Spelling suggestions: "subject:"datorteknik"" "subject:"datortekniks""
1031 |
Exposure of Patterns in Parallel Memory AccesLundgren, Björn, Ödlund, Anders January 2007 (has links)
<p>The concept and advantages of a Parallel Memory Architecture (PMA) in computer systems have been known for long but it’s only in recent time it has become interesting to implement modular parallel memories even in handheld embedded systems. This thesis presents a method to analyse source code to expose possible parallel memory accesses. Memory access Patterns may be found, categorized and the corresponding code marked for optimization. As a result a PMA compatible with found pattern(s) and code optimization may be specified.</p>
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Webbaserat system för kundstatistik : Hemsida24 AnalyticsGidensköld, Carl Henrik January 2010 (has links)
<p>Den här rapporten är baserad på ett examensarbete som är gjort för Hemsida24 där uppgiften var att skapa ett webbaserat system för att grafiskt visa statistik om deras kunder. Det skapade statistiksystemet har fått namnet Hemsida24 Analytics.I rapporten redovisas hur ovan nämna statistikverktyg har kommit till, samt hur det fungerar. Kundstatistiken visas på ett stilrent sätt med hjälp av amCharts flashbaserade grafer. Baserat på information från Hemsida24:s databas beräknades kundstatistiken och visades därefter i grafer.</p><p>Programmeringen av Hemsida24 Analytics har i största hand gjorts objektorienterat i PHP. Utöver PHP har Zend Framework, MVC, MySQL, HMTL, CSS och jQuery haft en viktig roll under projektets gång.</p><p>I graferna finns möjligheten att visa framtida prognoser. För att räkna ut prognoser för graferna används både linjära ekvationer och andragradsekvationer.</p><p>I rapporten redovisas det slutgiltiga resultatet i jämförelse med projektplaneringen och en tidigare framtagen skiss. Det ges även förslag på eventuell fortsatt utveckling av Hemsida24 Analytics.</p>
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Radio Communication for PIE - a Tiny Timber InterfaceAmerion, Mohsen January 2010 (has links)
<p>Tiny Timber is a very lightweight, real-time kernel for small, event-driven embedded systems. It implements reactive objects as a way of structuring embedded software. These objects are components that react to incoming events by updating their internal state and issuing an outgoing event. Implementing a control system based on reactive objects enhances the reactivity of the system and it helps to optimize the energy consumption, as the system goes to sleep mode when there is nothing to react to. It is also a programming technique that facilitates the organization of the program.</p><p>In this project, we develop a device driver for radio communication with a Tiny Timber interface. This is an extension to the Platform for Intelligent Embedded (PIE) system which is a robot assembled and used at the IDE department of Halmstad University as a platform for developing new applications as well as for educational purposes in the area of embedded and intelligent systems. The interface is programmed in C and consists of a collection of device drivers for different components of PIE in the form of reactive objects.</p>
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OntoLog : Flexible Management of Semantic Video Content AnnotationsHeggland, Jon January 2005 (has links)
<p>To encode, query and present the semantic content of digital video precisely and flexibly is very useful for many kinds of knowledge work: system analysis and evaluation, documentation and education, to name a few. However, that kind of video management is not a trivial matter. The traditional stratified annotation model has quite poor facilities for specifying the meaning – the structure and relationships – of the strata. Because of this, it may also be troublesome to present the annotations to the users in a clear and flexible manner.</p><p>This thesis presents <i>OntoLog</i>, a system for managing the semantic content of video. It extends the stratified annotation model by defining the <i>strata as objects and classes in ontologies</i>, thereby making their semantic meaning more explicit and relating them to each other in a semantic network. The same ontologies are also used to define properties and objects for describing both the strata, individual video intervals and entire videos. This constitutes a very customisable, expressive and precise description model, without sacrificing simplicity and conceptual integrity.</p><p>Arranging the annotation strata in a near-hierarchical network with specified semantics (classes, subclasses and instances) also enables reasoning about the annotations during query and browsing. In particular, it enables <i>visual aggregation of traditional timeline-based strata graphics</i>. Using this to create compact content visualisations, the OntoLog system is able to present tens of videos on screen at the same time, thus providing<i> inter-video browsing</i>. By judiciously disaggregating selected parts of the strata hierarchy, users can focus on relevant strata at their preferred level of detail – <i>overview-and-zoom</i> functionality for semantic annotations, in other words.</p><p>The OntoLog system has been implemented in the form of six Java applications and web services – together covering annotation editing, browsing, analysis, search, query and presentation with various approaches – built on top of an RDF database founded on SQL. The system has been tested under realistic conditions in several real-world projects, with good results. A novel information gathering interface for OntoLog data, Savanta, has been created. This is based on an iterative interaction paradigm featuring inter-video browsing, filtering, navigation and context-sensitive temporal analysis of the annotations. In a comparative usability evaluation, <i>Savanta</i> is shown to outperform more traditional user interfaces for video search/browsing with regard to expressive power, straightforwardness and user satisfaction.</p>
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Den interaktiva tavlan : En studie av dess användningsområde i två undersökta skolorStenman, Johan January 2005 (has links)
<p>I detta arbete belyser jag den interaktiva tavlans användningsområde i två svenska skolor, samt beskriver hur den används i andra länder som exempelvis Storbritannien. Syftet var även att undersöka på vilka punkter den skiljde sig från en vanlig whiteboard och även vilka problem som kunde uppstå vid användningen av den interaktiva tavlan i undervisningen. Undersökningen i de svenska skolorna genomfördes i form av en intervju med sex lärare som alla använde den interaktiva tavlan i sin undervisning. Kontakten med lärarna inleddes via brevväxling per e-post och avslutades med en telefonintervju.</p><p>Resultatet visar att den interaktiva tavlan främst användes till att visa bilder och animationer som ett komplement till skolans traditionella whiteboard eftersom den interaktiva tavlan kändes för onaturlig att skriva på. Alla lärare i undersökningen betonade dock att den interaktiva tavlan fått ett positivt mottagande av eleverna, där interaktiviteten och användningen av bilder och ljud som tillfördes till undervisningen sågs som den största styrkan tillsammans med möjligheten att kunna stå framför klassen och styra datorn. Hälften av lärarna påpekade att de svårigheter som uppstått med den interaktiva tavlan lätt kan härledas till deras bristande teknikkunskaper. De anser därför att en utbildningskurs för att utvidga kunskaperna om tavlans funktioner är nödvändig, samt tillgången till teknisk support ifall utrustningen skulle drabbas av problem. Detta anser jag vara den största begränsningen med den interaktiva tavlan, de problem som eventuellt kan uppstå måste kunna avhjälpas för att tavlan skall kunna användas obehindrat i undervisningen.</p>
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OntoLog : Flexible Management of Semantic Video Content AnnotationsHeggland, Jon January 2005 (has links)
To encode, query and present the semantic content of digital video precisely and flexibly is very useful for many kinds of knowledge work: system analysis and evaluation, documentation and education, to name a few. However, that kind of video management is not a trivial matter. The traditional stratified annotation model has quite poor facilities for specifying the meaning – the structure and relationships – of the strata. Because of this, it may also be troublesome to present the annotations to the users in a clear and flexible manner. This thesis presents OntoLog, a system for managing the semantic content of video. It extends the stratified annotation model by defining the strata as objects and classes in ontologies, thereby making their semantic meaning more explicit and relating them to each other in a semantic network. The same ontologies are also used to define properties and objects for describing both the strata, individual video intervals and entire videos. This constitutes a very customisable, expressive and precise description model, without sacrificing simplicity and conceptual integrity. Arranging the annotation strata in a near-hierarchical network with specified semantics (classes, subclasses and instances) also enables reasoning about the annotations during query and browsing. In particular, it enables visual aggregation of traditional timeline-based strata graphics. Using this to create compact content visualisations, the OntoLog system is able to present tens of videos on screen at the same time, thus providing inter-video browsing. By judiciously disaggregating selected parts of the strata hierarchy, users can focus on relevant strata at their preferred level of detail – overview-and-zoom functionality for semantic annotations, in other words. The OntoLog system has been implemented in the form of six Java applications and web services – together covering annotation editing, browsing, analysis, search, query and presentation with various approaches – built on top of an RDF database founded on SQL. The system has been tested under realistic conditions in several real-world projects, with good results. A novel information gathering interface for OntoLog data, Savanta, has been created. This is based on an iterative interaction paradigm featuring inter-video browsing, filtering, navigation and context-sensitive temporal analysis of the annotations. In a comparative usability evaluation, Savanta is shown to outperform more traditional user interfaces for video search/browsing with regard to expressive power, straightforwardness and user satisfaction.
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NoGAP: Novel Generator of Accelerators and ProcessorsKarlström, Per Axel January 2010 (has links)
ASIPs are needed to handle the future demand of flexible yet highperformance embedded computing. The flexibility of ASIPs makes them preferable over fixed function ASICs. Also, a well designed ASIP, has a power consumption comparable to ASICs. However the cost associated with ASIP design is a limiting factor for a more wide spread adoption. A number of different tools have been proposed, promising to ease this design process. However all of the current state of the art tools limits the designer due to a template based design process. It blocks design freedoms and limits the I/O bandwidth of the template. We have therefore proposed the Novel Generator of Accelerator and Processors (NoGAP). NoGAP is a design automation tool for ASIP andaccelerator design that puts very few limits on what can be designed, yet NoGAP gives support by automating much of the tedious anderror prone tasks associated with ASIP design. This thesis will present NoGAP and much of its key concepts. Such as; the NoGAP-CL) which is a language used to implement processors in NoGAP, This thesis exposes NoGAP's key technologies, which include automatic bus and wire sizing, instruction decoder and pipeline management, how PC-FSMs can be generated, how an assembler can be generated, and how cycle accurate simulators can be generated. We have so far proven NoGAP's strengths in three extensive case studies, in one a floating point pipelined data path was designed, in another a simple RISC processor was designed, and finally one advanced RISC style DSP was designed using NoGAP. All these case studies points to the same conclusion, that NoGAP speeds up development time, clarify complex pipeline architectures, retains design flexibility, and most importantly does not incur much performance penalty, compared to hand optimized RTL code. We belive that the work presented in this thesis shows that NoGAP, using our proposed novel approach to micro architecture design, can have a significant impact on both academic and industrial hardware design. To our best knowledge NoGAP is the first system that has demonstrated that a template free processor construction framework can be developed and generate high performance hardware solutions. / NoGAP
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Kompetensutveckling för gymnasielärare : med inriktning mot El-programmet, elektronik/datorteknik / Competence Development for Sixth-form Teachers : With a Focus on the Electricity Programme, Electronics/Computer technology.Farajzadeh Abkenari, Hussein January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka uppfattningarna hos karaktärsämneslärarna på gymnasiet med inriktning mot El-programmet, elektronik/datorteknik vad gäller de arbetsuppgifter som de utför inom karaktärsämnet, hur förberedda de menar sig vara för dessa uppgifter, samt i vad mån de anser sig behöva utveckla sin kompetens. Vidare var syftet att ta reda på vilken kompetensutveckling som erbjuds för dessa arbetsuppgifter. Studien bygger, utifrån frågeställningen i syftet, på en kvalitativ undersökning med hjälp av intervjuer. Intervjuerna genomfördes med sex karaktärsämneslärare inom avsedda program fördelat på fyra gymnasieskolor i fyra olika orter. Resultatet visar att samtliga intervjuade känner sig kompetenta i sitt verksamma karaktärsområde i och med att de har både relevant utbildning och arbetslivserfarenhet. Men de flesta utför helst inte frivilligt det administrativa arbetet utan de vill ägna sin tid åt den tekniska delen som intresserar dem mest. Samtliga påstår att de även mer eller mindre saknar kompetens för administrativa arbetsuppgifter. Alla respondenter anser att den snabba utvecklingen inom elektronik/datorteknik är huvudorsaken till att det krävs kompetensutveckling. Däremot anser de inte att de fått tillräckligt med erbjudande för en relevant kompetensutveckling. Detta på grund av olika saker, bland annat brist på pengar, tid, vikarier, etc. Detta resultat indikerar även, enligt min uppfattning, vissa brister i skolväsendet i och med att samtliga respondenter har likadana åsikter om utförandet av vissa arbetsuppgifter.
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VERKSTADSSYSTEM SOM SILVERLIGHT-APPLIKATIONKitanoski, Saso, Zügner, Hannes January 2009 (has links)
<p>Detta examensarbete är utfört i samarbete med System Andersson AB. Uppgiften var att undersöka huruvida det nuvarande verkstadssystemet, som i dagsläget är en Windowsapplikationen, skulle fungera som en webbapplikation. Webbapplikationen skulle bestå av ett antal begränsade funktioner som var instämpling/utstämpling, fungera som helskärm utan ramar från webbläsare, skapa rapporter samt fungera med pekskärm.Resultatet blev en väl fungerande webbapplikation där alla funktioner fungerar med undantag för skapandet av rapporter vilket inte stödes av utvecklingsverktyget.Rapporten ger den teoretiska bakgrunden och beskriver utvecklingen av webbapplikationen med bl.a. val av olika utvecklingsverktyg. Rapporten beskriver också hur webbapplikationen testats.</p>
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Programvarustöd för hot-, risk- och sårbarhetsanalysPettersson, Joakim January 2008 (has links)
<p>This report describes a final thesis done during the spring of 2008 as part of the bachelor degree in computer engineering degree at the School of Engineering in Jönköping.</p><p>The client is working in the consulting business and is involved in, amongst others, work regarding information security. Within this field they perform so called Threat, Risk and Vulnerability assessments. Today these assessments are done by a predefined method, but many details are controlled by the person documenting the project. A wish was made that the implementation was standardized, it should also ease the task of estimating the need for time and money. The solution for this seems to be a software tool. This software should handle the data from the assessments and generate foundations for reports.</p><p>The question formulation that has been used is:</p><p>• What are the possibilities to, with software, improve the workflow for handling the information from the assessments?</p><p>• What are suitable techniques to handle this?</p><p>To plan the software focus was put on the assessment and the types of input to them. These inputs were identified through descriptions in literature and informal interviews with analytics. The handling of the information remained unspecified as to not steer the design of the application in a direction that was formed after accustomed patterns, instead an objective solution was sought after.</p><p>The resulting software fulfills all requirements that were specified at the beginning of the project, and it shows that the possibilities to improve the workflow are great. It is possible even with very small means to make it easier for the person doing the documentation. The report resulting from the assessments then become more standardized and make it easier to verify its validity.</p>
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