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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performance Evaluation of Embedded Microcomputers for Avionics Applications

Bilen, Celal Can, Alcalde, John January 2010 (has links)
<p>Embedded microcomputers are used in a wide range of applications nowadays. Avionics is one of these areas and requires extra attention regarding reliability and determinism. Thus, these issues should also be born in mind in addition to performance when evaluating embedded microcomputers.</p><p>This master thesis suggests a framework for performance evaluation of two members of the PowerPC microprocessor family, namely the MPC5554 from Freescale and PPC440EPx from AMCC, and analyzes the results within and between these processors. The framework can be generalized to be used in any microprocessor family, if required.</p><p>Apart from performance evaluation, this thesis also suggests also a new terminology by introducing the concept of determinism levels to be able to estimate determinism issues in avionics applications more clearly, which is crucial regarding the requirements and working conditions of this very application. Such estimation does not include any practical results as in performance evaluation, but rather remains theoretical. Similar to Automark™ used by AutoBench™ in the EEMBC Benchmark Suite, we introduce a new performance metric score that we call ”Aviomark” and we carry out a detailed comparison of Aviomark with the traditional Automark™ score to be able to see how Aviomark differs from Automark™ in behavior.</p><p>Finally, we have developed a graphical user interface (GUI) which works in parallel with the Green Hills MULTI Integrated Development Environment (IDE) in order to simplify and automate the evaluation process. By the help of the GUI, the users will be able to easily evaluate their specific PowerPC processors by starting the debugging from MULTI IDE.</p>

Utveckling av användargränssnitt för mobil resesökningsapplikation / Development of user interface for mobile travel search application

Wester, Erik, Henricsson, Christopher January 2008 (has links)
<p>Den här rapporten ämnar besvara frågan om hur man bör utforma ett användargränssnitt för en mobil applikation så att antalet knapptryckningar, speciellt textinmatning, på den mobila enheten minimeras. Med mobil applikation menas i detta fall ett program avsett att köras på en mobiltelefon med en numerisk knappuppsättning. Applikationen i fråga är en resesökningsfunktion ämnad för lokal busstrafik; för testsyften används hållplatser inom Jönköpings län.</p><p>Ett designkoncept utformades baserat på ett menysystem bestående av alfabetsgrupper för inmatning av namn på orter och hållplatser. Utifrån detta utvecklades en prototyp i Java Micro Edition som sedan kunde utvärderas och modifieras efter ett mindre användartest.</p><p>Prototypen testades på tre personer efter en metodik som utformats på mjukvaruföretaget Apple. Resultatet visade en allvarlig brist, som lyckligtvis är enkel att korrigera. Resterande problem ansågs ej utgöra några större hinder för framtida användare. Responsen från testpersonerna var positiv då de inte bara upplevde färre knapptryckningar utan också ett enklare användande jämfört med traditionell textinmatning.</p> / <p>This report aims to answer how to design a user interface for a mobile application minimizing the amount of key presses, specifically text input. In this context, mobile application means a program designed to run on a mobile phone with a numerical keyboard. The application we’re designing is a travel search function for local bus traffic. For out test purposes we used the bus stops in Jönköping County.</p><p>We developed a design concept based on a menu system consisting of alphabetic groups for inputting names of towns and bus stops. From this we developed a prototype in Java Micro Edition which could later be evaluated after a small user test.</p><p>The prototype was tested on three people using a method developed at the software company Apple. The results revealed one significant flaw, which, fortunately, is easy to correct. The remaining problems were not considered to be any insurmountable hurdles for users to overcome. Response from the test subjects was positive in that they not only experienced fewer key presses, but also a simpler usage of the application.</p>

Vem är rädd för bannern där? : En studie om banners klickfrekvens / Who’s afraid of the big bad banner?

Svensson, Niklas, Gripestam Nord, Erik January 2008 (has links)
<p>This paper is about advertising on the Internet using banners. Together with Embryo Webbyrå we have tested a lot of different ways of advertising on the online newspaper of Göteborgs-Posten, gp.se. Two of the web bureau’s existing clients, Resia and Recip, were chosen for the ads and the whole campaign lasted a period of four weeks.</p><p>By comparing our banners with the consideration of format, color, placement and content we wanted to find an answer to how the most optimal banner would look.</p><p>Our test result shows that visitors rather do not want to click on a banner, although we think that we have seen some interest and curiousness from visitors in the banners content. Even when the visitor does not click on a banner, the message might be put in mind for a future purchase or act.</p>

Utveckling av ett företags marknadskommunikation med informationsteknik

Andersson, Christian, Gustafsson, Sebastian January 2006 (has links)
<p>IT-företaget Conect AB var i behov av en förstärkning av sin marknadskommunikation, som innebar en utveckling av deras webbsida, samt en nyproduktion av produktblad om företagets samtliga tjänster, som ska finnas tillgängliga på webbsidan. Då företagets informationskanaler och målgrupp var förutbestämda, återstod en förbättring av budskapet. Med hjälp av teorier inom informationsteknik med inriktning på användbarhet, användbar webbdesign och användbar grafisk kommunikation skulle företagets budskap förtydligas. Tillämpandet av teorierna skulle på så sätt förbättra kommunikationen med potentiella och befintliga kunder.</p><p>Uppdraget formulerades som en övergripande frågeställning med två delfrågor:</p><p> Hur kan man med informationsteknik förbättra ett företags marknadskommunikation?</p><p>o Hur kan webbsidan byggas upp för att fungera som en länk mellan företag och kund med hänsyn till teorier inom användbarhet och användbar webbdesign?</p><p>o Hur kan ett produktblad på ett effektivt sätt förmedla information till kunden med hänsyn till teorier inom användbarhet och användbar grafisk kommunikation?</p><p>Utvecklingen av produkten genomfördes utifrån teorier som gör den enkel och lättförståelig. Stor vikt lades vid webbsidans utseende, navigation, struktur och information. Med webbsidan som plattform utvecklades produktbladen i enlighet med den. Viktiga aspekter gällande produktbladen var utseendet som skulle samspela med webbsidan, samt behandling av information, formgivning av texter, bilder och illustrationer.</p><p>Resultatet blev en marknadsföringsprodukt som använder både Internet och det personliga mötet som informationskanal, dvs. webbsidan, samt säljarens möte med kunden där produktbladen kommer väl till hands. Webbsidan och produktbladen bildar ett marknadsföringspaket där användaren kan ta del av företagets budskap.</p><p>Produkten bidrog till ett upplyft av företagets marknadskommunikation genom Internet och personliga möten som informationskanaler, där webbsida och produktblad kommunicerar med kunderna på ett effektivt sätt. Genom informativa rubriker, texter och bilder som samspelar med en användarvänlig navigering och struktur, leder det till att budskapet på ett effektivare sätt når fram till användaren. Därmed har målet mot god marknadskommunikation uppnåtts.</p> / <p>The IT-company Conect AB was in need of an improvement of their marketing communication, which involves a development of their website and a production of product sheets about the company’s services that will be available on the website. Because of the company’s already determined information channels and target group, an improvement of their message remained. With theories within Information Technology with concentration on usability, usable web design and usable graphics communication, the company’s message would be clarified. The appliance of the theories would therefore improve the communication with potential and existing customers. The assignment was formulated as a comprehensive question with two part questions:</p><p>• How can Information Technology improve a company’s marketing communication?</p><p>o How can a website be produced in order to act like a link between the company and the customer with considered theories within usability and usable web design?</p><p>o How can a product sheet efficiently mediate information to the customer with considered theories within usability and usable graphics communication?</p><p>The development of the product was carried out on the basis of theories which make it easy and understandable. Huge efforts were made on the website’s layout, navigation, structure, and information. With the website as a platform, the product sheets were developed in accordance with it. Important aspects concerning the product sheets were the layout that would ensemble with the website, and the treatment of the information, design of text, pictures, and illustrations.</p><p>The result was a marketing product that uses both Internet and personal meetings as a information channel, i.e. the website and the vendor’s meeting with the customer where the product sheets become convenient. The website and the product sheets establish a marketing package where the user can take part of the company’s message.</p><p>The product contributed with an improvement of the company’s marketing communication through Internet and personal meetings as information channels, where the website and the product sheets communicate with the customers in an efficient way. With informative headlines, texts and pictures that ensemble with a user friendly navigation and structure, the message reaches the user more efficiently. Thus the goal of positive marketing communication has been achieved.</p>

Användarcentrerad utveckling av mobilt IT-stöd / User centered perspective on development of mobile information technology

Lundell, Johan, Sjögren, Gustav January 2006 (has links)
<p>This exam paper has been a collaboration between the writers and SYSteam Utvecklingspartner in Huskvarna. The assignment was about finding a need for a mobile application, making a requirement specification document with design documents and parallel to this constructing a prototype. The assignment is summarized in the following questions:</p><p>• How can companies in the forest industry benefit from mobile information technology?</p><p>• How can a user centered perspective be used in the process of making the requirement specification document and the design documents?</p><p>• How do guidelines for usability apply to a mobile application?</p><p>Three visits to companies in the forest industry were made to find a need for mobile information technology solutions. After a small analysis of the different companies’ problems and conditions the decision was to use Tenhults Impregneringsverk AB in the case study.</p><p>We used the FA/SIM method in our job of finding the organization needs for change and the principles of User Centered Design in the work of constructing a prototype.</p><p>The result of our work is a requirement specification with design documents and a prototype. The final prototype is an application deployed on to a PDA with a barcode scanner.</p><p>Our conclusion is that the purpose of mobile information technology often is about making the torrent of information more effective by reducing the duplication of work and securing the quality of the information.</p><p>Using a user centered perspective in the development work has in general terms worked out pretty well for us. Requirements and demands of the application have become clearer to us after each iteration, and in the end the customer and the developer organization where on the same terms.</p><p>We have been able to apply the guidelines of usability on MobSaw (is the name of the application prototype that was made during the exam work). The principles are universal; the biggest difference is about input and screen size because the hardware’s capacity is limited. The advantages of the smaller frameworks for mobile devices is that the focus on usability increases.</p>

En applikation som analyserar loggfiler genererade av en brandvägg / An application that analyzes logfiles that are

Fondelius, Henric January 2006 (has links)
<p>Målet med projektet var att skapa en applikation för Ericsson AB R&D som kan hjälpa till att analysera datatrafiken i deras nätverk (ECN). Det finns tre stycken accesspunkter till ECN som skyddas av brandväggar. Alla datauppkopplingar genom brandväggarna lagras dygnvis i loggar. Genom loggarna kan obehörig trafik upptäckas. Ett verktyg som analyserar brandväggsloggarna underlättar arbetet.</p><p>Resultatet av mitt examensarbete är en applikation som är skriven i Perl. Programmeringsspråket Perl valdes för dess effektiva texthantering. Programmet exekveras genom terminalen (Solaris) / kommandoraden (Windows). De två viktigaste funktionerna är Searchlog och Check. Searchlog hanterar sökning av IP-adresser och Check kontrollerar att det inte finns några säkerhetsöverträdelser i brandväggsloggarna. Funktionerna har konstruerats så att största vikt är lagd på exekveringstiden och korrekt utdata.</p><p>Slutsatsen av arbetet med brandväggsloggar är att det kräver testning för att få programmet att uppnå optimalt resultat. Perls reguljära uttryck var till stor hjälp i mitt arbete. De är bra vid behandling av stora mängder text. Minnesanvändningen kanske kan göras effektivare. Eftersom att exekveringstiden prioriterades kom det i andra hand.</p> / <p>The goal of this project was to construct an application that can analyze the traffic through the network (ECN) at Ericsson. There are three accesspoints to ECN protected by firewalls. The connections through the firewalls are logged daily. With the help from firewall logs unauthorized access can be found. A tool which analyzes the logs is therefore needed.</p><p>The program is made in the computer language Perl. Perl was chosen because of its superior text handling capabilities. The application is executed through the terminal/command line. The two most important functions are Searchlog and Check. Searchlog handles the IP-searching and the Check function searches for unauthorized connections in the firewall logs. Execution time and data integrity were the main goals that were strived for.</p><p>My conclusion is that working with firewall logs requires a lot of testing to achieve the best result. I realized that regular expressions is the easiest and most powerful tool to use when working with large amounts of text. Since the speed was prioritized and not memory usage there is room for memory improvement.</p>

Analys av användargränssnitt / Analyse of the user interface

Gustavsson, Daniel, Lundström, Julia January 2006 (has links)
<p>Vem avgör vad som är bra användbarhet? Och hur lyckas man bibehålla det genom ett helt program? Dessa frågor och många fler ställdes när arbetet med utformningen av den nya designen startades. Meningen var att ta reda på vad som gäller idag och vad som är intressant för framtiden i frågan om användbarhet.</p><p>Genom en grundlig analys av designen i programmet SEBS (System Economy Business System) tillsammans med ett flertal andra liknande program har flera problemområden identifierats och motiverats med hjälp av teorier från författare och ISO standarder (International Organisation for Standardization).</p><p>Uppgiften har en ganska abstrakt natur och ger inte självmant upphov till gedigna praktikfall som lätt presenteras. Trots det blev ett nytt gränssnitt och nya riktlinjer framtagna och arbetssättet och tankarna bakom finns väl dokumenterade. Resultatet måste analyseras av någon som förstår större delen av innebörden i den teoretiska bakgrunden som är presenterad.</p><p>Resultaten som arbetet skapade gav en djup insikt i svårigheten att framställa programvara som är tilltalande och effektiv. Det är en utmaning många skulle backa för att ta om de visste vad den innebar. Arbetet det innebär kämpar precis som alla projekt där flera människor deltar med att få alla att dra åt samma håll. Det finns inget konkret att satsa på utan alla måste lyssna och försöka samlas kring en vision som symboliserar det kommande resultatet. Hjälpmedel för detta presenteras i rapporten, för det finns fler poänger med att låta verktygen få finnas till hands för mer än bara sammanhållningen. De kan även väcka nya sätt att prata om slutanvändare och hur man ska förhålla sig till dem.</p> / <p>Who decides whether a design is user friendly or not? And what is the trick to maintain that type of design throughout the whole program? These and many more questions were asked when the work with the report were about to begin. The plan is to find out what is relevant for design today and what will be interesting to know about in a present future. Through a fundamentally analysis of the design in the program SEBS (System Economy Business System) together with a number of similar programs, several problem areas has been discovered and motivated by references to different authors and ISO standards(International Organisation for Standardization).</p><p>Since this task has an abstract nature it does not provide the authors with good case studies that easily can be presented and discussed. Despite that, a new user design has been created and new guidelines for future design have been drawn. The work gained a deep understanding for the difficulties that comes with software manufacturing and a belief that most people would back of if they knew what was waiting down the line in this type of work. As always when project includes several people problems with communications and the ability to struggle at the same direction occurs. Tools to lighten this work are presented and they are not just effective to keep the group together. They can also help to find new ways to talk about the actual user of the developing program.</p>

Brandväggar för hemmakontor

Nezirevic, Esmeralda January 2006 (has links)
<p>Firewalls protect network traffic and decide witch traffic to send further and witch traffic will be blocked. All this depends on the rules in the firewall. The firewall is installed between the internal network and the Internet. It is difficult to find a firewall that can protect us against different threats. Firewalls have both advantages and disadvantages and all this make them vulnerable. It is important to understand how the firewall protects the network and how to configure it. This paper gives the reader a clear idea how firewalls can protect against different attacks and improve the security.</p><p>Computers are not safe when connected to Internet. This paper is about how to use a personal firewall to protect a computer when connected to Internet. One of the firewalls in this examination is Norton Personal Firewall 2005.</p><p>Perkins, “Firewalls 24seven, 2nd Edition” and Brian Komar, Ronald Beekelaar and Joern Wettern “Firewalls for Dummies”. Information has also been collected from Apples home page.</p><p>It is important to have knowledge about different attacks against network traffic and also about how to protect against them. To know the risks is the first step to be able to evolve an own strategy; too defend network attack.</p>

A Simulation Framework for Efficient Search in P2P Networks with 8-Point HyperCircles

Abbas, Syed Muhammad, Henricsson, Christopher January 2008 (has links)
<p>This report concerns the implementation of a simulation framework to evaluate an emerging peer-to-peer network topology scheme using 8-point hypercircles, entitled HyperCircle. This topology was proposed in order to alleviate some of the drawbacks of current P2P systems evolving in an uncontrolled manner, such as scalability issues, network overload and long search times. The framework is supposed to be used to evaluate the advantages of this new topology. The framework has been built on top of an existing simulator software solution, the selection of which was an important part of the development. Weighing different variables such as scalability and API usability, the selection fell on OverSim, an open-source discreet-event simulator based on OMNET++.</p><p>After formalizing the protocol for easier implementation, as well as extending it for better performance, implementation followed using C++ with OverSim’s API and simulation library. Implemented as a module (alongside other stock modules providing their own protocols such as Chord and Kademlia), it can be used in OverSim to simulate a user-defined network using one of the simulation routine applications provided (or using a custom application written by the user). For the purposes of this thesis, the standard application KBRTestApp was used; an application sending test messages between randomly selected nodes, while adding and removing nodes at specific time intervals. The adding and removing of nodes can be configured with probability parameters.</p><p>Tentative testing shows that this implementation of the HyperCircle protocol has a certain performance gain over the OverSim implementations of the Chord and Kademlia protocols, measurable in the time it takes a message to get from sender to recipient. Further testing is outside the scope of this thesis.</p>

Utveckling av e-handelssystem med implementerad betallösning

Andersson, Christian, Josefsson, Fredrik, Pettersson, Rickard January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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