, Iberoamerica e Anglo-América. Busca-se, portanto, por meio da leitura da peça e de suas interpretações, realizar uma análise histórica sobre a formação de um discurso identitário e cultural para os países americanos / Abstract: The research intends to study part of the process of identity constitution in America, with the primary focus in the identification of the continent with work produced in a european context. The work in question is the play The Tempest, by William Shakespeare. The play was written in XVIIth century England, but its re-significations linked to America date from late XIXth and early XXth, demonstrating a constante renovation of the metaphors contained in the original work. The interpretations of the play center on the caracthers Ariel and Caliban, representing the adotion of models for the american continent, following a exchange dynamic between America and Europe. The models are used for the formation of utopias, political projects and for the constrution of an american identity, presenting indications for the establishment of another constrution: the formation of generalizing terms as Latin America, Ibero America and Anglo America. The intention is, therefore, by reading the play and its interpretations, realize a historical analysis about the formation of an identity and cultural discourse for the american countries / Mestrado / Historia Cultural / Mestre em História
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Paisagens opostas: uma leitura da região na Trilogia do rio e Quaderna, de João Cabral de Melo NetoDelai, Lisiane 19 August 2008 (has links)
Análise dos poemas O cão sem plumas , O rio , Morte e vida severina e Quaderna, de João Cabral de Melo Neto. Discussão da representação da região e ultrapassagem do regionalismo nos poemas, com ênfase na descrição do homem e da mulher representantes da oposição da paisagem. Estudo das identidades regionais presentes nos textos, compatíveis com a divisão do estado em quatro universos culturais distintos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa interdisciplinar que transita entre a Literatura, a Sociologia e a Antropologia, e se insere no contexto dos estudos sobre cultura regional. / Analysis of the poems O cão sem plumas , O rio , Morte e vida severina and Quaderna , by João Cabral de Melo Neto. Discussion about the representation of the region and the overtaking of the regionalism into the poems, with emphasis in the description of the representative man and woman in opposition to the landscape. Study concerning the present regional identities in the texts, according to the division of the state into four distinct cultural universes. The present task is an interdisciplinary research that involves the Literature, the Sociology and the Anthropology, and it is inserted within the context of the studies about regional culture.
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Culturas [com]partidas? : une étude sur les tensions identitaires culturelles chez les jeunes issus de l’immigration latino-américaine à MontréalVelasco-Pena, Brian José 12 1900 (has links)
La communauté latino-américaine représente la troisième minorité visible en importance au Québec. Malgré tout, les recherches concernant les jeunes issus de l’immigration latino-américaine sont peu nombreuses. Ces personnes, qui sont nées au Québec, mais dont au moins un des parents est originaire de l’Amérique latine, gèrent de multiples identités culturelles. Elles négocient constamment des significations et des repères culturels, passant de ceux qui sont propres au Québec à ceux de la culture du pays d’origine de leurs parents. Étant donné que les frontières entre ces différentes identités culturelles ne sont pas toujours clairement définies, il était pertinent d’analyser les interactions des jeunes pour mieux saisir leurs expériences. Cette étude repose donc sur deux théories qui supposent que la communication est inhérente au processus de construction identitaire : le positioning de Davies et Harré ainsi que la mise en scène de la vie quotidienne d’Ervin Goffman. La présente recherche a privilégié les expériences personnelles de trois jeunes issus de l’immigration, celles de leurs parents et celles de leurs amis. La méthodologie utilisée reposait sur des entrevues individuelles avec les jeunes, sur l’analyse de photos ainsi que sur deux rencontres de groupe dirigées : la première réunissait les jeunes et un de leurs parents; la deuxième réunissait les jeunes et un(e) ami(e) de leur choix. Cette étude a constaté que les jeunes issus de l’immigration possédaient des identités culturelles hybrides. De plus, ils ne pouvaient contrôler la perception que les autres avaient de leurs identités culturelles, car certains éléments de celles-ci étaient négociés, voire imposés lors des interactions. Ainsi, ce mémoire contribue à la littérature sur le positioning en expliquant comment ces jeunes se positionnent devant les autres afin que plusieurs identités culturelles coexistent chez eux, tout spécialement dans une ville multiculturelle comme Montréal. / The Latin American community constitutes the third largest visible minority in Quebec. Despite its importance, research regarding youth of Latin American origin is limited. These young people, who were born in Quebec, but who have at least one parent from Latin America, must juggle multiple cultural identities. They are constantly negotiating cultural meanings and references from Quebec, as well as from their parents’ culture of origin. Given that the boundaries between these
different cultural identities are not always clear, their interactions needed to be analyzed to better understand their experiences, hence I mobilized two theories that underscore the role of communication within identity construction: Davies and Harré’s theory of positioning, as well as Erving Goffman’s theory of the presentation of self in everyday life. This research focused on the personal experiences of three young people of Latin American immigrant background, those of their parents and those of their friends. To do so, methodology consisted of photo analysis and individual interviews with the young people, as well as two focus groups: first, with the young people and one of their parents, and second, with the young people and a friend of their choice. This study revealed that youth of immigrant background have hybrid cultural identities. Moreover, the young people were not able to forge their own unique cultural identities, because some aspects
of their cultural identities were negotiated and even imposed during interaction with others. As this thesis offers a rich portrait of how these young people positioned themselves both front- and back-stage, this paper also contributes to the literature on positioning and empirically shows how several, sometimes contradictory cultural identities can co-exist in youth of immigrant background in a multicultural city like Montreal. / La comunidad latinoamericana representa la tercera minoría visible más importante en Quebec. Pese a su importancia, las investigaciones con relación a los jóvenes de descendencia latinoamericana son limitadas. Estos jóvenes, nacidos en Quebec pero que poseen al menos un padre o madre nacido(a) en Latinoamérica, deben manejar múltiples identidades culturales. Por ello, deben acomodar diferentes significados y referencias culturales de Quebec, así como de la cultura de origen de sus padres. Debido a que las fronteras entre dichas identidades culturales no son siempre evidentes, las interacciones de estos jóvenes fueron analizadas a fin de comprender mejor sus experiencias. Por ello, abordé dos teorías que ven la comunicación como una parte esencial del proceso de construcción de las identidades: la teoría del positioning de Davies y Harré, así como la teoría de la presentación de la persona en la vida cotidiana, de Erving Goffman. Esta investigación se enfocó en las experiencias personales de tres jóvenes de descendencia latinoamericana, sus padres y sus amigos. En este sentido, la metodología estuvo compuesta por entrevistas individuales con los jóvenes, análisis de fotografías y dos grupos focales: el primero, con los jóvenes y uno de sus padres; el segundo, con los jóvenes y un(a) amigo(a) de su elección. La investigación reveló que los jóvenes de descendencia latinoamericana poseían identidades culturales híbridas. Asimismo, que no podían forjar sus propias identidades culturales, debido a que algunos de los elementos que las conforman eran negociados y hasta impuestos por los demás mediante las interacciones. Por tanto, esta tesis contribuye a la literatura sobre la teoría del positioning, ya que explica cómo estos jóvenes se posicionan delante de los demás a fin de permitir que múltiples identidades culturales puedan coexistir en su interior, especialmente en una ciudad tan multicultural como Montreal.
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Will Beauty Save the World? A historical context study of the Miss Venezuela pageant as a conceivable contributor to communication for developmentde Windt, Jassir January 2019 (has links)
In recent years, old-hand development scholars, in the category of Dan Brockington, have expressed their concern over academia’s neglect of the significance of celebrities in the field. As has been the case of an outturn hereof, namely beauty pageants. In the last six decades, Venezuela has positioned itself not only as one of the world's largest exporters of oil but also as one of the leading engenderers of titleholders in international pageantry. The latter, which has resulted in Venezuelans regarding the pageant as a fundamental cultural undercurrent in their collective identity, seems to be a ceaseless manifestation in spite of the country’s worrisome current socio-economic status. Rather than adopting a condescending paradigm towards the Miss Venezuela pageant, it is precisely this vertex of ambiguity that opens the avenue for an interesting development question. After all, if celebrity beauty queens from Venezuela are deemed as part of the nation’s identity, could the pageant, in the same breath, be deemed as a contributor to communication for development? While espousing historical context as an analysing method and in pursuit of David Hulme’s Celebrity-Development nexus and Elizabeth McCall’s four strands of communication for development, this paper presents a qualitative study in which hands-on experts are given a platform. The findings show the evolution of a beauty pageant from a, nearly, nationalist device into a system that is grounded in the Millennium Development Goals and that aims to forge socially responsible beauty representatives that are competent enough to herald purposeful messages.
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