Spelling suggestions: "subject:"digitalization."" "subject:"digitalizations.""
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Europeiska unionens digitala årtionde: En diskursanalys på digitala rättigheter som de konstrueras av EU / The digital decade of the European union: A discourse analysis on digital rights from how they are created within EUSahlin, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
The European union has during the past decade actively tried to change strategy and formulate new regulations on the digital arena where the focus on fundamental rights has been a central strategy. The notion of universal rights has however received critic for being too western oriented and one can question what these rights actually mean, where do they originate from and what effects on society does this discourse of rights have? By analyzing the language use and policy of the “Digital services act and fundamental rights issues posed” from a poststructuralist perspective the study aims to increase the understanding of the discourse behind EU:s digital strategy and compare the results to earlier research where discourses on digital rights has been identified. By doing so the study concludes EU has a different approach to digital rights compared to the one presented in earlier research. There’s also a prominent security discourse imbedded within the digital strategy of the EU.
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What are the effects of a cashless society on VAT evasion? : A study on Denmark, Finland & SwedenAlieva, Zarema, Ramare, Jennifer January 2020 (has links)
The title of this essay is "What are the effects of a cashless society on VAT evasion –A study on Denmark, Finland & Sweden". Due to an increasingly digitalized world there will be different effects on the economy. We are getting closer to a cashless society every day, but we do not know the consequences that this will have. VAT evasion has long been a problem and has been easy to go through with, due to all the payments made with cash. It would be interesting to see if there is going to be a change in VAT evasion now as we go towards a cashless society. The aim of the study was therefore to answer the question: what are the effects of a cashless society on VAT evasion. To answer this question we focused on collecting data from three Scandinavian countries: Denmark, Finland and Sweden. Many articles were read on the subject before interesting data was collected to be analyzed. The data, mostly gathered from the European Central Bank, included the VATgap, number of payment terminals, number of ATMs, percentage of total payments made with cards, GDP and the Consumer Price Index for each of the three chosen countries. In the theoretical framework the theory around VAT is presented as well as a short discussion about the underlying factors on VAT evasion. There is also a section on how we have chosen to represent the cashless society and how this will be measured in the paper. In order with previous research the hypothesis of the study was formed to be that the VAT gap will decrease as we gotowards a cashless society. Multiple regressions were made on the data collected and the result analyzed. There was no significant relationship found between the VAT gap and any of the three explanatory variables. Instead the VAT gap seemed to be connected to what country that was studied. The coefficients of the variables seemed to indicate that there might be a positive relationship between the VAT gap divided by GDP and the number of payment terminals. The reason for this relationship was discussed to possibly be blamed on the fact that card usage increases the total transactions due to the speed and simplicity of card payments. In order to make the results more reliable it was suggested that the study would be enlarged to include more countries and specifically countries that are less digitalized and perceived to be more corrupt.
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Influencia de la digitalización en el diseño de las portadas discográficas del rock peruano desde 2015 hasta 2019 / The influence of digitalization on the design of peruvian rock album artwork made from 2015 to 2019La Rosa Cuya, Gabriela Verónica 07 July 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar la influencia de la digitalización en el diseño de las portadas de álbumes y sencillos discográficos del rock peruano desde 2015 hasta 2019. Es por esto que se planteó como hipótesis que la digitalización no tiene una influencia directa con respecto a la creación del concepto y elección de elementos o técnicas para el desarrollo del diseño de carátulas discográficas.
La presente investigación corresponde a la categoría de enfoque qualitativo, debido a que se centró en un análisis de contenido de un total de 20 portadas discográficas, diez de ellas pertenecientes al marco temporal delimitado y las otras diez fueron carátulas elaborabas antes de la fecha seleccionada. Además, se realizaron entrevistas a dos informantes claves para obtener más información que complemente los resultados alcanzados a partir de los análisis.
Entre los principales resultados podemos encontrar que el diseño discográfico del rock peruano presenta un nivel de literalidad en sus diseños, tanto en la era digital como en los diseños que fueron elaborados previamente. También se logró evidenciar que hay una diferencia con los elementos indispensables en el diseño de discográfico realizado en la era digital en comparación con el anterior a este.
Por último, se logró concluir que a pesar que la función original de vestir el empaque ya no es la más importante, el rol de la portada de un álbum sigue siendo relevante, ya que sirve como una herramienta publicitaria para dar a conocer la existencia de producción musical. / The main objective of this research is to determine the influence of digitalization on the design of album covers of peruvian rock bands from 2015 to 2019. This is why it was hypothesized that digitalization does not have a direct influence on the creation of the concept and choice of elements or techniques for the development of the design of album cover artwork.
This research corresponds to the category of qualitative design, because it focused on a content analysis of a total of 20 record covers, ten of them belonging to the defined time frame and the other ten were covers that were made before the selected date. In addition, two key informants were interviewed to obtain more information to complement the results obtained from the analysis.
Among the main results, we can find that the peruvian rock record cover artwork presents a level of literalness in their designs, both in the digital age and in the designs that were previously elaborated. It was also possible to show that there is a difference with the indispensable elements in the record design carried out in the digital age compared to the previous one.
Finally, it was concluded that although the original function of dressing the packaging is no longer the most important, the role of an album cover is still relevant, as it serves as an advertising tool to publicize the existence of every music production. / Trabajo de investigación
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Digitalt och fysiskt? En studie om hur digitala kanaler kan kombineras med fysiska butiker inom möbelbranschenZejnilovic, Majda January 2020 (has links)
I samband med att e-handeln på bara några få år ökat är teknologin ett verktyg för företag att växa. Följande studie undersöker därmed hur företag inom möbelbranschen knyter an sina digitala kanaler med fysiska butiker och ifall de använder sig av digital capabilities. Vidare diskuterar studien hur digitaliseringen påverkat handeln och hur det kommer att se ut framöver. Undersökningen är genomförd med en kvalitativ metod genom intervjuer med sex respondenter i kombination med en kvantitativ metod i form av en webbenkät. Resultatet visar att det i princip krävs en fysisk butik som ett komplement till de digitala kanalerna för att företagen ska få ett ökat värde, både gentemot kund men också gentemot företag. Vidare visar resultatet också att respondenterna inte är insatta i användningen av den nya teknologin i samband med digital capabilities. I diskussionen förklaras hur möbelföretag kan kombinera sina digitala kanaler med sina fysiska butiker, vad som krävs för att frodas i den digitala världen och hur företagen förhåller sig till digital capabilities. / Within a few years e-commerce has grown, which leads to that technology has become a tool for companies to grow. This study examines how companies in the furniture industry associate and combine their digital channels with their physical channels and if they aim to use digital capabilities. The study also discusses how digitalization has affected the trade and what it will look like in the future. The survey was conducted using a qualitative method through interviews with six respondents. The result shows that a physical store is needed as a complement to the digital channels in order for companies to gain added value, both towards the customer, but also towards the company. Furthermore, the results also show that the respondents are not familiar with digital capabilities. The discussion explains how digital channels can be combined with physical stores, what it takes to thrive in the digital world and how the companies relate to digital capabilities.
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En förändrad publik och logik i public service - En netnografisk studie om SVT:s arbete med att nå ut till publiken i sociala medierAhlerup, Ellen January 2019 (has links)
I den här studien undersöker jag hur SVT arbetar i sociala medier för att nå ut till, och interagera med sin publik. Studien syftar till att belysa detta utifrån SVT som public service-företag och hur de når ut till sin publik i ett digitaliserat medielandskap. Ett medielandskap präglat av tvåvägskommunikation i Webb 2.0 utmanar SVT som TV-bolag att nå publiken utanför det traditionellt avsedda medieutrymmet. Studien gjordes med hjälp av en netnografisk metod där tre programproduktioner av SVT analyserades. Materialet och resultatet analyserades vid sidan av tidigare forskning inom fältet, och utifrån de teoretiska perspektiven produktiva publiker och medielogik. Resultatet visar att alla tre produktionerna bjuder in publiken, men att det är olika hur de vidare interagerar med den. Förståelsen för publiken i sociala nätverk visade sig inte finnas där i alla forum, men det var tydligt att den produktion som faktiskt interagerade med publiken skapade en närmare relation till den. Vidare initierade resultatet en argumentation om SVT:s ompositionering till public service media, och arbetet i relation till dess professionella uppdrag och värderingar. Det fanns många likheter i resultaten i jämförelse med tidigare forskning rörande sociala mediers möjliggörande att nå ut till och aktivera fragmenterade målgrupper och bristen på förståelse av publiken i sociala nätverk. / In this paper I examine how the Swedish public service broadcaster, Sveriges Television (SVT) works with social media in the sense of how they reach out to, and interact with, the audience. The study aims to shed light on this from the view of SVT as a public service company and how they reach out to their audience in a digitalized media landscape. A media landscape characterized by two-way communication in Webb 2.0 challenges SVT as a TV company to reach the audience outside the traditionally designated media space. The study was done using a nethnological method where three productions of SVT were analyzed. The material and the results were analyzed alongside previous research in the field, and from the theoretical perspectives of productive publics and media logic. The result shows that all three productions invite the audience, but they differentiate in further interactions with the audience. The understanding of the audience in social networks did not appear in all forums, but it was clear that the production that did interact with the audience created a closer relationship with them. Furthermore, the result initiated an argument about SVT’s repositioning to the public service media, and the work in relation to it’s professional mission and values. There were many similarities in the results compared to previous research on social medias enablement to reach and activate fragmented audiences and the lack of understanding of the audience in social networks
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Supply chain integration i förlagsbranschenJohansson, Erik, Lindh, Andreas, Rogarn, Klara January 2020 (has links)
Den här studien fokuserar på digitaliserade kommunikationslösningar inom en leveranskedja för magasin samt de möjligheter som uppstår vid integrering inom leveranskedjan. Vårt tillvägagångssätt var att undersöka leveranskedjan för ett förlag lokaliserat i Sverige. Datainsamlingsprocessen baseras på en metod av att intervjua sex olika parter från leveranskedjan för magasin. De som intervjuats har olika positioner bland olika företag inom leveranskedjan och presenteras anonymt i vår studie. Studien visar att leveranskedjan för magasin har kommit långt med att integrera men att det fortfarande finns utrymme för förbättringar. När det gäller digitalisering fann vi att parterna inom leveranskedjan mest använder standardkommunikationsverktyg som mail och telefoner men att automatiseringsprocesserna har börjat och är på väg att implementeras. Inom leveranskedjan har organisationerna utvecklat en pålitlig och öppen kommunikation vilket skapar möjlighet för integration i leveranskedjan. / This study focuses on digitalized communication solutions within a supply chain and the opportunities that arises when creating a more integrated supply chain for magazines. Our approach was to examine the supply chain for a magazine publisher based in Sweden. The data gathering process was based on a method of interviewing six different party representatives from the supply chain for magazines. The interviewees all hold different positions within different companies and are made anonymous in our study. The study shows that the supply chain for magazines has already come a long way in integrating but still there is room for improvement. When it comes to digitalization, we found that they mostly use standard communication tools between the parties such as email and phones but the automation processes has started and is on its way of being implemented. Within the supply chain the organizations have developed a trusting and transparent communication and have the possibility of integrating the supply chain.
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Usability and Trust in E-health applicationsMårtensson, Jessica, Nilsson, Cajsa January 2019 (has links)
Tekniken är en stor del av dagens samhälle. Allt fler tjänster och saker blir digitaliserade, nu även sjukvården. Denna avhandling kommer att introducera dig till e-hälsa och hur digitaliseringen av sjukvården påverkar relationen mellan doktor och patient samt vilka förtroendeproblem som kan uppstå.E-hälsopplikationerna behöver vara användarvänliga och enkla att använda för patienterna. Patienterna behöver känna sig trygga och säkra. För att undersöka användarupplevelsen i de olika kanalerna jämförde vi de två olika flödena: personligt möte med videosamtal.Det finns många olika leverantörer av e-hälsoapplikationer i Sverige, Kry och Min Doktor är två av de mest populära. Digitaliseringen av sjukvården påverkar inte bara patienterna utan läkarna är lika involverade. För att få en läkares åsikt ställde vi ett par frågor till läkare om bedömning av patienter via videosamtal. Ett frågeformulär gjordes för att samla in information om patienternas förhållande, användning och erfarenhet av e-hälsoapplikationer.Frågeformuläret visade att det finns delade åsikter om e-hälsoapplikationerna. Vissa patienter tror att e-hälsapplikationerna kommer att gynna samhället och kan själva tänka sig att använda en e-hälsoapplikation för mindre åkommor. Andra patienter är starkt emot e-hälsa och de flesta av dem instämmer i att det är ett slöseri med skattepengar. En annan vanlig orsak emot e-hälsa är att patienter tycker att deras åkommor är för komplexa eller att de inte litar på att läkaren ger dem korrekt vård genom en applikation. / Technology is a big part of today's society. At this time more things and services become digitized, now even healthcare. This thesis will introduce you to e-health and how to digitize healthcare will affect the doctor-patient relationship and the trust issue that may occur. E-Health applications need to be user-friendly and easy to use. The user needs to feel comfortable and safe. To investigate the cross-channel user experience we compared the two different flows: in-person appointment and video conference. There are many different providers for e-health applications in Sweden, most popular are Kry and Min Doktor. This digitizing not only affects the patients, but the doctors are also equally involved. We questioned doctors about their approach towards assistance through an application. A questionnaire was done to gather information about the patient's relationship and usage of e-health applications. The questionnaire showed that there are some divided opinions regarding e-health applications. Some patients think that e-health applications will benefit society and may use an e-health application for minor complaints. Other patients are strongly against e-health, and most of them agree that it is a waste of tax money. Another common reason against e-health is that patients think that their complaints are too complex or that they do not trust the doctor to provide them the accurate assistance through an application.
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Developing a Digitally Transformed Business ModelNielsen, Joy January 2018 (has links)
Online movie distribution has become a common practice after giants such as HBO and Netflix have entered the scene. Despite the new digital technologies, the Danish movie industry are having a hard time benefitting from these. While watching the Danish movie ticket sales decrease, the film industry can observe the increasing number of people staying at home watching Netflix. Therefore, it is essential that the movie industry start looking at their business- and distribution models in order to find out where they can optimize their businesses. By using a qualitative inductive approach, this study explored how the Danish movie industry’s traditional business- and distribution models can be adjusted; in order to meet customer demands and be able to compete with its digital competitors. Focus groups with movie customers as well as interviews with industry experts were conducted. The main results were that the participants preferred watching Danish content at home, because of the lack of special effects; because of the cinema ticket prices; as well as the many different options they have at home. Furthermore, it was found that the film industry has difficulties creating content that is embracing new technologies such as 3D; that they are still focusing on the mass when producing movies; and they are not able to get first-hand data from customers. Based upon these results, new business models and distribution models were created. These implement concepts of how the Danish movie industry can meet the requirements of the audience and be able to compete with its digital competitors. The business models include a varies of factors such as Virtual Reality, 3D, data-driven marketing, audience co-creation, new niche subsidy possibility, crowdfunding, more film club memberships and QR codes. The new flexible distribution model makes it possible for a movie to move into the Video-on-Demand window as soon as the movie stops selling in the cinema. These models propose that by implementing these concepts in their business models, the film industry can attract more customers to Danish movies as well as move toward a digital transformation, letting them benefit from the new technologies and be able to compete with its digital competitors. Thereby this study contributes with the first steps for the Danish movie industry to go through a digital transformation.
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Digitalisering inom stålindustrin : Förändringar i SSAB:s ekosystem vid anpassning till industri 4.0Pettersson, Markus, Svantesson, Emil January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under de senaste tio åren har världen fått uppleva en våg av innovationer och teknologier som svept över produktionsanläggningar, detta fenomen kallas industri 4.0 eller den fjärde industriella revolutionen. En av de industrier som industri 4.0 har haft en stor påverkan på är stålindustrin. Hur kommer en högre grad av digitalisering påverka ekosystemet inom en industri där många av aktörerna är anpassade till traditionella och konventionella tillvägagångssätt? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att bidra med en ökad förståelse kring hur ett ekosystem inom den svenska stålindustrin kommer förändras i takt med utvecklingen och anpassningen till industri 4.0. Genomförande: Denna studie har utgångpunkt i en abduktiv ansats och med ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt. Intervjuer har utförts med sjuföretag med koppling till den svenska stålindustrin. Slutsats: Studien har bidragit till slutsatsen att SSAB:s ekosystem kommer röra sig mot att bli mer integrerat företagen emellan och samtliga aktörer kommer agera mer för ekosystemets hälsa och det gemensamt skapade värdet. Detta kommer karaktäriseras av ett större förmedlande av data och i sin tur värde genom hela ekosystemet. Det som ligger till grund för att detta ska ske är förändringen av företagens affärsmodeller. Tjänstefiering har blivit och kommer bli allt mer vanligt bland företag inom stålindustrin. Förändringen av ekosystemet kommer kräva att företag måste leverera mer än bara stålet; det är data och tjänster kopplat till produkten som kommer bli allt mer viktigt. För att detta ska realiseras krävs det dock specifika kompetenser inom respektive företag, vilka är intern kompetens, rättledarskap och ökad transparens. Dessa tre kompetenser blir således grundstenarna till att ekosystemet slutligen kommer att förändras. / Background: Over the past 10 years, the world has experienced a wave of innovations and technologies that has swept across production facilities, this phenomenon is known as Industry 4.0 or the Fourth Industrial Revolution. One of the industries that Industry 4.0 has had a major impact on is the steel industry. How will a higher degree of digitalization affect the ecosystem of an industry where many of the players are adapted to traditional and conventional approaches? Purpose: The purpose with this study is to contribute with a higher knowledge about how an ecosystem within the Swedish steel industry will change along with the development of and adaption to industry 4.0. Completion: This study is based on an abductive perspective and with a qualitative approach. Interviews have been conducted with seven companies with links to the Swedish steel industry. Conclusion: The study has contributed to the conclusion that SSAB's ecosystem will move towards becoming more integrated between the companies and all players will act more for the health of the ecosystem and the jointly created value. This will be characterized by a greater dissemination of data and, in turn, value throughout the ecosystem. The basis for this to happen is the change in the companies' business models. Servitization have become and will become more and more common among companies in the steel industry. The change in the ecosystem will require companies to deliver more than just the steel; it is data and services linked to the product that will become increasingly important. However, in order to achieve this, specific competencies within each company are required, which are internal competence, the right leadership and increased transparency. These three competencies thus become the cornerstones for the ecosystem to eventually change.
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Tekniska krav från GDPR : <em data-stringify-type="italic">Vad som krävs av en applikation som hanterar och samlar in samtycken för att tekniskt uppfylla kraven från GDPR / Technical requirements from GDPRAmberman, Madelene, Johansson, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
Personuppgiftshantering inom EU regleras av General Protection Data Regulation, GDPR, den är till för att skydda en persons integritet samtidigt som det fria flödet av data mellan medlemsländerna ska upprätthållas. Företag och organisationer idag lägger mycket resurser på en manuell hantering av personuppgifter, som skulle kunna läggas på andra värdeskapande aktiviteter om denna process var mer automatiserad. Därför har vi utfört en studie hos Meriworks, där deras system, Imagevault, hanterar bilder och samtycken i ett manuellt flöde. Genom intervjuer av organisationer som använder detta system samt en litteraturstudie på GDPR, sammanställdes krav för vad som ställs av en applikation som hanterar samtycken och personuppgifter, både ur ett tekniskt och användarperspektiv. Utifrån dessa krav tog vi fram ett tekniskt lösningsförslag som skulle kunna ersätta den manuella processen i vår fallstudie. Vår lista över de tekniska krav som GDPR ställer, är generell och kommer kunna användas som riktlinjer för fall även utanför denna studie. / Privacy Policies within EU is regulated by General Protection Data Regulation, GDPR, it exists to protect a person's integrity while maintaining the free flow of data between its members. Companies and organizations today put a lot of resources on manual handling of personal data, that could be used for more value-adding activities if this process had a more automated flow. Hence we are going to do a case study at Meriworks, they have a system, Imagevault, that handles images and consents in a manual process. By interviewing some of the organizations that uses this system and a literature study of GDPR, we compiled the requirements for an application that handles consents and personal data, from both a technical and user perspective. Using these requirements, we created a technical solution proposal, that is meant to replace the current manual process in our case study. Our list of technical requirements from GDPR is generic and can be used as guidelines for cases beyond this paper.
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