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Interaktivreklamfilm-en CD-ROM-produktion för Alding Webshop Maker / Interactive commercial : a CD-ROM demonstration for Alding Webshop MakerPetersson, Jonas January 2002 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport visar hur en reklamfilm för en specifik produkt har utvecklats, i form av en CD-ROM-produktion. Företaget Alding AB har efterfrågat reklamfilmen för sin produkt Alding Webshop Maker 1.3. </p><p>Flera olika programvaror har använts vid genomförandet, varav ljudredigeringsprogrammet Sonic Foundry Sound Forge 5.0 och bildredigeringsprogrammet Adobe Photoshop 5.5 hör till de mest frekvent använda. Med hjälp av programmet Macromedia Director 7.0 har sammanställningen av reklamfilmen utförts. Rapporten behandlar de olika problem som uppstått under arbetets gång samt hur de har kunnat undanröjas. </p><p>Efter färdigställandet av CD-ROM-produktionen började Alding AB att använda den. På detta sätt fick de ytterligare en kanal varigenom de kan sprida information om Alding Webshop Maker 1.3. Den enkla och informativa reklamfilmen gör att presumtiva kunder får upp ögonen för produkten.</p>
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Bye-bye blackbirdBonsignore, Gaia 29 October 2013 (has links)
This thesis report traces in detail all the phases of the short film Bye-Bye Blackbird, from its concept idea to its final completion. This report, along with the finished film, fulfills the Thesis requirements for the Master of Fine Arts degree in the Department of Radio-TV-Film at the University of Texas at Austin. / text
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Bendruomenės požiūris į mokyklinį teatrą / The Analysis of the Attitude of a School Community towards the Need for the Establishment of a School TheatreTrainytė, Nida 16 August 2007 (has links)
Lietuvoje nuo 1996 m. birželio 7 d. Švietimo ir mokslo ministro įsakymu Nr. 8 patvirtinta bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos programa, kurioje drama (teatras) įtraukta į mokymo planą kaip atskiras mokomasis dalykas. Nuo 2000 m. bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose įvedus profilinį mokymą, teatras pradėtas dėstyti kaip pamoka, kurios tikslas – moksleivių užimtumas, ugdant mokinius per teatro raiška, padedant formuoti vidinį pasaulį.
Teatrinis ugdymas – labai plati sąvoka. Jis jungia tris glaudžiai tarpusavyje susijusias ugdymo sritis: kūrybos, vertinimo ir dabarties bei praeities kontekstų pažinimą.
Šiame darbe nagrinėjamas mokyklos bendruomenės požiūris į mokyklinio teatro kūrimo poreikį Utenos rajono bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose.
Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti mokyklos bendruomenės požiūrį į mokyklinio teatro kūrimo poreikį.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Atskleisti bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos bendruomenės formavimo specifiškumą, kaip prielaidą puoselėjant mokyklinio teatro tradicijas.
2. Apžvelgti neformalaus ugdymo sąlygas, kuriant mokyklinį teatrą bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos bendruomenėje.
3. Ištirti Utenos rajono bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų bendruomenių požiūrį apie mokyklinio teatro kūrimo galimybes.
Teorinėje dalyje apžvelgiama mokyklos bendruomenės samprata, sociokultūrinis ugdymas bendruomenėje, mokyklinio teatro kūrimo prielaidos mokyklai, kūrybiškumo problemos, neformalaus ugdymo sąlygos – ugdymo teatru Utenos rajono bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose remiantis darbo vadovų ir moksleivių apklausos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In Lithuania, the order No 8 of the Minister of Science and Education dated 7th June, 1996 approved the curriculum of general education where drama (theatre) was already included as a separate subject. Since 2000 after the profile education had been introduced in the schools of general education drama was started to be taught as a subject that aimed at keeping children occupied by educating them through the expression of drama, by helping to form their inner world.
Drama education is a very wide concept. It unites three closely interrelated areas of education: creation, evaluation and the learning of the present and the past contexts.
This thesis addresses the attitude of the school community towards the need for the establishment of a school theatre in the schools of general education in Utena district.
The aim of the research is to analyze the attitude of a school community towards the need for the establishment of a school theatre.
The following are the objectives of the thesis:
1. To reveal the peculiarity of the general school community formation as the prerequisite for the development of theatre traditions at school.
2. To make an overview of the conditions of non-formal education while establishing a school theatre in a community of a general school.
3. To explore the attitude of the communities of general schools in Utena district towards the possibilities to establish a school theatre.
The theoretical part of the thesis makes an overview of the concept of a... [to full text]
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Ar keičiasi įmonės vadovo fiduciarinės pareigos įmonės nemokumo laikotarpyje? / Do the fiduciary duties of director of the company change during the period of insolvency?Budriūnas, Justas 14 June 2010 (has links)
Šiuolaikinėse teisinėse sistemose įtvirtintų įmonės vadovo fiduciarinių pareigų instituto tikslas - apsaugoti įmonės (akcininkų) interesus nuo įmonės vadovo veiksmų. Vadovaudamasis fiduciarinėmis pareigomis, įmonės vadovas privalo veikti išimtinai įmonės interesams. Šio darbo problema yra ta, kad įmonės vadovas veikdamas išimtinai įmonės (akcininkų) interesams įmonės nemokumo laikotarpiu, pažeistų įmonės kreditorių teises bei interesus. Šiam darbui keliami šie uždaviniai : (1) išsiaiškinti privataus juridinio asmens vaidmenį teisinėje sistemoje; (2) pateikti įmonės vadovo fiduciarinių pareigų sampratą ir reglamentavimą tarptautiniame kontekste; (3) atskleisti įmonės nemokumo atsiradimo momentą bei teisines pasekmes; (4) išsiaiškinti, kokį poveikį daro įmonės nemokumas privataus juridinio asmens vadovo fiduciarinėms pareigoms.
Šio darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti įmonės vadovo fiduciarines pareigas bei atsakyti į klausimą, ar keičiasi įmonės vadovo fiduciarinės pareigos įmonei esant nemokiai. Šio darbo objektas – privataus juridinio asmens fiduciarinės pareigos. Įgyvendinant darbo tikslą, daugiausia dėmesio buvo skiriama įmonės vadovo fiduciarinių pareigų ir įmonės nemokumo sąvokų sampratoms bei įmonės vadovo fiduciarinių pareigų pasikeitimo nustatymui ryšium su įmonės nemokumu. Šis iškeltas tikslas darbe sėkmingai įgyvendintas – vadovaujantis Lietuvos bei tarptautine teismų praktika, įstatymais bei moksline literatūra. Vadovaujantis JAV (išskyrus Šiaurės Karolinos valstiją) ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The title of this work is: do the fiduciary duties of director of the company change during the period of insolvency?
The problem of this work is that lots of directors of companies uses creditors funds and deepens the company insolvency. It’s because they have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of their company, so they are trying to get back their company to solvency.
The actuality. The main purpose of every company is to get the bigger profit in what their work. Often, profit enforces the director of the company to take untenable, risky business decisions independently of other subjects’ interests. In modern law countries, the fiduciary duties of director of the company are the main protector for other subjects (most often shareholders) from useless, conflicting business decisions.
According to the statistics department of Lithuania and data of Lithuanian courts, there were 957 company bankruptcy cases in 2008 and 1409 company bankruptcy case in 2009. Constantly rising numbers of bankruptcy procedures in Lithuania show that more and more companies faces the insolvency financial stage during the economical crisis in the world, so proper regulation of directors fiduciary duties become more and more important question in every countries legal system.
Insolvency of the company establishes specific relationships between company and the creditors of the company. In the financial period of insolvency, company starts to use creditors’ resources, to get back to the... [to full text]
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Eye Movements of Highly Identified Sport FansMurdock, Michele N. 01 May 2015 (has links)
Individuals who are highly identified with a sport team have a strong psychological connection with the team (Wann et al., 2001). Sport team identification can be beneficial to communities and individuals. It provides entertainment, helps form group affiliation, and improves self-esteem. Because team identification is important to people, they notice environmental cues related to the team. Individuals are more likely to attend to a stimulus that is liked or one that is familiar. When an individual has accessible attitudes toward an object, he or she is more likely to attend to and notice the object (Roskos-Ewoldsen & Fazio, 1992). The current study examined the relationship between sport team identification and attention. Participants (n = 31) were presented with 64 displays of college team logos, which were shown in sequential order. While viewing the displays, participants’ eye movements were monitored by the SR Research Eyelink II, an eye-tracking recording system. The participants then completed a questionnaire designed to determine their level of team identification with an indicated team. Higher scores on the questionnaire indicated a higher level of identification. The first hypothesis under study states that highly identified UK fans detect the UK logo faster than the UT logo when each logo appears without the other, whereas low identified UK fans detect both the UK and UT logos equally quickly when each logo appears without the other. A mixed-model ANOVA was conducted to examine the impact of set type on total time to identify the target. The ANOVA yielded no main effects or interactions. The second hypothesis under study states that highly identified UK fans detect the UT logo more slowly when the UK logo is present than the low identified UK fans. A mixed-model ANOVA was conducted to examine how distractible the UK logo was when detecting the UT logo. The ANOVA yielded no main effects or interactions.
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Alternate Forms Reliability for Written Expression ProbesCarey, Ashley 01 August 2014 (has links)
The use of Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) in schools continues to increase, as it is a useful brief assessment of students’ basic academic skills. CBM measures are used for multiple tasks such as identifying students at-risk, creating local norms, monitoring students’ progress during interventions, and assisting with special education eligibility determinations. Much of the research has focused on CBM in the areas of math and reading. Relatively few studies have examined the area of CBMWritten Expression. Even fewer studies exist exploring the reliability among alternate writing forms. This study determined alternate form reliability coefficients for written expression probes at the second, fourth, sixth, and eighth grade levels using productiondependent, production-independent, and accurate-production scoring methods. When all grade levels are combined, alternate forms reliability coefficients are at a sufficiently high level. However, some scoring methods resulted in much higher correlations at younger grade levels than older grade levels. In general, the correlations were lower at the eighth grade level. Implications of the results for school personnel are discussed.
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Ken Loach : voice of the working classHerrmann, Jana January 2014 (has links)
Ken Loach has been playing an important role for the British cinema for more than five decades now. His work has gained international regocnition and recieved various prestigious awards. Some of his films were even quite successful at the box office, nevertheless many people have still not heard of him. That is regrettable, because Loach is without doubt one of the best in his field. This paper is meant to show what distinguishes his films from the work of other directors and explains why his films are of such great value.
Loach's career can be broadly divided into three stages, which will be specified in the first chapter of the paper. Afterwards three examples were chosen to illustrate Loach's working methods and the results of these. The films Kes (1969), Riff-Raff (1991) and My Name Is Joe (1998) are dealt with in separate chapters in chronological order, in this way the development of Loach's career can be reproduced. First the contents and backgrounds of the particular films will be briefly explained, followed by the analysis of important aspects of Loach's work based on the examples. / Ken Loach ist seit mehr als fünf Jahrzehnten ein wichtiger Teil der britischen Filmszene. Längst hat seine Arbeit auch international Anerkennung gefunden und wurde mit vielen renommierten Auszeichnungen bedacht. Einige seiner Filme liefen sogar an den Kinokassen recht erfolgreich, trotzdem ist er für viele Menschen noch immer kein Begriff. Das ist sehr bedauerlich, denn Loach gehört zweifelsohne zu den ganz Großen in seinem Fach. Diese Arbeit soll aufzeigen, worin seine Filme sich von den Werken anderer Regisseure unterscheiden und warum sie so wertvoll sind.
Loachs Werdegang lässt sich grob in drei Phasen unterteilen, welche im ersten Teil der Arbeit näher beschrieben werden. Anschließend wurden drei Beispiele ausgewählt, mit deren Hilfe Loachs Arbeitsweise und die dadurch erzielte Wirkung veranschaulicht werden. Den Filmen Kes (1969),Riff-Raff (1991) und My Name Is Joe (1998) ist in chronologischer Reihenfolge jeweils ein Kapitel gewidmet, um auf diese Weise auch eine Entwicklung in Loachs Laufbahn nachvollziehen zu können. Die Inhalte und die Hintergründe der einzelnen Filme werden zunächst kurz erläutert, um dann anschließend auf wichtige Aspekte von Loachs Schaffen anhand der Beispiele einzugehen.
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The Argonauts and writer/directorsMarshall, Grant January 2006 (has links)
The Argonauts is a one hundred and ten minute screenplay depicted in the genre of children's adventure film, set in the suburbs of Brisbane in the early 1990s. It tells the story of four friends who embark on adventure in an attempt to save their parents' shops from a corporate takeover. The exegesis explores the dual role of the screenwriter/director and the affect on the screenplay of the shifts in mindset required when these roles are undertaken by the same person. Screenwriting and directing are explored as two separate but interlinked disciplines. In this paper I have draw on my experience in these two roles to discuss their inter-relationship. In order to understand how the two roles of screenwriting and directing interact, challenge and compliment one another when carried out by the same person, I analyse the interplay of these roles within the specific areas of character, narrative and setting in the writing and revision of the screenplay, The Argonauts.
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Board characteristics and firm performance: evidence from New ZealandBathula, Hanoku January 2008 (has links)
Due to various corporate scandals and failures, there has been a renewed interest on the role of boards in the performance of firms. This thesis examines the relationship between the key board characteristics and firm performance. Unlike most studies on boards which predominantly use only financial variables affecting governance, I take a different approach by combining them with non-financial variables. This combined set of variables is used for theoretical and empirical modelling. Based on the extant literature, I develop a conceptual framework and a set of hypotheses to examine the relationship between board characteristics and firm performance. Board characteristics considered in this research include board size, director ownership, CEO duality, gender diversity, educational qualification of board members and number of board meetings. Additionally, I use board size as a moderating variable to examine how the effect of other board characteristics is contingent on board size. Firm performance is measured by return on assets. I test my hypotheses on a longitudinal sample of 156 firms over a four year period from 2004 to 2007. My sample includes all firms listed on New Zealand stock exchange as on November 2007. Empirical analysis is undertaken using Generalised Least Squares analyses. The findings of the study show that board characteristics such as board size, CEO duality and gender diversity were positively related with firm performance, where as director ownership, board meetings and the number of board members with PhD level education was found to be negatively related. Board size was found to be moderating some of these relationships, indicating the critical role being played by board size in the design and role of corporate boards. The findings also provide partial evidence to different governance theories, further indicating the need for theoretical pluralism to gain insights into boards’ functioning. The study contributes to the understanding of board-performance link by examining both the traditional variables such as board size, CEO duality, and number of board meetings as well as other organisational attributes such as gender diversity and competence variables represented by women and PhD holders, respectively. The theoretical framework and the findings of my thesis are expected to stimulate scholars for further research to identify the contingency conditions upon which the board characteristics and firm performance may be dependent.
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The role of the independent non-executive director in AustraliaLipman, Trevor January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (DBA)--Macquarie University, Graduate School of Management, 2008. / Bibliography: p. 275-289. / Company directors have been in existence for more than four hundred years. In the past, they were considered to be a necessary part of corporate existence, and were usually appointed to a board by the CEO or chairman. However, they were usually mates from the 'boys club' and gained their position from whom they knew, and not from what they were capable of contributing. The appointment of independent directors became more normal, as shareholders looked for a way to wrest control back from management. But what independent directors really do and why they are there is not widely understood. A review of the literature relative to independent directors has identified a gap in the knowledge. This gap is the role of the independent director when considered from a commercial aspect; that is, those who observe or write about independent directors. --This thesis has attempted to generate a theory of the role of the independent director through a review of the literature and a subsequent series of interviews. Grounded theory was the chosen methodology for analysing the data and formulating a theory of the role because it allows the researcher to ground the theory in the data instead of establishing a hypothesis and testing it. --The resulting theory is more complex than it first appears. It was found that the primary role of the independent director is to improve the performance of the board and the company. This role is impacted by a number of factors, the two most influential being the information that is available to the independent directors, and the position of the company. This second factor is defined as the size of the company, where it is in its life cycle, and whether it is experiencing any significant change. --These findings enable a number of recommendations to be made to improve policy and practice, recognising the impact of information and company position on the ability of independent directors to contribute positively. It also raises several areas of further study to continue to refine the understanding of the role of the independent nonexecutive director in Australia. These include, among others, investigating the role from other viewpoints such as the board chair or company secretary, or researching the link between company position and information available to independent directors. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / xiii, 303 p. ill
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