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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

香港所得稅制之研究 / A Study of Income Tax System in Hong Kong

林音茵, Lin, Yin Yin Unknown Date (has links)
近年臺灣經濟表現不佳,租稅收入入不敷出,故吾人興起藉瞭解其他國家之租稅制度,以求能有新的公共服務思維來開拓稅務新視野,此乃研究動機。   本研究的目的為:   一、探討香港為何在世界各國大多採行綜合所得稅制之情形下,仍然採行「分類所得稅」制?   二、探討在世界各國多為因應人口結構轉變及避免影響工作意願,而調整直接稅與間接稅比重的同時,為何香港政府未與世界潮流接軌,仍然維持高比例之直接稅?其與經濟成長率之關係為何?有無調整之必要? 本研究藉由瞭解香港所得稅背景、演進及歷年租稅收入結構變化,探討其採行分類所得的原因及直接稅稅收比重與經濟成長率的關係,獲得結論如下: 一、歷史地理因素-承襲英國所得稅制度,發展成國際貿易航運中心。香港稅務條例係以英國為殖民地制定的稅制為基礎而訂定,且香港位於歐亞大陸與太平洋交匯處,便於通往世界各地,又鄰近中國,爲中國的轉口貿易港,為吸引外資及促進經濟發展,稅制應求簡單。 二、簡單與效率原則-低稅率與簡單稅制。香港屬小型經濟體,為維持競爭優勢,堅持低稅率與屬地主義的課稅政策,並取消利息稅,不課徵資本利得稅與股息稅,對資金流動及對外投資障礙低、金融與銀行業限制少,使得國際金融中心的地位提高,無改革稅制之必要。 三、經濟及財政預算政策-自由放任主義、量入為出原則。以市場經濟為導向,且採取自由放任主義,加上預算財政政策採取審慎理財方式,以量入為出為原則,多為結算盈餘,經濟繁榮,故無租稅之改革動力。 四、實證結果-直接稅占稅收的比重與經濟成長率成負相關。直接稅占稅收的比重提高1%時,經濟成長率將降低0.1767%;即欲維持一定的經濟成長,必降低直接稅的比重。 / Taiwan’s Economic Performance is not satisfactory for the past few years; meanwhile, government’s total expenditures exceed the tax revenue that it generates. Consequently, it is the research motive to explore the brand-new thinking of public service to develop new scope of taxation by comprehending different taxation systems of other countries in the world. The research purpose is to explore: 1. why most of the countries put the global income tax into practice in the world, Hong Kong is still adopting the schedular income tax. 2. why most of the countries regulate the ratio of direct tax to indirect tax for responding to the change of population structure and avoiding the influence of incentives to work in the world, Hong Kong is still adopting higher percentage of direct tax, and whether which is related to economic growth and which is required to regulate. The research mainly explore the reasons of adopting the schedular income tax and the relations between the ratio of direct tax to total tax revenue and economic growth by comprehending the background and evolution of income tax, and the change of taxation structures over the years in Hong Kong. Its conclusions are as follows: 1.Geographic and historical variation—Based on inheriting British’s income tax system, Hong Kong has become the important center for international trade and shipping. Hong Kong Inland Revenue Ordinance is based on the taxation system established in the period of British Colony. Besides, Hong Kong is situated at the crossroads of Eurasia and the Pacific, its physical location is convenient to go everywhere in the world; moreover, it is China’s transit trade port because of adjoining Mainland China. As a result, taxation system is as simple as possible to attract foreign capital and promote economic development. 2.Simple and efficient principle—Simple and low-rate tax system. Hong Kong is a small-sized economic entity. For maintaining competitive advantages, Hong Kong has to persist in the taxation policy of low-rate tax and territoriality principle, and has repealed interest tax, and does not impose capital gains tax and dividend tax. Besides, there are few barriers to capital movement and investment outward and few restrictions on financial and banking industry for Hong Kong to attain a higher position in the international financial center, so it is not necessary to carry out the taxation reform. 3.Economic and fiscal budget policy—Laissez-faire and the principle of keeping the expenditure within the limits of revenues. As a result of market-oriented, laissez-faire economy, adoption of the fiscal budget policy of prudent financial management and the principle of keeping the expenditure within the limits of revenues, Hong Kong government budget is surplus frequently and its economy is prosperous, and therefore does not have the motive to carry out the taxation reform. 4.Empirical results—The correlation between the ratio of direct tax to total tax revenue and the rate of economic growth is a negative number. If the ratio of direct tax to total tax revenue increases by 1%, the rate of economic growth decreases by 0.1767%, i.e., the first requisite for sustaining a certain rate of economic growth is decreasing the ratio of direct tax to total tax revenue.

Det utvidgade reparationsbegreppet : Skattemässigt ofördelaktigt att vidta flertalet åtgärder vid ett tillfälle? / The extended concept of repairs : Unfavorable in tax terms to perform multiple alterations at one time?

Andersson, Henrik January 2014 (has links)
Utgifter för vissa ändringsarbeten på näringsfastigheter medför direktavdrag då de genom det så kallade utvidgade reparationsbegreppet i 19 kap. 2 § 2 st. Inkomstskattelagen klassificeras som reparation och underhåll. För att falla in under det utvidgade reparationsbegreppet får åtgärderna inte medföra en väsentlig förändring av fastigheten. Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen har i mål 2012 ref. 15 avgjort det enda målet i högsta instans rörande det utvidgade reparationsbegreppet sedan begreppet ändrades genom en lagändring 2000. Utmärkande för målet är att ett fastighetsförvaltande bolag vidtog ett stort antal åtgärder på fastigheten vid ett och samma tillfälle. Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen ansåg att omfattningen av åtgärderna gjorde att de inte föll in under det utvidgade reparationsbegreppet. Fastighetsägare kan av olika skäl välja att vidta ett flertal åtgärder på sin fastighet vid ett och samma tillfälle. Eftersom åtgärderna då kan förefalla att vara väsentliga på grund av dess omfattning, finns en risk att ändringar som egentligen är en anhopning av ändringsarbeten som faller in under det utvidgade reparationsbegreppet istället anses innebära en väsentlig förändring av byggnaden. I denna uppsats har författaren med utgångspunkt i HFD 2012 ref. 15 och underinstanspraxis undersökt huruvida ett fastighetsförvaltande bolag som vidtar ett flertal åtgärder på en fastighet vid ett och samma tillfälle försätts i en skattemässigt sämre situation än en fastighetsägare som väljer att sprida ut åtgärderna över tiden. Författaren anser att slutsatsen torde kunna dras att ett fastighetsförvaltande bolag som väljer att vidta ett flertal åtgärder på en fastighet vid ett och samma tillfälle försätts i en skattemässigt sämre situation än en fastighetsägare som väljer att sprida ut åtgärderna över tiden. / Expenses for certain alterations of commercial real estate qualify for direct tax deduction, as they are seen as repairs and maintenance through the extended concept of repairs in ch. 19 sec. 2 para. 2 of the Swedish Income Tax Act. To fall within the concept, the alterations must not result in a substantial change of the property. The Swedish Supreme Administrative Court has in the case HFD 2012 ref. 15 given the only ruling in the highest instance regarding the extended concept of repairs since the concept was changed through an amendment of the law in 2000. Distinguishing for the case is that it concerned a real estate management company that made several alterations on its estate at one time. The Supreme Administrative Court ruled that the width of the alterations did that they fell outside of the extended concept of repairs. Commercial real estate owners can for different reasons want to make several alterations at one time. Since the alterations in such cases can be seen as substantial, there is a risk that alterations which on its own fall within the extended concept of repairs are deemed to fall outside of the concept. In this thesis the author has investigated whether a real estate management company that makes several alterations at one time on a property is set in a disadvantageous tax position compared to a estate owner that choose to spread the alterations over time. The starting point of this investigation has been the Supreme Administrative Court’s ruling in HFD 2012 ref. 15 and rulings from the lower courts. The author establish that the conclusion can be drawn that a real estate management company that makes several alterations at one time on a property is set in a disadvantageous tax position compared to an estate owner that choose to spread the alterations over time.

歐洲共同體直接稅調和之研究 / Research on the Direct Tax Harmonization in the European Community

高新興, Kao, Hsin Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
成立區域經濟聯盟除因政治因素之需要外,主要係因會員國可藉由經濟統合,消除彼此間貿易及競爭之障礙,而獲致經濟利益。經濟聯盟會員國間稅制之差異及差別課稅待遇亦會形咸貿易及競爭之障礙,因此有加以調和之必要。一般之經濟聯盟由於統合程度較低,僅有將關稅等間接稅加以調和,而歐洲共同體因致力於建立一個無內部邊界之單一市場,確保貨物、人員、勞務及資本之自由移動,其統合程度較高,故對直接稅亦加以調和。其調和直接稅之立論根據及處理情形,頗值其他區域經濟聯盟之參考,為本文之研究重點。   本文第一章為緒論。第二章則先就經濟統合之型式及利益加以介紹,為獲致這些利益,租稅所形成之障礙有必要加以消除。其次,對調和租稅之一般理論,按租稅調和之性質、方法、原則及動態等面加以說明。最後分析直接稅各別稅目之調和理論。在公司所得稅方面,分析不同之課稅主權主義對國際間效率面之影響,及其租稅調和之效果。在個人所得稅方面,資本所得課稅之效果與公司所得稅相同,勤勞所得部分,為兔租稅影響人民工作地點之選擇,各國之薪工稅應予一致,並採屬人主義課稅。不論就公司稅或個人稅,屬人主義在效率面之效果均優於屬地主義,惟因人民之國外所得不易掌握課稅,及聯盟內人員之跨國流動性提高,屬人主義下仍有其缺點,而有必要進行租稅調和。至於其他之直接稅,因多係對不動產加以課稅,稅基較不具流動性,扭曲效果較小,故其調和較不具迫切性。   歐體之直接稅應否調和,在其會員國問一直存在爭議,主要係因在經濟面,直接稅差異之扭曲效果及福利成本不易估計,故不易說服會員國採行調和法案。另在法律面,調和直接稅之法律依據亦不若間接稅明確。本文第三章就歐體公司稅之扭曲情形及共同體法之規定加以討論,以瞭解歐體調和直接稅之立論根據,並介紹直接稅調和之主要演進情形。   第四章則就歐體實務面調和直接稅之法案加以介紹,包括已獲採行及提案中之法案,分為與公司有關之直接稅調和、所得稅之稽徵業務、個人所得稅及其他直接稅、相關改革等四個部分加以說明。   第五章就歐體直接稅調和之現況加以評估,討論未來以租稅條約取代調和指令之可行性,及歐體會員國租稅條約應有之政策。因租稅條約尚無法完全取代調和指令,歐體直接稅採指令加以調和仍有必要。由於歐體直接稅調和尚在發展當中,其未來進一步調和的空間仍大。惟直接稅調和受歐體其他方面未來統合進展之影響頗大,故就其未來受經濟面、政治面、法律面、理論面影響之因素加以分析。並介紹歐體未來調和直接稅之計劃,以對直接稅調和有有一整體性之瞭解。   最後於第六章對本文做一結論,並就我國稅法之規定、對我國公司之影響及對國際組織之態度等方面提出建議。


王建□, Wang, Jian Unknown Date (has links)
現今各國之稅攻,類皆以推行法人所得稅為要務,期能建立直接稅為主幹的稅制。法 人所得稅的發展,其歷史至今不過六、七十年,但在各國歲入上已占有重要的地位。 因之,對法人所得稅的諸項問題加以研討,似有其必要。 法人所得稅與個人所得稅之並行,各國不乏其例。法人所得在課征法人所得稅之後, 分配於其構成分子時,尚須課征個人所得稅,遂使同一所得被課雙重所得稅,此種情 形是否為重複課稅,不無問題。若其為重複課稅,又應如何補救﹖其補救方法雖甚繁 多,但在實行時則應視經濟環境與需要,以及稅務行政效率如何作為選擇之依據。 對於法人所得稅的性質,一般均認為是直接稅。直接稅是不能轉嫁其稅負於他人的。 然而法人所得稅是否不能轉嫁,則頗有疑問。傳統的理論認為絕對不會轉嫁,但新的 理論及企業界的統計,則認為法人所得稅在相當期間將會轉嫁,祇其轉嫁的程度如何 不易測定而已。 法人所得稅係屬所得稅之一種,是否可以與個人所得稅同樣採用高度的累進稅率,不 無研究餘地。就平均社會財富的觀點來看,法人所得稅採用累進稅率,對平均財富確 具有相當的功效。因為根據固德氏(Richard Goode )的統計,法人所得確是造成財富集中的一項重要原因,尤其在經濟發達的國家更是 如此。但就鼓勵儲蓄,增加投資的觀點來說,因為累進稅足以妨害儲蓄、減低投資的 誘因,對於經濟發展發生不利的影響,所以法人所稅之採用累進稅率很不適宜。另就 各國法人所得稅稅的演變來看,法人所得稅的稅率亦有趨於比例稅的傾向。此乃經濟 政策重於社會政策的應有措施。 本稿在研究以上三個理論問題以後,再提出兩個技術性的問題。一為固定資產的折舊 問題;一為存貨估價的問題。前者是固定資產估價的主要問題,後者是流動資產評價 的重要項目。折舊的高低、存貨的多寡,對法人所得稅都有直接性的影響。本稿對折 舊及存貨皂的計算,就各種可能採用的方法加以討論,以明其對法人所得稅究有如何 的影響。

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