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Oro för barn som far illa : förskolechefers tillämpning av anmälningsskyldighetenKlason, Tanja, Tisäter, Camilla January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how directors of preschool apply the mandatory reporting and what information they say is important in the decision to report child maltreat-ment. The study was built on five semi-structure interviews with five directors of preschool working in Greater Stockholm. The perspective of this paper is sociology of law theory. This means to study how out of law information makes sense when director of preschool applies the mandatory reporting. The result was analysed with three different analytic tools: action plan, consulting social services and the considerations of the directors of preschool them-selves. The result showed that the information from the preschool teachers is very important the decision to report child maltreatment. None of the directors referred to an action plan that was written down. Clear signs of maltreatment, as physical and psychological signs, were information that directly was reported. When anxiety was explained to lack clear physical and psychological signs the directors were left alone with their own subjective feelings. The pos-sibility to consult with social services was told to be a very important support.
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Från inre faktorer mot lärande organisationerHökerberg, Elisabet January 2009 (has links)
Uppsatsen gör en första ansats att utifrån befintliga organisationsteorier definiera de faktorer vilka påverkar Försvarsmakten och R3-organisationen. Oganisations-teorierna pekar på yttre krafter så som politik, ekonomi och teknologi samt inre logik-faktorer, vilka består av sociala processer som utvecklas och påverkar det klimat som präglar en organisation. Förutom yttre krafter och inre logik, påverkar även organisationsformen en organisation. Inom Försvarsmakten och dess underorganisationer, däribland R3, är organisationsformen till övervägande del hierarkisk. Ett välanpassat och dubbelriktat informationsutbyte mellan de olika nivåerna inom hierarkin gör den välfungerande och effektiv. Inom R3-organisationen finns detta informationsutbyte bland annat mellan funktionsutvecklaren och utbildningsförbanden. Klimatet samt funktionen inom detta utbyte påverkar organisationens effektivitet och optimering. Framtiden är till del oviss och utveckling, omvärld och resurser förändras ständigt. Genom att sträva efter att vara en lärande organisation kan Försvarsmakten tillgodogöra organisationen de kunskaper som individerna innehar och förvärvar. En lärande organisation investerar i människor och deras fortlöpande lärande. Viktigt är att öka det subjektiva och objektiva handlingsutrymmet för individerna i syfte att gynna lärprocessen, vilket utvecklar hela organisationen. Det ökade internationella samarbetet Försvarsmakten strävar mot, främjar rimligtvis effektivitet och optimering på så vis att kunskapsprocesserna utvecklar och vidgar de referensramar individ och organisation har. Fortsatt forskning kan bland annat ge svar på hur det internationella samarbetet skall utvecklas för att ge ytterligare positiva aspekter avseende den lärande organisationen och dess utveckling. / The author of this essay is Elisabet Hökerberg, a Cadet at the Swedish Armed Forces Technical School, Halmstad. The essay is written as a part of the Officer Education. The objective of this study is to research and examine the main factors which affect the potential for an organization to function as effectively as possible. The essay also aims at describing the most preferable climate characterizing an optimal and effective organization. Factors such as politics, technical boundaries and economies are external factors which affect an organization and are often difficult for the organization to influence. These external factors also have a direct effect on the inner logic that characterizes the relations and climate between the members of the organization. Inner logics are social processes which develop without the members’ direct awareness of them. Opportunism is a typical inner logic factor. In order to increase efficiency and realize the objectives of the organization it is important for those in command to handle these inner logics with care and to be aware of their importance. To realize the objective of an organization the executive staff must have the ability, will and means to lead and guide their employees towards the Managing Directors’ intended objective. The Swedish Armed Forces is no exception and the external powers and inner logics influence the military organization just as it does a regular company. The hierarchic organization which the military organization constitutes also affects its efficiency and optimising. In order to make a hierarchic organization function with effectiveness it is of importance that the vertical and horizontal boundaries are flexible and variable. The result of the study shows that the conception of learning organisations can be an important part of the way towards an organization with minimized negative affection from the inner logic factors. The learning organisation has the ability to assimilate not only the available knowledge of the employees, but also encourages them to incorporate new. By investing in knowledge in this way the personnel readily understand their own importance in the way towards the objective, which leads to a more efficient organization.
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Utvärdering av effektstyrningssystemet EnergiDirigent® ur ett miljöperspektivLönn, Pernilla January 2007 (has links)
Energy Director is a control and measuring system for energy consumption and is part of the product portfolio of E.ON AG for more efficient use of energy, offered to business customers. As of today, the system has only one parameter of control, namely power, and the objective of this essay has been to investigate whether other ones could be added. The emphasis is on the environmental perspective, which is why carbon dioxide has served as an example for this parameter in question. Parallel with the study of Energy Director electricity on the margin, calculations of carbon dioxide equivalents and also the Swedish trade of electricity have all been highlighted. Results indicate that when reductions in energy are made it is endorsed to omit from electricity on the margin rather than some mean distributed electricity, under certain conditions, and in addition the calculations of the reductions should be modified regarding the efficiency of the power stations fuelled by lignite and bituminous coal. Sweden practices trade with the Nordic countries as well as Poland and Germany. Import and export represents essential factors in the discussion of electricity on the margin but they can nonetheless today be included in calculations concerning savings in emission of carbon dioxide. The development of Energy Director is suggested to follow a model that includes the total emissions of carbon dioxide at each installation. Contributions are descended from local sources at the site, which are continuously measured, and from the energy that is obtained, where the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide has to be theoretically estimated. The total carbon dioxide limit control is then accomplished by means of controlling the obtained energy. / EnergiDirigent är ett styr- och mätsystem som ingår i E.ON:s produktsortiment för effektivare energianvändning. I dagsläget har systemet en styrparameter, uttagen effekt, och syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka om ytterligare styrparametrar kan infogas. Fokus för arbetet har varit att undersöka vilken potential EnergiDirigent har att bli miljövänlig. Styrparameter som tjänat som exempel för utredning har varit koldioxid. Marginalel, det svenska elutbytet samt beräkning av koldioxidekvivalenter har behandlats parallellt med arbetet med EnergiDirigent. Arbetsgången har varit teoretisk med litteraturstudier, studiebesök och intervjuer. Resultat visar att vid en miljövärdering av el är det befogat att utgå ifrån marginalel vid besparingar, dock under vissa villkor, och att beräkningarna av besparingarna bör modifieras genom att verkningsgraden för kolkraftverk revideras. Sverige bedriver mycket handel med Norden samt Polen och Tyskland varför de har inkluderats i handelssystemet. Import och export är viktiga faktorer i behandling av marginalel men resurser saknas idag för att implementera faktorerna på ett adekvat sätt i besparingsuträkningar. Utvecklingen av EnergiDirigent bör följa en modell som inkluderar det totala utsläppet av koldioxid vid varje installation. Bidrag till det totala utsläppet kommer ifrån lokala källor hos installationen, som hela tiden mäts, samt från den mängd energi som införskaffas, där motsvarande mängd koldioxid uppskattas teoretiskt. En styrgräns sätts på de totala utsläppen och följs sedan genom styrning på den inkommande energin.
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Musikalisk barnteater : Musikens funktion i barnteaterberättandet på Regionteatern Blekinge-KronobergNordstrand, Carolin January 2006 (has links)
Muscial theatre for children – the function of the music in theatrical storytelling for children in Regionteatern Blekinge-Kronoberg. Sweden, Växjö, 2006. The aim of this essay is to examine music in theatre for children. There is not much recent research about the subject so this essay is a way to discern this part of the theatre and to get more people interested in the matter. The survey will focus on how music is used in an institutional theatre (Regionteatern Blekinge-Kronoberg) that works with plays for children. The research consists of interviews with a composer, a director and analyzes of three plays for children played in Regionteatern Blekinge-Kronoberg. The music in the plays will be compared to recent theories about music in storytelling. The music in the plays is used in different ways but often to explain things that are not told with words, for example feelings and description of characters. The way music is used is closely linked to how the director and composer think about music. An example is their central idea of music as a power that reaches directly to the audience. It is also important to keep in mind that it is adults that create theatre for children which means that the music and stories are always filtered by adult’s eyes and ears.
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Study on Globalizing Minority Shareholder Protection in Corporate Law : Legal indices and Comparative AnalysisChu, Chien-chi 13 February 2012 (has links)
This study mainly discusses the effect, in country level, of minority shareholder protection on shareholder wealth during mergers and acquisitions (M&A). In particular, based on the index of anti-director rights (ADRI) developed by LLSV (1998) and the index of shareholder protection index (SPI) by John Armour et al.(2009), I empirically examine the linkage between M&A activities and indexes as well as the components of these indexes. This study expects the result may show some relevance between of indices and M&A activities, and the legal value of this relevance. The purpose is to show whether minority shareholder protection is workable in M&A activities, and whether it can facilitate M&A markets.
To begin with, this paper discusses LLSV¡¦s uniqueness in corporate law study ¡V using empirical method to value whether corporate law matters or not around the world. Then, I analyze LLSV¡¦s possible defects, review criticisms and effects they had incurred. Secondly, we design a study to compare the revised LLSV methodology developed by the Harvard scholar Spamann with SPI index through stock market and M&A market. I also code China¡¦s and Taiwan¡¦s data to make up the lack of samples of cross level variation, and take this as the basis for corporate institutional comparison.
This study reports that each of sub-indexes from ADRI and SPI has different relevance to M&A activities: three are positive, five are negative, three are insignificant, and two are valueless of discussion (definition or design defect). Thus we may see the importance of law quantification. We appreciate further research and authorities¡¦ consideration following our work in Taiwan.
Finally, the contribution of this study is to attempt to integrate empirical and comparative legal analysis, in response to global corporate governance issues of promoting cross research. On policy implications is that it can predict some investor protection mattes, direct the way of policy adjustment. Besides, this study can also suggest specific amendment for Company Law and Securities law to re-examine how to balance between market development and the protection of minority shareholders.
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Bibliothekare „neuen Typs“Stump, Katrin 19 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Magnifizenz, werte Vertreter des Staatsministeriums, verehrte Bürgermeister, sehr geehrte Vertreter des sächsischen Immobilien- und Baumanagements, verehrte Mitglieder des Rektorates, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus den sächsischen Bibliotheken und der hiesigen Universitätsbibliothek, liebe Studierendenvertreter, liebe Gäste, in der Regel beginnen Reden zu derartigen Anlässen mit der Vorstellung der eigenen Person oder dem Rückblick auf verschiedene Lebensstationen. Da Sie diese Fakten auf der Website der Universität nachlesen können, gestatten Sie mir bitte, mich ein wenig pauschaler der Wahrnehmung des Bibliothekars in der Gesellschaft zu widmen.
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Den allsmäktige : En kvalitativ studie i komplext ledarskaps anpassning till dagens organisationssamhälle / The almighty : A qualitative study in complex leadership´s adaption to today´s organisational societyNilsson, Mattias January 2011 (has links)
I organisationers begynnelse fanns en annan typ av verklighet mot den vi idag kan se. Dagens organisationssamhälle är starkt förändrat med en större globalisering och ett fragmenterat samhällsliv. Tillsammans med organisationers jakt på effektivisering och vinstmaximering skapas nya strukturer och former av organisering. Med dessa förändringar i organiseringen och organisationssamhället skapas även en ny verklighet för individer i VD-roller att verka i. Mer aktuellt än någonsin verkar också de många avhoppen och avskedanden av individer i denna roll vara. I min studie undersökte jag därför huruvida ansvar och krav på en VD är anpassade till dagens organisationssamhälle för att möjliggöra uppfyllandet av rollen. Denna frågeställning besvarar jag genom att studera vilka krav som ställs av omgivningen på individen i en VD-roll, hur individen i VD-rollen ser på sin roll och vad VD-rollen innebär i praktiken. Vad jag såg var att man i dagens organisering kan se en anpassning till den komplexitet som dagens organisationssamhälle innebär. Den ökade kunskaps-nivån i samhället och organisationerna som man kan se idag skapar en möjlighet till en ökad decentralisering som också medger en anpassning av ledarrollen. Jag såg dock en diskrepans i de krav som ställs av företagsstyrelsen på individerna i rollen mot hur de själva upplever innehållet i sin roll och där-igenom även sin person eftersom deras självidentitet påverkas till stor del av deras egenupplevelse av sin ledarroll. En diskrepans såg jag även mellan rollens praktik relaterat till både hur individen ser på sin roll samt hur omgivningen ställer krav på individen. Dessa delar anser jag bör ligga på företagsstyrelserna att arbeta med för att utforma sina krav anpassat till rollens praktik och individens egenupplevelse av rollen. Detta skulle kunna underlätta individernas möjlighet att uppfylla kraven på VD-rollen och lyckas i sitt arbete eftersom de idag har en mycket krävande arbetssituation med långa arbetsdagar och stora ansvar. / In the beginning of organisations there was a different kind of reality to what we see today. Today´s organisational society is profoundly altered with a greater globalisation and a more fragmented society. Together with the strive for increased efficiency and profit maximisation by the organisations, this leads to new structures and organisational models. These changes in the organising and organisational society also create a new reality for the individuals in a CEO´s role to operate in. More topical than ever seem also the many defections and dismissals of individuals in this role to be. In my research I therefore studied whether responsibilities and requirements for a CEO are adapted to today´s organizational society to enable the fulfilment of the role. I reach the conclusion for this question by studying the requirements for the CEO role, the individual’s self-experience of the role and the practice of the CEO role. What I found was that an adaption to the complexity of today´s organizational society can be seen in today´s organisational models. The increased level of knowledge in society and organisations create an opportunity for greater decentralisation which also allows for an adjustment of the leadership role. I did, however, find a discrepancy in the demands made by the board of directors for the individuals in the role relative to their own self-experience of the role, and thereby also their persona as their self-identity is largely influenced by their self-experience of their leadership role. I also found a discrepancy between the practice of the role and the individuals self-experience of the role as well as the requirements made on the individual in the role. I consider these discrepancies to be the responsibility of the board of directors to ensure they are taken into account for when the requirements for the individuals in the role are defined. This could facilitate better possibilities for the individuals in the role to succeed as today´s reality includes a demanding working environment with long hours and great responsibility.
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Framing dialogues- Towards an understanding of the Parergon in theatre.Little, Suzanne Ruth January 2004 (has links)
This project argues for an elevation and a greater understanding of the importance of framing in theatre. In this respect, the study follows on from Derrida's famous deconstruction of Kant's parergon (frame) in his Critique of Judgement. Derrida's work exposes what he sees as a complicit desire to &qout;limit" the frame to the role of "decorative adjunct". Finding the frame to be "undecidable", Derrida asserts that the frame actively affects the work inside and the space outside while answering a "lack" within the work. Utilising Derrida's work on the parergon as a starting point, this study represents an attempt to formulate a theory of the frame for theatre asserting that the frame provides a prospective key towards understanding persistent "problems" within theatre studies. These include the complicated onstage/offstage and spectator/actor dialectics as well as the point where "reality" ends and theatre begins and also issues of agreed interpretation. Ultimately the thesis posits that theatre is in itself a parergon which virtualises the space in which it installs itself - a finding that goes some way to explaining and/or accommodating these "problems". The research methodology involves a detailed study of literature encompassing framing and related theories drawn from a diverse array of paradigms. A working theory of the theatre frame, along with a series of analogous approaches is developed and further examined through application to a variety of theatre performances. This thesis offers a theory of the theatre frame and a variety of framing research approaches that function to bridge the gap between the traditionally partitioned areas of performance analysis and reception studies. It also adds to our understanding of the frame and the theatre art form itself.
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L'extension incongruente, un risque pour les légitimités de la marque humaine ? Application aux réalisateurs de films / Are incongruent extensions a threat for human brand legitimacies ? The case of movie directorsPluntz, Camille 18 September 2015 (has links)
La recherche en marketing commence à tracer les contours d’un concept de marque humaine. Les parcours professionnels de certains de ces individus appréhendés tels des marques, comme ceux des réalisateurs de films, nous conduisent à soulever la question de l’extension de la marque humaine. Sachant que l’existence sociale de l’individu marqué dépend de la légitimité détenue auprès de publics clés (les membres internes de l’industrie, les critiques et le grand public), la question se pose alors de l’extension incongruente et du risque que représente cette extension spécifique pour les multiples légitimités de la marque humaine. Face à cette problématique, nous proposons d’étudier les mécanismes de perte et de gain de légitimités du réalisateur de film déclenchés par la sortie d’un film incongruent. En adoptant un design mixte, cette recherche montre que l’extension incongruente représente un risque de perte de légitimité moins élevé pour la marque humaine que l’extension modérément incongruente ou l’extension congruente. Et elle montre également que l’extension incongruente représente une opportunité de gain de légitimité plus élevé que les deux autres formes d’extensions. Cette thèse se conclut en soulignant que les processus de gain et de perte de légitimités constituent les dynamiques sous-jacentes des parcours professionnels des marques humaines et que suivant les mécanismes révélés, ces parcours professionnels peuvent être stratégiquement élaborés. / Marketing research has begun tracing the contours of a human brand concept. The subsequent issue of human brand extension arises as branded individuals (such as movie directors) can be seen moving forward in their careers. The question of incongruent human brand extension is particularly important because the social existences of these branded individuals depend on the legitimacy they hold in regards to various key constituencies (internal members of the industry, critics, the general public). And incongruent human brand extensions can represent a threat for these various legitimacies. We choose to look into this question by studying the mecanisms of movie director legitimation which are unleashed by incongruent film extensions. We use a mixed design method. And we demonstrate that human brands risk loosing less legitimacy with an incongruent extension than with a moderately incongruent extension or with a congruent extension. We also find that human brands can earn more legitimacy with an incongruent extension than with a moderately incongruent extension or with a congruent extension. This doctoral research highlights that the mecanisms by which branded individuals gain or loose legitimacy are the underlying dynamics of their career paths. And by providing insight into these mecanisms, this work shows that these career paths can be undertaken strategically.
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What Matters in Swedish Corporate Governance?Edholm, Axel, Karlsson, Ludvig January 2018 (has links)
By using five measures of corporate governance, this paper sheds light on the relationship between corporate governance, firm performance and firm valuation in a sample of large Swedish firms between 2013-2016. The study is conducted on the grounds of the Agency Theory as proposed by Jensen and Meckling (1976) and influenced by corporate governance research by Bhagat and Bolton (2008). Using Tobin’s Q and return on assets (ROA) as estimates of firm valuation and firm performance respectively, we find mixed results compared to prior research concerning the effects of good corporate governance. Our study shows that greater equity holdings of board members are significantly and positively impactful on Tobin’s Q as well as ROA. Furthermore, we find that a larger board size has a significant inverse relationship with both Tobin’s Q and ROA, which is consistent with prior research suggesting that smaller boards are more effective. Interestingly and partly inconclusive with prior research however, we find that greater equity holdings of the CEO is significantly and negatively impactful on Tobin’s Q as well as ROA. These results are robust for multiple controls and various models.
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