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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ITIL inom Conect AB

Nilsson, Paul, Lasson, Daniel January 2007 (has links)
<p>Conect AB wants to know how they can use ITIL in their organization. Right now their company is in an expansive phase and needs a more structured way to work. They have been thinking of improving their way of work for several years but haven’t had the time to do so. Now they have realized they need to work more efficiently to able to grow further. ITIL is a collection of best practices. ITIL’s purpose is to help IT organizations to get more organized to de able to benefit the business in a better way. ITIL is developed by OGC (Office Goverment of Commerce) in England. With the help</p><p>ITIL you can structure your work better and there by increase the efficiency of the IT process. ITIL is divided I several processes and each one of them have their own purpose. That makes everyone’s duties clear. The central parts of ITIL are Service Support and Service Delivery that gives an overview of how to work in an</p><p>IT organization. The information about ITIL that has been acquired through previous courses at School of Engineering in Jönköping. Some books about ITIL were used to furthermore gather information. The information about how Conect AB work has been put together through several interviews with the supervisor at the company. A survey was sent to several of their customers, which of three of them replied.</p><p>This provided a good idea about how Conect AB works today. At the moment the company doesn’t have a helpdesk system to handle incoming</p><p>incidents. This is considered as the weakest part for the moment. A helpdesk system could improve the efficiency of their work a lot. To handle the incoming incidents in a correct way Conect AB will need to build a helpdesk, instead of letting the customers call the technicians directly. If they choose to implement the advices given to improve them, they will probably be able to expand even more. The time saved by the improvements can be used more efficient. This will allow the costumer relations to increase.</p> / <p>Conect AB vill veta hur de kan använda ITIL i deras organisation. De befinner sig just nu i en expansiv fas och behöver ett mer strukturerat arbetssätt. De har funderat i flera år på att förbättra sitt arbetssätt men har inte haft tid att göra detta. De har nu insett att de måste effektivisera sitt arbetssätt om de skall kunna växa. ITIL är samling av de så kallade ”best practices” som betyder ungefär bra erfarenheter. ITIL ska hjälpa IT–organisationer med att bli mer organiserade och att öka sin nytta för affärsverksamheten. ITIL är framtaget av OGC (Office Goverment of Commerce) i England. Med hjälp av ITIL kan man strukturera sitt arbetssätt bättre och därmed öka effektiviteten på IT-processen. ITIL är indelat i</p><p>flera processer, var och en med sina speciella uppgifter så att alla vet vad de ska göra. De centrala delarna i ITIL är Service Support och Service Delivery som på ett övergripande sätt beskriver hur man kan jobba i en IT-organisation. Informationen om ITIL till det här arbetet har införskaffats genom tidigare kurser på Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping. Dessutom har böcker använts med</p><p>anknytning till ITIL. Informationen om Conect AB:s arbetssätt har sammanställts genom återkommande besök och samtal med handledaren hos uppdragsgivaren. Dessutom gjordes en enkättundersökning mot företagets kunder varav tre svarade.</p><p>Genom detta skapades det en bra bild över hur Conect AB arbetar.</p><p>För närvarande har firman inte något ärendehanteringssystem för inkommande ärenden. Detta ses som den största bristen idag. Ett ärendehanteringssystem skulle effektivisera deras arbetssätt väsentligt. För att kunna hantera ärendehanteringen</p><p>på ett korrekt sätt måste en helpdesk upprättas istället för att tekniker har hand om kundkontakten. Om företaget kommer att implementera förbättringsförslagen kommer de förmodligen att kunna få utrymme för att expandera. Vinsterna består i tidsbesparingar som kan användas mer effektivt. Dessutom kan man öka kundnöjdheten mot företaget.</p>

Knowledge representation and stocastic multi-agent plan recognition

Suzic, Robert January 2005 (has links)
<p>To incorporate new technical advances into military domain and make those processes more <i>efficient</i> in accuracy, time and cost, a new concept of Network Centric Warfare has been introduced in the US military forces. In Sweden a similar concept has been studied under the name Network Based Defence (NBD). Here we present one of the methodologies, called tactical plan recognition that is aimed to support NBD in future.</p><p>Advances in sensor technology and modelling produce large sets of data for decision makers. To achieve <i>decision superiority</i>, decision makers have to act agile with proper, adequate and relevant information (data aggregates) available. Information fusion is a process aimed to support decision makers’ situation awareness. This involves a process of combining data and information from disparate sources with <i>prior</i> information or knowledge to obtain an improved state estimate about an agent or phenomena. <i>Plan recognition</i> is the term given to the process of inferring an agent’s intentions from a set of actions and is intended to support decision making.</p><p>The aim of this work has been to introduce a methodology where prior (empirical) knowledge (e.g. behaviour, environment and organization) is represented and combined with sensor data to recognize plans/behaviours of an agent or group of agents. We call this methodology <i>multi-agent plan recognition</i>. It includes knowledge representation as well as imprecise and statistical inference issues.</p><p>Successful plan recognition in large scale systems is heavily dependent on the data that is supplied. Therefore we introduce a <i>bridge</i> between the plan recognition and sensor management where results of our plan recognition are reused to the control of, give <i>focus of attention</i> to, the sensors that are supposed to acquire most important/<i>relevant</i> information.</p><p>Here we combine different theoretical methods (Bayesian Networks, Unified Modeling Language and Plan Recognition) and apply them for tactical military situations for ground forces. The results achieved from several proof-ofconcept models show that it is possible to model and recognize behaviour of tank units.</p>

Utveckling och design av WiGID

Altayr, Hydar, Adis, Michael January 2003 (has links)
<p>The Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics (CGB) is an academic department at Karolinska Institute. Generally stated, the CGB department is committed to the generation and management of genetic information by approaches aiming at elucidating the connection between genes, protein and function.</p><p>WiGID is a genome information database that is available through WAP (Wireless Application Protocol).</p><p>Our version of WiGID is based on WML, PHP and PostgreSQL as a database server.</p><p>One of the changes on the old WiGID application was the creation of a relational database with seven tables and one view, instead of the file that represented the database on the old version. We also changed the script language from python to PHP.</p><p>The search engine ability has been extended with three new search alternatives for a user to choose from. Each choice leads to other, sometimes multiple choices.</p><p>A GUI has been created for the administrator, to be able to insert information into the database.</p><p>The structure of the search engine is primarily for narrowing down the search result on the phone display, thereby making the search efficient.</p> / <p>Wireless Genome Information Database (WiGID), är en genome information databas och är tillgänglig genom WAP (Wireless Application Protocol).</p><p>WiGID har vidareutvecklats med WML och PHP som skript språk istället för WML och Python.</p><p>Några exempel på den ny utvecklade WiGID är navigationsmöjligheterna och applikationens bakomliggande struktur.</p><p>Modelleringen av relationsbaserade databasen har gett ökad flexibilitet till applikationen. Den är inte längre statisk och svårhanterlig. Hanteringen av databasen har lösts genom inmatnings skriptet. Inmatnings skriptet hanterar information från en fil som den läser ifrån och lägger informationen i respektive tabell.</p><p>Sökmöjligheterna har ökats genom användning av SQL (Structured Query Language). Navigationsmöjligheterna i sökmotorn utökades till sex valmöjligheter istället för tre enligt den äldre versionen. Varje länk går vidare till nya alternativ för att förfina själva sökningen. Sökningen har effektiviserats och valmöjligheterna.</p>

ZigBee in Industry

Wettergren, Andreas January 2007 (has links)
<p>Den här C-uppsatsens mål är att undersöka om den trådlösa tekniken ZigBee är lämplig att använda i en industriell miljö. Arbetet med uppsatsen har utförts i Trolhättan (Sverige) i företaget Binar Elektronik AB:s lokaler. Bakgrunden till detta samarbete är att Binar vill veta om ZigBee är ett lämpligt val för en av deras framtida produkter.</p><p>Uppsatsen är uppdelad i fyra delar, där den första och inledande delen översiktligt beskriver begreppet ZigBee. Den här delen innehåller även en marknadsundersökning rörande ZigBee-hårdvara. Uppsatsen fortsätter sedan med nästa del där en specialisering mot en specifik ZigBee-hårdvara tar vid. Den ZigBee-modul som valdes kallas Xbee och den blev utvald baserat på resultatet från marknadsundersökningen. Den här delen beskriver även den kod som utvecklats för att på ett effektivt sätt kommunicera med Xbee-modulen.</p><p>Uppsatsens tredje del består av ett antal praktiska tester i olika miljöer, vars mål är att påvisa vilka styrkor och svagheter som ZigBee-tekniken har i respektive miljö. Den här delen innehåller även ett räckviddstest av Xbee-modulen. Den sista och avslutande delen innehåller uppsatsens resultat och slutsatser. Dessa slutsatser visar tydlig att Xbee-modulen, och dess ZigBee-tekniken, har stor potential att uppfylla de krav som ställs på ett trådlöst system i en industriell miljö. Det måste dock noteras att denna slutsats ej bör tas ur sitt sammanhang och att den således endast är giltig för de testmiljöer som den här uppsatsen behandlat.</p> / <p>This Bachelor of Science thesis has the primary objective to investigate whether or not the wireless technology ZigBee is suitable for industry usage. The thesis work has been done in collaboration with Binar Elektronik AB (Trollhättan, Sweden). The background story for this collaboration is that Binar is interested in finding out if ZigBee is suitable for one of their upcoming products.</p><p>The thesis is divided into four main parts, beginning with a researching part concerning ZigBee as a concept and a market research on ZigBee hardware. The thesis continuous with a specialization towards one ZigBee hardware, the ZigBee module from MaxStream called Xbee. The Xbee module was chosen based on the result from the market research. This part also describes the code that has been developed for the Xbee module, which main purpose is to simplify communication with the module.</p><p>The next part of the thesis contains a number of different field tests that show how ZigBee communication is affected in different environments. This part also includes a range test with the Xbee module. The last part of the thesis contains the final results and conclusions, which clearly show that the ZigBee technology, and Xbee in particular, has a potential to satisfy the requirements for a wireless system in an industrial environment. This conclusion concerning the industrial usability of ZigBee should however be seen in the light of this particular thesis work, making this conclusion viable only for the field test environments.</p> / See hompage http://www.wettergren.se/zigbee/.

Design and Implementation of Single Issue DSP Processor Core

Ravinath, Vinodh January 2007 (has links)
<p>Micro processors built specifically for digital signal processing are DSP processors. DSP is one of the core technologies in rapidly growing applications like communications and audio processing. The estimated growth of DSP processors in the last 6 years is over 40%. The variety of DSP capable processors for various applications also increased with the rising popularity of DSP processors. The design flow and architecture of such processors are not commonly available to students for learning.</p><p>This report is a structured approach to design and implementation of an embedded DSP processor core for voice, audio and video codec. The report focuses on the design requirement specification, senior instruction set and assembly manual release, micro architecture design and implementation of the core. Details about the core verification are also included in this report. The instruction set of this processor supports running basic kernels of BDTI benchmarking.</p>

Integration av AJAX i JDP : En studie i hur WM-data kan utveckla modelleringsstödet i ett webbramverk

Carlsson, Arthur January 2008 (has links)
<p>På WM-data har man utvecklat ett ramverk som heter Java Development Platform med avsikt att modellera större delar av ett system och därmed minska mängden kod som måste skrivas för hand. Ramverket baseras helt på existerande öppna lösningar och används vid utveckling av webbaserade system och skapar en skiktat lösning med en webbapplikation som presentationslager. Problemet är att webbapplikationen har kommit att bli väldigt svår att modellera i enhet med resten av systemet framför allt på grund av den hårda kopplingen till Struts-ramverket. Samtidigt har man börjat få upp ögonen för AJAX och vad det skulle kunna tillföra ramverket.</p><p>Examensarbetet fokuserar på att utreda de problem som existerar i ramverket samt undersöka integrationen av AJAX ur en synvinkel som gynnar dagens lösning. Detta görs genom litteraturstudier, laborationer och genom att undersöka existerande ramverk och plattformar som löser liknande problem. Fokus ligger även på hur AJAX kan användas för att lösa problemen i modelleringen.</p><p>Resultatet av arbetet mynnar ut i en analys som behandlar de aspekter som krävs för att AJAX ska kunna bli en del av JDP-ramverket. Analysen innefattar också synen på hur AJAX skulle kunna användas för att underlätta modelleringen av webbapplikationen utan att införa något nytt modelleringsverktyg, det vill säga att UML fortfarande kan användas.</p> / <p>At the WM-data company a framework called Java Development Platform has been developed with the intention of developing a system by first modelling and generating a major part of it instead of handwriting everything from scratch. The framework is based solely on existing open source solutions and is used for developing layered web based systems with the web application as the presentation layer. The problem is that the web application has become very difficult to model in the same way as the rest of the system especially due to the tight coupling between the model and the Struts framework. At the same time, AJAX has been getting more and more attention for its application areas as well as how it can be used to solve the problems with modelling the web application.</p><p>The thesis intends to focus on researching the existing problems in the framework as well as investigate the integration of AJAX from a standpoint that the framework can benifit from. This is done through literature studies, laborations and by looking at existing frameworks and platforms that aim to solve problems like the ones in JDP. The focus also lies on how AJAX can be used to solve the problems with modelling the web application.</p><p>As a result, the thesis ends in an analysis which considers the aspects needed for implementing AJAX into the JDP framework. The analysis also discusses how AJAX can be used to facilitate the modelling of the web application without having to model it in another way other than through UML diagrams.</p>

Portning av ett plugin till 3d-modelleringsprogram / Porting a 3d-modeler plugin

Alfredsson, Jonas January 2008 (has links)
<p>This report describes the work and the results found when comparing three different 3d modeler applications. The programs are 3ds Max, Maya and Cinema 4D. The comparisons focus on the possibilities/the amount of freedom these programs interface offer to its plugins. The comparisons are made from the point of view of a tool for creating animations developed as a plugin for these modelers. This plugins demands on the system it is loaded into have been analyzed and from the results of this analysis a template have been created. This template is to be used when porting the plugin to other modeler programs in order to be able to tell at an early stage if it’s possible, or not. This template is appended as an appendix. The plugin described above is in it self a system with a plugin architecture and is described on a higher level in the report.</p> / <p>Rapporten beskriver arbetet och resultatet funnet vid jämförelser mellan tre olika 3d modelleringsprogram. Programmen är 3ds Max, Maya och Cinema 4D. Jämförelserna fokuserar på de möjligheter/friheter dessa programs gränssnitt erbjuder sina plugins. Utgångspunkt i jämförelserna är ett animerings verktyg utvecklat som ett plugin till dessa modelleringsporgram. Detta plugins krav på systemet det laddas i har analyserats och utifrån dessa analyser har en mall skapats för att vid vidare portningar till andra modelleringsprogram på ett tidigt stadium kunna avgöra om det är möjligt eller inte. Denna mall finns med som en bilaga till rapporten. Pluginet som nämns ovan är i sin tur också det ett system med plugin arkitektur och beskrivs på en övergripande nivå i rapporten.</p>

Loss-less on-chip test response compression for diagnosis and debug in volume production of system-on-chip

Söderman, Michael January 2008 (has links)
<p>The technical evolution during the past decade have escalated the use of electronic devices, which are more common today than ever before. The market is still growing rapidly and will continue to do so. The reason for this is the increased demand for devices with integrated circuits. In addition to the increased volume of production, the chips are also becoming more complex which is also reflected in the requirements of the chip design process.</p><p>An advanced chip that combines several different hardware modules (cores) to form a complete system is called a System-on-Chip (SoC). It is of great importance that these chips work according to expectation, although it can be difficult to guarantee. The purpose of SoC testing is to verify correct behaviour as well as for diagnosis and debug.</p><p>Complex systems lead to more and bigger tests which lead to increased test data volume and test time. This results in a higher test cost and many methods are proposed to remedy this situation.</p><p>This report proposes a method that minimises fail result data with a real-time compression component embedded on the chip. The compressed fail results can be saved on-chip and retrieved when needed instead of during the test.</p><p>Furthermore this method will facilitate debug and diagnosis of SoCs. A mask buffer is used to give the opportunity of choosing exactly which cycles, pins or bits that are relevant. All other result bits are masked and ignored.</p><p>The results are satisfying, the data is compressed to a much smaller size which is easier to store on-chip. The method is simple, fast and loss-less.</p>

Simulator-Based Design in Practice

Lopez, Alejandro, Garcia, Mario January 2008 (has links)
<p>The automotive field is becoming more and more complex and cars are no longer just pure mechanical artifacts. Today much more than 50 % of the functionality of a car is computerized, so, a modern car system is obviously based on mixed technologies which emphasize the need for new approaches to the design process compared to the processes of yesterday. A corresponding technology shift has been experienced in the aerospace industry starting in the late sixties and today aircraft could not fly without its computers and the pilots’ environment has turned to a so called glass cockpit with no iron-made instrumentation left. A very similar change is still going on in the automotive area.</p><p>Simulator-Based Design (SBD) refers to design, development and testing new products, systems and applications which include an operator in their operation. Simulator-Based Design has been used for decades in the aviation industry. It has been a common process in this field. SBD may be considered as a more specific application of simulation-based design, where the specific feature is a platform, the simulator itself. The simulator could consist of a generic computer environment in combination with dedicated hardware components, for instance a cockpit. This solution gives us the possibility of including the human operator in the simulation.</p><p>The name of the project is Simulator-Based Design in Practice. The purpose of this master thesis is to get a complete practice in how to use a human-in-the-loop simulator as a tool in design activities focusing on the automotive area. This application area may be seen as an example of systems where an operator is included in the operation and thus experience from the car application could be transferred to other areas like aviation or control rooms in the process industry.</p><p>During the performance of the project we have gone through the main parts of the SBD process. There are many steps to complete the whole cycle and many of them have iterative loops that connect these steps with the previous one. This process starts with a concept (product/system) and continues with a virtual prototyping stage followed by implementation, test design, human-in-the-loop simulation, data analysis, design synthesis and in the end a product/system decision. An iterative process approach makes the cycle flexible and goal oriented.</p><p>We have learnt how to use the simulator and how to perform the whole cycle of SBD. We first started getting familiar with the simulator and the ASim software and then we were trying to reduce the number of computers in the simulator and changing the network in order to find good optimization pf the computer power. The second step has been to implement a new application to the simulator. This new application is the rear mirror view and consists of a new LCD monitor and the rear view vision that must be seen in the new monitor. Finally we updated the cockpit to the new language program Action Script 3.0.</p><p>The information gathering consisted of the course Human-System interaction in the University, the introduction course to ASim software and the course of Action Script 3.0.</p>

Betalsystem för Inteli3 GSM roaming plattform

Sehovic, Faruk, Åberg, Martin January 2007 (has links)
<p>Vår uppgift är att sammansätta en produkt som skall sänka de så kallade ”Roaming”</p><p>avgifterna som uppkommer då ett telefonsamtal måste resa eller ”roama” genom flera olika</p><p>operatörers mobilnät. För att sänka denna kostnad har ett företag vid namn ”CallKey Group</p><p>Ltd” tagit fram en produkt, ”CallKeyOne” som är en lösning baserat på GSM SIM-kort.</p><p>CallKeyOne kommer att reducera kostnaden för utgående samtal radikalt och att motta samtal</p><p>blir gratis i de flesta länder. Detta leder ofta till en reducerad kostnad med upp till 70 %.</p><p>Uppgiften för författarna av denna rapport var att integrera CallKey: s API med en</p><p>webbaserad betalsida vid namn PayNova. Den färdiga produkten ska bli en fullt fungerande</p><p>produkt som tillåter kunderna att fylla på sitt SIM-kort med förbetald kredit för internationella</p><p>samtal. Till uppgiften hör även att skapa en databas där information om överföringar och</p><p>kunder skall lagras. Kunden ska kunna betala via kreditkort och pengarna ska sedan överföras</p><p>till uppdragsgivarna. Uppgiften har utförts med hjälp av ByAir AB som är ett svenskt företag</p><p>med kontor i Göteborg som har licensen för CallKeyOne i Sverige.</p>

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