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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Turbo Equalization for HSPA / Turboutjämning för HSPA

Konuskan, Cagatay January 2010 (has links)
<p>New high quality mobile telecommunication services are offered everyday and the demand for higher data rates is continuously increasing. To maximize the uplink throughput in HSPA when transmission is propagated through a dispersive channel causing self-interference, equalizers are used. One interesting solution, where the equalizer and decoder exchange information in an iterative way, for improving the equalizer performance is Turbo equalization.</p><p>In this thesis a literature survey has been performed on Turbo equalization methods and a chosen method has been implemented for the uplink HSPA standard to evaluate the performance in heavily dispersive channels. The selected algorithm has been adapted for multiple receiving antennas, oversampled processing and HARQ retransmissions. The results derived from the computer based link simulations show that the implemented algorithm provide a gain of approximately 0.5 dB when performing up to 7 Turbo equalization iterations. Gains up to 1 dB have been obtained by disabling power control, not using retransmission combining and utilizing a single receiver antenna. The algorithm has also been evaluated considering alternative dispersive channels, Log-MAP decoding, different code rates, number of Turbo equalization iterations and number of Turbo decoding iterations.</p><p>The simulation results do not motivate a real implementation of the chosen algorithm considering the increased computational complexity and small gain achieved in a full featured receiver system. Further studies are needed before concluding the HSPA uplink Turbo equalization approach.</p>

Hybrid ARQ Using Serially Concatenated Block Codes for Real-Time Communication : An Iterative Decoding Approach

Uhlemann, Elisabeth January 2001 (has links)
<p>The ongoing wireless communication evolution offers improvements for industrial applications where traditional wireline solutions causes prohibitive problems in terms of cost and feasibility. Many of these new wireless applications are packet oriented and time-critical. The deadline dependent coding (DDC) communication protocol presented here is explicitly intended for wireless real-time applications. The objective of the work described in this thesis is therefore to develop the foundation for an efficient and reliable real-time communication protocol for critical deadline dependent communication over unreliable wireless channels.</p><p>Since the communication is packet oriented, block codes are suitable for error control. Reed-Solomon codes are chosen and incorporated in a concatenated coding scheme using iterative detection with trellis based decoding algorithms. Performance bounds are given for parallel and serially concatenated Reed-Solomon codes using BPSK. The convergence behavior of the iterative decoding process for serially concatenated block codes is examined and two different stopping criteria are employed based on the log-likelihood ratio of the information bits.</p><p>The stopping criteria are also used as a retransmission criterion, incorporating the serially concatenated block codes in a type-I hybrid ARQ (HARQ) protocol. Different packet combining techniques specifically adapted to the concatenated HARQ (CHARQ) scheme are used. The extrinsic information used in the iterative decoding process is saved and used when decoding after a retransmission. This technique can be seen as turbo code combining or concatenated code combining and is shown to improve performance. Saving the extrinsic information may also be seen as a doping criterion yielding faster convergence. As such, the extrinsic information can be used in conjunction with traditional diversity combining schemes. The performance in terms of bit error rate and convergence speed is improved with only negligible additional complexity.</p><p>Consequently, CHARQ based on serially concatenated block codes using iterative detection creates a flexible and reliable scheme capable of meeting specified required realtime constraints.</p>

Reklamfilm eller skräckfilm? : En kvalitativ studie om unga flickors tolkning av Apolivas TV-reklam.

Thor, Isabelle, Turesson, Urban January 2010 (has links)
<p><p>Under sommaren och hösten 2009 fick Apolivas reklamfilm stor uppmärksamhet av såväl det svenska folket som i media. Uppståndelsen grundades i att en stor andel människor som tagit del av reklamen uppfattade den som skrämmande, medan Apolivas avsikt var att skildra de svenska, något melankoliska, väderförhållandena.</p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka tolkningsskedet av Apolivas reklamfilm, hos flickor i nionde klass. Vår specifika frågeställning utvecklades till att ta reda på om den utvalda gruppen tolkar budskapet och känslan som förmedlas i reklamfilmen, på det sätt som Apoliva avsett, med utgångspunkt i Halls (2009) encoding/decoding-teori. Enligt denna modell finns tre olika sätt att tolka ett budskap; dominant, oppositionell eller förhandlande tolkning. I en dominant tolkning godtar mottagaren budskapet, medan den oppositionella tolkningen innebär att mottagaren vänder sig mot budskapet. I den förhandlande tolkningen godtar mottagaren budskapet till viss del i en mix av tvivel. Intervjuerna inleddes med en visning av Apolivas reklamfilm, därefter ställdes frågor med tyngdpunkten på att ta reda på vilka känslor och budskap som respondenterna upplevde av reklamen.</p><p>Undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer på åtta stycken flickor i årskurs nio.</p><p>Respondenternas svar analyserades med hjälp av Halls (2009) encoding/decoding-teori, och under arbetets gång kom vi till insikt att modellen behövde modifieras. Detta blev nödvändigt då vi i analysen märkte att en stor del av de intervjuade missuppfattat det inkodade budskapet. Trots att vissa respondenter inte tolkat budskapet som avsändaren planerat, var det inte otänkbart att dessa ändå godtog det uppfattade budskapet till viss del. Således delades modellen in i olika kategorier av egenuppfattningar.</p><p>Svaret på huvudfrågan som ställdes till materialet;<em> Med utgångspunkt i Halls teori om encoding/decoding, tolkar kvinnliga elever i årskurs 9 budskapet och känslan som kommuniceras i reklamfilmen, på det sätt som avsändaren avser? </em>är att flickorna inte kan anses tolka reklamens budskap och känsla på avsett sätt. Endast en respondent kunde bedömas göra en dominant tolkning av Apolivas reklamfilm. Påtagligt är istället hur många som faktiskt gjort en annan tolkning av budskapet, än vad Apoliva avsåg sända ut.</p><p> </p></p>

Downlink W-CDMA performance analysis and receiver implmentation on SC140 Motorola DSP

Ghosh, Kaushik 30 September 2004 (has links)
High data rate applications are the trend in today's wireless technology. W-CDMA standard was designed to support such high data rates of up to 3.84 Mcps. The main purpose of this research was to analyze the feasibility of a fixed-point implementation of the W-CDMA downlink receiver algorithm on a general-purpose digital signal processor (StarCore SC140 by Motorola). The very large instruction word architecture of SC140 core is utilized to generate optimal implementation, to meet the real time timing requirements of the algorithm. The other main aim of this work was to study and evaluate the performance of the W-CDMA downlink structure with incorporated space-time transmit diversity. The effect of the channel estimation algorithm used was extensively studied too.

I föränderliga och slutna rosa rum : en etnografisk studie av kön, ålder och andlighet i en svensk waldorfförskola

Frödén, Sara January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study is to generate new knowledge of the educationalpractice of a pre-school and of how it may contribute to the understandingof doing gender. The ethnographic study examines the place and practiceof a Steiner Waldorf pre-school, and it focuses specifically on materiality,age, spirituality and the intentions of the pre-school teachers. Fieldworkhas been conducted for a period of one and a half years in one pre-school.The methods used are mainly participant observation and interviews withthe pre-school teachers. The results highlight the importance of the materialand spatial dimensions of the pre-school for the constitution of children’sgender. The concepts of performativity and ritualization have beenused as the main analytical tools. The study draws on the scope of theseconcepts as understood by Judith Butler and Catherine Bell. On the basis of the analysis of the empirical material, a theoretical concept,situated decoding of gender, is suggested. It is argued that what atfirst glance can be interpreted as a ‘female universe’, turns out to be a placewhere gender is made non-relevant through an unintentional, yet powerfulongoing process of naturalization. The situated decoding of gender is madepossible because of certain features in this pre-school. Firstly, a repetitivestructure characterizing educational practice has been observed. This isbased on a principle of rhythm reciprocally related to the alternations betweencontinuity and change. Secondly, there is a clear spatial and materialdemarcation that the study argues makes the pre-school an enclosed space,in the sense of being a place of nurturing and protection, where the boundariesbetween home and pre-school are maintained. Thirdly, the performativeforce of the ritualized preschool practices further enhances the decodingof gender. The ritualization highlights and supports the spiritual dimensionin the pedagogy, which sidelines the doing of gender. Fourthly, theteachers contributed to the decoding of gender through the consistency oftheir everyday actions.

Läsning på mellanstadiet : En studie med fokus på elevers läsförmåga / Reading in Grade 4 and 5 - focusing students' reading ability

Stenlund, Karin January 2011 (has links)
This study describes the reading ability of 26 middle school students, and the ways in which their reading development is supported in two different classrooms. In order to scrutinize results of students at different reading levels, three focus students were selected.This thesis has four aims. One is to use tests to examine the students’ reading ability as regards their decoding skills and reading comprehension as well as to study other cognitive skills related to reading ability. Another is to describe the students’ reading ability and attitudes towards reading from their own as well as their teachers’ perspectives. A third aim is to analyze how the results of different parts of the study are related to one another. The fourth and final aim is to analyze the classroom activities with a special focus on how reading ability is supported.The study combines quantitative analyses of the students’ reading ability with qualitative analyses of classroom activities. The quantitative sections of the study include various reading tests as well as the teachers’ assessment of the students’ reading development and their answers to selected questions in a student questionnaire concerning their view on reading.The results reveal that several of these students haven´t automated their decoding ability in Grade 4, but that nevertheless most of the students attain their grade level in a reading comprehension test in Grade 4 as well as the goals of a national reading test in Grade 5. However, most of the questions in these two tests require answers that can be explicitly found in the text and do not require any deeper reading comprehension such as inference making for instance. The results also show that these students are unable to assess whether reading is easy for them, but can assess their own reading ability if the purpose is to compare their reading skills with their classmates. The classroom observations indicate that despite quite extensive text work in the classrooms, students who need to develop their decoding abilities receive little support, and that although classroom work focusing on text comprehension is quite frequent, this does not often include deeper levels such as inference making.

Från avkodning till läsförståelse : Läsutveckling utifrån pedagog- och elevperspektiv

Andersson, Kerstin, Lundgren, Ingegerd January 2005 (has links)
Vår undersökning behandlar läsinlärning och läsförståelse. Utifrån ett pedagog- och elevperspektiv har vi undersökt begreppet läsförståelse, vad det innebär att kunna läsa och förstå text, vilka förutsättningar det kräver och hur lärandet sker kring detta. Vi har som utgångspunkt för vår undersökning använt oss av olika forskningsperspektiv på läsinlärning samt berört olika läsinlärningsmetoder. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med pedagoger och elever har vi undersökt deras uppfattningar om hur man lär sig läsa och vad detta innebär för läsförståelsen. Resultaten har gett oss en insikt i att pedagogen bör vara lyhörd och stödja eleven genom olika verktyg, för att hjälpa eleven i läsutvecklingen. Med det menar vi att det underlättar om pedagog och elev är aktiv i läsinlärningen. / Our investigation treats learning by reading and reading comprehension. On the basis of a pedagogues and a pupils perspective we have investigated the concept of reading comprehension, what it means to know how to read and understand a text, which prerequisite it demands and how learning take place around this. As a starting point to our investigation we have use different research perspectives on learning by reading and touching different learning by reading methods. Through qualitative interviews with pedagogues and pupils we have investigate their understanding about how you learn to read by yourself and what it means for your reading comprehension. The results have given us knowledge of that the pedagogue should be sensitive and support the pupil with different tools, because the pedagogue must help the pupil in their reading evolution. We mean that it would facilitate if pedagogue and pupil are active in learning by reading.

Felix - förstärkning av ett varumärke : En receptions- och innehållsanalys av reklamkampanjen "Var dag"

Ryde, Sebastian, Berg, Karl January 2010 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en studie av företaget Felix reklamkampanj ”Var dag”, en reklamkampanj i syfte att stärka Felix varumärke. Syftet med denna uppsats är att komparativt undersöka hur producentledet konstruerar och respondenterna uppfattar kampanjen ”Var dag”. Vidare vill vi undersöka hur kampanjen kan tänkas påverka Felix’s varumärke. Övergripande sett så vill vi undersöka de olika moment och möjliga problem som kan tänkas uppkomma vid varumärkeskommunikation. Frågeställningarna syftar till att finna svar på hur reklamfilmerna kommunicerar Felix varumärke, hur producenten konstruerar kampanjen samt hur respondenterna uppfattar kampanjen. Det material vi har använt oss av för att besvara dessa frågor består av två stycken varumärkesfilmer, kampanjens projektledare Kjell Månsson samt sju respondenter som ingår i kampanjens målgrupp. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för uppsatsen bestått av teorier behandlande varumärkesuppbyggning, företagsprofilering och image. Innehållsanalysen har vi genomfört med diskursanalys och semiotik. Receptionsanalysen har gjorts genom kvalitativa intervjuer som sedan tolkats genom en receptionsmodell (encoding – decoding). I innehållsanalysen fann vi att Felix söker skapa en diskurs där Felix framstår som en väsentlig del av vardagen. Genom den komparativa undersökningen har vi kommit fram till att det i flera fall råder ett asymmetriskt förhållande mellan hur producenten kodat kampanjen och hur respondenterna avkodat kampanjen. Det vill säga reklamfilmernas framställning av varumärket inte alltid delats av respondenterna, i flera fall så finner vi att respondenterna inte accepterar den profil Felix som kommunicerar.

Liason Dangereuse - en receptionsanalys

Schille, Melissa January 2010 (has links)
Undersökningens syfte är att ta reda på vilka uppfattningar och tolkningar underklädesföretaget Liaison Dangereuse skapar genom sin senaste reklamfilm, ”Sexiness for everyone. Everywhere”, och om dessa uppfattas olika beroende på tolkarens bakgrund.  Frågeställning: I studien har jag ställt frågor kring hur kvinnan framställs i reklamfilmen och om publikens olika kulturella ursprung och bakgrundsideologi har någon påverkan i deras tolkningsprocess.   Metod/Teori: Med hjälp av tidigare forskning om utformning och berättelsens form av reklam och Stuart Halls encoding/decoding modell har jag genomfört en receptionsanalys. Till det har kvalitativa intervjuer använts.  Resultat: Filmen inleds som en stereotypisk underklädesreklamfilm med bilden av en vacker kvinna som till suggestiv musik ikläder sig märkets underkläder, men särskiljer sig därefter från klassisk underklädesreklam genom att kvinnan avslutar med att ta på sig en burka. Publikens tolkning av filmen växer fram och uppfattas olika beroende på hur man ställer sig till de visuella effekterna av den.  Slutsats: Genom att spela på mottagarens inlärda arketyper och uppfattning om kvinnoroller i olika etniska kontexter skapar man en överraskningseffekt och därmed större emotionell effekt hos betraktaren.

Formation and function of wobble uridine modifications in transfer RNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Huang, Bo January 2007 (has links)
Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) act as adaptor molecules in decoding messenger RNA into protein. Frequently found in tRNAs are different modified nucleosides, which are derivatives of the four normal nucleosides, adenosine (A), guanosine (G), cytidine (C), and uridine (U). Although modified nucleosides are present at many positions in tRNAs, two positions in the anticodon region, position 34 (wobble position) and position 37, show the largest variety of modified nucleosides. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the xm5U type of modified uridines found at position 34 are 5-carbamoylmethyluridine (ncm5U), 5-carbamoylmethyl-2´-O-methyluridine, (ncm5Um), 5-methoxycarbonylmethyluridine (mcm5U), and 5-methoxycarbonyl-methyl-2-thiouridine (mcm5s2U). Based on the complex structure of these nucleosides, it is likely that their formation requires several synthesis steps. The Elongator complex consisting of proteins Elp1p - Elp6p, and the proteins Kti11p - Kti14p, Sit4p, Sap185p, and Sap190p were shown to be involved in 5-carbamoylmethyl (ncm5) and 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl (mcm5) side-chain synthesis at position 34 in eleven tRNA species. The proteins Urm1p, Uba4p, Ncs2p, Ncs6p, and Yor251cp were also identified to be required for the 2-thio (s2) group formation of the modified nucleoside mcm5s2U at wobble position. Modified nucleosides in the anticodon region of tRNA influence the efficiency and fidelity of translation. The identification of mutants lacking ncm5-, mcm5-, or s2-group at the wobble position allowed the investigation of the in vivo role of these nucleosides in the tRNA decoding process. It was revealed that the presence of ncm5-, mcm5- or s2-group promotes reading of G-ending codons. The concurrent presence of the mcm5- and the s2-groups in the wobble nucleoside mcm5s2U improves reading of A- and G-ending codons, whereas absence of both groups is lethal to the yeast cell. The Elongator complex was previously proposed to regulate polarized exocytosis and to participate in elongation of RNA polymerase II transcription. The pleiotropic phenotypes observed in Elongator mutants were therefore suggested to be caused by defects in exocytosis and transcription of many genes. Here it is shown that elevated levels of hypomodified tRNALys [mcm5s2UUU] and tRNAGln[mcm5s2UUG] can efficiently suppress these pleiotropic phenotypes, suggesting that the defects in transcription and exocytosis are indirectly caused by inefficient translation of mRNAs encoding proteins important in these processes.

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