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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialiai atsakingo verslo koncepcijos įgyvendinimas AB "Lietuvos draudimas" / Implementation of socially responsible business conception in AB „Lietuvos draudimas“

Žukauskienė, Justina 03 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama socialiai atsakingo verslo koncepcija, pateikiami socialinės atsakomybės modeliai, kuriais remiantis įmonės gali įgyvendinti socialinę atsakomybę. Apžvelgiama Lietuvos patirtis socialinės atsakomybės srityje. Pateikiama ne tik socialinės atsakomybės nauda įmonei ir visuomenei, bet ir kritiškas požiūris į socialinę atsakomybę. Darbe analizuojamas AB „Lietuvos draudimas“ įgyvendinamas socialinės atsakomybės modelis. Nustatyta, kad įmonė socialinę atsakomybę įgyvendina trijose srityse: rūpinasi darbuotojais, aplinka bei visuomene. Remiantis anketinės darbuotojų apklausos duomenimis įmonė turi visas galimybes savo veikloje pritaikyti socialinės atsakomybės standartą SA 8000. / The Bachelor’s final thesis analyses the conception of socially responsible business, presents the models of social responsibility basing on which enterprises can implement social responsibility. The study reviews the experience of Lithuania in the sphere of social responsibility. It presents not only the use of social responsibility to an enterprise and society but also critical attitude towards social responsibility. The study analyses the model of social responsibility in AB “Lietuvos draudimas”. The research established that the enterprise implements social responsibility in three spheres: takes care about the employees, environment and the society. Basing upon the data of employee questionnaire survey the enterprise has all the possibilities to adapt the social responsibility standard SA 8000 in its activity.

Early Events in Foamy Virus - Host Interaction and Intracellular Trafficking

Lindemann, Dirk, Berka, Ursula, Hamann, Martin Volker 18 December 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Here we review viral and cellular requirements for entry and intracellular trafficking of foamy viruses (FVs) resulting in integration of viral sequences into the host cell genome. The virus encoded glycoprotein harbors all essential viral determinants, which are involved in absorption to the host membrane and triggering the uptake of virus particles. However, only recently light was shed on some details of FV’s interaction with its host cell receptor(s). Latest studies indicate glycosaminoglycans of cellular proteoglycans, particularly heparan sulfate, to be of utmost importance. In a species-specific manner FVs encounter endogenous machineries of the target cell, which are in some cases exploited for fusion and further egress into the cytosol. Mostly triggered by pH-dependent endocytosis, viral and cellular membranes fuse and release naked FV capsids into the cytoplasm. Intact FV capsids are then shuttled along microtubules and are found to accumulate nearby the centrosome where they can remain in a latent state for extended time periods. Depending on the host cell cycle status, FV capsids finally disassemble and, by still poorly characterized mechanisms, the preintegration complex gets access to the host cell chromatin. Host cell mitosis finally allows for viral genome integration, ultimately starting a new round of viral replication.

Olje-vann separasjon i rør / Oil-Water Separation in Inclined Pipes

Heggebø, Henrik Eiane January 2012 (has links)
Transiente motstrøms tyngdekrafts-drevne olje-vann strømningsforsøk ble gjort i en to meter lang lukket plexiglass sylinder. Et enkelt eksperimentelt oppsett baser på visuelle observasjoner ble laget med formål for disse forsøkene. Eksperimenter ble gjort for et stort utvalg av inklinasjoner mellom 0 og 90 grader fra horisontalen. Effektene av ulike eksperimentelle parametere ble undersøkt ved å bruke to typer olje, Exxsol D80 og Marcol 52, to sylindere med ulik indre diameter, 50mm og 90mm, i tillegg til tre ulike vannkutt; 0,25, 0,5 og 0,75. For å simulere et bredt utvalg av strømnings situasjoner ble det brukt tre ulike start kondisjoner med varierende grad av miksing av innholdet. Totalt ble det gjort 755 eksperimenter i løpet av denne oppgaven. Resultatene fra observasjonene har blitt brukt til å danne slip relasjoner som skal bli implementert i en slug-tracking simulator som blir utviklet ved NTNU. Fire ulike strømningsmønster har blitt identifisert for denne type strømning. Kun små forskjeller i strømningsmønster ble observert for ulike olje faser og sylinder diametere. Helninger mellom 15 og 30 grader ble funnet til å gi høyest slip hastighet mellom olje og vann fasene.

Dendrimere als vielseitige, nano-skalige Objekte für biomimetische, biomedizinische und katalytische Fragestellungen / Dendrimers as versatile, nano-scale objects for biomimetic, biomedical and catalytic applications

Appelhans, Dietmar, Voit, Brigitte 29 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
With their three-dimensional macromolecular structure and shape, and with their tuneable properties in both the inner and outer spheres, dendrimers are ideal model compounds in the nanometre range between 1 and 10 nm. The possibility to combine different properties within one macromolecule destines them for use in various high-end research fields such as medicine, pharmacy, biology, supramolecular chemistry, nanotechnology and material sciences. On the basis of their high end-group density and a compact, highly branched molecular structure, dendrimers are successfully investigated as carrier systems for active substances and metal ions (e.g. contrast agents for the visualisation of blood vessels), as templates for metal nanoparticles, as artificial enzymes with defined functions, and as materials for catalysis. / Dendrimere sind aufgrund ihrer dreidimensionalen Makromolekülstruktur und -form und ihrer steuerbaren Eigenschaften sowohl an der Oberfläche als auch im Molekülinneren ideale Modellverbindungen im Nanometerbereich – sie sind zwischen 1 und 10 nm groß –, die vorzugsweise in der Medizin, Pharmazie, Biologie, Supramolekularen Chemie, Nanotechnologie und den Materialwissenschaften eingesetzt werden. Aufgrund ihrer hohen Endgruppendichte und der kompakten, stark verzweigten Molekülform werden Dendrimere unter anderem als Trägermaterialien und Transportsysteme für Wirkstoffe und Metallionen, zum Beispiel als Kontrastmittel zur Visualisierung von Organen und Blutgefäßen, als Template für metallische Nanopartikel, zur Erzeugung künstlicher Enzymfunktionen und in der Katalyse erfolgreich untersucht.

Sedimentology and reservoir geology of the middle-upper cretaceous strata in unity and heglig fields in SE Muglad Rift Basin, Sudan

Sayed, Ali Mohammed Ibrahim 11 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigates the depositional environment, source area, sandstone composition, diagenetic properties, reservoir quality and palaeogeography of the Middle–Upper Cretaceous strata at the Unity and Heglig Fields in the SE Muglad Rift Basin, Sudan. In this study, the subsurface Cretaceous sediments were investigated essentially by seven sedimentological techniques. These included subsurface facies analysis, which was based on 1500 cutting samples and seven conventional cores description as well as on wire line logs and three seismic section analyses, petrographic analyses that included heavy mineral analysis, thin sections and scanning electron microscopic investigations, clay mineral as well as geochemical analyses. The facies description and the analysis of conventional cores from the Bentiu, Aradeiba, and Zarga Formations in the Unity and Heglig Field revealed the presence of nine major lithofacies types, all of them are siliciclastic sediments. They can be interpreted as deposits of fluvial, deltaic and lacustrine environments. Moreover, based on wire line logs, cores and cutting sample descriptions and analyses and also on seismic section analyses, the Middle–Upper Cretaceous strata in Unity and Heglig Fields can be classified into three different units of first-order sequences, i.e. fluvial-dominated unit, lacustrine-dominated unit and deltaic-dominated unit. These depositional units most probably testify to environmental change in response to main tectonic pulses during the Turonian – Late Senonian second rifting phase. The seismic analysis revealed that the maximum thickness of the Cretaceous sediments in the study area reaches about 6000 m in the NW part of the Heglig Field. Moreover, the seismic interpretation has revealed three seismic facies reflection patterns: parallel and subparallel reflection patterns (uniform rates of deposition), divergent reflection pattern (differential subsidence rates) and hummocky clinoform pattern (clinoform lobes of delta). The thin section investigations of the core samples revealed that feldspar accounts for 13.5 – 22 %, that of the quartz and the lithic fragments are ranging between 75.7 – 85.2 % and 0.0 7.3 % respectively. Consequently, the sandstones of the study area are classified as subarkoses. Moreover, the modal analysis of the sandstones revealed, that they stem generally from a continental provenance, transitional between the stable interior of a craton and a basement uplift, which is a basement area of relatively high relief along rifts. This allows the detrital components to be recycled and transported for rather long distances and to be deposited in extensional and pull-apart basins. The reservoir quality of the Bentiu and Aradeiba Formations in general is better than that of the Zarga Formation. The porosity of the Bentiu and Aradeiba Formations ranges between 16.7 – 30.0 % and 18.6 – 25.3 %, respectively, whereas the porosity of the Zarga Formation ranges between 16.3 – 23.7 %. Moreover, the thin section investigations and the scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis for the sandstones of the study area revealed that their reservoir quality was affected positively and negatively by several diagenetic processes. These processes include: mechanical compaction factors (grain slippage and crushing of the ductile grains), quartz overgrowths, precipitation of siderite and calcite, feldspar and clay mineral authigenesis, dissolution of carbonate and of the labile detrital grains and clay infiltration. Furthermore, the reservoir quality of the study intervals was not only affected by the above mentioned diagenetic processes, but also in a large-scale by the type of depositional environment. The study of the heavy minerals revealed that the amounts of the heavy minerals kyanite and garnet supersede those of zircon, tourmaline and rutile. This indicates a metamorphic source rock of originally granitic and/or granodioritic composition for the sediments of the study area. Three heavy mineral assemblage zones with obvious lateral and vertical continuity were identified: a zircon-rutile zone (ZR), a sillimanite-epidote-hornblende zone (SEH) and a kyanite-staurolite-andalusite-garnet zone (KStAnG). On the basis of the ZTR (zircon-tourmaline-rutile) index as well as on the SEH (sillimanite-epidote-hornblende) index, four major maturation levels were constructed: immature, moderately mature, mature and overmature. The clay mineral analysis allowed the subdivision of the Middle–Upper Cretaceous strata into three to two clay mineral zones, which reflect mainly different environmental and diagenetic conditions. The lower clay mineral zone consists of kaolinite, illite/smectite mixed layer, illite, smectite and chlorite. Whereas, the middle zone consists of kaolinite, smectite, illite/smectite mixed layer, illite and chlorite. The upper zone comprises kaolinite, illite, illite/smectite mixed layer, chlorite and smectite. The lower and the upper clay mineral zones contain higher values of kaolinite in comparison to the middle clay mineral zone, whereas the middle zone contains a higher value of smectite in comparison to the lower and the upper clay mineral zones. The higher amount of the kaolinite in the lower and in the upper zones suggest most probably the intensity of chemical weathering and leaching processes under warm humid climate. The marked presence of smectite in the middle zone suggest that the warm humid climate was interrupted by dry seasons. Moreover, the lower clay mineral zone, which shows an increase of illite, chlorite, mixed layer illite/smectite and a higher illite crystallinity, indicates mixed and transitional influences from environmental/tectonic to burial diagenetic controls. Geochemical investigations revealed preferential enrichment and depletion of certain chemical elements in the lacustrine/fluvial/deltaic environments. For instance, the less mobile elements Ti, Ga, Cr and Zr remained in higher amounts in the proximal facies (i.e. in the fluvial channel bar deposits and in the deltaic mouth bar deposits). In contrast, the more mobile elements Mg, Ca, K and Rb occur in higher concentrations in the distal facies (i.e. in the lacustrine deposits, deltaic distal bar deposits and floodplain sediment).

Från serum till plasma : Jämförelse av paratyroideahormon samt kortisol på Cobas 8000®

Mellberg, Maline January 2022 (has links)
Paratyroideahormon (PTH) och kortisol är två analyter som i dagsläget analyseras i serum med elektrokemilumenicense på instrumentet Cobas 8000® på Klinisk Kemi på Länssjukhuset i Kalmar. I framtiden är det planerat att övergå till att analysera dem i plasma. Syftet med projektet var att jämföra värden som erhållits för serum samt plasma för de båda analyterna och undersöka korrelationen mellan dem. Samtidigt utvärderades metodernas repeterbarhet samt eventuellt inflytande av oförutsebara faktorer på mätresultaten med en totalimprecisionsstudie.  PTH är ett peptidhormon som reglerar kalciumhomeostasen i kroppen. Dysfunktion i produktionen av PTH kan leda till osteoporos, hjärtarytmier, muskelkramper samt mentala störningar. Kortisol är ett livsnödvändigt steroidhormon som påverkar ämnesomsättningen och säkerställande det centrala nervsystemets energibehov i situationer med hög stress. Båda analyserna utförs rutinmässigt samt akut och en övergång till plasma skulle framför allt vara tidsbesparande och generera kortare svarstider. Jämförelsen av serum och plasma gjordes med 15 prover från patienter där ett serumrör samt ett plasmarör hade tagits vid samma provtillfälle. Detta resulterade i en determinationskoefficient (r2) som var för PTH 0,9988 och för kortisol 0,9993.  Totalimprecisionen uppskattades genom att analysera två serumkontroller för PTH och kortisol med sex replikat under fem dagar. Variationskoefficienten (CV) för de två PTH-serumkontrollerna var 3,9% för IM2 respektive 3,1% för IM3. För kortisol-serumkontrollerna var CV 2,1% för IM1 respektive 1,3% för IM2. För metoderna eftersträvades ett CV under 5%. Slutsatsen var att korrelationen mellan serum och plasma var mycket god samt att metoderna hade en bra stabilitet och repeterbarhet. / Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and cortisol are hormones involved in regulation of important mechanisms in the human body. PTH regulates the homeostasis of calcium and dysfunction in PTH production and release could lead to osteoporosis and arrythmia. Cortisol is involved in the metabolism and assures energy to the central nervous system in times of physiological stress. The concentration of these analytes is clinically determined by electrochemical luminescence on the immunochemical assay platform Cobas 8000®. In the laboratory of clinical chemistry in Kalmar the assays are performed on samples obtained from serum but changing to plasma assays would be more efficient and less time consuming. The aim of this project was to compare measured concentrations for PTH and cortisol using samples obtained from serum and plasma, respectively and to determine the correlation between the obtained results. The analytical precision was also evaluated to appreciate the influence of unpredictable events on the results.  The comparison between the results obtained from serum and plasma was performed by analysing 15 patient samples. Each serum and plasma sample were taken at the same time and from the same patient. The coefficient of determination for PTH was calculated to 0,9988 and for cortisol 0,9993 in serum and plasma, respectively. For the evaluation of the analytical precision, six replicates of two different serum controls for each analyte was assayed during six replicates for five days. In total of 30 replicates for each control. The coefficient of variation (CV) for PTH controls was 3,9% for IM2 and 3,1% for IM3. CV for cortisol was 2,1% for IM1 and 1,3% for IM2. The conclusion from this project was that there was a strong correlation between serum and plasma and both assays had good precision and repeatability.

Aspekte der Angiogenese durch Angiogenin

Laube, Horst Rudolf 18 March 1996 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden einige Aspekte der Angiogenese unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Wachstumsfaktors Angiogenin untersucht. In der Sektion I der Arbeit wird ein standardisiertes Tiermodell in der Ratte vorgestellt, das die Wirkung angiogenetischer Faktoren zur Stimulierung der Angiogenese in ischämischen Geweben quantitativ erfaßt. Damit wurde ein in vivo Modell geschaffen, das die quantitative Beurteilung der therapeutischen Effekte von lokal applizierten Wachstumsfaktoren zur indirekten Revaskularisation ischämischer Gewebe erlaubt. Bereits 1,9 ng des Wachstumsfaktors Angiogenin, lokal appliziert, stimulierten 07 Tage nach Ischämieinduktion die Angiogenese signifikant. Gesamtgefäßanzahl und Kapillaren pro mm 2 waren nach Angiogeningabe signifikant höher. Langzeitbeobachtungen bis 70 Tage nach Ischämieinduktion zeigten, daß die Regulation der Angiogenese einer gedämpften sinusförmigen Schwingung entspricht, deren Amplitude und Frequenz durch Angiogeninapplikation im Vergleich zu den Kontrollen deutlich gesteigert wurde. Dieser Trend ließ sich abgeschwächt auch bei alleiniger lokaler Applikation von Collagen I ohne Gabe eines Wachstumsfaktors nachweisen. Bei dem Vergleich der Dosis-Wirkungsbeziehung von Angiogenin und basischem Fibroblasten-Wachstumsfaktor (bFGF) erwies sich Angiogenin zur Stimulation der indirekten Revaskularisation 2,5-mal potenter. 10 ng Angiogenin stimulierten signifikant die Angiogenese 07 Tage nach Applikation. 250 ng bFGF und 100 ng Angiogenin stimulierten jeweils hoch signifikant die Gefäßneubildung. Der initiale angiogenetische Effekt von bFGF und Angiogenin beruht auf der Neubildung haupt-sächlich von Kapillaren. In der Sektion II wird eine Methode zur Beschichtung kleinkalibriger Gefäßprothesen mit Wachstumsfaktoren beschrieben und ein Tiermodell in White New Zealand Kaninchen zur Testung der Offenheitsrate der Gefäßprothesen in vivo vorgestellt. Die "patency rate" der im-plantierten 5 cm langen und im Durchmesser 2 mm messenden PTFE-Prothesen war auch mit angiogenetischer Beschichtung für klinische Zwecke nicht ausreichend. Offenheitsraten von 24 Stunden wurden mit der kombinierten angiogenetischen Beschichtung der Prothesen mit 1 µg bFGF und 285 µg Angiogenin erreicht. Alle anderen Beschichtungen zeigten eine wesentlich kürzere Offenheitsrate. Prothesen mit alleiniger Angiogeninbeschichtung (285 µg) blieben 8 Stunden offen. Prothesen mit alleiniger Beschichtung mit bFGF (1 µg) waren bereits nach 6 Stunden verschlossen. Die schlechteste Offenheitsrate mit nur 2 Stunden bzw. nur 1 Stunde wiesen die nur mit Heparin (100 E) bzw. nur mit Gelatine beschichteten Prothesen auf. Die Verwendung des Matrixfaktors Gelatine als Träger der Angiogenesefaktoren zur Beschichtung der Prothesen war aufgrund seiner hohen Thrombogenität hauptsächlich für die schlechte Offenheitsrate verantwortlich. In der Sektion III wird eine Methode zur Herstellung modifizierten Angiogenins vorgestellt. Durch Phosphorylierung der Aminosäure Serin im Angiogeninmolekül durch Proteinkinase C, ließ sich ein weniger kationisches Angiogenin in vitro herstellen, daß im alkalischen Milieu (bei pH 8) instabil war. Mit der Phosphorylierung durch Proteinkinase C ließen sich Phosphorylie-rungsraten für Angiogenin von bis zu 49 % erzielen. Höhere Phosphorylierungs-raten wurden mit der Proteinkinase C bei der Phosphorylierung von Histon V S mit über 50 % und von bFGF mit 84 % erzielt. Die spezifische Aktivität der Proteinkinase C betrug 2,7 µmol/min/mg bei Histon V S als Substrat. Die Michaelis-Konstanten wurden für Angiogenin mit km = 50 µM, für bFGF mit km = 3,3 µM und für Histon V S mit km = 10,0 µM be-stimmt. Die maximale Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit lag dabei für die Phosphorylierung von Angiogenin bei vmax = 120 pmol/min/mg, von bFGF bei vmax = 100 pmol/min/mg und von Histon V S bei vmax = 66,7 nmol/min/mg. Die im Abschnitt 3 formulierten Fragen 1 12 lassen sich zusammenfassend wie folgt beantworten: 1. Ist die Wirkung angiogenetischer Faktoren in einem standardisierten Tiermodell quantifizierbar? Ja. Das an männlichen Lewis Inzuchtratten standardisierte Tiermodell erlaubt die quantitative Untersuchung der angiogenetischen Potenz von Wachstumsfaktoren zur indirekten Revaskularisierung ischämischer Gewebe in vivo. 2. Welche Langzeitwirkung hat Angiogenin in vivo bei der Revaskularisierung ischämischer Gewebe im standardisierten Tiermodell? Die initiale Stimulation der Angiogenese 07 14 Tage nach Applikation von Angiogenin besteht in der Neubildung von Kapillaren. Im weiteren Verlauf tritt die Zunahme der Prä-kapillaren in den Vordergrund. 3. Über welchen Zeitraum lassen sich im standardisierten Tiermodell in vivo angiogenetische Effekte von lokal appliziertem Angiogenin nachweisen? 1,9 ng Angiogenin stimulierten die Angiogenese 07 Tage nach Applikation signifikant (p £ 0,05). Bis 70 Tage nach der Gabe von Angiogenin war im Vergleich zu den Kontrollen eine Stimulation der Angiogenese erkennbar. 4. Gibt es für die angiogenetische Wirkung von Angiogenin und bFGF in vivo eine Dosis-Wirkungsbeziehung? Ja. Im vorliegenden Tiermodell betrug die optimale Dosis zur Stimulation der Angiogenese für bFGF 250 ng. Für Angiogenin lag die optimale Dosis zwischen 10 und 100 ng. 5. Sind Angiogenin und bFGF in ihrer angiogenetischen Potenz gleich? Wenn nicht, worin unterscheiden sie sich? Angiogenin erwies sich als 2,5-mal stärker gefäßneubildend als bFGF im vorliegenden Tiermodell. Beide Wachstumsfaktoren stimulierten in optimaler Dosis die Angiogenese 07 Tage nach Ischämieinduktion hoch signifikant (P < 0,002). Der initiale Effekt beider Wachstumsfaktoren bestand in einer Stimulierung der Neubildung von Kapillaren. 6. Lassen sich die angiogenetische Wirkung von bFGF und Angiogenin zur indirekten Vaskularisierung nutzen? Die Anwendung von rekombinantem humanem Angiogenin und bFGF wies für beide Wachstumsfaktoren eine ausgeprägte Stimulation der indirekten Revaskularisation im verwendeten Tiermodell nach. Eine gleichartige, jedoch möglicherweise nicht gleich starke Reaktion ist bei der Anwendung dieser humanen Wachstumsfaktoren am Menschen zu er-warten. Ein Ausnutzen der angiogenetischen Potenz dieser Faktoren zur gezielten therapeutischen Stimulation der indirekten Revaskularisation beim Menschen, z. B. bei Durchblutungsstörungen des Herzens oder anderer Körperregionen erscheint sinnvoll und vielversprechend. 7. Sind angiogenetische Faktoren, insbesondere Angiogenin und bFGF allein oder in Kombination zur Verbesserung der Biokompatibilität schmallumiger synthetischer, nicht biologischer Gefäßprothesen geeignet? Bei insgesamt für klinische Zwecke noch unbefriedigender Offenheitsrate der angiogenetisch beschichteten PTFE-Prothesen mit einem Durchmesser von 2 mm war eindeutig zu erkennen, daß die Kombination von Angiogenin und bFGF der alleinigen Beschichtung mit nur einem Wachstumsfaktor oder nur mit Heparin überlegen ist. 8. Ist mit angiogenetisch beschichteten Gefäßprothesen eine Endothelialisierung der Prothese in vivo und in situ möglich? Die erzielten Resultate mit angiogenetisch beschichteten Gefäßprothesen ließen keine in vivo/in situ Endothelialisierung an den implantierten Prothesen aufgrund der schlechten Offenheitsrate von maximal 24 Stunden nachweisen. Weitere Untersuchungen mit weniger thrombogenen Matrixfaktoren in der Kombination auch mit anderen Wachstumsfaktoren werden sicher neue Erkenntnisse bringen. 9. Ist die Modifizierung des Angiogeninmoleküls durch Phosphorylierung mit Proteinkinase C in vitro möglich? Ja. Proteinkinase C war in einem optimierten Phosphorylierungsansatz unter Verwendung ihrer Stimulatoren Ca 2+ , Phosphatidylserin und Diolein in der Lage Angiogenin mit einer Effektivität von bis zu 50 % in vitro zu phosphorylieren. 10. Mit welchen Methoden läßt sich phosphoryliertes Angiogenin nachweisen? Mit der SDS-PAGE ist bei Verwendung von (g-32 P)ATP als Phosphatdonator der Phos-phorylierungsreaktion phosphoryliertes Angiogenin als 32 P-Angiogenin qualitativ und quantitativ nachweisbar. 11. Welche Methoden sind geeignet phosphoryliertes Angiogenin zu isolieren und zu reinigen? Zur Separation von niedermolekularen Verunreinigungen und von überschüssigem Phosphor sind für präparative Zwecke die SEPHADEX G25 Molekularsiebsäulenzentrifugation und die CENTRICON 10 Membranfilterzentrifugation geeignet. Mit der sauren Proteinfällung ließ sich am einfachsten die quantitative Bestimmung phosphorylierten Angiogenins durchführen. 12. Stellt die Phosphorylierung von Angiogenin durch PKC möglicherweise eine physiologische Reaktion in der Wirkungskette von Angiogenin dar? Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage sind weitere Versuche in vivo und in vitro erforderlich. Bisherige Hinweise auf die zentrale Funktion der Proteinkinase C in vielen intra/extra-zellulären Informationsübertragungsprozessen ("second messenger" Reaktionen und "signalling" Prozesse) führen aufgrund der guten Phosphorylierbarkeit von Angiogenin durch PKC zu der Vermutung, daß die Phosphorylierung von Angiogenin durch PKC auch in vivo eine Rolle spielt. Möglicherweise stellt die Phosphorylierung von Angiogenin im molekularen Wirkungsmechanismus von Angiogenin auf der zellulären Ebene z. B. bei der extra/intrazellulären Informationsübertragung, oder bei der Modifizierung der biologischen Aktivität, evtl. auch bei der Inaktivierung von Angiogenin eine zentrale Schlüsselreaktion dar. Die präsentierten Ergebnisse zeigen, daß Angiogenin ein potenter Stimulator der indirekten Revaskularisierung in vivo ist und die Wirkung im standardisierten Tiermodell an der Ratte quantitativ untersucht werden kann. Die Offenheitsrate kleinkalibriger (Æ 2 mm) PTFE-Gefäßprothesen läßt sich im entwickelten Tiermodell an White New Zealand Kaninchen in vivo testen. Die angiogenetische Beschichtung der Prothesen mit dem Matrixfaktor Gelatine als Trägersubstanz der Angiogenesefaktoren und mit Heparin, Angiogenin und bFGF als Mitogenen zeigte keine für klinische Fragestellungen akzeptable Offenheitsrate. Mit der Phosphorylierung von Angiogenin durch Proteinkinase C in vitro unter Verwendung ihrer Stimulatoren Ca 2+ , Phospholipid und Diolein konnten Phosphorylierungsraten von bis zu 50 % erzielt werden. Mit phosphoryliertem Angiogenin steht nun ein weiterer molekular veränderter Wachstumsfaktor für Untersuchungen seiner biologischen Eigenschaften und der angiogenetischen Potenz in vivo und in vitro zur Verfügung. / The growth of new vessels is called angiogenesis. Special growth factors e.g. basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) are potent stimulators of angiogenesis in vivo and in vitro. Angiogenin another angiogenic protein was isolated first by Fett et al. 1985 from human carcinoma cells. Part I: The effect of angiogenin to stimulate angiogenesis in ischemic hind legs of inbred male Lewis rats is described. In this new animal model ischemia was induced by the ligature of the femoral artery. To stimulate angiogenesis angiogenic proteins (bFGF, angiogenin) were locally applied and compared to untreated ischemic animals. Already 1.9 ng locally applied angiogenin significantly stimulated the growth of collaterals in ischemic rat hind legs which could be demonstrated already 7 days after the application of angiogenin. The best stimulation of angiogenesis was achieved by the local application of 100 ng angiogenin which was 2.5-fold more angiogenic than 250 ng bFGF in the ischemic rat legs. The angiogenic effect of angiogenin as well as of bFGF was dependent on the applied dose reaching an optimum concerning angiogenin between 10 and 100 ng and for bFGF at 250 ng. Part II: The patency of PTFE vascular grafts with different angiogenic luminal coatings was tested in an animal model. In White New Zealand rabbits the abdominal aorta was replaced by a 5 cm long PTFE vascular graft 2 mm in diameter. Angiogenin and bFGF luminal coated PTFE grafts were 24 hours patent. Angiogenin coated grafts were after 8 hours occluded by a small distal thrombus. bFGF coated grafts were occluded after 6 hours. Heparine coated grafts were totally occluded by a thrombus after only 2 hours and gelatine coated grafts were already occluded after 1 hour. Part III: Protein Kinase C (PKC) isolated from rat brain was able to phosphorylat angiogenin with an effiency reaching 49% using Ca2+, Phospholipids and Dioleins as stimulators of the reaction. Histone V S was phosphorylated to 50% and bFGF to 84% by the same PKC. The determined Michaelis-Menten- Factor was concerning angiogenin km = 50 µM, bFGF km = 3.3 µM and Histone V S km = 10 µM. The separation of phosphorylated angiogenin was possible with the method of Sephadex G25 molecular sieve centrifugation as well as with the Centricon 10 membran centrifugation. The presented results demonstrate that angiogenin is a potent angiogenic protein stimulating the formation of new collaterals which was quantitatively evaluated in a new standardized rat animal model. The stimulation of indirect revascularization by angiogenin may be of therapeutical value in the treatment of ischemic cardio-vascular diseases. The patency of PTFE vascular prostheses 2 mm in diameter can successfully be tested in an animal model in White New Zealand rabbits by replacing the abdominal aorta by a 5 cm long PTFE vascular graft. Testing variant angiogenic luminal coatings of these PTFE grafts showed that a combination of bFGF/angiogenin had the best patency. Phosphorylation of angiogenin with PKC in vitro was possible reaching an effiency of 49% by using the stimulators Ca2+, Phospholipids and Dioleins for the reaction. Phosphorylated angiogenin may be a valuable modified angiogenic protein to study its biological and angiogenic activity in vivo and in vitro and could be helpful in the evaluation of its cellular pathways and receptors. © Die inhaltliche Zusammenstellung und Aufmachung dieser Publikation sowie die elektronische Verarbeitung sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwertung, die nicht ausdrücklich vom Urheberrechtsgesetz zugelassen ist, bedarf der vorherigen Zustimmung. Das gilt insbesondere für die Vervielfältigung, die Bearbeitung und Einspeicherung und Verarbeitung in elektronische Systeme.

Evaluation of a genomic work flow for the detection of Bacillus subtilis in animal feed and food samples

Lindberg, Stina January 2005 (has links)
<p>Bacillus anthracis is one of the most feared agents of biological warfare and causes the</p><p>deadly disease called anthrax. SVA (statens veterinärmedicinska anstalt) is working on a</p><p>project together with SLV (statens livsmedelsverk) where the target is to find rapid and</p><p>effective detection methods for Bacillus anthracis in animal feed and food samples. Bacillus</p><p>subtilis, which is harmless, was used in this study as a model organism to Bacillus anthracis.</p><p>A known concentration of vegetative Bacillus subtilis was spiked in animal feed and food</p><p>samples. The genomic work flow was based on automated DNA isolation and real time PCR.</p><p>The aim of the study was to screen for inhibitory components in the animal feed and food</p><p>samples using two different DNA isolation robots; Magnatrix 8000 and Biorobot EZ1. The</p><p>results showed that DNA of high quality was extracted from the samples with both robots.</p><p>However, the CT-value generated by the real time PCR showed considerable variation</p><p>depending on the sample matrix. Some samples, for instance egg and liver, were problematic</p><p>and gave low concentrations and high CT-values probably due to inhibitory components in the</p><p>samples. Further studies will be needed to solve these problems and optimize the methods that</p><p>were used in this study.</p>

Evaluation of a genomic work flow for the detection of Bacillus subtilis in animal feed and food samples

Lindberg, Stina January 2005 (has links)
Bacillus anthracis is one of the most feared agents of biological warfare and causes the deadly disease called anthrax. SVA (statens veterinärmedicinska anstalt) is working on a project together with SLV (statens livsmedelsverk) where the target is to find rapid and effective detection methods for Bacillus anthracis in animal feed and food samples. Bacillus subtilis, which is harmless, was used in this study as a model organism to Bacillus anthracis. A known concentration of vegetative Bacillus subtilis was spiked in animal feed and food samples. The genomic work flow was based on automated DNA isolation and real time PCR. The aim of the study was to screen for inhibitory components in the animal feed and food samples using two different DNA isolation robots; Magnatrix 8000 and Biorobot EZ1. The results showed that DNA of high quality was extracted from the samples with both robots. However, the CT-value generated by the real time PCR showed considerable variation depending on the sample matrix. Some samples, for instance egg and liver, were problematic and gave low concentrations and high CT-values probably due to inhibitory components in the samples. Further studies will be needed to solve these problems and optimize the methods that were used in this study.

QCD equation of state of hot deconfined matter at finite baryon density : a quasiparticle perspective

Bluhm, Marcus 19 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The quasiparticle model, based on quark and gluon degrees of freedom, has been developed for the description of the thermodynamics of a hot plasma of strongly interacting matter which is of enormous relevance in astrophysics, cosmology and for relativistic heavy-ion collisions as well. In the present work, this phenomenological model is extended into the realm of imaginary chemical potential and towards including, in general, different and independent quark flavour chemical potentials. In this way, nonzero net baryon-density effects in the equation of state are self-consistently attainable. Furthermore, a chain of approximations based on formal mathematical manipulations is presented which outlines the connection of the quasiparticle model with the underlying gauge field theory of strong interactions, QCD, putting the model on firmer ground. A comparison of quasiparticle model results with available lattice QCD data for, e. g., basic bulk thermodynamic quantities and various susceptibilities such as diagonal and off-diagonal susceptibilities, which provide a rich and sensitive testing ground, is found to be successful. Furthermore, different thermodynamic quantities and the phase diagram for imaginary chemical potential are faithfully described. Thus, the applicability of the model to extrapolate the equation of state known from lattice QCD at zero baryon density to nonzero baryon densities is shown. In addition, the ability of the model to extrapolate results to the chiral limit and to asymptotically large temperatures is illustrated by confrontation with available first-principle lattice QCD results. These extrapolations demonstrate the predictive power of the model. Basing on these successful comparisons supporting the idea that the hot deconfined phase can be described in a consistent picture by dressed quark and gluon degrees of freedom, a reliable QCD equation of state is constructed and baryon-density effects are examined, also along isentropic evolutionary paths. Scaling properties of the equation of state with fundamental QCD parameters such as the number of active quark flavour degrees of freedom, the entering quark mass parameters or the numerical value of the deconfinement transition temperature are discussed, and the robustness of the equation of state in the regions of small and large energy densities is shown. Uncertainties arising in the transition region are taken into account by constructing a family of equations of state whose members differ from each other in the specific interpolation prescription between large energy density region and a realistic hadron resonance gas equation of state at low energy densities. The obtained family of equations of state is applied in hydrodynamic simulations, and the implications of variations in the transition region are discussed by considering transverse momentum spectra and differential elliptic flow of directly emitted hadrons, in particular of strange baryons, for both, RHIC top energy and LHC conditions. Finally, with regard to FAIR physics, implications of the possible presence of a QCD critical point on the equation of state are outlined both, in an exemplary toy model and for an extended quasiparticle model.

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