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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv zřizovatele na kvalitu školy / Influence of founder on school quality

Vagenknechtová, Monika January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a specific area in school management, namely the influence of the founder on the quality of the school. The basic content of this work is the relationship between the founder and the school and the influence of the founder on the quality of the school according to the criteria of a quality school of the Czech School Inspectorate. The work, based on the sources of work, defines the basic and related concepts with the management of the school, describes the differences in the management of the school with regard to its founder. Specifically, it monitors a public school, where the founder is a municipality, and a church school, where the founder is a church legal entity of a registered church, as the schools of these founders are the subject of research. The thesis describes the criteria of a quality school of the Czech School Inspectorate and also presents documents that regulate the relationship between the founder and the school principal and set requirements for the quality of the school abroad, specifically in the Slovak Republic. The research part of the thesis analyzes the issue in two schools, the same type, different founder and examines its differences and the consequences that it brings with it in practice. It focuses on whether or how different founders...

Vzdělávání a rozvoj ředitelů základních škol v kontextu strategického řízení / Education and development of primary school heads in the context of strategic management

Hubert, Vlastimil January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of strategic management in the work of the school head. In the theoretical part, we identify the position of the school head in terms of the prerequisites for managerial management and define the possibilities of his education. This part is conceived not only as a professional starting point for the practical part, but also as a means to obtain a basic overview of strategic management in relation to the performance of the function of school principal. The text is continuously moving from the professional definition to the main strategic documents in the work of the director. It deals with the prerequisites for the performance of the director's activities, the competency model and describes the current possibilities of systemic education of directors in the field of strategic management and planning, including the most frequently preferred methods of education. The practical part identifies and analyzes the importance of the strategic school development plan (school development concept) from the perspective of primary school principals through a questionnaire survey and subsequent structured interviews. It finds out how directors perceive the importance of strategic management and what are their current needs in further education focused on this issue. On the basis of...

The Scouting Difference: Development, Direction, and Evaluation of a Documentary Film

Strickland, Kirk E. 01 January 1982 (has links)
There is a need for supplemental reference material of an in-depth, specific nature to suggest methods of general application to the novice film director. Because film production is such a highly collaborative art, craft, and business with limited opportunities open to beginners, the novice director can benefit a great deal from the documented experiences of another. This study will provide insight into the practical role of the film director in motion picture production. In this way, this study can influence directorial practice in a positive manner by offering a forewarning of potential production challenges and help the novice to avoid similar pitfalls as well as to capitalize on any successes realized. This study will characterize some important attributes a director may find it helpful to develop in facilitating his work with artistic, technical, and administrative specialists. This study also suggests means by which a filmmaker can work with producers and clients in making a film for a specific persuasive purpose. In doing so, it will suggest possible methods of defining a film's intent, methods of realizing this intent through the various production phases of scripting, filming, and editing, and methods of evaluating the success in conveying the intent to the target audience.

Los profesionales de la comunicación corporativa en España

Miquel Segarra, Susana 17 June 2016 (has links)
En el primer capítulo, este trabajo ha analizado la evolución de la disciplina y de su perfil profesional desde un punto de vista histórico. El objetivo es reflejar la situación del profesional de la comunicación corporativa en España desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad a partir del análisis de los principales hitos que marcan el nacimiento de las relaciones públicas y su evolución hasta la comunicación corporativa. Para ello se han tenido en cuenta los distintos puntos de vista que existen hoy en día sobre los orígenes y evolución del sector en España. Este primer capítulo es de gran relevancia ya que en la actualidad no existe unanimidad a la hora de considerar la comunicación corporativa como una disciplina evolucionada de las relaciones públicas nacidas en Estados Unidos a principios del siglo XIX. Plasmar las diferentes posturas que existen en el ámbito académico nos permitirá comprender la controversia y la diversidad que existe en los fundamentos de una disciplina tan joven como es la comunicación corporativa. Tras esa primera aproximación, y con el objetivo de enmarcar la figura del profesional que ejerce su trabajo en el ámbito de la comunicación corporativa, se realiza un análisis de la producción bibliográfica sobre el etiquetamiento y la conceptualización de los “relaciones públicas” frente a los “directores de comunicación” o “dircom”. En ese segundo capítulo se lleva a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica española sobre estos perfiles profesionales desde los años setenta, con el fin de describir los usos, diferencias y coincidencias que en ella se dan de los términos antes citados. El objetivo es averiguar si, tal y como se afirma en el ámbito profesional (Villafañe, 1999; Westfalen y Piñuel 1993, Martín, 1995, 1998; Costa, 2001), el término “director de comunicación” se va implantando en el mundo empresarial e institucional, y el término “relaciones públicas” sigue siendo el más utilizado en el ámbito académico. En el siguiente capítulo, el tercero, se analiza el panorama de las investigaciones realizadas en el ámbito de las relaciones públicas y la comunicación en España. Como queda reflejado a lo largo de la presente tesis, las investigaciones más importantes llevadas a cabo en el ámbito de la comunicación corporativa en España surgen a partir de los años 90 de la mano de las principales asociaciones del sector (Almansa, 2004; Estanyol y Lalueza, 2014 y Gutiérrez, 2010). Así pues, en el tercer capítulo se han revisado las investigaciones y estudios sobre la profesión y los profesionales de la comunicación corporativa que han llevado a cabo las principales asociaciones del país: ADECEC y DIRCOM. La metodología empleada para ello ha sido el análisis documental de la literatura publicada por estas asociaciones para, mediante la revisión de los textos y el análisis de los índices, identificar y comparar los aspectos y temáticas estudiados desde y sobre la propia profesión. En el cuarto capítulo se realiza un análisis sobre la producción científica internacional que aborda el ámbito laboral de los profesionales de las relaciones públicas y la comunicación corporativa. Dado que el fin último de esta investigación es abordar el ámbito laboral (conflicto familiar, burnout, etc.) en el que se desenvuelven los profesionales teniendo en cuenta el factor “sexo”, en este capítulo se ha revisado, sintetizado y analizado la producción científica internacional entre 1992 y 2014 con un enfoque de género. Por último, el capítulo quinto de la presente investigación, que conforma la parte principal de esta tesis, se centra en el estudio realizado con la colaboración de DIRCOM en 20141, con el objetivo de realizar una radiografía que sintetice los rasgos más significativos que definen a los profesionales de la comunicación corporativa y directores de comunicación en España. Con un enfoque de género, se analizan tanto las características socio-demográficas del perfil y las características estructurales del sector como la cultura laboral, las creencias y actitudes que los profesionales del ámbito de la comunicación tienen como empleados.

Im Dienste von Kirche und Stadt. Der ›Director musices‹ des 18. Jahrhunderts im Spannungsfeld von Autorität und Unterordnung

Eberl-Ruf, Kathrin 02 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Leadership among Directors of Social Services at Rehabilitative Healthcare Chains

Abenojarj, John Paul Tuanqui 01 January 2017 (has links)
Rehabilitation and healthcare centers (RHCs) provide ongoing care to the elderly and chronically ill. To maximize the quality of this care, RHC staff must be properly trained to respond to patient care crises and communicate across departments. Although researchers have studied the leadership styles, strategies, and interactions of facility administrators and nursing directors, there is a substantial gap in the literature on the leadership styles and strategies employed by directors of social services (DSSs). The aim of this phenomenological study was to address this gap in the research by exploring how DSSs influenced leadership policies, prepared subordinates for crisis intervention and management, perceived that social workers influenced decision-making in patient care, and believed that communication amongst RHC staff about patient care could be improved. The conceptual framework for this study was based on 3 leadership model constructs: the multilevel leadership model construct, the situational leadership model construct, and the complex adaptive leadership model construct. Participants included a purposive sample of 10 DSSs working in large, corporate RHCs in Virginia. Data were collected via in-person, semistructured interviews consisting of open-ended questions. Data were analyzed via Hycner's phenomenological approach. Findings from this investigation helped clarify roles and responsibilities of DSSs, thereby improving the leadership they provide to subordinate social workers. Findings may be used to improve communication across professionals within RHCs and emphasize the important role that social workers should play in patient care decisions.


Shafer, Frances Keller 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
AN ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION OF Frances Keller Shafer, for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Curriculum and Instruction, presented on October 16, 2008, at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. TITLE: AN INVESTIGATION OF SELECTED FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE MIDDLE-LEVEL TEACHERS' PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CHOICES MAJOR PROFESSOR: Dr. Joyce Killian Professional development is defined as methods to provide teachers with the knowledge and skills to improve instruction and increase student achievement. However, the availability of and participation in professional development activities often falls short of meeting both the teachers' and students' needs. This study investigated selected factors that influence middle-level teachers' professional development choices. The purpose of this study was to add to the researcher's knowledge about professional development choices made by practicing middle-level educators and to add to the body of knowledge about the factors influencing professional development choices. The research question was To what extent are middle-level teachers' professional development choices associated with selected factors? The factors investigated were as follows: (1) a greater than 50% assigned time curriculum director with responsibilities for coordination of professional development, (2) meeting criteria for designation as a middle school and (3) the availability of and participation in professional development activities at the school level, the district level, and the higher education level. No significant differences at the 0.05 level were found between the selected factors: (1) the presence or absence of a greater than 50% assigned time curriculum director and (2) designation of the site as a middle school. However, the findings indicated there was a significant difference between school, district and higher education levels in participation, F(2,151)=5.94; p=0.003. Teachers' participation in higher education level professional development activities/program was lower than participation in professional development activities at the school and district level.

Fiscal Management Practices and Quality Programming in Early Childhood: The Impact of Administrator Preparation

Allgood, Charles E 07 May 2016 (has links)
The early childhood administrator is tasked with overseeing all operations within the early childhood program. Operational functions include functions traditionally associated with education including the design and implementation of curriculum, creating and maintaining the learning environment, and ensuring the health and safety of children enrolled in the program. The administrator of the early childhood program is also tasked with other functions including human resource functions, budgeting, as well as income and cost management. Additionally, the administrator should be an advocate within public policy concerning early childhood education. Research has acknowledged the functions associated with the early childhood administrator role. In 1992, Paula Jorde-Bloom named the early childhood administrator as the “Gatekeeper of Quality”. Since then, research has supported that establishing and maintaining quality is yet another responsibility of the early childhood administrator. The current study examined the role of the administrator, particularly the preparation that the administrator receives, in an effort to determine the impact that the administrator has on the quality of the program. A sample (n = 224) was pulled from early childhood administrators in Mississippi. The preparation received by these administrators, including formal education and additional training, was measured and regression analysis with Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale Revised (ECERS-R) scores measuring quality of the early childhood program regressed with an aggregated early childhood administration preparation variable to determine if administration preparation could predict overall quality within the early childhood program. As the literature indicated that fiscal management practices also fall under the scope of responsibilities of the administrator, fiscal management preparation was isolated and regression analysis with ECERS-R scores was conducted to determine if fiscal management preparation could predict overall quality within the early childhood program as well. The study found that administration preparation was a significant predictor of quality. However, preparation specific to fiscal management knowledge was not found to be a predictor of overall quality. Practical implications and suggestions for future research are addressed.

Help!: An Annotated Bibliography of Resources for The Beginning Choral Conductor

Ashby, Bonnie Marie 16 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This bibliography is intended as a resource for choral conductors at the beginning of their journey of musical and personal development. While this project cannot possibly cover every aspect of or resource on choral music, it is a beginning. I admit I have spent more time researching my personal weaknesses and have not covered as thoroughly areas in which the choral conducting program at Brigham Young University is exceptionally strong. Even so, I hope this compilation will help address common challenges of beginning choral conductors. The bibliography is divided into sections by topic, with additional sections on Internet sites and a few miscellaneous resources. Under the bibliographic citation for each book or video, I have included additional information to help in finding these materials. First, I indicate if the resource is out of print. Many out of print materials are still available in libraries or from used bookstores online. Therefore, I have included the Library of Congress call number and/or ISBN, if I could find them. Some of the best websites for finding out of print materials are www.addall.com, www.amazon.com, www.bibliofind.com, and www.fetchbook.com. Below this information is the list price for materials in print, or a price or price range as of the date I searched online for an out of print resource. I have included the date of my search (price as of [date]) to assist later readers who may be interested in purchasing these materials. Internet searches six months from the date of my online search will probably result in similar prices, but ten years from now, inflation will likely have elevated that amount. In addition, I have included background information about the author(s) of that resource, if I could find it. These biographical sketches help explain why the material is trustworthy and educate the beginning choral conductor regarding important figures in our field. Finally, annotations discuss the strengths and limitations of each resource. To this, I have added a personal recommendation on the importance or best use of the source, and a list of important topics covered in that item. These topic listings form the basis of the index at the end of the bibliography.

A Beacon of Hope: Assessing Servant Leadership among Intercollegiate Athletic Executives

Lipsey, Javonte Uriah 24 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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