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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Selection and evaluation of joint types and joining processes for concurrent assembly/disassembly-based design

Chang, Piyen 18 September 2008 (has links)
In designing products, Design-for-Assembly (DFA) has been successfully used for several decades to reduce lead times, processing times, and equipment overhead. Though the DFA approach results in products which are easy and efficient to assemble, such products may be difficult to disassemble and/or may adversely affect the environment. These environmental concerns resulted in the Design-for-Disassembly (DFD) approach, which stresses ease-of-disassembly and environmental compatibility. However, when applied independently of DFA, DFD underestimates the importance of assembly, and consequently can result in increased assembly time and cost. Design-for-Assembly may thus have negative repercussions on disassembly, and vice-versa. Consequently, in order to minimize assembly/disassembly time and cost and maximize component reusability, designers must implement DFA and DFD simultaneously when designing products. In this research, such an approach is developed. The approach, called Concurrent Assembly/Disassembly-Based Design (CAD²), consists of simultaneously selecting joint types and joining processes for products, based upon both assembly and disassembly requirements. Two objectives are considered: the minimization of total assembly/disassembly time or cost. In addition, a ‘penalty score’ measure is developed to quantify the environmental impact (recyclability) associated with any solution. Total enumeration is used to solve these minimization problems. The CAD² approach is demonstrated and evaluated by comparing it with both DFA and DFD for a limited number of cases. The results indicate that the CAD² approach can give better solutions (total time and total cost) than either DFA or DFD. / Master of Science

Vers une méthodologie de structuration de la dynamique des interactions au sein du modèle Multi-Domaines et Multi-Vues. Application à la conception de familles de produits modulaires / Toward a methodology of structuring the interactions dynamic within the Multi-Domains and Multi-Views design model : Application to the design of modular product families

Robert, Aurélie 27 November 2012 (has links)
Dans le contexte économique actuel, il faut proposer des produits personnalisés dequalité, à faible coût et dans des délais de plus en plus courts. La société MABI a choisi devoir chacune de ces contraintes comme une opportunité de repenser ses produits en misantsur l’innovation. Il faut alors optimiser certaines tâches routinières d’ingénierie afin dedégager du temps pour la conception des nouveaux produits. Le travail de recherche réalisés’inscrit dans le cadre d’une thèse en convention CIFRE en partenariat entre la société MABIet le laboratoire IRTES-M3M de l’UTBM. MABI conçoit, assemble, commercialise et assurele service après-vente de produits propres dans le domaine de la protection et la rénovationdes bâtiments. Ses besoins d’amélioration concernent le processus de développement deproduits qui doivent répondre aux besoins des clients tout en respectant des contraintesd’assemblage spécifiques à l’entreprise. La finalité industrielle de la thèse consiste à décliner au niveau du domaine du« Produit », la méthodologie générique élaborée sur la base de notre travail de recherchescientifique. A ce niveau, notre problématique scientifique consiste à rendre opérationnel etdynamique le modèle Multi-Domaines et Multi-Vues (MD-MV), structuré de manière «plutôtstatique», en y apportant des éléments de raisonnement contribuant à créer des interactionsinter-domaines et inter-points de vue. Pour ce qui est du domaine du « Produit », il endécoule la méthodologie FARD (Functional And Robust Design) qui vise à concevoir et àgénérer rapidement l’ensemble des variantes de produits d’une même famille modulaire touten assurant le respect des besoins clients (conception fonctionnelle) et des contraintesd’assemblage à travers une aide à la décision pour le choix de la séquence d’assemblage,contribuant ainsi à créer une interaction dynamique avec le domaine du « Process ». Quatrethèmes de recherche sont abordés : la modularité, la conception fonctionnelle, la conceptionpour l’assemblage (dès les phases amont du processus de conception) et la simulation(accélérée grâce au paramétrage du maillage). Habituellement, le domaine de la modularitéest souvent associé à celui de la conception fonctionnelle ou encore à celui de la conceptionpour l’assemblage, mais rarement les trois ensemble, ce qui constitue la spécificité de nostravaux. Enfin, l’aspect paramétrique de la méthodologie FARD, à travers les liens établisentre les quatre thèmes de recherche évoqués précédemment, rend possible la générationrapide des produits d’une même famille à partir d’un produit générique et ainsi de gagner dutemps de conception, en vue d‘atteindre nos objectifs de conception routinière « HautementProductive ». Trois cas d’études industriels et académiques illustrent l’application et lafaisabilité la méthodologie FARD... / In current economic context, enterprises must provide quality custom products at alower cost and a shorter delay. MABI Company chose to consider these constraints as anopportunity to rethink its products through innovation. Then certain routine tasks must beoptimized to free up time in order to have more time to innovate and design new products.This thesis is part of a CIFRE partnership between the MABI Company and the IRTES-M3Mlaboratory at UTBM. MABI designs, assembles, sells and provides after-sales service ofproducts in the field of the protection and the renovation of buildings. MABI needs ofimprovement are in the development process of its products that must meet customer needs,while respecting its assembly constraints.The industrial purpose of the thesis is to decline in the Product domain, the genericmethodology developed on the basis of our scientific research work. At this level, ourscientific problematic is to make operational and dynamic the Multi-Domains and Multi-Viewsdesign model (MD-MV), structured in a "rather static" way, and to enriched these models byadding reasoning procedures. It follows the FARD methodology (Functional And RobustDesign) which aims to design and quickly generate variants of a modular product family whileensuring compliance with customer requirements (functional design) and assemblyconstraints. Four domains are covered: modularity, functional design, design for assembly (atthe early stages of the design process) and simulation (accelerated through theparameterisation of the mesh). Usually the domain of modularity is often associated withfunctional design or with the design for assembly, but rarely the three together, thatconstitutes one of our added values. Finally, the parametric aspect of the FARDmethodology, that is the link between the four domains, allows accelerated the generation ofproducts of the same family from a generic product and thus saving design time to achieveour goal of "High Productive" routine design. Three industrial and academic case studiesillustrate the application and the feasibility of the FARD methodology...

Virtual Assembly and Disassembly Analysis: An Exploration into Virtual Object Interactions and Haptic Feedback

Coutee, Adam S. 07 June 2004 (has links)
In recent years, researchers have developed virtual environments, which allow more realistic human-computer interactions and have become increasingly popular for engineering applications such as computer-aided design and process evaluation. For instance, the demand for product service, remanufacture, and recycling has forced companies to consider ease of assembly and disassembly during the design phase of their products. Evaluating these processes in a virtual environment during the early stages of design not only increases the impact of design modifications on the final product, but also eliminates the time, cost, and material associated with the construction of physical prototypes. Although numerous virtual environments for assembly analysis exist or are under development, many provide only visual feedback. A real-time haptic simulation test bed for the analysis of assembly and disassembly operations has been developed, providing the designer with force and tactile feedback in addition to traditional visual feedback. The development such a simulation requires the modeling of collisions between virtual objects, which is a computationally expensive process. Also, the demands of a real-time simulation incorporating haptic feedback introduce additional complications for reliable collision detection. Therefore, the first objective of this work was to discover ways in which current collision detection libraries can be improved or supplemented to create more robust interaction between virtual objects. Using the simulation as a test bed, studies were then conducted to determine the potential usefulness of haptic feedback for analysis of assembly and disassembly operations. The following significant contributions were accomplished: (1) a simulation combining the strengths of an impulse-based simulation with a supplemental constraint maintenance scheme for modeling object interactions, (2) a toolkit of supplemental techniques to support object interactions in situations where collision detection algorithms commonly fail, (3) a haptic assembly and disassembly simulation useful for experimentation, and (4) results from a series of five experimental user studies with the focus of determining the effectiveness of haptic feedback in such a simulation. Additional contributions include knowledge of the usability and functionality of current collision detection libraries, the limitations of haptic feedback devices, and feedback from experimental subjects regarding their comfort and overall satisfaction with the simulation.

Reducering av monterings- och installationstid genom implementering av DFA / Reduction of assembly and installation time by implementing Design-for-Assembly

Svensson, Daniel, Edin, Ramic January 2018 (has links)
Utveckling av produkter enligt DFA kan öka effektiviteten i monteringsprocessen med avseende på tid, tillgänglighet, synlighet och kostnad. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka möjligheterna i att utveckla en produkt baserat på åsikter och erfarenheter. Två delmål är etablerade till projektet där det första är att kartlägga monterings- och installationsprocesser. Andra delmålet är att generera förbättringsförslag för korgnodskonstruktionen. Via fallstudier av monterings- och installationsprocesser samt tidsanalyser identifierades tre problemområden till vilka samtliga ett förbättringskoncept genererats. Det genomfördes ytterligare en tidsanalys på förbättringsförslaget för att jämföra med dagens korgnodskonstruktion. Resultatet visar en minskning av den totala monteringstiden och för den totala installationstiden. Vidare visar resultatet en effektivitetsökning för förmontering och installation, däremot en minskad effektivitet för montering.

O uso do método DFA (Design for Assembly) em projeto de produtos objetivando a melhoria ergonômica na montagem.

Amaral, Alexandre Teixeira do 06 July 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:51:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissATA.pdf: 3342906 bytes, checksum: af438dc73637e01f86a58f0f9e25d3a1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-07-06 / A series of methods and techniques has gained prominence in the organizations that possess a standard of system for development of products - SDP in the conceptual phase of the project, as well as in redesign when necessary. The QFD, the Analysis of Kano and the Pugh Matrix are some examples of methods and used techniques to integrate methods in project. However, if one of the characteristics of methodology DFA is to reduce the number of assembly operations reducing the number of components and make the assembly operations easier to perform, this methodology can be applied in ergonomics, since it assists the design activity of work situations, specially in the stage of generation of alternatives and analysis of feasibilities for the simplification of the structure of the product. This way, the main contribution of this research is to demonstrate that the use of the Design for Assembly tool can be extended in situations of redesign of products for attainment of technical solutions in the situations of ergonomic interventions, or even though in the conceptual phase of a new project, where the ergonomics will be considered inside of vision DFA. The accomplishment of the Workplace Ergonomic Analysis - WEA associated with the use of the design for assembly - DFA tool for technical solutions in ergonomic interventions can be a possibility for design teams that are looking for associate design and ergonomics. / Uma série de métodos e técnicas tem ganhado destaque nas organizações que possuem um padrão de sistema para desenvolvimento de produtos (PDP) na fase conceitual do projeto, bem como em reprojetos quando necessário. O QFD, a Análise de Kano e a Matriz de Pugh são alguns exemplos de métodos e técnicas utilizadas para integrar métodos em projeto. Entretanto, se uma das características da metodologia DFA é a de reduzir o número de operações de montagem reduzindo o número de componentes e tornar as operações de montagem mais fáceis de desempenhar, significa que esta metodologia pode ser aplicada em ergonomia, uma vez que auxilia a atividade de projeto das situações de trabalho, mais precisamente na etapa de geração de alternativas e análise de viabilidades para a simplificação da estrutura do produto. Desta forma, a principal contribuição desta pesquisa é demonstrar que o uso do método Design for Assembly pode ser estendida em situações de reprojeto de produtos para obtenção de soluções técnicas nas situações de intervenções ergonômicas, ou até mesmo na fase conceitual de um novo projeto, onde a ergonomia será considerada dentro da visão DFA. A realização da análise ergonômica do trabalho (AET) associada ao uso do método Design for Assembly (DFA) para soluções técnicas em intervenções ergonômicas pode ser uma possibilidade para equipes de projetos que buscam associar projeto e ergonomia.

Concept design and development of mechanical joint with improved robustness : For mounting of A-Stay on articulated hauler / Konceptdesign och utveckling av mekaniskt fäste med ökad robusthet : För montering av A-Stag på ramstyrda dumprar

Stenman, Alexander, Ströberg, Julius January 2023 (has links)
The quality aspect of mechanical components is a significant factor forcustomer satisfaction. By increasing the robustness, the product will be moreresistant to non-ideal situations and the perceived quality would be increased.A concept design for the case of A-Stay mounting on articulated haulers isdeveloped to increase the robustness of the product and removing the risk formechanical failure. A modified product development process with focus onaspects of assembly and robust design is used to generate concepts anddeveloping a concept design. The process resulted in a concept that increasesthe robustness of the system, both through higher redundancy and improvedcontrol of the noise factors.

Optimisation of ceiling attachment for AVPOS using FEA

Koskenranta, Mikael January 2015 (has links)
In product manufacture and assembly it is important to lower materials usage and assembly timewhile retaining a safety margin against structural failure. In this project the ceiling attachment of theAVPOS offloading arm is redesigned based on objectives identified by Löfs Specialmaskiner. Theoriginal ceiling attachment is analysed using finite element analysis to identify any structuralweaknesses to be addressed during redesign. Based on information gained during the FEA threeconcepts are generated and rated based on their estimated assembly times, material usage, partscount and the cutting length for machining.One concept is selected for further topology optimisation and iterative FEA, where material isremoved from the selected concept design while maintaining safety objectives. The optimised designdeveloped during this project is shown to have a lower number of parts, lower usage of material andassembly time while retaining an overall FOS value of 4.In addition to redesigning the ceiling attachment, alternative bearings are also investigated whichchanges the existing ball bearings to a self-aligning sliding bearing with self-lubricating properties,lowering the machining tolerances as well as lowering the needs for service.This project contributes to lowering material usage and ease of assembly in the product AVPOS thatis manufactured by Löfs Specialmaskiner. The redesigned ceiling attachment along with thesuggested bearings will likely simplify future manufacturing as well as lower any concerns for damageto people and property as a result of structural failure.

Omkonstruktion av komponenter i en desinfektionsdiskmaskin med syfte att reducera monteringstiden

Eriksson, Hampus, Chen, Fang January 2015 (has links)
Fokus i detta arbete ligger i att konstruera om vissa delar av produkten för lättare och snabbare montering. Huvudproblemen som upptäcks i detta arbete handlar om skymd sikten vid monteringen samt bristande utrymme för installation av komponenter. Arbetet börjar med att formulera undersökningsproblemet och sedan presenteras olika vetenskapliga metoder, relevanta teorier samt genomförandet av arbetet. Nulägesbeskrivning, nulägesanalys samt förbättringsförslag till problemen utförs i genomförandet. På grund av att ingen egen tillverkning sker på företaget har författarna valt att utföra beräkningar istället för att verifiera att lösningarna till problem håller. Resultatet i detta arbete blir att antalet delar och skruvar har minskats samt att sikten och tillgängligheten vid insättning av komponenter har förbättrats, vilket kommer att minska monteringstiden till en viss del.

DIVIDE : En iterativ designprocess av en cirkulär möbel för kontor

Fast, Cornelia, Kronholm, Melina January 2023 (has links)
I detta examensarbete har vi genomfört en designprocess och utvecklat ett tidigare projekt av en rumsavskiljare med inriktning i detta projekt på funktionalitet, form och estetik. Vi har arbetat utefter ett aktivitetsbaserat kontorslandskap där behovet varit att avskilja. I processen har vi lagt fokus på att följa behoven i ett kontorslandskap samt se till att den är produktionsanpassad och hållbar. Möbeln i det tidigare projektet gick inte att producera och uppfyllde inte behoven, vi har därför i det här projektet arbetat med att få en djupare förståelse kring detta. I denna rapport presenteras en rumsavskiljare anpassad för kontorsmiljö, med fokus på hållbarhet har den designats utifrån principerna Design for Assembly och Design for Disassembly men också med ett stort fokus på form och estetik. Den är konstruerad av enbart två material: varmpressat ull och pulverlackerat stål. Dessa två material kan beskrivas som kontraster till varandra, vilket är något vi arbetat med. Hårt möter mjukt, kallt möter varmt. Vi har lyckats få det kantiga, hårda och statiska stålet att upplevas mjuk, varm och dynamisk med hjälp av pressad ull. Ullet bidrar också till att rumsavskiljaren får ljudabsorberande egenskaper och kan därmed fungera som en ljudabsorbent.

Enhancing the Swedish Defence : Development of a Modernized Hanguard for AK 4B Battle Rifle

Danielsson, Sebastian, Åström, Fredrik January 2023 (has links)
This master thesis report describes the development process of a modernized handguard for the AK4B battle rifle, which is the main armament for the Swedish Home Guard. The project was carried out in cooperation with ALTEN Sweden AB. The goal of the project was to develop a new, competitive handguard design and to establish a complete design documentation as a foundation for production. This documentation consisted of a final material selection, process plan with suitable manufacturing methods and engineering drawings. The project was initiated with a problem definition to establish a thorough understanding of the product to be improved and enabling a determination of aspects that might be of importance to the product development. From this, research areas could be selected and studied to acquire necessary insights to complete the project goals. The product development process implemented is mainly inspired by Ulrich & Eppinger, and includes the stages concept development, detail design and testing & refinement. Thus, well-established methodology was implemented, ensuring credibility and a qualitative result. Throughout the stages ofthe product development process, a product specification was established, before generating concepts and selecting a final candidate which were refined based on the selection of materials and elaborated process plan. Finally, a verification of the requirements was concluded using several methods to prove the performance of the product. The results presents a developed product fulfilling established requirements and includes required documentation for production. Overall, the product is considered to have great potential for customer satisfaction, and to perform well in a final testing according to military standards.

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