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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perspectiva histórica e tecnológica da calibração do túnel 2 do Sistema Cantareira de adução de água para a região metropolitana de São Paulo / Historical and technological perspective of the test for the calibration of tunnel 2 of the Cantareira water project for the metropolitan area of São Paulo

Hemerson Donizete Pinheiro 22 March 2007 (has links)
Trabalhos de cunho historiográfco que visam resgatar a produção científica e tecnológica de um país tem auxiliado a compreender e a classificar seu nível de desenvolvimento frente a estas questões. Com este trabalho, espera-se dar início no Departamento de Hidráulica e Saneamento (SHS) da Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, a um levantamento historiográfico da produção tecnológica e científica de seus pós-graduandos e professores. Para tanto, resgata-se um trabalho realizado entre o final da década de 1960 e início da década de 1970, pela Cátedra de Mecânica dos Fluidos (precursora do SHS), que teve como objetivo prever a vazão de água do túnel 2 do Sistema Cantareira de abastecimento de água para a região metropolitana de São Paulo. Nesta galeria foi realizado um ensaio original com circulação de ar, para o qual foram desenvolvidos métodos e técnicas a fim de verificar a vazão e auxiliar no seu dimensionamento, para garantir uma adução de 33 \'M POT.3\'/s. Mediante o levantamento, organização cronológica e análise dos documentos produzidos pelos autores do referido ensaio, resgatam-se as influências teóricas que nortearam as metodologias, as técnicas e tecnologias e analisam-se, de acordo com os registros documentais, a execução e resultados alcançados pelos ensaios. / Works that have as objective to review the scientific and technological production of a country have helped to understand and to measure its level of development regarding these questions. With this work, hopefully a historical survey of the technological and scientific production of its graduate students and teachers begins at the Departamento de Hidráulica e Saneamento (SHS) at the Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos. In this way, a work that was carried out between the end of the 1960\'s and beginning of the 1970\'s, by the chair of fluid mechanics (precursor of the SHS), which had as objective to foresee the water flow rate at tunnel 2 of the Cantareira water project for the metropolitan area of São Paulo. An original test using air circulation was carried out in the tunnel. Methods and techniques were developed in order to verify the flow rate and check its size, to guarantee 33 \'M POT.3\'/s of flow. The documents produced by the authors of the test were surveyed, organized chronologically and analyzed, seeking to infer the theoretical influences that had guided the methodologies, to describe the techniques and technologies and to analyze, in accordance with the document registers, the execution and results reached from the tests.

Datový sklad pro analýzu územněsprávních celků / Applying Business Intelligence tools for the Financial and Property Analysis of Municipalities

Horký, Martin January 2008 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the software support of one Financial and Property Analysis of Municipalities (FAMA). The co-author of this method is Doctor Petr Toth from the Institute of Public Administration and Regional Development at University of Economics in Prague. The method is supported by Microsoft Access database application and two C++ applications ArisDestiller and Prognoza at present time. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the present software support of Financial and Property Analysis and implement an alternative solution based on Business Intelligence tools. Chosen part of analysis is implemented in the pilot project using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 environment. The thesis focuses mainly on using integration tools for XML data. The contribution of the thesis is to implement data warehouse, which uses the municipalities'annual bills in XML format from the database of Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic. The Financial and Property Analysis method and the current software support are discussed in the first half of this thesis. The other half of the work is dedicated to the Business Intelligence pilot project. Both means of software support are reviewed and compared from various perspectives in the conclusion.

Použití nástrojů Business Intelligence pro finanční a majetkovou analýzu municipalit / Applying Business Intelligence tools for the Financial and Property Analysis of Municipalities

Horký, Martin Bc. January 2008 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the software support of one Financial and Property Analysis of Municipalities (FAMA). The co-author of this method is Doctor Petr Toth from the Institute of Public Administration and Regional Development at University of Economics in Prague. The method is supported by Microsoft Access database application and two C++ applications ArisDestiller and Prognoza at present time. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the present software support of Financial and Property Analysis and implement an alternative solution based on Business Intelligence tools. Chosen part of analysis is implemented in the pilot project using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 environment. The thesis focuses mainly on using integration tools for XML data. The contribution of the thesis is to implement data warehouse, which uses the municipalities‘annual bills in XML format from the database of Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic. The Financial and Property Analysis method and the current software support are discussed in the first half of this thesis. The other half of the work is dedicated to the Business Intelligence pilot project. Both means of software support are reviewed and compared from various perspectives in the conclusion.

A sombra dos leviatãs: um estudo crítico dos desencontros entre as faces amistosa e crispada do Estado sob as globalizações e as guerras do século XXI / The shadow of leviathans A critical study about the failures between the friendly and withdrawn faces of the State in Twenty-First Century Globalizations and Wars

Antonio Roberto Espinosa 27 June 2011 (has links)
Um conjunto de reflexões teóricas sobre as incompatibilidades entre a Ordem Inter-nacional pós-Guerra Fria e as categorias estruturantes dos paradigmas analíticos dominantes, esta tese procura também apontar dados empíricos e listar questões a serem compreendidas por um novo modo de produção de conhecimentos em rela-ções internacionais. Ela critica tanto os paradigmas unidimensionais, principalmente os de corte liberal e leno-stalinistas, quanto os bidimensionais, de inspiração realista e racionalista, indicando que ambos formam redes conceituais baseadas numa dialé-tica dicotômica, que reduz a complexidade do internacional e do estrangeiro a um olhar e interesse nacionais. Sugere que o sistema internacional e os subsistemas regionais, como objetos de estudo, não se reduzem a suas unidades, constituindo uma terceira dimensão, ou zona cinzenta, cuja conformação, para ser compreendida depende da análise integrada dos fenômenos da guerra, das globalizações e do for-talecimento do Estado. Completando as sugestões para o debate e a formulação de conceitos interpretativos mais abrangentes, além de alguns neologismos, esta tese constrói algumas tipologias compreensivas. O autor adverte, contudo, que essas formulações têm o propósito de ilustrar a análise, não de fechar a discussão com um modelo acabado. / A set of theoretical reflections on the contradictions between the post-Cold War inter-national order and the structuring categories of the prevailing analytical paradigms, this thesis also tries to point to empirical data and list questions to be understood by a new way of producing knowledge in international relations. It criticizes both one-dimensional paradigms, mainly those in the liberal and Lenin-Stalinist model, and two-dimensional paradigms of realistic and rational inspiration, showing that both of them build conceptual networks based on the dialectics of dichotomy, which reduces the complexity of being international and foreign to a national vision and interest. The work also suggests that the international system and the regional subsystems, as objects of study, are not limited to their units, making up a third dimension, or grey zone, whose configuration can only be understood through an integrated analysis of the war phenomena, globalization and the strengthening of the State. By making suggestions for the debate and formulation of more comprehensive interpretation concepts, in addition to some neologisms, this thesis builds some broad typologies. However, the author warns that these formulations have the purpose of illustrating the analysis, not closing the debate on a finished model.

Skaleninvarianz und deren Bedeutung für die Modellierung der Ermüdungsrißausbreitung in Aluminiumlegierungen

Bergner, Frank 15 June 2004 (has links)
Die Arbeit ruht auf zwei Säulen: Die eine besteht in der Aufbereitung, Erprobung und konsequenten Anwendung von Methoden der Skaleninvarianzanalyse, die andere in einem breiten Fundus an experimentellen Daten für aushärtbare Aluminiumknetlegierungen in der Form dünner Bleche, die unter gleichartigen, streng kontrollierten Bedingungen gewonnen worden sind. Als methodische Weiterentwicklungen sind die Fundierung des Umgangs mit der algebraischen Korrelation zwischen Vorfaktor und Exponent einer beliebigen Potenzgleichung, die Übertragung des Ansatzes der finiten Skaleninvarianz auf die Ermüdungsrißausbreitung sowie die Kombination der Idee eines geschwindigkeitsbestimmenden Schrittes mit der Dimensionsanalyse der umgebungsabhängigen Ermüdungsrißausbreitung bis hin zur Kartierung der geschwindigkeitsbestimmenden Schritte zu nennen. Auf experimenteller Seite wurde eine Datensammlung mit gemessenen Streubändern für die Ermüdungsrißausbreitung und das Verfestigungsverhalten von 39 Orientierungen bzw. Auslagerungszuständen von Aluminiumlegierungen aufgebaut. Diese Sammlung wird durch ausgewählte Messungen der Ermüdungsrißausbreitung im schwellenwertnahen Bereich, Restfestigkeitsversuche, Rißschließmessungen, Rauheitsmessungen an Bruchflächen, frequenzabhängige Messungen zum Umgebungseinfluß sowie Untersuchungen an drei Stählen und einer Magnesiumlegierung sinnvoll ergänzt. Auf der Basis der Meßdaten und der Analysemethoden wurde der Werkstoffeinfluß auf die Ermüdungsrißausbreitung in dünnen Blechen aus Aluminiumknetlegierungen bei Belastung mit konstanter Amplitude im Gültigkeitsbereich der linear-elastischen Bruchmechanik untersucht. Dabei wurden folgende Größen als wesentliche Einflußfaktoren identifiziert: - für die Gruppenzugehörigkeit: der Kohärenz- und Ordnungsgrad der festigkeitsbestimmenden Ausscheidungen und die resultierende Gleitverteilung, - für den gemeinsamen Vorfaktor der Legierungen der Gruppe 1: die elastischen Eigenschaften und das Spannungsverhältnis (Translation der Paris-Geraden), - für die Exponenten der Legierungen der Gruppe 1: 0,2%-Dehngrenze, athermischer Verfestigungsparameter, Probendicke und Kc-Wert als dimensionsloses Potenzprodukt (Rotation der Paris-Geraden), - für die Legierungen der Gruppe 2: das Ausmaß der Rißablenkung und eine bleibende Mode-II-Komponente der Rißöffnungsverschiebung, - für den Umgebungseinfluß der Legierung 6013 T6: Frequenz und Schwingbreite des Spannungsintensitätsfaktors. Die Diskussion umfaßt den wertenden Vergleich der experimentellen Ergebnisse mit Befunden und Modellen aus der Literatur, Erklärungsansätze für die Ursachen der Einflußnahme der wesentlichen Parameter sowie einen Modellansatz für die Legierungen der Gruppe 1 auf der Basis einer Mischungsregel. Dabei hatte sich erwiesen, daß keines der aus der Literatur bekannten Modelle alle Befunde richtig wiedergibt. Einige der ausgearbeiteten Erklärungsansätze bedürfen der zukünftigen Vertiefung. / The work is based upon two essentials: the first one is the preparation and application of techniques of scale invariance analysis, the second one consists in a database of experimental results for heat-treatable thin-sheet wrought aluminium alloys obtained under uniform conditions. Progress with respect to methodology was achieved regarding, first, the algebraic correlation between sets of coefficients and exponents of any power law, second, the transfer of the concept of finite scale invariance to the phenomenon of fatigue crack growth (FCG), and third, the combination of the ideas of a rate-controlling step and dimensional analysis of environmental-assisted FCG including the mapping of rate-controlling steps. In the experimental part, a database containing both measured scatterbands of FCG and strengthening characteristics for several orientations and aging conditions of aluminium alloys amounting to a total of 39 different material conditions was established. This database was supplemented with results of selected measurements of near-threshold FCG rates, residual strength, crack closure, roughness of fatigue cracks, and frequency-dependent environmental-assisted FCG as well as investigations of three plain-carbon steels and a magnesium alloy. Based on these prerequisites, the influence of the material on the FCG behaviour of thin-sheet wrought aluminium alloys under constant-amplitude loading was investigated within the limits of validity of linear-elastic fracture mechanics. The following influence factors were identified to be essential: The assignment of alloys to one out of two groups is mainly determined by the degrees of coherency and order of the strength-controlling precipitates and the resulting type of slip distribution. The normalized-Paris-law coefficient for the first group is mainly dependent on the modulus of elasticity and the stress ratio. The Paris-law exponents for the first group are dominated by a dimensionless power monomial of the 0.2% proof stress, the athermal strengthening coefficient, sheet thickeness and the critical stress intensity factor. The retardation of the FCG rates of alloys of the second group relative to the first group is mainly determined by the amount of crack deflection and by a residual mode-II component of crack opening displacement. Finally, the environment-assisted FCG for aluminium alloy 6013 T6 reveals a coupled dependence on loading frequency and cyclic stress intensity factor. The discussion covers the evaluation of the results in relation to observations and models from the literature, the explanation of the modes of operation of the major influence factors and a model based on a mixing rule for the alloys of the first group. It turned out that there is not any model that reflects all of the observations simultaneously. Some of the ideas presented require to be worked out in more detail.

Experimental study and modeling of hydrodynamic and heating characteristics of flighted rotary kilns / Etude et modélisation de fours tournants équipés de releveurs

Bongo Njeng, Alex Stéphane 04 November 2015 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur l'étude de fours tournants équipés de releveurs. Ce sont des contacteurs gaz/solide largement répandus dans de nombreux secteurs industriels mettant en oeuvre des solides divisés. Cependant en raison d'une faible connaissance du fonctionnement de ces équipements notamment en matière d'écoulement ou de transfert thermique, leur utilisation repose encore beaucoup sur le savoir faire des opérateurs acquis avec le temps. Ainsi ce travail vise à fournir aux ingénieurs des outils de connaissance et d'extrapolation pour les accompagner dans les phases de dimensionnement, mais aussi d'optimisation de procédés existants, en particulier pour des fours tournants en chauffage indirect et équipés de releveurs. La première partie de cette étude porte sur l'influence des conditions opératoires sur l'hydrodynamique des solides divisés de forme et taille différentes. Pour ce faire, des procédures expérimentales pour la mesure de distribution des temps de séjours des particules solides ont été mises en oeuvres. Deux pilotes de four tournant ont été utilisés. Ces derniers ont un ratio longueur sur diamètre équivalent mais un ratio de taille de 2. L'hydrodynamique des fours a été caractérisée quantitativement à partir des résultats expérimentaux en terme de temps de séjour des solides, taux de remplissage du four ainsi que de la dispersion axiale des particules. Ces derniers ont été modélisés par analyse dimensionnelle dans un souci de généralité en prenant en compte la présence d'éléments internes (releveurs, grille) ou diaphragmes en sortie, mais aussi des paramètres opératoires tels que la vitesse de rotation du tube, son inclinaison ou le débit des particules solides. La seconde partie de cette étude s'intéresse aux processus de transfert thermique dans les fours tournants en chauffage indirect et équipés de releveurs. Cette étude repose sur la mesure des profils de température à la paroi, dans la phase gazeuse et le lit de particules solides. L'analyse de ces profils de température se focalise sur la détermination des coefficients de transfert de chaleur entre la paroi et le lit de solides d'une part, et entre la paroi et le gaz d'autre part. Une méthode d'analyse globale de système mince et un bilan global intégrant la puissance fournie pour la chauffe sont utilisés pour la détermination de ces coefficients de transfert. Les résultats obtenus permettent d'une part de mettre en évidence l'effet des releveurs ainsi que l'influence des paramètres opératoires sur ces coefficients de transfert de chaleur et d'autre part d'établir par analyse dimensionnelle des modèles pour ces derniers. Enfin, ce travail se termine par la mise en place d'un modèle dynamique simplifié de four tournant en chauffage indirect permettant la détermination des profils de température le long du four et pouvant être facilement adapté à divers procédés. / The present work addresses a fundamental study on flighted rotary kilns. They are gas-solid reactors, used in a variety of industries to process heterogeneous media. However, operating these kilns mainly relies on the know-how of operators due to insufficient fundamental understanding. The aim of this work is to provide engineers with relevant tools and models to assist in the design stage and the performance improvement of existing operating process units, in particular indirectly heated rotary kilns, inclined and equipped with lifters. In the first part, we studied the effects of operating parameters on the flow of materials of differing properties and shape. For this purpose, residence time distribution measurements were performed through experimental stimulus response tests. Two pilot-scale rotary kilns with similar length-to-diameter ratios, but a dimension ratio of about two were used in this study. We focused on the effects of lifter shape and configurations. The effects of the rotational speed, the kiln slope, the mass flow rate and the exit dam height were also analyzed. The flow of solids was quantitatively characterized primarily by the experimental mean residence time, hold-up, and axial dispersion coefficient. Using a dimensional analysis, models were established to predict the mean residence time, the filling degree and the axial dispersion coefficient, providing basic information on the kiln design, solid particle properties and operating conditions. In the second part, we studied the heat transfer mechanisms occurring in the flighted rotary kiln by measuring temperature profiles at the wall, the freeboard gas and the bulk of solids. Analysis of the temperature profiles focused on two main issues: assessment of the heat transfer coefficient between wall and gas, and assessment of the heat transfer coefficient between wall and solid particles. The lumped system analysis and a heat balance using the power supplied for the heating were applied to determine the experimental heat transfer coefficients. The effects of operating conditions and lifting flights were analyzed. Both heat transfer coefficients were then correlated through dimensional considerations. Lastly a global dynamic model mainly based on the models developed in this study can be used to determine wall, gas and bulk solids axial temperature profiles in an indirectly heated flighted rotary kiln. This global model needs to be completed with specific models related to a reaction so as to be used as a framework for the simulation of specific industrial rotary kilns.

Evolving Learning: Educators’ Inner Experiences of Engaging in Service-Learning with Undergraduates

Meixner, Cara January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Public Service Employees' Experiences in Communities of Practice

Shoop, Michael Clifford 07 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.

The Tangled Web: How Nonprofit Board Members Experience Organizational Crisis

Valicenti, Elizabeth Anne 23 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Проектирование технологического процесса обработки корпусной детали «Корпус адаптера» с элементами исследования средств технологического обеспечения операций в условиях автоматизированного производства : магистерская диссертация / Designing the process of processing the body parts "Adapter housing" with elements of research of technological support tools for operations in automated production conditions

Пупырева, А. С., Pupyreva, A. S. January 2019 (has links)
Работа выполнена на основании данных АО «НПО автоматики». Дипломный проект состоит из трех частей: Технологической, которая включает: описание конструкции детали; определение типа производства; разработку концепции механической обработки детали; выбор вида заготовки и метода её получения; конструирование заготовки и определение общих припусков на обработку; составление планов обработки каждой поверхности в соответствии с этапами обработки; разработку маршрута, включающего назначение базовых поверхностей, выбор станочного оборудования и технологической оснастки; моделирование эскизов на каждую операцию; определение операционных допусков и припусков на обрабатываемые поверхности; определение операционных размеров на обрабатываемые поверхности; выбор режимов обработки; определение норм времени на каждую операцию; оформление рабочей технологической документации. Конструкторской, которая включает: определение потребной силы закрепления (силовой расчёт); выбор и расчёт механизированного привода; точностной анализ приспособления; эскизное конструирование общего вида приспособления; проектирование контрольного приспособления; оформление рабочей конструкторской документации. Научно-исследовательской, которая включает экспериментальное исследование влияния режима резания на качество обрабатываемой поверхности из алюминиевого сплава АМг6 с последующим выводом уравнения регрессии. Графическая часть – 15 листов формата А1; Таблиц – 89; Рисунков – 44; Количество используемых источников – 19. / The work was performed on the basis of the data of JSC "NPO Automation". The graduation project consists of three parts: 1. Technological, which includes: description of the construction details; determining the type of production; development of the concept of machining parts; selection of the type of workpiece and the method of its receipt; design of the workpiece and the definition of total allowances for processing; drawing up plans for the treatment of each surface in accordance with the processing steps; development of the route, including the assignment of base surfaces, the choice of machine equipment and tooling; modeling sketches for each operation; Determination of operating tolerances and allowances for machined surfaces; determination of the operating dimensions of the treated surface; selection of processing modes; determination of time norms for each operation; registration of working technological documentation. Design, which includes: determination of the required strength of fastening (force calculation); selection and calculation of a mechanized drive; accuracy analysis of the device; conceptual design of the general form of the device; design of the control device; design of working design documentation. 3. Research, which includes an experimental study of the influence of the cutting mode on the quality of the processed surface of aluminum alloy AMg6 with the subsequent derivation of the regression equation. - Graphic part - 15 sheets of A1 format; - Tables - 89; Figures -40; The number of sources used - 18.

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