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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kauno miesto ir Kauno rajono mokinių sveikos mitybos įpročiai / Kaunas city and Kaunas district student healthy eating habits

Vorevičiūtė, Inga 20 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas: mokinių sveikos mitybos įpročiai. Darbo tikslas: Išanalizuoti Kauno miesto ir Kauno rajono mokinių sveikos mitybos įpročius Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti Kauno miesto berniukų ir mergaičių sveikos mitybos įpročius. 2. Nustatyti Kauno rajono berniukų ir mergaičių sveikos mitybos įpročius. 3. Palyginti Kauno miesto ir Kauno rajono mokinių sveikos mitybos įpročius. Išvados: 1. Miesto mergaitės ir berniukai dažniausiai per dieną valgo du kartus, valgo pusryčius, laikosi valgymo režimo, jiems patinka mokykloje tiekiamas maistas, nes mokykloje neprekiaujama nesveiku maistu. Mergaitės dažniau nei berniukai kasdien valgo daržoves (p=0,012). Miesto berniukai ir mergaitės valgo šviežius vaisius bent 5 kartus per savaitę, kasdien valgo sriubą, domisi sveika mitybą, apie kurią informaciją gauna iš tėvų, taip pat nori gauti papildomos informacijos apie sveiką mitybą. Miesto mergaitės rečiau nei berniukai neturi jokių virškinimo problemų (p=0,000). 2. Rajono mergaitės ir berniukai dažniausiai per dieną jie valgo 4 kartus, valgo pusryčius, laikosi valgymo režimo. Moksleiviams patinka mokykloje tiekiamas sveikas maistas. Rajono mergaitės ir berniukai domisi sveika mityba, apie kurią informaciją gauna iš mokytojų, nori gauti informacijos daugiau, kasdien valgo daržoves ir vaisius, kartais sriubą, neturi problemų su virškinimo sistema. 3. Miesto ir rajono moksleiviai dažniausiai valgo pusryčius. Berniukai (nepriklausomai nuo gyvenamosios vietos) pusryčius visada valgo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object: The students habist of healthy eating. The aim of the paper: Analyze the Kaunas city and Kaunas district healthy eating habits. Objectives: 1. Set Kaunas city boys and girls healthy eating habits. 2. Set Kaunas district boys and girls healthy eating habits. 3. Compare Kaunas city and Kaunas district students healthy eating habits. Conclusion: 1. City girls and boys usually eat during the day twice, eats breakfast, takes eating regime, their love of food in schools, because the school are not traded on unhealthy food. Girls more often than boys eat vegetables daily (p = 0.012). City boys and girls eat fresh fruit at least 5 times a week, eat soup every day, is interested in a healthy diet, based on information received from the parents also want to get more information about a healthy diet. City girls less than boys do not have any digestive problems (p = 0.000). 2. District girls and boys are usually a day they eat four times, eats breakfast, takes the eating regimen. Pupils enjoy school supplied healthy foods. District boys and girls interested in a healthy diet, based on information received from the teachers, want to get more information on a daily basis eat vegetables and fruit, sometimes soup, has no problems with the digestive system. 3. The city and the district , students usually eat breakfast. The boys (regardless of residence ) always eat breakfast more often than girls. City students usually eat per day 2 times, and district - 4 times. All... [to full text]

Assessing physical activity, fruit and vegetable intake and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption patterns of college students

Opoku-Acheampong, Audrey Anima January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Human Nutrition / Tandalayo Kidd / Objective: The aims of this study were to test the effectiveness of a 15-month intervention in reducing sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption among college students and to assess fruit and vegetable intake and physical activity habits and their relationship to SSB consumption in order to improve health outcomes. Design: Randomized, controlled study. Participants: One hundred and fifty-six college students (18-24 y) from a Midwestern university, primarily female (72%), white (89%) and freshmen (51%). Intervention: Participants were randomized to control and intervention groups. Participants in the control group received no information on healthful behaviors. The intervention occurred in two stages: 1) Participants received three stage-tailored messages on healthful behaviors weekly for 10 weeks; 2) After the 3-month physical assessment, participants received 3 stage-tailored messages monthly and one email encouraging them to visit the portal page. Main Outcome Measure(s): Stages of Change for physical activity and fruit and vegetable intake; self-reported physical activity scores, self-reported fruit and vegetable intake and SSB consumption habits. Analysis: Changes in SSB consumption patterns were determined using generalized linear mixed models and linear regression models tested associations between fruit and vegetable intake, physical activity and SSB consumption. Linear mixed models were used to explore relationship between stage of change and fruit and vegetable intake and physical activity. Results: The 15-month intervention did not significantly reduce SSB consumption in the intervention group (p > 0.05). Participants recorded low fruit and vegetable intake and moderate physical activity scores. Conclusions and Implications: The high SSB consumption and low fruit and vegetable intake observed could increase students’ risk for weight gain and obesity-related conditions. Thus, college campuses can help student maintain physical activity behavior while helping them to improve their eating habits.

The impact of dietary habits and practices during adolescence on the risk of obesity: the birth to twenty cohort

Feeley, Alison Bridget Bernadette 29 April 2013 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Health Sciences, 2012 / Background: South Africa is not exempt from the obesity epidemic and latest figures show that a third of adult men and two-thirds of adult women are either overweight or obese. Concomitant are changes in dietary habits and practices which have been implicated in the risk of obesity. Concern is that obesity and related non-communicable diseases (NCDs) manifest at younger ages. Adolescence, as well as being a stage during the life course when eating attitudes and behaviours are formed, is a particular time when the aetiology of NCDs becomes evident. Little is known about the dietary patterns during adolescence in South Africa, and if policymakers are to attempt to reduce the burgeoning statistics relating to obesity then it is important to understand adolescent dietary habits and eating practices. Aims: To describe adolescent dietary habits and practices among South African adolescents and how they might influence obesity risk. Methods: This study used a mixed methods study design, using both historical and prospective data and included four study components in both an urban (components 1-3) and a rural setting (component 4). Firstly, a cross-sectional assessment of fast-food intake of urban 17-year-olds from the Birth to Twenty Cohort (Bt20); secondly, a longitudinal descriptive analysis of dietary habits and practices of the Bt20 participants over a five-year period, between ages 13 – 17 years followed; thirdly a longitudinal assessment of the relationship between dietary habits, change in socio-economic status (SES) and obesity in the Bt20 adolescents was conducted; and finally, an exploratory survey assessing the availability of fast foods in a rural area. Results: The cross-sectional analysis showed that mean fast food intake was 8.1 (4.6) items and 7.2 (4.7) items/week for males and females respectively. Furthermore, the kota (or quarter) was the most popular fast food item and on average it provided 5 370 kJ, 51 g fat (of which 13 g Saturate fatty acids (SFA)). The longitudinal analysis showed that poor dietary habits and practices were embedded by the age of 13 years and were characterised by: high fast food consumption with at least five items/week consumed from the age of 13 years. Breakfast (weekday and weekend) consumption declined for both genders and females ate breakfast less regularly than males. Snacking while watching television increased with age: with females consuming more (4.0 (4.8) - 7.3 (5.9)) snacks per week than males (3.3 (4.5) - 6.0 (5.8). Two-thirds of participants ate their main meal with their family but among girls there was a trend towards eating this meal less regularly with increasing age. Confectionery consumption remained the same, around nine items/week for males and 10 items/week for females. Lunch box usage declined with age, conversely the number of tuck shop purchases increased with age. The prevalence of combined overweight and obesity was (8.1%) and (27%) in 17-year-old males and females respectively. In males only, soft drink consumption was associated with obesity denoted by BMI z-score and fat mass (p<0.05). In the final multivariate model, soft drink consumption remained positively and significantly associated with both outcomes and „acquiring‟ a fridge over the 12-year period remained negatively associated with both BMI z-score and fat mass (p<0.001). Among females, no associations were found. Thus further data on other lifestyle variables are needed to understand better the exposures related to obesity risk in females. In the rural setting fast food was found to be available albeit a limited variety; two-thirds of the collected samples were either vetkoek (fried dough balls) or fried chips (yielding between 943 kJ – 5 552 kJ and 11 g – 64 g fat). Compared to the kotas available in Soweto, the samples obtained in the rural setting contained more energy and fat (6 300 kJ, 60 g fat vs. 5 369 kJ, 51.5 g fat). Conclusions: This research highlights that poor dietary habits and practices prevail in adolescence which may be implicated in negative health outcomes in later life. Of concern is the finding that poor dietary habits were embedded by the age of 13 years which suggests that interventions need to target families and children prior to adolescence in order to reduce the pervasiveness of these habits in the older child. The prevalence of combined overweight and obesity is higher than the national statistics for both boys and girls at the age of 17-years. This research confirms that some dietary behaviours are associated with obesity risk namely soft drink consumption – but in males only. However soft drink consumption may be a marker for other lifestyle behaviours associated with obesity. Other dietary habits were not shown to be associated with obesity in neither males nor females, which highlights the difficulty in the measurement of exposures relating to diet. This study also showed in males at least, that socio-economic factors are important when considering obesity risk. The availability of fast foods in a relatively impoverished rural area is concerning as it may indicate that this community is undergoing nutritional changes such as those seen in urban environments. With urbanisation and economic transition, households experience a change in SES and these changes drive behaviour which can either enable or disable health outcomes. In this study SES improvement, e.g. fridge ownership seems to enable certain behaviours which can be obesogenic. However we cannot halt development in this context but we must devise ways to improve lifestyle choices which will promote health rather than impede it.

Efeito de intervenção educativa pró- aleitamento materno e alimentação complementar saudável junto a mães adolescentes e avós maternas sobre a qualidade da alimentação no primeiro ano de vida

Nunes, Leandro Meirelles January 2016 (has links)
Apesar da importância da alimentação saudável, já nos primeiros anos de vida, tem-se observado durante a infância baixo consumo de dieta saudável diversificada, e consumo elevado de alimentos processados, ricos em gordura, sal e açúcar. Entre os determinantes que influenciam os hábitos alimentares das crianças incluem-se a idade materna e a coabitação com as avós maternas. Por isso, o presente estudo teve como objetivo principal avaliar o efeito de intervenção para a promoção do aleitamento materno e da alimentação complementar saudável, junto a mães adolescentes e avós maternas, realizada nos primeiros 4 meses de vida da criança, sobre o cumprimento dos Dez Passos para uma Alimentação Saudável para Crianças Menores de 2 Anos, recomendados pelo Ministério da Saúde, no primeiro ano de vida; e como objetivo secundário avaliar a influência da duração do aleitamento materno exclusivo sobre a qualidade da alimentação da criança aos 12 meses de vida. Para isso, foi realizado ensaio clínico randomizado com 320 mães adolescentes e seus filhos, mais 169 avós maternas quando em coabitação, recrutados na maternidade do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre e randomicamente alocados para o grupo intervenção ou controle. A intervenção consistiu de seis sessões de aconselhamento em aleitamento materno e alimentação complementar saudável, a primeira na maternidade e as demais no domicílio, aos 7, 15, 30, 60 e 120 dias de vida da criança, por uma equipe composta por um pediatra, duas enfermeiras e uma nutricionista. Em todas as sessões abordou-se a importância da amamentação exclusiva nos primeiros 6 meses de vida e, na última, aos 120 dias, a ênfase foi na alimentação complementar saudável a ser introduzida na idade de 6 meses, com distribuição de livreto com conteúdo baseado nos Dez Passos para a Alimentação Saudável para Crianças Menores de 2 anos. As informações relativas à alimentação da criança foram obtidas mensalmente nos primeiros 6 meses de idade e, depois, a cada 2 meses até a criança completar 12 meses, mediante registro de frequência alimentar semanal, por entrevistadores cegos aos grupos aos quais as mães pertenciam. Para avaliar o cumprimento dos Dez Passos elaborou-se um sistema de escore que pontuou o cumprimento de cada passo: os passos cumpridos integralmente receberam dois pontos, os parcialmente cumpridos um ponto, e os não cumpridos não pontuaram (zero pontos). Considerou-se dieta saudável diversificada o consumo de frutas/hortaliças, carnes, feijões e cereais/tubérculos pelo menos 4 vezes na semana, além de baixo consumo (no máximo 1 vez por semana) de alimentos ricos em gordura, sal e açucares. O teste t de Student foi utilizado para comparar as médias dos escores dos grupos controle e intervenção, e o modelo de regressão multivariada de Poisson com estimação robusta foi utilizado para estimar o efeito da intervenção sobre o cumprimento dos passos. Para medir a associação entre duração do aleitamento materno exclusivo e a qualidade da alimentação da criança aos 12 meses, utilizou-se o modelo de regressão multivariada de Poisson com estimação robusta, adotando-se como ponto de corte a mediana do escore de toda a população estudada. A média dos escores obtidos no grupo intervenção foi maior que no grupo controle (12,4 ± 2,5 versus 10,5 ± 2,3, respectivamente; p = 0,00), sendo que a intervenção dobrou a chance de o escore ser maior ou igual à mediana (RR = 1,93; IC95% 1,44-2,58), e não houve influência da coabitação com a avó materna. Além disso, a intervenção aumentou em mais de 10 pontos percentuais o cumprimento de 6 dos 10 passos (passos 2 a 7), relativos à época de introdução, frequência, consistência e variedade dos alimentos complementares, além da flexibilidade de quem alimenta a criança quanto a horários e atitude frente à recusa dos alimentos. No entanto, a intervenção não afetou um dos passos mais importantes, a saber, o passo 8, que recomenda evitar açúcar, café, enlatados, frituras, refrigerantes, balas, salgadinhos e outras guloseimas. Houve associação entre duração da amamentação exclusiva e dieta diversificada saudável. A probabilidade de a criança consumir dieta mais saudável aos 12 meses de idade aumentou em 28% para cada mês de aleitamento materno exclusivo (RR 1,28; IC 95% 1,19 -1,38). / Despite the importance of healthy eating already in the early years of life, a pattern of low intake of healthy diverse diet and high consumption of processed foods and foods rich in fat, salt, and sugar has been observed during childhood. Maternal age and cohabitation with maternal grandmother are known to be among the factors that influence the dietary habits of children. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to assess the effect of an intervention designed to promote breastfeeding and healthy complementary feeding, directed at adolescent mothers and maternal grandmothers, and performed during the first 4 months of life, on compliance, during the first year of life, with the Ten Steps to Healthy Feeding for Children under Two Years, recommended by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. A secondary objective was to assess the influence of exclusive breastfeeding duration on the quality of the infant's diet at 12 months. In order to do that, a randomized clinical trial was conducted involving 320 adolescent mothers and their infants, plus 169 maternal grandmothers when cohabiting. Participants were recruited at the maternity ward of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre and randomly assigned to either the intervention or the control group. The intervention consisted of six counseling sessions on breastfeeding and healthy complementary feeding, the first one held at the maternity ward and the others at the mothers’ homes at 7, 15, 30, 60, and 120 days of life, by a team comprising a pediatrician, two nurses, and a nutritionist. All sessions addressed the importance of exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months of life; the last session, at 120 days, emphasized healthy complementary feeding, to be introduced as of 6 months of life. A booklet based on the Ten Steps was given to each mother at this session. Infant feeding information was collected monthly over the first 6 months of life and then every 2 months until 12 months, by recording weekly frequency of consumption of different foods. Interviewers were blind to group allocation. Compliance with the Ten Steps was assessed using a scoring system as follows: full compliance with a step received 2 points per step; partial compliance received 1 point; and noncompliance received 0 points (no score). Healthy diverse diet was defined as the intake of fruit/vegetables, meat, beans, and cereals/tubers at least 4 times weekly, and a low intake (maximum once weekly) of foods rich in fat, salt, and sugar. Student's t test was used to compare mean scores obtained in the intervention and control groups, and Poisson's multivariate regression model with robust estimation was used to estimate the effect of the intervention on compliance with the Ten Steps. The association between exclusive breastfeeding duration and quality of the infant's diet at 12 months was also assessed using Poisson's multivariate regression model with robust estimation, using the median score obtained in the whole sample as cut-off point. Mean scores obtained in the intervention group were higher than those obtained in the control group (12.4 ± 2.5 versus 10.5 ± 2.3, respectively; p = 0.00), and the intervention doubled the chance of the score being greater than or equal to the median (RR = 1.93; 95%CI 1.44-2.58). No influence of cohabitation with maternal grandmother was detected. The intervention increased compliance, by over 10 percentage points, with six of the Ten Steps (Steps 2 to 7), related to the time of introduction, frequency, consistency and variety of complementary foods, in addition to caretaker flexibility with regard to feeding times and attitude towards food refusal. Nevertheless, the intervention did not affect one of the most important steps, namely, Step 8, which recommends avoiding the intake of sugar, coffee, canned foods, fried foods, candies, processed snacks and other unhealthy foods. There was an association between exclusive breastfeeding duration and healthy diverse diet. The likelihood of the infant being on a healthy diet at 12 months of age increased by 28% for each additional month of exclusive breastfeeding (RR = 1.28; 95%CI 1.19-1.38).


Ashton, Emily 01 January 2017 (has links)
As the rates of obesity continue to increase among adolescents and young adults, adopting healthy dietary and lifestyle habits is necessary in order to prevent obesity-related chronic disease later in life. Although several studies have addressed nutrition education and its effect on weight in college students, few studies have assessed percent fat as it relates to a semester-long nutrition course. As such, the effectiveness of a formal introductory nutrition course on lifestyle habits and percent fat of college students was examined. The current study aimed to address the relationship between percent body fat and nutrition education over the course of 8-months. Using a quasi-experimental design, this study compared changes among an intervention group and a comparison group pre-semester, post-semester and at 8-months follow-up. Participants completed a dietary habits survey and body composition was measured between August 2015 and May 2016. Results indicated that nutrition knowledge may have a short-term impact on dietary habits and body fat percentage among college-aged students. Between baseline and 4-months, we found a 1.9% reduction (27.29%-26.77%) in body fat percentage among the experimental group, while there was a 2.5% increase (25.25%-25.89%) in body fat percentage among the control group. Although we could not determine the exact reason, our results suggest that the reduction in body fat percentage may be due to knowledge and exercise. Our findings suggest that nutrition education has the potential to affect body composition among college students.

The Impact of Participation in the Food Dudes Healthy Eating Program on Dietary Habits in Fourth and Fifth Grade Students in Cache County Utah After One Year

Jones, Amanda B. 01 May 2014 (has links)
Adolescents are not consuming the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables (FV). An overall decrease in diet quality is seen as adolescents get older, with decreases in fruit and vegetable intake and increases in energy dense food intake. The aim of this study was to test whether or not the Food Dudes (FD) healthy eating program helps to prevent decreases in fruit and vegetable intake and increases in energy dense foods during the transition from elementary school into middle school. Past FD studies supported the use of repeated tasting, rewards, and role modeling to encourage children to eat more fruits and vegetables at school with data from studies of young children. A review of available literature on effectiveness of these techniques in adolescents found evidence that the program may also be effective for adolescents. Participants were 4th and 5th graders (n=874) from 6 elementary schools, recruited during the 2011-2012 school year. Treatment group was assigned by school and included a prize condition, a praise condition, and a control. Students were followed into the 2012-2013 school year when the 5th grade cohort entered middle school. During 2012-2013 an additional control group was recruited from three middle schools (n = 154). Results showed short term success at increasing FV intake and that the program had some long term success preventing large drops in FV intake. A small to medium positive correlation was seen between energy dense snack foods and total FV intake (r ranging from .125 to .355, p The results of this study suggest that the FD program may play a role in helping to maintain lunch time FV intake during the transition into middle school. The results for the impact on total FV intake and total diet were less conclusive due to problems in the self-reported data. Future studies on this topic should look for a better method for tracking changes in total FV intake and total diet.

A Study of Dietary Intake in Kuwait

Alajmi, Fahhad, n/a January 2004 (has links)
This study investigated Kuwait food system. Firstly the current dietary consumption of a representative sample of the Kuwaiti population was assessed. Secondly the effects of the 1990 Gulf war on Kuwait's food and nutrition system were investigated. The major part of this study was a National Diet and Nutrition Survey of people aged 20 to 65 years, which is the largest and most detailed survey ever undertaken of the diet and nutritional status of adult people in Kuwait. A food frequency questionnaire was delivered to 491 subjects (response rate 81.8%, 278 female and 213 male). In addition, a sample of 383 (response rate 207 female and 176 male) were interviewed using a 24 hour recall method. This study aimed to provide a comprehensive cross-sectional picture of the dietary habits and nutritional status of the population of Kuwait. The energy and nutrient intakes in the survey were compared with the US RDA.

Barns eget perspektiv på ”bra” mat : en kvalitativ studie med elever i årskurs tre / Youth's own perspectives on "Good" food : A qualitative study of students in grades three

Badla Nilsson, Leila January 2011 (has links)
This exam is about student’s perception of food and dietary advice. I illustrate food and eating from the youth's own perspective. The aim is to investigate how students perceive as "good" diet. It also reveals that students at the surveyed schools have poor knowledge of what is plate model. In the Swedish curriculum Lgr11 it is clear that the core content for students in grades 1-6 will contain the student include being informed about the selection and use of goods used in the home and how they in turn affect health (National Agency for Education, Lgr11: 43). I have interviewed students in grades 3 through focus groups to make it clear to you as readers to understand their own knowledge about nutrition.

Nutrition Knowledge and Dietary Habits of Farmers Market Patrons

Mayes, Lindsey M. 01 January 2013 (has links)
A balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables has been strongly associated with weight management, improved overall health, and decreased incidence of chronic disease. Availability of locally grown produce is associated with a higher intake of fruits and vegetables; there were 7,864 farmers markets operating in the U.S. in 2012, a 9.6% increase from 2011. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the demographics, nutrition knowledge, and dietary habits of farmers market patrons at ten diverse markets in Kentucky. A total of 153 surveys were collected; the average age of study participants was 46 ± 21 year. Respondents reported consuming an average of 2.1 ± 1.3 fruit servings and 2.9 ± 1.6 vegetable servings per day. As well, 49% of the market patrons indicated they had an advanced or professional knowledge of nutrition. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being "extremely important", 59% of the patrons ranked having nutrition information listed on recipes as an 8 or above. Market patrons are specifically interested in the salt (87%), fat (74%), and calorie (72%) content of recipes. Results indicate that most farmers market patrons have a good knowledge of nutrition and are interested in evaluating nutrition information.

Munhygien- och kostvanor hos gymnasieelever i Prishtina, Kosovo

Neziri, Valentina, Veseli, Qendresa January 2014 (has links)
Kosovo saknar ett fungerande tandvårdssystem och det ges inga förebyggande åtgärder vilket påverkar munhälsan. För att upprätthålla en god munhälsa krävs en god munhygien och goda kostvanor. Idag finns det många barn och ungdomar som kommer från Kosovo till Sverige, och därför är det intressant att ta reda på om hur ungdomarnas munhygien-, kost- och tandvårdsvanor ser ut i Kosovo. Syfte med studien var att undersöka munhygien- och kostvanor samt tandvårdsvanor hos 16-19 åringar i Prishtina, Kosovo. Material och metod: Studien är en kvantitativ empirisk studie som utfördes med en enkät som innehöll 17 frågor med fasta svarsalternativ. I studien ingick 150 elever i åldrarna 16-19 från två utvalda gymnasieskolor i Prishtina, Kosovo. Resultatet visade att mer än hälften av respondenterna borstade tänderna två gånger per dag, morgon och kväll med tandborste och tandkräm och cirka 80 % använde något approximalt hjälpmedel. Knappt hälften av respondenterna (43 %) intog 5 mål om dagen och de flesta av respondenterna åt frukost, lunch och middag varje dag. Respondenterna hade ett högt intag av sötsaker. Vad gäller tandvårdsvanor var det 70 % som inte besökte tandläkaren regelbundet. Slutsats: Respondenterna hade relativt goda munhygien- och kostvanor men dåliga tandvårdsvanor. / The lack of a functioning dental care system in Kosovo and preventive actions affects the oral health. Good oral habits and good dietary habits are important to maintain a good oral health. Today there are many children and young people living in Sweden, who originally are from Kosovo; therefore it is interesting to investigate young people's oral hygiene, dietary and dental habits in Kosovo. The aim of the study was to investigate the oral habits, dietary habits and dental care habits among students 16-19 years old in Prishtina, Kosovo. Material and methods: The study is a quantitative empirical study. A questionnaire including 17 questions was conducted at two selected secondary schools in Prishtina, Kosovo. A total of 150 students participated. The results showed that more than half of the respondents brushed their teeth twice a day, morning and evening with toothbrush and toothpaste, and about 80 % of the respondents used proximal devices. Less than half of the respondents (43 %) consumed five meals a day and most of the respondents ate breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. The respondents had a high intake of sweets. Regarding dental care habits, 70 % of the respondents did not visit the dentist regularly. Conclusion: The respondents had relatively good oral habits and dietary habits but had bad dental care habits.

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