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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Matter of Honour : Conflicts Between Royal Servants in Danish-Norwegian Colonial Greenland 1728-1731

Andersen, Emil January 2022 (has links)
This thesis is a micro-historical study of the role of honour in interpersonal conflicts in the Danish-Norwegian crown colony of Greenland between 1728 and 1731. In the two settlements that constituted the colony, the highest-ranking officials, including the governor, were all oath-sworn royal servants; they were also almost constantly embroiled in personal quarrels. The thesis asks why and how this strife arose, how it developed over time, and what its consequence was for the short- lived crown colony. The argument is that the strife was due to a volatile combination of cramped living quarters in an inhospitable milieu, an ambiguously defined leadership structure, the remoteness of the colony, and, above all, the royal servants’ tendency to view their charge as being closely linked to their personal honour. Furthermore, there was not a sufficiently developed legal system in the colony to handle the strife and attempts by the colonial council to do so made the conflicts worse instead of settling them. The ongoing strife divided the colonists between those loyal to the governor and those loyal to his enemies, but over time the governor became increasingly politically isolated in the face of a united colony council. Ultimately, the thesis argues that, as a final consequence of the antagonism, a sort of silent coup was carried out against the governor. This, in turn, contributed to the termination of the Greenland crown colony. Honour was not the main cause of conflict, but it helped the conflict to grow from technical disagreements into bitter grudges and anxieties, and finally into an attack on the integrity of the colonial leadership structure itself. / Activating Arctic Heritage, National Museum of Denmark

A comparative Study of the Scandinavian Development Cooperation Policies : Evaluating and Contrasting the Similarities and Differences between Denmark, Norway and Sweden

Zeynalzade, Jamila January 2021 (has links)
This paper examines the development cooperation policies of the Scandinavian countries, namely Denmark, Norway and Sweden. It aims to provide a more detailed understanding of the similarities and differences between the three countries in conducting development cooperation. The term of development cooperation is almost synonymous with aid programs or more specifically with Official Development Assistance / ODA while also being a broader concept covering many support mechanisms. Thus, a central concern in this study is to investigate the aid volume, focus areas, geographic allocations, institutional structure and objectives of the Scandinavian countries as well as explore the policy reasons from theoretical perspectives and models. The research is conducted according to John Mill's method of difference as the researched countries are highly similar in development level and aid provision. Possible theories of the thesis are neorealism and sociological institutionalism which are proven effective in analyzing the foreign policies and understanding state behaviors in International Relations. The political culture and models of foreign policy analysis branch are also involved for providing a broader scope. The research results show that although these three countries are very similar in many aspects, they have also some differences in their policy objectives and strategies. The reasons are various, be it power aspirations, cultural differences or simply the values. / Bu tədqiqat işi, Skandinaviya ölkələri olan Danimarka, Norveç və İsveçin inkişaf naminə əməkdaşlıq siyasətləri haqqındadır. Tezis, inkişaf naminə əməkdaşlıq sahəsində bu ölkələr arasındakı oxşar və fərqli cəhətlərin ətraflı araşdırılaraq, daha yaxşı anlaşılmasını hədəfləyir. Bir çox dəstək mexanizmini özündə ehtiva edən “İnkişaf naminə əməkdaşlıq” konsepsiyası, termin olaraq, yardım proqramları, daha dəqiq ifadə etsək, İnkişaf üçün Rəsmi Yardım / ODA ilə oxşar mənaları ifadə edir. Tezisin əsas məğzi, Skandinaviya ölkələri tərəfindən ayrılan yardımların həcmini, maraq dairələrini, coğrafi təyinatlarını, institusional quruluş və hədəflərini araşdırmaq, həmçinin, bu yardımların siyasi səbəblərini nəzəri baxımdan və modellər nöqteyi-nəzərindən tədqiq etməkdir. Tədqiq olunan ölkələrin yardım ayırma və inkişaf səviyyələri arasındakı bənzərliklər nəzərə alınmaqla, Con Millin “Fərqlilik metodu”ndan istifadə edilmişdir. Tezisdə neorealizm və sosioloji institusionalizm nəzəriyyələrindən istifadə olunmuşdur. Bu nəzəriyyələrin, xarici siyasətin təhlilində, həmçinin, beynəlxalq münasibətlərdə dövlət addımlarının anlaşılmasında mühüm əhəmiyyətə malik olduğu təsdiqlənmişdir. Bundan başqa, geniş mövqeni təmin etmək məqsədilə, siyasi mədəniyyət və xarici siyasətin təhlili sahəsi modellərindən də istifadə olunmuşdur. Tədqiqatın nəticələri göstərir ki, bu üç ölkə bir çox cəhətdən oxşar olsalar da, siyasi məqsədlər və strategiyalar baxımından xeyli fərqli cəhətlərə malikdirlər. Bunun səbəbləri isə müxtəlifdir, bəzən güc istəkləri, mədəniyyətdən gələn fərqlər və yaxud sadəcə dəyər prinsiplərinin müxtəlifliyi əhəmiyyətli rol oynayır.

Význam Arktidy v mezinárodních vztazích / The Importance of the Arctic in International Relations

Kopečná, Anna January 2011 (has links)
In recent years several factors changed the importance of the Arctic in international relations. Firstly, the rapid melting of Arctic ice cover opened potential access to vast natural resources within the Arctic Ocean seabed. It is estimated that the Arctic may contain one quarter of world's undiscovered reserves of oil and gas. Secondly, the water ways along the Russian and Canadian northern coasts became ice-free, although so far just for few days every year. Should the Arctic Ocean continue to melt, then in several decades the Northern Sea Route and the Northwest Passage could become navigable for greater part of the year. This would shorten the journey distance from Europe to Asia by as much as forty percent, thereby cutting travel times and shipping costs. Finally, as the Arctic does not belong to any single country, there has been an increasing interest among the Arctic rim states, which have been working on delineating their maritime boundaries in order to ensure their territorial claims. This process has proceeded in accordance with the international legal framework as established by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Coastal states are entitled to a 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ) around their coastline. However, should they be able to prove...

Valuing Nature : A History of the Ecosystem Services Concept and Its Application in the Scandinavian Countries / Värdera naturen : Ekosystemtjänster-konceptets historia och dess tillämpning ide skandinaviska länder

Rahbek, Dorrit January 2023 (has links)
Since the early 2000s, the ecosystem services concept has become increasingly popular internationally. It has also been central in Scandinavian environmental policies and projects. This thesis reviews the history of and the philosophical problems associated with the ecosystem services concept. In this connection, the ‘value’ of nature is explored from a theoretical and a practical lens by scrutinising the ecosystem services discourse. The histories and uses of the ecosystem services concept in Sweden, Norway and Denmark are traced through analyses of governmental-issued texts. The comparison of the three countries shows how this complex concept has been implemented and how it is related to other market-based conservation approaches. The thesis further discusses how pricing nature is both a powerful yet problematic tool in conservation efforts. In the overall discussion of the concept and its application, three issues of tension within the ecosystem services discourse are identified. They are referred to as ‘the ethical problem’ (can we value nature?), ‘the methodological problem’ (how do we estimate the worth of ecosystem services?) and ‘the affective problem’ (what is the effect of valuing ecosystem services?). Ultimately, by analysing the three case studies this thesis argues that the ecosystems services concept can be used to broaden discussions around the value of nature, which might lead to more democratic and accountable conservation.

Återvinning av avfall som  konstruktionsmaterial–  utgångspunkter vid framtagning av  gränsvärden : En jämförande studie av Sverige och Danmark / Recycling waste as construction material- starting points when producing the limit values : A comparative study of Sweden and Denmark

Fyrén, Amanda, Isaksson, Lovisa January 2022 (has links)
I samband med en ökad befolkningstillväxt och en ökad ekonomisk tillväxt påverkas konsumtionen och produktionen av olika varor, vilket leder till ökad efterfrågan på råvaror. En del av efterfrågan kan mötas genom återvinning, men problemet är att avfallsströmmar ofta innehåller en blandning av ämnen. Detta leder till en spridning av farliga ämnen, där mängden farliga ämnen måste minska i strävandet mot en cirkulär ekonomi. Vid konstruktionen av olika anläggningsprojekt finns det möjligheter att förbättra hushållningen av resurser genom att återanvända avfall. Avfallet avser restprodukter, jord och sorterad bygg- och konstruktionsavfall enligt Danmark, vilket skiljer sig från Sverige som avser avfall med främst geologiskt ursprung. Syftet med denna rapport var att identifiera utgångspunkter för att reglera farliga ämnen, samt att förstå vilka prioriteringar som har gjorts och vilka konsekvenser det får på gränsvärdena. Detta genomfördes genom att jämföra Sverige och Danmark för att se hur utgångspunkterna kan hjälpa till att förstå likheter och skillnader. Resultatet baseras på en textanalys av ett fåtal myndighetsrapporter som var till underlag för gränsvärdena, där intervjuer med relevanta aktörer har genomförts i ett tidigt skede för att förtydliga innehållet i rapporterna.  Resultatet visar att Sverige anser att både skydd av hälsa och miljö är viktiga utgångspunkter vid framtagandet av olika gränsvärden. Danmark prioriterar främst skydd av hälsa, där olika modeller och antaganden lett till att gränsvärdena skiljer sig mellan länderna. Resultatets jämförande del visar att länderna använder olika metoder och antaganden när de ta fram gränsvärden för totalhalt och utlakning. Detta är en av anledningarna till att gränsvärdena skiljer sig. / Population and economic growth have affected the increase of consumption and production of goods, and with that the demand for raw materials. A part of the demand can be met through recycling, the only issue is that the waste streams are not in the form of pure materials. Often, they contain a mixture of substances, which affects the dispersion of hazardous substances. Therefore, the reduction of these substances is necessary in a circular economy. Reuse of waste- based aggregates is possible for construction facilities and is a way to improve resource management. In the case of Denmark, the referred waste consists of residual products, soil, and sorted building and construction materials, which differs from Sweden. Instead, Sweden refers to waste of mainly geological origin. The purpose of this study was to identify different approaches and starting points to regulate hazardous substances and to understand how various priorities affected the limit values. A comparison between Sweden and Denmark was done for a better understanding of the differences and similarities. A qualitative method was used based on interviews with relevant actors in addition to a text analysis of government background reports. The interviews helped to understand and clarify the information in the reports at an early stage.  The results show that Sweden prioritizes the protection of health and the environment, which are their main starting points when producing the limit values. Denmark also prioritizes health, where they use other models and values when producing the limit values. The comparison shows that the countries use different methods and assumptions when calculating the limit values for total content and leaching. This is a part of the explanation to why there is a difference in their legislation.


Thomsen, Nikolaj Møller January 2021 (has links)
Online crime, in general, is increasing these years, crimes committed through technology that is almost impossible for the authorities to solve and prevent. The average Danish teenager spends six hours a day on online forums, and studies on how content affects the user show that the users do get affected by the content. How do practitioners prevent teenage users from being embedded in extremist online communities when there are no national guidelines or research to support an evidence-based approach to prevention? Practitioners give presentations on this topic to teenagers and other professionals and seek to create stabile strong social bonds among peers and talk openly about pitfalls of the internet with the teenagers.  This thesis applies Social Learning Theory and Social Bond theory in the understanding of why some users get radicalized through online forums. Applying these theories is relevant because mirroring propaganda, creating norm deviating social bonds and a “them and us” detachment from the surrounding norm society can be explained by these theoretical perspectives – and can all be precursors towards extremist behavior.  The practitioners believe that they are navigating in a field where the need for knowledge is huge, and the methodological approach highly relies independently on the practitioner themselves. The main theoretical discussion is based on the founding hypothesis that being exposed to extremist content either leads to nothing or an increase in deviant behavior. The theoretical perspective in this thesis and previous research suggests that there is a causal link between traditional real-life risk factors and online crime, but also attachment to deviant online communities can lead to extremism – just as it is in a real-life setting.

Place Identity in Ny Ellebjerg : A study of the place identity transformation of a post-industrial neighbourhood.

Valentin Rasmussen, Sofie January 2022 (has links)
This research investigates two neighbourhoods around the train and S-train Ny Ellebjerg in South of Valby, which is a part of Copenhagen. The area, which is a post-industrial area, includes several old factory buildings renovated as office- and workspaces. The research aims to investigate the identity transformation in the area and the influence of the recent development plans in the identity. Therefore, the research questions are: How has the place identity of Ny Ellebjerg changed from being industrial to a densely built neighbourhood and what do the plans indicate for the future? How has the development plans and local plans contributed to the place identity transformation of the Ny Ellebjerg area? The thesis will answer these questions with a triangulation between a content analysis on the involved development plans, local plans and municipal plans, and expert interviews as well as walk-along interviews with residents from the area. The findings of the thesis showed that identity of Ny Ellebjerg has changed from being mainly industrial into a city environment inspired by the forms of the industrial constructions, but with a lot of the buildings perceived as very similar to other areas standardized architecture. The plans for the future indicate that it is necessary to plan with more focus on the residents living in the area. The findings of this thesis showed connections between the wish to preserve the area and turn it into a post-modern, post-industrial area with close ties to its past. The aims of the local plan were not realised fully, since the Følager development was only half built and much of the green areas shown in the illustrations was also found to have not been made, due to it not being directly stated in units in the plans.

'Welcome', But Not Here : Unpacking the Extraterritorial Asylum Policies of the United Kingdom and Denmark

Sendiong, Ma Hyacinth Ann January 2023 (has links)
The right to seek asylum is an integral part of the international protection of refugees. Yet this right is continuously undermined by state-made obstacles such as externalization practices. In the last two years, Denmark and the UK adopted new asylum policies. These policies are emblematic of externalization. Following the historic 2015 Refugee Crisis, states have increased their efforts to limit the numbers of asylum seekers arriving on their territories. Some, like Denmark and the UK adopted extreme efforts to control migration. Drawing from Bacchi’s Policy as Discourse (2000) framework, this study demonstrates that problematizations of asylum seekers and refugees are inherent in the legitimization of restrictive policy changes in Denmark and the UK. It further argues that legitimization of the necessity of restrictive policy changes reinforces the negative perceptions towards asylum seekers, and refugees.

Emigrationen från Medelstads härad 1870-1925. : En kvantitativ studie av emigrationen från Blekinge län till Danmark och Tyskland. / The emigration from Medelstads härad 1870-1925. : A quantitative study on emigration from Blekinge County to Denmark and Germany.

Alritzson, Tuva January 2023 (has links)
This is a study on the emigration from Blekinge County with a focus on Medelstads härad to Denmark and Germany, during the period 1870-1925. By measuring statistics on how many people emigrated from Medelstads judicial district 13 parishes to Denmark and Germany respectively the aim is. To get a new perspective on the less known emigration. From this the study can continue to examine female and male emigration from the parishes of Backaryd, Edestad, Listerby and Ronneby. Furthermore, the study will examine the professional titles and other titles that the emigrants had when they chose to emigrate. Based on the results of the first questions, it is possible to see which similarities and differences are found between the emigration to Denmark and Germany. The results indicates the a greater number of emigrants went to Denmark than to Germnay. The results between the male and female emigration indicates that the female emigration was moe extensive than the male emigration both to Denmark and to Germany. Regarding the occupational titles, it can be determined that it was occupations that belonged to the working class that most emigrants had when they emigrated from Medelstads härad. From these results, it is possible to find similarities and differences betwwen the migration to Denmark and Germany.

Understanding Liveability in Danish Urban Water Management & Planning: A study of implementing the principles of Water Wise Cities in Marienlyst / Att förstå “liveability” inom danskt urbant dagvattenhantering- och planering: En studie om implementeringen av principerna för Water Wise Cities i Marienlyst

Gustavsson, Mikael January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates the implementation of new urban water management and planningapproaches in Denmark, with a specific focus on integrating solutions for extreme rainfallevents and enhancing livability. The study explores the Principles of Water Wise Cities as aframework for incorporating these aspects through Water Sensitive Urban Designs (WSUD).The aim is to provide a clearer understanding of the implementation of Water Wise Cities andthe role of livability in the context of urban water. In order to investigate the aim, the research employs a document analysis of two planningdocuments for Marienlyst, an urban development project in Aarhus Municipality, Denmark.The findings highlight the prevalence of Water Wise Cities through WSUD in Danish urbanwater management. However, the analysis of Marienlyst reveals fragmented integration ofWSUD solutions, lacking the multifunctionality observed in other examples, calling for aholistic and systematic approach to planning that better integrates urban water managementsolutions.  The thesis emphasizes the need to expand the understanding of livability beyond recreation inMarienlyst, to encompass broader implications of enhancing livability through water. It arguesfor comprehensive integration of livability in planning processes to foster resilient and inclusiveurban and community development. The limitations of a top-down approach in conceptualizinglivability are underscored, emphasizing the importance of participatory processes thatincorporate local knowledge. The thesis also addresses the vague nature of the livabilityconcept, advocating for critical engagement and robust integration into planning processes tocreate sustainable and equitable urban environments. In conclusion, this thesis highlights the necessity of a holistic and participatory approach inurban water management, integrating innovative solutions for extreme rainfall events andenhancing livability. The findings contribute to the existing knowledge on urban watermanagement and underscore the ongoing importance of research and development for thecreation of resilient and livable cities. / Denna avhandling undersöker implementeringen av nya metoder för hantering och planeringav vatten i urbana områden i Danmark, med särskilt fokus på att integrera lösningar för extremaregnfall och skapa en bättre förståelse för konceptet ”liveability”. Studien utforskar principernaför Water Wise Cities som en ram för att inkorporera dessa aspekter genom Water SensetiveUrban Design (WSUD). Syftet är att ge en tydligare förståelse för implementeringen av WaterWise Cities och undersöka vilken roll ”liveability” erhåller inom dansk samhällsplanering. För att undersöka syftet använder forskningen en dokumentanalys av två planeringsdokumentför Marienlyst, ett stadsutvecklingsprojekt i Aarhus kommun, Danmark. Resultaten belyserförekomsten av Water Wise Cities genom diverse förslag som främjar implementeringen avWSUD i Marienlyst. Men analysen av Marienlyst avslöjar en fragmenterad integration avWSUD-lösningar som saknar den multifunktionalitet som observeras i andra exempel, vilketkräver ett holistiskt och systematiskt tillvägagångssätt för planering som bättre integrerarlösningar för stadsförvaltning av vatten. Avhandlingen betonar behovet av att utvidga förståelsen för liveability bortom rekreation iMarienlyst, för att omfatta bredare implikationer av att förbättra boendemiljön genom vatten.Den argumenterar för en omfattande integration av boendemiljön i planeringsprocesser för attfrämja en hållbar och inklusiv samhällsutveckling. Vidare problematiseras även debegränsningarna som tydliggörs med ett toppstyrt tillvägagångssätt vid främjandet avliveability konceptet, där större fokus på medborgardialog som inkorporerar lokal befolkningoch dess kunskap i processen rekommenderas. Avhandlingen problematiserar även den vagadefinitionen av liveability som begrepp och förespråkar därmed ett behov för ett kritisktperspektiv på hur vi tolkar begreppet i planeringsprocesser för att möjliggöra rättvisare urbanamiljöer. Slutligen belyser denna avhandling nödvändigheten av ett holistiskt och deltagandetillvägagångssätt inom hanteringen av vatten, genom att integrera innovativa lösningar förextrema regnfall och förbättra boendemiljön. Resultaten bidrar till den befintliga kunskapen omhanteringen av vatten och understryker den pågående betydelsen av forskning och utvecklingför skapandet av trivsamma och hållbara städer.

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