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Ligações de hidrogênio intramoleculares: um estudo teórico de compostos di-carbonílicos / Intramolecular hydrogen bonds in di-carbonyl compounds: a theoretical studyBezerra, Aline Fonseca 14 October 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-10-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The intramolecular hydrogen bond occurs when the same molecules has both proton donor and proton acceptor groups in satisfactory configuration space for the formation of this interaction. It is important to note the changes in the structural, electronic and vibrational properties that occur due to the formation of this interaction. In the hydrogen bonding formation is an important phenomenon called charge transfer , where part of the electronic density of the proton acceptor species, Y, is transferred o the proton donor specie, HX. With respect to the vibrational spectrum are observed changes in the way of straightening of donor and acceptor proton species. Di-carbonyl compounds (C3H2O2R2) with their substituent groups (R=CH3, CN, H, NH2, OH and SH) were studied focusing on the energetic, structural, vibrational and electron density analysis. Initially the energy and structural analysis were carried out starting from the molecules optimized geometry. We also evaluated of the strength s hydrogen bonding and the length s intramolecular bond. The QTAIM study was performed to obtain the electron density s values and the electron density s Laplacian values and verify the existence of the bond critical point in the intramolecular hydrogen bond. From the harmonic vibrational spectra was possible to identify changes in the vibrational modes, related the intramolecular interaction s formation. / A ligação de hidrogênio intramolecular ocorre quando uma mesma molécula apresenta, simultaneamente, um grupo doador e outro receptor de próton, em configuração espacial favorável à formação dessa interação. É importante salientar as mudanças nas propriedades estruturais, eletrônicas e vibracionais que ocorrem devido à formação dessa interação. Na formação da ligação de hidrogênio ocorre um fenômeno importante denominado de transferência de carga , onde parte da densidade eletrônica da espécie receptora de próton, Y, é transferida para a espécie doadora de próton, HX. Com respeito aos espectros vibracionais, são observadas modificações nos modos de estiramento das espécies doadora e receptora de próton. Compostos di-carbonílicos (C3H2O2R2) com suas substituições (R=CH3, CN, H, NH2, OH e SH) foram estudados enfocando as análises energética, estrutural, vibracional e de densidade eletrônica. Inicialmente foram realizadas as análises energéticas e estruturais a partir da geometria otimizada das moléculas. Foram avaliados a força da ligação de hidrogênio e do comprimento da ligação intramolecular. O estudo usando a QTAIM foi realizado para adquirir os valores de densidade eletrônica e do Laplaciano da densidade eletrônica e verificar a existência do ponto crítico de ligação na ligação de hidrogênio intramolecular. A partir dos espectros vibracionais harmônicos foi possível identificar as variações no infravermelho, referentes à formação da interação intramolecular.
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Di Cavalcanti e os fantoches da modernidade: uma leitura semióticaAlmeida, Sullivan Bernardo de 28 January 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-01-28 / Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie / Di Cavalcanti was born in Rio de Janeiro when the city was undergoing trough a radical reubanization process leaded by the government, Rodrigues Alves, Brazil President, and managed by city mayor Pereira Passos. During his government, Passos chnged the provinvicial city aspect. He had built gorgeous squares, wide avenues, strongly impacting the way of life at the poor people, who used to live in the slum, pushing them to move to furlher neighborhood around the city. Based upon his personal view of such scenario, Di Cavalcanti created the Fantoches da Meia-noite series, breaking up with Art Nouveau style, followed by him until then. The work is made up of sixteen boards and a presentation folder by the writer Ribeiro Couto. The folder text regards to the impression that both kept on the cratures who in habited that neighborhood. The objective of this work is indentify the expressionist characteristics of the Fantoches da Meia-noite work, and verify a possible closeness with the chowings by the artist Egon Schiele. To accomplish so, we will atlain a formal analysis of Fantoches, following Donis A. Dondis methodology in his book Sintaxe da Linguagem Visual, and as theorical support, we will base on semiotical concepts theory. / Di Cavalcanti nasceu no Rio de Janeiro num momento em que a cidade passava por um processo radical de reurbanização promovido pelo Presidente Rodrigues Alves e implantado pelo Prefeito Pereira Passos. Durante seu governo Passos modificou o aspecto provinciano da cidade, construindo grandes praças e largas avenidas, alterando violentamente a vida das pessoas na então capital da República, promovendo a expulsão da população carente que habitava os cortiços na região central, para periferia da cidade. É a partir de um olhar particular a respeito daquele cenário que Di Cavalcanti produz a série Fantoches da Meia-noite, promovendo uma ruptura com o estilo Art Nouveau, até então praticado pelo artista. Trata-se de um conjunto composto por dezesseis pranchas, contendo desenhos e um encarte de apresentação prefaciado pelo escritor Ribeiro Couto. O texto refere-se às impressões que ambos mantinham em relação às criaturas que habitavam aquele cenário. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar características expressionistas no álbum Fantoches da Meia-noite e, também, verificar uma possível aproximação com os desenhos do artista autríaco, Egon Schiele. Para tanto, faremos uma análise formal dos Fantoches a partir da metodologia utilizada por Dondis A. Dondis em seu livro, Sintaxe da Linguagem Visual. Como suporte teórico, nos basearemos nos conceitos da teoria semiótica.
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A ironia como forma em La Coscienza di Zeno de Italo Svevo / Irony as formal principle in La coscienza di Zeno by Italio SvevoFabio Rosa Souza 08 May 2015 (has links)
La Coscienza di Zeno é o romance de Italo Svevo mais bem elaborado em termos formais, ocupando um lugar entre as grandes obras do início do século XX. O autor constrói um romance propriamente moderno ao arquitetar uma narrativa que tem como princípio formal a ironia, vinculada à matriz romântica do conceito. É a partir do mecanismo irônico que o romance estabelece um jogo constante de contradições, ambiguidades e reconfigurações negativas que revelam suas limitações e suas falhas. Assim, a noção tradicional de romance é desconstruída e reelaborada formalmente, mediante um gesto negativo e autorreflexivo caro à literatura do início do século XX. La Coscienza di Zeno, apesar de inicialmente aspirar à configuração da totalidade do arco de uma vida, opera ironicamente durante seu percurso o oposto disso, ou seja, revela o caráter fragmentário da vida, cuja unificação total não é nada mais que uma falsa imagem. O realce irônico maior está no fato de que, ao desconstruir o romance como tal, e apontar para seu falso status, a obra reconquista a capacidade de configurar a realidade, negativamente. / La Coscienza di Zeno is Italo Svevos most elaborate novel, and deserves a place among the great works of the early 20th century literature. Svevos truly modern novel elects the irony as its formal principle. The ironical mechanism, linked to the romantic matrix of the concept, establishes a series of contradictions, ambiguities and negative reconfigurations which reveals the novels fails and limitations. Thus, the traditional notion of the novel as genre is deconstructed and formally re-elaborated, trough a negative and self-reflexive gesture dear to the tradition of the early 20th century literature. La Coscienza di Zeno aims initially to configure the totality of ones life, but its course ironically reveals the opposite, the fragmentary character of life, whose total unification is nothing but sham. The strongest ironic trace lies in the fact that its exactly through the novels critical deconstruction that Svevo´s work reconquers the capacity to represent, negatively, the reality.
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A cidade ideal de Francesco di Giorgio MartiniMendes, Lorraine Pinheiro 15 June 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-04-11T13:17:08Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-06-15 / A partir dos “Trattati di architettura ingegneria e arte militare” (1479-1480) de Francesco di Giorgio Martini e de seus projetos como arquiteto, principalmente em Urbino durante o ducado de Federico da Moltefeltro, pretende-se analisar e elucidar de que forma esse artista contribuiu para o desenvolvimento do conceito de cidade ideal durante a Renascença. Para isso é necessário conhecer a biografia de Martini bem como entender sua formação e obra como um todo complexo, inserindo-o em uma tradição tratadística do Renascimento. / From the "Trattati di architettura, ingegneria e arte militare" (1479-1480) by Francesco di Giorgio Martini and his projects as an architect, especially in Urbino during the duchy of Federico da Moltefeltro, it is intended to analyze and elucidate how this artist contributed to the development of the concept of ideal city during the Renaissance. For this it is necessary to know the biography of Martini as well as to understand his formation and work as a complex whole, inserting it in a treatise tradition of the Renaissance.
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On the molecular bases of dictyostelium cell deathSong, Yu 13 October 2015 (has links)
Des conditions de carence entrainent une mort cellulaire développementale chez le protiste Dictyostelium discoideum. Dans un système in vitro, des cellules de Dictyostelium sont mises en conditions de carence, puis l'addition des inducteurs DIF-1 ou c-di-GMP conduit à une mort cellulaire vacuolaire. DIF-1 est un polyketide produit par Dictyostelium et induisant la différenciation des cellules pré-tiges. Le dinucléotide cyclique c-di-GMP était connu comme un second messager chez les procaryotes, et comme un déclencheur de l'immunité innée dans des cellules de mammifères. Il a été montré par d'autres que des cellules de Dictyostelium peurent produire et détecter c-di-GMP.Pour analyser la signalisation par c-di-GMP chez Dictyostelium, nous avons utilisé la mutagénèse aléatoire et la mutagénèse ciblée. En utilisant des mutants inactivant stlB ou dmtA, nous avons démontré que DIF-1 endogène ou exogène est nécessaire pour la signalisation par c-di-GMP dans Dictyostelium. En conséquence, nous avons amélioré l'étape de sélection dans une mutagenèse aléatoire en utilisant c-di-GMP et un peu de DIF-1 comme inducteurs, ce qui a produit plusieurs mutants. Par ailleurs j’ai testé par mutagenèse ciblée des hypothèses basées sur les informations connues dans Dictyostelium ou d'autres types de mort cellulaire. Trois molécules ont été essayées, DDX41 comme récepteur putatif de c-di-GMP, l' uniport mitochondrial pour le Ca2+(MCU) et la Na+/K+ATPase (IonA).En résumé, au cours de ma thèse, nous avons démontré une relation entre la signalisation c-di-GMP et a signalisation DIF-1 dans Dictyostelium et identifié plusieurs nouvelles molécules de la mort cellulaire par mutagenèse aléatoire. / The protist Dictyostelium discoideum undergoes development cell death when under starvation. To investigate the molecular mechanism of Dictyostelium cell death, an in vitro system has been used. Dictyostelium cells were starved and then cell death was induced by DIF-1 or c-di-GMP. About 40h after induction, cells underwent vacuolar cell death. DIF-1 is a polyketide, produced by Dictyostelium prespore cells, which induces prestalk cell differentiation. c-di-GMP was well known not only as a second messenger produced and sensed by bacteria but also as a trigger of innate immunity in mammalian cells. Dictyostelium was recently found by another laboratory to produce and sense c-di-GMP. To analyze c-di-GMP signaling in Dictyostelium cell death, we used random mutagenesis and targeted mutagenesis. By using the knockout mutants stlB- and dmtA-, we demonstrated that endogenous or exogenous DIF-1 is required for c-di-GMP signaling in Dictyostelium. In contrast, endogenous c-di-GMP is not necessary for exogenous DIF-1 signaling. As a consequence, we improved the selection step in random mutagenesis by using c-di-GMP and a little DIF-1 as inducers, which produced several mutants. Another part of my project was to test by targeted mutagenesis some hypotheses, based on known information in Dictyostelium or other similar cell death types. Three molecules have been tested, the c-di-GMP putative receptor DDX41, the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter (MCU) and the Na+/K+-ATPase (IonA).In summary, during my thesis, we have demonstrated a relation between c-di-GMP signaling and DIF-1 signaling in Dictyostelium and identified several new cell death molecules by random mutagenesis.
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Genus i ekonomijournalistik : En kvalitativ studie om gestaltningen av manliga och kvinnliga chefer i Di Weekend / Gender in economy journalismHansson, Anton, Marjomaa, Josefin January 2017 (has links)
A qualitative study aimed at examining how business executives get portrayed in economy journalism from a gender perspective. The study aspired to explore possible differences and similarities in the portrayal of male and female executives. We investigated a selection of 12 feature-styled portraits of male and female business executives from swedish financial magazine Di Weekend. By using framing analysis the text was deconstructed and consequently reconstructed into the most salient frames extracted from the analysis. The frames identified were the competitive person, the self-made person, the mentor, the family, the question of competence and the question of equality. Within these frames, we identified several aspects where the journalistic representation differed between male and female subjects. We found that male subjects were portrayed as confident, natural leaders and career-oriented providers for their families. Female subjects were to a greater extent portrayed as doubtful, ideology-driven, maternal caretakers. The importance of competitiveness, as well as the presence of mentors, were found with both genders. However, male subjects were portrayed as equals in regard to their mentors, whereas female subjects as more dependent and inferior to their mentors.
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Analýza esterů kyseliny ftalové v zemědělských půdách ČRGrossová, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
The thesis on the topic "The analysis of phthalic acid esters in agricultural soils in the Czech Republic" describes the properties of phthalic acid esters, the occurrence and the negative effects related to the environment and human health. The aim of this diploma thesis was to monitor phthalic acid esters, especially di-2- (ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) in agricultural soil samples. Monitoring of phthalates was carried out in cooperation with the Central Control and Testing Institute of Agriculture in Brno as part of their annual monitoring of phthalates and other organic contaminants in soils. During March 2018, a total of 40 soil samples were collected in 12 regions of the Czech republic. Before phthalate analysis, samples were extracted with a mixture of acetone-hexane (1:1). Using ultrasound was performed using high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection. Determined concentrations for DBP were from 0.13 to 1.07 mg.kg-1 dry weight and for DEHP from 0.13 to 1.02 mg.kg-1 dry weight.
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Gli archivi del Patriarcato di Venezia. Ordinamenti archivistici e strutture di cancelleria fra XIV e XVIII secoloBenussi, Paola 13 October 2021 (has links)
La tesi ricostruisce la storia dei fondi che costituivano il sistema documentario del Patriarcato di Venezia (Curia e Mensa) in epoca di antico regime sotto il duplice versante della storia archivistica da un lato e delle modalità di produzione e sedimentazione documentaria dall'altro. Per il primo aspetto sono indagati in particolare gli ordinamenti del terzo quarto del Settecento che interessarono entrambi gli archivi e che ne connotano tuttora la fisionomia; quindi, al di sotto di questa struttura, gli assetti che gli archivi avevano via via assunto a diverse altezze cronologiche, a partire dagli anni '20 del Quattrocento. Per quanto attiene la produzione documentaria sono analizzati in prospettiva diacronica la composizione delle strutture di cancelleria e i sistemi di organizzazione della documentazione prodotta.
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Synthesis of Fluorinated Indenofluorenediones and Bis(2-fluorophenyl) Substituted PPVFogle, Jeffrey D. 30 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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The Geometric Analysis of Two Paintings in the Dallas Museum of Fine ArtsHarris, Paul Rogers 08 1900 (has links)
This study was undertaken to help determine by geometric analysis whether the two paintings, one attributed to the fourteenth century Sienese artist, Ugolino da Siena, and the other to the fifteenth century Sienese artist, Sano di Pietro, were painted by these artists.
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