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Musikalisk barnteater : Musikens funktion i barnteaterberättandet på Regionteatern Blekinge-KronobergNordstrand, Carolin January 2006 (has links)
<p>Muscial theatre for children – the function of the music in theatrical storytelling for children in Regionteatern Blekinge-Kronoberg. Sweden, Växjö, 2006.</p><p>The aim of this essay is to examine music in theatre for children. There is not much recent research about the subject so this essay is a way to discern this part of the theatre and to get more people interested in the matter. The survey will focus on how music is used in an institutional theatre (Regionteatern Blekinge-Kronoberg) that works with plays for children. The research consists of interviews with a composer, a director and analyzes of three plays for children played in Regionteatern Blekinge-Kronoberg. The music in the plays will be compared to recent theories about music in storytelling.</p><p>The music in the plays is used in different ways but often to explain things that are not told with words, for example feelings and description of characters. The way music is used is closely linked to how the director and composer think about music. An example is their central idea of music as a power that reaches directly to the audience. It is also important to keep in mind that it is adults that create theatre for children which means that the music and stories are always filtered by adult’s eyes and ears.</p>
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股權結構與董事會特性對董監酬勞與績效關聯性影響之探討蔡雅媛 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果顯示,家族企業與公司經理人兼任董事會職位時,會提升董監酬勞與績效間之關聯性;董監持股比例愈高、外部大股東持股比例愈高、獨立董監席次比例越高及董事長兼任總經理時,會降低董監酬勞與績效間之關聯性。 / This study argues that members of corporate boards are the most direct delegate of external shareholders. Agency problem may exist between board members and external shareholders. Using a sample of firms listed in Taiwan Securities Exchange Corporation and Gre Tai Securities Market over 1996-2005, this study empirically examines the effect of ownership and board structures on the compensation of board members. This study expects that the pay-performance sensitivity of board compensation is weakened when a strong monitoring mechanism is in place. Using return on assets as the measures for performance, the primary empirical results show that family-controlled firms and firms with representation of executive directors illustrate higher pay-performance sensitivity. On the contrary, firms with higher shareholdings by board members and by outside block holders, and firms with representation of independent board members demonstrate lower pay-performance sensitivity.
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新竹縣國民中學主任培訓之研究 / A study on training of junior high school directors in hsinchu county孫于婷, Sun,Yu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
培訓目標及實施方式之培訓目標對整體主任專業能力有顯著的預測力;培訓課程運作內涵之專業培育課程、實務實習課程、博雅通識課程對整體主任專業能力有顯著的預測力。最後,本研究根據研究的發現,提出相關建議,俾供教育行政機關、接受培訓人員及後續研究之參考。 / The main purpose of this research was to investigate the director preparation goal setting and preparation method, director professional preparation curriculum and director professional competency.
The study included literature analysis, survey method with an interview, and survey method with a questionnaire. The purpose of survey method with 2 specialists were aimed to explore the opinions of specialists. The research instrument was distributed to 325 junior high school principals、directors and teachers in Hsinchu county and 311 valid samples were used in this study(response rate was 96%).
The data obtained were interpreted using description statistics, t-test, correlation and ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, and content analysis. Based on the statistics analysis of the questionnaire, this study finds reaches the following results:
A. In the aspect of director preparation goal setting and preparation method:
1.The director preparation goal setting include five parts:(1)professional administrative management,(2)group development direction,(3)professional responsibility,(4)instruction leadership,(5)public relationship. The perception of principals, directors and teachers were above average agreement of the five parts. For directors, the best dimension is “professional administrative management”. The preparation method include fifteen parts:(1)imitate practice,(2)case investigates,(3) mentor,(4)school practice,(5)divide into groups discussion campaign,(6)domestic educational organization visit,(7)course files build,(8)multivariate comment,(9)reading meeting,(10) the report of study (activities and special books),(11)foreign educational organization visit,(12)speech,(13)network investigate,(14)military campaign( wooden chapter base standard),(15)the square types such as class meeting. The perception of principals, directors and teachers were above average agreement of the fifteen parts. For directors, the best dimension is “imitate practice”.
2. Teachers’ age, highest educational degree, years of service and position of service have significant influences on director preparation goal setting and preparation method. But teachers’ sexual, years of director service, school size, places do not have any significant influences.
B. In the aspect of director professional preparation curriculum:
1.The director professional preparation curriculum include four parts: (1) intern,(2)mentor,(3)leadership,(4)professional preparation. The perception of principals, directors and teachers were above average agreement of the four parts. For directors, the best dimension is“intern”.
2. Teachers’ age and years of service have significant influences on director professional preparation curriculum. But teachers’ sexual, highest educational degree, position of service, years of director service, school size, places do not have any significant influences.
C. In the aspect of director professional competency:
1.The director professional competency include five parts: (1)professional administrative management,(2)group development direction,(3)professional responsibility,(4)instruction leadership,(5)public relationship. The perception of principals, directors and teachers were above average agreement of the five parts. For directors, the best dimension is“professional administrative management competency”.
2. Teachers’ age, years of service, position of service and school size have significant influences on director professional preparation curriculum. But teachers’ sexual, highest educational degree, years of director service, places do not have any significant influences.
D. In the aspect of relationships among the director preparation goal setting and preparation method, director professional preparation curriculum and director professional competency:
1. There was positive correlation and regression existed among the director preparation goal setting and preparation method, director professional preparation curriculum and director professional competency.
2. Directors’ preparation goal setting and preparation method, director professional preparation curriculum did promote director professional competency
In the last part, based on the research results, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational administrative agencies, directors and researchers, hoping to benefit the junior high school education in the future.
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Sångröstens utveckling i körsammanhang : En intervjustudie av körledares syn på och arbete med sångteknik i amatörkörer / Singing Voice Development in Choirs : An interview study of how choir conductors view and work with singing technique in amateur choirsStenqvist, Sandra January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att få ökad insikt i körledares förhållningssätt till och hantering av sångtekniska övningar i kör. Bakgrundskapitlet beskriver sångrösten som instrument, och olika – i sångsammanhang – vanligt förekommande begrepp samt ger en presentation av tidigare litteratur och forskning som anknyter till studiens syfte. Vidare presenteras ett sociokulturellt perspektiv i egenskap av teoretisk utgångspunkt. Undersökningen är genomförd med hjälp av den kvalitativa intervjun som metod. Fyra i nuläget aktiva körledare intervjuades och i resultatet beskrivs deras syn på vad röst- och sångteknik innebär och hur de går tillväga för att förmedla detta till sina korister samt vilka redskap som används för ändamålet. I diskussionen förs ett resonemang kring kunskapsförmedling och hur den sker via olika kommunikationsvägar samt vilka olika roller som ryms i körledarrollen. / The purpose of this study is to gain further insight into choir conductors' approach to and manage-ment of technical vocal exercises in the choir. The background chapter describes the singing voice as an instrument, different common concepts in song contexts, and gives a presentation of earlier literature and research related to the purpose. Furthermore the study presents a socio-cultural perspective as a theoretical basis. The survey is carried out using the qualitative interview method. Four currently active choir directors were interviewed. The results describes their view of what the voice-singing technique entails, how they convey this to their choir and which tools they use for this purpose. The discussion reflects on the knowledge transmission and communication between choir and choir director.
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Komparace požadavků na odbornou způsobilost a pracovní náplně ředitelů mateřských škol v České republice a ve Slovenské republice / Comparison of the requirements for the professional capacity and job content of headmasters of kindergartens in the Czech and Slovak RepublicTrčková, Dagmar January 2014 (has links)
Final work - Abstract Surname and Name: Bc. Trčková Dagmar Title of the thesis: Comparison of the requirements for the professional competence and job description of directors of kindergartens in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic Type of thesis: Diploma thesis Name of faculty: Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze Name of university department: School Management Centre Supervisor: PhDr. Václav Trojan, PhD. Level of professional qualification: Management of education Year of submission of the thesis: 2014 Number of pages: 72 Keywords: Comparison, Kindergarten, Professional Competence, Job Description, Director, Founder
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Konkurenční právní transplantáty pro dozorčí radu a samostatné jednatele v čínském právu / Competing Legal Transplants of the Independent Directors and Board of Supervisors in the Chinese LawSvoboda, Václav January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Zobrazení boha ve filmu / The Manifestation of God in FilmDuda, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
Anotation The main gaol of this study is to systematically map the manifestation of God in film with the focus on Hollywood production because it influences the whole western cinematography from its beginning to the present day. It systematically reveals various approaches to adaptation of the topic with regard to the time, cultural and social kontext. It expounds the development of the main aspects and ground of film censorship, which is considerably influenced by religion in secularized societies. It describes the techniques and approaches of individual directors to the topic.
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審計委員會制度的檢視及實證分析— 以審計委員會的職權為中心 / The Establishment and Empirical Analysis of the Audit Committee System- Focusing on the duties of the Audit Committee蘇郁珊, Su,Yu Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用朱德芳(2013,2014)關於審計委員會制度之研究理念與作法。邀請五位獨立董事做訪談並將訪談內容作整理分析,初步了解臺灣審計委員會實施概況。本研究發現:宜強化審計委員會的功能,以及調整雙軌制漸漸趨向單軌制。 / The Independent Director System was imported into Taiwan in 2002 and subsequently the audit committee system started in 2007. Public companies, brokerages, listed futures firms and securities firms were then required to establish an audit committee. This new regulation also applied to non-securities firms who has capital between NTD $10Bn and NTD $50Bn. It was stipulated that the changes must be implemented between 2015 and 2017. Furthermore, listed firms whose capital exceeds NTD $2Bn but less than NTD $10Bn must establish audit committees in the period 2017-2019. This thesis intends to review and analyze the implementation of these audit committees.
This study adopts concepts put forward by distinguished professor Te-Fang Chu (2013-2014) as well as uses the process she developed to verify the effectiveness of the legislation in the business world. We invited five independent directors to interview and helped us gain a surface-level understanding of the audit committee process.This analysis resulted in two specific recommendations. First, some functions within the audit committee must be strengthened. Second, the two-tier corporate governance system should be flattened to a single tier.
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Proměny mediálního obrazu Miloše Formana v dobovém tisku / Transformations of Miloš Forman's media image in contemporary pressŘápek, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This master's thesis is devoted to the changes of Miloš Forman's media image, more precisely how period press noticed both his career and work. Miloš Forman is the most acknowledged and most famous czech film director. His story is connected with story of czech cinematography and story of its changes. The thesis wants to find out, why Forman wasn't destroyed even though he left the country, despite his emigration. It is trying to prove that his media image never been strictly negative and Forman itself never became taboo. Forman's person is beyond all standards. He is proof, that if the work is not strong crtitical against regime, it arouses respect despite all the ideology. He was reflected in the various stages, but still in relatively good light. The thesis examines the perception of the media in three life stages: work in Czechoslovakia before going to the United States, working abroad and finally after the Velvet Revolution. Although Forman has participated in many films, thesis focused only on his feature-length work. And because Miloš Forman is a person who transcends the borders of Czechoslovakia, or the Czech Republic, media abroad reflected his career as well, althought the view there was slightly different from the domestic one.
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O conselheiro independente nos fundos de pensão públicos do Brasil: solução para o problema de agência ou busca de legitimidade? / The independent director in Brazil\'s public pension funds: solution to the agency problem or legitimacy quest?Pontoglio Junior, Antonio 27 May 2019 (has links)
O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é identificar o efeito predominante da participação de conselheiros independentes nos fundos de pensão públicos do Brasil, entre solução para o problema de agência ou reforço da legitimidade organizacional. O estudo tomou como ponto de partida a dissonância entre a proposta do Senado Federal brasileiro e a posição da entidade que representa o segmento no País sobre a introdução de conselheiros independentes no conselho deliberativo dessas fundações. A pesquisa é de natureza descritiva e tem como aporte as teorias da agência e institucional. Uma amostra de 76 fundos de pensão públicos do Brasil foi estudada com o uso da análise de conteúdo de documentos e de dados compilados em tabelas de frequência e gráficos de dispersão. Os resultados sugerem que a introdução do conselheiro independente na estrutura de governança teria efeito predominante no reforço da legitimidade organizacional, abrangendo 40 fundações ou 52,5% dos casos. Para 36 fundos com alto potencial de problemas de agência, dos quais 31 estão conjugados com baixa legitimidade organizacional, a presença de um conselheiro independente especialista teria efeito predominante no reforço do monitoramento da gestão e no aconselhamento estratégico. O exame da composição dos ativos de investimentos e da presença de mecanismos mitigadores de problemas de agência na estrutura de governança evidenciaram, sob vários enfoques, limitações de escala no conjunto de fundos de pensão públicos do Brasil. Para 83% da amostra observou-se baixo isomorfismo normativo e mimético para práticas de governança corporativa voluntárias relacionadas a princípios de prestação de contas e de transparência. Como relevância para a área do conhecimento, esta pesquisa possibilitou a criação de índices para classificação do potencial de problemas de agência e de legitimidade organizacional no âmbito dos fundos de pensão públicos brasileiros / The main objective of this research is to identify the predominant effect of the participation of independent directors in public pension funds in Brazil, between solution to the agency problem or strengthening of organizational legitimacy. The study took as a starting point the dissonance between the proposal of the Brazilian Federal Senate and the position of the entity that represents these organizations in the country on the introduction of independent directors in the deliberative council of these foundations. The research is descriptive in nature and has the support of agency and institutional theories. A sample of 76 public pension funds in Brazil was studied using content analysis of documents and data compiled in frequency tables and scatter plots. The results suggest that the introduction of the independent director into the governance structure would have a predominant effect on strengthening organizational legitimacy, covering 40 foundations or 52.5% of cases. For 36 funds with high potential for agency problems, of which 31 are coupled with low organizational legitimacy, the presence of an independent director and specialist would have a predominant effect on reinforcing management monitoring and strategic advice. The analysis of the composition of investment assets and the presence of mechanisms that mitigate agency problems in the governance structure evidenced, under various approaches, scale limitations in Brazil\'s public pension system. Eighty three percent of the sample revealed low normative and mimetic isomorphism for voluntary corporate governance practices related to principles of accountability and transparency. As theoritical and academic implications, this research allowed the creation of indexes to classify the potential of agency problems and organizational legitimacy within Brazilian public pension funds
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