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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Raciocínio quantitativo e memória de trabalho na aprendizagem matemática : um estudo comparativo entre grupos

Maluf, Joanne Lamb January 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa situa-se no campo dos processos cognitivos subjacentes à aprendizagem da matemática. Procurou-se avaliar a relação entre o raciocínio quantitativo e a memória de trabalho na aprendizagem da matemática em 30 alunos da 4ª série do Ensino Fundamental, com idades entre 9 e 10 anos em duas escolas públicas de Porto Alegre. Os participantes foram divididos igualmente em dois grupos, um com alto desempenho em matemática e outro com baixo desempenho em matemática. Avaliamos os processos cognitivos dos grupos através de tarefas que envolveram: desempenho matemático (DM), memória de trabalho (MT), memória de curto prazo (MCP), habilidades numéricas (HN) e raciocínio quantitativo (RQ). Os resultados foram analisados quanti-qualitativamente. Para verificar as correlações entre as funções avaliadas, foi utilizado o teste não paramétrico de Spearman. O grupo de alunos com alto desempenho em matemática apresentou melhores resultados em todas as funções avaliadas nessa pesquisa. Tal resultado sugere que todas essas habilidades desempenham um papel essencial na aprendizagem da matemática. Além disso, foram utilizadas medidas estatísticas para verificar a significância das diferenças entre os grupos. Os resultados apontam que houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos quanto às funções avaliadas, exceto a MT. Destacamos o fato de que, o RQ foi a única função a correlacionar-se de forma estatisticamente significativa com todas as demais. A correlação entre RQ e MT foi estatisticamente significativa (p ≤ 0,05) ressaltando que os recursos da MT são importantes para o RQ, uma vez que evitam sobrecarga e garantem fluidez no raciocínio. Os resultados do estudo oferecem uma importante implicação educacional: a necessidade de incluir-se, ao longo do Ensino Fundamental, tarefas escolares que tenham em vista competências conceituais e procedurais, como tarefas desafiadoras em que os alunos devam manter a atenção, raciocinar quantitativamente demonstrando flexibilidade e adaptação na utilização de aprendizagens anteriores. / This research stands on the underlying cognitive processes and Math learning field. It intended to evaluate the relation between quantitative reasoning and working memory on the math learning with 30 elementary school fourth-grade students, with ages varying from 9 to 10 years in two Porto Alegre public schools. Participants were divided equally into two groups, one with high performance in mathematics, and other with low performance in mathematics. We evaluated the groups cognitive processes through tasks which involved: mathematical achievement (MA), working memory (WM), short-term memory (STM), numeracy skills (NS), and quantitative reasoning (RQ). Results were analyzed quantiqualitatively. The Spearman non-parametric test was used in order to verify the correlations among the evaluated functions. In this research, the students group with good performance in Mathematics presented better results in all evaluated functions. This result suggests that all these skills play an essential role on math learning. Statistical measures were used to verify the significance of the differences between the groups. Results indicate that there was statistically significant difference between the groups in relation to all evaluated function, except WM. We emphasize the fact that QR was the only function to be correlated in a statistically significant way with all the other functions. Correlation between QR and WM was statistically significant (p ≤ 0,05) highlighting the fact that the WM resources are important for QR, since they avoid overload and guarantee fluidity of reasoning. The study results offer an important educational implication: the need to include, along the elementary school, academic tasks that aim conceptual and procedural competencies, as challenging tasks in which the students must maintain attention, reason quantitatively, showing flexibility and adaptation in the use of early learnings.

Dificuldades de aprendizagem: contribuiÃÃes do Programa de Apoio PedagÃgico do CMF para a melhoria do aprendizado dos alunos nÃo concursados

Cleber Borges dos Santos 16 December 2016 (has links)
nÃo hà / O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as contribuiÃÃes do Programa de Apoio PedagÃgico do ColÃgio Militar de Fortaleza (CMF), implementado no ano de 2014, para a melhoria do aprendizado dos alunos com dificuldades de aprendizagem. Especificamente, buscou-se verificar numa populaÃÃo de 202 alunos do 6 e 7 anos, se houve melhorias significativas no aprendizado em LÃngua Portuguesa e MatemÃtica dos alunos com dificuldades de aprendizagem apÃs dois meses de intervenÃÃes do Programa. A verificaÃÃo da aprendizagem dos alunos foi realizada por meio da aplicaÃÃo de um prÃ-teste e um pÃs-teste em um grupo experimental (apoio pedagÃgico) e dois grupos de controle (nÃo concursados e concursados nÃo participantes do Programa) para cada ano escolar investigado. A diferenÃa entre o prÃ-teste e pÃs-teste dentro de cada grupo de pesquisa foi avaliada por meio do teste t pareado em cada ano escolar. As diferenÃas na melhoria do aprendizado entre os grupos de pesquisa foram avaliadas por meio do teste t para amostras independentes. O software utilizado para as anÃlises dos dados foi o SPSS 16.0 for Windows. Considerando que a aprendizagem està diretamente relacionada aos percentuais de alunos em recuperaÃÃo, recuperados e reprovados, buscou-se ainda verificar estes percentuais em 2014 e comparÃ-los à mÃdia dos cinco anos letivos anteriores. Os resultados demonstraram que o Apoio PedagÃgico contribuiu para a melhoria do aprendizado dos alunos do 6 ano participantes do Programa, tanto em LÃngua Portuguesa quanto em MatemÃtica, apÃs os dois primeiros meses de atividades. Jà no 7 ano, a melhora dos alunos do Apoio PedagÃgico sà foi significativa em MatemÃtica e apenas quando comparada ao grupo dos alunos concursados. A pesquisa revelou ainda que o Programa de Apoio PedagÃgico contribuiu para que, no 6 e 7 anos em 2014, os percentuais de alunos nas recuperaÃÃes bimestrais e final fossem menores, e que os percentuais de alunos recuperados fossem maiores, quando comparados à mÃdia desses percentuais nos Ãltimos cinco anos. O percentual de alunos nÃo concursados reprovados do 6 ano em 2014 foi praticamente o mesmo que a mÃdia desses percentuais nos Ãltimos cinco anos. Jà no 7 ano este percentual foi quase cinco vezes menor. Portanto, de maneira geral o Programa de Apoio PedagÃgico do CMF em 2014 foi bem-sucedido na melhoria do aprendizado dos alunos com dificuldades de aprendizagem. As experiÃncias vivenciadas nesta pesquisa confirmaram os achados da literatura de que as dificuldades de aprendizagem nÃo se restringem aos aspectos cognitivos, mas abrangem um amplo espectro de possibilidades fisiolÃgicas, psicolÃgicas, sociolÃgicas, pedagÃgicas, etc. que dificultam ou impedem o aluno de aprender. Tal constataÃÃo exige uma ampliaÃÃo do conceito de apoio pedagÃgico para alÃm das aulas de reforÃo. Apesar das melhorias obtidas, o Programa precisa de aperfeiÃoamentos para alcanÃar resultados ainda mais expressivos. AlÃm disso, um Programa de Apoio PedagÃgico sà estarà definitivamente consolidado quando houver uma polÃtica de apoio pedagÃgico que permeie todas as esferas do ensino, onde o olhar diferenciado sobre aqueles que mais precisam estiver presente em todos os agentes educacionais, em particular dos gestores e professores do turno regular. / The aim of this paper is to evaluate the contributions of the Pedagogical Support Program that was implemented in 2014 in the Brazilian Military School of Fortaleza (CMF) to improve learning outcomes in students with learning difficulties. More specifically, drawing on a population of 202 students in the 6th and 7th grades at CMF, we have tried to determine if there was a significant improvement in the understanding of Portuguese and Mathematics by students with learning difficulties after two months of the Programâs intervention. The verification of the learning by the students was carried out through the application of a pre-test and a post-test in an experimental group (pedagogical support) and two control groups students who automatically entered CMF without an admission exam due to military regulations and students who entered by means of an admission exam. Neither of the control groups was part of the Program. The difference between the pre-test and the post-test from each of the groups was evaluated by means of the t test paired in each school year. The differences in the improvement of the learning outcomes between the groups were evaluated by means of the t test for independent samples. The software used for the data analysis was the SPSS 16.0 for Windows. To determine the success or failure of the learning outcome, we have also made a comparison between 2014 and the five preceding years of the proportion of students that needed to take remedial classes because they did not obtain passing marks; students that successfully took these remedial classes and improved their marks so that they passed; and students that failed these classes and did not go onto the next grade. The results revealed that the Pedagogical Support Program contributed to the improvement of the learning outcome of the students from 6th grade that were a part of the Program, in both Portuguese and Mathematics after the two first months of activities. On the other hand, the improvement of the 7th grade students who were a part of the Pedagogical Support was only significant in Mathematics and only when compared to the group of the students who entered by means of the admission exam. The research has also revealed that in the 6th and 7th grades in 2014, the Pedagogical Support Program contributed to a lower percentage of students that needed to take remedial classes on a bimonthly basis or at the end of the year, and a higher percentage of students who were able to improve their marks, when compared to the average of these percentages over the previous five years. The percentage of students that entered without an entrance exam (due to military regulation) and who failed the 6th grade in 2014 was practically the same as the average of these percentages in the last five years. In contrast, in the 7th grade this percentage was almost five times lower. Therefore, in general, the Pedagogical Support Program at CMF in 2014 succeeded in improving the learning outcomes of the students with learning difficulties. The outcome of this survey confirmed the findings in literature that state that learning difficulties not only restrict themselves to the cognitive aspects, but that they also cover a wide spectrum of factors that are philosophical, psychological, sociological, pedagogical, etc. that make it harder for the student to learn and may even keep them from learning altogether. This requires an extension of the concept of pedagogical support beyond the remedial classes. Despite the improvement achieved by this Program, the Program needs to be improved so that it obtains even better outcomes. In addition, the Pedagogical Support Program will only be completely matured when there is a policy of pedagogical support that permeates every area of education and where a different perspective is taken by all involved in the educational process, in particular the teachers and administration.

Encaminhamentos a recuperação paralela: um olhar de gênero. / Students referred to parallel studies: a gender approach.

Fábio Hoffmann Pereira 16 May 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da pesquisa que teve por objetivo analisar a percepção que as professoras têm de alunos e alunas encaminhados à recuperação paralela. O objetivo da pesquisa foi verificar se os motivos pelos quais meninos e meninas são encaminhados/as à recuperação paralela são semelhantes, ou se diferem de acordo com o sexo do/a estudante. A pesquisa baseou-se nos estudos sobre as relações de gênero e educação e em estudos sobre o fracasso e o sucesso escolar. As hipóteses iniciais eram de que os meninos seriam encaminhados por motivos não necessariamente ligados à sua real dificuldade de aprendizagem, seja por conta de indisciplina, seja por uma suposta culpabilização da família que não ajudaria o aluno nas tarefas escolares em casa, por exemplo. Já as meninas seriam encaminhadas por conta de dificuldades de aprendizagem geradas por timidez, apatia, deficiência mental, etc., ou seja, o motivo de encaminhamento das alunas seria por uma dificuldade intrínseca à menina, não havendo muita esperança de que a recuperação paralela contribuísse para que ela avançasse, já que sua dificuldade estaria atrelada a fatores psicointelectuais. A pesquisa de campo centrou-se em uma escola do Município do Embu que possuía um projeto de recuperação para alunos com dificuldades em leitura e escrita: o Projeto Letras e Livros e contou com observações e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com as professoras regentes de classe (que encaminham as crianças) e as professoras atuantes no Projeto Letras e Livros, além de observações das reuniões de conselho de classe ao longo do ano letivo de 2006. Tanto o Projeto analisado quanto a escola que serviu como campo para a pesquisa foram escolhidos devido à boa estrutura e organização e aos bons resultados que vinham mostrando nos anos de 2002 a 2006. Os resultados apontaram para a confirmação de que, independentemente de um trabalho articulado e reflexivo por parte das professoras, ainda se culpabiliza a família e a pobreza de algumas crianças, numa maioria de meninos, pela sua dificuldade de aprendizagem. Porém, esta questão não se apresentou tão forte quanto a literatura acadêmica vem mostrando. Na escola pesquisada, os aspectos referentes à não adequação da criança a um ofício de aluno valorizado pelas professoras - este ofício de aluno é tomado aqui como um modelo da maneira como o aluno ou a aluna deve se comportar, agir e ser dentro das dinâmicas escolares, ou seja, o não ajuste de algumas crianças ao que é esperado delas no momento de se organizar, se concentrar na aula, se comportar diante dos colegas e da professora, etc., - pode fazer com que a criança seja percebida como um/a aluno/a com dificuldade de aprendizagem. Algumas dificuldades citadas pelas professoras, entretanto, são percebidas mais em meninos e outras em meninas, evidenciando que as construções sociais sobre o masculino e o feminino contam muito ao avaliar quem precisa ou não de apoio extra na aprendizagem escolar. / This study presents the results of a research aimed at analyzing how teachers perceive male and female students who were referred to parallel studies. It intended to verify if the reasons why students are sent to those activities differ or not between male and female students. The research was based on gender and educational studies as well as studies on school failure and success. The first hypothesis was that boys were referred to parallel studies not necessarily because of their learning difficulties, but mostly as a result of indiscipline or due to a blaming the family discourse, which claims the child has difficulties because the family does not help him with the schoolwork. On the other hand, girls learning difficulties seemed to result from shyness, apathy or mental illness, that is, the reasons why teachers referred girls to parallel studies were mostly based on inner difficulties. Thus, as their difficulties were connected to psycho-intellectual issues, there was almost no hope those activities could facilitate their learning process. The field work was developed at a municipal school in Embu. The chosen school had a parallel study project to students with reading and writing difficulties: Projeto Letras e Livros (Letters and Books Project). The research was carried out with both classroom teachers (who would refer students to the project) as well as with the teachers of the project. The professionals were interviewed and observed during school council meetings throughout the year 2006. Both project and school were chosen because of efficient organization and positive results they showed between the years 2002 and 2006. The results of this research points out that even when there is a reflexive and articulated work among teachers at a school, it is still possible to hear them blaming family and poverty as the ones responsible for learning difficulties, especially for boys. However, those aspects were not as relevant to the teachers of the investigated school as they usually are in the academic literature. For those teachers, most important was the adequate performance of an approved role of the student. Here, this role consists of the way girls and boys must behave, act and be at school. The inadequate performance of this role students not meeting the expected attitude when they are asked to organize themselves, to concentrate or to behave with their teachers and classmates may lead teachers to perceive students as having learning difficulties. Moreover, some difficulties mentioned by the teachers were most perceived among boys whereas others were particularly mentioned about girls. This difference is evidence that the social construction of male and female greatly support the evaluation process of those who need or not parallel studies.

DEFICIÊNCIA VISUAL: dificuldades e estratégias do professor no processo de inclusão escolar no ensino médio / VISUAL DEFICIENCY: teacher difficulties and strategies in the inclusion process School in high school

BORGES, Tamires Coimbra Bastos 27 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Aparecida (cidazen@gmail.com) on 2017-03-03T14:03:11Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tamires Coimbra Bastos.pdf: 2989888 bytes, checksum: 652fd889975a2ca3bc49e3a1e3ef5774 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-03T14:03:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tamires Coimbra Bastos.pdf: 2989888 bytes, checksum: 652fd889975a2ca3bc49e3a1e3ef5774 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-27 / Inclusive education has been the subject of intense debate and theoretical productions from the 90s Taking a leading role in discussions of the urgent need to overcome the exclusion and the development of strategies for real inclusion of people with disabilities in the regular education system of the country. Therefore, this research seeks to insert themselves in these educational discussions and are based on quantitative and qualitative analysis, covering quantitative and qualitative methods, from a case study in a school of public schools in São Luis-MA. This research aims to analyze how teachers of mainstream education and specialized educational services are enabling the process of inclusion of students with visual impairment (blindness and low vision) in high school in Sao Luis, MA. The participants of this research form two groups of teachers: 8 teachers of regular schools and 2 teachers of specialized educational services that work in high school in a school public school in São Luís, with whom interviews were conducted semistructured. The data obtained from these interviews were analyzed based on the content analysis technique as proposed by Bardin (1979).The results of this analysis revealed that the main difficulties encountered during the process of school inclusion of students with visual impairment in regular high school were: lack of adequate training of teachers to meet the demands of school inclusion; inadequate infrastructure with limited materials and resources; disproportion between the number of students and teachers in class; difficulty of abstraction and to understand which activities use of vision is required; lack of awareness of nondisabled peers and prejudice; learning difficulties due to late entry into the regular school; need for another professional in the classroom; dialog absence among teachers. The results also revealed the perceptions of these teachers on their own strategies: the use of special tools and supplies for the Braille system learning as reglete, punch, Braille and Sorobã machine; constant dialogue with the Napnee and students with visual impairment; individualized attention to students with visual impairment in contraturno; interaction of students with visual impairment and other colleagues of the room; raise awareness among teachers; provide training for teachers of the regular room. It concludes that the difficulties and barriers encountered in everyday practice have hamstrung the guarantee of the right to inclusive education for students with visual impairment. However, although it admits the existence of these difficulties it was plausible initiatives of teachers of regular schools and educational specialized care through excellent teaching practices based on school inclusion of students with visual impairment, contributing to the school to which they belong is a state reference in serving the student with visual impairment in regular high school rooms. / A educação inclusiva tem sido tema de intensos debates e produções teóricas desde a década de 90. Assumindo um papel preponderante nas discussões sobre a necessidade urgente de superação da exclusão e da elaboração de estratégias para a inclusão de pessoas com deficiência nos sistemas regulares de ensino do País. Diante disso, esta pesquisa busca inserirse nessas discussões educacionais pautando-se na análise quanti-qualitativa, que abrange métodos quantitativos e qualitativos, a partir de um estudo de caso em uma escola da rede pública de ensino no município de São Luís-MA. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal analisar como os professores do ensino regular e do atendimento educacional especializado estão viabilizando o processo de inclusão de alunos com deficiência visual (cegueira e baixa visão) no ensino médio em São Luís-MA. Os participantes desta pesquisa foram dois grupos de professores: 8 professores do ensino regular e 2 professores do atendimento educacional especializado que trabalham no ensino médio em uma escola da rede pública de ensino do município de São Luís-MA, com os quais foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os dados obtidos a partir dessas entrevistas foram analisados com base na técnica da análise de conteúdo tal como proposta por Bardin (1979). Os resultados dessa análise revelaram que as principais dificuldades encontradas durante o processo de inclusão escolar de alunos com deficiência visual no ensino médio regular foram: ausência de adequada formação de professores para atender às demandas da inclusão escolar; infraestrutura inadequada com poucos materiais e recursos; desproporcionalidade entre o número de alunos e de professores em classe; dificuldade de abstração para compreender atividades cujo uso da visão é obrigatório; falta de conscientização dos colegas sem deficiência e preconceito; dificuldades de aprendizagem devido a entrada tardia na escola regular; necessidade de outro profissional em sala de aula; ausência de diálogo entre os professores. Os resultados também revelaram as percepções desses professores sobre as suas próprias estratégias: o uso de instrumentos e materiais especiais para a aprendizagem do Sistema Braille como: reglete, punção, máquina Braille e Sorobã; diálogo constante com o Núcleo de Apoio à Pessoa com Necessidades Educacionais Especiais (Napnee) e o aluno com deficiência visual; atendimento individualizado ao aluno com deficiência visual no contraturno; interação do aluno com deficiência visual e os demais colegas da sala; sensibilizar os professores; oferecer formação para os professores da sala regular. Conclui-se que as dificuldades encontradas na prática cotidiana têm cerceado a garantia do direito a uma educação inclusiva plena para os alunos com deficiência visual. No entanto, embora se admita a existência dessas dificuldades A educação inclusiva tem sido tema de intensos debates e produções teóricas desde a década de 90. Assumindo um papel preponderante nas discussões sobre a necessidade urgente de superação da exclusão e da elaboração de estratégias para a inclusão de pessoas com deficiência nos sistemas regulares de ensino do País. Diante disso, esta pesquisa busca inserirse nessas discussões educacionais pautando-se na análise quanti-qualitativa, que abrange métodos quantitativos e qualitativos, a partir de um estudo de caso em uma escola da rede pública de ensino no município de São Luís-MA. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal analisar como os professores do ensino regular e do atendimento educacional especializado estão viabilizando o processo de inclusão de alunos com deficiência visual (cegueira e baixa visão) no ensino médio em São Luís-MA. Os participantes desta pesquisa foram dois grupos de professores: 8 professores do ensino regular e 2 professores do atendimento educacional especializado que trabalham no ensino médio em uma escola da rede pública de ensino do município de São Luís-MA, com os quais foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os dados obtidos a partir dessas entrevistas foram analisados com base na técnica da análise de conteúdo tal como proposta por Bardin (1979). Os resultados dessa análise revelaram que as principais dificuldades encontradas durante o processo de inclusão escolar de alunos com deficiência visual no ensino médio regular foram: ausência de adequada formação de professores para atender às demandas da inclusão escolar; infraestrutura inadequada com poucos materiais e recursos; desproporcionalidade entre o número de alunos e de professores em classe; dificuldade de abstração para compreender atividades cujo uso da visão é obrigatório; falta de conscientização dos colegas sem deficiência e preconceito; dificuldades de aprendizagem devido a entrada tardia na escola regular; necessidade de outro profissional em sala de aula; ausência de diálogo entre os professores. Os resultados também revelaram as percepções desses professores sobre as suas próprias estratégias: o uso de instrumentos e materiais especiais para a aprendizagem do Sistema Braille como: reglete, punção, máquina Braille e Sorobã; diálogo constante com o Núcleo de Apoio à Pessoa com Necessidades Educacionais Especiais (Napnee) e o aluno com deficiência visual; atendimento individualizado ao aluno com deficiência visual no contraturno; interação do aluno com deficiência visual e os demais colegas da sala; sensibilizar os professores; oferecer formação para os professores da sala regular. Conclui-se que as dificuldades encontradas na prática cotidiana têm cerceado a garantia do direito a uma educação inclusiva plena para os alunos com deficiência visual. No entanto, embora se admita a existência dessas dificuldades verificou-se iniciativas plausíveis dos professores do ensino regular e do atendimento educacional especializado por meio de excelentes práticas pedagógicas pautadas na inclusão escolar de alunos com deficiência visual, contribuindo para que a escola a qual pertencem seja uma referência estadual no atendimento ao aluno com deficiência visual em salas regulares do ensino médio.

Listening Difficulties in children with Developmental Phonological Disorder : A survey of parents' perception of their children's listening abilities.

Forsberg, Ellika, Ohtamaa, Lotta January 2019 (has links)
Background/Aim: The British questionnaire ECLiPS (Evaluation of Children’s Listening and Processing Skills; Barry & Moore, 2015) aims to profile listening difficulties in children. The questionnaire consists of 38 statements, divided into five subscales, and a short survey with six questions about general health. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether children diagnosed with Developmental Phonological Disorder (DPD) in their preschool years (3-6 years of age) show listening difficulties in early school years (7-10 years). Methods: 113 guardians of children with Developmental Phonological Disorder (DPD) and 44 guardians of typically developing (TD) Swedish children participated in the study. Comparisons were made between the Swedish TD-group and the English reference (ER) group presented in the ECLiPS technical manual. Mean scores between the DPD-group and the TD-group were compared, as well as were the responses on the short survey. The groups were categorized by age and gender. Results: In general, high consistency was found between the ER- and TD-group in half of the comparisons; 7-, 9- and 10-year-old boys and 8-year-old girls. The DPD-group tended to show more symptoms of listening difficulties than the TD-group. However, the symptoms varied in relation to age and gender. For example, girls in the DPD-group had more symptoms in younger than in older ages. The short survey revealed that the DPD-group had a higher prevalence of ear infections than the TD-group. The difficulties seen in the DPD-group were most profound in statements concerning language, literacy and laterality. Conclusion: Our results indicate that listening difficulties as measured with the ECLiPS are more common in children diagnosed with DPD in preschool years, than typically developing children. The strongest indication for difficulties is seen in the statements regarding language and literacy.   Bakgrund/syfte: Det brittiska frågeformuläret ECLiPS (Evaluation of Children’s Listening and Processing Skills; Barry & Moore, 2015) syftar till att kartlägga lyssningssvårigheter hos barn. Frågeformuläret består av 38 påståenden, indelade i fem underkategorier, samt en kort enkät med sex frågor rörande generell hälsa. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka huruvida barn som hade diagnosticerats med fonologisk språkstörning (FS) i förskoleåldern (3-6 år) uppvisade lyssningssvårigheter i tidig skolålder (7-10 år). Metod: 113 vårdnadshavare till barn med fonologisk språkstörning och 44 vårdnadshavare till typiskt utvecklade (TU) svenska barn deltog i studien. Jämförelser gjordes mellan TU barn och den engelska referensgruppen (ER) som presenteras i ECLiPS tekniska manual. Barn med FS och barn med TU delades upp i mindre grupper baserat på kön och ålder, och medelvärdesjämförelser gjordes mellan grupperna. Jämförelser gjordes även av svaren på den medicinska enkäten. Resultat: Generellt sett hade ER-gruppen och barn med TU en hög grad av samstämmighet i hälften av jämförelserna; 7-, 9-, och 10-åriga pojkar samt 8-åriga flickor. Barn med FS tenderade att uppvisa en högre grad av lyssningssvårigheter än barn med TD. Dock varierade graden av symptom beroende på ålder och kön. Till exempel tenderade flickor med FS att uppvisa mer symptom i lägre än i högre åldrar. Svaren från den medicinska enkäten visade att barn med FS hade en högre prevalens av öroninfektioner än barn med TU. De svårigheter som barn med FS uppvisade var tydligast inom påståenden som rör språk, läs- och skrivförmåga och lateralitet. Slutsats: Våra resultat indikerar att de lyssningssvårigheter som mäts med ECLiPS är vanligare hos barn som diagnostiserats med fonologisk språkstörning i förskoleåldern än hos typiskt utvecklade barn. Den starkaste indikationen för svårigheter syns i de påståenden som rör språk-, läs- och skrivförmåga.

Avaliação psicológica: a perspectiva sócio-familiar nas estratégias complementares à prática clínica infantil / Psychological evaluation: the social and family perspective on complementary strategies for the clinic practice of children

Avoglia, Hilda Rosa Capelão 20 June 2006 (has links)
A avaliação psicológica da criança destaca a importância do estudo da dinâmica familiar que, embora imprescindível, não encerra em si o universo das relações com as quais a criança se vincula. Estudos sobre a avaliação psicológica, especialmente a partir do modelo compreensivo, apontam à necessidade de se considerar a integração de aspectos intrapsíquicos, familiares e sociais. A análise dos aspectos sócio-ambientais, apesar de relevantes diante da queixa escolar, mostra-se pouco sistematizada. O presente estudo teve como objetivos identificar e comparar os processos psicodiagnóstico de crianças com idades entre 7 e 10 anos, com queixa escolar em dois momentos históricos distintos, 1983 e 2001 e descrever e propor estratégias complementares à prática diagnóstica, como a Visita Domiciliar e a Visita Escolar. Para a comparação histórica foram analisados 164 prontuários de clientes atendidos em uma Clínica-Escola, em termos de freqüência absoluta (fa) e freqüência relativa (fr). Destes, 116 (70,73%) foram de casos atendidos em 1983 e 48 (29,23%) referiam-se a 2001. O procedimento utilizado na segunda etapa contou com a análise qualitativa de seis estudos de caso envolvendo a queixa escolar, nos quais foram descritas as Visitas Domiciliar e Escolar. Os resultados da análise documental indicaram que, apesar do crescente desenvolvimento das técnicas e procedimentos para o diagnóstico psicológico, poucas mudanças ocorreram num período de 18 anos, no que se refere à seqüência do processo, aos instrumentos utilizados e ao número de sessões, num período de 18 anos. Observou-se o predomínio da avaliação focalizada na criança e em suas dificuldades. Estes dados subsidiaram a proposição de estratégias complementares, como a visita familiar e a escolar, que sustentadas pelo raciocínio clínico, atingiram a dimensão do social. Assim, a totalidade dos casos apresentados ilustrou como o uso das visitas poderia contribuir fornecendo dados para uma leitura diagnóstica mais contextualizada, e conseqüentemente para o embasamento da entrevista devolutiva, adequando-a a realidade da criança, da família e da escola. A utilização desses procedimentos, não substituiu, nem prevaleceu sobre outros recursos, tampouco se constituiu num procedimento padrão, cabível a qualquer tipo de queixa. Mas, em conjunto com as demais técnicas, possibilitou ampliar a compreensão diagnóstica por meio da observação direta dos espaços de significação da criança com queixa escolar. / The psychological evaluation of the child stresses the importance of studying the familiar dynamics as an indispensable procedure, though it does not confine in itself the whole universe of relationships linked to the child. Studies on psychological evaluation, particularly the ones based on a comprehensive model, point to the need of considering the integration of psychological, familiar and social aspects. However, the analysis of social and environmental aspects regarding child’s difficulties in school is scarcely systematized, in spite of its importance. This study examined cases of psychodiagnosis of children with school difficulties aged between 7 and 10, in two different periods of time, in 1983 and in 2001. It aimed to describe and propose strategies complementing diagnostic procedures, as the Home Visit and the School Visit. In order to proceed to a historical comparison, the study analyzed 164 files of a School-Clinic, in terms of absolute and relative frequencies, of which 116 ((70,73%) were from 1983, and 48 (29,23%) from 2001. Following, the study did qualitative analysis of six cases of child’s difficulties in school, in which the Home Visits and School Visit proceedings are described. The results of the files analyses showed that, in spite of the growing development of techniques and other resources for the psychological diagnosis, few changes have occurred in a period of 18 years, concerning proceedings, tools and numbers of sessions. It was noticed the preponderance of an evaluation focused on the children and their difficulties only. The data substantiated the proposal of additional strategies as the Home Visit and the School Visit, thus reaching a social dimension enriched by the clinical reasoning. The totality of the cases presented showed how the visits could contribute with valuable information for a more contextualized diagnostic reading, and also for a more sustained return interview, making it more suitable to the reality of the child, the family and the school. The adoption of these proceedings did not replace, nor did it prevail over other resources. Also, these proceedings do not constitute a standard tool to be used in any kind of school complaint. But, together with the other proceedings, they helped to broaden the diagnostic understanding by allowing the direct observation of the spaces of significance for the child with school difficulties.

Assessing the Relationship Between Problem Eating Behavior and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation in a College Sample

Williams, Brittany V. 01 December 2014 (has links)
This study further defines the relationship between difficulties in emotion regulation and problem eating behavior. A total of 403 psychology undergraduate students completed measures of emotion regulation, disordered eating patterns, depression, and anxiety. Results from correlational and regression analyses suggest that difficulties in emotion regulation are related to problem eating behavior (r = .360, p< .001) and that overt problem eating behaviors and attitudes may be impacted more directly by symptoms of mood disorders rather than difficulties in emotion regulation (R2 = .190, F(4, 368) = 18.647, p< .001). Nonacceptance of emotional experience showed a significant impact on problem eating behavior above and beyond mood (R2 = .193, F(2, 370) = 44.162, p< .001; MOOD, β = .339, p< .001; nonaccept, β = .143, p = .014). The results of this study may have implications for prevention and treatment of problem eating behavior.

Impact of Sensory Adapted Dental Environment on Children with Developmental Disabilities

Kim, Gail 01 January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: This was a pilot study assessing the impact of a sensory adapted dental environment (SADE) on children with developmental disabilities (DD) receiving routine dental care. Methods: A crossover study of 22 children with DD, aged 6 through 21, was conducted at Virginia Commonwealth University Pediatric Dental clinic. Each participant was randomized to a sequence of two dental cleanings, one regular dental environment (RDE) and one SADE with a 3-4-month recall. Outcomes included physiological measures (heart rate and oxygen saturation) and cooperation (Frankl scores). Results: Study subjects completed a total of 36 visits. None of the physiological measures differed at either time point between the two treatment settings. The Frankl scores were significantly higher with SADE setting than RDE (p =0.0368). Forty-six percent of parents strongly agreed that they would prefer the SADE for their child’s next visit. Conclusion: SADE may be associated with improved behavior in children with DD.

Psychological difficulties encountered by HIV/AIDS orphans in Limpopo Province

Nemadondoni, Ndivhudzannyi January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology)) --University of Limpopo, 2008 / The aim of this study was to investigate the psychological difficulties encountered and ways of coping by HIV/AIDS orphans in Limpopo Province. The sample was comprised of 70 children whose parent(s) died of HIV/AIDS related diseases between the ages 05 and 18 years. The data were collected through the use of face to face interview and questionnaires. The study results show that as a results of trauma resulting from taking care and witnessing ill parent(s) die, HIV/AIDS orphans suffer from sadness, helplessness, anger, guilty, aggression and frustration that often lead to withdrawal and subsequent depression, In quantitative study Beck Depression Inventory was also used to determine the levels of depression (mild, moderate, and/or severe levels) and it was discovered that HIV/AIDS orphans experience moderate to severe depression. The study further looked on whether demographic factors including (age, gender, religion, home language, number of siblings, and level of education) have an impact on the experience of depression. Qualitative study findings also discovered that HIV/AIDS orphans do not experience the relationship with their caregivers as being supportive. Furthermore, mixing with non-orphaned peers was reported to be a mission and emotionally distressing. Qualitative study also discovered that HIV/AIDS orphans lack many adults whom they can trust and who they could be able to express their feelings, as result they try to find their own ways of coping with their circumstances. However, quantitative study also looked at three ways of coping (cognitive, behavioural and avoidance ways of coping) that could be used by HIV/AIDS orphans. This was achieved through the use of ways of coping scales. The findings of this study discovered that HIV/IADS orphans use cognitive and avoidance ways of coping more than behavioural ways of coping. Furthermore, the study looked at whether there is a relationship between ways of coping and biographic factors (age, gender, religion, home language, number of siblings, and level of education). It was discovered that HIV/AIDS orphans are psychologically distressed and need to be transferred for psychological therapy after the loss of their parents.

Beyond Replicative Technology: The Digital Practices of Students with Literacy-Related Learning Difficulties Engaged in Productive Technologies

Frier, Aimee 06 July 2018 (has links)
In this dissertation, I present the findings from a qualitative case study of the digital literacy integration of a teacher and the digital literacy practices of three students with literacy-related learning difficulties within her classroom. As a researcher, I was interested in the ways students with literacy- related learning difficulties navigated digital tools in a technology-infused environment created by a teacher who has experience using digital tools for instructional and student-learning purposes. My research was guided by the following questions: (1) What was the context, content, and structure of the teacher’s technology instruction? (2) In what ways did the students use technological tools? (3) How did students with reading difficulties compose during digital literacy events? The data for this case study included classroom observations, interviews, field notes, work samples, and lesson plans. Through the use of both inductive (Phase I and II) and a priori (Phase III) analysis, the data highlight several important findings to inform the research questions: (a) Knowledge of Technology Does Not Ensure Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (b) Students with Reading Difficulties Still Have Difficulty with Reading Despite Technology Integration and (c) Change in Writing Tool (technology) does not Guarantee Change in Writing Performance.

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