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Mapa de alterações epigenéticas do Bócio Coloide

Jezini, Deborah Laredo, 92-98128-3266 25 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2018-03-16T14:51:26Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Reprodução Não Autorizada.pdf: 47716 bytes, checksum: 0353d988c60b584cfc9978721c498a11 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2018-03-16T14:51:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Reprodução Não Autorizada.pdf: 47716 bytes, checksum: 0353d988c60b584cfc9978721c498a11 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-16T14:51:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Reprodução Não Autorizada.pdf: 47716 bytes, checksum: 0353d988c60b584cfc9978721c498a11 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-25 / Introduction: The colloid goiter (CG) is a heterogeneous disorder and represents the main cause of benign thyroid nodule. Prevalent in geographical areas with iodine deficiency, in most cases carried out expectant conduct or surgically. Classified according to the morphological and functional characteristics, it may present as diffuse or nodular, toxic or nontoxic (with or without functional autonomy). Can reach large volume and compression of neck structures or even turn into malignant disease. Dependent on environmental and genetic factors, with iodine deficiency being the main determinant for the impact on incidence, other environmental and hereditary factors are listed, but little is known about the molecular pathogenesis. Objectives: To map the Epigenetic alterations of the five different surgical parts of CG from patients submitted to total thyroidectomy in Manaus, Amazonas, to analyze, compare and describe the specific pattern for this population. Methods: Five specimens of CG with histopathological confirmation were obtained from the “Normal Thyroid Tissue Bank and with Goiter” from the UFAM. Were used to identify the global methylation patterns of DNA and histone 3 in trimethylated lysine 4, 9 and 27 (H3K4me3, H3K9me3 and H3K27me3). Was used an ELISA type specific immunoassay method, with the results compared between the patients, between the different region of the gland in the same individual and between the individuals. Results: there was no evidence there were significant differences (5%) in the mean global DNA methylation patterns between the patients (p = 0.114) or between the thyroid regions (p = 0.843) considered similar. The mean pan-methylation patterns of histones H3K4me3, H3K9me3 and H3K27me3 are significantly different among patients (p <1%), although there were no significant differences between parts in the same individual (p> 5%). Conclusion: The results of the analyzes of this study revealed that CG parts obeyed a pattern of distribution of significant DNA hypermethylation between patients and parts of CG, differing only among patients the pattern of histone methylation. As these findings are more common in cancer, we may suggest that at the epigenetic level CG may have some common etiologic factor that leads to this tissue response or that responds by phenotypic expressions and malignant transformation. There are now no efficient markers that accurately detect the risk of CG malignancy, much less the possibility of defining its tissue progression, it is very likely that multiple genes will participate in this process. Therefore, the findings found in these patients may make way for the future application of the CG epigenetic study, which may imply the viability of new therapeutic or preventive forms of progression, since the methylation status can be reversed, but other studies in the population are needed to understand better those finding. / Introdução: O bócio coloide (BC) constitui numa desordem heterogênea e representa a principal causa de nódulo benigno da tireoide. Prevalente em áreas geográficas com deficiência de iodo, sendo, na maioria dos casos, conduzido de forma expectante ou cirúrgica. Classificado de acordo com as características morfológicas e funcionais, pode se apresentar difuso ou nodular, tóxico ou atóxico (com ou sem autonomia funcional), podendo alcançar grandes volumes e ocasionar compressão de estruturas do pescoço, ou, não muito raramente, sofrer transformação maligna. Dependente de fatores ambientais e genéticos, com a deficiência de iodo sendo o principal fator determinante para o impacto na incidência, outros fatores ambientais e hereditários são arrolados, porém pouco se conhece da patogênese molecular. Objetivos: mapear as alterações epigenéticas de diferentes regiões de 05 espécies cirúrgicas de BC de pacientes submetidos a tireoidectomia total em Manaus, Amazonas, com o objetivo de analisar, comparar e descrever o padrão específico para esta população. Metodologia: Foram utilizados 05 espécimes de BC com confirmação histopatológica, provenientes do “Banco de Tecidos de Tireoide Normal e com Bócio” da UFAM, e para identificar os padrões de metilação global do DNA e da histona 3 na lisina trimetiladas 4, 9 e 27 (H3K4me3, H3K9me3 e H3K27me3) foram utilizados método de imunoensaio específico do tipo ELISA, com os resultados comparados entre as pacientes, entre as diferentes regiões da glândula num mesmo indivíduo e entre os indivíduos. Resultados: não houveram evidências de que existam diferenças significativas (ao nível de 5%) dos padrões médios de metilação global do DNA entre os pacientes (p = 0,114), ou entre as regiões da tireoide (p = 0,843), sendo, portanto, consideradas similares. Os padrões médios de pan-metilação das histonas H3K4me3, H3K9me3 e H3K27me3 são significativamente diferentes entre os pacientes (p < 1%), apesar de não apresentar diferenças significativas entre as regiões num mesmo indivíduo, (p > 5%). Conclusão: Os resultados das análises deste estudo, revelou que os espécimes de BC obedeceram a um padrão de distribuição de hipermetilação do DNA significativa entre os pacientes e as regiões do BC, diferindo somente entre os pacientes o padrão de metilação das histonas. Como estes achados são mais comuns no câncer, podemos sugerir que em nível epigenético, o BC possa ter algum fator etiológico comum que leve a esta resposta tecidual ou que responda pelas expressões fenotípicas e transformação maligna. Como, até o momento, não existem marcadores eficientes que detecte com precisão a existência de risco de malignização do BC, muito menos a possibilidade de definir sua progressão tecidual, é muito provável que participem múltiplos genes neste processo. Portanto, os achados encontrados nestas pacientes podem abrir caminho na aplicação futura do estudo epigenético do BC, podendo implicar na viabilização de novas formas terapêuticas ou preventivas da progressão, uma vez que, o status de metilação pode ser revertido, porém outros estudos ampliados na população em questão são necessários para entender melhor estes achados.

Avaliação da metilação do gene TP53 e instabilidade genômica em ratos expostos a metionina e doxorrubicina / TP53 gene methylation and genomic instability in methionine and doxorubicin exposed rats

Cátia Lira do Amaral 08 February 2010 (has links)
O estado de metilação é suscetível a mudanças quando os organismos são expostos a agentes ambientais tais como componentes dos alimentos e medicamentos. Uma dieta rica em metionina (Met) poderia modular a concentração de S-adenosilmetionina (SAM) e S-adenosilhomocisteína (SAH) e alterar o estado de metilação da região promotora de genes supressores de tumores. Tanto a hipometilação global quanto a hipermetilação de genes específicos estão envolvidas na instabilidade genômica e poderiam resultar em dano ao DNA. Este estudo avalia se a dieta suplementada com Met associada a doxorrubicina (DXR), um fármaco antitumoral que induz espécies reativas, resulta em alterações no estado de metilação da região promotora do gene TP53, na razão SAM/SAH, na concentração de glutationa (GSH) e em dano ao DNA. Quarenta ratos machos Wistar foram separados em dois grupos: dieta suplementada com Met (ração comercial acrescida de 2% Met) e dieta controle (ração comercial) por seis semanas. Cada grupo foi subdividido em dois subgrupos que receberam DXR (1mg/Kg) ou solução salina intraperitoneal na terceira e sexta semanas de tratamento. Os rins e fígado foram utilizados para isolamento do DNA, determinação da concentração de SAM, SAH e GSH, e análise da instabilidade genômica. Todos os grupos apresentaram o mesmo estado de metilação da região promotora do gene TP53, determinado pelo método de análise de restrição combinada com bissulfito (COBRA). Este fato poderia ser explicado pelo índice de metilação (razão SAM/SAH) que permaneceu inalterado, possivelmente devido a uma adaptação do ciclo da Met que manteve a concentração de SAM. A depleção de GSH não ocorreu quando DXR foi associada a dieta suplementada com Met. Portanto, a suplementação com Met manteve a concentração de GSH em ratos tratados com DXR. A dieta suplementada com Met não induziu instabilidade genômica e não alterou o dano ao DNA induzido pela DXR. Em conclusão, DXR induz depleção de GSH que é inibida pela suplementação com Met. Entretanto, a mesma suplementação não previne a instabilidade genômica induzida pela DXR. A dieta suplementada com Met aumenta a concentração de SAH renal sem alterar a concentração de SAM e GSH. Tanto a dieta suplementada quanto a DXR não induzem hipermetilação na região promotora do gene TP53. / The DNA methylation status is susceptible to changes when organisms are exposed to environmental agents such as food components and drugs. A methionine-rich (Met) diet may modulate S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) concentrations, which could change the DNA methylation status in the promoter region of tumor suppressor genes. Global hipomethylation and gene-specific hipermethylation are involved in genomic instability and it could result in DNA damage. This study intends to evaluate if a Met-rich diet associated with doxorubicin (DXR), an antitumoral drug that induces reactive species, result in changes in the methylation status of the TP53 gene promoter, in the SAM/SAH ratio, in glutathione levels (GSH) and in DNA damage. Forty male Wistar rats were separated into two groups: Met-rich diet (standard chow plus 2% Met), and control diet (standard chow) for six weeks. Each group was subdivided into another two groups that received DXR (1mg/kg) or saline intraperitoneally in the third and sixth weeks of the experiment. The kidneys and the liver were removed for DNA isolation, SAM, SAH and GSH determination, and genomic instability assay. All groups showed the same unmethylated status in the TP53 promoter according to the Combined Bisulfite Restriction Analysis (COBRA). This could be explained by the fact that the methylation index (SAM/SAH ratio) remained unchanged, possibly because of an adaptive Met pathway that maintains SAM levels. GSH depletion did not occur when DXR was associated with the Met-rich diet. As a matter of fact, the Met-rich diet improved GSH concentration in DXR-treated rats. Met-rich diet did not induce genomic instability, and it did not alter DNA damage induced by DXR. In conclusion, DXR induces GSH depletion which is inhibited by Met supplementation. However, Met-rich diet may not prevent genomic instability induced by DXR. A Met-rich diet increases SAH levels; however, it does not change GSH and SAM levels. Neither Met supplementation nor DXR induced DNA hypermethylation in the TP53 gene promoter.

Arquitetura da cromatina na região organizadora do nucléolo e o seu papel no controle da expressão dos genes ribossomais / Nucleolus Organizer Regions chromatin architecture and its role in ribosomal genes expression

Larissa Mara de Andrade 30 September 2011 (has links)
O nucléolo é uma organela nuclear responsável pela produção dos ribossomos, através das Regiões Organizadoras do Nucléolo (NORs). Espécies que possuem mais de um par de cromossomos contendo NORs terão, obrigatoriamente, pelo menos um par ativo, sendo as demais NORs funcionais de acordo com a demanda celular. O mecanismo de compensação de dose é visualizado e bem estabelecido em híbridos interespecíficos, conhecido como dominância nucleolar, com a inativação de NORs de um dos parentais por outras homeólogas ativas que as dominam. A arquitetura da cromatina nas NORs e o controle da sua expressão foram estudados com o objetivo de se entender os mecanismos envolvidos no fenômeno da dominância nucleolar em espécies diplóides que possuem múltiplas NORs. A espécie modelo utilizada neste estudo foi Crotalaria juncea (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae), caracterizada por conter 2n=2x=16, e NORs no braço curto do cromossomo 1, sendo este o principal organizador do nucléolo, e no braço longo do cromossomo 4 adjacente à heterocromatina centromérica, sendo este um sítio adicional (sítio menor) e de expressão facultativa, previamente determinada. Nas raízes de C. juncea sincronizadas, observou-se que a nucleologênese tem seu início durante o final da telófase, em que os 4 sítios de genes ribossomais podem ter atividade e formar até 4 nucléolos, os quais tendem a se fundir durante a interfase. A Hibridação in situ fluorescente (FISH) permitiu estudos da arquitetura da cromatina, com a visualização dos territórios cromossômicos, onde a cromatina não está organizada de forma aleatória dentro do núcleo, e consequentemente o rDNA 45S dentro do nucléolo. Observou-se também que todos os sítios de rDNA 45S possuem diferença no tamanho do arranjo repetitivo. Assim sendo, a hierarquia de dominância está de acordo com o tamanho de cada arranjo (sítio), e estes são ativados de acordo com a demanda celular. As análises das modificações nas histonas mostraram que a H3K9Met1 apresentou marcas fracas no nucléolo, enquanto no restante da cromatina nuclear sua marcação foi intensa. Já a H3K9Met2 apresentou marcação fortemente associada à cromatina presente no nucléolo, com alguns pequenos pontos heterocromáticos dispersos no núcleo. Pela observação entende-se que ambas metilações controlam diferentes tipos de heterocromatinas, ou seja, a H3K9Met2 controla principalmente heterocromatinas associadas aos genes ribossomais, e a H3K9Met controla heterocromatinas não associadas ao rDNA. O rDNA é hiperacetilado dentro do nucléolo para a H3K14. Não foi observada marcação nucleolar para H4K8ac, mas pôde ser observadas regiões hiperacetiladas em outras regiões da cromatina. A metilação do DNA esteve diretamente associada à diferentes níveis de organização da cromatina das NORs. As heterocromatinas adjacentes ao nucléolo apareceram fortemente metiladas, enquanto a cromatina distendida dentro do nucléolo apresentou marcação dispersa, com algumas regiões mais fortemente marcadas, onde a cromatina apresentava-se mais condensada e provavelmente não associados com a cromatina ativa. As fibras estendidas permitiram uma análise de alta resolução, onde foi possível observar que regiões não metiladas apareciam intercaladas entre grandes regiões fortemente metiladas, sugerindo que estas regiões hipometiladas estão, possivelmente, associadas com as alças de transcrição dentro do nucléolo. 12 Esses resultados contribuem para o entendimento sobre o controle genético e epigenético na arquitetura da cromatina ribossomal, bem como seu controle na expressão dos genes ribossomais no genoma das plantas. / The nucleolus is a nuclear organelle responsible for the ribosomes production, by Nucleolus Organizer Regions (NORs). Species presenting more than one chromosome pair with NORs should present, one pair expressing the genes, at least; while the other pairs expressing their genes accordingly to cellular demand. Dosage compensation mechanism is visualized and well established of interspecific hybrids as a well-described phenomena named nucleolar dominance, where a NOR from one parental could lead to inactivation of a NOR from the other parental which is dominated. The chromatin architecture and expression of the NORs were studied to address the mechanism involved in the nucleolar dominance of diploid species containing multiple sites of 45S rDNA. The model species used in the present study was the crop Crotalaria juncea (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) characterized by 2n=2x=16 chromosomes, being the main NOR mapped into chromosome 1 short arm and presenting an additional site (minor site) in the chromosome 4 long arm adjacent to a centromeric heterochromatin and facultatively expressed. Synchronized meristematic root tip cells determined to nucleologenesis starts during the late-telophase, often expressing every ribosomal gene sites, when up to four nucleoli could be observed and these become merged during interphases. FISH allowed nucleolar chromatin architecture be accessed revealing distinct chromosomal domains (territories), suggesting a non-random distribution of the 45S rDNA, even between homologous chromosomes, into the nucleolus. The 45S rDNA sites from both chromosome pairs 1 and 4 of C. juncea showed differences in their array sizes. The differences in the 45S rDNA array sizes and the order of loci expression suggest a hierarchy of dominance, a feature of nucleolar dominance; being the small RONs activated only on demand. Immunodetection of histone modifications showed different patterns to methylation distribution across the chromatin as a whole; where H3K9Met1 was found mainly distributed along the nuclear chromatin without an evident signal into nucleolus, while H3K9Met2 was detected as conspicuous dots in the nuclear chromatin and highly accumulated into the nucleolus. The results indicate different control on heterochromatin establishment and maintenance, being the modifications specific to certain chromosomal regions. Indeed, H3K9Met is a key component in the nucleolus chromatin architecture and expression. The chromatin inside the nucleolus showed a high accumulation of H3K14ac, with a weak fluorescent signal along the nucleus; on the other hand H4K8ac showed a strong signal homogenously distributed across the nuclear chromatin, but without evident signals inside the nucleolus. DNA methylation was directly associated with different levels of chromatin organization of the NORs. The heterochromatic regions associated to RON are highly methylated, while the chromatin inside the nucleolus showed weaker signals, with some bright spots probably in condensed regions and related to chromatin inactivity. Extended DNA fiber allowed a higher resolution mapping that revealed long methylated regions intermingled by nomethylated ones, being the last probably associated to transcriptional loops of rRNA genes into the nucleolus. The results presented herein contributes to a better understand about the nucleolar chromatin architecture and the genetic and epigenetic control of the ribosomal genes expression on plant genomes.

Dinâmica nucleolar e a herança epigenética dos genes ribossomais / Nucleolar dinamics and the epigenetic inheritance of ribosomal genes

Natalia de Sousa Teixeira e Silva 25 June 2014 (has links)
O nucléolo é uma organela subnuclear formada pela atividade transcricional dos genes ribossomais 18S-5.8S-26S (rDNA 45S) e consequente biogênese dos ribossomos. A atividade destes genes resulta na região organizadora do nucléolo (NOR), na forma de uma constrição secundária em cromossomos metafásicos. As constrições secundárias se condensam progressivamente durante a mitose e se descondensam ao final da telófase quando a reestruturação do nucléolo se inicia. Genomas que apresentam mais de um locus de rDNA 45S deve apresentar, obrigatoriamente, pelo menos um par de NORs, enquanto os demais loci poderão ou não serem expressos. O controle da expressão dos genes ribossomais e a formação da cromatina nucleolar são modulados por eventos epigenéticos. Embora alguns pontos sobre o funcionamento dos genes ribossomais e a formação do nucléolo estejam bem estabelecidos, questões como o padrão de condensação da cromatina nucleolar durante a mitose, o padrão de funcionamento de sítios adicionais de genes ribossomais, o papel das modificações epigenéticas na dinâmica da cromatina nucleolar e na expressão do rDNA 45S e o mecanismo de herança dos genes ativos, permanecem abertas. A espécie Crotalaria juncea (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae), com 2n=2x=16 cromossomos, que possui um locus de rDNA 45S no braço curto do cromossomo 1, que sempre forma constrição secundária, e um sítio adicional com atividade facultativa no braço curto do cromossomo 4, é um excelente modelo para o estudo destas questões. No contexto apresentado, foram estudadas a dinâmica de condensação das NORs durante o ciclo celular e sua correlação com a atividade dos genes ribossomais, incluindo o locus adicional, e ainda o papel da metilação da citosina do DNA durante estes processos. Os resultados demonstram que a cromatina da região organizadora do nucléolo segrega em um estado descondensado durante a mitose, na forma de constrição secundária, ou seja, tal estrutura não se condensa durante a metáfase e não volta a se distender no início da telófase. Aparentemente, o que causa correlações equivocadas entre a atividade nucleolar e a observação morfológica da constrição secundária na metáfase é a contração forçada da cromatina da NOR causada por agentes antimitogênicos. Este modelo de segregação em um estado aberto pode ser explicado pela descrição de diversas proteínas que permanecem diretamente ligadas ou indiretamente associadas à região da NOR durante a mitose, funcionando como uma barreira física para a compactação. Ambos os sítios, principais e adicionais, do rDNA 45S presentes em Crotalaria juncea apresentam atividade transcricional, embora o locus do cromossomo 4 mostre atividade facultativa. Ao contrário do que foi anteriormente proposto, uma vez ativo, o locus adicional permanece descondensado durante todo o ciclo mitótico, seguindo o mesmo comportamento dos sítios principais. As constrições secundárias e a cromatina nucleolar são hipermetiladas em nível citológico, independentemente de sua atividade. A aparente hipometilação observada no rDNA 45S em cromossomos mitóticos e núcleos interfásicos se deve ao menor grau de compactação da região organizadora do nucléolo e, consequentemente, à baixa densidade de cromatina. / The nucleolus is a subnuclear organelle formed as a result of transcriptional activity of ribosomal RNA genes 18S-5.8S-26S (45S rDNA) and subsequent ribosome biogenesis. This activity forms the nucleolar organizing region (NOR) as a secondary constriction in metaphase chromosomes. The secondary constrictions progressively condense during mitosis and decondense at the end of telophase, when nucleoli start to reassemble. Genomes presenting more than one 45S rDNA locus must have at least one pair of NOR bearing chromosomes, while other loci may be expressed or not. Ribosomal gene expression and nucleolar chromatin assembly are modulated by specific epigenetic events. Although some topics related to rDNA gene activity and nucleolus formation are well understood, questions such as the behavior of nucleolar chromatin condensation during mitosis, standard functions associated with rDNA additional sites, role of epigenetic modifications in nucleolar chromatin and 45S rDNA expression processes, and inheritance mechanism of active genes, remain to be solved. Crotalaria juncea (Leguminosae - Papilionoideae) has 2n=2x=16 chromosomes and carries a 45S rDNA locus at the short arm of chromosome 1, always presenting a secondary constriction, and an additional site with facultative activity at the short arm of chromosome 4, being an excellent model to resolve these questions. Thus, this study aimed to study NOR condensation dynamics during the cell cycle and its correlation with ribosomal gene activity, including the additional locus, while analyzing the role of rDNA cytosine methylation during this process. The results show that NOR chromatin segregate in a decondensed way throughout mitosis, as a secondary constriction. In other words, this structure does not condense during metaphase and the NOR is not reassembled at the beginning of telophase. Misinterpretations relating nucleolar activity with morphological observations of secondary constrictions, appear to be induced by the artificial contraction of NOR chromatin caused by antimitotic drugs. This segregation model in an open state may be supported by strong diversity of proteins that are maintained attached to NORs during mitosis, serving as a physic barrier for condensation. Both principal and additional 45S rDNA sites of C. juncea are transcriptionally active, although the additional locus in chromosome 4 presented facultative activity depending upon ribosomal request. Unlike what was previously proposed, once the additional site is activated, it remains in an open configuration throughout the cell cycle, similarly to principal site behavior. Secondary constrictions and nucleolar chromatin are hypermethylated at cytological level, regardless of their activity. The seeming hipomethylated state of 45S rDNA in interphase nucleus and mitotic chromosomes is due to a lower compaction level of nucleolar organizing regions and subsequent low chromatin density.

Modulação do trofoblasto bovino na gestação de embriões clonados / Modulation of bovine trophoblast in cloned pregnancy

Rodrigo da Silva Nunes Barreto 24 August 2015 (has links)
O sucesso da gestação, e nascimento da prole saudável, depende da adequada formação, desenvolvimento e funcionamento da placenta. Entretanto, são observadas altas perdas durante o primeiro terço da gestação de embriões bovinos produzidos por transferência de núcleo de célula somática (TNCS), principalmente causadas por alterações placentárias, decorrentes da incompleta reprogramação epigenética no desenvolvimento embrionário. Normalmente, após a fecundação, o DNA paterno é desmetilado durante as primeiras horas do desenvolvimento, enquanto o DNA materno é desmetilado de forma passiva. Entretanto nos embriões TNCS a desmetilação do DNA é tardia e incompleta, resultando numa alteração do padrão epigenético, principalmente nos níveis de metilação (5mC) e hidroximetilação (5hmC) do DNA e nas histonas. Além disso, na gestação TNCS há expressão precoce das moléculas do complexo de histocompatibilidade principal de classe I (MHC-I), associada ao aumento de infiltrados inflamatórios na placenta e à rejeição imunológica ao feto. O objetivo desse trabalho foi de verificar, na placenta bovina TNCS e controle, os níveis globais de 5mC e 5hmC, e de algumas modificações de histonas importantes na formação do trofectoderma ou por serem modificações clássicas, além de imunolocalizar moléculas de MHC-I. Para tanto foram utilizadas amostras de placentônio TNCS no primeiro (n = 5) e terceiro (n = 6) terço gestacional; e como controle, placentônios com controle no primeiro (n = 6) e terceiro (n = 6). Foram realizadas reações de imunohistoquímica para modificações no DNA (5mC, 5hmC) e nas histonas (H3K4me3, H3K27me3, H3K9ac, H3K9me2/3) e para MHC-I (Qa-2 e IL-A88); além de reações de PCR quantitativo para enzimas responsáveis pelas modificações no DNA (DNMT1, TET1, TET3), para alguns genes relacionados com o desenvolvimento da placenta (PAG9, PHDLA2, SNRPN e TSSC4) e para isoformas de MHC-I (NC1-4 e JSP-1). Houve aumento dos níveis globais de metilação, e diminuição de hidroximetilação, na placenta TNCS durante o primeiro trimestre gestacional. Os níveis de H3K4me3 foram estáveis na placenta controle e crescentes na placenta TNCS, enquanto que a H3K27me3 decresceu na placenta controle e foi estável na placenta TNCS. Na placenta TNCS, aos 60 dias, foram observados os menores níveis globais H3K9ac, porém H3K9me2/3 não diferiram entre as idades e tipos gestacionais estudados. Foi identificado MHC-I no trofoblasto do placentônio bovino nas idades analisadas, com variações de intensidade dependendo da isoforma detectada, além de que a placenta controle e a TNCS apresentam padrões diferentes na expressão de MHC-I. De modo geral, o menores níveis de metilação do DNA encontrados na placenta TNCS aos 60 dias de gestação, indica ser um mecanismo compensatório para ativar a expressão gênica. Visto que a as modificações de histona levam a um estado repressivo da expressão gênica, já que a bivalência entre H3K4me3 e H3K27me3 e os níveis de H3K9ac estão diminuídos. Ainda na placenta TNCS aos 60 dias, há uma alta expressão de MHC-I, levando a resposta imune do sistema materno contra os tecidos fetais. Portanto vários eventos são presentes e parecem contribuir para instabilidade da gestação inicial em clones, coincidindo com a alta taxa de perdas gestacionais nessa fase / Pregnancy success depends of adequate placental formation, development and function. Therefore, the highest loses rates are found during first trimester pregnancies of bovine embryos produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer (NT), majorly by placental alterations, due to incomplete epigenetic reprogramming during embrionary development. Normally, after fecundation, paternal DNA is actively demethylated at first hours of development; where as maternal DNA is passively demethylated. However in NT embryos the DNA demethylation is late and incomplete, resulting in changes of epigenetic patterns, majorly in methylation (5mC), hydroxymethylation (5hmC) and histone levels. Furthermore, in NT pregnancy there is premature expression of class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC-I), associated with inflammatory infiltrates increases and immunological rejection against fetus. The aim of this work was to evaluate global levels of 5mC, 5hmC and some posttranslational histone modifications and MHC-I molecules expression of bovine placenta in NT and control models. For this, NT and control bovine placentome were collected at first (n = 6) and third (n = 6) trimester of pregnancy. Immunohistochemistry reactions were performed to assay DNA methylation (5mC) and (5hmC) and posttranslational histone modifications (H3K4me3, H3K27me3, H3K9ac, H3K9me2/3) and MHC-I molecules (Qa-2 e IL-A88). Quantitative PCR reactions were performed to evaluate the expression of DNA modifications related enzymes (DNMT1, TET1 and TET2), MHC-I classical (JSP-1) and non-classical (NC1-4) isoforms, and imprinted genes expression (SNRPN, TSSC4 and PHDLA2). In the NT placenta there was an increase in the global methylation and decreased hydromethylation level at first trimester. Levels of H3K4me3 were constant at control placenta while increased in NT placenta. For H3K27me3, the levels decreased in control placenta and were stable at NT counterparts. At 60 days of pregnancy in NT placenta, were observed low levels of global H3K9ac, but no differences of H3K9me2/3 levels were found between pregnancy ages or type. We identified MHC-I at bovine placentomal trophoblast in all ages analyzed, with intensity variation of different isoforms. In general, low levels of DNA methylation at day 60 of pregnancy of TNCS placenta, indicates a compensatory mechanism to active genic expression. Since histone modifications, in this period, leads to repressive status, because bivalence of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 and levels of H3K9ac were diminished. Also at day 60 of pregnancy of TNCS placenta, MHC-I is highly expressed and leads to maternal immune response against fetus tissue. In conclusion, several events are present and apparently contribute to early clone pregnancy instability, coinciding with high pregnancy losses in that phase

Bioinformatic inference of a prognostic epigenetic signature of immunity in breast cancers

Bizet, Martin 10 January 2018 (has links)
L’altération des marques épigénétiques est de plus en plus reconnue comme une caractéristique fondamentale des cancers. Dans cette thèse, nous avons utilisé des profils de méthylation de l’ADN en vue d’améliorer la classification des patients atteints du cancer du sein grâce à une approche basée sur l’apprentissage automatique. L’objectif à long terme est le développement d’outils cliniques de médecine personnalisée. Les données de méthylation de l’ADN furent acquises à l’aide d’une puce à ADN dédiée à la méthylation, appelée Infinium. Cette technologie est récente comparée, par exemple, aux puces d’expression génique et son prétraitement n’est pas encore standardisé. La première partie de cette thèse fut donc consacrée à l’évaluation des méthodes de normalisation par comparaison des données normalisées avec d’autres technologies (pyroséquençage et RRBS) pour les deux technologies Infinium les plus récentes (450k et 850k). Nous avons également évalué la couverture de régions biologiquement relevantes (promoteurs et amplificateurs) par les deux technologies. Ensuite, nous avons utilisé les données Infinium (correctement prétraitées) pour développer un score, appelé MeTIL score, qui présente une valeur pronostique et prédictive dans les cancers du sein. Nous avons profité de la capacité de la méthylation de l’ADN à refléter la composition cellulaire pour extraire une signature de méthylation (c’est-à-dire un ensemble de positions de l’ADN où la méthylation varie) qui reflète la présence de lymphocytes dans l’échantillon tumoral. Après une sélection de sites présentant une méthylation spécifique aux lymphocytes, nous avons développé une approche basée sur l’apprentissage automatique pour obtenir une signature d’une tailleoptimale réduite à cinq sites permettant potentiellement une utilisation en clinique. Après conversion de cette signature en un score, nous avons montré sa spécificité pour les lymphocytes à l’aide de données externes et de simulations informatiques. Puis, nous avons montré la capacité du MeTIL score à prédire la réponse à la chimiothérapie ainsi que son pouvoir pronostique dans des cohortes indépendantes de cancer du sein et, même, dans d’autres cancers. / Epigenetic alterations are increasingly recognised as an hallmark of cancers. In this thesis, we used a machine-learning-based approach to improve breast cancer patients’ classification using DNA methylation profiling with the long term aim to make treatment more personalised. The DNA methylation data were acquired using a high density DNA methylation array called Infinium. This technology is recent compared to expression arrays and its preprocessing is not yet standardised. So, the first part of this thesis was to evaluate the normalisation methods by comparing normalised data against other technologies (pyrosequencing and RRBS) for the two most recent Infinium arrays (450k and 850k).We also went deeper into the evaluation of these arrays by assessing their coverage of biologically relevant regions like promoters and enhancers. Then, we used accurately preprocessed Infinium data to develop a score, called MeTIL score, which shows prognostic and predictive value in breast cancers. We took advantage that DNA methylation can mirror the cell composition to extract a DNA methylation signature (i.e. a set of DNA methylation sites) that reflects presence of lymphocytes within the tumour. After an initial selection of lymphocyte-specific sites we developed a machine-learning-based framework which reduced the predictive set to an optimal size of five methylation sites making it potentially suitable to use in clinics. After conversion of this signature to a score, we showed its specificity to lymphocytes using external datasets and simulations. Then, we showed its ability predict response to chemotherapy and, finally, its prognostic value in independent breast cancer cohorts and even in other cancers. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Amyloid-beta driven changes in transcriptome plasticity: From OMICS to Therapy

Gertig, Michael Andre 24 March 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Rôle des programmes épigénétiques dans la régulation de l'identité des cellules souches cancéreuses mammaires / Role of epigenetic programs in the regulation of breast cancer stem cells identity

El Helou, Rita 25 September 2015 (has links)
L'hétérogénéité tumorale observée dans le cancer du sein est à l'origine des échecs cliniques malgré un important arsenal thérapeutique. Cette hétérogénéité est expliquée par la présence, au sein de la tumeur d'une population minoritaire de cellules, les cellules souches cancéreuses (CSC). Ces CSC sont responsables des résistances aux traitements conventionnelles entrainant des rechutes et des métastases. Un meilleur décryptage des programmes régulant les propriétés cardinales de ces cellules, autorenouvellement et différenciation, est une étape cruciale pour le développement de nouvelles thérapies. L'identité des CSC est régulée par des mécanismes épigénétiques. Les travaux de cette thèse se sont intéressés à l'étude de deux mécanismes épigénétique: la méthylation de l'ADN et les microARNs. Nous avons d'abord identifié une signature de 68 régions hypométhylées dans les CSC. Cette signature présentait un enrichissement de la voie TGF-ß et avait un impact pronostic sur la survie des patientes. Nous nous sommes ensuite intéressés à la régulation des CSC par les miARNs. Nous avons identifié miR-600, un microARN bimodal, régulant la balance autorenouvellement-différenciation. miR-600 régule la voie Wnt, via SCD1. L'identification de l'axe miR-600/SCD1/Wnt ouvre une nouvelle perspective thérapeutique pour cibler les CSC. Nos travaux ont décryptés de nouveaux programmes épigénétiques régulantl'identité le destin des CSC mammaires. Ces travaux pourront être le terreau du développement de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques pour traiter le cancer du sien. / Tumor heterogeneity observed in breast cancer is the main cause of clinical failures despite a significant therapeutic arsenal. This heterogeneity is explained by the presence of a minority population of cells, the cancer stem cells (CSC). CSC are resistant to conventional therapies causing relapse and metastasis. Deciphering programs regulating the cardinal properties of these cells, self-renewal and differentiation, is a crucial step for the development of new therapies. The identity of CSC is regulated by epigenetic mechanisms. The work of this thesis focused on the study of two epigenetic mechanisms: DNA methylation and microRNAs. We first identified a signature of 68 regions hypomethylated in CSC. This signature showed an enrichment of the TGF-ß pathway and had a prognostic impact on patient survival. We then were interested in the regulation of CSC by miRNAs. We identified miR-600, a bimodal microRNAs, regulating the self-renewal-differentiation balance. MiR-600 regulates Wnt pathway via SCD1. The identification of the miR-600/SCD1/Wnt axis opens a new therapeutic perspective to target CSCs. Our work deciphered epigenetic programs, regulating breast CSC-fate and open new perspective to improve breast cancer care.

L'Homme face à son environnement : une histoire génétique et épigénétique du génome humain / Humans in an adaptive world : genetic and epigenetic responses to environmental challenges

Fagny, Maud 29 June 2015 (has links)
Les populations humaines ont été confrontées à de nombreux changements environnementaux au cours de leur histoire et présentent aujourd’hui une grande diversité d’habitats et de modes de subsistance. Cependant, l’ampleur de l’adaptation génétique et des réponses épigénétiques à ces changements est débattue. Nous avons d’abord étudié la puissance de diverses statistiques pour détecter les balayages sélectifs dans le contexte des données de séquençage à haut débit, et évalué leur robustesse à différents facteurs confondants. En utilisant des jeux de données de séquençage, nous montrons que les balayages sélectifs ont eu un impact modéré mais non négligeable dans l’évolution récente du génome humain. Les régions sous sélection sont enrichies en mutations associées à des variations phénotypiques. Nous avons ensuite évalué l’impact respectif des facteurs génétiques et environnementaux sur la diversité épigénétique humaine. Pour cela, nous avons obtenu les génotypes et les profiles de méthylation de l’ADN de populations d’Afrique Centrale présentant des différences récentes d’habitat ou historiques de modes de vie et de profil génétique. Nous montrons que les deux facteurs ont un effet similaire sur le méthylome mais diffèrent par les fonctions biologiques affectées et les mécanismes expliquant les variations observées. Plus généralement, les variations de méthylation sont fortement associées à des mutations génétiques qui sont enrichies en signaux de sélection positive. En conclusion, ce travail apporte un aperçu de la contribution des mutations génétiques et des réponses épigénétiques à l’adaptation humaine aux changements environnementaux sur plusieurs échelles de temps. / Human populations have faced a large number of environmental challenges during their evolutionary history and present today a wide range of habitats and mode of subsistence. However, the extent of genetic adaptation and epigenetic responses to such environmental variation remains controversial. We first explored the power of several statistics to detect hard selective sweeps in the context of whole-genome sequencing data, and evaluated their robustness to demography and other selection modes. Using data from the 1,000 Genomes Project and Complete Genomics, we showed that hard sweeps targeting low-frequency standing variation have played a moderate, albeit significant, role in recent human evolution. The signals of selection detected were moreover enriched in functional variants detected by genome-wide association studies. We then evaluated the relative impacts of genetic and environmental factors on human epigenomic diversity. To do so, we generated genome-wide genetic and DNA methylation profiles for Central African populations differing in their current habitat or in their historical lifestyle and genetic background. We found that both factors have similar critical impacts on the shaping of the global methylome, but the biological functions affected and the mechanisms underlying DNA methylation variation strongly differ. More generally, methylation variation shows strong associations with nearby genetic variants that, moreover, are enriched in signals of natural selection. Together, this work provides new insight into the contribution of genetic adaptation and epigenetic responses to the adaptation of humans to environmental changes over different time scales.

Hormonal and epigenetic control of pollination-dependent and pollination-independent fruit-setting in tomato / Contrôle hormonal et épigénétique de la prise de fruit dépendant de la pollinisation et indépendante de la pollinisation dans la tomate

Hu, Guojian 04 July 2017 (has links)
La transition fleur-fruit, appelée nouaison, est déclenchée par la pollinisation des fleurs et ce processus est essentiel pour cycle reproducteur des plantes, la formation des semences et le rendement de production. Les mécanismes moléculaires contrôlant cette importante transition développementale ont été peu explorés. Les marques histones et la méthylation de l'ADN sont les deux principaux modes de régulation épigénétique, mais à ce jour, leurs contributions respectives à la reprogrammation transcriptionnelle qui est associée au programme d’initiation des fruits charnus n’ont pas fait l’objet d’aucune étude sur aucune espèce de plante. Afin d’explorer l’importance dans la transition fleur-fruit de ces deux types de régulation épigénétique, des approches de transcriptomique "genome-wide", de ChIP-seq se et de séquençage bisulfite d'ADN ont été mises en place chez la tomate, une espèce économique majeure et un modèle d’étude pour les fruits charnus. Les résultats révèlent une corrélation étroite entre le repositionnement des marques histones et les changements observés de l'expression génique globale. L’étude montre aussi que les marques H3K9ac et H3K4me3 agissent en synergie pour activer la transcription génique, alors que la marque H3K27me3 a un effet répressif. A l’inverse, il n’y a pas de corrélation entre les variations de la méthylation de la cytosine et l’évolution des profils transcriptomiques. Il ressort donc que ce sont les changements au niveau des marques histones plutôt que de la méthylation de l'ADN qui constituent le moteur principal de la reprogrammation génétique associée au processus de transition fleur-fruit chez la tomate. En concordance avec cette idée, le niveau d'expression des gènes associés à l’initiation du fruit, tels que ceux liés au métabolisme hormonal, à la division cellulaire ou au développement embryonnaire, est corrélé avec les modifications des marques H3K9ac ou H3K4me3, mais pas avec la méthylation de l'ADN. En outre, l'étude comparative des profils transcriptomiques associés à la formation du fruit dépendant et indépendant de la pollinisation révèle l'intervention complexe de multiples voies de signalisation hormonales. Au total, notre étude présente un nouvel aperçu du contrôle de la reprogrammation génétique nécessaire à l’initiation du développement du fruit et révèle le rôle important du contrôle épigénétique dans ce processus de transition développementale. Dans le même temps, l’étude identifie un groupe de gènes impliqués dans la régulation épigénétique qui offrent des cibles potentielles pour les programmes d’amélioration de la nouaison des fruits, un processus majeur affectant le rendement de production / The flower-to-fruit transition, so-called fruit setting, is triggered by flower pollination and this process is essential for plant reproductive success, seed formation and crop yield. The underlying molecular mechanisms controlling this developmental transition remain unclear. Histone marking and DNA methylation are the main epigenetic modes for genetic reprogramming, however, their respective contribution to the fruit set-associated transcriptomic reprogramming is also unknown. To address the contribution of the two types of epigenetic regulation to fruit set, genome-wide transcriptomic profiling, ChIP-sequencing and DNA bisulfite sequencing were applied to tomato, a major economic crop and a model system for fleshy fruit. The study emphasizes the tight correlation between histone repositioning and gene expression changes revealing that H3K9ac and H3K4me3 histone marks synergistically promote gene transcription, whereas H3K27me3 marking has a repressive effect. We concluded that changes in histone marks rather than in DNA methylation are the main drivers of genetic reprogramming associated with the fruit set transition in tomato, and H3K9ac and H3K4me3 marking is the primary players in this control mechanism. Consistently, the expression level of fruit set-associated genes such as those related to hormone metabolism, cell division, and embryo development correlated with changes in H3K9ac or H3K4me3 marking, but not with DNA methylation. In addition, comparative study of transcriptomic profiling between pollination-dependent and -independent fruit set, uncovered the complex intervention of multiple hormone signaling pathways involved in the flower-to-fruit transition. Auxin appears as the central hormone triggering the extensive transcriptomic reprogramming associated with the initiation of early fruit growth. Altogether, the study provides new insight into the control of gene reprogramming underlying fruit the shift from flower to fruit and uncovers a set of genes encoding modifiers of epigenetic marks which may provide new targets for breeding programs aiming to improve fruit setting, a major process impacting crop yield.

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