Spelling suggestions: "subject:"datorteknik"" "subject:"datortekniks""
1011 |
Design av en mobil arbetsterminal för röntgenavdelningar / Design of a mobile terminal for the radiology unitSivertsson, Emil January 2009 (has links)
<p>In healthcare settings, administrative routines have been made more efficientthrough digitalization of information and the introduction of stationary computers.This situation is especially true when it comes to radiology, where pictures,referrals and patient information now is completely managed by advanced stationarycomputer systems. However, studies have shown that these rationalizationsdo not support flexible and mobile work routines.PocketRIS is a prototype illustrating a mobile terminal for radiology that hasbeen designed to simplify workflow and reduce the cognitive workload of healthcarepersonnel. PocketRIS includes a visualization of the clinicians work situationincluding a personal referral list that can make the user attentive of importantevents.Contextual Design has been used to elicit the basic system requirements for thesystem; 19 contextual inquires was conducted with physicians, nurses and assistantnurses at two different radiology clinics in Sweden during six days. The purposeof the study was also to identify the groups that have the greatest need for amobile terminal. The study was concerned with design and evaluation of differentsolutions with healthcare personnel.The result shows that physicians and assistant nurses have the greatest need ofa mobile terminal. Especially important for a mobile system is that it supportsevent-based work and provides a good overview over patients and the work situation.PocketRIS is an example of how these requirements this can be met at theradiology unit.</p> / <p>Genom effektiviseringar har en stor del av sjukvårdens administrativa rutiner digitaliseratsoch stationära arbetstationer införts på våra kliniker. Speciellt på röntgenavdelningarhanteras numera bilder, remisser och annan patientinformationmed hjälp av avancerade stationära datorsystem. Studier har dock visat att dessarationaliseringar ofta inte stödjer sjukvårdspersonalens flexibla och rörliga arbetsrutiner.PocketRIS är en prototyp för en mobil arbetsterminal som utvecklats specielltför att effektivisera arbetsflödet på röntgenavdelningar samt minska den kognitivabelastningen på sjukvårdspersonalen. PocketRIS innehåller en visualisering avklinikerns arbetssituation samt en personlig remisslista som kan göra denne uppmärksampå viktiga händelser.Contextual Design användes för att ta fram grundkraven på systemet; 19 styckencontextual inquirys genomfördes med läkare, sjuksköterskor och undersköterskorpå två olika röntgenkliniker i Sverige under totalt sex dagar. Arbetsplatsstudiensyftade även till att identifiera vilka grupper som har störst behov av en mobilarbetsterminal. Den senare delen av studien bestod av design och utvärdering avolika lösningsförslag tillsammans med sjukvårdspersonal.Resultatet av studien visar att det är läkare och undersköterskor som har störst behovav en mobil terminal. Speciellt viktigt för ett mobilt system är att det stödjerhändelsedrivet arbete och ger god överblick över patienterna och arbetssituationen.PocketRIS är ett exempel på hur detta kan uppfyllas för röntgenavdelningar.</p>
1012 |
Adapting an FPGA-optimized microprocessor to the MIPS32 instruction set / Anpassning av en FPGA-optimerad processor till instruktionsuppsättningen MIPS32Andersson, Olof, Bengtsson, Karl January 2010 (has links)
<p>Nowadays, FPGAs are large enough to host entire system-on-chip designs, wherein a soft core processor is often an integral part. High performance of the processor is always desirable, so there is an interest in finding faster solutions.This report aims to describe the work and results performed by Karl Bengtson and Olof Andersson at ISY. The task was to continue the development of a soft core microprocessor, originally created by Andreas Ehliar. The first step was to decide a more widely adopted instruction set for the processor. The choice fell upon the MIPS32 instruction set. The main work of the project has been focused on implementing support for MIPS32, allowing the processor to execute MIPS assembly language programs. The development has been done with speed optimization in mind. For every new function, the effects on the maximum frequency has been considered, and solutions not satisfying the speed requirements has been abandoned or revised.The performance has been measured by running a benchmark program—Coremark. Comparison has also been made to the main competitors among soft core processors. The results were positive, and reported a higher Coremark score than the other processors inthe study. The processor described herein still lacks many essential features. Nevertheless, the conclusion is that it may be possible to create a competitive alternative to established soft processors.</p> / <p>FPGAer används idag ofta för stora inbyggda system, i vilka en mjuk processor ofta spelar en viktig roll. Hög prestanda hos processorn är alltid önskvärt, så det finns ett intresse i att hitta snabbare lösningar. Denna rapport skall beskriva det arbete och de resultat som uppnåtts av Karl Bengtson och Olof Andersson på ISY. Uppgiften var att fortsätta utvecklandet av en mjuk processor, som ursprungligen skapats av Andreas Ehliar. Första steget var att välja ut en mer allmänt använd instruktionsuppsättning för processorn. Valet föll på instruktionsuppsättningsarkitekturen MIPS32. Projektets huvutarbete har varit fokuserat på att implementera stöd för MIPS32, vilket ger processorn möjlighet att köra assemblerprogram för MIPS.Utvecklingen har gjorts med hastighetsoptimering i beaktning. För varje ny funktion har dess effekter på maxfrekvensen undersökts,och lösningar som inte uppfyllt hastighetskraven har förkastats eller reviderats. Prestandan har mätts med programmet Coremark. Det har också gjorts jämförelser med huvudkonkurrenterna bland mjuka processorer. Resultaten var positiva, och rapporterade ett högre Coremarkpoäng än de andra processorerna i studien. Slutsatsen är att det ärmöjligt att skapa ett alternativ till de etablerade mjuka processorerna, men att denna processor fortfarande saknar väsentliga funktioner som behövs för att utgöra en mogen produkt.</p>
1013 |
Extending a battlefield simulator with large scale terrain rendering and flight simulator functionalityJohansson, Daniel January 2005 (has links)
<p>Simulation of modern battlefield scenarios on consumer PC:s deal with a number of limitations, many of them related to the limited performance of a normal PC compared to workstations and servers. Specifically, the visualization of realistic large scale outdoor environments is problematic because of the large amount of data required to describe its contents. This becomes especially problematic in simulations of fast moving vehicles such as aircrafts, where one needs to maintain high frame rates while having high visual detail for orientation and targeting. This thesis proposes a method of generating realistic outdoor environments from actual geological data and then rendering it efficiently using an improved level of detail algorithm within a proprietary battle simulation framework. We also show how to integrate an open source Flight Dynamics Model (FDM) into the simulation framework for future hybrid simulations involving aircrafts.</p>
1014 |
Improving and Extending a High Performance Processor Optimized for FPGAs / Förbättring och utökning av en högpresterande processor anpassad för FPGAerKällming, Daniel, Hultenius, Kristoffer January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis is about a number of improvements and additions done to a soft CPU optimized for field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The goal has been to implement the changes without substantially lowering the CPU's ability to operate at high clock frequencies. The result of the thesis is a number of high clock frequency modules, which when added completes the CPU hardware functionality in certain areas. The maximum frequency of the CPU is however somewhat lowered after the modules have been added.</p> / <p>Detta examensarbete handlar om ett antal förbättringar och utökningar av en mjuk processor speciellt anpassad för fältprogrammerbara grindmatriser (FPGA). Målet har varit att göra förändringarna utan att göra större avkall på processorns förmåga att operera i höga klockfrekvenser. Resultatet av examensarbetet är ett antal moduler som klarar av höga frekvenser och kompletterar processorns hårdvarufunktioner. Dock reduceras maxfrekvensen på processorn något med modulerna tillagda.</p>
1015 |
On Data Compression for TDOA Localization / Datakompression för TDOA-lokaliseringArbring, Joel, Hedström, Patrik January 2010 (has links)
<p>This master thesis investigates different approaches to data compression on common types of signals in the context of localization by estimating time difference of arrival (TDOA). The thesis includes evaluation of the compression schemes using recorded data, collected as part of the thesis work. This evaluation shows that compression is possible while preserving localization accuracy.</p><p>The recorded data is backed up with more extensive simulations using a free space propagation model without attenuation. The signals investigated are flat spectrum signals, signals using phase-shift keying and single side band speech signals. Signals with low bandwidth are given precedence over high bandwidth signals, since they require more data in order to get an accurate localization estimate.</p><p>The compression methods used are transform based schemes. The transforms utilized are the Karhunen-Loéve transform and the discrete Fourier transform. Different approaches for quantization of the transform components are examined, one of them being zonal sampling.</p><p>Localization is performed in the Fourier domain by calculating the steered response power from the cross-spectral density matrix. The simulations are performed in Matlab using three recording nodes in a symmetrical geometry.</p><p>The performance of localization accuracy is compared with the Cramér-Rao bound for flat spectrum signals using the standard deviation of the localization error from the compressed signals.</p>
1016 |
A Selection of H.264 Encoder Components Implemented and Benchmarked on a Multi-core DSP ProcessorEinemo, Jonas, Lundqvist, Magnus January 2010 (has links)
<p>H.264 is a video coding standard which offers high data compression rate at the cost of a high computational load. This thesis evaluates how well parts of the H.264 standard can be implemented for a new multi-core digital signal processing processor architecture called ePUMA. The thesis investigates if real-time encoding of high definition video sequences could be performed. The implementation consists of the motion estimation, motion compensation, discrete cosine transform, inverse discrete cosine transform, quantization and rescaling parts of the H.264 standard. Benchmarking is done using the ePUMA system simulator and the results are compared to an implementation of an existing H.264 encoder for another multi-core processor architecture called STI Cell. The results show that the selected parts of the H.264 encoder could be run on 6 calculation cores in 5 million cycles per frame. This setup leaves 2 calculation cores to run the remaining parts of the encoder.</p>
1017 |
Konstruktion och reglering av flygande plattformWaldsjö, Jonathan January 2010 (has links)
<p>This report describes the manufacture and control of a flying platform. The report describes the basic and fundamental theories required to get the platform flying. It touches on subjects such as A/D-conversion. PWM-control and PID-control. The sensors used in the platform are a gyro and an accelerometer. The platform is controlled from a ground station through a wireless link. The wireless link is an Xbee-module that implements the ZigBee-protocol. The microprocessor used is the Atmega 128 by Atmel.</p><p>An indirect complementary filter is used to get the angle of the platform. For the platform to be able to balance a more thourough analysis of the gyro is required. This sensor proved to be more difficult to handle than first anticipated. Every component except the gyro worked as expected. Every algorithm and method reported in this work have been implemented and tested in software.</p>
1018 |
Hardware / Software co-design for JPEG2000Nilsson, Per January 2006 (has links)
<p>For demanding applications, for example image or video processing, there may be computations that aren’t very suitable for digital signal processors. While a DSP processor is appropriate for some tasks, the instruction set could be extended in order to achieve higher performance for the tasks that such a processor normally isn’t actually design for. The platform used in this project is flexible in the sense that new hardware can be designed to speed up certain computations.</p><p>This thesis analyzes the computational complex parts of JPEG2000. In order to achieve sufficient performance for JPEG2000, there may be a need for hardware acceleration.</p><p>First, a JPEG2000 decoder was implemented for a DSP processor in assembler. When the firmware had been written, the cycle consumption of the parts was measured and estimated. From this analysis, the bottlenecks of the system were identified. Furthermore, new processor instructions are proposed that could be implemented for this system. Finally the performance improvements are estimated.</p>
1019 |
Design and Implementation of a DMA Controller for Digital Signal ProcessorJiang, Guoyou January 2010 (has links)
<p>The thesis work is conducted in the division of computer engineering at thedepartment of electrical engineering in Linköping University. During the thesiswork, a configurable Direct Memory Access (DMA) controller was designed andimplemented. The DMA controller runs at 200MHz under 65nm digital CMOS technology. The estimated gate count is 26595.</p><p>The DMA controller has two address generators and can provide two clocksources. It can thus handle data read and write simultaneously. There are 16channels built in the DMA controller, the data width can be 16-bit, 32-bit and64-bit. The DMA controller supports 2D data access by configuring its intelligentlinking table. The DMA is designed for advanced DSP applications and it is notdedicated for cache which has a fixed priority.</p>
1020 |
Enkel navigering i webbdatabaser inom bioinformatik: En implementation av moduler för ett urval av databaserPeterson, Rickard January 2010 (has links)
<p>Detta examensarbete är framtaget för att utforma moduler till programmet BioSpider som utvecklats vid ADIT avdelningen vid IDA institutionen Linköping Universitet med syfte att förenkla för biologer när de söker information om andra forskares resultat.</p><p>Det finns ett stort antal databaser som innehåller forskningsdata kring proteiner, reaktioner, signalvägar etc. Exempel på databaser är UniProt, Reactome, IntAct, BioModels och KEGG. Det uppstår problem med att dessa databaser är uppbyggda på olika sätt och ej kan användas på ett universellt sätt, utan kräver individuellt utformning och anpassning för att kunna användas tillsammans med andra databaser. Det är där BioSpider kommer in, BioSpider är ett program som försöker bygga upp ett träd utifrån olika databaser. Varje databas hanteras individuellt av BioSpider men presenteras på ett universellt sätt i form av ett träd för användaren. Examensarbetets del i BioSpider är att utforma moduler som behandlar ytterligare databaser utöver BioModels som redan stöds i BioSpider.</p><p>Behovet av att tillgängliggöra stöd för fler databaser var nödvändigt för att kunna visa upp en användbar version av BioSpider med mer än en databas. Detta för att kunna visa att metoden fungerar i praktiken.</p><p>Examensarbetet har utförts genom att en förstudie av ett antal databaser har gjorts och inom dessa valt ut relevant information som sedan implementerats i BioSpider med olika moduler för de olika databaserna.</p><p>Det som fanns tillgängligt vid examensarbetets start var programmet BioSpider och implementation för en databas (BioModels). Nu stöds BioSpider av ytterligare fyra stycken databaser som är UniProt, Reactome, KEGG och IntAct som bygger ut trädet. BioSpider stöds även utav DIP, Ensembl, EMBL, FlyBase, GO, InterPro, OMIM, PDB, PIR, PROSIT och RefSeq för vidare länkning till webbsida där ytterligare information kan återfås.</p> / <p>The aim of this thesis was to develop modules for the system BioSpider that are developed by ADIT division at IDA institute at Linköping University. The objective is to simplify for biologist when they seek for information about research findings.</p><p>There is a large number of databases that contains research results about proteins, reactions, pathways etc. Examples of these databases are UniProt, Reactome, IntAct, BioModels and KEGG. Problems emerges since the databases are constructed in different ways and cannot be used in a universal way, they must be individually tailored and adjusted to be compatible with other databases. This is where BioSpider comes in, BioSpider is a program that is supposed to build up a tree of the different databases. Each database is managed individually by BioSpider and is presented to the user in a universal way in the form of a tree. This thesis extends the BioSpider system so that more databases are supported than just the database BioModels.</p><p>The need to support more databases was necessary to be able to produce a usable version of BioSpider with more than one database. This is important to show that the method works in practice.</p><p>The work has been performed by a pilot study of a number of databases. Within these we selected appropriate information that was implemented in BioSpider with different modules for different databases.</p><p>At start of this thesis one database was supported by BioSpider, this database is BioModels. Now BioSpider supports by additional four databases UniProt, Reactome, KEGG and IntAct. BioSpider also supports linking to websites where information can be retrieved, the supported databases are DIP, Ensembl, EMBL, FlyBase, GO, InterPro, OMIM, PDB, PIR, PROSIT and RefSeq.</p>
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