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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Decision Making Experiences of Nurses Choosing to Work in Critical Care

Fiege, Carolin 28 September 2011 (has links)
Objective: To explore the decision making approaches used by nurses who chose to work in critical care and factors influencing the process of decision making. Design and methods Qualitative descriptive methods using semi-structured interviews with nurses who had chosen to work in critical care within the past year. Results Ten nurses weighed staying in their current positions with moving to critical care. Two nurses considered two or more specialty units. The nurses used rational-intuitive and satisficing decision making approaches in making their employment decision. Limited knowledge and unrealistic expectations of work life in critical care, pressure from others, and inadequate professional support made nurses’ employment decisions more difficult. Social support, personal values for growth and learning, and paid educational incentives within employment offers facilitated their employment decisions. Conclusions Several factors negatively influenced nurses’ decision making approaches to making an employment decision. Findings revealed the need for decision support interventions focused on making employment choices for nurses.

En studie ur lärarens perspektiv kring lässvaga elever i samband med textuppgifter i matematik

Moses Matti, Nuha January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to, from the teacher's point of view; discover pupils with reading difficulties in connection with text assignments in mathematics, the teacher's support for these students, if difficulties coincide and whether it's the mathematics teacher's responsibility to make sure pupils with reading difficulties develop their reading ability. The study is based on a qualitative method and five semistructured interviews with mathematics teachers and one language support teacher. The result shows there is a strong connection between the pupils' reading ability and their ability to manage text assignments in mathematics. A weak reading ability affects the pupil in a negative way when solving text assignments in mathematics due to wrong reading technique if the teacher is absent. It is not unusual that reading difficulties and mathematics difficulties coincide. The teacher's most important role in the learning process is to teach the pupils understanding about the reading technique in different ways and to give the pupils opportunity to get spoken texts. It is not the mathematics teacher's responsibility to make sure pupils with reading difficulties develop their reading ability, rather it's the responsibility of a specialist and professional reading- and writing support teacher.

Matematiksvårigheter och dyskalkyli : Ur speciallärarens syn på specialpedagogik

Rahlén Ceverin, Ida January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this essay has been to surrey the perspective of view the special education teachers have on the tree concepts of special education, compensatory-, critical and dilemma perspective The questions that have been covered in this study are What does the concept of special education means for the special teachers?  What does the concept of mathematic difficulties means for the special teachers? What does the concept of the diagnostics of dyscalculia means for the special teachers? A qualitative research method has been used to answer the questions in this essay. In the purpose to get the most out of the study.

Exploring teaching strategies used to teach reading in French immersion

Préfontaine-Becker, Tanya 22 September 2010 (has links)
In 2003, the Government of Canada embarked on an ambitious initiative to double the number of young Canadians proficient in both official languages, English and French, by 2013 (Genesee, 2007). The increase in the number of students enrolled in French immersion classrooms has materialized into a simultaneous increase in the variety of learning styles, range of academic achievements, and types of reading difficulties being experienced by students (Mannavaryaryan, 2002). Therefore, school systems and educators now need to explore new instructional strategies to address these additional challenges present in French immersion classrooms across Canada. However, educators are being bombarded with program publishers making claims that their type of learning method or style will increase student achievement (Genesee, 2007).<p> Students in the early literacy stages in French immersion programs, kindergarten up to and including Grade eight, must be able to read and comprehend increasingly complex content in French as they progress from year to year (Bournot-Trites, 2008; Deacon, Wade-Woolley, & Kelly, 2006). Teachers need to be able to identify students who may be at risk for reading difficulties as early as possible in order to provide these students with additional supports (Bournot-Trites, 2008; Genesee, 2007).<p> For a certain percentage of students, early literacy learning can be challenging enough in their first language let alone in a second one (Fisher & Stoner, 2004). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore: (1) the methods and strategies that Saskatchewan French immersion teachers are currently employing in their K-8 classrooms; and (2) the interventions they use to assist students having difficulty with the acquisition of reading in French immersion. One hundred and twelve elementary French immersion educators from ten out of the eighteen Saskatchewan school divisions, who have French immersion schools, participated in this study. The teachers completed the French Immersion Teacher Survey (FITS) on-line via the SurveyMonkey (2010) website. Out of the 112 respondents, 95 educators (85%) completed the survey. Seventeen surveys were started, but not completed.<p> Educators rated the amount of instructional time they devoted to seven different components or activities (independent/silent reading, shared reading, paired reading, guided reading, teaching reading with music, making words, and computer software programs) within their French reading and language arts programs on a scale of a lot to none (see Figure 3). Fifty-two (54.7%) teachers spend a moderate amount of time on shared reading as an instructional strategy to teach reading in French immersion and three (3.2%) spend a lot of time using computer software programs with their students.<p> Educators rated the effectiveness of the seven different components or activities (independent/silent reading, shared reading, paired reading, guided reading, teaching reading with music, making words, and computer software programs) as effective reading strategies to use with students who are have difficulties with the acquisition of reading in French on a scale from: very effective to not at all effective (see Figure 4). The majority of Saskatchewan French immersion educators (63 or 66.3%) rated guided reading as the most effective instructional strategy to teach reading to their students who are struggling with the acquisition of reading in French, and 38 (40.4%) rated independent or silent reading as a mildly effective strategy.<p> A teachers selected reading instructional strategies and methods are influenced by many factors: (1) the workshop, (2) the district curriculum policy, (3) teacher implementation of targeted reading strategies, (4) teachers perceptions of their own instructional efficacy, and (5) teachers perceptions of students academic needs and performance (Nichols et al., 2005). After reviewing the results of the FITS, perhaps educators will be better informed on what reading methods and strategies the majority of Saskatchewan teachers are currently using in their classrooms to assist their students with the acquisition of reading in French immersion.

Thorny reading : A didactic and literary approach to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice

Ivarsson, Emma January 2006 (has links)
Abstract This essay has a gender perspective on didactics and literature with the aim to highlight the circumstances surrounding reading and understanding the novel Pride and Prejudice in a classroom context. Since Pride and Prejudice is written with a somewhat complicated language the pupils are likely to encounter some difficulties when reading the novel. This is something that I have chosen to focus my essay on. What is more, they are likely to also have difficulties to understand different episodes in the novel since they have little knowledge about the society depicted in Pride and Prejudice. This is referred to as a cultural and historical hindrance and they are present due to the fact that the story is set at the end of the 18th and beginning of 19th century England. However, there are various approaches which might diminish obstacles like those I have mentioned, for instance, by offering background information about the novel and recurring issues, such as marriage and financial heritance. The areas of importance in the novel that I have chosen to highlight, because of the limited background knowledge that the students have, are marriage and financial independence for women. Marriage is depicted to be very important for a woman, especially if they do not have a large fortune of their own. Due to lack of financial resources they needed to marry, since if they did not they could end up as old maids or even worse; having to support themselves by working as prostitutes. The chance of inheriting a lot of money was small, since the money from their father or mother was generally entitled to their closest male heir.

Dilemma för karaktärsämneslärare på omvårdnadsprogrammet : Undervisning för elever med annan språkbakgrund än svenska

Dennerhed, Katarina, Preutz, Monica January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka vilka metoder och hjälpmedel karaktärsämneslärare, och då specifikt de på det nationella omvårdnadsprogrammet, använder sig av när de undervisar elever med annan språkbakgrund än svenska och som har språksvårigheter. Vi vill öka kunskapen om hur vi som lärare kan förbättra möjligheten för dessa elever att nå upp till kursmålen. Den metod vi valt för att genomföra denna undersökning är kvalitativa intervjuer. Vi har genomfört intervjuer med nio lärare på omvårdnadsprogrammet i tre städer runt om i Sverige. Resultatet visar att det är stora skillnader på dessa tre skolor avseende vilka resurser som finns för dessa elever i kombination med att det skiljer sig åt hur mycket tid som lärarna får för att hjälpa dessa elever. Lärarna som vi intervjuat resonerar lite olika kring hur mycket extra tid och hjälp de ska ge åt dessa elever. Alla är överens om att det är ett stort problem. Lärarna anser att de gör så gott de kan och använder sig av ganska lika metoder, vilka ofta också styrks av litteraturen. Det samtliga lärare säger sig sakna är kompetens i att undervisa elever med annan språkbakgrund. Inte heller i de lärarutbildningar vi känner till tar man upp detta ämne eller undervisar om specifika metoder eller hjälpmedel för denna elevgrupp. Det de intervjuade önskade sig för att kunna förbättra undervisningssituationen för elever med annan språkbakgrund än svenska var inga omöjliga önskningar: datorer till alla elever, att man i ett tidigt skede upprättar åtgärdsprogram samt ökat samarbete med de lärare som undervisar i svenska som andraspråk. Resultatet visar att behovet av vidareutbildningar i interkulturell pedagogik är stort och bör ske inom en snar framtid. / The aim of this exam paper is to examine what methods and tools vocational teachers, particularly those teaching at Omvårdnadsprogrammet, use when educating students with a native language other than Swedish and who also have language difficulties. We hope to enhance the knowledge how we as teachers can increase the potential of these students. In our survey we have used qualitative interviews. We conducted interviews with nine vocational teachers in three different cities in Sweden. Our result shows big differences in the three schools regarding the resources given to this group of students in combination with how much time teachers get to devote to these students in order to help them. The teachers we have interviewed have different views on how much time and help they will spend on these students. All the teachers agree on that this is a huge problem in these schools today and that they are doing the best that they can. The methods they use are pretty similar and the literature corroborates these methods. All teachers claim they lack competence to teach students with another first language than Swedish. None of the universities that we know of teach future teachers about this group of students, nor do they teach methods and tools to help students. When asked what would make teaching easier, the teachers’ requested: computers to all students and that measures to help these students are planned early on in their education. Furthermore they felt a need to increase the cooperation with the teacher of Swedish as a second language.

Åtgärdsprogram - till vilken nytta? : En studie i hur det skriftliga åtgärdsprogrammet bidrar i arbetet med elever i matematiksvårigheter.

Bergström, Inga-Lill, Hedberg, Carola January 2009 (has links)
Abstract All students in the Swedish elementary school that do not reach the educational objectives in mathematics have a legal right to receive support in order to reach these objectives. An action plan shall be created, where it should be visible what supportive measures the student is given to reach the objectives. The purpose of our final thesis is to investigate how the action plan can contribute to the work with students that experience difficulties within mathematics. The study is performed on 7-9th grade schools, and the empirical material is gathered through reading of hundreds of action plans, observations, and interviews of students, teachers, remedial teachers and headmasters. The theoretical frame used is hermeneutics, constructivism and perspective on special education. The result of the study is that action plans do play an important role in the work with students that experience difficulties within mathematics, but the quality of the programs seems to vary. Some action plans are clearly stated, contain tangible actions, both on individual as well as on a group level, that help the student in their learning, whereas other programs are unclear and aimed only at what the student himself should perform to reach the objectives, i.e. only on an individual level. The remedial teaching support is often categorical, they are assuming that the student is the owner of the problem, and the support is also given from that perspective. That means that the student is given support in the format of individual education by a remedial teacher or by education in a smaller group.

Att leva med ADHD : Vuxnas upplevelser av funktionshindret i vardagslivet.

Bengtsson, Madeleine, Andersson, Jennie January 2009 (has links)
Bakgrund: ADHD är en neuropsykiatrisk sjukdom. Det är en relativt ny kunskap att även vuxna lever med ADHD och ett område som är under ständig utveckling. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att belysa hur det är att vara vuxen och leva med ADHD, med fokus på funktionshindret. Metod: En litteraturstudie har genomförts där sju stycken kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar granskades och analyserades. Resultat: Analysen påvisade fem gemensamma nämnare vid ADHD: Brist på impulskontroll, social problematik i mötet med andra, problem att organisera vardagen, diagnos: för eller nackdel för att kunna hantera vardagslivet och medicinens inverkan på personligheten i dagligt liv. Diskussion: Det framkom att personer som lever med ADHD använder sig av olika strategier för att hantera sin vardag. Strategierna kan ha både positiv och negativ inverkan på den funktionshindrades liv. Det visade sig också att impulsiviteten gjorde dem till mer olycksdrabbade bilförare. Slutsats: Sjukvårdspersonal kan behöva en ökad kunskap om funktionshindret ADHD för att lättare kunna bemöta och stötta individen på ett respektfullt sätt. / Background: ADHD is a neuropsychiatric disease. It has only recently been discovered that also adults suffer from ADHD and this is an area under development. Aim: The aim is to illustrate what it is like to be an adult living with ADHD, with a focus on the functional disorder. Method: A literature study has been performed in which seven qualitative and quantitative articles were examined and analyzed. Result: The analysis showed five common denominators in the case of ADHD: loss of impulse control, difficulties socializing with others, problems organizing their everyday life, diagnosis: an advantage or a disadvantage in handling everyday life, and the effect of medication on their personality. Discussion: Persons living with ADHD use different strategies to cope with their everyday life. The strategies can have a positive or negative impact on the life of the person with the functional disorder. It was also shown that the impulsivity made them more accident-prone as car drivers. Conclusion: Healthcare staff may need more knowledge about ADHD to be able to treat and support affected persons in a respectful manner.

Pedagogers tankar och arbetssätt kring elever med koncentrationssvårigheter / Pedagogues´thoughts and practices regarding students with concentration difficulties

Skålberg, Elin January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Patienters upplevelser av ätsvårigheter efter stroke / Patients’ experiences of eating difficulties after stroke

Borzoy, Massomeh January 2011 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Stroke är ett samlingsnamn för olika kärlsjukdomar i hjärnan. Ätsvårigheter definieras som en eller flera svårigheter som inverkar negativt på förberedelse och intag av mat och/eller dryck. Ät- och sväljningsproblem efter stroke kan leda till malnutrition, uttorkning och viktnedgång. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva patienters upplevelser av ätsvårigheter efter stroke. Metod: Metoden för detta arbete är en systematisk litteraturstudie. Sökningen genomfördes i databaser inom vård och medicin såsom Cinahl, Pubmed, Amed (Ebsco) och PsycINFO dessutom gjordes en manuell sökning i artiklarnas referenslistor. Sökorden som användes var Stroke, Cerebrovascular Accidents, Eating, Eating Difficulties, Eating Disorders och Life Experiences. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades som analyserades utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Ur analysen framkom två kategorier: upplevelse av kroppsliga problem med att äta mat och psykosociala upplevelser av ändrad ätsituation. Den första kategorin innefattade två underkategorier: Svårigheter med intag av mat och svårigheter med att hantera maten i munnen och sväljningen. Den andra kategorin innefattade fem underkategorier. Dessa var att vara beroende av andras hjälp vid måltider, upplevelse av rädsla vid måltider, förändrad upplevelse av smak, upplevelse av skam och olust och upplevelse av övergivenhet och isolering vid måltider. Konklusion: Studien visar att leva med ätsvårigheter efter stroke är ett komplext fenomen. Strokedrabbade med ätsvårigheter upplever fysiska och psykosociala svårigheter. Resultatet kan användas till planering av individuell omvårdnadsplan, förebygga komplikationer såsom undernäring, öka välbefinnande och minska vårdtider efter stroke.   Nyckelord: Stroke, upplevelser, ätsvårigheter. / Abstract Background: Stroke is a generic term for various diseases of the brain. Eating difficulties is defined as one or more problems that adversely affect the preparation and consumption of food and/or drink. Eating and swallowing problems after stroke can lead to malnutrition, dehydration and weight loss. Aim: The aim is to describe patients' experiences of eating difficulties after stroke. Method: The method of this work is a systematic literature review. The search was conducted in the databases in health and medicine such as Cinahl, Pubmed, Amed (Ebsco) and PsycINFO, and also based on a manual search of articles in reference lists. Keywords used were Stroke, Cerebrovascular Accidents, Eating, Eating Difficulties, Eating Disorders and Life Experiences. It included ten scientific articles that were analyzed by qualitative content analysis. Findings: From the analysis revealed two categories: the experience of physical problems with eating food and psychosocial experiences of change in eating situations. The first category included two sub-categories: difficulties with food intake and difficulties in dealing with food in your mouth and swallowing. The second category included five subcategories. These were to be dependent on others at meal times, the experience of fear at meals, taste disturbance, sense of shame and pain and experience of abandonment and isolation at mealtimes. Conclusion: The study shows that living with eating difficulties after stroke is a complex phenomenon. Stroke affects the eating experience physical and psychosocial difficulties. The result can be used for planning of individual care plan, prevent complications such as malnutrition, increase welfare and reduce hospital stays after stroke.   Keywords: Stroke, experiences, eating difficulties.

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