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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Searching for a "unicorn" : emotional dimensions of environmental educators

Hebert, Gabrielle 30 January 2013 (has links)
As more studies highlight the unconscious dynamics of environmental education it is important to understand how those dynamics impact the educators themselves so that we may better train educators and improve the efficacy of their work. Using a psychosocial and psychoanalytic methodology I explored the unconscious emotional lives of six environmental educators. The educators first participated in a professional development workshop and then in three in-depth interviews using the Dialogic, Relational Interview method. Data was analyzed using holistic analysis. The educators' employed a variety of conscious and unconscious protective measures to manage feelings of powerlessness, anxiety, fear, doubt, and grief over loss. The educators were largely unaware of the extent to which they employed protective measures and expressed an overall discomfort with exploring the painful aspects of their work. This study is a first step in understanding how educators' unconscious emotional experiences impact how they interact with their audiences.

The environmentally aware and the cars they drive : a psychosocial analysis of the double binds around personal transportation choices

Pope, Andrew 16 April 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to explore if there are emotional dilemmas in environmentally aware individuals, stemming from conflicts, resulting in their environmental personal transportation behaviour. This study uses the dialogic, relational interview method to explore possible conflicts in participants' personal transportation choices. The analysis seems to indicate that there is an apparent emotional tangle in individuals when confronted with possible double binds that put their environmental beliefs in conflict with other important aspects in their lives. The personal dilemmas they feel revolve around social pressures and their personal identities and leave them feeling conflicting emotions and strong amounts of guilt. The findings show the importance of reframing pro-environmental activities in ways that help negate the secondary injunctions that may people feel.

Ideological themes of eugenics and gender in contemporary British fascism : a discursive analysis

Miller, Laura January 1999 (has links)
This thesis is a study of contemporary British fascist ideology as expressed in the texts produced by or in association with the British National Party (BNP). It differs from previous studies in that it starts at the depth of the ideology and examines its rhetorical and ideological structure. Drawing on the theory and methodology of critical discourse analysis, this thesis explores the rhetorical and presentational strategies used in contemporary British fascist texts. As such, it examines how constructions of us and the Other are deracialised, warranted and constructed as fact. The thesis also differs from previous studies in that it explores the pattern of contemporary British fascist ideology and emphasises its intrinsically gendered nature. Eugenics is taken as the core ideological theme of fascism, whose focus is on breeding a racially pure and healthy nation. The notion of breeding ensures that gender lies at the core of the ideology. Drawing on the idea of a polarised rhetorical and argumentative structure, this thesis also examines how fascism constructs the ideological opposites of eugenics. The first opposite to eugenics explored in this thesis is liberal ideology and specifically feminism. The analysis examines how fascist opposition to these is based on the essentialist belief in the fixed biological nature of both race and gender. The analysis looks at the presentational strategies as well as the argumentative content of antifeminist discourse in contemporary British fascist texts. The second opposite to eugenics explored is multiculturalism. The thesis explores how stories about rape simultaneously construct race and warrant arguments about the harmful effects of their presence on our society. The analysis examines the various presentational strategies used to portray üs as the victims of the Other. It is by studying the interconnection between these three themes that this thesis argues that fascism, with its eugenic orientation, is not only a racial ideology but a gendered one. The analysis of contemporary British fascist accounts undertaken in this thesis goes some way to providing an understanding of the relationship between gender and race that is at the essentialist core of fascist ideology.

Doctoral dilemmas : towards a discursive psychology of postgraduate education

Stanley, Steven January 2004 (has links)
This thesis presents a critical analysis of the dilemmas of doing a PhD in the social sciences from the perspective of discursive psychology. It aims to contribute to qualitative studies of higher education, especially work in the sociology of education on social science doctoral research and training, and discourse analytic work on the dilemmas of education. It argues that there is a crucial bias in the literature on doctoral study. Much of the theory and research on doing a doctorate has been written and carried out by doctoral supervisors and established academic researchers, rather than doctoral students themselves. As a result, researchers have tended to study supervisor rather than student dilemmas and have left certain gaps in their studies, including the experiential dimensions of doctoral research, the discursive construction of postgraduate identities, and the patterns of ideology and power at play in doctoral student life. The present doctorate on doing a doctorate attempts to fill in these gaps, and at the same time introduces a distinctive critical, discursive, and reflexive take on postgraduate education. Detailed discourse analyses are carried out of in-depth semistructured interviews with PhD students in various psychology and social science departments in the United Kingdom. The analysis pays attention to the conversational, rhetorical, and ideological patterning of doctoral postgraduate discourse. In particular, it concerns the academic identity work done by the postgraduates, the ways in which they manage particular interactional, selfpresentational, and ideological dilemmas in their talk, and the different forms of power that are at play as they carry out their doctorates. In addition, a form of practical, analytic reflexivity is developed in the thesis, whereby the authors' own methodological and interviewing practices are analysed, along with text of the thesis itself. The general argument is that the topic of postgraduate academic identity proves a good case study for the investigation of some of the hidden dynamics of power, as well as the use of wider ideological values, in the construction of identities in contemporary institutional settings.

With some power comes great responsibility : Ethical dilemmas occurring during Swedish small and medium sized enterprises’ entry process in politically unstable markets

Eriksson, Hilda, Königsson, Jennifer January 2018 (has links)
Due to an increase of internationalization Swedish SMEs are faced with more issues regarding ethical dilemmas when entering foreign markets than they have been in the past. The ethical dilemmas, such as bribery and corruption, affect companies’ entry strategies in regards of moral standards and becomes an issue for markets that are characterised as being unstable. A common denominator for unstable markets is political instability which usually leads to an increase of ethical dilemmas. This thesis provides a deeper understanding to how Swedish SMEs enter politically unstable markets and how CSR can be used as a tool to identify and avoid ethical dilemmas. To enable this study a qualitative research was conducted to analyse the process of already established Swedish SMEs in politically unstable markets. By doing so, practical and theoretical implications could be identified, subsequently contributing Swedish SMEs with valuable information on how to enter politically unstable markets.   The outcome of this study suggests ethical dilemmas affect Swedish SMEs’ entry to politically unstable markets. In a market where ethical dilemmas are prominent SMEs ought to do a thorough risk analysis before entering the market and also select the mode of entry. This study concludes a trade based entry mode is most suitable for Swedish SMEs when entering politically unstable markets since local contact is crucial since it reduces the risks of entering the market. Furthermore, during the course of the study it became evident that CSR can be used as a moral framework to identify and avoid ethical dilemmas in politically unstable markets. CSR strategies provide moral and ethical guidelines for Swedish SMEs and thereby affect the selection process of markets and business partners. The findings of this thesis suggest there is a linkage between business ethics, CSR and entry strategies. Therefore, the research is valuable for Swedish SMEs who seek to enter politically unstable markets.

Etikens utmaningar - moraliska dilemman i undervisningen : En intervjustudie om lärares resonemang vid bedömning av moraliska dilemman / Challenges of Assessment in Ethics - Moral Dilemmas in Teaching : An interview study about teachers' reflections when assessing in Ethics

Daniella, Annerhult January 2018 (has links)
I denna studie uppmärksammas lärares resonemang om bedömning i etik med fokus på moraliska dilemman. Studiens empiriska data består av fyra kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med lärare som arbetar som So-lärare i skolåren 4-6. Resultatet från analysen presenteras utifrån tre olika delar. Den första delen behandlar lärares syn på etik och bedömning av ett moralisk dilemma. Den andra delen visar att lärarna har olika uppfattningar när det kommer till bedömning av ett moraliskt dilemma där elevsvaret går emot skolans värdegrund. Den tredje delen uppmärksammar de svårigheter lärarna ställs inför när de bedömer elevers etiska förmågor. De resonerar om elevers resonemangsförmåga samt vad som egentligen kan godtas som ett etiskt begrepp. / This study draws attention to how teachers reason when assessing moral dilemmas. The study's empirical data consist of four qualitative semi-structured interviews with teachers working with pupils in primary school years 4-6. The result from the analysis is presented in three parts. The first part is about teachers' view of ethics and the assessment of moral dilemmas. The second part shows that the teacher have slightly different perceptions when it comes to assessing a moral dilemma where the pupil argues against the value of the school. The third part draws attention to the difficulties the teachers experince when assessing the pupils' ethical knowledge. They argue about how developing a reasoning must be for certain grade and what they can accept as an ethical concept.

Dilemas relativos à carreira no contexto do trabalho imaterial bancário e suas repercussões às relações familiares

Oltramari, Andréa Poleto January 2010 (has links)
Esta tese resultou de uma pesquisa que objetivou compreender a vivência dos dilemas pessoais de executivos bancários relativos à carreira em contexto de trabalho imaterial e suas repercussões nas relações familiares. Para tanto, em termos teóricos e com o objetivo de sustentar a tese, trabalhou-se com os conceitos de dilema, de subjetividade e estilos de vida apoiados especialmente em Bauman (2009; 2008; 2007a; 2007b; 2004), Pelbart (2000), Guatarri e Rolnik (2005) e Gaulejac (2007); de carreira, especialmente nos modelos que de carreira sem fronteira e proteana (SULLIVAN e ARTHUR, 2006; HALL, 1996), de trabalho imaterial amparado em autores tais como Lazzarato e Negri (2001), Lazzarato (2008; 2004), Negri (2009; 2008; 2003), Pelbart (2000; 2003) e Grisci (2008). Foram entrevistados dezesseis executivos bancários de Porto Alegre e da região metropolitana, bem como quinze representantes de suas relações familiares. As entrevistas estruturadas foram realizadas com os executivos bancários em seus ambientes de trabalho e com os familiares ocorreram em suas residências ou em estabelecimentos comerciais por eles indicados. A análise dos dados foi realizada de maneira qualitativa e seguiu as orientações propostas por Minayo (2001). Os resultados indicaram dilemas relativos à mobilidade espacial e funcional, e à privação da convivência. A existência dos dilemas não se mostrou inédita, porém, na contemporaneidade, eles tomam a vida profissional e pessoal dos sujeitos independentemente de limites espaço-temporais, afetando o modo de viver do executivo bancário e de sua família. Esta configuração está relacionada a um “modelo” de carreira profissional meteórica, de responsabilidade única do próprio trabalhador, em um contexto em que prevalece o trabalho imaterial (LAZZARATO e NEGRI, 2001). / This thesis stems from an exploratory research which aimed to discern the personal dilemmas related to the banking executives’ career are currently shaped and understand how these dilemmas are twisted with their family relationships. In order to do so, to theoretically support this thesis, the following concepts were taken up: dilemma, subjectivity and life style, particularly as regarded in Bauman (2009; 2008; 2007a; 2007b; 2004), Pelbart (2000), Guatarri and Rolnik (2005) and Gaulejac (2007); career, especially in the light of the models of borderless and protean career (SULLIVAN and ARTHUR, 2006; HALL, 1996); immaterial work, as approached by authors like Lazzarato and Negri (2001), Lazzarato (2008; 2004), Negri (2009; 2008; 2003), Pelbart (2000; 2003) and Grisci (2008). The interviews were conducted with sixteen banking executives from Porto Alegre and the metropolitan area, and also with fifteen representatives from their family relations. The structured interviews were conducted with the banking executives within their work environments, while the interviews with family members occurred in their homes or in stores suggested by them. Data were analyzed in a qualitative way and followed the guidelines proposed by Minayo (2001). Results suggest the existence of dilemmas related to spatial and functional mobility and social life dispossession. The existence of these dilemmas is not a novelty. However, nowadays they take over the individual’s professional and personal lives regardless of time and space limits. This, in turn, affects the executive and his family’s way of life. Such configuration is connected to a “model” of meteoric professional career, which is the responsibility of the worker alone, in a context where immaterial work prevails (LAZZARATO and NEGRI, 2001).

Docência universitária na era da imprevisibilidade : dilemas e possibilidades

Santos, Sílvia Maria Barreto dos January 2009 (has links)
O estudo teve como objetivo desvelar dilemas e possibilidades com que o docente universitário se defronta, revelando os paradoxos da sociedade do conhecimento. A abordagem metodológica constitui um estudo de caso qualitativo. A entrevista semiestruturada foi o instrumento utilizado, juntamente com as evidências dos documentos analisados. Os participantes do estudo são nove docentes com mestrado e/ou doutorado e com mais de dez anos de serviço, na ULBRA, Campus Cachoeira do Sul, escolhidos intencionalmente, pelos critérios de titulação e tempo de serviço no magistério superior. Os professores atuam nos Cursos de Administração, Biologia, Direito, Educação Física, Letras, Matemática, Odontologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia. Foram definidas como categorias referentes: sociedade do conhecimento, universidade e docência universitária, configurando o objeto de investigação e cinco categorias conceituais: paradoxos, compromissos e desafios, gestão da sala de aula, dilemas e possibilidades. Autores como Bauman, Chauí, Hargreaves, Morosini, Santos e Zabalza fundamentam o estudo. A construção teórica dos autores geram junto com os depoimentos dos docentes a confirmação da proposição de tese de que os dilemas e as possibilidades com que o professor se defronta na docência universitária são produzidos pelas contradições da sociedade do conhecimento, expressos nos paradoxos gestados pelo contexto político e social que interferem na dimensão profissional, pessoal e administrativa nos docentes universitários. Todavia inserem novas dimensões aos dilemas e possibilidades da docência, influenciando sua configuração: o modelo de universidade, a formação acadêmica, a área de conhecimento de origem do docente, a constituição e participação em redes. / This research intends to show the dilemmas and possibilities that the university teachers deal with, revealing the paradoxes of the knowledge society. As for the methodology, a qualitative case study was used as well as a semi structured interview and the evidences of the documents analyzed were the instruments for this study. The subjects were nine university teachers with master degree or and PhD with more than ten years of experience in teaching at ULBRA - Campus Cachoeira do Sul. They were chosen deliberately according to their curriculum and years of university teaching. The teachers work at the following courses: Business Administration, Biology, Law, Physical Education, Languages, Math, Odontology, Pedagogy and Psychology. The reference categories were: knowledge society, university, university teaching which constitute the objective of the investigation. Five conceptual categories were chosen: paradox, commitment and challenge, classroom management, dilemmas and possibilities. Authors such as Bauman, Chauí, Hargreaves, Morosini, Santos and, Zabalza were the references of this study. The theories proposed by the authors together with the subjects' testimonies confirm the thesis that the dilemmas and possibilities which the teachers confront in university teaching are produced by the contradictions of the knowledge society expressed in the paradoxes formed by the social-political context which interfere in the professional, social and administrative dimension of the respective teachers. However they insert new dimensions to the dilemmas and means of the teaching, affecting its configuration: the kind of university, the academic formation, the background of the teacher, the constitution and participation in networks.

Exclusive group formation as a collective action problem

Crosson, Scott, 1970- 08 1900 (has links)
vii, 95 p. : ill. A print copy of this title is available through the UO Libraries under the call numbers: KNIGHT HB846.5 .C76 2000 / By traditional economic reasoning, the production and sale of private goods is assumed to be efficient in a pure market because only the owners of privately held goods can access and enjoy them. In contrast, public goods are likely to be under supplied, because individuals can free ride on the contributions of others. Citizens can solve the free rider problem either spontaneously or through the use of coercive tools such as taxation. However, such solutions will rarely be efficient. An alternative solution, seldom studied by political scientists, is the formation of clubs. Clubs exist to provide semi-public goods to their members. If only contributing members of a club can access its product (the club good), the club should be free of the free-rider problem. Because club goods are finite and rivalrous, clubs are subject to "crowding effects"; that is, per-member benefits will decline if clubs grow too large. Clubs can minimize this crowding by limiting the size of their membership. Clubs are traditionally formulated as consumer- driven arrangements, driven solely by the wealth-maximizing preferences of their memberships and not by external concerns. In an experimental setting, this dissertation demonstrates that clubs also tolerate crowding if club membership is the sole source of some club good for otherwise excluded individuals. Club members can minimize the effects of this crowding by making multilateral promises not to overuse the club good. This means that clubs members do consider the social ramifications of the club's membership policies, and those membership policies respond to government action (specifically, the presence of other funding for excluded individuals). This has implications for both the study of clubs and the associations that resemble them: firms, coalitions, and communities. / Committee in charge: Dr. John Orbell, Chair; Dr. Holly Arrow; Dr. Bill Harbaugh; Dr. Ron Mitchell

Dilemas relativos à carreira no contexto do trabalho imaterial bancário e suas repercussões às relações familiares

Oltramari, Andréa Poleto January 2010 (has links)
Esta tese resultou de uma pesquisa que objetivou compreender a vivência dos dilemas pessoais de executivos bancários relativos à carreira em contexto de trabalho imaterial e suas repercussões nas relações familiares. Para tanto, em termos teóricos e com o objetivo de sustentar a tese, trabalhou-se com os conceitos de dilema, de subjetividade e estilos de vida apoiados especialmente em Bauman (2009; 2008; 2007a; 2007b; 2004), Pelbart (2000), Guatarri e Rolnik (2005) e Gaulejac (2007); de carreira, especialmente nos modelos que de carreira sem fronteira e proteana (SULLIVAN e ARTHUR, 2006; HALL, 1996), de trabalho imaterial amparado em autores tais como Lazzarato e Negri (2001), Lazzarato (2008; 2004), Negri (2009; 2008; 2003), Pelbart (2000; 2003) e Grisci (2008). Foram entrevistados dezesseis executivos bancários de Porto Alegre e da região metropolitana, bem como quinze representantes de suas relações familiares. As entrevistas estruturadas foram realizadas com os executivos bancários em seus ambientes de trabalho e com os familiares ocorreram em suas residências ou em estabelecimentos comerciais por eles indicados. A análise dos dados foi realizada de maneira qualitativa e seguiu as orientações propostas por Minayo (2001). Os resultados indicaram dilemas relativos à mobilidade espacial e funcional, e à privação da convivência. A existência dos dilemas não se mostrou inédita, porém, na contemporaneidade, eles tomam a vida profissional e pessoal dos sujeitos independentemente de limites espaço-temporais, afetando o modo de viver do executivo bancário e de sua família. Esta configuração está relacionada a um “modelo” de carreira profissional meteórica, de responsabilidade única do próprio trabalhador, em um contexto em que prevalece o trabalho imaterial (LAZZARATO e NEGRI, 2001). / This thesis stems from an exploratory research which aimed to discern the personal dilemmas related to the banking executives’ career are currently shaped and understand how these dilemmas are twisted with their family relationships. In order to do so, to theoretically support this thesis, the following concepts were taken up: dilemma, subjectivity and life style, particularly as regarded in Bauman (2009; 2008; 2007a; 2007b; 2004), Pelbart (2000), Guatarri and Rolnik (2005) and Gaulejac (2007); career, especially in the light of the models of borderless and protean career (SULLIVAN and ARTHUR, 2006; HALL, 1996); immaterial work, as approached by authors like Lazzarato and Negri (2001), Lazzarato (2008; 2004), Negri (2009; 2008; 2003), Pelbart (2000; 2003) and Grisci (2008). The interviews were conducted with sixteen banking executives from Porto Alegre and the metropolitan area, and also with fifteen representatives from their family relations. The structured interviews were conducted with the banking executives within their work environments, while the interviews with family members occurred in their homes or in stores suggested by them. Data were analyzed in a qualitative way and followed the guidelines proposed by Minayo (2001). Results suggest the existence of dilemmas related to spatial and functional mobility and social life dispossession. The existence of these dilemmas is not a novelty. However, nowadays they take over the individual’s professional and personal lives regardless of time and space limits. This, in turn, affects the executive and his family’s way of life. Such configuration is connected to a “model” of meteoric professional career, which is the responsibility of the worker alone, in a context where immaterial work prevails (LAZZARATO and NEGRI, 2001).

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