Spelling suggestions: "subject:"difficulties."" "subject:"ifficulties.""
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Matematiksvårigheter : Hur kan pedagoger arbeta med barn som har matematiksvårigheter?Andersson, Marie January 2009 (has links)
My purpose with this examination paper has been to inquire and make a contribution with knowledge about how teachers and remedial teachers work with children who has difficulties in mathematics. My specified question of issue was: How do teachers work with children who have difficulties in mathematics? My methods have been to read literature and to accomplish an examination by qualitative interviews with teachers and remedial teachers. My choice of methods has been contributing of me getting a good materiel about how teachers can work with children who has difficulties in mathematics. The examination paper begins with the schools curriculum ”Lpo94” and definitions of difficulties in mathematics. Further the examination paper withholds charters of knowledge and capacity within mathematics, the learning process and different causes to difficulties in mathematics. Afterwards comes the primary part of the examination paper that withholds the teachers work, the educational contents, materiel and individualisation. Then comes the chapter of methods and the result of the inquire with the interview questions and answers. Afterwards comes an analyse of the inquires result and earlier research. The examination paper is completed with a discussion and a proposal to continued research. My definitive conclusion is that teachers different work options like with elaborative materiel, solution of problems and words within mathematics, gives a better learning process and development for pupils with difficulties in mathematics. The teacher shall also adjust the educational contents too the pupils qualifications and needs. / Mitt syfte med examensarbetet har varit att undersöka och bidra med kunskap om hur lärare och speciallärare/specialpedagoger arbetar med barn som har matematiksvårigheter. Min preciserade frågeställning var: Hur arbetar lärare med barn som har matematiksvårigheter? Mina metoder har varit att läsa litteratur och att genomföra en undersökning som gjordes genom kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare och speciallärare. Mina metodval har bidragit till att jag fått ett bra material om hur lärare kan arbeta med barn som har matematiksvårigheter. Examensarbetet inleds med skolan läroplan Lpo94 och definitioner av matematiksvårigheter. Vidare innehåller examensarbetet avsnitt om kunskap och förmåga inom matematik, inlärningsprocessen och olika orsaker till matematiksvårigheter. Sedan kommer examensarbetets huvudavsnitt som innehåller lärarens arbete, undervisningens innehåll, material och individualisering. Efter detta kommer metodkapitlet och resultatet av undersökningen med intervjufrågor och svar. Sedan kommer en analys av undersökningens resultat och tidigare forskning. Examensarbetet avslutas med en diskussion och förslag till fortsatt forskning. Min slutsats är att lärarens olika arbetssätt som t.ex. med laborativa material, problemlösning och begrepp inom matematiken bidrar till en bättre inlärningsprocess och utveckling hos elever som har matematiksvårigheter. Läraren ska även anpassa undervisningens innehåll till elevens förutsättningar och behov.
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Svårigheter och möjligheter i mötet mellan sjuksköterska och patient med övervikt eller fetma. : En litteraturöversikt / Difficulties and opportunities in the meeting between the nurse and patient with overweight or obesity. : A literature reviewWadman, Ewelina, Johansson, Carina January 2009 (has links)
Fetma är ett ökande folkhälsoproblem runt om i världen. Sjuksköterskan har som uppgift att förebygga ohälsa hos patienter. Genom att veta patienternas svårigheter och möjligheter underlättar det mötet med sjuksköterskan. Men samtidigt måste sjuksköterskan vara medveten om sina attityder för att skapa en bra relation genom att samtala. Syftet är att beskriva svårigheter och möjligheter som kan påverka mötet mellan sjuksköterskor och patienter med övervikt eller fetma. Resultatet av litteraturöversikten bygger på 11 vetenskapliga artiklar. Dessa hittades både genom en systematisk sökning av databasen Cinahl och genom manuell sökning. Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskor har svårigheter att jobba med patienter med övervikt som inte har någon motivation. Sjuksköterskor bör också vara uppmärksamma på hur de uttrycker sig och bemöter patienter med övervikt. Sjuksköterskor och patienter har olika erfarenheter av varandra i mötet. Vilket kan ge en dålig start för en bra relation.
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Svikna löften? : Fem unga män på en anstalt i Sverige och deras upplevelse av sin egen skolgång. / Broken promises? : School experiences of five young men at a high – security prison.Herre, Christine January 2007 (has links)
This study is about inmates, who reflect upon their time in school, their experiences of school and how different things have influenced and affect them later in life. The aim with this study is to examine how different kinds of school related issues have affected the inmates in different ways. The aim is also to look at how school can spot in early years, children within the danger zone and provide for those children, so that they can be helped in different ways and so that they can be able to achieve different in life, not to end up becoming criminals later in life. The main questions in this study are: How did the chosen inmates experience their time in school? Can you by looking at research tell that these persons already in their childhood were children within the danger zone? What kind of school related issues could have contributed to a criminal lifestyle later in life? The result of this study shows that all five have been children within the danger zone. In all five cases there have been school related issues that have affected those men. Issues such as; truancy, bullying, school defection, difficulties of concentrating and reading- and writing disorders. Issues which are to be seen as issues that could lead to a criminal lifestyle later in life.
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När siffrorna inte går att stävja : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers föreställningar om elevers matematiksvårigheterFunk, Marlene January 2008 (has links)
An increasing number of students leave the Swedish compulsory school without having a satisfactory grade in mathematics. Causes why students risk ending up with difficulties in the subject of mathematics are debated but one explanation might be that more and more students are diagnosed with dyscalculia. The purpose of this study is to investigate how educationalists identify and organize their teaching in order to help students with difficulties in mathematics to reach the schools requirement and long-term goals that are defined in advance. It is vital to detect learning difficulties at an early stage. Accordingly, it can be avoided that the student starts to develop a negative self-image due to repeated failures and in the same time provide relevant help. Educationalists working actively with teaching possess valuable knowledge that is presently well managed. However, there are many indications that the schools steadily reducing amount of resources will limit their efforts. My contribution is an attempt to elucidate this complex of problems that are part of the daily rounds of an educationalist and that have been debated profoundly during the last years. The studie is based in qualitative iterviews with teachers in compulsory shool and one special educationalist and the interwiews are, after compilation, compared with earlier research of difficulties in mathematics.
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Ethical dilemmas among psychologists in Sweden and South AfricaLindén, Ellen, Rådeström, Johanna January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate ethical dilemmas and ethical difficulties experienced by psychologists in Sweden and South Africa. The study is a replication of previous studies conducted by Colnerud (1997) and Slack and Wassenaar (1999). A sample of 295 psychologists in Sweden and 312 psychologists in South Africa were asked to describe situations that they identified as ethically difficult. 53 psychologists in Sweden described 61 incidents and 21 psychologists in South Africa described 24 situations. This corresponds to a response rate of 20% in Sweden and 8% in South Africa. The reported dilemmas were categorized according to a qualitative content analysis developed by Pope and Vetter (1992). The contribution of this study is that the results confirm that confidentiality is a prominent ethical dilemma for psychologists in Sweden and South Africa. This finding is consistent with findings in comprehensive international research. Furthermore, the results indicate that psychologists, especially in Sweden, experience ethical problems due to weakened legitimacy when conducting assessments. The results are discussed taking into consideration the different contexts in which psychologists work, the application of different ethics codes and different levels of ethical awareness. The weaknesses of the study and the method used are also discussed.
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Koncentrationssvårigheter utifrån pedagogens perspektiv : Hur påverkas klassen och den enskilda individen? / Concentration difficulties from out the teachers perspective : How does the class and individuals get effected?Örnborg, Zandra January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med det här arbetet var att undersöka utifrån några pedagogers perspektiv hur koncentrationssvårigheter beskrivs samt hur elevers koncentrationssvårigheter påverkar andra elever/klassen. Jag valde att göra en intervjustudie, där jag intervjuade fyra pedagoger utifrån deras erfarenheter och upplevelser. Jag ställde frågor som berörde svårigheter och yttrande av koncentrationssvårigheter, de andra elevernas reaktioner samt påverkan på klassen. Resultatet av undersökningen visade att pedagogerna upplever att elever kan tycka att det är jobbigt och kan själva bli störda av barnet med koncentrationssvårigheter. Det framkom också att barnen runtomkring lär sig att hantera situationen genom att t.ex. ignorera. Pedagogerna tryckte på en öppen och rak kommunikation och värderade diskussioner med klassen högt, allt detta för att skapa en förståelse barnen emellan. Forskning kring koncentrationssvårigheter finns det en uppsjö av. Den medicinska, sociala och den pedagogiska delen finns oftast med, men hur koncentrationssvårigheterna påverkar omgivningen finns det sämre av. Därför valde jag att också belysa eleverna runtomkring elever med koncentrationssvårigheter utifrån pedagogers perspektiv. / The purpose of this work was to study from a couple of teachers perspective how concentrations difficulties is being described and also how pupil.s concentration difficulties influence other pupils/the class. I chose to do an interviewstudy, where I interviewed four teachers from out of their experiences. I asked questions which touched diffuculties and how it manifests, the other pupils reactions and the influence on the class. The result of the study showed that the teachers experience that pupils can feel that it is hard and can get disturbed by the child with concentration difficulties. It also came to light that the children around is making up strategies to handle the situation, for an example by ignoring. The teachers pushed for an open and straight communication and valued discussions with the class highly, all to build understanding between the children. There is a lot of research about concentration difficulties. The medical, social and pedagogic pieces are there, but there is less about how the environment is effected. Therefore I chose to also shed a light on the pupils around the pupils with concentration difficulties from teachers' perspectives.
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Ledarskapets vardag - himmel och helveteRyman, Amanda, Wallermo, Elisabeth January 2009 (has links)
Aim: Our aim is to make a critical review of the glorification of leadership, by describing the practical work of leaders, compared to what is written in management literature. Method: We have applied a qualitative approach in our study and implemented seven interviews to illustrate our respondents’ experiences and opinions. All of our respondents have leading positions with their current companies. To analyse the results from our interviews, we have compared them with literature written in the subject, mostly management literature. Results & Conclusions: We have concluded that there is a connection between the theory and our empirical material. The theory is though far more simplified than the real world. To manage difficulties as a leader you have to adjust the problem to the situation, you have to be direct and communicate the problem to your staff in order to handle the problem in a good way. Contribution of the thesis: The contribution of our thesis is that our study shows the practical leadership and how leaders actually manage difficult situations, compared to how they are described in the management literature. / Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att göra en kritisk granskning av ledarskapets glorifiering. Vi vill beskriva ledarskap i praktiken och jämföra det med den teori man möter i litteraturen. Metod: Vår undersökning, tolkning och analys är gjord efter den hermeneutiska kunskapssynen. Vidare har vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ ansats i vår uppsats. Det innebär att vi har genomfört sju intervjuer, med företagsledare i olika positioner, där vi tagit reda på våra respondenters erfarenheter och åsikter i ämnet. Vid analysen av våra resultat har vi jämfört utfallet i våra intervjuer med ledarskapslitteraturen, genom att göra en kritisk granskning. Resultat & Slutsats: Vi har kommit fram till att det finns ett visst samband mellan teori och empiri. Vi finner dock, med våra respondenter som stöd, att ledarskapslitteraturen är alltför förenklad. Verkliga situationer och motgångar är mycket mer komplexa än vad som kan beskrivas i en bok. Det krävs framförallt situationsanpassning, tydlighet och kommunikation från ledarnas sida för att de skall kunna hantera svåra situationer på bästa sätt. Den största nackdelen med att arbeta som ledare/chef är att det är ensamt på toppen. Uppsatsens bidrag: Vi anser att uppsatsen har bidragit med att förklara och ge goda exempel på praktiska situationer som beskriver hur ledare och chefer faktiskt hanterar sitt ledarskap, framförallt i svåra tider. Det är användbart för såväl framtidens nyutexaminerade ledare som för de ledare som strikt följer regelboken.
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Svårighet blir möjlighet : Skolbiblioteket som pedagogisk resurs för elever med läshinderDanielsson, Caroline January 2013 (has links)
Since reading difficulties is a growing problem in Society and a problem that hinders Children to take an active part in every day life, I wanted to investigate how the School Library can be an educational resource for students with reading difficulties. Using qualitative interviews, I have gained insight into how three school librarians and two teachers work with Students with reading difficulties at two different Schools.The Respondents feel that they have the Knowledge necessary to work with students with reading difficulties, but Wish they had more Resources in terms of Time and Staff to help Students achieve School Goals even better. There are always new assistive technology for Students with Reading Difficulties, and an important part of the Educational work of the School Library, is to be informed of the Facilities available and how they work. I show, in my Research the importance of cooperation between school libraries and teachers to provide the students with reading difficulties the love of reading and work to promote reading. It is important that the School Librarian is an integral part of the School's Team to take full advantage of every opportunity to help the Reading Impaired Students with Information and finding the right Reading Level. Other important aspects that I see as very important to help the Reading Impaired Students in their Reading Development, is that they are given a lot of time and a Peaceful and Stimulating Environment to read and learn in.
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"Mycket sorg, mycket tårar men ändå också väldigt mycket glädje" : - Att vara gruppledare i en stödgruppsverksamhet för föräldrar med kognitiva svårigheterLundberg, Maria, Skogh, Therése January 2013 (has links)
Vi har valt att undersöka en gruppverksamhet i Uppsala kommun, som riktar sig till föräldrar med kognitiva svårigheter. Vi vill i vår studie undersöka hur gruppledarna ser på gruppverksamheten, samt få ökad förståelse för hur de ser på sin roll som gruppledare. Vårt syfte med denna undersökning är också att försöka belysa hur föräldrarna har upplevt sitt deltagande i gruppverksamheten. Vi har gjort en kvalitativ studie där vi gjort intervjuer med de två gruppledarna. Vi har även fått ta del av ett utvärderingsformulär som föräldrarna fyllt i med hjälp av gruppledarna under det utvärderingssamtal som man hade efter gruppverksamhetens avslut. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna vi haft när vi analyserat vårt material är KASAM och socialkonstruktionism. Centrala begrepp i vår analys är tre perspektiv på funktionshinder: medicinskt perspektiv, socialt perspektiv och rättighetsperspektiv. Resultatet från vår studie visar på att gruppledarna inte haft någon specifik modell som de arbetat efter utan de har haft utgångspunkterna i barnens behov, bemötande, lyhördhet, dialog, trygg samvaro samt ha en öppenhet mot föräldrarnas önskemål och behov. Detta har resulterat i att gruppledarna upplever att en trygg relation har kunnat etableras med föräldrarna, en relation med förtroende. Detta innebär att föräldrarna fått ett ökat nätverk, både det formella och det informella har utökats. Även en förändring och positiv utveckling hos föräldrarnas personlighet samt föräldraskap märks enligt gruppledarna. Vår studie visar även på att föräldrarna fått mera kunskap om sin situation och en kunskap om sina rättigheter och var de kan vända sig i samhället. De är inte lika rädda för att ställa frågor när de inte vet eller förstår vissa sammanhang. Av vår analys av enkäten visar det att föräldrarna uppskattat att få träffa andra i liknande situation som de själva befinner sig. De skulle även rekommendera andra föräldrar att delta i gruppverksamhet. / We have chosen to conduct a study of one parenting group intervention in Uppsala kommun. The study addresses parents with cognitive difficulties. With this study, we want to examine the group leaders view at the group program, and to increase our understanding of how they view their role as group leaders. The purpose of this study is also to shed light on how the parents have experienced their participation in the group program. We have made a qualitative study where we conducted interviews with the two group leaders. We also had access to an evaluation form filled out by parents with the help of the group leaders during the final interview. The final interview was conducted after the completion of the group program. The theoretical perspectives we had when we analyzed our material is KASAM as well as a socialconstructionism. Key concepts in our analysis are three perspectives on disability: medical perspective, social perspective and rights perspective. The results of our study show that the group leaders had no specific model after which they worked. Instead the leaders have focused on children's needs, attitudes, responsiveness, dialogue, safe socializing skills as well as being open to the parents' wishes and needs. This has resulted in that the group leaders experience that a secure relationship has been established with the parents, a relationship of trust. This means that parents have expanded the width of their social networking; both the formal and informal networks have been expanded. Even a change and positive development of the parents' personality and their parenthood shows, according to the group leaders. Our study also shows that parents have more knowledge about their situation, knowledge of their rights and where they can turn in society. They are not as afraid to ask questions when they do not know or understand certain contexts. According to our analysis, the survey shows that parents appreciated being able to meet others in a similar situations. The parents would also recommend other parents to participate in parents group.
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Are Executive Function Difficulties Reported by Parents and Teachers Associated with Elevated Levels of Parenting Stress for Children Diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, with and without Oppositional Defiant Disorder?McLuckie, Alan 10 January 2012 (has links)
Parents raising children with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) experience high levels of parenting stress, especially when ADHD is accompanied by comorbid Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ADHD/ODD). Children with ADHD experience difficulties with their executive functions in such areas as inhibition control, working memory, and emotional regulation. Despite evidence linking ADHD with parenting stress, and ADHD with executive function difficulties (EFDs), there is little research exploring whether EFDs within an ADHD population are associated with parenting stress. This dissertation’s main objective is to determine whether parent-reported and teacher-reported childhood EFDs are associated with elevated levels of parenting stress. A secondary data analysis was completed on a cross-section of parent and teacher completed psychiatric assessment measures for children (n=243) diagnosed with ADHD. Measures included the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, the Conners’ Parent Rating Scale and the Parenting Stress Index, Long Form.
A number of important findings were produced; key of which was the finding that a strong association exists between parent-reported EFDs and Child Domain parenting stress. Consistent with prior ADHD research, difficulties with emotional control and inhibition were found to be potent predictors of Child Domain parenting stress. To a lesser degree, children’s difficulties with initiation and self-monitoring were associated with Child Domain parenting stress, suggesting that daily hassles pose challenges for parents, especially when the child attends a new school. Also important was the finding that parent-reported oppositionality partially mediated the relationship between EFDs with emotional control, inhibition and shift, and Child Domain parenting stress. Despite teachers’ reports that children displayed more severe behaviours than were reported by parents, teacher-reported EFDs were not significantly associated with Child Domain parenting stress, with a few exceptions. Although not a well-explored concept within the literature on ADHD and parenting stress, parental acceptance of the child emerged as source of Child Domain parenting stress and a potential focus for assessment and treatment. Findings from the current study suggest that early identification and intervention with emotional control difficulties and ODD are vital due to their strong association with clinically significant levels of Child Domain parenting stress.
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