Spelling suggestions: "subject:"digitalization."" "subject:"digitalizations.""
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Den digitala banken : En studie om digitaliseringens inverkan på kundnöjdhet / The digital bank : A study about the impact of digitalization on customer satisfactionWennergren, Victor, Simon, Harnesk January 2020 (has links)
Banksektorn har genomgått omfattande förändringar till följd av digitaliseringens framväxt. Ett bredare utbud av differentierade produkter har möjliggjort för konsumenter att utföra vardagliga bankärenden på egen hand. Detta har resulterat i att alltfler bankkontor stängs ner då det inte längre genererar samma lönsamhet, något som i sin tur reducerat den fysiska interaktionen mellan banker och deras konsumenter. Att produkter och tjänster blivit digitala har inneburit konsekvenser för banksektorn då det fysiska mötet utgjort en central del för konsumenters kundnöjdhet. Ett bredare utbud av differentierade produkter och tjänster har bidragit till en ökad komplexitet där avsaknaden av kompetens med hänsyn till datorer och teknik har påverkat konsumenters attityd till digitala produkter och tjänster. Då fysisk interaktion förekommer mer sällan är det avgörande för banker att utforma produkter och tjänster utefter konsumenternas behov. Då konsumenters beteendemönster tenderar att utvecklas i samma takt som digitaliseringen är det avgörande för banker att ha en förståelse om huruvida konsumenters attityd i relation till digitala produkter uppfattas samt bredda en förståelse om konsumenternas upplevelse med hänsyn till nya banktjänster. Då kundupplevelsen utgör grunden för kundnöjdhet är det betydelsefullt för banker att leverera en god upplevelse genom att möta kundens behov. Studien ämnade undersöka digitaliseringens inverkan på svenska bankkunders kundnöjdhet. Genom att studera detta var förhoppningen att få en bredare förståelse om huruvida svenska bankkunder upplever att digitaliseringen inverkat på deras kundnöjdhet. Studien tog avstamp i en tvärsnittsdesign med ett deduktivt tillvägagångssätt. Studiens datainsamling grundar sig i en kvantitativ metod och har genomförts genom en enkätundersökning i förhoppning om att nå en stor mängd respondenter. Antalet respondenter som deltog i studien uppgick till 241 där samtliga blev kontaktade via sociala medier. En regressionsanalys har använts för att studera sambandsmönster mellan studiens beroende-, oberoende- samt kontrollvariabler. Studiens teoretiska referensram utgörs av kundnöjdhet, digitalisering, TAMmodellen samt kundupplevelse. TAM-modellen samt kundupplevelse utgör i denna studie grunden för att närma sig ett svar kring hur digitaliseringen inverkat på svenska bankkunders kundnöjdhet. Med utgångpunkt i dessa två teorier framgick det att digitaliseringens inte haft någon negativ inverkan på kundnöjdhet men att det istället effektiviserat konsumenters sätt att uträtta bankärenden. Vidare framgår det av studiens resultat att upplevelse i allmänhet är en bidragande faktor till en högre grad av kundnöjdhet. / The banking sector has undergone extensive changes as a result of the growth of digitalisation. A wider range of differentiated products has made it possible to for consumers to carry out everyday banking on their own with no need for physical interaction with the bank. As a result of this, bank branches have been closed as it no longer generates the same profitability. Due to this, there has been a reduction in the physical interaction between bank and customers. The fact that products and services has become digital has had consequences for the banking sector as the physical meeting has been a key part of customer satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of digitalization on customer satisfaction. The study was conducted using a cross sectional design with a deductive approach. The study’s data collection is based on a quantitative method and has been carried out through a digital survey. The data was analysed by a regression analysis to identify possible relationships between the studies variables. The results of this study show that digitalization does not have a negative impact on customer satisfaction.
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Om mätbara individer : En studie om Digitaliseringens påverkan på människanLilje, Fabian, Rask, Sofie January 2020 (has links)
I detta kandidatarbete tar vi upp om kopplingen mellan digitaliseringen och mätbarhet samt dess konsekvenser på den individuella människan, vilket vi sedan anpassat och implementerat i ett digitalt spel för att öppna upp för diskussion angående ämnet. Critical design är ett huvudfokus för vårt kandidatarbete för att kunna lyckas skapa diskussion och uppmana spelaren till att tänka på sina handlingar. I texten beskriver vi även hur spelet utvecklats, från idé och koncept, genom produktionsfasen fram till hur slutprodukten blev till. Vidare har vi även intervjuat för att se hur spelet samt dess kopplingar med digitalisering och mätbarhet uppfattades. Till detta ändamål kombinerades observationer, kvalitativa intervjuer, kvantitativa data och meningskoncentrering. Slutresultatet var inte riktigt som vi förväntat oss, digitaliseringen var inte så starkt representerad som vi hade hoppats på men mätbarhet och stress var det dock. Som avslutning följs det en diskussion kring vad som kunde ha förändrats samt vad framtida projekt skulle kunna ta lärdomar av. / In this bachelor thesis we address the connection between digitalization and measurability and its consequences on the individual, which we have adapted and implemented into a digital game to open up for a discussion about the subject. Critical Design is a main focus for our bachelor thesis in order to succeed with creating a discussion and challenge the players to think about their actions. In the text we also describe how the game was developed, from idea and concept, through the production phase up until the final product. Furthermore we’ve also performed interviews to understand how the game and its connections with digitalization and measurability was perceived. For this purpose, observations, qualitative interviews, quantitative data and sentence concentrating were combined. The end result wasn’t as we had imagined, digitizing wasn’t as strongly represented as we had hoped for but measurability and stress were. Lastly we’ll have a discussion about what could’ve changed and also what future projects could learn from this project.
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Operational technology definition and differentiation : In the context of operational systems in SwedenNyqvist, Jennifer January 2020 (has links)
ICS, short for Industrial Control Systems, can be a part of the electrical and water supplies among others, which are important instances for society. This all resides in the realm of Operational technology, abbreviation OT. Due to technological development, Information Technology i.e. IT is introduced and merged into the realm of industrial systems, because of society’s increasing dependencies on digital infrastructures and services.ICS and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are rather well known and reputable. In the realm of OT, there’s a range of different systems, and ICS itself encompasses a range of process automation technologies, such as SCADA systems and Distributed Control Systems (DCS) among others.This paper aims to try to define and differentiate a distinct boundary of systems without any connection to IT and can be considered purely OT, if they exist at all. This by conducting an interview with people working for governmental agencies with an eminent amount of experience in the realm of OT. What kind of systems are currently in operation today that don’t fit into the realm of ICS, do they exist at all and how do they work?The definition and differentiation of OT may indicate a subset of systems and components, and terminologies of systems in the OT-realm are misused, indicating a lack of insight in this realm of industrial systems.
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Digital Maturity Model for Management Consultant Firms : Digital Technologies within a Standardized Management Consulting Process and Performance ImprovementsBravo Guerrera, Mariángeles, Snöberg, Annie, Tetzlaff, Laurie January 2020 (has links)
Background: Digitalization and digital technologies are of significance to management consultant firms since they influence them and force them to reshape and improve their business processes. For that purpose, firms can use Business Process Improvements methods, such as process mapping, benchmarking and maturity models. The authors identified multiple gaps in literature which this thesis aims to address. One gap was the lack of literature focusing on the industry of professional service firms, like management consultant firms. Another gap was on a standardized management consulting process, and the knowledge of how digital technologies are being used within it. There was also a lack of knowledge about what performance improvements management consulting firms can expect when using digital technologies in their management consulting process. Lastly, there is no digital maturity model that is focused towards management consultant firms, that can identify management consultant firms' level of digital maturity. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore, describe and explain digital technologies used within a standardized management consulting process, expected performance improvements through the use of digital technologies and the levels of digital maturity through a maturity model for management consultant firms. Method: A qualitative study with an exploratory and explanatory research strategy was used. An abductive approach was applied for this multiple case study, which was based on semi-structured interviews with nine different Case Firms. Findings and Conclusion: The results of the study developed a standardized management consulting process including following activities; initial contact, background research, current status assessment, present project plan, developing solution, closing project by implementing solution and follow up, feedback and lessons learned. Across the standardized consulting process, the firms used technology types of artificial intelligence, analytical applications, cloud computing, automation and web-based applications. The digital technologies are used for collecting information, collaborative presentations, communicating, collaborating to develop consulting solutions, storing and managing documents, managing projects, tracking time, analysing information, developing and sharing insights, and customer relationship management. Seven key categories of performance were identified, which could be improved through the use of digital technologies. The categories include improved knowledge transfer, increased efficiency, measurable value based impact to client, increased quality of consulting, increased competitive advantage, improved knowledge management, increased client reaction and satisfaction. Each of these categories of performance improvements can be further categorized into improvements of efficiency and effectiveness for the consulting process. Improvements in efficiency relate to improvements in the utilization of resources. Improvements in effectiveness relate to improvements in quality of the resulting client solution. The study defined four levels of digital maturity for management consultant firms, including researchers, beginners, adopters and leaders. The key dimensions for assessing their digital maturity include culture, strategy, organization and operations, technology and insights. Across the dimensions there are 15 sub-dimensions and 52 statements for self-assessing digital maturity. The maturity model may be applied by future management consultant firms for benchmarking position within the industry and identifying gaps, opportunities and vision for improvement in their own consulting process and performance through leveraging digital technologies.
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Business model renewal & the value of a digital solution : A case study of digital transformation in manufacturing companiesDolk, Erik, Magnusson, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Digitalization has in many ways transformed the value offering for companies in several industries. Now a days, most manufacturing companies face the challenge to understand how to form their business models to ensure that it reflects the real value of a digital solution. A company with a traditional structure will most probably struggle with today’s constant need of business model renewal, where the business models of today should be more flexible and adapted to long term opportunities. In this qualitative extensive case study, the authors aim is to further explore values created by digital solutions and digital transformation of business models in manufacturing companies. The result includes a framework of the most prominent values created by digital solutions and how they affect the business models in manufacturing companies. The empirical findings show that developing a business ecosystem with the customer as provider of the data is key for digitally transforming the business model. The value of data facilitates the process of developing comprehensive product-service systems in order to provide values such as availability and proactive abilities.
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Mobil Portal bland hantverkare : En studie av implementering av en mobil applikationslösning bland hantverkare / Mobile Portal among craftsmen : A study of implementation of a mobile application solution among craftsmenSjöbom, Simon January 2012 (has links)
Ibyggbranschen i Sverige idag strävas det efter att fortsätta utvecklingen av eneffektivisering gällande miljö, kvalitet och styrning.Samhället och byggbranchen har utvecklats och digitaliserats enormt de senasteåren, dock har vissa mindre delområden avstannat och det är bland annatdigitala metoder för arbetsordrar och registrering bland hantverkare. Studien som är gjord syftar därför till att undersöka ifall det går atteffektivisera och digitalisera metoder gällande arbetsordrar och registrering.Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka ifall det går att effektivisera styrningen,miljöpåverkan, kvaliteten och ekonomiska delar bland byggföretag med hjälp aven mobil applikationslösning.I studien har jag valt att använda mig utav teori gällande miljö, kvalitet,styrning och finansiering där jag fördjupat mig i delar som är påverkningsbarmed hjälp av ett digitalt verktyg i form av en mobil applikation och dessfunktioner.För ett införande av applikationslösningen krävs det en invänjning och enmotivation ifrån hantverkarna eftersom att det innebär en stor förändringjämfört med den manuella metoden som använts under en längre tidsperiod. Detframgår att arbetsbelastningen för vissa delar i arbetet kan minska blandtjänstemännen vid ett fullständigtinförande av den mobila portalen eftersom att vissa led försvinner när detgäller bland annat arbetsordrar och registrering. Jag kan konstatera att enförbättrad och förenklad version av applikationslösningen krävs för att få ettfullständigt införande bland hantverkarna. / In Sweden there is a continuing effort to develop a more effective construction industry with a focus on environment, quality and control.When compared to the industrial sector it has been acknowledged that the construction industry has lagged behind the current environmental and quality requirements and standards. The construction industry has been developed and digitalized tremendously over the last few years; however some small businesses have not been able to follow.A couple of examples of this are the digital methods for work orders and registrations among craftsmen.In this study I will look at the possibilities of digitalization and the methods to produce work orders and registrations more effectively.This thesis aims to examine if it is possible to improve the control, quality and economical aspects of construction companies by using a mobile phone application.I have chosen to use theory concerning environment, quality, control and financial where I have studied the aspects which are influenced by a digital device in form of a mobile application and its functions.There is opposing consensus among the officials who are affected by the mobile phone application.It appears that the workload can be reduce clearly and the possibility to improve the control using the application. I can state that the mobile application must be simplified to get a total usage among the craftsmen.
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Rapid Internationalization During a Global Pandemic : Swedish Born Global PerspectiveQuick, Emil, Danielsson, Philip January 2022 (has links)
Most of the existing research regarding internationalization is focusing on larger and established firms. Therefore, this paper will contribute to research by solely focusing on young and small firms' internationalization. There is today much research on specific theories. Meanwhile, the internationalization process is complex by nature. Therefore, this paper focuses on integration between several aspects, which are Born Global, Network strategy, Resources-based view, and Digitalization. The Covid-19 pandemic changed the “status quo” regarding Born Globals’ additional way of doing foreign business, which includes changes regarding network, resources, and digitalization. Based on the knowledge gaps the research questions want to answer how the internationalization process of Swedish Born Globals has been affected during Covid-19, in addition to how networks, resources, and digitalization helped and shaped the internationalization journey during Covid-19.This study aims to better understand how young firms internationalize and achieve rapid growth from foreign markets in times of the Covid-19 pandemic, with lockdowns and other restrictions. The paper aims to contribute knowledge regarding challenges and solutions during the Covid-19 pandemic or other future crises. Potentially, firms can learn from this research to prepare them to better meet the future and other potential pandemics or crises. In addition, other more established firms can learn from young organizations that adapted and built their organizations in times of the Covid-19 pandemic.With the help of a deductive approach that uses existing theories as a basis for the interview guide with semi-structured questions, we have found that Swedish Born Globals have been able to successfully internationalize during Covid-19. Networks have been highly important and a shift toward digital meetings has become the new normal. The importance of adapting to digitalization is crucial as connecting with your network has to a large extent taken a digital form. We found that digitalization helps Born Globals to become more resource-efficient and that knowledge of the staff which was regarded as a key resource can be even more efficient when working remotely and communicating digitally. In general, the Born Globals in this study are positive towards change and adaptations, which is a mindset that means opportunities to achieve competitive advantage and rapid international growth in times of the Covid-19 pandemic and after as well.
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Blockchain-enabled servitization : How blockchain could generate business value for mobility providers / Blockchain-möjliggörande tjänstefiering : Hur blockchain kan generera affärsvärde för mobilitetsaktörerWengrud, Adam, Waara, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to develop a conceptual understanding of how blockchain could serve as an enabler for servitization in the automotive industry. In doing so, we are studying what value-creating mechanisms that are associated with blockchain and how mobility providers could apply these to drive business value, while also considering prerequisites in the ecosystem. Method – The study adopted an abductive research approach by conducting a case study of a specific business environment with firms taking part in the ongoing transformation towards mobility services. In total, ten companies participated in the study where all were involved or had experience from the prevailing context. The data collection was performed via three waves of interviews and the results were derived through a reflexive thematic analysis. Findings – This study resulted in a conceptual framework illustrating how value-creating mechanisms of blockchain could drive business value for mobility providers. Three categories of value-creating mechanisms were identified: anchor points, configuration elements and inherent qualities. In turn, these mechanisms enabled a set of mobility solutions which then could generate certain business values. For this to become a reality, five ecosystem prerequisites were identified: technology convergence, appropriate permissions, common standards, change management and value management. Theoretical implications – The study provide implications to the nascent literature at the intersection of blockchain and servitization by contributing with empirical evidence for mobility solutions underpinned by blockchain and how these drive business value. Furthermore, we also add to the existing literature by providing a holistic conceptualization of how value-creating mechanisms interrelate to enable mobility solutions. Practical implications – The study provide managers with a conceptual understanding of how six distinctive use-cases could be solved with blockchain. Moreover, by bridging the gap between business and the technology, we contribute to reducing the knowledge gap that exist among automotive managers in this area, while also providing them with prerequisites needed to deploy blockchain at scale in the ecosystem and reach its full potential. Limitations and future research – The study is limited by a single case study in a specific context and also by focusing on conceptualization of blockchain-enabled servitization in early stages. Hence, future studies could benefit from extending and validating our findings in other contexts as well as investigating how certain solutions may be implemented in practice. / Syfte – Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla en konceptuell förståelse för hur blockchain kan fungera som en möjliggörare av tjänstefiering inom bilindustrin. I studien studeras vilka värdeskapande mekanismer som är förknippade med blockchain och hur mobilitetsleverantörer kan tillämpa dessa mekanismer för att skapa affärsnytta, samtidigt som nödvändiga förutsättningar i ekosystemet analyseras. Metod – Studien adopterade en abduktiv forskningsansats och utfördes genom en fallstudie av en specifik affärsmiljö med företag som deltar i den pågående omställningen mot mobilitetstjänster. Sammanlagt deltog tio företag i studien, där alla var involverade eller hade erfarenhet från den rådande kontexten. Datainsamlingen genomfördes via tre faser av intervjuer och resultaten härleddes genom en reflexiv tematisk analys. Resultat – Denna studie resulterade i ett konceptuellt ramverk som illustrerar hur värdeskapande mekanismer kopplat till blockchain kan skapa affärsnytta för mobilitetsleverantörer. Tre kategorier av värdeskapande mekanismer identifierades: förankringspunkter, konfigurationselement och inneboende egenskaper. I sin tur visades att dessa mekanismer kan möjliggöra en uppsättning mobilitetslösningar som genererar olika affärsvärden. Vidare kom studien fram till fem förutsättningar som krävs i ekosystemet för att realisera lösningarna vilka var teknisk konvergens, lämpliga behörigheter, gemensamma standarder, förändringsledning och värdehantering. Teoretiska implikationer – Studien tillhandahåller implikationer för den framväxande litteraturen i skärningspunkten av blockchain och tjänstefiering genom att bidra med empiriska bevis för mobilitetslösningar som stöds av blockchain och hur dessa driver affärsvärde. Vidare bidrar studien också till den befintliga litteraturen genom att tillhandahålla en holistisk konceptualisering för hur värdeskapande mekanismer samverkar för att möjliggöra mobilitetslösningar. Praktiska implikationer – Studien ger utövare en konceptuell förståelse för hur sex distinkta applikationer kan upprättas med hjälp av blockchain. Genom att brygga gapet mellan affären och teknologin bidrar vi till att minska den kunskapslucka som finns bland utövare, samtidigt som studien redogör för de förutsättningar som krävs för att kunna använda blockchain i stor skala i ekosystemet och uppnå dess fulla potential. Begränsningar och framtida forskning – Studien är begränsad av en specifik fallstudie i en viss kontext och även genom att fokusera på konceptualisering av tjänstefiering med blockchain i tidiga faser. Därför rekommenderas framtida studier att utvidga och validera resultaten i andra kontexter samt undersöka hur olika mobilitetslösningar kan implementeras i praktiken.
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Den ofrivilligt (?) digitala ledaren : En studie om den av Covid-19 pandemin påtvingade digitala omställning av ledarskap och styrning i kommunikations- och informationsväxlingAndersson, Mats, Bjuhr, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
Titel: Den ofrivilligt digitala ledaren – en studie om den av Covid-19 pandemin påtvingade digitala omställning av ledarskap och styrning i kommunikations- och informationsväxling Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi (Examensarbete på grundnivå) Författare: Mats Andersson & Marcus Bjuhr Handledare: Akmal Hyder Examinator: Aihie Osarenkhoe Datum: 2022-05-25 Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka och förstå hur Covid-19 pandemin påverkat ledarskapets digitala omställning i svenska företag samt att förklara hur verksamheterna hanterat den snabba förändringen av kommunikations- och informationskanaler. Metod: Denna studie använder en kvalitativ metod med en hermeneutisk kunskapssyn vilken erkänner komplexiteten i sociala strukturer och tolkar möjliga sanningar genom verkligheten. Vidare används en flerfallsstudie för att undersöka hur ledarskap och styrning förändrats, detta genom att intervjua chefer med personalansvar via semi-strukturerad intervjumetod. Resultat & Slutsats: De resultat som studien påvisar menar att den problematik som den påtvingade omställningen inneburit har varit mindre än förväntad och snarare inneburit förbättringspotentialer genom den ökade användningen av digitala verktyg. Detta relateras till den rapport som EU-kommissionen presenterat kring Sveriges högpresterande och digitala utveckling som land samt det ökade informationsflöde som detta möjliggjort. Examensarbetets bidrag: Arbetets bidrag till den aggregerade kunskapen relateras främst till att stödja VUCA-teorin som avser ökad komplexitet kring ledarskap i en volatil omvärld. Ett andra bidrag är att ge stödjande argument till att satsa på ökad digital infrastruktur verkar positivt för konkurrenskraft i relation till digitaliseringen samt den anpassningsbarhet som moderna ledare och organisationer behöver enligt aktuell forskning. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Denna studies förslag till framtida forskning är att undersöka andra länder, särskilt sådana som har en lägre digital mognad enligt EU-kommissionens bedömningsmatris (Digitaliseringsrådet, 2022). Nyckelord: Business process management, Covid-19, Digitalization, Digital economy, Process innovation, Leadership, Manager / Title: The involuntary digital leader – a study on the Covid-19 pandemic´s forced digital transformation of leadership and organization in communication and information exchange Level: Bachelor’s degree in business administration (student thesis) Authors: Mats Andersson & Marcus Bjuhr Supervisor: Akmal Hyder Examiner: Aihie Osarenkhoe Date: 2022-05-25 Aim: The purpose of the thesis is to investigate and understand how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the leadership digital transformation in Swedish businesses and explain how the organizations managed the rapid change of communication and information channels. Method: The thesis applies a qualitative method with a hermeneutic view of knowledge in which identifies the complexity of social structures and interpret the potential truths. The method also implements a multi-case study to examine the leadership and organizational change by interviewing managers with personnel responsibilities with a semi-structured method. Results and conclusions: The results this thesis presents point towards smaller problems with the forced digital transformations than expected. It also tends towards improvement potentials due to the increased usage of digital tools. This can be linked to the report that the EU-commission revealed where Sweden is a high-performance country with a high level of digital maturity. Contribution of the thesis: The contribution this thesis offers to the aggregated knowledge relates foremost towards the VUCA-theory which explain the complexity of leadership in a volatile world. A second contribution is the supportive claim of investing in a country’s digital infrastructure which affects the competitiveness in relation top the digitalization and the adaptability of modern leaders and organizations. Keywords: Business process management, Covid-19, Digitalization, Digital economy, Process innovation, Leadership, Manager
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Digitala verktyg och hjälpmedel inom universitetsutbildning : Hur påverkar digitaliseringen stress och psykisk ohälsa hos studenter? / Digital tools and aids within university education : How does digitalisation affect stress and mental illness in students?Olskog, Engla, Åkerblom-Andersson, Christina January 2022 (has links)
In today's use of digital services and tools in universities and other types of higher education it is easy for us to look past the consequences these can have for the students using them. The digitalization that is happening in our environment is also happening to the highest degree within education in universities. Many students in both Swedish and other countries universities struggle with different problems because of both generalstress and stress because of a fast digitalization of said universities. The purpose of this study is to get a better understanding of the different ways that digital technology has become a bigger part of university education. We also want to find out what different kinds of mental issues that can occur from the stress that follows said education and digitalization within it and how this can appear and be perceived and experienced differently. Furthermore, this thesis is meant to bring forward different kinds of ways the digitalization can be used, for example through different digital tools by universities and other surroundings to help students who struggle with this to better handle their education and their lives. In the study we gathered information and statistics from several different scientific articles and other national and international reports. By merging this information, we were able to build a picture of how the situation looks when it comes to stress and mental health connected to digitalization of education. From this picture we could then put together a result in the form of a list of conclusions about what is happening, why it is happening and what can be done to prevent it.
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