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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of Remote Work on Performance Monitoring

Gustavsson, Robert, Söderlund, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to examine how the shift from analog to remote work, as a result of digitalization, has affected performance monitoring in organizations and impacted management control systems. Earlier studies within the subject show that a shift results in a reduction in performance monitoring or that classical performance monitoring are replaced with electronic performance monitoring (EPM). In order to examine how performance monitoring changes as a result of the shift and if management control has gotten tighter or looser, this thesis has been based on four semi-structured interviews that were held with managers from three different Swedish organizations. The shift to remote work shows tendencies of a loosening of control in the organizations and to compensate for the loss, managers have implemented different Electronic Performance Monitoring (EPM) systems. The most common EPM systems implemented were video meetings, but other EPM systems were also implemented such as online monitoring. But managers still experience an overall loosening of control as a result of the shift to remote work. Trust seems to be a factor that becomes more important as a result of the shift and seems to have a mitigating effect on the degree of EPM systems the managers choose to implement.

Jordbruk som innovationsnätverk : Hur påverkar närhet och distans innovationen?

Sjögren, Henry, Embaye, Elias January 2021 (has links)
As society moves towards being more and more digitalised, so does agriculture as well. Hopefully these digital tools will help us reach environmental goals through optimizing the use of resources in the agricultural sector. However, there are a few barriers to overcome for the digital transition to run smoothly. This thesis investigates a small portion of the agricultural innovation network in Sweden. This is done through multiple interviews and literary research. We can clearly see how this innovation network during the last decades has moved towards becoming more knowledge centered and how the model triple helix now easily can be applied to the network. The network is then analysed using Ron Boschma’s five proximity factors and it becomes clear that concerning the agricultural innovation network, the cognitive and institutional proximity is of great importance for the innovational strength. It also becomes clear that the different proximity factors seldom act alone, but instead build upon each other to increase the negative respectively positive outcomes. Moreover it is shown that regarding the agricultural innovation network in Sweden, it can only benefit from improving the proximity factors, which is different from other types of industries.

Technické obrazy v kontextu umění nových médií / Technical Images in Context of New Media Art

Skotáková, Linda January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Technical images in context of new media art" is focused on the topic of technical images in the gallery environment and their position in the broader context of new media art. The text is divided in five chapters, which describe technological constitution of both moving and statical images, their impact on traditional conception of genres in art, authorship and our concept of an artwork as original. The thesis will analyze the relationship between the perceiving person and technical images and related topics of interpretation and interactivity in new media art. In the first part the definition of a technical image and its kinds will be described as well as the question of frame in connection with specific relationships between image and digital technologies. Second part of the thesis concentrates on means of expression of technical images, their genre classification and ways of perceiving image itself. Theoretical points of the thesis will be accompanied by practical examples of artworks presented at the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Prague in past two years. Key words: technical image, frame, digitalization, genre, original, image perception

Human rights news in professional and citizen media : Comparative content analysis of Global Voices, The Guardian and Al-Jazeera

Razaityte, Vaida January 2017 (has links)
The thesis aims to analyse how human rights issues are reported by different types of transnational media channels – professional and citizen. More specifically, the human rights related articles published during 2016 in citizen media website Global Voices and two mainstream media channels – The Guardian and Al-jazeera English are analysed in a quantitative way and compared. The key focus of the analysis is drawn on theories about human rights representation in media, continuum of professionalism in the period of digitisation and globalisation of news. The quantitative content analysis helped to determine that there are more similarities in human rights representation in terms of content of information, than in the tools which are chosen to present human rights.

The root causes of the gender digital divide and its consequences on the adoption and use of app-based climate warning systems in rural India

Becker, Vera Antonia January 2020 (has links)
In the wake of climate change to provide timely information is a must to ensure that the most vulnerable people are protected, and development gains secured. Particularly in agriculture and food security, providing information on time is vital to secure people’s livelihoods. Many actors in the development and humanitarian field have therefor adapted seemingly neutral technologies in their programs to ensure localised and timely information. However, passive technologies are actively implemented into intersecting local power dynamics. Gender among race, class, ethnicity and caste is an essential determinant of the access to power and resources. In India, women contribute up to 80 per cent of the work in rural settings if accounting for care work and unpaid labour on the family farm. However, women are also significantly less likely to own and operate a smartphone or generally benefit from the digitalisation process as they lack digital skills. This study explores the root causes of this disadvantage, detangling economic and social drivers through qualitative expert interviews. Primarily, it investigates the importance of social norms as the main driver. The interviews were analysed through thematic coding with the program Atlas.ti. The results strongly indicated that gender norms lead to the minimisation of women’s contributions in the rural economy while reverting their existences to their reproductive functions. Economic barriers, such as economic dependency, meanwhile can be primarily attributed to strict social norms rather than being own determents of inequality. The financial dependency then again leads to structural imbalances which consequentially solidifies already existing marginalisation’s. While India in recent decades has not needed mayor humanitarian interventions, the learnings from this study are equally applicable in the humanitarian setting as technology important. Technology is not neutral or passively adapted. Only when interventions combine their work with gender-sensitivity measures, it can reach the ones most in need. On the other hand, if programs lack to consider these implications, their programs the interventions are not gender-neutral but solidified inequalities and power imbalances. In the last sections, I, therefore, provided recommendations on how to make a technology-based intervention more gender-inclusive. These recommendations are easily adaptable and applicable to other fields of intervention.

Chief Digital Officer - Framgångsrecept för digital transformation?

Jörgner, Klara, Gärdebäck, Greta January 2019 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka hur Chief Digital Officer (CDO) arbetar med digital transformation inom den offentliga sektorn. Den forskningsstrategi som har tillämpats i uppsatsen är fallstudie, eftersom att studiens syfte var att undersöka och analysera en specifik roll på djupet. Studien har en kvalitativ karaktär där en fenomenologisk ansats har applicerats då studien tar sin utgångspunkt från flera CDO:s erfarenheter och upplevelser. Studiens datainsamling har bestått av inhämtning av befintlig forskning från vetenskapliga källor och intervjuer. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fem respondenter, som besitter rollen som CDO i en svensk kommun, för att samla in kvalitativ data som utgjorde studiens empiriska material. En av intervjuerna genomfördes med ett frågeformulär som skickades till respondenten via mail. De slutsatser som har kunnat dras utifrån studiens undersökning är att valet av en CDO till största del grundas i personens erfarenheter och delvis i kommunens behov av digital transformation. Det har konstaterats att det är till CDO:s fördel att placeras nära det högst beslutande organet inom kommunen samt att rollen som CDO innebär att agera förändringsledare. Rollens framtid, inom offentlig verksamhet, är oviss då det finns aspekter som pekar på både dess utveckling och avveckling. / The study aims to investigate how the role of the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) adapts the work with digital transformation in the public sector. The research strategy that has been applied in the thesis is case study, since the purpose of the study was to investigate and analyze a specific role. The study is qualitative in which a phenomenological approach has been applied since the study is based on several CDOs’ own experiences. The collection of data has been carried out by existing research from scientific sources and by collecting empirical material from the chosen respondents through semi-structured interviews. One of the interviews was conducted through a mail conversation. All the respondents possessed the role of a CDO in a Swedish municipality. The conclusion that can be made from the study is that the choice of the CDO is largely based on the person’s experiences and partly the municipality’s requirements for digital transformation. It has also been found that it is an advantage for the CDO to be placed close to the decision-maker in the municipality and the role implies to act as a change leader. The future of the role, in the public sector, is unpredictable as there are aspects that point to both its development and settlement.

Cost effective and sustainable grocery shopping

Andersson, Oscar, Lundow, Erik January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the study is to see if a digital tool can combine the benefits of shopping online, with the perks of purchasing groceries in a physical store. Previous research in the area has found that grocery shopping online isn’t growing at the same pace as normal retail shopping online. The previous studies have narrowed this down to mainly being because consumers want the touch, feel and inspect groceries with an expiry date. Previous research has also found that consumers don’t want to wait for the delivery of groceries, and that some consumers consider the process of walking around in a grocery store relaxing and enjoyable. There’s also been previous research made around the concept of cross-shopping, something this study made use of, as well as consumers' different transportation methods in conjunction with shopping.The study first conducted a survey, which gathered input from 140 consumers, from different demographics. The survey was aimed to be used as a foundation for the app that was developed. The initial survey was also inline with both the hypothesis of the researchers, as well as previous work in the area. The app was then pushed out as an alpha release to 16 testers, who gave their input on what was working well, what wasn’t working, and which features they could see giving a better experience. Already here, the result was positive, showing several good effects of the app, with a vast majority of users both finding it useful and money saving. Based on the input gathered from the alpha testing, the app was further developed and pushed out in a beta release to three testers of different age groups, with whom more in-depth interviews were conducted. The main purpose of the interviews was to get an overview of how different generations used the application and if it changed their behavior somehow while testing it. 75% of the Alpha testers responded that they managed to save money while testing the app and 95% felt that it had in some form helped them plan their grocery shopping. The beta interviews showed a shift in store loyalty and a change for the better in their shopping behaviour. Features such as collaborative shopping lists were shown to be very useful during the COVID-19 pandemic as it helped families carrying out the shopping for their elders. Participants also stated that the app helped them become more conscious about both cost and the environmental effects their shopping can have.The data gathered from the surveys and interviews indicate that a majority of consumers are more interested in features that involve planning and price comparing and not so much the buying or ordering of products itself. A digital tool developed for grocery shopping should focus on being a part of a consumers shopping journey and not replace it. Key features that this study has deemed to be essential are primarily the ability to create and share shopping lists containing real time information from handpicked stores and displayal of promotions and price comparison in a highlighted manner.

En auktorisation i förändring? : En studie av hur nya arbetssätt i branschen påverkar den auktoriserade redovisningskonsulten / An authorization in change? : A study of how new working methods in the professions affect the authorized accounting consulant

Hedenberg, Marianne, Edvardsson, Annelie January 2020 (has links)
Sedan början av 2000-talet kan man bli auktoriserad redovisningskonsult genom Srf konsulterna eller FAR. Syftet med auktorisationen är att höja kompetensen i branschen. Det har dock visat sig att det finns många olika åsikter och uppfattningar om auktorisationen för redovisningskonsulterna. Frågor och farhågor har på senare tid kommit upp om den kommer att finnas kvar, och om den ger något mervärde. Har auktorisationen helt enkelt spelat ut sin roll, eller står den inför samma förändringar som branschen gör. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka dels vilken inverkan som förändringarna i branschen får på yrkets auktorisation, och hur redovisningskonsultens yrkesutövning påverkas av de förändrade arbetssätten. För att uppfylla studiens syfte valdes metoden att använda en webbaserad enkät.  Frågorna i enkäten var tänkta att mäta de hypoteser som var uppsatta i studien, och som var kopplade till de två frågeställningar som studien var tänkt att ge svar på. Frågorna i enkäten hade till syfte att ta reda på hur betydelsefull respondenterna ansåg att auktorisationen är idag, kommer den vara betydelsefull även i framtiden och tror de att auktorisationen är viktig för deras kunder. De fick även svara på om de såg någon förändring i sin yrkesroll/arbetsuppgifter, om kunskapskraven ökat, och om de ansåg att kvalitén på deras arbete förändrats, sedan de börjat arbeta som redovisningskonsult och vad de i så fall trodde att den berodde på. De tillfrågade fick även svara på om de ansåg att kundernas krav, förväntningar och efterfrågan ökat sedan revisionsplikten avskaffades.  Sammanfattningsvis verkar det som att auktorisationen har mindre betydelse för kunderna än vad den har för branschen. Digitaliseringen har haft stor påverkan på redovisningsyrket, och kunskapskraven har ökat. Dock verkar avskaffandet av revisorsplikten inte inneburit någon större påverkan på varken kundernas krav eller efterfrågan på redovisningskonsulternas tjänster. Studien visade även att de som hade arbetat längst logiskt nog också såg mer förändringar än de som arbetat kortare tid. / Since the beginning of the 2000s, you can now become an authorized accounting consultant through the Srf konsulterna or FAR. The purpose of the authorization is to increase competence in the profession. However, it has been found that there are many different opinions and perceptions about the authorization of the accounting consultants. Questions and fears have recently arisen if it will remain and if it adds any value. Has the authorization simply played its part, or is it facing the same changes as the profession is making. The purpose of this study was to examine both the impact of changes the profession get for the authorization, and how the accounting consultant profession is affected by the changing ways of working. In order to fulfill the purpose of the study, the method was chosen to use a web-based questionnaire. The questions in the survey were intended to measure the hypotheses that were set up in the study, and which were linked to the two questions that the study was intended to answer. The questionnaire aimed to find out how important the respondents felt that the authorization is today, will it be important in the future and if they believed that the authorization is important for their customers. They also had to answer if they saw any change in their profession/duties, if the proficiency had increased, and if they felt that the quality of their work had changed since they started to work as an accounting consultant and what they thought it was due to. The respondents also had to answer if they felt that customers' requirements, expectations and demand had increased since the audit duty was abolished. In summary, it seems that authorization is of less importance to customers than it is to the profession. Digitalization has had a major impact on the accounting profession, and proficiency have increased. However, the abolition of the auditor's duty does not appear to have had a major impact on neither the customer's requirements nor the demand for the accounting consultants' services. The study also showed that those who had worked the longest logically also saw more change than those who had worked for less time

Vad menas med begreppet digitalisering? : En kvalitativ fallstudie om digitalisering och dess effekter inom fastighetsbranschen / What does the term digitalisation mean? : A qualitative case study on digitalisation and its effects in the real estate industry

Li, Ailina January 2022 (has links)
Fastighetsbranschen har generellt sett inte varit i samma digitala utvecklingsfas som hos andra branscher. Implementering av digitala teknologier har gått mycket långsammare. Sedan Covid-19 pandemins intåg har fastighetsbolagen behövt utveckla digital teknologi i en betydligt snabbare takt. Fler företagsledare framhåller att de satsar på digitalisering, men enligt tidigare studier är det lätt hänt att begreppet förväxlas med digitisering. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad fastighetsbolagen menar med begreppet digitalisering och varför de har valt att digitalisera. Studien kommer även att titta på möjliga effekter digitaliseringen kan ha inom fastighetsbranschen. Denna studie har genomförts med intervjuer av fem fastighetsbolag i Sverige. Resultatet visar att inte alla fastighetsbolag delar samma uppfattning av begreppet digitalisering. Fyra av de fem tillfrågade bolagen har samma uppfattning och strävar efter att uppnå faserna digitalisering och digital transformation. De ser nyttan i digitaliseringen som är att utveckla affären genom förbättrade digitala kundupplevelser. För att lyckas med digitaliseringen betonar de att digital transformation behövs. En annan uppfattning hade respondenten från det privatägda bostadsbolaget som likställer digitalisering med digitisering. Respondenten menar att digitalisering inte är något nytt, utan bolagen har hela tiden arbetat med detta som är att ständigt förbättra verksamheten genom tekniken. På frågan varför fastighetsbolagen valt att digitalisera är digital teknologi och förändrade digitala kundbeteenden de främsta externa incitamenten. Utifrån tidigare studier och respondenternas svar verkar digitalisering kunna komplettera fastighetsbranschens affärsprocesser. Digitalisering kan öka effektivitet och minska kostnader, öka transparens, påskynda transaktionsprocesser, minimera risker samt bidra till minskad klimatavtryck i branschen. / The real estate industry has generally not been in the same digital development phase as other industries. Implementation of digital technologies has been much slower. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, real estate companies have needed to develop digital technology at a much faster pace, which has further increased the pressure to perform digitally. More business leaders emphasize that they are investing in digitalisation, however it is easy for the term to be confused with digitization. So what do real estate companies mean by the term digitalisation? There are no previous studies that examine what real estate companies mean by the term or what incentives are behind it. Hence, the purpose of this study is to investigate what real estate companies mean by the term digitalisation and why they have chosen to digitalise. The study will also look at possible effects digitalisation may have in the real estate industry. This study was conducted with interviews of five real estate companies in Sweden. The results show that not all real estate companies share the same view about the term digitalisation. Four of the five companies surveyed have the same opinion and strive to achieve the phases of digitalisation and digital transformation. They see benefits in digitalisation which is to develop the business through improved digital customer experiences. To succeed with digitalisation, they emphasize that digital transformation is needed. The respondent at the privately owned housing company had a different view of the concept and equates digitalisation with digitization. The respondent believes that digitalisation is not something new, the companies have always worked with this, which is to constantly improve operations through technology. When asked why real estate companies have chosen to digitalise, digital technology and changing digital customer behavior are the main external incentives. Based on previous studies and the respondents' answers, digitalisation seems to be able to complement the real estate industry's business processes. Digitalisation can increase efficiency and reduce costs, increase transparency, speed up transaction processes, minimize risks and contribute to reducing the climate footprint in the industry.

Reproduced Reality: Cultural Artifacts and the Value of Original in the Age of Photogrammetric Reproduction

Manning, Lachlan January 2022 (has links)
Amongst its innumerable effects on society, the proliferation of digital media has transformed the institution of art, with new forms and channels of digital content delivery allowing unprecedented levels of reproducibility. This reproducibility has allowed artworks and artifacts to be copied, shared, and experienced in a multitude of new ways, often far beyond the original artist’s intentions or expectations.  Contemporary technologies such as advanced 3D object rendering, photogrammetry and Virtual Reality have established a new era of reproduction beyond simplistic image replication. This new era has not only revolutionised the artwork itself, but also the relationship between the viewers of art and the original piece, or the aura. The power of reproduction through digital media has even allowed the complete simulation of traditional spaces for art themselves, as seen in the growth of entirely digital museums and digital art galleries.  As an ever-increasing number of museums are joining the trend of digitising and releasing objects in their collections online, and with existing literature mainly focused on 2D image-based reproduction, but not the affordances brought by photogrammetry and 3D replication technology, this study will explore how the new possibilities inherent to these technologies challenge prior research on digital aura within art galleries.  By contributing to the body of Walter Benjamin scholarship, and building from previous research by Ding (2017), this thesis is centred around exploring a case study of a group of Swedish museums who have begun digitising artifacts in their collection through photogrammetry and freely releasing them to the public online.

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