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Optical and magnetic properties of rare earth Doped α-Fe2O3 for future bio-imaging applicationsMathevula, Langutani Eulenda 04 1900 (has links)
Imaging techniques have been developed for decades for the detection of biomolecules in
biomedicine cells, in vitro or in living cells and organisms. The application however, often
constrained by the available probes, whose optical properties may limit the imaging possibilities.
It is very essential to improve the sensitivity of these devices by enhancing efficiency to detection.
Recently, Fe3O4 has been used primarily in cancer theranostic application such as magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI). However, its toxicity towards normal cells has been pointed out by
scientific communities, when they are involved in in vitro (helics) cancer treatment. In this work,
we have chosen to use α-Fe2O3, because it has proven to be less toxic than Fe3O4. Hematite is
antiferromagnetic (AFM) at room temperature with a small canted moment lying within the crystal
symmetry plane. At low temperature, hematite undergoes a magnetic phase transition from weak
ferromagnetic (WFM) to a pure antiferromagnetic configuration (AF), which is known as the
Morin transition. This magnetic property makes it possible for hematite to be applied in imaging
technique. To enhance the optical properties, the α-Fe2O3 is doped with lanthanide ions due to their
unique optical properties. Incorporation of these rare earth ions, enable the α-Fe2O3 to have
enhance luminescence properties.
Imaging techniques have been developed for decades for the detection of biomolecules in
biomedicine cells, in vitro or in living cells and organisms. The application however, often
constrained by the available probes, whose optical properties may limit the imaging possibilities.
It is very essential to improve the sensitivity of these devices by enhancing efficiency to detection.
Recently, Fe3O4 has been used primarily in cancer theranostic application such as magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI). However, its toxicity towards normal cells has been pointed out by
scientific communities, when they are involved in in vitro (helics) cancer treatment. In this work,
we have chosen to use α-Fe2O3, because it has proven to be less toxic than Fe3O4. Hematite is
antiferromagnetic (AFM) at room temperature with a small canted moment lying within the crystal
symmetry plane. At low temperature, hematite undergoes a magnetic phase transition from weak
ferromagnetic (WFM) to a pure antiferromagnetic configuration (AF), which is known as the
Morin transition. This magnetic property makes it possible for hematite to be applied in imaging
technique. To enhance the optical properties, the α-Fe2O3 is doped with lanthanide ions due to their
unique optical properties. Incorporation of these rare earth ions, enable the α-Fe2O3 to have
enhance luminescence properties.
These lanthanide-doped nanoparticles (UCNPs) undergoes up-conversion process which have
remarkable ability to combine two or more low energy photons to generate a singly high energy
photon by an anti-stokes process and hold great promise for bio-imaging. These nanoparticles
exhibit excellent photostability, continuous emission capability and sharp multi-peak line
emission. With near infrared excitation, light scattering by biological tissues is substantially
reduced. α-Fe2O3 have been singly and co-doped with Holmium, Thulium, and Ytterbium by both
sol-gel and microwave methods. The doping of these lanthanides have shown improved
luminescent properties of α-Fe2O3. The up-conversion has been observed from co-doping Thulium
and Ytterbium. This work is a proof of concept to show the up-conversion in α-Fe2O3. However,
the up-conversion intensity is low about 200000 CPS maximum observed, this could be due to the
nature of the host structure quenching the luminescence. There is rather, a need to increase the
intensity for the maximum application to be achieved. / Physics
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Experimental exploration of the amphoteric defect model by cryogenic ion irradiation of a range of wide band gap oxide materialsBorgersen, J., Vines, L., Frodason, Y.K., Kuznetsov, A., von Wenckstern, Holger, Grundmann, Marius, Allen, M., Zuniga-Perez, J., Johansen, K.M. 27 April 2023 (has links)
The evolution of electrical resistance as function of defect concentration is examined for the
unipolar n-conducting oxides CdO, β-Ga 2 O 3 , In 2 O 3 , SnO 2 and ZnO in order to explore the
predictions of the amphoteric defect model. Intrinsic defects are introduced by ion irradiation
at cryogenic temperatures, and the resistance is measured in-situ by current–voltage sweeps as
a function of irradiation dose. Temperature dependent Hall effect measurements are performed
to determine the carrier concentration and mobility of the samples before and after irradiation.
After the ultimate irradiation step, the Ga 2 O 3 and SnO2 samples have both turned highly
resistive. In contrast, the In 2 O 3 and ZnO samples are ultimately found to be less resistive than
prior to irradiation, however, they both show an increased resistance at intermediate doses.
Based on thermodynamic defect charge state transitions computed by hybrid density
functional theory, a model expanding on the current amphoteric defect model is proposed.
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The railroad industry is pivotal in the United States to ensure that the supply chain does not shut down for the American people. Non-Destruction Evaluation (NDE) approaches are preferred and performed on the railways to ensure the safety of the population that is exposed to the railway industry. When damage occurs on the rail base, there is an increased risk derailment of the train cars. Due to the nature of the railroad industry, there are challenges with developing a quick and reliable inspection method, along with the improvement of current NDE methods. The load, speed, and cycles of trains have increased the load that track sections endure over time. Some railways that were originally built in the early 20th century are still utilized today, designed for trains that are not nearly as heavy or fast as used today. Defects and damage on the railways lead to the need of development of an NDE approach utilizing Line Scan Thermography approaches. One of the most common defects that are formed are on the rail base is known as “base nicks” and “half-moon cracks”, these types of defects can occur over time. This research aims to study the feasibility of applying this NDE technique to detect defects that can occur on a rail base, both internal and external. For this research, a heat source up to 6000 W and tested velocities up to 447.1 mm/s (1.0 mph) are used to study the effects of line scanning thermography on various samples. In total, 10 samples are employed to test for feasibility: each one having a unique set of defects. Some defects fabricated on these samples are internal, such as bottom drilled holes (BDH) and side drilled holes (SDH); some of these samples are fabricated from actual rail samples. From tests conducted for internal defects, it can be concluded that defects with diameters of 6.35 mm (0.25”) can be detected at a remaining thickness from the observation surface of 6.35 mm. Along with internal defects, there are also external defects employed on the samples; these defects include simulated base nicks, fractures, and half-moon cracks. For surface defects tests from this research, it is found that the anomalies can be detected visually. The results from the experimental studies provide insight and limitations of LST for the possibility of a future commercial application.
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A Study of Recombination Mechanisms in Gallium Arsenide using Temperature-Dependent Time-Resolved Photoluminescence / Recombination Mechanisms in Gallium ArsenideGerber, Martin W 17 June 2016 (has links)
Recombination mechanisms in gallium arsenide have been studied using temperature-dependent time-resolved photoluminescence-decay. New analytical methods are presented to improve the accuracy in bulk lifetime measurement, and these have been used to resolve the temperature-dependent lifetime. Fits to temperature-dependent lifetime yield measurement of the radiative-efficiency, revealing that samples grown by the Czochralski and molecular-beam-epitaxy methods are limited by radiative-recombination at 77K, with defect-mediated nonradiative-recombination becoming competitive at 300K and above. In samples grown with both doping types using molecular-beam-epitaxy, a common exponential increase in capture cross-section characterized by a high value of E_infinity=(258 +/- 1)meV was observed from the high-level injection lifetime over a wide temperature range (300-700K). This common signature was also observed from 500-600K in the hole-lifetime observed in n-type Czochralski GaAs where E_infinity=(261 +/- 7)meV was measured, which indicates that this signature parametrizes the exponential increase in hole-capture cross-section. The high E_infinity value rules out all candidate defects except for EL2, by comparison with hole-capture cross-section data previously measured by others using deep-level transient spectroscopy. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Studies of Defects in Semiconductors: Inter-Defect and Host Interactions of Zn, Er, Mn, V, and Co Single-Atom Defects in GaAs(110)Benjamin, Anne Laura 25 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Beschreibung drei neuer endokrinologischer SyndromeKrude, Heiko 03 August 2004 (has links)
In den letzten fünf Jahren gelang es, drei neue genetische Krankheitsbilder aus dem Kreis der pädiatrischen Endokrinologie klinisch zu beschreiben und deren genetische Grundlage aufzuklären. Hierbei waren vor allem die klinischen Erscheinungsbilder ungewöhnlicher Patienten, die neben bekannten hormonellen Ausfällen durch assoziierte Defekte auffielen, für die gezielte Suche nach genetischen Defekten ausschlaggebend. In allen drei Fällen konnten die assoziierten Symptome durch den primären genetischen Defekt molekular geklärt werden. Mittlerweile ist bei weiteren Patienten ein Mutationsnachweis gelungen und der zuerst von uns beschriebene Phänotyp konnte jeweils bestätigt werden. Bei den beschriebenen defekten handelt es sich um den POMC Gendefekt (klinisches Bild: Adipositas, rote Haarfarbe und Hypocortisolismus), den LHX3 gendefekt (klinisches Bild: Hypopituitarismus und Enschränkung der Haslrotation) und den NKX2.1 Gendefekt (klinisches Bild: Angeborene Hypothyreose und Choreoathetose). / In the last few years'' three new genetic syndromes were described which affect diseases within the field of paediatric endocrinology. The clinical picture of uncommon patients, which are affected beside known endocrine defects by additional associated symptoms, led to the molecular differential diagnosis which resulted in the description of new mutations. In all three cases the additional symptoms could be explained by the identified genetic defect. Meanwhile additional patients were identified with mutations in the affected genes, which confirmed the initial description of the new clinical diseases. The identified syndromes are: POMC gene defect (clinical picture: obesity, red hair, hypocortisolism), LHX3 gene defect (clinical picture: hypopituitarism and decreased neck movement) and NKX2.1 gene defect (clinical picture: congenital hypothyroidism and choreoathetosis).
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Caractérisarion physique par imagerie électronique de défauts dans les technologies mémoires avancées / Physical defect characterization by electron microscopy in advanced memoriesPetit-Faivre, Emilie 18 December 2013 (has links)
De nos jours, l'essor des produits électroniques nomades requièrent une capacité de stockage de données croissante et imposent la fabrication de composants mémoire performants, denses et fiables. Cela implique une grande robustesse des cellules mémoires élémentaires dont les dimensions caractéristiques sont régulièrement réduites. L'objectif principal de la thèse est d'appréhender les mécanismes de claquage d'oxydes minces voire ultraminces intégrés dans des empilements métal/oxyde/semiconducteur. Un intérêt particulier a été porté à la croissance d'îlots cristallins épitaxiés se formant lors de certaines sollicitations électriques et associée aux mécanismes de DBIE (Dielectric Breakdown Induced Epitaxy). L'étude des différents dispositifs (cellules mémoires à grille continue ou discrète, transistors, condensateur) a permis de proposer des corrélations entre la défaillance électrique de ces dispositifs et les défauts microstructuraux générés. Ce travail a été réalisé selon une méthodologie intégrant (i) la sollicitation électrique ; (ii) une préparation d'échantillons adaptée ; (iii) l'identification, l'observation et la caractérisation des défauts par microscopie électronique en transmission (TEM). L'ensemble des études menées a permis d'isoler deux paramètres électriques principaux ayant un rôle prépondérant sur la formation d'îlots de silicium épitaxiés, en lien avec le mécanisme de DBIE : la charge injectée et le courant de compliance. Ces deux paramètres apparaissent comme des facteurs limitant l'emballement thermique qui conduit, en général, à un claquage diélectrique franc de l'oxyde et semblent, par conséquent, retarder la défaillance irréversible d'un dispositif. / Nowadays, the microelectronic industry had to take up ambitious challenges to satisfy the strong economic demand because of the mobile electronic products booming like smartphones, tablets, or more recently "phablets". These high added value products requires the growth of data storage capacity and, subsequently, to produce high-performance, dense and reliable components. That implies a great cell memories robustness whose critical dimensions are regularly reduced. In this context, the thesis issue is to better understand the breakdown mechanisms of the thin and ultra-thin oxides embedded in metal/oxide/semiconductor stacks. Actually, epitaxial growth of crystalline silicon hillocks was pinpointed. These hillocks grown under electrical stresses and were associated to DBIE mechanisms (Dielectric Breakdown Induced Epitaxy). Device studies allowed to correlate electrical stress conditions and microstructural defects thanks to a 3-steps methodology : (i) electrical stresses leading to microstructural defects ; (ii) sample preparation including defect localization and extraction ; (iii) identification, observation and characterization of defects by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Two main electrical parameters were identified with factors responsible for hillocks growth linked to DBIE : the injected charge and the compliance current. These parameters seem to limit the thermal runaway inducing hard breakdown. Consequently, it is possible that delays the irreversible device degradation. In addition, hillocks seem to grow preferentially under polysilicon grain boundaries over the SiO2/Si stacks.
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Children with Down syndrome - : an epidemiological study with special focus on congenital heart defectsFrid, Christina January 2002 (has links)
<p>To assess the impact of congenital malformations in Down syndrome (DS) on morbidity, mortality and outcome at birth, information on all children with DS born in the northern part of Sweden in 1973-80 (n=211) and 1995-98 (n=88) was collected. Most common were congenital heart defects (CHD), dominated by atrioventricular septal defects (AVSD). Up to age 10 years, morbidity and mortality were more than 10 times higher in DS children with CHD than in healthy DS children. The DS children seemed more vulnerable at birth than Swedish children in general: they had increased frequencies of Cesarean sections, premature birth, asphyxia, and low birthweight, and higher proportions of children small for gestational age, regardless of the presence of CHD. Infant mortality decreased from 14.2% to 2.3% between the two periods.</p><p>All children with AVSD with and without DS born in Sweden 1973-1997 (n=801) were followed up retrospectively to 2001. Children with isolated AVSD without complex additional CHDs were studied more closely (n=502). A reduction in age at operation and postoperative mortality (from 28 to 1%) was observed. No significant difference in 5-year postoperative mortality between genders or between DS and non-DS children was found. The 5-year postoperative mortality in DS decreased from 35% in 1973-77 to about 10% in 1993-97. </p><p>CHD had a major influence on morbidity, infectionrate and mortality in DS, but not on DS birth variables. The formerly high mortality in CHD is now reduced. In isolated AVSD measures seem equally successful in DS and non-DS children. Mortality is still 3 times higher in DS children with isolated AVSD than in healthy DS children. </p>
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Children with Down syndrome - : an epidemiological study with special focus on congenital heart defectsFrid, Christina January 2002 (has links)
To assess the impact of congenital malformations in Down syndrome (DS) on morbidity, mortality and outcome at birth, information on all children with DS born in the northern part of Sweden in 1973-80 (n=211) and 1995-98 (n=88) was collected. Most common were congenital heart defects (CHD), dominated by atrioventricular septal defects (AVSD). Up to age 10 years, morbidity and mortality were more than 10 times higher in DS children with CHD than in healthy DS children. The DS children seemed more vulnerable at birth than Swedish children in general: they had increased frequencies of Cesarean sections, premature birth, asphyxia, and low birthweight, and higher proportions of children small for gestational age, regardless of the presence of CHD. Infant mortality decreased from 14.2% to 2.3% between the two periods. All children with AVSD with and without DS born in Sweden 1973-1997 (n=801) were followed up retrospectively to 2001. Children with isolated AVSD without complex additional CHDs were studied more closely (n=502). A reduction in age at operation and postoperative mortality (from 28 to 1%) was observed. No significant difference in 5-year postoperative mortality between genders or between DS and non-DS children was found. The 5-year postoperative mortality in DS decreased from 35% in 1973-77 to about 10% in 1993-97. CHD had a major influence on morbidity, infectionrate and mortality in DS, but not on DS birth variables. The formerly high mortality in CHD is now reduced. In isolated AVSD measures seem equally successful in DS and non-DS children. Mortality is still 3 times higher in DS children with isolated AVSD than in healthy DS children.
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Klinische und kernspintomographische Ergebnisse nach Implantation von artifiziellen TruFit-Zylindern in die Entnahmedefekte bei der autologen Knorpel-Knochen-Transplantation / Clinical and MRI results after implantation of artificial TruFit cylinders in the defetcs of the donor site after autologous osteochondral transplantationVoß, Maike 09 February 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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