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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die verteilte digitale Informatikbibliothek MeDoc

Müller, Andreas 10 February 1999 (has links)
Der Vortrag beschreibt Ziele,Projektorganisation, Architektur und Inhalte der durch das BMBF gefoerderten verteilten elektronischen Bibliothek MeDoc(Multimediale elektronische Documente). Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Beschreibung der Architektur des Gesamtsystems, insbesondere aus Sicht eines Nutzers von MeDoc. Weiterhin werden Geschaefts- und Lizenzmodelle diskutiert.

Open Access für die Digitale Bibliothek

Bürger, Thomas 16 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Im Internet hat die Wissensgesellschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts ihr Medium der Zukunft gefunden. Aus der historischen Perspektive der Aufklärung ist die Menschheit dem Ziel näher denn je, möglichst vielen Menschen ungehinderten Zugang zu Information und Wissen zu verschaffen.

Arquitetura da informação para biblioteca digital personalizável

Camargo, Liriane Soares de Araújo de [UNESP] 20 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2004-12-20Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:34:30Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 camargo_lsa_me_mar.pdf: 1081340 bytes, checksum: 71b1b3123a199009f3a753a56b15c86b (MD5) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / A recuperação e disseminação de informações no ambiente Web são dificuldades que existem atualmente, pois podem estar de forma desestruturada e desorganizada segundo um padrão aceito na área de organização, armazenamento e recuperação da informação. Alguns recursos que podem minimizar essas dificuldades são tanto bibliotecas digitais, que possuem acesso simultâneo e remoto às informações de forma eficiente, quanto serviço de personalização, que permite ao usuário uma interação personalizada baseada no seu perfil. O problema de prover esses recursos se encontra na onerosidade e dificuldade do processo de desenvolvimento desse tipo de biblioteca devido à grande quantidade de processos e elementos envolvidos em sua construção. Nesse contexto é proposta uma arquitetura da informação para bibliotecas digitais personalizáveis, que visa tratar dos seguintes problemas: escassez de literatura especializada sobre arquitetura da informação para bibliotecas digitais; falta de elementos tecnológicos e informacionais que possibilitem um acesso rápido e preciso à informação requerida; e pouca utilização de serviços de personalização de conteúdo e de interface para diversos tipos de usuários. Essa arquitetura é constituída de processos e elementos oriundos da área de Ciência da Informação e Ciência da Computação que são compartilhados pela maioria das bibliotecas digitais. Além disso, essa arquitetura contém elementos genéricos, que permitem flexibilidade para serem adaptados e modificados de acordo com as características de cada biblioteca digital. O objetivo da arquitetura proposta é auxiliar o desenvolvedor/projetista na construção de WebSites, principalmente em bibliotecas digitais personalizáveis de forma a satisfazer as necessidades dos usuários. Foi realizada uma análise dos processos e elementos que são mais utilizados e comuns a esse... / The recovery and dissemination of unstructured information of the Web environment are difficulties existing nowadays. Some resources which can minimize these difficulties are as digital libraries, which can have simultaneous and remote access to information in an efficient way, as personalization services, which provide a user personalized interaction based on its profile. The problem in providing such resources is the difficulty in developing digital libraries because of the number of elements and processes involved in its building. In this context, is proposed a information architecture for customizable digital libraries, which aims deals with the following problems: lack of specialized literature on information architectures for digital libraries; lack of technological elements and elements of information which allow a fast and accurate access to required information; and the lack of personalization services of content and interface for different kinds of users. This architecture is composed by processes and elements, from Information Science and Computer Science fields, that are share by most of digital libraries. Besides, this architecture contains generic elements, which allow flexibility to be adapted and modified according to the characteristics of each digital library. The aim of the proposed architecture is to help the developer in building Web sites and customizable digital libraries as well. To supplement the project, it was performed an evaluation of the processes and elements more used and common in this type of information unit, in this case: digital libraries. The results of this evaluation showed that the majority of the elements are used by digital libraries and are relevant to its build. This study is a descriptive research with theoretical and methodological approach of the Information Science field, performed by means of a study of bibliographical data... (Complete abstract, access undermentioned eletronic address)

CompetÃncias Informacionais dos Alunos dos Cursos a DistÃncia da UNOPAR no Uso da Biblioteca Digital / Information literacy of the pupils of the courses in the distance of the UNOPAR in digital library

Vilma Aparecida Gimenes da Cruz 29 November 2007 (has links)
nÃo hà / Este estudo sobre as competÃncias informacionais dos alunos dos cursos a distÃncia da UNOPAR no uso da Biblioteca Digital parte da constataÃÃo de que a sociedade em que vivemos tem como principal caracterÃstica a disponibilizaÃÃo de um grande fluxo de informaÃÃes por meio das tecnologias de comunicaÃÃo e informaÃÃo, e verifica que essa informaÃÃo precisa ser identificada, acessada e assimilada de forma a contribuir com o processo de aprendizagem dos estudantes. Situa, nesse cenÃrio, o papel das bibliotecas digital na organizaÃÃo e disseminaÃÃo da informaÃÃo com a preocupaÃÃo de otimizar os seus recursos tecnolÃgicos e humanos de forma rÃpida e eficiente alcanÃando um nÃmero extremante elevado de usuÃrios ao mesmo tempo. Ressalta, portanto, a importante funÃÃo das bibliotecas digitais, consideradas ferramentas essenciais nos cursos a distÃncia, para permitir que as informaÃÃes disponÃveis sejam assimiladas e transformadas em novos conhecimentos e colaborando com o desenvolvimento de habilidades e competÃncias necessÃrios ao aprendiz autÃnomo, independente e responsÃvel. Tem como objetivo constatar se os alunos dos cursos a distÃncia oferecidos pela UNOPAR, ao fazerem uso da Biblioteca Digital, desenvolvem essas competÃncias, utilizando-se dos padrÃes de competÃncia informanional (information literacy) apresentados pela American Library Association, disponÃveis na literatura, para avaliar, gerenciar e usar a informaÃÃo disponÃvel nos objetos digitais que compÃem o acervo dessa biblioteca. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como um estudo exploratÃrio, utilizando-se de amostragem que pode ser considerada nÃo-probabilÃstica, acidental ou aleatÃria, na escolha dos seus respondentes no universo dos estudantes matriculados, uma vez que foram considerados, para efeito de anÃlise dos dados, apenas os questionÃrios respondidos dentre aqueles enviados a toda a populaÃÃo de estudantes do Sistema Presencial conectado da UNOPAR. A coleta de dados foi realizada mediante de um questionÃrio, disponibilizado em um site de acesso restrito ao estudante garantindo-se que sua identidade nÃo fosse identificada em nenhum momento do processo de coleta de dados, preservando-se dessa forma, o sigilo quanto as suas respostas e o seu anonimato. A abordagem de anÃlise foi qualitativa e quantitativa. Os resultados do estudo permitem afirmar que os estudantes demonstram ter desenvolvido as competÃncias informacionais estabelecidas nos 22 indicadores constantes dos cinco padrÃes propostos pela ALA na literatura da Ãrea sobre competÃncia informacional. / This study about the information literacy of students from distance courses of UNOPAR in has the main characteristic of availability of a big flow of information through the technologies and information, it verifies that this information needs to be identified, advised and assimilated in such a way to contribute with the learning process of students. Situating, in this scene, the function of digital libraries in the organization of information with the concern in turning great the technological and human resources in a fast and efficient way reaching a high number of users at the same time. It highlights, however, the important function of digital libraries, considered essential tools in distance courses, to permit the availability of information and its assimilation, changing it in the new knowledges and contributing to the development of abilities and necessary competences to the autonomous learner also, independent and responsible. Its goal is to observe if the students of distance course offered by UNOPAR, when using the Digital Library, develop these competences, using the standarts of informative competence (information literacy) presented by American Library Association, available in literature to evaluate manage and use the available information in digital objects which compose the collection of this library. The research characterizes itself as an explore study, using sample which can be considered non-probabilistic, accidental or arbitrary in the choice of its answers in the universe of enrolled students, once they were considered, as an effect of data analyse just the answered questionnaires among those which where sent to all the population of students in the Connected Presence Learning System of UNOPAR. The collection of data was accomplished using a questionnaire, available in a web site of restricted access to the student giving him/her guarantee that his/her identity is not going to be identified at any time of collecting data process, protecting in this way the secrecy of his/her answers and his/her anonymity. The approach of analyse was qualitative and quantitative. The results of studies permit to claim that the students demonstrated a development in informative competences established in the 22 constant indicators from 5 proposed standarts by ALA in the literature of area about information literary.

Understanding user acceptance of Digital Library

Kaviani, Maryamsadat, Farmahini Farahani, Esmaeil January 2011 (has links)
The use of Digital library has grown considerably past two decades. Using new tech-nology effectively depends on acceptance for that technology, which in turn would be affected by users’ perception of that technology’s usefulness and ease of use. Research on "usable" digital library shows that potential users of digital libraries may not use it, in spite of the system availability and the millions of dollars that have been spent. There is a need to identify external factors which has an affect users’ intention of using this system.

Geração automática de metadados: uma contribuição para a Web semântica. / Automatic metadata generation: a contribution to the semantic Web.

Ferreira, Eveline Cruz Hora Gomes 05 April 2006 (has links)
Esta Tese oferece uma contribuição na área de Web Semântica, no âmbito da representação e indexação de documentos, definindo um Modelo de geração automática de metadados baseado em contexto, a partir de documentos textuais na língua portuguesa, em formato não estruturado (txt). Um conjunto teórico amplo de assuntos ligados à criação de ambientes digitais semântico também é apresentado. Conforme recomendado em SemanticWeb.org, os documentos textuais aqui estudados foram automaticamente convertidos em páginas Web anotadas semanticamente, utilizando o Dublin Core como padrão para definição dos elementos de metadados, e o padrão RDF/XML para representação dos documentos e descrição dos elementos de metadados. Dentre os quinze elementos de metadados Dublin Core, nove foram gerados automaticamente pelo Modelo, e seis foram gerados de forma semi-automática. Os metadados Description e Subject foram os que necessitaram de algoritmos mais complexos, sendo obtidos através de técnicas estatísticas, de mineração de textos e de processamento de linguagem natural. A finalidade principal da avaliação do Modelo foi verificar o comportamento dos documentos convertidos para o formato RDF/XML, quando estes foram submetidos a um processo de recuperação de informação. Os elementos de metadados Description e Subject foram exaustivamente avaliados, uma vez que estes são os principais responsáveis por apreender a semântica de documentos textuais. A diversidade de contextos, a complexidade dos problemas relativos à língua portuguesa, e os novos conceitos introduzidos pelos padrões e tecnologias da Web Semântica, foram alguns dos fortes desafios enfrentados na construção do Modelo aqui proposto. Apesar de se ter utilizado técnicas não muito novas para a exploração dos conteúdos dos documentos, não se pode ignorar que os elementos inovadores introduzidos pela Web Semântica ofereceram avanços que possibilitaram a obtenção de resultados importantes nesta Tese. Como demonstrado aqui, a junção dessas técnicas com os padrões e tecnologias recomendados pela Web Semântica pode minimizar um dos maiores problemas da Web atual, e uma das fortes razões para a implementação da Web Semântica: a tendência dos mecanismos de busca de inundarem os usuários com resultados irrelevantes, por não levarem em consideração o contexto específico desejado pelo usuário. Dessa forma, é importante que se dê continuidade aos estudos e pesquisas em todas as áreas relacionadas à implementação da Web Semântica, dando abertura para que sistemas de informação mais funcionais sejam projetados / This Thesis offers a contribution to the Semantic Web area, in the scope of the representation and indexing of documents, defining an Automatic metadata generation model based on context, starting from textual documents not structured in the Portuguese language. A wide theoretical set of subjects related to the creation of semantic digital environments is also presented. As recommended in SemanticWeb.org, the textual documents studied here were automatically converted to Web pages written in semantic format, using Dublin Core as standard for definition of metadata elements, and the standard RDF/XML for representation of documents and description of the metadata elements. Among the fifteen Dublin Core metadata elements, nine were automatically generated by the Model, and six were generated in a semiautomatic manner. The metadata Description and Subject were the ones that required more complex algorithms, being obtained through statistical techniques, text mining techniques and natural language processing. The main purpose of the evaluation of the Model was to verify the behavior of the documents converted to the format RDF/XML, when these were submitted to an information retrieval process. The metadata elements Description and Subject were exhaustively evaluated, since these are the main ones responsible for learning the semantics of textual documents. The diversity of contexts, the complexity of the problems related to the Portuguese language, and the new concepts introduced by the standards and technologies of the Semantic Web, were some of the great challenges faced in the construction of the Model here proposed. In spite of having used techniques which are not very new for the exploration and exploitation of the contents of the documents, we cannot ignore that the innovative elements introduced by the Web Semantic have offered improvements that made possible the obtention of important results in this Thesis. As demonstrated here, the joining of those techniques with the standards and technologies recommended by the Semantic Web can minimize one of the largest problems of the current Web, and one of the strong reasons for the implementation of the Semantic Web: the tendency of the search mechanisms to flood the users with irrelevant results, because they do not take into account the specific context desired by the user. Therefore, it is important that the studies and research be continued in all of the areas related to the Semantic Web?s implementation, opening the door for more functional systems of information to be designed.

Author Disambiguation in the Domain of Scholarly Literature / Author Disambiguation in the Domain of Scholarly Literature

Krygielová, Magdaléna January 2013 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá desambiguací autorů v databázích odborné literatury. Z důvodu nejednoznačnosti jmen autorů se v těchto databázích vyskytují problémy s přisuzováním autorství publikací a tím spojenou analýzou citací, vlivu autorů apod.  Tato práce se zabývá otázkou odhadu správného počtu autorů a zkoumá možnosti použití již existujících služeb. Součástí této práce je návrh metody pro desambiguaci autorů. Tato metoda byla implementována a evaluována v rámci systému CORE.

Assessing the prospects of digitisation at the University of Ghana Library System (UGLS)

Sewe, Kwesi Babipina January 2016 (has links)
The basic aim of this mini-dissertation was to explore the prospects of digitisation at the University of Ghana Library System (UGLS). The research followed a qualitative approach and a case study research design was adopted. A thorough literature study was conducted. The primary purpose of the literature was to inform the research on the questions and objectives raised on the aspects of digitisation to understand the dynamics and complexity of digitisation. Six staff from the UGLS digitisation programme were purposively sampled for in-depth interviews for their direct involvement in the UGLS digitisation programme. Semi-structured interviews were then conducted with UGLS digitisation managers and the current IT and digitisation operations staff to collect data. During the interviews, the following issues associated with digitisation were addressed: policy, planning, goals and priorities, selection criteria, skills and expertise, digital preservation and long-term access, issues and challenges; solutions and recommendations to digitisation constraints of the UGLS. These issues were used to identify and develop themes where thematic analyses of research data were done. Specific recommendations were also develop to share with UGLS to address the digitisation policy and planning issues, selection issues, human resource and skills requirements; the critical challenges, resource requirements, long-term preservation and access of digitised content and the sustainability of digitisation programme. Final recommendations were made based on the findings and conclusions of the research to advise on the sustainability of the UGLS digitisation programme. / Mini Dissertation (MIT)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Information Science / MIT / Unrestricted

Möglichkeiten des neuen WWW-Standards XML

Kreulich, Klaus 28 October 1998 (has links)
Overview about the use of XML; New possibilities for Digital Libraries; Introduction to basic concepts of XML and SGML

Making Digital Libraries Flexible, Scalable and Reliable: Reengineering the MARIAN System in JAVA

Zhao, Jianxin 09 July 1999 (has links)
There is a great need for digital libraries that are flexible, scalable, and reliable. Few such systems exist. Little is known about how to build them. This thesis addresses these problems by enhancing a prototype digital library system with the aim of making it more flexible, scalable, and reliable. We hypothesize that: 1) adding a new (user information) layer and maintaining weak coupling in the design of a digital library system can help achieve system flexibility; 2) optimizing network connection usage and facilitating distribution of computation and disk operations in system design can help achieve system scalability; and 3) applying good software processes can help university students produce a very reliable system. Approaches based on the above hypothesis were used in the project of Reengineering the MARIAN System in Java. The results of the project and experiments verified the correctness of the hypothesis. The results of this thesis may help inform future digital library design and implementation projects to produce flexible, scalable, and reliable systems. / Master of Science

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