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Scouring and Dag in Sheep in Western AustraliaC.Bath@murdoch.edu.au, Caroline Jacobson January 2006 (has links)
Diarrhoea (scouring) in sheep increases the risk of faecal soiling of the breech (dag) that in turn causes significant production losses for sheep producers and increases susceptibility of sheep to breech blowfly strike. The common causes of scouring in sheep of post-weaning age in Western Australia have not been well described.
In a written questionnaire sent to sheep producers in the south west of Western Australia, about half of the respondents reported lamb, hogget and ewe flocks with moderate or severe dag. Flocks with moderate or severe dag were reported more commonly in the winter and spring months in all age groups. Young sheep and mated ewes were most susceptible to moderate or severe dag. The utilisation of professional worm control advice and parasite management tools did not reduce the risk of moderate/severe dag.
A study conducted at an abattoir showed that large strongyle worm egg counts (WEC) were frequently identified in lamb lines but were much less common in adult lines. The relationship between WEC and scouring was not clear, suggesting that factors other than large strongyle infections were important, particularly in adult sheep. The low WEC and seasonal scouring pattern observed in adult sheep was consistent with the larval hypersensitivity scouring syndrome and/or factors related to green pasture as potential common causes of scouring in adult sheep. This observation was consistent with detailed investigations of flocks with low WEC scouring that found larval hypersensitivity scouring syndrome or factors associated with green pasture were the most likely causes of scouring in eight of the nine flocks examined. Large immature worm burdens were common and the scouring sheep had more fourth stage larvae than normal sheep. Treatment with a fully effective drench and an ivermectin controlled-release rumen capsule did not result in a reduction of faecal moisture content between three and seven weeks after treatment.
The effects of dietary soluble non-starch polysaccharides were studied using carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) as a model. The CMC model was used to demonstrate that significant interactions between diet and strongyle larvae determined both faecal consistency and strongyle establishment. Sheep fed CMC had softer, looser and wetter faeces, but the factors that determined faecal consistency were complex. Establishment of T. colubriformis was significantly greater in sheep fed CMC suggesting that the environment within the gut may affect establishment of T. colubriformis in the small intestine. The findings suggested that dietary factors may interact with strongyle larvae to determine both worm establishment and severity of scouring.
The results of the studies described in this thesis suggested that factors related to immature strongyle larvae, diet and the immune response interact to determine the severity of the scouring observed in sheep of post-weaning age in the south west of Western Australia.
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NANOCONTROLLER PROGRAM OPTIMIZATION USING ITE DAGSRajachidambaram, Sarojini Priyadarshini 01 January 2007 (has links)
Kentucky Architecture nanocontrollers employ a bit-serial SIMD-parallel hardware design to execute MIMD control programs. A MIMD program is transformed into equivalent SIMD code by a process called Meta-State Conversion (MSC), which makes heavy use of enable masking to distinguish which code should be executed by each processing element. Both the bit-serial operations and the enable masking imposed on them are expressed in terms of if-then-else (ITE) operations implemented by a 1-of-2 multiplexor, greatly simplifying the hardware. However, it takes a lot of ITEs to implement even a small program fragment. Traditionally, bit-serial SIMD machines had been programmed by expanding a fixed bitserial pattern for each word-level operation. Instead, nanocontrollers can make use of the fact that ITEs are equivalent to the operations in Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs), and can apply BDD analysis to optimize the ITEs. This thesis proposes and experimentally evaluates a number of techniques for minimizing the complexity of the BDDs, primarily by manipulating normalization ordering constraints. The best method found is a new approach in which a simple set of optimization transformations is followed by normalization using an ordering determined by a Genetic Algorithm (GA).
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Ordonnancement de tâches parallèles sur plates-formes hétérogènes partagées / Scheduling Parallel Tasks on Shared Heterogeneous PlatformsN'Takpé, Tchimou 22 January 2009 (has links)
Aujourd'hui, les plates-formes hétérogènes et partagées que sont les grilles de calcul sont omniprésentes. De plus, le besoin d'exécuter des applications parallèles complexes est croissant. Cette thèse vise à ordonnancer des applications représentées par des graphes de tâches modelables (dont le nombre de processeurs est fixé par l'ordonnanceur) sur des grilles de calcul en exploitant le maximum de parallélisme, utilisant efficacement les ressources, gérant l'hétérogénéité et le partage des ressources. Nous avons pour cela opté pour des heuristiques pragmatiques car, bien qu'elles n'offrent pas de garantie de performance, elles peuvent néanmoins conduire à de bonnes performances moyennes tout en construisant des ordonnancements en des temps relativement courts. La plupart des heuristiques existantes n'ordonnancent les applications parallèles mixtes qu'en milieu homogène et utilisent parfois inefficacement les ressources. Nous avons donc tout d'abord étudié différentes heuristiques dans le cas de plates-formes homogènes et proposé des améliorations visant à améliorer le compromis entre réduction du temps de complétion et efficacité. Nous avons ensuite introduit la gestion de l'hétérogénéité dans l'heuristique proposée et comparé ses performances à celles d'un algorithme garanti. Enfin, nous avons tenu compte du caractère partagé des grilles en gérant la concurrence entre applications. L'approche retenue consiste à limiter la quantité de ressources que chaque application peut utiliser pour construire son ordonnancement. Nous avons également proposé plusieurs stratégies de détermination de cette contrainte de ressources. / Today, computing grids, that are shared and heterogeneous platforms, are ubiquitous. Furthermore, the need to execute complex parallel applications is growing. The aim of this thesis is to schedule applications modeled by moldable task graphs (the number of processors allocated to each task is fixed by the scheduler) onto computing grids to exploit maximum parallelism, use efficiently the resources and manage the sharing of resources. We chose to design pragmatic heuristics because, although they do not guarantee performance, they can lead to good average performance while computing schedules in relatively short times. Almost all existing heuristics only schedule mixed parallel applications onto homogeneous platforms and they sometimes use inefficiently the resources. Thus, we first studied different scheduling heuristics in the case of homogeneous platforms and propose improvements to have a good compromise between the completion time and the efficiency. We then introduced management of heterogeneity in the proposed heuristic and compared its performances with those of a guaranteed algorithm. Finally, we have taken into account the fact that grids are shared by managing competition between applications. Our approach is to limit the amount of resources that each application can use to build its schedule. We also proposed different strategies to determine that resource constraint.
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Ordonnancement de tâches parallèles sur plates-formes hétérogènes partagéesN'takpé, Tchimou 22 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Aujourd'hui, les plates-formes hétérogènes et partagées que sont les grilles de calcul sont omniprésentes. De plus, le besoin d'exécuter des applications parallèles complexes est croissant. Cette thèse vise à ordonnancer des applications représentées par des graphes de tâches modelables (dont le nombre de processeurs est fixé par l'ordonnanceur) sur des grilles de calcul en exploitant le maximum de parallélisme, utilisant efficacement les ressources, gérant l'hétérogénéité et le partage des ressources. Nous avons pour cela opté pour des heuristiques pragmatiques car, bien qu'elles n'offrent pas de garantie de performance, elles peuvent néanmoins conduire à de bonnes performances moyennes tout en construisant des ordonnancements en des temps relativement courts. La plupart des heuristiques existantes n'ordonnancent les applications parallèles mixtes qu'en milieu homogène et utilisent parfois inefficacement les ressources. Nous avons donc tout d'abord étudié différentes heuristiques dans le cas de plates-formes homogènes et proposé des améliorations visant à améliorer le compromis entre réduction du temps de complétion et efficacité. Nous avons ensuite introduit la gestion de l'hétérogénéité dans l'heuristique proposée et comparé ses performances à celles d'un algorithme garanti. Enfin, nous avons tenu compte du caractère partagé des grilles en gérant la concurrence entre applications. L'approche retenue consiste à limiter la quantité de ressources que chaque application peut utiliser pour construire son ordonnancement. Nous avons également proposé plusieurs stratégies de détermination de cette contrainte de ressources.
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Nyhetsjournalistikens förändrade spelplan med förtroendet som insats : En kvalitativ publikstudie om native advertising i nyhetsmedierOtterström, Rebecca, Arnborg, Valter January 2020 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med studien är tvådelat; för det första syftar studien till att undersöka och förstå hur publiken resonerar kring och uppfattar native advertising i journalistisk kontext. För det andra syftar studien till att undersöka om förekomsten av native advertising i svenska nyhetsmedier påverkar publikens förtroende för nyhetsjournalistiken. Studien har tre övergripande frågeställningar: Hur upplever publiken att förekomsten av native advertising i nyhetsmedier påverkar deras förtroende för nyhetsjournalistiken? Hur uppfattar och resonerar publiken kring användningen av native advertising i dagspress jämfört med kvällspress? Hur kan man förstå respondenternas uttalande och uppfattningar om native advertising med utgångspunkt i idén om journalistikens sociala kontrakt? Metod och material: Studien tar avstamp i en kvalitativ ansats och det empiriska materialet består av samtalsintervjuer med sammanlagt åtta unga vuxna (22–30 år). Huvudresultat: Majoriteten av respondenterna hade en negativ inställning till native advertising. Budskapen och innehållet i native advertising spelade en stor och central roll för hur respondenternas förtroende för nyhetsjournalistiken påverkades. När innehållet motsvarade vad respondenterna uppfattade som ”seriöst” och samhällsnyttigt” innehåll, beskrev de att deras förtroende inte påverkades negativt av användningen av native advertising i nyhetsmedier.
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Realizing Connectivity with Independent Trees in DAGs - An Empirical StudyKaur, Jasman 20 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Lång dags färd mot natt och Natten är dagens mor : En komparativ studie och analys ur ett genusperspektivStrömquist, Maria January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim of this paper is to compare and analyze Eugene O’Neill’s play Long Day’s Journey into Night with Lars Noréns Natten är dagens mor (Night is Mother to the Day). The gender and power structures, as well as the characters in the two plays are analyzed. The main focus of the analysis is on masculinities, and therefore on the brother to brother relationships in the dramas. The presence of “queer leakage” (as defined by prof. Tiina Rosenberg) in both plays is also pointed out and discussed. The main conclusion is that Long Day’s Journey into Night confirms and conserves the traditional gender and power structures, while Natten är dagens mor challenges, and thereby contributes to the changing of them.</p>
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Lång dags färd mot natt och Natten är dagens mor : En komparativ studie och analys ur ett genusperspektivStrömquist, Maria January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to compare and analyze Eugene O’Neill’s play Long Day’s Journey into Night with Lars Noréns Natten är dagens mor (Night is Mother to the Day). The gender and power structures, as well as the characters in the two plays are analyzed. The main focus of the analysis is on masculinities, and therefore on the brother to brother relationships in the dramas. The presence of “queer leakage” (as defined by prof. Tiina Rosenberg) in both plays is also pointed out and discussed. The main conclusion is that Long Day’s Journey into Night confirms and conserves the traditional gender and power structures, while Natten är dagens mor challenges, and thereby contributes to the changing of them.
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Dags att deklarera 1974-2014 : En språklig, kvantitativ analys av en offentlig broschyr under fyrtio årSjöström, Hanna January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning är att studera hur språket i Skatteverkets broschyr Dags att deklarera har förändrats mellan 1974 och 2014. För att få en bild av förändringen över tid har nio broschyrer, utgivna med fem års mellanrum, undersökts. Svensk språkvård har under lång tid arbetat för ett enklare svenskt myndighetsspråk och denna uppsats ämnar studera om myndighetsspråket har påverkats av detta och förändrats under denna tid. Hypotesen är att språket har förändrats och att det blivit enklare. Undersökningen genomförs i två led: en del som fokuserar på broschyrernas språk och en del som fokuserar på broschyrernas tilltal. Den språkliga undersökningen studerar materialets lexikon, syntax och lix-värden samt hur förändringen i dessa olika språkliga aspekter korrelerar. Resultaten från undersökningen visar att språket har förändrats under den undersökta tidsperioden, men att inga stora skillnader syns mellan 1974 och 2014. Större skillnader uppvisas inom tidsperioden än mellan undersökningens start- och slutår. En möjlig förklaring till detta är att myndighetstexternas ytspråk var i språkvårdens fokus redan på 70-talet. I tilltalsundersökningen har tilltal kategoriseras som antingen direkta tilltal eller omtal. Resultatet visar att tilltalen förändrats mellan 1974 och 2014. Fler omtal användes 1974 och fler direkta tilltal användes 2014. Arbetet med myndighetstexters mottagaranpassning började senare än arbetet med ytspråk, vilket alltså syns i de undersökta broschyrerna.
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Barn och ungas psykiska ohälsa i media : En kvalitativ textanalys av tre svenska dags- och kvällstidningars framställning av barn och ungas psykiska ohälsaUnnebo, Maja, Trajer, Jessica January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this essay was to examine how mental illness among children and adolescents is conveyed in a few of the Swedish daily and evening newspapers in an attempt to create an understanding of the depiction. This was examined by analyzing 14 articles in three Swedish daily and evening newspapers, Svenska Dagbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet during the period 2015–2019. To answer the study's purpose and research question, a qualitative text analysis was used, which was supplemented with the social constructivist perspective and the framing theory. The conclusion of the study showed that these three Swedish daily and evening newspapers tended not to present a holistic perspective on the phenomenon of children and adolescents' mental illness. The depiction was mainly about research and experts that were allowed to speak on the subject, which resulted in the description of children and adolescents' mental illness being primarily from a scientific perspective. The articles did not address the affected children and adolescents to the extent required, which meant that their perspectives were not communicated. Based on the framing theory and social constructivism, this can be interpreted as part of the maintenance of social constructions and norms around mental illness.
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