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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cannabis Use Patterns and Their Association with DSM-IV Cannabis Dependence and Gender

Noack, René, Höfler, Michael, Lüken, Ulrike January 2011 (has links)
Aims: To investigate the gender differences in the patterns of cannabis use (CU), namely frequency, times of day, social context and methods and in their association with DSM-IV cannabis dependence. Methods: A sample of 3,904 students from German universities was recruited via an internet survey. Logistic regressions and associated areas under the ROC curve (AUC) were calculated among current cannabis users (at least once a month, n = 843). Results: CU using a water pipe was more often reported by males (50 vs. 34.6%). Usual CU ‘before going to sleep at night’ was more often reported by females (47.3 vs. 35.7%). Most CU patterns showed a similar association with DSM-IV cannabis dependence in both genders. The association of CU ‘with strangers’ was stronger in females (AUC 0.68 vs. AUC 0.56). Slightly different multiple models were found (females AUC 0.86, males AUC 0.77). Conclusions: There are considerable gender differences in the CU patterns and, thus, in the way CU functions. In the association of CU patterns with cannabis dependence, the similarities are rather great. Examining the CU patterns might make a considerable contribution to the better detection of high-risk population segments for prevention and early intervention in both genders. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Agoraphobia and Panic: Prospective-Longitudinal Relations Suggest a Rethinking of Diagnostic Concepts

Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Nocon, Agnes, Beesdo, Katja, Pine, Daniel S., Höfler, Michael, Lieb, Roselind, Gloster, Andrew T. January 2008 (has links)
Background: The relationship of panic attacks (PA), panic disorder (PD) and agoraphobia (AG) is controversial. The aim of the current study is to prospectively examine the 10-year natural course of PA, PD and AG in the first three decades of life, their stability and their reciprocal transitions. Methods: DSM-IV syndromes were assessed via Composite International Diagnostic Interview – Munich version in a 10-year prospective-longitudinal community study of 3,021 subjects aged 14–24 years at baseline. Results: (1) Incidence patterns for PA (9.4%), PD (with and without AG: 3.4%) and AG (5.3%) revealed differences in age of onset, incidence risk and gender differentiation. (2) Temporally primary PA and PD revealed only a moderately increased risk for subsequent onset of AG, and primary AG had an even lower risk for subsequent PA and PD. (3) In strictly prospective analyses, all baseline groups (PA, PD, AG) had low remission rates (0–23%). Baseline PD with AG or AG with PA were more likely to have follow-up AG, PA and other anxiety disorders and more frequent complications (impairment, disability, help-seeking, comorbidity) as compared to PD without AG and AG without PA. Conclusions: Differences in incidence patterns, syndrome progression and outcome, and syndrome stability over time indicate that AG exists as a clinically significant phobic condition independent of PD. The majority of agoraphobic subjects in this community sample never experienced PA, calling into question the current pathogenic assumptions underlying the classification of AG as merely a consequence of panic. The findings point to the necessity of rethinking diagnostic concepts and DSM diagnostic hierarchies.

Reliability and procedural validity of University of Michigan-CIDI DSM-III-R phobic disorders

Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Zhao, Shanyang, Abelson, Jamie M., Abelson, James L., Kessler, Ronald C. January 1996 (has links)
We evaluate the long-term test–retest reliability and procedural validity of phobia diagnoses in the UM-CIDI, the version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview, used in the US National Co-morbidity Survey (NCS) and a number of other ongoing large-scale epidemiological surveys. Test–retest reliabilities of lifetime diagnoses of simple phobia, social phobia, and agoraphobia over a period between 16 and 34 months were K = 0·46, 0·47, and 0·63, respectively. Concordances with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R (SCID) were K = 0·45, 0·62, and 0·63, respectively. Diagnostic discrepancies with the SCID were due to the UM-CIDI under-diagnosing. Post hoc analysis demonstrated that modification of UM-CIDI coding rules could dramatically improve cross-sectional procedural validity for both simple phobia (K = 0·57) and social phobia (K = 0·95). Based on these results, it seems likely that future modification of CIDI questions and coding rules could lead to substantial improvements in diagnostic validity.

Modularization of Test Rigs / Modularisering av provningsriggar

Williamsson, David January 2015 (has links)
This Master of Science Thesis contains the result of a product development project, conducted in collaboration with Scania CV AB in Södertälje. Scania has a successful history in vehicle modularization and therefore wanted to investigate the possibility to modularize their test rigs as well, in order to gain various types of benefits. The section UTT (Laboratory Technology) at Scania, where the project was conducted, had however little experience in product modularization. The author of the thesis therefore identified a specific test rig and modularized it by using appropriate methods. Moreover, a new method was developed by the author, in order to modularize the test rig according to both product complexity and company strategies. This was done by adapting the DSM (Design Structure Matrix) with strategies from the MIM (Module Indication Matrix), before clustering it with the IGTA++ clustering algorithm. The result of the different modularization methods was finally evaluated and compared, before choosing the most suitable modular test rig architecture. The chosen architecture was then analyzed, in order to determine potential benefits that it could offer. Another purpose of the thesis was to answer the research questions about the possibility to combine a DSM and MIM, and if that would improve the result when modularizing a product. The thesis also aimed at providing the project owners with a theoretical background in the field of product modularization and System-Level design (embodiment design). The conclusions of the thesis is that the chosen modular test rig architecture has 41% less complexity (compared with the original architecture) and could potentially increase the flexibility, reduce the risk of design mistakes and reduce the development time by up to 70%. It would also be theoretically possible to reuse up to 57% of the modules, when redesigning the test rig in the future. The thesis also identified that it is possible to transfer some information from a MIM and import it to a DSM, which answered one of the research questions, it was however not possible to claim that it will always improve the result. / Detta M.Sc. examensarbete innehåller resultatet av ett produktframtagningsprojekt som genomfördes i samarbete med Scania CV AB i Södertälje. Scania har en framgångsrik historia inom modularisering av fordon och var därför intresserade av att undersöka möjligheten att modularisera sina provningsriggar, för att uppnå olika typer av strategiska fördelar. Sektionen UTT (Laboratorieteknik) på Scania, där projektet genomfördes, hade dock lite erfarenhet av modularisering av produkter. Författaren av detta examensarbete identifierade därför en specifik provningsrigg och modulariserade den med hjälp av lämpliga metoder. Dessutom utvecklades en ny metod av författaren för att både kunna betrakta företagsstrategier och produktkomplexiteten under modulariseringen. Detta gjordes genom att anpassa en DSM (Design Structure Matrix) med strategier från en MIM (Module Indication Matrix), innan den klustrades med hjälp av algoritmen IGTA++. Resultatet av de olika modulariseringsmetoderna utvärderades och jämfördes slutligen innan den lämpligaste modulära provriggsarkitekturen valdes. Den valda arkitekturen analyserades sedan för att identifiera tänkbara strategiska fördelar som den skulle kunna möjliggöra. Ett annat syfte med examensarbetet var att besvara forskningsfrågorna om möjligheten att kombinera en DSM och MIM, och om det i så fall skulle förbättra resultatet av modulariseringen. Målet med examensarbetet var också att förse sektionen UTT med en teoretisk bakgrund inom modularisering och systemkonstruktion. Slutsatserna av examensarbetet är att den valda modulära produktarkitekturen har 41% lägre komplexitet (jämfört med den ursprungliga arkitekturen) och skulle dessutom potentiellt kunna öka flexibiliteten, minska risken för konstruktionsfel samt minska ledtiden (under utvecklingen) med upp till 70%. Det skulle också vara teoretiskt möjligt att återanvända upp till 57% av modulerna när den studerade provningsriggen behöver utvecklas i framtiden. Under examensarbetet identifierades också möjligheten att överföra information från en MIM till en DSM, vilket besvarade en av forskningsfrågorna. Det var dock inte möjligt att besvara frågan om det alltid förbättrar resultatet.

Approaches to vehicle modularization : - An industrial product architecture analysis / Tillvägagångssätt för modularisering av fordon : En arkitekturanalys av en industriprodukt

Andreea Florea, Stefania January 2018 (has links)
Detta M.Sc. examensarbete innehåller resultatet från ett projekt som utförs i samarbete med Scania CV AB i Södertälje. Projektet är inriktat på arkitekturanalyser där olika modulariseringsmetoder tillämpas på ett komplext system. Scania har en känd och framgångsrik historia inom modularisering, som anses spelat en viktig roll för att bli ett av världens ledande företag idag. Därför ville produktbeskrivningsmetodavdelningen på Scania undersöka ett motordelsystem för att få en bättre förståelse för sin nuvarande arkitektur. För detta ändamål har lämpliga modulariseringsmetoder använts.Systemet Extreme High-Pressure Injection (XPI) valdes av författaren för undersökning och modulariserades med två olika metoder: Heuristisk metoden och DSM (Design Structure Matrix) –metoden, med hjälp av IGTA ++ klustringsalgoritmen. De resulterande klustren från bådametoderna analyserades och jämfördes med de från den nuvarande arkitekturen. Baserat på dessaanalyser föreslogs en modulär arkitektur slutligen av författaren.Avhandlingen identifierar de arkitektoniska skillnaderna efter tillämpning av modulariseringsmetoderna och belyser de möjliga faktorer som kan påverka analysresultaten. Den avslöjar också att DSM-analyserna visar de mest liknande klusterförslagen med den nuvarande arkitekturen. Utvecklingen av systemkonfigurationen undersöks också genom att använda den tidigare versionen som referens. Ett annat syfte med uppsatsen är att svara på frågan om systemets flexibilitet när det gäller teknikskifte. / This Master Thesis encloses the results of a project conducted in collaboration with Scania CV AB in Södertälje. The project is focused on architecture analysis when modularization methods are applied to a complex system. Scania has a known and successful history in modularization, which it is claimed to play an essential role in becoming one of the world’s leading companies today. Therefore, the Product description methodology department within Scania wanted to investigate an engine subsystem in order to have a better understanding of its current architecture. For this purpose, there have been implemented suitable modularization methods.The Extreme High-Pressure Injection (XPI) system was chosen by the author for investigation and modularized using two different methods: Heuristic method and DSM (Design Structure Matrix) method using IGTA++ clustering algorithm. The resulted clusters from both methods were analyzed and compared with the ones from the current architecture. Based on these analyses a modular architecture was finally suggested by the author.The thesis identifies the architectural differences after applying the modularization methods and highlights the possible factors which may influence the analyses results. It also reveals the DSM analyses show most similar cluster proposals with the current architecture. The evolution of the system configuration is also investigated by having its previous version as reference. Another purpose of the thesis is to answer the research question regarding the system’s flexibility when it comes to technology shift.

Active Interaction Complexity  in Systems Engineering / Aktiv Interaktionskomplexitet inom Systemteknik

Haribabu, Aravind Saravanan January 2019 (has links)
The master's thesis describes how complexity measurement can enhance product development or design processes in collaboration with Scania CV AB. Scania has a strong track record in vehicle modularization and thus wanted to investigate the possibility of using complexity measures when architecting, developing, and maintaining complex engineering products such as electrified or self-driving trucks and buses to gain various types of benefits. The section YMPI at Scania, where the project is conducted, had, however, little experience in complexity measurements wants to identify and investigate which complexity measure effectively captures the complexity of a complex system. A fairly complicated industrial case of a conceptual Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) variant was utilized to demonstrate the newly proposed complexity metric methodology and demonstrate its ability to determine the technical complexity of a system. As a result, the thesis author found a specific case study at Scania and used appropriate methodologies to determine the complexity of the chosen subsystem using the newly proposed complexity measure. This was done by adapting the DSM (Design Structure Matrix) before clustering it with the IGTA++ clustering algorithm. The proposed complexity metric yields a higher complexity number when compared to the traditional product complexity metric.  Another purpose of the thesis was to answer the research questions and conduct a literature review in the field of Model Based System Engineering and product architecting to define the state-of-the-art. The thesis concludes that the newly proposed complexity metric, when implemented on the chosen subsystem, yields a higher complexity number when compared to the number obtained from product complexity, implying that including the directions of an interaction between the components and taking into account the active interacting components improves the accuracy of the complexity measure.  Therefore, it is recommended to Scania to use this proposed method to find the complexity of the system and to compare how the system gets complex when incorporating new technologies or modifying the system or product architecture, as well as to utilize this as a safety and a performance factor for a system. / I examensarbetet beskrivs hur komplexitetsmätning kan förbättra produktutvecklings- eller designprocesser i samarbete med Scania CV AB. Scania har en stark erfarenhet av fordonsmodularisering och önskade därför undersöka möjligheten att använda komplexitetsmått för arkitektur, utveckling och underhåll av komplexa tekniska produkter som elektrifierade eller självkörande lastbilar och bussar för att få olika typer av fördelar. Sektionen YMPI på Scania, där projektet genomförs, hade dock lite erfarenhet av komplexitetsmått och sökte identifiera och undersöka vilket komplexitetsmått som effektivt fångar komplexiteten hos ett komplext system. Ett ganska komplicerat industriellt fall av en konceptuell variant av ett elektriskt batterifordon (BEV) användes för att demonstrera den nyligen föreslagna metoden för komplexitetsmätning och för att visa dess förmåga att fastställa ett systems tekniska komplexitet. Som ett resultat av detta hittade avhandlingsförfattaren en specifik fallstudie hos Scania och använde lämpliga metoder för att bestämma komplexiteten hos det valda delsystemet med hjälp av det nyligen föreslagna komplexitetsmåttet. Detta gjordes genom att anpassa DSM (Design Structure Matrix) innan den klustrades med klusteralgoritmen IGTA++. Det föreslagna komplexitetsmåttet ger ett högre komplexitetstal jämfört med det traditionella produktkomplexitetsmåttet.  Ett annat syfte med avhandlingen var att besvara forskningsfrågorna och genomföra en litteraturstudie inom området modellbaserad systemteknik och produktarkitektur för att definiera den senaste tekniken. I avhandlingen dras slutsatsen att det nyligen föreslagna komplexitetsmåttet, när det tillämpas på det valda delsystemet, ger ett högre komplexitetstal jämfört med det tal som erhålls från produktkomplexitet, vilket innebär att om man inkluderar riktningarna för en interaktion mellan komponenterna och tar hänsyn till de aktiva interagerande komponenterna förbättras komplexitetsmåttets noggrannhet.  Därför rekommenderas Scania att använda den föreslagna metod för att fastställa systemets komplexitet och jämföra hur systemet blir mer komplext när ny teknik införlivas eller när system- eller produktarkitekturen ändras, samt att använda detta som en säkerhets- och prestandafaktor för ett system.

Die Validierung der Kernmerkmale von Persönlichkeitsstörung Selbstpathologie und interpersonale Pathologie des alternativen DSM-5 Modells anhand des General Assessment of Personality Disorder (GAPD)

Hentschel, Annett 12 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Theoretischer Hintergrund: Die Arbeitsgruppe Persönlichkeit und Persönlichkeitsstörung für das DSM-5 erarbeitete aufgrund der umfangreichen Kritik an der DSM-IV-TR Klassifikation von Persönlichkeitsstörungen hinsichtlich der kategorialen Diagnosen und Konstruktvalidität eine neue Klassifikation, die als alternatives DSM-5 Modell im Abschnitt III des Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition, integriert wurde. Dies schloss auch die Entwicklung neuer allgemeiner Kriterien für Persönlichkeitsstörung ein. Die Kriterien A und B dieser allgemeinen Kriterien stellen die notwendigen Merkmale (essential features) von Persönlichkeitsstörung dar. Die Kriterien C bis G definieren den zeitlichen und situationalen Geltungsbereich der notwendigen Merkmale. Kriterium A der allgemeinen Kriterien umfasst die Kernmerkmale von Persönlichkeitsstörung Selbstpathologie und interpersonale Pathologie. Diese Kernmerkmale gehen zurück auf die Definition von Persönlichkeitsstörung von Livesley. Das alternative DSM-5 Modell geht des Weiteren davon aus, dass sich Selbstpathologie und interpersonale Pathologie in einer eindimensionalen Skala der Funktionsniveaus der Persönlichkeit integrieren lassen, welche die Einschätzung des Beeinträchtigungsgrades auf einer fünfstufigen Skala erlaubt. Neben Kriterium A muss außerdem gemäß Kriterium B des alternativen DSM-5 Modells der allgemeinen Kriterien für Persönlichkeitsstörung zumindest ein pathologisches Persönlichkeitstrait vorliegen. Dahinter steht die Annahme, dass die Dysfunktion von Persönlichkeit (Kriterium A) getrennt von der Beschreibung der Persönlichkeitspathologie (Kriterium B) erfasst werden kann. Letztendlich stützt sich die empirische Basis zu den aktuell vorgeschlagenen Kernmerkmalen von Persönlichkeitsstörung Selbstpathologie und interpersonale Pathologie im alternativen DSM-5 Modell lediglich auf eine Studie. Ziele: Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit setzte sich in Anbetracht der geringen empirischen Basis zum Ziel, die Kernmerkmale von Persönlichkeitsstörung des alternativen DSM-5 Modells empirisch zu überprüfen. Auf der Grundlage der Definition von Persönlichkeitsstörung, die auch die theoretische Grundlage für die Kernmerkmale von Persönlichkeitsstörung im alternativen DSM-5 Modell bildete, wurde ein Fragebogen entwickelt: Das General Assessment of Personality Disorder (GAPD). Das GAPD wurde für den deutschen Sprachraum adaptiert und zeigte eine zufriedenstellende Reliabilität hinsichtlich interner Konsistenz. Dieser Fragebogen hat 85 Items mit jeweils vier Skalen zu Selbstpathologie und Interpersonaler Pathologie. Das GAPD wurde erstens herangezogen, um zu überprüfen, ob die Kernmerkmale Selbstpathologie und interpersonale Pathologie Patienten mit und ohne Persönlichkeitsstörung differenzieren können und zweitens ob diese Merkmale tatsächlich die Bandbreite von Persönlichkeitspathologie abbilden können. Außerdem sollte drittens geprüft werden, ob die Integration von Selbstpathologie und interpersonaler Pathologie innerhalb einer Skala auch empirisch gerechtfertigt werden kann. Viertens sollte untersucht werden, ob die Dysfunktion von Persönlichkeit (Kriterium A) getrennt von der näheren Beschreibung der Persönlichkeitspathologie (Kriterium B) erfasst werden kann. Hierzu wurde der Zusammenhang der Kernmerkmale von Persönlichkeitsstörung (Kriterium A), operationalisiert durch den GAPD, mit den Persönlichkeitstraits (Kriterium B), erfasst mit dem Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology (DAPP-BQ) und mit dem NEO-Persönlichkeitsinventar nach Costa und McCrae, Revidierte Fassung (NEO-PI-R), untersucht. Ergebnisse: (1) Sowohl für die Selbstpathologie-Skalen als auch für die Interpersonalen Pathologie-Skalen des GAPD konnte gezeigt werden, dass sie zwischen Patienten mit (n = 75) und ohne Persönlichkeitsstörung (n = 74) differenzierten. Ausnahme bildete hier die Skala (P3) Prosoziales Verhalten. Das GAPD konnte 82 % der Patienten richtig als Patienten mit und ohne Persönlichkeitsstörung zuordnen beruhend auf Diagnosen, die mit dem Strukturierten Klinischen Interview für DSM-IV, Achse II: Persönlichkeitsstörungen (SKID-II) ermittelt wurden. (2) Außerdem zeigten sich für neun der zwölf DSM-IV Persönlichkeitsstörungen mittlere bis hohe Korrelationen mit den Skalen des GAPD. Ausnahmen bildeten hier die zwanghafte, antisoziale und histrionische Persönlichkeitsstörung. Ebenso ergaben sich hohe Korrelationen zwischen GAPD, DAPP und NEO-PI-R hinsichtlich aller korrespondierender Traits auf Domain Ebene des DSM-5 Traitmodells (Negative Affektivität, Bindungslosigkeit, Feindseligkeit, Enthemmung und Psychotizismus). (3) Des Weiteren ergab sich ein Ein-Faktorenmodell für die Skalen des GAPD mit einer Varianzaufklärung von 61,4 %. Die Selbstpathologie Skalen hatten höhere Ladungen auf dem Faktor (.88 - .93) als die Interpersonalen Pathologie-Skalen (.66 - .78). Lediglich die Skala (P3) Prosoziales Verhalten zeigte eine niedrige Ladung (.31). (4) Inkrementelle Validität ergab sich für den DAPP und NEO-PI-R über den GAPD. Umgekehrt zeigte sich dies nur für den GAPD über den NEO-PI-R. Diskussion und Ausblick: Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse zum GAPD konnte gezeigt werden, dass erstens die Skalen des GAPD, die die Kernmerkmale von Persönlichkeitsstörung (1) Selbstpathologie und (2) Interpersonale Pathologie des alternativen DSM-5 Modells zum großen Teil erfassen, das Vorliegen einer Persönlichkeitsstörung gut vorhersagen können. Zweitens wiesen die Ergebnisse daraufhin, dass die Skalen des GAPD, zum einen mit hohen Traitausprägungen sowohl von normalen als auch pathologischen Traitmodellen, in der vorliegenden Arbeit erfasst durch NEO-PI-R und DAPP, korrelierten und zum anderen mit neun der zwölf DSM-IV Persönlichkeitsstörungen. Damit können die Kernmerkmale eine große Bandbreite von Persönlichkeitspathologie abbilden. Drittens wurde die Integration von Selbstpathologie und interpersonaler Pathologie in einer eindimensionalen Skala faktorenanalytisch bestätigt. Viertens konnte eine getrennte Erfassung von Dysfunktionen von Persönlichkeitsstörung und Persönlichkeitsbeschreibungen, wie sie in den Kriterien A und B des alternativen DSM-5 Modells gefordert wird, in der vorliegenden Arbeit nur zum Teil empirisch Bestätigung finden, da zwar sowohl normale als auch pathologische Persönlichkeitstraits zu den Kernmerkmalen Informationen hinzufügen konnten bei der Untersuchung der inkrementellen Validität, aber andersherum die Kernmerkmale, erfasst durch das GAPD, nur bei normalen Persönlichkeitstraits, erfasst durch das NEO-PI-R, Informationen hinzufügen konnte. Das DAPP als pathologisches Traitmodell deckte bereits die Informationen des GAPD fast vollständig ab. Insgesamt untermauern die Ergebnisse zum GAPD die Validität der Kernmerkmale von Persönlichkeitsstörung des Kriteriums A und die Skala der Funktionsniveaus der Persönlichkeit des alternativen DSM-5 Modells. Die Skala (P3) Prosoziales Verhalten scheint wenig Relevanz für die Diagnostik von Persönlichkeitsstörung zu besitzen. Bei der Interpretation der Ergebnisse zum GAPD sollten folgende Einschränkungen beachtet werden. Zum einen erfasst das GAPD nicht vollständig die Facetten der Kernmerkmale des Kriteriums A des alternativen DSM-5 Modells. Des Weiteren beruht das GAPD auf Selbstauskünften, was aufgrund der Störung in der Selbstwahrnehmung dieser Patienten ein Nachteil bei der Diagnostik von Persönlichkeitsstörung darstellt. Probleme für die Interpretation der Ergebnisse des GAPD ergeben sich außerdem daraus, dass als Vergleichskriterium die DSM-IV Persönlichkeitsstörungen erhoben wurden. Diese Klassifikation gilt an sich als wenig valide und daher die Erfassung als nicht reliabel. Daher wird es in zukünftigen Studien wichtig sein, die neuen Kriterien der spezifischen Persönlichkeitsstörungen des alternativen DSM-5 Modells bzw. das DSM-5 Traitmodell und das hierzu neu entwickelte Erfassungsinstrument Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) zugrunde zu legen. Nichtsdestotrotz ist das GAPD das erste Instrument, welches die Kernmerkmale von Persönlichkeitsstörung des alternativen DSM-5 Modells psychometrisch überhaupt erfassbar macht. Es bot die Grundlage dieser Doktorarbeit, die Validität der Kernmerkmale für Persönlichkeitsstörung des alternativen DSM-5 Modells empirisch zu untermauern. Es wird vorgeschlagen, eine kürzere Version des GAPD als Screening im ersten Schritt des Diagnoseprozesses von Persönlichkeitsstörung anzuwenden, gegebenenfalls gefolgt im zweiten Schritt von einem strukturierten Interview. / Theoretical Background: The DSM-5 Work Group for personality and personality disorders developed a new classification of personality disorder based on extensive critiques concerning categorical diagnoses and construct validity of the DSM-IV classification. The new classification was integrated as alternative DSM-5 model for personality disorders into section III of the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fifth edition. The alternative DSM-5 model for personality disorders also includes new general criteria for personality disorder in DSM-5. The criteria A and B of the general criteria are the essential features of personality disorder. The general criteria C through G define the scope concerning time and situations and exclusion criteria. Criterion A encompasses the core features of personality disorder: self and interpersonal pathology. These core features are based on the definition of personality disorder from Livesley. The DSM-5 model assumes that self and interpersonal pathology can be integrated into a unidimensional Personality Functioning Scale, which enables a five-level rating of impairment in self / interpersonal functioning. Next to criterion A, criterion B of the general criteria for personality disorder requires at least one pathological personality trait to be fulfilled. This entails the assumption that personality dysfunction alone can be measured, independent of personality traits. Finally, the empirical foundation for the proposed core features of personality disorder, self and interpersonal functioning, is based on only one study. Aims: The current doctoral thesis is aimed at validating the core features of personality disorder in the DSM-5, in light of the small empirical foundation existing today. Livesley\'s definition of personality disorder, which is the theoretical basis of criterion A of the general criteria for personality disorder in the DSM-5, was also used to develop a self-report questionnaire: the General Assessment of Personality Disorder (GAPD). The GAPD was translated into German and showed sufficient reliability in terms of internal consistency. The questionnaire has 85 items with four scales for self pathology and four scales for interpersonal pathology. First, the GAPD was used to investigate whether the core features of personality, self and interpersonal pathology, are able to differentiate between patients with and without personality disorder. Second, whether the core features cover the full range of personality pathology was examined. Third, the integration of self and interpersonal pathology into a unidimensional scale was empirically validated. Fourth, whether functional impairment (criterion A) can be assessed separately from personality traits (criterion B) was investigated. This last investigation was carried out by analyzing the relationship between the core features of personality disorder (criterion A) and pathological personality traits (criterion B). Criterion A was operationalized by the GAPD; criterion B was measured by the Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology (DAPP-BQ) and additionally by the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R). Results: (1) The patients (n = 75) with personality disorder differed significantly from patients without personality disorder (n = 74) in all Self Pathology and Interpersonal Pathology scales of the GAPD, except (P3) Prosocial Behaviour. The GAPD identified 82 % of patients correctly, as patients with or without personality disorder diagnoses, based on the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Personality Disorders (SKID-II). (2) Furthermore, the GAPD scales showed moderate to high correlations for nine of twelve DSM-IV personality disorders. The exceptions were obsessive-compulsive, antisocial and histrionic personality disorders. Similarly, there were moderate to high correlations between GAPD, DAPP and NEO-PI-R, with regard to all corresponding DSM-5 trait model domains (Negative Affectivity, Detachment, Antagonism, Disinhibition, and Psychoticism). (3) Additionally, the analysis yielded a one-factor model with an explained variance of 61.4 %. The Self Pathology scales showed higher factor loadings (.88 - .93) than the Interpersonal Pathology scales (.66 - .78). But (P3) Prosocial Behaviour showed a low loading (.31). (4) The DAPP and NEO-PI-R showed incremental validity over the GAPD, but the GAPD only over the NEO-PI-R. Discussion and outlook: Based on the results it could be shown that, first, the scales of the GAPD, which largely measure the core features of personality disorder in the DSM-5, (1) self pathology and (2) interpersonal pathology, were able to predict the presence of personality disorder well. Second, the results showed large correlations between the GAPD-scales and high trait expressions in both normal and abnormal trait models, measured by the DAPP and NEO-PI-R, as well as large correlations between the GAPD scales and nine of twelve DSM-IV personality disorders. Thus, the core features of personality disorder covered a wide range of personality pathology. Third, factor-analytic studies confirmed the integration of self and interpersonal pathology into a unidimensional scale. Fourth, it could be shown in part that functional impairment can be assessed separately from personality traits, as demanded by criteria A and B of the DSM-5. Normal and abnormal trait models were able to add information to the core features of personality disorder when assessing the incremental validity, but the core features could only add information to normal personality traits. The DAPP as a pathological trait model already covers the information of the GAPD. In summary, the results of the GAPD confirm the validity of the core features of personality disorder of criterion A and the Personality Functioning Scale in the DSM-5. The scale (P3) Prosocial Behaviour seems to have little significance for the diagnosis of personality disorders. The following limitations need to be considered in the interpretation of the results. The GAPD does not capture all facets of the core features of criterion A of the DSM-5. Furthermore, the GAPD is based on self-reporting, which is a disadvantage in the diagnosis of personality disorders, because of a distortion in the self-perception of those patients. Problems in the interpretation of the results might also be due to the use of the DSM-IV personality disorder as the comparison criterion. This classification is regarded as invalid and its assessment as less reliable. Thus, the new criteria of the individual DSM-5 personality disorders and the DSM-5 trait model, as well as the newly developed assessment tool Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5), should be included in future studies. Nevertheless, the GAPD is the first tool to allow an assessment of the core features of personality disorder in the DSM-5. It provided the foundation of the current doctoral thesis to confirm the validity of the core features of personality disorder in the DSM-5. It is proposed that a shorter version of the GAPD could be used to screen for personality disorder in the first step of the diagnostic process, followed by a structured interview in the second step, if necessary.

Emotional intelligence and sociotropy-autonomy in young women with DSM-IV-TR hypochondriasis : a mixed-method study

Papis, Karol Grzegorz January 2015 (has links)
DSM-IV-TR classifies hypochondriasis as a complex somatoform disorder, characterised by physical complaints for which no organic cause could be identified. DSM-5 replaced it with two new diagnostic terms: somatic symptoms disorder and illness anxiety disorder. The distinction was based on the presence or absence of somatic symptoms, and concerns have been raised with regards to the validity of these new diagnostic concepts. While there has recently been an increase in recognising the role of the underlying anxiety in this condition, the psychological needs of individuals with hypochondriasis remain unclear. It is conceivable that specific emotional and interpersonal dimensions play a mediating role in the onset of hypochondriacal presentations, and have explanatory power with regards to the improvement of tailored therapeutic interventions. The present study used a mixed methodology, with an emphasis on the qualitative component, to investigate emotions and the interpersonal aspects of hypochondriasis. Six young adult females meeting the diagnostic criteria for both DSM-IV-TR hypochondriasis and DSM-5 illness anxiety disorder formed a clinical group for the present study. Semi-structured interviews were administered and analysed in line with the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Four major themes emerged from the qualitative data: 1) Early life experience; 2) Inward focus; 3) Learned helplessness; and 4) Experience of psychological therapy. Eight subordinate themes were identified: (i) Unmet emotional needs; (ii) Emotional isolation; (iii) There is something wrong with me; (iv) Emotional reasoning; (v) Self-fulfilling prophecy; (vi) External locus of control; (vii) Over-reliance on other people; and (viii) The experience of psychological therapy. Fifty-one female undergraduate psychology students formed a matched comparison group for the study and enabled a supplementary quantitative analysis to be conducted. The quantitative measures included measures of trait (TEIQue-SF) and ability emotional intelligence (MSCEIT) as well as a measure of sociotropy-autonomy (SAS). The quantitative data showed that the clinical group scored significantly lower than the comparison group on the measures of trait emotional intelligence, understanding emotions, and autonomy. Additionally, the clinical group scored significantly higher than the comparison group on the measure of sociotropy. The theoretical and therapeutic recommendations are discussed in light of the limitations of the present study. In conclusion, emotional and interpersonal aspects of DSM-IV-TR Hypochondriasis and DSM-5 illness anxiety disorder in young women provide a useful framework for the conceptualisation and therapeutic management of these conditions. It appears that with its scientific knowledge base, therapeutic flexibility, focus on reflective practice, and the emphasis on an effective working relationship, the discipline of counselling psychology is well-suited to address the needs of participants with hypochondriacal presentations.

SHARED-GM: Arquitetura de Mem´oria Distribu´ıda para o Ambiente D-GM. / SHARED-GM: DISTRIBUTED MEMORY ARCHITECTURE FOR D-GM ENVIRO

Zechlinski, Gustavo Mata 11 September 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T17:26:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 gustavo.pdf: 2041277 bytes, checksum: 42156e7b6b140c8fd9dcda43abcba411 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-09-11 / The recent advances in computer technology have increased the use of computer clusters for running applications which require a large computational effort, making this practice a strong tendency. Following this tendency, the D-GM (Geometric Distributed- Machine) environment is a tool, composed by two software modules, VPE-GM (Visual Programming Environment for Geometric Machine) and VirD-GM (Virtual Distributed Geometric Machine), whose goals are the development of applications of the scientific computation applying visual programming and parallel and/or distributed execution, respectively. The core of the D-GM environment is based on the Geometric Machine (GM Model), which is an abstract machine model for parallel and/or concurrent computations, whose definitions cover the existing parallels to process executions. The main contribution of this work is the formalization and development of a distributed memory for the D-GM environment, designing, modeling and constructing the integration between such environment and a distributed shared memory (DSM) system. Therefore, it aims at obtaining a better execution dynamic with major functionality and possibly, an increase in performance in the D-GM execution applications. This integration, whose objective is to supply a shared distributed memory module to the D-GM environment, is called ShareD-GM environment. Based on the study of DSM softwares implementations, mainly on their characteristics which meet all the requirements to implement the distributed memory of the D-GM environment, this work considers the use of Terracotta system. This study highlights two facilities both present in Terracota: the portability and adaptability for distributed execution in a cluster of computers with no code modifications (codeless clustering). Besides these characteristics, one can observe that Terracotta does not make use of RMI (Remote Method Invocation) for communication among objects in a JAVA environment. From this point of view, one may also minimize the overhead of data serializations (marshalling) in network transmissions. In addition, the development of applications to evaluate the implementation of the architecture model provided by the ShareD-GM integration, as the algorithm Smith-Waterman and the Jacobi method, showed a shorter running time when compared to the previous VirD-GM execution module / O recente avanc¸o das tecnologias de computadores impulsionaram o uso de clusters de computadores para execuc¸ ao de aplicac¸ oes que exijam um grande esforc¸o computacional, tornando esta pr´atica uma forte tend encia atual. Acompanhando esta tend encia, o Ambiente D-GM (Distributed-Geometric Machine) constitui-se em uma ferramenta compreendendo dois m´odulos de software, VPE-GM (Visual Programming Environment for Geometric Machine) e VirD-GM (Virtual Distributed Geometric Machine), os quais objetivam o desenvolvimento de aplicac¸ oes da computac¸ ao cient´ıfica aplicando a programac¸ ao visual e a execuc¸ ao paralela e/ou distribu´ıda, respectivamente. O n´ucleo do Ambiente D-GM est´a fundamentado na M´aquina Geom´etrica (Geometric Machine-GM), um modelo de m´aquina abstrato para computac¸ oes paralelas e/ou concorrentes cujas definic¸ oes abrangem os paralelismos existentes para execuc¸ ao de processos. A principal contribuic¸ ao deste trabalho ´e a formalizac¸ ao e desenvolvimento de uma mem´oria distribu´ıda para o Ambiente D-GM atrav´es da concepc¸ ao, modelagem e construc¸ ao da integrac¸ ao entre o Ambiente D-GM e um sistema DSM (Distributes Shared Memory). Portanto, visando melhoria na din amica de execuc¸ ao com maior funcionalidade e, possivelmente, com melhor desempenho no ambiente D-GM. A esta integrac¸ ao, cujo objetivo ´e fornecer um modelo de mem´oria compartilhada distribu´ıda para o Ambiente D-GM, d´a-se o nome de ShareD-GM. Com base no estudo de implementac¸ oes em software de DSM e nas caracter´ısticas que atendem aos requisitos de implementac¸ ao da mem´oria distribu´ıda do Ambiente D-GM, este trabalho considera o uso do sistema Terracotta. Salientam-se duas facilidades apresentadas pelo Terracota: a portabilidade e a adaptabilidade para execuc¸ ao distribu´ıda em clusters de computadores com pouca ou at´e nenhuma modificac¸ ao no c´odigo (codeless clustering), as quais retornam grandes benef´ıcios quando da integrac¸ ao com aplicac¸ oes JAVA. Al´em disso, verifica-se o fato de que o Terracotta n ao utiliza RMI (Remote Method Invocation) para comunicac¸ ao entre os objetos em um Ambiente JAVA. Neste perspectiva, procura-se minimizar o overhead dos dados produzidos pelas serializac¸ oes (marshalling) nas transmiss oes via rede. P ode-se tamb´em comprovar durante o desenvolvimento de testes de avaliac¸ ao da implementac¸ ao da arquitetura proporcionada pela integrac¸ ao ShareD-GM, que a execuc¸ ao de aplicac¸ oes modeladas no Ambiente D-GM, como o algoritmo de Smith-Waterman e o m´etodo de Jacobi, apresentaram menor tempo de execuc¸ ao quando comparados com a implementac¸ ao anterior, no m´odulo VirD-GM de execuc¸ ao do Ambiente D-GM

Uso de antidepressivos pela população da cidade de São Paulo / Antidepressants use by the population of the city of São Paulo

Peluffo, Marcela Potrich 27 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira (rosina.teixeira@unisantos.br) on 2015-04-08T18:44:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcela Potrich Peluffo.pdf: 226215 bytes, checksum: 738e3b8accac2fd4d75e3a41daded914 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-08T18:44:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcela Potrich Peluffo.pdf: 226215 bytes, checksum: 738e3b8accac2fd4d75e3a41daded914 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-27 / The World Health Organization estimated depression as the third cause of disability in the ranking of all diseases, responsible for 4.3% loss of healthy life years (DALY). The depressive disorder impairs the ability to function, leading to deficiency in the production of more than 50% of patients. The treatment may be pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, and in some cases eletroconvulsive therapy. This study examined the prevalence of the use of antidepression medications in the city of São Paulo, Brazil and is part of a large study Pos traumatic stress disorder on the São Paulo city: prevalence, commordity and associated factors. This is a one phase cross-sectional survey carried out in São Paulo, Brazil. A multistage probability to size sampling scheme was performed in order to select the participants (3000). The measurements included psychiatric diagnoses (CIDI 2.1), and psychoactive medications. The interviews were carried between June/2007 February/2008. The statistical analyses will be weight-adjusted in order to take account of the design effects. The frequency of use of psychoactive medications in individuals with depressive disorder 13%, 12,8% make use of antidepressant medication and 8% benzodiazepines, so with a large number of concurrent use of two medications. Among those who are using antidepressants, 63% use selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, 34% use a tricyclic antidepressant and the other 3% make use of selective inhibitors of noradrenaline reuptake and various antidepressants. Was associated with the use of antidepressant medications females (2,7; IC 95% 1,5 ¿ 4,9), age over 30 years, being widowed or divorced or separate without living with the partner, with schooling above 13 years. It was concluded that there is a great way to go in our country in relation to mental health policies. Advances such as ensuring access to medicines and qualified professionals have already occurred, but show still insufficient. / A Organização Mundial da Saúde estima a depressão como a terceira causa de incapacidade no ranking de todas as doenças, responsável por 4,3% de perda de anos de vida saudáveis (DALY). O transtorno depressivo prejudica a capacidade laboral de mais de 50% dos pacientes. Os tratamentos podem ser farmacoterapia, psicoterapia e, em alguns casos, o tratamento eletroconvulsivante. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o uso de medicamentos antidepressivos em indivíduos com diagnóstico de transtorno depressivo na população da cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Um estudo de corte transversal foi realizado com amostra probabilística, em multiestágios, da população da cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram entrevistados 2536 indivíduos. As medidas incluíram diagnósticos psiquiátricos (CIDI 2.1) e o uso de medicamentos psicoativos, incluindo antidepressivos. As entrevistas foram realizadas entre Junho/2007 e Fevereiro/2008. As estimativas foram ajustadas para o efeito do desenho por meio da análise de amostras complexas. A prevalência de uso de medicação psicoativa em indivíduos com transtorno depressivo foi de 13%, 12,8% utilizando de medicação antidepressiva e 8% benzodiazepínicos, portanto com número grande de uso concomitante das duas medicações. Entre aqueles que fazem o uso de antidepressivos, 63% usam inibidores seletivos da recaptação de serotonina, 34% usam antidepressivo tricíclico e os outros 3% fazem o uso de inibidores seletivos da recaptação de noradrenalina e antidepressivos variados. O uso de medicamentos antidepressivos esteve associado ao sexo feminino (2,2; IC 95% 1,0 ¿ 5,0), idade acima de 30 anos (2,7; IC 95% 1,1 ¿ 6,5), ser viúvo ou divorciado ou separado não morando junto com o parceiro (2,0; IC 95% 1,0 ¿ 4,2), com escolaridade acima de 13 anos (3,1; IC 95% 1,2 ¿ 7,9). Foi concluído que há um grande caminho a ser percorrido em nosso país em relação às políticas de saúde mental. Avanços como a garantia de acesso aos medicamentos e profissionais qualificados já ocorreram, mas se mostram ainda insuficientes.

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