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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of two different transport options for freight of heavy battery cells : a case study / Utvärdering av två olika transportalternativ för frakt av tunga battericeller : en fallstudie

Andersson, Malin, Fridhagen, Sara January 2022 (has links)
With the change that is taking place in the automotive industry, where production goes from producing internal combustion motor vehicles (ICE) to battery electric vehicles (BEV), this will lead to an increase in transportation of batteries. Batteries are components that are heavy, expensive, and classified as dangerous goods, which means higher demands on transport. The European commission has set a goal of being the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. This places high demands on transport and therefore it is of interest to investigate the most suitable modes of transport. The study aims to investigate whether transport by train or truck is best suited when battery cells for electric cars are to be transported. The factors that were examined are how the transports affect the environment through the amount of carbon dioxide emissions, the degree of filling that the transports achieve, its impact on tied-up capital and which alternative is best suited for the transport of heavy and dangerous goods. A delimitation was made to only study Volvo Car's emerging transport flow of battery cells somewhere in Central Europe to Sweden. The methods used in this report were semi-structured interview as well as document analysis and literature review. Interviews were conducted with Volvo Cars and with Green Cargo. Document analyses have been made of material produced by Volvo Cars. The results of this study showed that trains were best suited from an environmental perspective and in terms of the degree of filling, while the truck was best in terms of delivery precision. Concerning tied-up capital, benefits were seen for both modes of transport depending on the train's number of departures per week and how the train flow was planned. Regarding the aspect that batteries are classified as dangerous goods, no obstacles were seen regardless of the choice of transport method. This thesis intends to provide companies with information that can be of interest when choosing mode of transport. It will be applicable to stakeholders that transport heavy goods and that are in a state where they want to review their transport alternatives. / Med förändringen som sker inom fordonsindustrin, där produktionen går från att tillverka bilar med förbränningsmotorer till att producera bilar som drivs med hjälp av batterier så kommer detta att leda till en ökad transport av battericeller. Batterier är komponenter som är tunga, dyra och som klassificeras som farligt gods, vilket innebär höga krav på transporterna. Europakommissionen har satt som mål att Europa år 2050 ska vara den första klimatneutrala kontinenten. Detta ställer höga krav på transporter och därför är det av intresse att undersöka det bäst lämpade transportalternativet. Studien syftar till att undersöka om transport med tåg eller lastbil är bäst lämpat när battericeller till elbilar skall transporteras. De faktorer som undersökts är hur transporterna påverkar miljön genom mängden utsläpp av koldioxid, den fyllnadsgrad som uppnås under transporterna, dess påverkan på kapitalbindningen och vilket alternativ som var bäst lämpat för transport av tungt och farligt gods. En avgränsning gjordes till att endast studera Volvo Cars kommande transportflöde av battericeller mellan Tyskland och Sverige. Metoderna som användes i denna rapport var semistrukturerad intervju, dokumentanalys samt litteraturgranskning. Intervjuer har genomförts med Volvo Cars och med Green Cargo. Dokumentanalyser har gjorts av material som producerats av Volvo Cars. Resultaten av denna studie visade att tåg lämpade sig bäst ur ett miljöperspektiv och när det gäller fyllnadsgrad i lastbäraren, medan lastbil var bäst vad gäller leveransprecision. När kapitalbindning undersöktes sågs fördelar för båda transportslagen beroende på tågets antal avgångar per vecka och hur tågflödet planerades. Gällande aspekten att batterier klassas som farligt gods sågs inga hinder oavsett val av transportsätt. Detta examensarbete ämnar ge företag information som kan vara av intresse vid val av transportsätt. Rapporten kommer att vara tillämpbar för intressenter som transporterar tungt gods och som befinner sig i ett läge där de vill se över sina transportalternativ.

Utformning av returflödet för litiumjonbatterier : En fallstudie på ett stort svenskt återvinningsbolag / Design of the reversed logistics for lithium-ion batteries : A case study on a large Swedish recycling company

Dahlström, Casper, Harbrecht, Phillip January 2022 (has links)
Syfte – Syftet med studien är att Identifiera förbättringsmöjligheter och kritiska faktorer genom att studera returflödet för litiumjonbatterier ur ett miljöperspektiv. Genom att studera returflödet för litiumjonbatterier kan det hjälpa till att ta reda på hur flödet kan se ut för att minimera miljöpåverkan. Detta görs för att bidra med kunskap till återvinningsbranschen om hur returflödet för litiumjonbatterier ser ut idag och hur det förbättras i framtiden.  För att uppnå syftet med studien har två frågeställningar tagits fram:  [1] Hur kan returflödet för litiumjonbatterier förbättras ur ett miljöperspektiv?  [2] Vilka kritiska faktorer kan beaktas vid utformningen av returflödet för litiumjonbatterier?  Metod – Studien har utförts som en fallstudie på ett av Sveriges största återvinningsbolag. Forskarna startade med en förstudie i form av en ostrukturerad observation på fallföretagets återvinningsstation. Vidare hölls en ostrukturerad workshop med den strategiska logistikchefen och en affärsutvecklare inom batterier på fallföretaget. Förstudien gav forskarna en fördjupad kunskap i det aktuella ämnet och därpå kunde ett teoretiskt ramverk byggas upp för att stödja studien. För att uppfylla studiens syfte och besvara frågeställningarna har kvalitativ datainsamling i form av tre intervjuer och dokumentationsstudie utförts. För att besvara studiens syfte har det teoretiska ramverket och den insamlade empirin analyserats och ställts mot varandra.  Resultat – Returflödet för litiumjonbatterier kan förbättras genom att utforma ett navsystem. Navsystemet innebär i praktiken att det kan anläggas mellanlagringstationer där litiumjonbatterierna plockas isär och djupurladdas. Mellanlagringen minimerar avståndet som litiumjonbatterierna behöver fraktas innan de är djupurladdade vilket bidrar till att enklare emballage kan användas och ökad fyllnadsgrad vid transport. Enklare emballage och ökad fyllnadsgrad bidrar till att minska miljöpåverkan i returflödet för litiumjonbatterier. En optimeringsmodell kan användas för att minimera antalet tonkilometer som krävs för att transportera litiumjonbatterier mellan flödets alla delar. Vidare identifierades kritiska faktorer som påverkar returflödets utformning. De kritiska faktorerna som identifierades var:  - Ökade volymer  - Farligt gods  - Skadade batterier  - Nytt forskningsområde  - Osäkerhet i varifrån LIB kommer in i flödet  Studien har bidragit med kunskap för återvinningsbranschen genom att besvara frågeställningarna och därför anses studiens syfte uppnått.  Implikationer – Studiens resultat kan användas av återvinningsbranschen för att förstå returflödet av litiumjonbatterier och hur flödet kan förbättras. Resultatet kan även ge indikationer på vilka kritiska faktorer som behöver tas hänsyn till vid utformning av returflödet för litiumjonbatterier. Studien bidrar med kunskap till vidare forskning inom området för hanteringen av litiumjonbatterier.  Begränsningar – Det kan ifrågasättas om studien kan generaliseras för alla parter i återvinningsbranschen då studien bygger sitt resultat på endast ett fall. Studiens ämne är outforskat och därmed inte helt okomplicerat att studera på grund av brist på kunskap och tidigare forskning. Det studerade ämnet består av processer som inte finns på plats idag och således kan studiens resultat inte valideras då scenariot är en bit bort i framtiden. / Purpose – The purpose of the study is to identify opportunities for improvement and critical factors by studying the return flow of lithium-ion batteries from an environmental perspective. By investigating the return flow of lithium-ion batteries, it can help to find out what the flow might look like to minimize the environmental impact. This is done to contribute knowledge to the recycling industry about what the return flow for lithium-ion batteries looks like today and how it can be improved in the future.  To achieve the purpose of the study, two research questions have been raised:  [1] How can the reverse logistics for the collection of lithium-ion batteries be improved from an environmental perspective?  [2] What critical factors can be considered in the design of reverse logistics for lithium-ion batteries?  Method – The study was carried out as a case study at one of Sweden's largest recycling companies. The researchers started with a pilot study in the form of an unstructured observation at the case company recycling station. Furthermore, an unstructured workshop was held with the strategic logistics manager and a battery business developer at the case company. The pilot study gave the researchers an in-depth knowledge of the current subject and then a theoretical framework could be built up to support the study. In order to fulfil the purpose of the study and answer the research questions, qualitative data collection in the form of three interviews and documentation studies has been performed. To answer the purpose of the study the theoretical framework and the collected empirical data have been analysed and set against each other.  Findings –The reverse logistics when collecting lithium-ion batteries can be improved by designing a hub and spoke system. The hub and spoke system are in practice that intermediate storage stations can be built where the lithium-ion batteries are disassembled and deep discharged. The intermediate storage minimizes the distance that the lithium-ion batteries need to be transported before they are deep discharged, which contributes to simpler packaging being used and an increased degree of filling during transport. Simpler packaging and an increased degree of filling help to reduce the environmental impact of the reverse logistics for lithium-ion batteries. An optimization model can be used to minimize the number of tonne-kilometres required to transport lithium-ion batteries between all parts of the flow. Furthermore, critical factors were identified that affect the design of the reverse logistics. The critical factors identified were:  - Growing volumes  - Dangerous goods  - Damaged batteries  - New phenomenon  - Uncertainty in where lithium-ion batteries come into the flow  The study has contributed knowledge for the recycling industry by answering the questions and therefore the purpose of the study is considered to have been achieved.  Implications – The results of the study can be used by the recycling industry to understand the reverse logistics of lithium-ion batteries and how the flow can be improved. The result can also give indications of which critical factors need to be considered when designing the return flow for lithium-ion batteries. The study contributes with knowledge to further research in the field of handling lithium-ion batteries.  Limitations – It can be questioned whether the study can be generalized for all parties in the recycling industry as the study bases its results on only one case. The subject of the study is unexplored and thus not completely uncomplicated to study due to lack of knowledge and previous research. The studied subject consists of processes that are not in place today and therefor the results of the study cannot be validated as the scenario is a bit far in the future.

Marchandises dangereuses et parcs industriels au Québec

Carrière, Charles-Antoine 04 1900 (has links)
Le manque de données et de littérature sur le sujet de la production de marchandises dangereuses dans les parcs industriels présente des incertitudes quant au portrait de ces entreprises dans la province de Québec. La nécessité de développer un portrait global sur la situation des firmes qui produisent des marchandises dangereuses dans la province est donc nécessaire pour comprendre leur répartition, leurs caractéristiques, leurs liens aux différents moyens de transport ainsi que les risques. L’objectif de ce mémoire est donc de présenter un portrait de l’état des entreprises qui produisent et/ou fabriquent des marchandises dangereuses dans les parcs industriels pour comprendre leur répartition, leur relation aux différents moyens de transport ainsi que leur rôle dans l’économie québécoise. Ce projet comporte quatre volets : le premier porte sur l‘analyse cartographique des sites d’entreprises présents dans les parcs industriels, le deuxième développe une typologie des entreprises productrices de marchandises dangereuses dans les parcs industriels, le troisième analyse les liens intermodaux présents dans les parcs industriels où des marchandises dangereuses sont produites et le dernier fait l’étude de trois parcs industriels possédant différents liens intermodaux. Pour ce faire, les données du Registraire des entreprises du Québec (REQ) sont centrales pour déterminer les sites d’entreprises présents dans les parcs industriels ainsi que ceux qui produisent des marchandises dangereuses pour ainsi développer un portrait géographique et une typologie. Aussi, les données des parcs industriels construits à partir des données des schémas d’aménagement et de développement des MRC sont essentielles pour analyser les liens intermodaux ainsi que les études de cas. Ainsi cette étude fournit un portrait global de la production de marchandises dangereuses dans les parcs industriels de la province ainsi que des liens de ceux-ci aux divers moyens de transport, et aux enjeux de risque associés aux firmes qui produisent des marchandises dangereuses. / The lack of data and literature concerning the production of dangerous goods in industrial parks presents uncertainties about the portrait of these companies in the province of Quebec. The need to develop a global landscape of the firms producing dangerous goods in the province is therefore necessary to understand their distribution, their characteristics, their links to various modes of transportation as well as the risks. The objective of this memoir is therefore to present a picture of the companies that produce and/or manufacture dangerous goods in industrial parks in order to understand their distribution, their access to means of transportation and their role in the province’s economy. This project covers four aspects: the first concerns the cartographic analysis of the companies’ sites where dangerous goods are produced in industrial parks, the second develops a typology of companies producing dangerous goods in industrial parks, the third analyzes the intermodal links present in industrial parks where dangerous goods are produced and the last one studies three industrial parks presenting different intermodal links. To carry out this project, data from the “Registraire des entreprises du Québec (REQ)” are central to determining the sites of companies that are present in industrial parks as well as those where dangerous goods are produced in order to develop a geographical portrait and typology. Also, the industrial parks data, that are built from the “Schéma d’aménagement et de développement” of every regional county municipality are essential to analyze intermodal links in the parks as well as the three case studies. Thus, this study provides a global landscape of the production of dangerous goods in the industrial parks of the province and the links of the parks to various means of transportation, as well as the risks issues associated with firms producing dangerous goods.

L’Union européenne et la sécurité des transports maritimes de marchandises et substances dangereuses / The European Union and the safety of maritime transport of dangerous goods and substances

Pons, Myriam 07 February 2014 (has links)
Le transport maritime est d'une importance stratégique pour l'économie de l'Union européenne. Chaque année, un milliard de tonnes de pétrole transitent par les ports et les eaux de l'UE et deux milliards de tonnes de marchandises sont chargées et déchargées dans ses ports. C'est pourquoi, depuis le naufrage de l'Amoco Cadiz et les conséquences désastreuses, tant pour l'environnement que pour l'économie qui en découlèrent, l'Union européenne ne cesse de développer et d'intensifier sa politique de sécurité maritime dans le but de mettre un terme à la navigation sous normes, essentiellement par une application effective des règles internationales en la matière. Depuis 1993, l'UE et ses États membres sont au premier plan afin d'améliorer la législation en matière de sécurité du transport maritime de marchandises et substances dangereuses pour éliminer les navires sous-normes, augmenter la protection des équipages, réduire le risque de pollution de l'environnement et veiller à ce que les opérateurs qui suivent les bonnes pratiques ne soient pas désavantagés commercialement par rapport à ceux qui sont prêts à prendre des raccourcis avec la sécurité des navires. Les accidents de l'Erika et du Prestige encouragèrent l'UE à réformer radicalement son régime juridique et à adopter de nouvelles règles et normes de prévention des accidents en mer, en particulier celles impliquant les pétroliers. Depuis plus de trente ans l'UE n'a cessé de renforcer et d'améliorer son arsenal législatif. Elle fit évoluer sa réglementation consécutivement aux divers accidents qui vinrent frapper ses côtes ; c'est pourquoi la sécurité du transport maritime sera toujours en évolution. / Maritime transport has strategic importance for the economy of the European Union. Each year, one billion tons of oil pass through the ports and waters of the EU. Two billion tons of goods are loaded and unloaded in its ports. Because of the disastrous consequences the sinking of Amoco Cadiz has had on the environment and economy, the European Union continues to develop and strengthen its policy on maritime safety in order to put an end to substandard shipping, primarily through the effective application of international rules. Since 1993, the European Union and its Member States are at the forefront improving legislation on the safety of maritime transport of dangerous goods and substances, striving to eliminate substandard ships, increase protection of the crew, reduce the risk of environmental pollution. The EU is insuring operators who are following the best practices, compared to those who are willing to take shortcuts with the safety of ships, are not commercially disadvantaged. Accidents of the Erika and Prestige encouraged the EU to radically reform its legal system and to adopt new rules and standards for the prevention of accidents at sea, particularly those involving tankers. For more than thirty years the European Union has not stopped to strengthen and to improve its legislation in order to better protect itself against the risks of pollution due to maritime transports of dangerous goods. It has updated its regulation consecutivly to several accidents which damaged its coasts ; that is why the safety of maritme transport will always be evolving.

Les déterminants des pratiques sécuritaires de travail : le cas des chauffeurs d'une multinationale du secteur du transport des matières dangereuses au Canada

Beauregard, Caroline 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Přeprava výrobků firmy Česká zbrojovka a s. / Transportation of products of Česká zbrojovka a.s.

Gromanová, Monika January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of international transportation of products traded by Česká zbrojovka a.s., concentrating specifically on air and sea transportation. The main focus is on the transport of products destined for the automotive industry and on the transport of weapons and cartridges. The first theoretical part deals with air and sea transport, transport of dangerous goods and the International Commercial Terms (INCOTERMS). The second practical part examines separate transports of these products. In the end of this practical part are these concrete examined transports compared.

Problematika vlivu úkapů ropných látek na hutněné asfaltové vrstvy / Resistance to fuel of asphalt mixtures

Koželuhová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
Aim of the Master’s thesis is analysis of problems of the dangerous goods road transportation, especially transport of flammable liquids. It analyses the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road and its special requirements. Thesis also covers road tanker accidents and the removal of leaked petroleum products. In practical portion the work on resistance testing of asphalt mixtures against several types of fuel is presented.


[pt] O transporte rodoviário de produtos perigosos é a principal atividade econômica geradora de acidentes ambientais no Brasil. No modal rodoviário, durante o carregamento, o deslocamento e a descarga há combinações de fatores adversos à operação prescritas em normas que representam riscos de incidentes e acidentes que, a cada ano, aumentam suas estatísticas nas estradas brasileiras. Esta pesquisa identificou pontos de controle aplicados nos locais de partida, onde ocorrem os carregamentos, operados por condutores de veículos que transportam etanol com vistas à prevenção de acidentes durante o transporte da carga. A partir da revisão de leis, decretos e normas, e considerando o percurso entre os estados do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo, o transporte rodoviário de produtos perigosos foi estudado sob o ponto de vista da teoria de prevenção de acidentes de Haddon e modelos de acidentes do Abiquim, programa Olho Vivo nas Estradas. Por meio de entrevistas com funcionários de distribuidoras de combustíveis, a pesquisa identificou práticas correntes utilizadas por motoristas de caminhões para a checagem das condições gerais dos veículos nos pontos de partida com vistas ao atendimento de normas, legislações e procedimentos de segurança das empresas. Os motoristas revelaram que os acidentes ocorridos nas estradas ou até mesmo nas áreas urbanas não ocorrem por falhas de inspeção no ponto de partida, mas sim devido a imprudência de outros condutores que não respeitam as leis de trânsito. / [en] Since 2015, resulting from industrial expansion and driven by exports and cargo distribution and storage logistics in Brazil, road transport has grown significantly. Among the products that had increased volumes are chemicals that, by their nature, present risks when handled and transported. This increase in demand for cargo transportation was higher in road transport when compared to other modes of transport, such as waterway and rail. The Fig. 1 presents the configuration of the different modal of dangerous cargo transportation in 2015.

Optimisation multicritère des itinéraires pour transport des marchandises dangereuses en employant une évaluation en logique floue du risque et la simulation du trafic à base d'agents / Multi-criteria route optimization for dangerous goods transport using fuzzy risk assessment and agent-based traffic simulation

Laarabi, Mohamed Haitam 15 December 2014 (has links)
Chaque jour des milliers de camions transportant des centaines de milliers de tonnes de marchandises dangereuses par diverses modalités. Toutefois, le terme “dangereux” indique une adversité intrinsèque qui caractérise ces produits transportés, et qui peuvent se manifester lors d'un accident entraînant la fuite d'une substance dangereuse. Dans une telle situation, les conséquences peuvent nuire à l'environnement et létal pour l'humain.L'importance des marchandises dangereuses revient aux bénéfices économiques considérables générés. En fait, on ne peut nier la contribution du transport des produits dérivés de combustibles fossiles, ce qui représente plus de 60% des marchandises dangereuses transportées en Europe. Eni, la société italienne leader de pétrochimie, gère chaque jour une flotte d'environ 1.500 camions, qui effectuent de nombreuses expéditions. Pourtant la distribution de produits pétroliers est une activité à grande risques, et tout accident lors du transport peut entraîner de graves conséquences.Consciente des enjeux, la division Eni R&M - Logistique Secondaire, historiquement actif au siège de Gênes, collabore depuis 2002 avec le DIBRIS à l'Université de Gênes, et le CRC à Mines ParisTech, dans le but d'étudier les améliorations possibles en matière de sûreté dans le transport de marchandises dangereuses. Au fil des ans, cette collaboration a permis le développement d'un système d'information et décisionnel. Le composant principal de ce système est une plate-forme de surveillance de la flotte Eni appelé TIP (Transport Integrated Platform), pour livrer les produits vers les points de distributions. Ces véhicules sont équipés d'un dispositif capable de transmettre des flux de données en temps réel en utilisant un modem GPRS. Les données transmises peuvent être de nature différente et contenir des informations sur l'état du véhicule, le produit et les événements détectés durant l'expédition. Ces données sont destinées à être reçues par des serveurs centralisés puis traitées et stockées, afin de soutenir diverses applications du TIP.Dans ce contexte, les études menées tout au long de la thèse sont dirigés vers le développement d'une proposition visant à réduire davantage les risques liés au transport de marchandises dangereuses. En d'autres termes, un modèle basé sur le compromis entre les facteurs économiques et sûretés pour le choix de l'itinéraire. L'objectif est motivé par la nécessité de soutenir les règlements et les normes de sécurité existantes, car ils ne garantissent pas totalement contre les accidents entrainant des marchandises dangereuses.L'objectif est effectué en prenant en compte le système existant comme base pour l'élaboration d'un système de transport intelligent (STI) regroupant plusieurs plates-formes logicielles. Ces plates-formes doivent permettre aux planificateurs et aux décideurs de suivre en temps réel leur flotte, à évaluer les risques et tous les itinéraires possibles, de simuler et de créer différents scénarios, et d'aider à trouver des solutions à des problèmes particuliers.Tout au long de cette thèse, je souligne la motivation pour ce travail de recherche, les problématiques, et les défis de transport de marchandises dangereuses. Je présente le TIP comme le noyau de l'architecture proposée du STI. Pour les besoins de la simulation, les véhicules virtuels sont injectés dans le système. La gestion de la collecte des données a été l'objet d'une amélioration technique pour plus de fiabilité, d'efficacité et d'évolutivité dans le cadre de la surveillance en temps réel. Enfin, je présente une explication systématique de la méthode d'optimisation des itinéraires considérant les critères économiques et de risques. Le risque est évalué en fonction de divers facteurs notamment la fréquence d'accidents entrainant des marchandises dangereuses, et ses conséquences. La quantification de l'incertitude dans l'évaluation des risques est modélisée en utilisant la théorie des ensembles flous. / Everyday thousands of trucks transporting hundreds of thousands of tons of dangerous goods by various modalities and both within and across nations. However, the term “dangerous” indicates an intrinsic adversity that characterize these products, which can manifest in an accident leading to release of a hazardous substance (e.g. radioactive, flammable, explosive etc.). In this situation, the consequences can be lethal to human beings, other living organisms and damage the environment and public/private properties.The importance of dangerous goods boils down to the significant economic benefits that generates. In fact, one cannot deny the contribution of the transport of all fossil fuel derived product, which represents more than 60% of dangerous goods transported in Europe. Eni, the Italian leading petrochemical company, every day operates a fleet of about 1,500 trucks, which performs numerous trips from loading terminals to filling stations. Distribution of petroleum products is a risky activity, and an accident during the transportation may lead to serious consequences.Aware of what is at stake, the division Eni R&M - Logistics Secondary, historically active in Genoa headquarters, is collaborating since 2002 with the DIBRIS department at University of Genoa, and the CRC at Mines ParisTech, with the purpose of studying possible improvements regarding safety in transport of dangerous goods, particularly petroleum products. Over years, this collaboration has led to the development of different technologies and mainly to an information and decision support system. The major component of this system is a platform for monitoring Eni fleet, at the national level, to deliver the products to the distribution points, called the Transport Integrated Platform (TIP). These vehicles are equipped with a device capable of transmitting data stream in real-time using a GPRS modem. The data transmitted can be of different nature and contain information about the state of the vehicle and occurred events during the trip. These data are intended to be received by centralized servers then get processed and stored, in order to support various applications within the TIP.With this in mind, the studies undertaken throughout the thesis are directed towards the development of a proposal to further minimize the risk related to the transportation of dangerous goods. In other words, a trade-off based model for route selection taking into consideration economic and safety factors. The objective is prompted by the need to support existent regulations and safety standards, which does not assure a full warranty against accidents involving dangerous goods.The goal is carried out by considering the existent system as basis for developing an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) aggregating multiple software platforms. These platforms should allow planners and decision makers to monitor in real-time their fleet, to assess risk and evaluate all possible routes, to simulate and create different scenarios, and to assist at finding solutions to particular problems.Throughout this dissertation, I highlight the motivation for such research work, the related problem statements, and the challenges in dangerous goods transport. I introduce the TIP as the core for the proposed ITS architecture. For simulation purposes, virtual vehicles are injected into the system. The management of the data collection was the subject of technical improvement for more reliability, efficiency and scalability in real-time monitoring of dangerous goods shipment. Finally, I present a systematic explanation of the methodology for route optimization considering both economic and risk criteria. The risk is assessed based on various factors mainly the frequency of accident leading to hazardous substance release and its consequences. Uncertainty quantification in risk assessment is modelled using fuzzy sets theory.

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