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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Swedish Oil Weapon : Storage of fuel in Sweden during the Cold War – Energy security and environmentally related aspects / Det svenska oljevapnet : Lagring av bränsle i Sverige under kalla kriget – energisäkerhet och miljörelaterade aspekter

Nilsson, Sofi January 2022 (has links)
The thesis analyses how the system of oil and fuel storage was created, and applied in Sweden during the Cold War. The investigation focuses on the period 1938-1998 and considers the vital role of fossil fuel during a period when Sweden declared neutrality and independence. This period also includes a phase of divestment of some of the state-owned stores. The project is partly based on original research in several archives including the Swedish Geological Survey, the War Archives of Sweden, the archive of the city of Stockholm, and relevant state agencies. Fuel was a means to security of supply, and how current policies interacted, as well as the extent to which it was perceived as a vital part of the nation’s current security politics. In particular, how the storage of oil, on a large scale, demanded adjustments of the physical Scandinavian bedrock, which in turn required new technology is examined. The study follows the forthcoming of both an organisation and a new set of knowledge illustrating how the practice of storing oil, in itself an unstable fluid changing characteristics over time, created a surrounding social network. The thesis also reviews the environmental awareness and ensuing concerns relating to the stores. The oil storage created a whole range of new specialists and experts, as well as academic fields, which all converged around the storage of oil. The long-term storage required regulations and monitoring, resulting in creation of new areas of expertise both within the companies obliged to store oil, and also within relevant state agencies. In addition, supervising authorities developed, typically governmental agencies, of which one was also assigned to dismantling the stores. The thesis discusses the political climate motivating the dismantling of the stores relating to contingency planning and civil defence, tracing the discourse until today when stores are now being re-activated.

Aktivt försvar : Implementering och tillämpning av doktrinära begrepp i Försvarsmakten

Bergman, Christoffer, Lyckekil, Mattias January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är explorativt där vi ställt frågan: Hur implementeras och tillämpas det doktrinära begreppet ”aktivt försvar” i Försvarsmakten i normalläge? Vi har utgått från 61:a luftvärnsbataljon vid Lv6 i Halmstad, där vi genomfört totalt åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer för att få svar på forskningsfrågan. Utöver intervjuerna vid Lv6, har vi även intervjuat två respondenter som deltagit i utvecklingen av doktriner. Syftet med dessa intervjuer var att få en förståelse för hur processen för doktrinarbetet genomförs i Försvarsmakten. Studien är kvalitativ med induktiv ansats där vi utgått från ett hermeneutiskt paradigm. Empirin har hanterats och strukturerats med hjälp av Grounded Theory, där resultatet utmynnat i en kärnkategori. Kärnkategorin har därefter använts i den implementeringsmodell vi tagit fram utgående från nio olika forskare/författare som skrivit om implementeringar. Slutsatserna från studien utgår från de sex processteg vi kom fram till i vår implementeringsmodell: Problemupptäckt-Utformning av doktrinen-Auktoritet-Implementering-Vidmakthållande-Utvärdering. Vi redovisar totalt 17 slutsatser vilka i sin tur resulterar i fyra rekommendationer till Försvarsmakten, avseende hur implementeringsprocessen av doktrinära begrepp i Försvarsmakten kan förbättras.  -          Utarbeta en handbok doktrinutveckling i syfte att formalisera processen. -          Samordna doktrinutvecklingsprocessen från strategisk nivå till försvarsgrensnivå. -          Institutionalisera doktrinprocessen i Försvarsmakten genom att inför en permanent enhet under högkvarteret som ansvarar för doktrinutvecklingen. -          Formalisera en plan för hur respektive doktrin skall implementeras i Försvarsmakten.  Vi ser att ovanstående rekommendationer kommer bidra till att kunskaperna om doktrinerna ökar tillsammans med deras trovärdighet. Vi ser även att den effekt man vill uppnå med innehållet i doktrinerna kommer implementeras snabbare och tydligare i Försvarsmakten. / The purpose of the study was exploratory, in which we asked the question: How is the doctrinal concept of "active defence" implemented and applied in the Swedish Armed Forces in normal mode? We began with the 61st Air Defense Battalion at Lv6 in Halmstad, where we conducted a total of eight semi-structured interviews to get answers to the research question. In addition to the interviews at Lv6, we also interviewed two respondents who have participated in the development of Swedish doctrines. The purpose of these interviews was to gain an understanding of how the process for doctrine work is carried out in the Armed Forces. The study is qualitative with an inductive approach, starting with a hermeneutic paradigm. The empirical data have been managed and structured using a form of Grounded Theory, where the results have lead to a core category. This main category has subsequently been used in the implementation model we developed based on nine different researchers/authors that have written about implementations. The conclusions from the study are based on the six process steps we arrived at in our implementation model: Problem discovery-Design of the doctrine-Authority-Implementation-Sustain-Evaluation. We outlined a total of 18 conclusions, which in turn result in four recommendations to the Armed Forces, regarding how the implementation process of doctrinal concepts in the Armed Forces can be improved. - Prepare a doctrine development handbook in order to formalize the process. - Coordinate the doctrine development process from strategic level to defence branch level. - Institutionalize the doctrine process in the Armed Forces by introducing a permanent unit under headquarters, responsible for doctrine development. - Formalize a plan for how each doctrine is to be implemented in the Armed Forces. We conclude that the above recommendations will contribute to increased knowledge of the specified doctrines, as well as to their credibility. We also see that the effect one want to achieve with the content of doctrines will be implemented faster and more clearly in the Armed Forces.

Decentralised Multi-agent Search, Track and Defence Coordination using a PMBM filter and Data-driven Robust Optimisation

Söderberg, Anton, Vines, Jesper January 2023 (has links)
In an air defence scenario decisions need to be taken with extreme precision and under high pressure. These decisions becomes even more challenging when the aircraft in question need to function as a team and coordinate their effort. Because of the difficulty of the task, and the amount of information that needs to be rapidly processed, fighter pilots can benefit greatly from computer-assisted decision making.  In this thesis this kind of decentralised multi-agent coordination problem is studied and mission assignment models, based on robust and stochastic optimisation, are evaluated. Since the information obtained by aircraft sensors often suffer from a notable amount of noise and the scenario state therefore is uncertain, a Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture filter is implemented in order to model these noisy measurements and keep track of potential adversaries. The study finds that the filter used was more than capable of handling the scenario uncertainties and provided valuable task information to the mission assignment models. However, the preliminary robust optimisation models based entirely on the positional uncertainty of the adversaries were not sophisticated enough for such a complex coordination problem, indicating that further research is needed in this area.

Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks? : The Right of Self-Defence When a Cyber Attack Occurs

Nyman, Mikaela January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Att översätta en Nato-text : Terminologi, översättningsteori och praktik

Modig Dirgin, Catrine January 2015 (has links)
Den här masteruppsatsen består av en översättning av en Natotext, Wales SummitDeclaration, vilken offentliggjordes som ett resultat av ett Natotoppmöte i Cardiff i Wales iseptember 2014. Arbetet består av en översättning av texten om cirka 13 000 ord, samt av enstudie av utmaningar som uppstod när det gällde att översätta texten till en idiomatisk ochterminologiskt korrekt svenska som anpassats för den definierade läsarens behov.Översättningen har, för många av de officiella termerna, som till exempel avtal ochöverenskommelser, kunnat kvalitetssäkras med hjälp av EU:s termdatabaser, och andraofficiella källor. Terminologin som är specifik för Natokontexten har utgjort den mestintressanta och tidskrävande delen av arbetet. Eftersom Sverige inte är medlem i Nato saknasdet officiella översättningar för många av de termer som finns i källtexten, varvid ett antalolika terminologiska källor har konsulterats under arbetet. En termdatabas skapades som ettresultat av översättningsprocessen. En jämförande studie har gjorts med en artikel inomsamma genre, och skillnader och likheter mellan de båda texterna diskuteras. / This master thesis consists of a translation of a NATO text, the Wales Summit Declaration,which was published as one outcome of a NATO summit held in Cardiff, Wales inSeptember, 2014. The work is comprised of the translation of the declaration ofapproximately 13,000 words, followed by a study of the challenges i translating the text intoan idiomatic and terminologically correct and accepted Swedish, suitable for the definedaudience. The translation of many of the official concepts, such as treaties and agreements,was verified with the help of EU term bases, or other official resources. The terminology andexpressions pertaining to the NATO context have been the most interesting and timeconsuming part of the work. Not a NATO member, Sweden lacks official translations formany of the terms occurring in the source text. A variety of different terminology sourceshave been consulted. As a result of the whole translation process, a term base was created. Acomparative study of an article in the same genre was made, and differences and similaritiesbetween the texts are discussed.

Ill fares the Land? The concept of national food self sufficiency in political discourse 1880-1939.

Hargreaves, David William January 2012 (has links)
After the repeal of the Corn Laws ended the policy of protectionism which had enabled Britain to feed herself from within her own resources, free trade resulted in domestic food production constituting only 30% of the British diet. This study looks at the political discourse from 1880 to 1939 when the ¿empty countryside¿ became a symbol of agricultural decline. Emerging radical and socialist narratives put forward approaches for rural regeneration and increased food production. Other narratives suggested that agricultural decline was one manifestation of national decline whereby a self sufficient and proud nation was being betrayed by Capitalism. Both Left and Right offered up the prospect of different solutions predicated upon shared perceptions of ¿Englishness.¿ The experience of Irish famine failed to inform political action or policy making. The study notes the importance of War upon the development of food policy. Increasingly, the State joined forces with the NFU in a corporate endeavour which sought to manage, rather than increase, food production and created structures which became increasingly important in the context of rearmament. Increased food production was rejected upon defence grounds in that free trade and a navy were seen as appropriate safeguards. Those countries which sought to follow self sufficiency ¿ or autarky ¿ are portrayed as warlike in their intentions; by 1939 all mainstream political parties rejected the notion of artificially increased food production. Those who continued to press for increased food production concentrated either upon earlier pre Capitalist societies or were attracted by Fascism and strong leadership. After such searches became increasingly problematic there was emphasis upon the soil, with the adoption of an approach which was both practical and mystical.

Self, Society and the Second World War. The Negotiation of Self on the Home Front by Diarist and Keighley Schoolmaster Kenneth Preston 1941-1945

Krutko, Lauren K. January 2016 (has links)
This study examines the interaction of the Second World War with the selfhood of Kenneth Preston, a Keighley schoolmaster, using primarily the exceptionally rich content of Preston’s Diary, maintained 1941-1945. In tracing Preston’s home front experience, attention is given to the ways in which the war interacted with the individual’s own self and social conceptions, as well as ways in which subjective experiences and perceptions translated into objective realities, such as in Preston’s participation in the war effort. Illuminating the personal dimensions of the war experience enabled a broad range of meanings and “webs of significance” to emerge, allowing for examination of the interplay between the conflict and understandings of class, community, gender, citizenship, social mores, and aspects of social change during the conflict. Preston’s understandings of himself and of society are intriguing contributions to the discussion surrounding active wartime citizenship, and further historical awareness of the meanings and understandings held within the British population during the era of the Second World War. In particular, the prestige the war offered to modernistic notions of science and technical intelligence is shown to have held a central place in the war experience of this particular individual and in his perception of the rise of the welfare state. With its focus on selfhood, the study is distinguished from arguments grounded in analysis of cultural products from the era; it also contributes to understandings of the causes and implications of social change, as well as the war’s personal impact on the male civilian.

Identification, Examination and Management of Risk Factors behind Dwelling Fires in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A Managerial and Policy Perspective

Al-Sharabi, Faisal January 2013 (has links)
Fire incidents are a central issue in Saudi civil defence. Despite detailed regulation concerning firefighting equipment dealing with dwelling fires, fires occur frequently. Globally, research on dwelling fire safety is relatively new. Most studies focus on human factors, incidence and causal issues. Few studies examine management or policy-making perspectives towards managing these individual agents. Thus, a detailed study on understanding the management of these factors for dwelling fires is long overdue. The study uses an inductive approach to investigate key management issues in reducing dwelling fires in Saudi Arabia. This qualitative study consisted of twelve indepth semi-structured interviews and four focus groups with senior managers of the Civil Defence Division dealing with fire safety. A sustainability-based framework is developed to map the critical issues in generating a long-term planning solution to policy and management of fire hazard and risk in Saudi Arabia. Critical drivers of this sustainability approach are good management, regulation, governance practices: especially accountability and transparency; reduction of tribalism, bureaucracy, and burns unit efficiency. However, given the modern environment of communications, information technology and communications, and in particular public education, are viewed as important mediators between drivers and sustainability. The critical role of knowledge generation is also positioned as a mediator. The framework proposed is a paradigm shift from merely managing fire incidents on a case by case basis to a proactive risk reduction strategy. This represents an original solution to managing fire hazards at a national level and an important contribution to the fire management literature.

Hur kan vi förstå försvarsstrategiskt samarbete mellan två stater genom ett praktikerperspektiv? Fallet Frankrike-Sverige / How to understand strategic cooperation through a practitioner’s perspective? The Franco-Swedish case

Breitholtz, Johannes January 2022 (has links)
The concept of strategy has been the subject of much theorising and much has been written about what strategy is and what reasons might underlie the choice of different strategies. Considerably less has been written, however, about how strategy is actually done - what actions follow from the choice of strategy - and about those who actually do the action - the practitioners of strategy. In this paper, cooperation between France and Sweden is studied through the eyes of these practitioners with the ambition of increasing our understanding of defence strategic cooperation. The results of the study are threefold. Initially, French and Swedish strategy and the cooperation that takes place between the countries within the framework of their respective military cooperation strategies are described. Next, the practice of cooperation is described based on the activities described by the informants during the interviews. Finally, the practitioners' actions and the skills needed to operate in a political-diplomatic environment are described. Finally, a summary model of defence strategy cooperation from a practitioner's perspective is presented. The paper contributes both to the understanding of what cooperation actually consists of and to the understanding of how strategy becomes practical action. The inductive study is conducted as a qualitative interview study and does not claim to provide causal facts - the main contribution is about empirically grounded knowledge. / Strategibegreppet har varit föremål för omfattande teoretiserande och mycket har skrivits om vad strategi är och vilka skäl som eventuellt ligger bakom val av olika strategier. Betydligt mindre är dock skrivet om hur man egentligen gör strategi – vilket handlande som följer av valet av strategi – och om de som faktiskt utför handlandet – strategins praktiker. I denna uppsats studeras samarbetet mellan Frankrike och Sverige genom dessa praktikers ögon med ambitionen att öka vår förståelse för försvarsvarsstrategiskt samarbete. Resultatet av undersökningen är tredelat. Inledningsvis beskrivs fransk och svensk strategi och det samarbete som sker mellan länderna inom ramen för respektive militära samverkansstrategi. Därefter redogörs för samarbetes praktik utifrån de aktiviteter som informanterna beskrivit under intervjuerna. Slutligen beskrivs praktikernas handlande och de färdigheter som behövs för att kunna verka i en politisk-diplomatisk miljö. Avslutningsvis presenteras en sammanfattande modell för försvarsstrategiskt samarbete ur ett praktikerperspektiv. Uppsatsen bidrar dels till förståelsen av vad samarbete egentligen består av, dels till förståelsen av hur strategi blir praktisk handlande. Den induktiva undersökningen genomförs som en kvalitativ intervjuundersökningen och gör inte anspråk på att ge kausala fakta - det främsta bidraget handlar om empiriskt välgrundad kunskap. / Le concept de stratégie a fait l'objet de nombreuses théories et on a beaucoup écrit sur ce qu'est la stratégie et sur les raisons possibles du choix de différentes stratégies. Cependant, on a beaucoup moins écrit sur la manière dont la stratégie est réellement mise en œuvre - les actions qui découlent du choix de la stratégie - et sur ceux qui agissent réellement - les praticiens de la stratégie. Dans cet memoir, les résultats de l'étude sont triples. Dans un premier temps, il décrit la stratégie française et suédoise et la coopération qui a lieu entre les pays dans le cadre de leurs stratégies respectives de coopération militaire. Ensuite, la pratique de la coopération est décrite sur la base des activités décrites par les informateurs au cours des entretiens. Enfin, les actions des praticiens et les compétences nécessaires pour opérer dans un environnement politico-diplomatique sont décrites. Enfin, un modèle sommaire de coopération en matière de stratégie de défense du point de vue d'un praticien est présenté. Ce document contribue à la compréhension de ce qu'est réellement la coopération, et à la compréhension de la manière dont la stratégie devient une action pratique. L'étude inductive est menée sous la forme d'une étude qualitative par entretiens et ne prétend pas fournir des faits causaux - la principale contribution concerne les connaissances empiriques fondées.

Cyber Attacks as Armed Attacks? : The Right of Self-Defence When a Cyber Attack Occurs

Nyman, Mikaela January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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