Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rates"" "subject:"dates""
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Rokovi i gustine setve u funkciji prinosa ozime pšenice u dugotrajnom poljskom ogledu / Sowing dates and densities in a function of winter wheat yield in the long-term field trialAćin Vladimir 08 December 2016 (has links)
<p>Vreme (rok) setve jedan je od najvažnijih faktora u proizvodnji strnih žita i praktično određuje intenzitet delovanja svih ostalih činilaca proizvodnje pšenice. Među brojnim faktorima koji određuju visinu prinosa, najčešći uzrok malih prinosa ozime pšenice vezan je za vreme setve izvan optimalnog roka, upotreba neadekvatnih količina semena i izbor sorti nedovoljno prilagođenih datim agroekološkim uslovima. Osim toga, vreme setve predstavlja ekonomski najjeftiniju agrotehničku meru i najisplativiji način za povećanje prinosa zrna ozime pšenice, međutim eventualno kašnjenje u setvi ne može se na adekvatan način nadoknaditi ni jednom drugom agrotehničkom merom. Ekstremne vremenske prilike već predstavljaju izazov za proizvođače, a mnogobrojni klimatski scenariji predviđaju dalje povećanje njihove učestalosti u budućnosti. Upravo će u ovakvim promenljivim vremenskim uslovima optimalno vreme steve uz adekvatnu gustinu useva i izbor odgovarajućih genotipova biti od velike važnosti u cilju ublažavanja negativnog delovanja vremenskih činioca na visinu i stabilnost prinosa, kao i na tehnološki kvalitet zrna ozime pšenice.<br />Prevashodni cilj istraživanja u disertaciji bio je proučavanje uticaja različitog vremena, gustina setve i njihove interakcije na prinos, komponente prinosa i kvalitet zrna različitih sorti pšenice. Istraživanje interakcije vremena, gustina setve i sorti ozime pšenice izvedeno je na oglednim poljima Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na Rimskim šančevima, u periodu od proizvodne 1981/82. do 2012/13. godine, na ogledu pod nazivom „Rokovi setve“. Ogled se postavlja svake godine, na zemljištu tipa karbonatni černozem, a izvodi se kao trofaktorijalni (Split-split-plot dizajn), u četiri ponavljanja, sa rasporedom varijanti po slučajnom blok sistemu.<br />Tokom 32-godišnjeg ispitivanog perioda, prinos zrna je znatno varirao u zavisnosti od vremenskih uslova i kretao se u proseku za sve tretmane od 4,35 t ha-1 u 2003., do 8,70 t ha-1 u 2013. godini. Na osnovu jednačine trenda prinosa, uočeno je da je godišnje povećanje prinosa, u proseku za sve tretmane iznosilo 10,7 kg ha-1. Iz 32 analizirane godine izdvojeno je 5 godina sa najvećim prinosima, 12 godina sa malim prinosima pšenice, dok se preostalih 15 godina moglo označiti kao srednje rodne godine. U pogledu temperaturnih uslova i uslova vlažnosti u rodnim, srednje rodnim i nerodnim godinama postojale su značajne razlike između ovih grupa. U rodnim godinama, variranje prinosa u zavisnosti od rokova setve bilo je najmanje. Najveći prinos zrna, tokom posmatranog perioda, u proseku za sve ispitivane sorte i gustine setve ostvaren je setvom u II roku (11-20. X), i bio je značajno veći u odnosu na sve ostale rokove izuzev I roka. Između I i III roka, nije ostvarena statistički značajna razlika u visini prinosa, ali su prinosi u oba ova roka bili značajno veći u odnosu na novembarske i decembarski rok setve. Drugi rok odlikovao se najmanjim variranjem prinosa tokom istraživanog perioda. Novembarska setva smanjivala je prinos u proseku za 11%, a decembarska za 27%, u odnosu na prinose iz optimalnih agrotehničkih rokova. Prosečno dnevno smanjenje prinosa zrna iznosilo je 38 kg dan-1. Najmanje smanjenje prinosa prilikom kašnjenja u setvi bilo je u rodnim, zatim u srednjerodnim, a najveće u nerodnim godinama. U optimalnim rokovima setve (I i II rok) gustina od 500 kl. zrna m-2 bila je optimalna, dok je u kasnim rokovima (novembarskim i decembarskom), povećanje količine semena (do najviše 700 kl. zrna m-2),<br />imalo opravdanja. Odlaganje setve od I do V roka, uticalo je na povećanje sadržaja proteina, vlažnog glutena, moći upijanja vode, sedimentacionu vrednost, zapreminu i vrednosnog broja sredine hleba, kod obe sorte. Na osnovu prosečnih vrednosti za sve rokove setve, sorta Zvezdana ostvarila je bolje parametre kvaliteta u odnosu na NS 40S.</p> / <p>Sowing date is one of the most important field crop management measures in the production of small grains and it practically determines the intensity of all other factors in wheat production. Among many factors which determine yield, sowing outside the optimum period, use of inappropriate seed rates and selection of cultivars insufficiently adapted to a given agro-ecological conditions, are recognized as the most common causes of low yields of winter wheat. Moreover, sowing date is economically cheapest field crop management measure and a cost-effective way to increase grain yield. However, eventual delay in sowing cannot be adequately compensated by any other field crop management measure. Extreme weather events are already a significant challenge for grain producers and are predicted to increase under numerous future climate scenarios. In these altered weather conditions, optimal sowing date with an adequate sowing density and choice of appropriate genotypes will be of great importance in order to mitigate the negative effects of climate factors on yield stability, as well as on the bread making quality of winter wheat.<br />The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of different sowing dates, sowing densities and their interactions on yield, yield components and grain quality of different wheat cultivars. The study of interaction of sowing dates, sowing densities and cultivars of winter wheat was carried out on experimental fields of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, in the 1981/82. – 2012/13. period. The experiment was set each year, on the calcareous chernozem soil, as a three factor trial (split-split-plot design), in four replications, with variants in the randomized block design.<br />During the 32-year studied period, grain yield has varied considerably depending on weather conditions and ranged from 4.35 t ha-1 in 2003., to 8.70 t ha-1 in 2013., on average for all treatments. It was observed that the annual increase in yields during the investigated period was 10.7 kg ha-1. From the 32 years analyzed there were 5 years with high yields, 12 years with low grain yields, while the remaining 15 years could be identified as a medium yielding years. There were significant differences in temperature regimes and moisture conditions between these three types of years. Yield variation caused by the different sowing date was much lower in high yielding in comparison to low yielding years. For the entire examined period, on average of all tested cultivars and planting densities, the highest grain yields were obtained in the II sowing date (11-20. X), and were significantly higher in comparison to all other sowing dates, except the earliest (I sowing date). There were no statistically significant differences in yields between I and III sowing date, but they were significantly higher in comparison to sowing in November and December. Second sowing date had the lowest yield variation during the studied period. Sowing in November reduced yield by 11% and December sowing by 27% on average, compared to optimal (October) sowing dates. During the investigated period, average daily reduction of grain yield was 38 kg day-1. The smallest decline in yields caused by the delay in sowing was in high yielding years, followed by medium yielding, and the largest yield decline was found in low yielding years. In the optimal sowing dates (I and II), a density of 500 viable kernels m-2 proved to be optimal, while in the later sowing dates (November and December), increasing the sowing density up to 700 viable kernels m-<br />2, was justified. Delay in sowing from I to V sowing date caused an increase in the bread-making quality parameters such as protein content, wet gluten content, water absorption capacity, Zeleny sedimentation value, bread loaf volume and value number of bread, for both cultivars examined. On average for all sowing dates and densities, cultivar Zvezdana achieved higher values for almost all bread-making quality parameters tested in comparison to NS 40S.</p>
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Influence of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium foliar feed on stooling rye (Secale cereale)Lebepe, Francis Mashala January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (MSc. (Agriculture Pasture Science)) -- University of Limpopo, 2018 / This study was conducted at the University of Limpopo’s Experimental Farm (Syferkuil), in the Limpopo Province, South Africa. The objective was to determine the effect of foliar fertilizers on the dry matter production over a period of two growing seasons. The experiment was laid out in a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement, fitted in a randomized complete block design (RCBD), with 4 replications.
The experiment was planted on 28th March 2014 for season 1 (2014) and 31st March 2015 for season 2 (2015). Three sources of fertilizer (Nitrospray Plus, Potaspray and a combination of the two) were applied to stooling rye at three different fertilizer application rates (0 kg or ℓ/ha, 2.5 kg or ℓ/ha and 5.0 kg or ℓ/ha). The Nitrospray Plus and Potaspray fertilizers were applied on the 09th May, 02nd July, 27th August and 30th October 2014 for Season 1 (2014). During the Season 2 (2015), they were applied on 11th May, 04th July, 29th August and 02nd November 2015. The application was done using a knapsack sprayer. Above-ground biomass was harvested four times during each season when the plants reached a height of 25–30 cm. During 2014, harvesting was done on the 27th May, 24th July, 12th September and the 17th November 2014. During 2015, harvesting was done on the 29th May, 26th July, 14th September and the 19th November 2015. The dry matter production was determined by harvesting 1 m2 quadrates at 3 cm height. After weighing fresh material, it was oven–dried at 55oC until a constant mass was reached. Samples were then weighed again and the DM production (kg/ha) was calculated.
Results were compared, using analysis of variance and the Fisher’s LSD test at P≤ 0.05 within each season. Based on the Least Significance Difference test, treatments were grouped in different production classes. During both seasons, fertilizer application rates had a significant (P≤0.001) influence on dry matter production. In 2014, the highest total dry matter production obtained was 5323 kg/ha in the high potassium fertilizer treatment and the lowest total dry matter was 4049 kg/ha in the control or zero application treatment.
In 2015, the highest total dry matter production obtained was 5595 kg/ha in the high potassium fertilizer treatment and the lowest 3678 kg/ha in the control treatment. Potassium fertilizers produced significantly (P≤0.001) higher than nitrogen fertilizers in both seasons.
The main conclusions from this study were that high foliar fertilizer application rates (5.0 kg/ha) led to high, low foliar application rates (2.5 kg/ha) to lower and no fertilizer to low dry matter production. High levels of potassium produced the best, followed by combinations of intermediate potassium and nitrogen, and high nitrogen application rates. Yields of above 5000 kg/ha were obtained under high potassium rates. Lower rates led to total productions of more than 4000 kg/ha, while no foliar application produced between 3700 and 4000 kg/ha.
It was also concluded that stooling rye is a suitable winter fodder crop for the Pietersburg Plateau Bushveld, but that the application of fertilizers is necessary for increased dry matter production. Both and Nitrospray and Potaspray Plus, as individual foliar fertilizers or in combination, can be applied to increase the dry matter production of stooling rye. However, it is essential to investigate the adaptability of stooling rye in other areas of the Limpopo bushveld, to determine its suitability as a fodder crop in other areas in the province.
Keywords: Dry matter production, cutting dates, foliar fertilizers, Nitrospray Plus, Potaspray.
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Effect of planting dates and cutting stages on the production of five selected winter cereals in Moloto District Gauteng and Nooitgedacht in Mpumulanga ProvinceRamaselele, P.N. January 2014 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Pasture Science)) --University of Limpopo, 2014 / Due to shortage of adequate pasture in large parts of South Africa, winter survival poses a problem to farmers. A shortage in winter grazing is the major problem on most farms in South Africa. Animals loose weight in winter which leads to low reproduction, production of milk, mutton and meat. The winter feed shortages counteract also the possible good performance of animals during summer. Winter supplementation contributes largely to high input costs in livestock production, which can make this enterprise uneconomically.
This study was done at two different localities: Hygrotech’s experimental farm at Dewageningsdrift, Gauteng and Nooitgedacht Agricultural Development center, Mpumalunga.
Five winter fodder crop cultivars (Witteberg oats, Overberg oats, LS 35 stooling rye, LS 62 stooling rye and Cloc 1 Triticale) were planted on six planting dates (05 April, 04 May, 06 June, 20 July, 20 August and 26 September). Five cutting treatments were applied on Dewageningsdrift:
First cut 8 weeks after planting and after that re-growth every six weeks (Ct 8),
First cut 10 weeks after planting and after that re-growth every six weeks (Ct 10),
First cut 12 weeks after planting and after that re-growth cut every six weeks (Ct 12),
First cut 14 weeks after planting and after that re-growth cut every six weeks (Ct 14),
First cut when more than 50% of plants were in the reproduction stage (RS).
The same cultivars that were used at Dewageningsdrift were used on Nooitgedacht ADC. Only one planting date was applied here that was 02 February 2007. The cutting treatments differed also from that on Dewageningsdrift. Material was cut for the first time when it reached a grazing stage (± 50-60 cm high) and after that re-growth was measured four weeks.
The main conclusions from the study were that, Witteberg oats has retained its nutritional value longer than other cultivars.
LS 35 stooling rye was an early or short duration growing cultivar, if planted in February to April it will provide grazing early/Mid-winter. However it can also be planted in July to grow in spring.
LS 62 stooling rye is a medium to long duration growing cultivar which optimum production period will be in late winter and spring.
Witteberg oats is a medium/late producer and a long duration growing cultivar, thus if planted early (April) it can provide grazing until late winter.
Overberg oats is an early/med long duration growing type, if planted in April it will produce mid-winter, planted in May to July it will produce late winter and planted in August it will provide spring grazing.
Cloc 1 triticale is a long duration growing type. It will produce late winter when planted in April to July and in spring when planted in August/September.
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Plantering av barrplantor på hösten : överlevnad och tillväxt / Planting of coniferous seedlings in autumn : survival and growthJohansson, Ingvor January 2011 (has links)
Detta arbeta har utförts för att undersöka hur höstplantering av täckrotsodlad gran (Picea abies) och tall (Pinus sylvestris) överlever och utvecklas jämfört med vårplanterad. Detta i ett led för att se om man kan utöka planteringssäsongen för att få en jämnare arbetsbelastning över säsongen både i plantskolorna och ute i fält. Man har undersökt hur en planteringstidpunkt på sensommaren och hösten påverkar granplantors överlevnad jämfört med plantering på våren. Studien är utförd som en survey studie i södra Sverige på täckrotsplantor av gran som planterats på medelboniteter 2007-2009 och inventerats 2010. Höst och vårplanterade granplantor är jämförda parvis med samma planttyp, ålder, proveniens och geografiskt område. Följande saker har jämförts; plantor per hektar, höjdtillväxt, toppskottstillväxt, rothalsdiametern, frostskador, viltskador samt snytbaggeskador. Höstplantering av täckrotsodlad gran (Picea abies) ger ett lika bra resultat som vårplantering vad gäller överlevnad hos plantor. Höjdtillväxt och diametertillväxt blev något bättre på de höstplanterade plantorna jämfört med vårplanterade efterföljande vår. Höstplanterade plantor skadades något mer av frost än de vårplanterade gjorde, speciellt första säsongen. Vårplanterade plantor fick något mer viltskador än höstplanterade vilket kan bero på färre frostskador. Vårplanterade plantor skadades något mer av snytbagge än de höstplanterade. Snytbaggeskadorna var störst på de torra jordarna i östra området. Höstplantering av täckrotsodlad tall (Pinus sylvestris) gav ett lika bra resultat när det gäller överlevande plantor som gran. / This work has been performed in order to investigate if Norway spruce (Picea abies) and pine (Pinus sylvestris) container-grown seedlings planted in autumn gives the same quality as planting in spring in terms of surviving plants. This is in part to see if one can extend the planting season to get a more even workload over the season, both in nurseries and in the field. The study is designed as a survey study in Southern Sweden on container-grown seedlings of Norway spruce and pine planted 2007-2009 and inventoried 2010. The following things have been compared; plants per hectare, height growth, leading shoot growth, stem diameter, frost damage, damage by wild animals and pine weevil damage. Planting of Norway spruce (Picea abies) container-grown seedlings in autumn gives the same quality as planting in spring in terms of surviving plants. Height growth and diameter growth were slightly better the following season for seedlings planted in autumn compared to seedlings planted in spring. Seedlings planted in autumn were damaged by frost more than seedlings planted the spring, especially the first season. Seedlings planted in spring were slightly more damaged by wild animals than seedlings planted in autumn which may be because of less frost damage. Seedlings planted in spring were slightly a little more damaged by pine weevil than seedlings planted in autumn. Pine weevil damage was greatest in the arid soils in the eastern area. Container-grown seedlings of pine (Pinus sylvestris) planted in autumn gave equally good results as seedlings planted of Norway spruce.
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Tiwanaku en Moquegua: interacciones regionales y colapsoOwen, Bruce D., Goldstein, Paul S. 10 April 2018 (has links)
Tiwanaku in Moquegua: Regional Interactions and CollapseThe synthesis of data from excavations and systematic survey of the Osmore drainage promotes a new vision of the relationships between Wari, Tiwanaku, and indigenous people of the region during the Middle Horizon and the beginning of the Late Intermediate Period. A series of facts are effectively established that must be considered in future interpretations. Among others, we note the apparent contemporaneity of Tiwanaku and Wari settlements in the middle and upper sections of the Osmore drainage, generally isolated in their own geographic zones. There are no signs of military conflict or fear of it during perhaps centuries of contact, even though both groups considered the site of Cerro Baúl to be a huaca that only the Wari controlled. Nor was there exchange of goods, suggesting social as well as spatial isolation. We describe the contemporaneity of two Tiwanaku traditions, marked by the Omo and Chen Chen ceramic styles, which were previously considered sequential phases. Finally, we confirm that at the end of the Middle Horizon. Wari abandoned the region, leaving people of the Tiwanaku tradition to divide into local groups and flee to distant, defensible sites at the beginning of the troubled times of the Late Intermediate Period. / La síntesis de datos de excavaciones y reconocimientos sistemáticos de la cuenca del río Osmore permite una visión nueva de las relaciones entre los wari, tiwanaku y poblaciones indígenas de la región durante el Horizonte Medio y el comienzo del Periodo Intermedio Tardío. Una serie de hechos están efectivamente establecidos, los cuales tendrán que ser considerados en futuras interpretaciones. Entre otros, se nota la aparente contemporaneidad de asentamientos tiwanaku y wari en las partes medias y altas de la cuenca del Osmore, pero mayormente aisladas en zonas geográficas separadas. No hay indicios de conflicto bélico ni temor de tal durante, posiblemente, siglos de contacto, a pesar de que ambos grupos vieron al mismo sitio Cerro Baúl como una huaca, la que únicamente los wari controlaron. Tampoco había intercambio de bienes, sugiriendo un aislamiento social al igual que espacial. Se describe la contemporaneidad de dos tradiciones tiwanaku marcadas por los estilos ceramográficos Omo y Chen Chen, que antes se consideraban fases secuenciales. Finalmente, se confirma que, al fin del Horizonte Medio, la gente wari abandonó la región, mientras que los de la tradición Tiwanaku se dispersaron en grupos menores desplazándose a sitios alejados y defendibles al comienzo de los tiempos conflictivos del Periodo Intermedio Tardío.
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Fenologia, sistemas de tutoramento e produção de Physalis peruviana na região de Pelotas, RS. / Phenology, production systems and staking of Physalis peruviana in the region of Pelotas, Brazil. 2009Lima, Cláudia Simone Madruga 31 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:22:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2009-03-31 / The great development of successful non-traditional crops for the production and
area planted, shows that Brazil, as a producer is discovered and entering into new
and interesting markets. A small fruit with big potential is Physalis peruviana,
because its short cycle, possibility of high economic returns, coupled with nutritional
properties. However, little is known of their development, growth and management,
especially for conditions edafoclimáticas de Pelotas / RS. In this work, the main
objective was to the phenological behavior of Physalis peruviana and adapt
management techniques for the conditions of the southern edafoclimáticas RS. The
study was conducted in Pelotas, Brazil in the period 2007 to 2008. For the first phase
of the experiment was performed in three sowing seasons. In the second phase of
the experiment were performed transplant seedlings in two to four times associated
systems staking of plants, "V" inverted, triangular, with vertical and vertical bamboo
with fitilho. For the first phase of the experiment were determined the dates of
occurrence, days after emergence and degree-days for the following phenological
phases: true leaves, the first branch, floral budding, formation of basal shoots, fruit
trees, the leaves start to fall, and harvest. Also identified were the following
phenological stages: swollen flowers and open flowers. Fortnightly from the
transplant were evaluated for length, diameter and number of leaves of the main
stem, number of shoots, number of flowers and fruits. Were also conducted monthly
assessments of the quality of the fruit, as the fruit and total mass, skin color of fruit,
total soluble solids (SST), titratable acidity (AT), SST / AT. For the second stage
variables answers were: increase the length and diameter of the main stem, the
section area of stem, fresh weight of shoot and root, estimated productivity,
production efficiency, rate of harvest, the fruit weight, color skin of fruit, total soluble
solids (SST), titratable acidity (AT), SST / AT and total carotenoids. In the first phase,
the most representative results were verified in the first sowing date. For the second
phase, it was shown that the first season of transplantation associated with the
system of staking "V" and inverted triangular provided agronomic behavior
appropriate for the plants and fruits of Physalis. It is the cultivation of Physalis in the
region of Pelotas, Brazil. September is the recommended time of sowing, and staking
systems "V" and inverted triangles are the most appropriate in the management of
Physalis plants. (Support: CAPES) / O grande desenvolvimento de cultivos frutíferos não tradicionais, em relação à
produção e superfície plantada, demonstra que o Brasil, como produtor está
descobrindo e ingressando em novos e interessantes mercados. Uma pequena fruta
com grandes potencialidades é Physalis peruviana, devido seu ciclo curto,
possibilidade de alto retorno econômico, associado às propriedades nutracêuticas.
Entretanto, pouco se conhece de seu desenvolvimento, crescimento e manejo,
principalmente para as condições edafoclimáticas de Pelotas/RS. Neste trabalho, o
objetivo principal foi conhecer o comportamento fenológico de Physalis peruviana e
adaptar técnicas de manejo em função das condições edafoclimáticas do Sul do RS.
O trabalho foi desenvolvido em Pelotas, RS, no período de 2007 a 2008. Para a
primeira etapa do experimento foram realizadas semeaduras em três datas. Foram
determinadas as datas de ocorrência, dias após a emergência e graus-dia para os
seguintes estádios: folhas verdadeiras, primeira ramificação, brotação floral, flores
inchadas, flores abertas, formação de brotos basais, frutos caídos, início de queda
das folhas, e colheita. Quinzenalmente, a partir do transplante, foram realizadas
avaliações de comprimento e diâmetro do ramo principal, número total de folhas do
ramo principal, número de brotos, número de flores e frutos. Também foram
realizadas mensalmente, a partir dos 120 dias após o transplante, avaliações de
qualidade dos frutos, como: massa do fruto e massa total, coloração da epiderme do
fruto, sólidos solúveis totais (SST), acidez total titulável (AT), relação SST/AT. Na
segunda etapa do experimento foram realizados transplantes de mudas em duas
datas associados a quatro sistemas de tutoramento de plantas, V invertido,
triangular, vertical com bambu e vertical com fitilho. Foram avaliados incremento do
comprimento e da área da seção do ramo principal, área da seção da ramo principal,
massa fresca da parte aérea e da raiz, produtividade, eficiência produtiva, percentual
de colheita, massa e diâmetro do fruto, coloração da epiderme do fruto, SST, AT,
relação SST/AT e carotenóides totais. Na primeira etapa os resultados mais
relevantes foram verificados na primeira data de semeadura. Para a segunda etapa,
foi evidenciado que a primeira data de transplante associada aos sistemas de
tutoramento V invertido e triangular proporcionam melhor desempenho agronômico
das plantas e frutos de physalis. Recomenda-se o cultivo de physalis na região de
Pelotas, RS. Setembro é a época de semeadura recomendada e novembro é a
época de transplante mais adequada. Os sistemas de tutoramento V invertido e
triangular são os mais adequados no manejo de plantas de physalis. (Apoio:
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Small-scale maize farmers' willingness to pay for changing planting dates in the face of climate change : a case study of Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality, Limpopo ProvinceTau, Lekobane Lebogang January 2023 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Agricultural Economics)) -- University of Limpopo, 2023 / The agricultural sector plays an important role in South Africa regardless of the small contribution of 1.88% it has to the GDP of the Country. Small-scale maize farmers’ decisions to adopt adaptation options in response to climate change and variability are influenced by socioeconomic, institutional, and environmental factors, indicating that decision patterns can be very specific to a given locality. The study aimed to analyse the determinants of small-scale maize farmers’ willingness to pay for changing planting dates in the face of climate change. This study had two main objectives, to identify and describe the socio-economic characteristics of small-scale maize farmers, and to determine factors influencing the small-scale maize farmer’s willingness to pay for changing planting dates in the face of climate change in Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality. The study used primary data with a sample size of 150 small-scale maize farmers. Descriptive statistics and the Probit Regression Model were employed when analysing data. The study employed purposive sampling in the data collection process and three villages were selected. Probability was proportional to sample size and was used to select the number of small-scale maize farmers for the sample frame of each village. About 58% of the sampled small-scale maize farmers were willing to pay for changing planting dates in the face of climate change, as opposed to 42% of those not willing to pay for changing planting dates. Empirical results from the analysis reported that age (10%), educational level (1%), level of income (1%), years of farming (10%), total output (1%), exposure to climate information services (5%), and use of indigenous forecast (1%) out of twelve explanatory variables were found to be significant. Based on the empirical findings of the study it is recommended that government officials together with other stakeholders such as NGOs and research institutions should invest in the education of small-scale maize farmers through knowledge systems such as (presentations, conferences, seminars, abet etc). Government policies and strategic investment plans that support improved small-scale maize farmers’ accessibility to climate information are also recommended.
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Composing Symbolism's Musicality of Language in Fin-de-siècle FranceVarvir Coe, Megan Elizabeth, 1982- 08 1900 (has links)
In this dissertation, I explore the musical prosody of the literary symbolists and the influence of this prosody on fin-de-siècle French music. Contrary to previous categorizations of music as symbolist based on a characteristic "sound," I argue that symbolist aesthetics demonstrably influenced musical construction and reception. My scholarship reveals that symbolist musical works across genres share an approach to composition rooted in the symbolist concept of musicality of language, a concept that shapes this music on sonic, structural, and conceptual levels. I investigate the musical responses of four different composers to a single symbolist text, Oscar Wilde's one-act play Salomé, written in French in 1891, as case studies in order to elucidate how a symbolist musicality of language informed their creation, performance, and critical reception. The musical works evaluated as case studies are Antoine Mariotte's Salomé, Richard Strauss's Salomé, Aleksandr Glazunov's Introduction et La Danse de Salomée, and Florent Schmitt's La Tragédie de Salomé. Recognition of symbolist influence on composition, and, in the case of works for the stage, on production and performance expands the repertory of music we can view critically through the lens of symbolism, developing not only our understanding of music's role in this difficult and often contradictory aesthetic philosophy but also our perception of fin-de-siècle musical culture in general.
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The Walling Family of Nineteenth-Century Texas: An Examination of Movement and Opportunity on the Texas FrontierCure, Stephen 12 1900 (has links)
The Walling Family of Nineteenth-Century Texas recounts the actions of the first four generations of the John Walling family. Through a heavily quantitative study, the study focuses on the patterns of movement, service, and seizing opportunity demonstrated by the family as they took full advantage of the benefits of frontier expansion in the Old South and particularly Texas. In doing so, it chronicles the role of a relatively unknown family in many of the most defining events of the nineteenth-century Texas experience such as the Texas Revolution, Mexican War, Civil War, Reconstruction, and the Close of the Frontier. Based on extensive research in census, tax, election, land, military, family paper, newspaper, and existing genealogical records; the study documents the contributions of family members to the settlement of more than forty counties while, at the same time, noting its less positive behaviors such as its open hostility to American Indians, and significant slave ownership. This study seeks to extend the work of other quantitative studies that looked at movement and political influence in the Old South, Texas, and specific communities to the microcosm of a single extended family. As a result, it should be of use to those wanting a greater understanding of how events in nineteenth-century Texas shaped, and were shaped by, families outside the political and social elite.
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Stanovení základních norem Jebsen-Taylor testu u zdravých osob / Determination of the Basic Normative Data of the Jebsen-Taylor Test in a Non-Clinical Population.Bačová, Eliška January 2016 (has links)
Motor skills disorder of upper limb motor disorders is currently a frequent reason for large population disability. That is why it is necessary to adress this issue and look for possibilities of proper evaluation and therapy. One of the standard methods is Jebsen- Taylor test (JTT). This thesis deals with theoretical aspects of the Jebsen-Taylor test and presents results of the research verifying psychometric characterictics of the test as well as influence of demografic characteristics on the performance in the test. The theoretical part deals with motor skills disorder that are closely related with the test. The practical part presents results of the research using the sample of nonrandomised Czech non-clinical population. The aim is to create basic norms of the Jebsen-Taylor test and this particular population.The norms were created on a sample of 180 persons separately for men and women divided into three age groups (20-59, 60-75, 76-99). The age of the participants influences the results in most subtests of the Jebsen-Taylor test. With the increasing age, an average time of particular subtests increases, too. The gender influence was not notably manifested in most subtests. In the group of men the performance of the upper limb showed significant difference. On the other hand, in the group of...
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